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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1897)
THE NOBTHWESTEEI OKO. E. BBNBCIIOTER. Kdltor * Pib. LOOP CITY, -t- NEBRA8KA —- - ■ -.j 1 i-. nrr NEBRASKA NEWS. Shelby's school board has raised tin wages of its teachers. Utica, Ctoe county, has arranged t< celebrate on the Fourth. School census of Omaha, just coin pleted. shows 30,000 children. Judge Hudson of Columbus recently performed ids 2fl?th wedding ceremony The Wayne brick yard is shipping 200,000 to iiloointield for a new brick block. Hon. W. ,1. Ilryuri spoke at the Beat rice Chautauqua. |,ut rain Interfered with the attendance. A new bank has been authorized at Dewitt. Saline county, to be known as the State Hank of Dewitt. The principals of the several graded schools of Dixon county are ail tv-cn paged for the coming year. Miss Cora lilnman of North I’latte fell from a horse, severely bruising her arm and spraining her ankle, A castle of Jtoyul Highlanders lias been organized at Wlsner with forty one charter members to bold the fort. Dukota City has an orchestra com posed for the most part of young ladles. It is under the able uianage incntof Prof. Oriffey. A holt of lightning struck the house occupied by .1. Halsey ut Dorchester and considerably shattered it besides setting lire to it In two places. Prompt aid prevented a big blaze. *’*»«•* i n utiiM i iiir.MTvi- iiui limit’ll a call for tr>0.000 of general fund state warrants to date from July 0. This call will bring in 409 small warrants, numbering from 37.HI I to 33,211. M. II. Drive* of Kimball county lias finished shearing his flock of 1.200 year-old ewes. They averaged over thirteen pounds each. This is by far the best average made in the country. John Hehmuck of Heatrice on trial before S. Commissioner Cobbey upon a charge of sending obscene mat ter through tiie mails, was bound over in the sum of 91,000 to appear before the October term of the I . S. district court. i'rof. W. il. Dana of Warren. O., who lectured lit the Heatrice Chautauqua lias been found to be one of the heirs of the hermit, Calvin Hotter, who died at Humboldt, Neb.. .May I last. There are but two other heirs and there is much wealtli to be distributed. W. D. Meaner, who left the stub last November under bonds not to re turn, was in Fremont last, week and made an unsuccessful attempt to kid nap ids two daughb*rs. He was dis guised with green goggles, and had nis hut pulled down over his eyes. A daughter of Mr. und Mrs. Wag oner of Somerset. Lincoln county, nearly lost her life. The children were shelling corn in a band sheller when the machine tipped over onbi the lassie. The fly wheel struck the back part, of her head, taking off nearly all tiie back scalp. iv ii tv.._ severely injured recently. Her hus band is a horse trader and hud swapped a favorite horse of Mrs. Harrier's. When she discovered it she ran to the horse and threw her arms around its neck. This seared the horse and it lunged forward striking its teeth on Mrs. Warner's scalp, making an ugly wound. The question of enough revenue to run Chase county is a serious one. More than half of the territory is owned by non-residents, who for sev eral years have been paying the bulk of the taxes, and have paid a much larger per cent in proportion to the amount they owned and its real value, as compared with the property owned by home people. A workman engaged in the demoli tion and reconstruction of some old adobe buildings at Fort Uobiuson. erected many years ago. w as struck on the back of tile neck by a coin of cents value which fell from the celling, (since Hie w ork of reconstructing thes< buildings commenced silver coins ol tin- value of SI and under have been found in ail kinds of odd corners, ug gregating several dollars. Isaac II. Doggett. John It Johnson and wife and tleorge lieed comprised n quartette of allegetl Issitleggers whirl a deputy I’, s. marshal accompanied t< Omaha for triul In the F, S. court lkiggett Is from Thayer. He has jusi completed a term uf fort\ days In tin county jull for selling liquor. John son and wife ure old offenders frou Itenedict, lired was arrested al Thayer. lie run* a hotel ut lireshum Two men and a woman who gave i lift to a couple of men who wen trumping from near tiermuiiliiw it t< l.incoln the day after the Sheltlm hank roblwry, called lit the jail it that elt.v and idciititlrd •• preachy l,e*‘liard as one of the men who null in w 1th them. The circumstance (minted It these two lUeli as the Iwal lot.Is IS and the (sillee think the) hate a pewit gtssl case agaiu*t I .etui anl. 'I here will W> a civil servlet* etamin atltm iu Itily tn for the |sist thm of deputy collector in the n veitui service The Applicant muai havt mimic know ledge of stenography nail ttpvWI ting t|>|< a Units for n,, v awtiaalloii must l« tiled with the set retary H M. lie. h. r Is-lore I lie whwt of business tot duly It k ppl I *a H ti HotslIs ;*i tears of age or ott-i I Itert Will he ,0*1.1 her o totmatioa \ogOst and t for the (switUtcis of riceks atk>! tsrrltis in the (sastal service The lam WUotgtng la .lame* Me Keegan at Hon, -sift was strat h ti lightning and harwatl to the ground I he at-videIlMlt tllseharge of a shot gun scut the i-it.| through the hatol ol ■ iw MM It , t uf III I,tot* t wo dtl. afterwaid Morris I Hi .'Cow Itch suffered • similar a* ■ uieiit The thralr Ihu jr«#9 •sum s out ail rta1*! ally A vur lion**■ ( li-ggtiMan on) i«u compete'.is new I U|* 1-4 IU%- U«t»t hear the Murllugi... ihriatt in tshiaud and rooked of a Urn •»*> Having Mo wvwimwm the Urw y 44* M iinIm) till nothing hut netfMhmww >m the i..|Htd Iti Into ttvnr thwir tnnnay | A NEW WAGE SCALE. THAT IS WHAT THE STEEL WORKERS WANT. righty Thnn.snil of Them Are Out »n«l All Union Mill* f'loartl f ailure nf Committee* to Agree lle.nlt* In in Army of Men Quitting. Strike of Iron Worker*. PiTJSHi iir,, Pa , July 2.—A» there suit of the failure of the joint wage conference of the Amalgamated Asso elation of lion mid Steel Workers and manufacturers to agree upon the scale at the Youngstown conference, all the mills are closed to-day, and between 71,000 and 81.000 men are Idle. This include* the skilled workmen and those depending on them. President Garland returned from Youngstown last night. When seen he said tin was not discouraged at the outlook, but looked for a settlement after the annual repairs at the milla shall have been completed. This morning the employes of Jones A Latlghlin met and discussed the proposed Z8 |H*r cent reduction In wages which it Is said is contemplated. It in said that the meeting reported unfavorably upon the proposition. The Miinclc iron and Steel company, the Peninsular Car company and Jones A I.aughlln, for the structural depart ment mills Nos. 11 and 2, signed the scale to-day. Anderson Depuy A Co., operating a non-union mill at McKee’s creek, near from 10 to 20 per cent, 'I he plant em ployes '«00 men. Ci.kvki.axo, Ohio. July 1. — The Cleveland Moiling Mill company and the IJriton Iron and Steel works shut down to day, failing to sign the amal gamated scale. About ft,000 men i. e affected. WATSON ATTACKS BRYAN. Tbs (ini gin Populist on lbs 01,non Present pud Messs?s to 3f rlilnlejr. Ati awta. (ia.. July 7.—Thomas I). Watson, in a signed editorial in to day's issue of the I’eop'.e's party pa per, charges that the fusionists have entered into a compact to deliver the ropulist vote to the Democrats in 1000, and that the f l.ftUO. recently con tributed to the I’opulist fund by Mr. liryan out of the proceeds of his book sates, is the first installment of the purchase money. Ills editorial con cludes as follows: *’We could wish that Mr. liryan had kept his money in his pocket, lie has made a mistake—just as he in a le a mistake when he joyously rushed u telegram of congratulation to McKin ley. How such a devoted champion of the people could find it in his heart to rejoice at the election of the rep resentative of tiie gold hugs and cor porations, we have not yet been able to comprehend. Hut, having thrown out these few remarks, we recur to our question, ’Why have the fusion I'op ulist* taken Hryan s money, if they are not under obligations to deliver him the I'opulist vote in 1 ‘MOT ” MARRIED ON A DEAD RUN. Couple at Center Cults,I While Fiestas From Ttielr Friend*. Lamar, Mo., July 2.—A marriage was performed here at an early hour yesterday morning under novel cir cumstance** C. C. Horn, a local bar lendar, procured a manage license | Tuesday night and took the evening I train for Nevada. where he { met Miss Cora Wallace of I'aris. [ 1 Mo., and returned on the i | next train, arriving here at 12:13 1 u ciock yesieruay morning, litey were met at the depot by a party of young people, who followed the pair to the residence of Esquire James M. Dye. Mr Dye was roused from liis slumbers and consented to perform the cere mony, but as Horn did not enjoy so much publicity he took the just'ce into the carriage, and with the bride drove away down the street. After going a little way, and with the horses on s dead run, the knot was tied. THE TARIFF IN A PRAYER. The Rrnttt't Acting I Itsplaln l.lm Thanks for lb* llltl's I'rugrsss. V AbtiibOTos, July U The near ap proach of the completion of the tariff hill was referred to iu the opening prayer to day bv the flev Hugh John son, acting chaplain, who said: “We recognize I'hy baud in this work of rummrrcia! leffis I'.tnn now near com P Miotl in so short a turriud of congres sional history. IN a thunk Thee for the courage the disinterestedness and the generosity rvhibilcd by senators and representatives and that party in terc .1 and fecitug* and Inca! interests , have twiii subordinated to the ev pressed will of the majority for this legislation." A fur So.. 1st*** l.iktuik. Neh, July ! ’the state ronventlon of the l.lberlt i Prohibit l-*ii patty eoeciuded to day Overtures on the part of Ota tegular 1‘roHilt tionista for an ind*o'*s anil of ihe.t candidates were Ignored. and \|r% Sarah A \t ti sua of l.tneola was ttoatinated for as uslsts Justice of the Supreme cssurt • ltd I* t It*-at Is) uf sits lion for ra gent of the state First •suit Mitrtgs Wamblae Fuat tMotti Iran, July t f irst •Ireal bridge across flach Nun id I lapsed lata last evening antis • bars One oec a pa at and the driver and team I fell taunts feat Into the stream bat • era a«d drowned An eight in. It w * | ter main wav broken the stty is ea I limy anhoat aalut andelavlvlu ugh* l aatssA t iMgs I smi«>4 Ml ss M HI -**'» I Isa bva< > I IPIU of I he pas I IIaiv# 4*«* Ku« lit* 1*1 *11 lUfiMMi I* III** U**itl». 0iv*l 4*M**g* W Ml 1**4* LOCOMOTIVE BLOWN UP. ■nglns Men Family Hurt and Tbra* riilrnyn I’aamnyar* llrnlard. Chicago, July 2. — Five inen were in jured this morning by the explosion of the engine of a suburbar* train on the Chicago A Northern Pacific rail way while the train was going at full speed out of Morgan Park. Fireman John I.atahaw will die. The injured are: John Fogg, engin eer, terribly bruited and scalded, probably fatal; John Latshatv, fire man, crushed and scalded, will die; three men. names unknown, living at lilue Island, bruised. The cause o! the explosion Is not known. DID NOT MAKE HIS FLY. A New York Aerial Marhlna Investor Harely Keeapee With His l.lfe. Nkw Yokk, July 2. — Patrick Cook went to High llridge and confidently expected to fly from there to fhe Mat tery, but a* he was preparing to start he slip[M-d and fell. He caught a rope, hung head down ward for half an hour thirty feet below the bridge rail and 120 feet Irom tins roadway, and was with difficulty rescued Cook, until recently, was a stone cutter. Now he is employed at a gate man on the ele vnted road. He begun upon his flying machine sixteen years ago and tin c then tiie subject lias never been ab sent from bis thoughts. TRIPLE SUICIDE. riiPAfi 1.1Down In front of A hns.'i Train. Ft. I/Ot’is, Mo , July 8.—What ap pear* to hi ve hern a deliberate at tempt at triple suicide was rnude near Wcllsville, Mo., at midnight lust night. Three men, lying side by side, with their brads upon the rail, were struck by Wabash truln No 0, due in St. I,ouis at an early hour in the morn ing. The first mnn's head was cutoff, the second one's head was mushed and tho third received serious internal in juries. Physicians say there is no hope for the recovery of the two injured men. Their names are not known. ____ I THE OHIO TICKET. Ilornen L Cliapmso Nominated for Gov ernor—The Other Winner*. Pot.( Mill’s, Ohio, July 3.—Following is the Democratic state ticket nomi nated yesterday: For governor -Horae* L. Chapman. For lieutenant governor—Melville D. Shaw. For supreme judge—J. P. Spriggs. For attorney general—W, II. Dore. For state treasurer—James F. Wil son. For hoard of public norm—I’eter H. Deg nan. ANOTHER WABASH VICTIM Edwin Halier. InJoreJ at Missouri City Saturday Night, Hie* at Molierly. Mobkki.v, Mo., July 2. — Edwin Baker died to-day at the hospital of the Wabash railroad from the effects of injuries received in tho Wabash wreck at Missouri City Saturday night. This makes eight deaths as a result of the wreck. Baker * home was iu Curryville, 111. Cannes* llnr* Reporter*. Madicid, July l.—He nor Panovas del Castillo, the Spanish premier, and the Duke of Tetuan, the minister for for eign affairs, have had a long confer ence on the subject of the latest uewa from the United States. The premier has notified the reporters here that he will not give them any news hereafter ou the ground that they publish ,t in a form calculated to influence the stock exchange. Only fli* Tariff l:itt Wamhimvtos, July ~ The prospects ire that there will be no Ic^.Kiutiou of .m(jortance at this m sn.oji of < ooffr**j» except the tariff bill It ha» been state'! Iwforr that the Hawaiian an nexation treatv will not corns* tin in the Svn..te It i» known that u tjuo nun cannot he mainUined in tlie V-u ate ouce tin- tariff hill In out of tlie way. Ill* Olilmt Imhm Itaaal. Ut limit tin t Iowa. July Wi,«u lie W*» over M yearn of a#,. Amo* WihkIHu enlinted in the lurtv ninth II iti'iniiin infantry ami nerved liunntf tlie war of the rebellion lie wa» Ixiin in New Vorb in IVH ti-n mouth* afo the Urauil Army heeilyiiai tei* <»f filial* In for ined him thut hi point of ay* he eaeeileil all niiuoiili v \ *, ,ttr lay liu it led here *«aiko I lira oolm !••« Ion* 11> > Mmaaa. low a Inly The M'l'ond catra uwiun of the at ale ley.* latitrc U-#an today The mt tuber are neatly all here The mmIou will occupy only one or two day* kniI Ii heiil to poatpune the labia# i ff**t ut tlie new iiutv uh.uh #mn into efleel ainety day* after Hurl udjo> >uiu at, A Maahar'a *••• a kaooiw I toe ton lut| } Aly.n IhtlawAy n»m of I'lvn.deat • «t IMtlaway of l ie 'I v' aau . National haua. ■ •Mlrlilr lanl |i.#bt In|etillvr i| auiiHaliuti be n» are.| an apinrintmcnt to lint Nal, hat waa rypelUl far b'eacb of ruti < before hi toot., on* completed A he Pea* at 11* •« * Hh.i >a I ,i « Ml. l**ll. han felt .'he I rub »f h>«** Mo*.on Hii ■ ,» t nt«i >td aatai * lo|Ut tah.m tr.'rtJi |i |.k, a «*!•»*, *l«wb of tt*>b i* I it* a. a, t* are UkUeied to *n.* d 11* , ab.i'tle* tt iil<aui Hit ta ra n to Aa I *1.t.o* I n.a .ar l H fat I be l‘*« n> tnal ha* tmrdoned > hat tea I! Ini*, haiau, •enteuved in llhaa * la •*» y, «« i* the MdwauHee beau of niool * laat Itoaember f. r eatbet«i <g h.uda *1 the National Han* of tha-.i* CONDITION OF LABOR A MASS OF INFORMATION ON THE SUBJECT. I What a Majority of Nrliraika Farmer* Reply to I'nmmlolonrr Kent’* In quiry— Many Declare that a Re duction lo Freight Rale* la Absolutely Necesiary. Say Farming Doe* Not I'ay. A mass of Information concerning the condition of lattor on farms und the productiveness of that lattor is lie ing collected by Deputy Commissioner Kent of the bureau of industrial and labor statistics One of the blank* recently sent out contained two ques tion*. the answers to which afford in teresting reading. One of these ques tion* was, "Does farming pay?" and the other was, "Wlmt legislation do you think necessary to relieve the eon j dition of the farmer?'' I These blanks were sent three to every county in the stale. The repre | sentalives of the legislature were , asked to name one democrat, one pop ulist and one republican aiming the representative farmers in his repre sentative district. The blanks were sent to these by the deputy commis sioner The first hundred answers have barn received The republicans have pro portionately answered more promptly than the democrat* und populists, und the opinion of these answers may fairly be taken for the opinion of the several communities without regard to polities. In answer to the question does farm ing trnv the )«() are divided as fol lows: Seventy-one suy “no:" twenty one say “yes;" four say “as well us anything else that can be gone into at this time, and four say that it is hard to say whether it does or not. Several of those who are marked “yes 'say that exclusive grain funn ing does not pay. but that stock farm ing (lie's. To the question of what legislation would be beneficial there are a variety of answers. A number think that anti-trust laws vigorously enforced would be a great benefit to the farmer A majority believe that the free coin age of gold and silver at 111 to 1 is necessary to prosperity: fully one-liulf say that lower freight rates are abso lutely necessary and legislation to se cure that should be had. Nearly half say tliut government ownership and control of railroads would assist. Sev eral favor an income tax. and one says a heavy import duty on all farm pro ducts would make things about as good as he expects to ever see them Tits Crop Krporf. The last crop report says the ruin full lias been above the normal in the greater portion: the deficiency oc euied nr the small area in the north wester n counties and in the extreme western portion of the state, where the rainfall was less than half an inch Tile rainfall in the southwestern countins was generally very heavy, be mg from four to six incites in portions of Welrsler. Nuckolls and Thayer counties The heaviest rainfalls were accompanied by hail, which did some slight damage to crops The general rains of the week have Improved the condition of small grain, especially oats and spring wheat The rye har vest has commenced quite gen erally Winter wheat is ripening fast and the harvest lias commenced in the southern counties. Corn has made a good growth the past week but is still small for the sea son (tf the year, and the stand is thin uud uneven The corn is being gen erally well cultivated and. except in the regions of heaviest rainfall, is free from weeds W011140 to Supreme Jo dice. Lincoln dispatch The state conven tion of the liberty party adjourned after nominating Miss/ora Wilson of Lin coln as supreme judge and It c hent lc v of Shelton as regent of the univer sity The platform adopted is almost a copy of the platform adopted by the party in Ohio a few years ago. It de r for tbi* utti-i Miiii.rpssinii i»f tho alcoholic drink traffic, for equal suffrage without regard to sex. for the reform of the pres--fit financial system by th** ultimate adoption of a system of full legal tender paper money dis tributed through government bonds on equal terms to all. the supply being regulated by the demand and the ability to furnish adequate security the addition of land monopoly, gov ernment ownership of railroads, tele graph and other natural monopoly Wrdlrl fur Hi* Korh 1*1* ml After a trial lasting five daw in the ease of Lli£«t*eth Kreig at Kuirhury, against the Kin k Island railroad the jury returned a veil!let for the defeii dant <ompan) Kreig was a ftreman employed by the Itock Islam! and was killed in the wreck ncai Lincoln two years ago Mis wife sued for 15 is hi damage* M*l»l r**» lot i *•<!•!« t in g * %%»!».»•• • M < bamliei lain *»f ‘I ecumsrh ihaiged with intimulating a witness in the » **e of th* slate again*! Ikguiil Mika Yuriy Isiux th* complaiating tallness against him had his prelim maty hearing in the county court Several Witnesses were examined and t hvisis-rla'n was ta»und over to the district nturl f**r trial tat Ittiaiawtsl l*US|« IV«mSs tt a*hltiaion dispatch Hrnator lhtitst«*nTs preparing a hit! pro*tiling f**r ftuvnifiaKt savings Ininii* to U mtitadmed at the nest sessam Me sate he t% *owwttrd to *u* h a se Uetoe of savings hank* and ad! do every thing in his power k« secure its pastagt •t tk* tail NMI..H V ss|*vMWH«S« is I V«os Hens Anhui a despatch the people of t nh.» n ir» vspecti ve of |«»)tta* lata*4 tart this evening and notched to the rest feme of M«*n t hwirh lion* on High street to extend thet# vMngrnt i*> Mr Hon* upon hi* apt^^nt MWSt as Msusi g* HI Ml I** th* n*|40tf»**U I si • mis that s tvs* or t hand twenty * i£ Ht Mi>**ea 4m ads t| the p«****»n i *n*g* el* ■ d*s i *pe ■ * he % were aek k« tins it M h* fUgat dean* i*i Mon I dga* la*e a** popuWst and I‘ Mon t I Itmahsat re pathuraa to ah vj* tit Mow* Itopcm 1**1 thank ng h ■ * in |Mi*" * f* ■* th* i* k>*** » and gaud «t ishes PRISON CONTRACTORS. rh* State Hoard < lie* Them to Appcn and Effect Hettlement. The board of public lands und build ings met yesterday in thp office of (lov Holcomb, says the Lincoln .lournal. ’< 'onsider the question of prison con tracts Warden l.eidigb was present The board did not take up the mallei cf entering into new contracts, bu paid attention to contract* now in ex [•tence It was stated that some of th< contractors we»e not living up to tb< term* of I heir contracts, especially •< the matter of payments I,and Coin missioner Wolfe >vos instructed t< write ail contractors *r» appear be fori the board and make arrangements fin settlement and if rece«»ury enter inti new contracts One of *he parties, M I). Welch, has no written contract, hi has be.-n working as many convicts si ho can use. receiving the privilege ol laying them off when tie cannot givt them csuployin>,i:t lie <!o"s not desire *o nay green In.nds as iniicli us expc rieii-'rri rn.*r. All these matters arc to be a IJusierl befoie the board Con tra'inrs who are behind with pay rnents will be asked to make settle men*, or thro agreement* will lie set aside The broom manufacturers anil the contractors w ho manufacture har ness are said to be doing well, but till: range company is behind Applicn lions from persons who want to employ convict labor are on file and Hie board may lake them up fo. consideration at a futu-e. meeting The warden reported to', convicts in the prison May ill I ndcr the new law monev i-.r mol by labor is to be turned into the state treasury *o be used for the malntenanci of the prison The legist, tore sought to legali/.e this method of gutting money out of the state treasury by drclar ug that it was to be appropriated for that purpose Immediately aftei paid into the treusuiv A W •! ft Mmi so »h«* VVofnl* Kor the past yea*, says u < hadron dispatch, rumo s have been In-aid about u so-culled wild mail *vl>*) liked to liuunt * he deep pirn* forests in the central part of tills and Sioux counties «>• < u'ti'/u it i : > k t » i 111;; 'ji i • * hit «' i i ii* s«»» ? Icuicn»h. ;ini! in fhf p**rftOi« of lobn 'I irrjbJ#*. i«h be* ^iv<»s it's nwiuc. th** (in UiOritlf'N Uhvp <li*** owo ***l Inin II** i* h powerfully built rnr*n. ovn nix f*?**t l.iph with ■on*' liini'K Iniir and Pt-urrl. uml when di-»rovei**il (ml on a v»?i y queer iman**i‘m**nt in tin* way of rlotlling. for ft>!in(r of H vhi y iim h worn eoat ;*i.<l psnt-. :*n*l a pa r of h hoe ft print i* a • I v ««itbo ♦ »<>•♦*•» A lort^f pine of win* w a* carefully wrapped around his hodv and mi m» cuireir fHstcm**l tiiat pin**b*uv wer** »* • quire*I to remove it. A IV.ii* OShanttr eap **oinp!e'ed his on*fit lie apparently Ur »-w nothing when examined by the boa id of insanity A tele^fraiii ha«» been *»‘*rit *o Norfolk to ascertain whether ho can he placed in the state instHufion at that plane lie seems quite doe.In and staled that he had once been in an insane asylum for a day and a half lie savs that lie i* French, and founrrly resided in Ver mont. (MIW-IhU M«i«t Nt»ritr. Auditor Cornell is now busy paying quarterly salary claims The impres sion has gone abroad • hat the auditor is not requiring claimants to swear to the correct ness of the amount and also that it has been earned and is unpaid Certain state officers refused to salt scribe to su.-h an oath anil declared that tiic i h *v under which the state auditor was working was not valid as relating to constitutional ntth-era A clerk in one department brought suit to test the matter II* applied to the supreme com • fora writ lequiring the auditor to issue a sa ary (variant with out tdic oath The coijit dented the writ, hut dot riot pass on trie question of whether constitutional odicers were required to take tiie nath This being the ease tike auditor is now following tiie law and requites such an oath from every prison who asks tor a warrant The decision is Considered a victorv for tilt and dor r•••Minus tbs Harm lisiitsrv The free de ivnry of mad in the ru rural rlistrj •* which has been ill pro g.css ill Ni-meha pie '.i• • r. loiinson rouil t ( . thi- past eight mouths. In con fortuity with an appmpriat ion try eon gress and or lets from postotlire hcurl quarters, arid -*. h n "as to have been ■ I SI HIM HI IIM’ ’S»' MT.t. W'li. Ill* I it | | It’ll on till the 1st id tu *l .lanuaiy l*o,t. muster ( no per of t|i<. Ti.-nuist-h ntli-e hua received oltieiui in for ination from " usl.ingUi.1 to thia effci t Will t *l#l»r»t«» ft## 4 %%•*« k Valentine dlapnti li The liim-hod Ind in iis are pit pat mg fot tin rliilmi sir celebration It. Inly l to i. live* •fi.OOIt Ita* lieen raised for purses anti food to entertain the visiting guests from 1*1 lie l.idge, t lieyeum* Piter l.m\cr Hrulc I row i reelt. Yankton anil '•itritee Ueuliei) Quirk Iteai is manager and giainl marshal anil aliout um are assigned for eonooitlec woi k alien lie o.i o.* t ..uni r lllur 'springs; The whoa* harveat is just In-ginning here The if u* lily <>f wittier wheat Urteellrnl hut (he uereugc i» small Many Helds were iilowcd up in the spring and planted to mill in sown a ItK id hoi grain spiing ulna' harks well hut o infrstrd with ehtu. li hugs Oats end eorn promise We fh« » iriil uf am* ■ frail ha* hern pm. In Mabt tala Marghora rills *1 he In months old lain of ffev ft |. Wall.', »f tluhiw'l who with Its mart he* has need M'a Wolfs, s pw.en|. at t» Neill diesl ter* sud.lralt from ths • fleets of rating mo. phirte pills a Ins of w ho h it found m the sewing as »'h i we drawee while at plat Me«|. a* alien.Ian. < was i|utafklt smtitsem. .1 hut the lllll* one passes! away in apttn or I alt efforts to i«o tl *•>> I ase si is*. I S'l Ifepr.rts from I, iresifn are to lli* *f I *ret that Ih fate of lb tali sttpei.a I ten.leal of the otslltalnMi lot the let i h . m ud. .1 afiit hangs in the taa'anes hat the as ales are wrM to t-e ..»•«*. tig ti. wn on h . a le of lit. I p, h.i.H.uiu.s tits this * |m . r .a that ai though the l.oid .if public lauds amt I hu.ltl ugs m otstast w.b d h*s i. a.ityl I fit* .teat ag 11.ruble at tbe last itt . «*■ t thing at tb# .natitatirsa i# u.sw rea.ef.*' sa.l oruatug along i«...1 N #'«!* a trie nils s.. the g«*se i a*, a iil have katsl sink 1st hu t vaaaa fret ** tnwvti MR. CALHOUN DECLINES. The ('nmptrollernhlp of tli« Treasury Xofc Dfulred for Guorl Kpa«<»ii«. Dan vii.i.k, 111., July 8.—Colonel W. J. Calhoun, after consulting with his. | family itml business associates, has de cided to decline the position of comp troller of the treasury.- He expresses gratitude to the President for consid ering his name, but asserts that ho could not, in justice to himself, sacri fice his law practico for a temporary government position, which, he says, would hardly pay living expenses in Wsthiugton. FLOOD AT EXCELSIOR. ■ triages and Untiling Work* Swept. Away and Other Done. Kxcki.biok Niuunos, Mu , July —A fierce rain storm visited this section yesterday, cursing u flood in Fishing river. Kvery wagon bridge in this vicinity and several railroad bridges were swept away and six houses near the stream wrecked. The bottling works were swept away. Many busi ness houses were flooded cad other damage done. Pi.ATTsm no, Mo., July 1.—During a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon, while Mrs. John McClelland was sit ting at her sewing machine in her home, eight miles north of here, light ning struck and inscantly killed her. Her three little children, playing ii» the same room, were uninjured. COLLECTOR CROOKED. tVrlborn of the Man Francisco District Kftmovml for €'rlmln»l Aot«. Washington, July 2.— Secretary Cage hus by telegraph appointed Mr. B. M. Thomas acting collector of in ternal revenue for the San Francisco -a district, a special agent of the depart merit reporting tliut he had found wrong doing on the part of Colle;tof Welborn in connection with the ad ministration of the collector's office and that Welborn had left the city to avoid arrest. The special agent in his report said that Welborn was guilty either of making a dummy appoint ment and purloining the salary at tached to the place, or of making a'j appointment under an agreement to divide the salary. "OLD HOSS” HOEY BURIED. duly (relatives Present at the Funeral, bat Floral Tributes Many. New Yobk, July 2.—The body at William F. Hoey, “Old Moss." was conveyed to its last resting place in Woodlawn cemetery to-day. None but members of the family followed the body to the cemetery. The floral tributes almost covered the casket from sight. Those who followed were his widow. Helena French, Charles K. Kvans and his wife; James Hoey, a brother; Mrs. M. T. French, W. I>. Mann and several members oi too French family. IOWA PATENT OFFICE REPORT. Des Moines, June 25. —Patents havo been allowed to Iowa inventors but not yet issued, as follows: To J. Mc Cormick. of Spencer, for a sprocket chain adapted to transmit power und notion from a drive shaft to another -haft that extends at right angles to the drive shaft. To C. Hohnsholin, of Waverly, for an improvement in the cream separator for which he line prior patents. An approximately bell shaped partition applied to the bowl is the main feature of the improve ment. To J. M. Fuller, of Newton,, for a tender for traction engines con uwvvv* s. .. •••• <u oil II lb lliaiilll I tlmt the tender will not interfere with tiie movement of the engine in round ing curves, backing, or going over irregular surfaces. To Dr. \V. S. Simpson, of drinnell, for a spring mattress for beds that prevents the annoyances and discomforts incident to the sagging when a person s iin cumbent thereon. Auxiliary springs in brackets fixed to the corners of tho bed support the mattress. To 0. A. Suinu, of Ida drove, for a line cutter adapted to cut off a tub:- in a boiler by simply striking a single blow with a hammer on the handle of the com plete device. To K. A Losee, of Lake City, for an automatic stock ivaterrr that allows animals to drink from cups at pleasure without wasting water To It Turner, of Des Moines, for the typewriter known as tho “Jewett'* and manufactured by tho Duplex Typewriter Co., of Des Moines. Val uable information about soc iring, valuing atul selling patents seut free to any address. Taua. G. ami J. Ralph ohw-«, » Solicitors of i’auntx ’ i im. stoi k asii rMumcr. a uuia ton* » rum >*•« Viirk. ( hi« »|t». Hi l-uuk OhmIu nn«l Mm-h lierv. <»M Ml \ Unit* r i ri Hiut ry ^tarnior r* it, i«i Mull* r t l*»l*'«’ftiit*‘jr *'mmtry Kl vi |‘i Km* l'>%*%!». .. i Hutmif i hlt ki-H* IVr lli n %k II III**lie IVr It* • »• t i**«(*« Mi «siiu* i iin «i '■ *41 lldh. ) I i*«i|i *. |m r lb 11 »A ).» OiiMibUt r b*» l 1 <4 * hi 'W ait* W* *1 N««y t »•* 44 | |« I'vlHltiTH N* » |m 9 bu <%i 'H MU i>ft»ugt». i*-r bit t *» 1 4 ii ll«*| I I'ImhhI, I«rr !<*«» 4 la a 1 d All r M i • M Nil A »|IN K IIA MK M ii>a» i.i*t*t iiimi it* a 1 vu M**Jt Hrti| VH-tabU j >1 t* » 1 b a I 4> Mali* 1 <jw 4| 1 «m I t\ h | «> Miikfi* hi»4 tyfua*** iw ai 4a 1 a # 4 90 t ... f9P * ♦.. ta j i a »«•% 1 «» # t M It* id »** 1 v* 4 i a *•!**» A* #•* 4***1 I 1* I dr $ i h> »b#ub iftHvN 4 H 4| 1 |A ***** 4*. VImi.ih 1 **»!•% .»*»«* Ilk a !•> » IIM IMI | II h* *l A** 4 ,11 ,a V * ****** . v fw * I !****> . _ t <■* • 1 l ard let t*ei*a i a i| i g *****'• # «d 3 »t* 1 #♦«*.* uabi 1 41 4 1 b #k*»* !*«•**• id a * M M » IuMIi A- I *»4 a a ir? j* 9 »% 1 i£*?* '** * . RH§ »» 1 r***, * * f * *» ' Laid l at Sit k *>•**1 if* **•**. A tka»4 *t <* «c, 1 tat* \u | ft « |i J 1 ( Him w I 1 4 ||2 if***- V"1 “* 3*1 j*'»»p a. tte< • t. etk