The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 09, 1897, Image 1

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The Northwestern
Editor and Publisher.
TEKMS $1 50 s«r Ygsr, I! Paid In Advancs
Bstsrs'l at tha I/Ouy City I’natoinra for trass
mission through tks oiallt as H»a<>
olsss mattsr.
Congressman Greene and his prvi
ate secretary Hod Smith Iiuh been
■ home from Washington it week or
more. Mr. Greene will not return to
the capital city until the fall session
i but lie will draw hi* salary just the
•time. This is the third or fourth
trip home for Mr. Greene while
f$.congress wa* In cesston and since
E his election. He is it good deal on
C the Ki in order In this respect. Ilia
eonstiuents, however, expect him to
l look out for the interest of tile state
| for which he was elected to represent.
► Oun lie do it sud remain at home?
- The popii! ist and democratic coun
ty central committees each held u
meeting at, Colutnhus, Nehruskn lust
Friday. The object of the meeting
was to determine the (|uestion of fus
ion or no fusion. The democrats de-1
feated the fusion measure by
a vole of eight to eleven. Upon
learning of this action, tin* populists
vuiitMi nmiumii i* ui mi biivui
ies to In* held at that place July l<’>
ami also named July li* us the dale
for holding the county convention at
Pittite Center. This means four or
possible five full tickets in the Held
and the present indications are for u
red hot local campaign in old Platte
this lull.
fo'vf Joe Hartley was actually couvicted
in the court nt Omaha and was taken
to the county jail and filed away for
future reference in a bleak and bar
ren parlor without a piano. Mr.
r Barkley look things philosoyhically;
he smiled and remarked that all these
things happen in a lifetime. Not in
everybody’s lifetime, Mr. Hartley;
now and then there may he found on
God’s footstool a man honest enough
to hold elHce for a year or two with
out bankrupting his state, wringing
reproach upon his party and victim
izing his friends. We sincerely
trust that when Hartley serves out
his sentence he will he u weak aud
palsied man, too old to enjoy the
money stolen in former years. It is
possible to have sympathy for the
criminal driven to crime by want;
but the rascal in a boil'd shirt aud
fine linen deserves none.—Welt
Mason, iu Hcatrice Kxpresa.
Ill no direction now is there such
auopportunity lor replacing foreign
pPaupply by domestic ns there is in
that of sugar. The ligures of our
(oieigu sugar hill are not realized.
We liny abroad every year in the
neghhorhood of a huudred million
jHn^ Uar* worth of sugar and molasaes,
paying for it in gold. The growth
of this necouut is enormous. In
IHSl it was less that #1*,000,1)00 iu
1*90 it hail risen to more than ♦ ini
OOO.Iioo. Iu the former tear we
took from other countries llHO.Ooo
000pounds of sugar, while In I *i>o
w* hook J,ti;i4,ouo,o0o. Iu value
tiltlu> reuse of forty year* Its* been
about loo |»r rent, hut iu •(uantily
about 00 per ecnI Wo ran and w#
ahoti'i raise our own sugar 11 must j
bOfftwo. walidy form the sugar i<«c‘
Wha ha# been accomplished lb J
Kup'i by I he framers of Prases, j
v. time. o.i aatlolhei countries tab he
throe l»v oili farmer* also Vhc be
■§tg£||lig ha* been well made Iu
H^dgOska. 1 la! suit t'alfornia I a «•
'% h
E^Mtlwi VU»I *«
rflhpp%g IA % tW'hfP -t w H s* f 4' Hi Ik) If
ivf HAMS MNIfir * i t ip Hi»
,,| It. o,Wr*H.o,s, the *d.., Il..«
lllit HH % j iftt# jifM'vt (hv
--Itsstoirfi* watt i,* iHuil
IMC Inv ll,»* ’ k'* kf »r ip,- * V *Vcl
i% V| 4U i! u iuiv I
KUl’Kiev I !tO Its PltOUKKDINOS.
State of Nebraska. I g ^
Sherman County. \
Loup t’ity. June 1(1. fx(i7
lie it remembered that tin; count)
board ol supervisor* of said count)
were in session this lit day of .fhim
1X97 at .the court bouse in Loup ('ll)
for the transaction of such genera
business pursuant to abjournnient ol
June 14,1797. Present: J. P Lelnengci
chairman, ami full board of supervisors;
also J. \V. Long enmity attorney am
Louis Keln county clerk The contraci
for tbs leasing of the county poor lurii
to C. J. Tracy and the bond of C. .1
Tracy were read and approved, and tin
chairman ordered to sign said contract
ami to endorse approval of said bond
and the county clerk Is ordered to re
cord said bond.
Hoard adjourned to June 21. IHU7.
Attest: Louts Kici\. Comity Clerk
Loup City, Neb., 1 Xili
All members of county board pres
out also county attorney and county
The clerk is instructed to purchase
four of the 1X97 compiled statutes, lot
the ii-« of the following county olllcur*
The county attorney, county judge,
county treasurer and county clerk.
On motion the county treasurer is in
structed to transfer all sums collected
by him and to lie collected, on the
school district bond funds of the respect
ive districts provided the bunds in such
districts are paid.
I he county clerk is Instructed to ad
vertise for bid* for the constrution of a
wagon bridge across Davis Creek on a
public road between * "elions 4 and it, In
town Pi range HI; bidders to furnish
plans and specification*, the county
board reserving the right to reject any
or ail bids
On motion the county treasurer and
county clerk are instructed to ascertain
the assessed valuation of the several
...i.i .1. f„i.,,„ r....... u,i.i..i. *.i..
existing, known as school judgement
fund Were raised by taxation, and which
judgements haye been satisfied; tfie
shoved assessed valuation to be the valu
ation of the years In whish levies were
made to create the fund with which said
Judgements were paid and (lie county
treasurer is instructed to apportion to
the, several districts, affected by said
levies, the said school district judge
ment fund in proportion to the valuat
ion of each district so as aforesaid as
certained, and to place the amount so
apportioned to each school district to
the credit of the school fund of said dis
trict, and the treasurer and clerk are or
dered to report to the county hoard do
ings under this order at the next regular
Itisthe order of the county board
that the treasurer ho instructed to trans
fer all sums now being In and hereafter
coming into the school district judge
ment found by tho old school disirict
•No it to thegeneral fund of Washing
ton township, said trausfer. however,
not to exceed the sum of $75,Uu the latter
being the amount paid by said town
ship, into said judgement fund to satisfy
said judgement.
It appearing to the county hoard upon
the application of Etta O'liryan that
an error has been made by assessing the
personal property of the said Etta
O'Bryan in the year 189<f in Loup City
viilago and that a village tax lias been
levied against her in said year on said
assessment, and the county board being
satisfied that the personal property so
assessed should not have been assessed
in said village, it was ordered that the
tax for year 18M*-re(ulting from said
eroneous assessment lie strickeu from
the tax list:
The county hoard adjourned to 9 o -
cleck, a. m. June SJ2, 1897.
LKU1S Hkin County Clerk.
l,oup <. uy .wenrasaa June jihvi
Hoard of supervisors for Sherman
county In session this day pursuant to
adjournment of June 31, i*ii7, All mem
ber* of board present, also county attor
ney and county clerk.
Upon exumluiug written ,-iaiemeut
of O. I„ Wav assessor of Ashton town
ship for I MM, stating that lie had made
an error lu assessing the south east
(piarier section 34, T. 13, which land tie
had assessed at *300 instead of gdUO as
intended, the board ordered that the
assessment of said laud fur said year be
changed to 3UO and the per cent added
to said sum, which was added to the
lands of Ashton township in 1NH> for
the purpose of equalisation
i iu motion tlin county board resulted
to allow I . Isaacaou the sum of *7 on
per mouth for the care and support of
Mrs 4 t'arlsou.such allowance to ha
computed from and after this date and
to be in fnice a* long as said Uaacsou
does pi opei iy care for and support said
Mr a. h t arlson, and it I- further ordered
that said l*»iae-soa does tile his claim for
such support each mouth
It appeal tug te the county hoard I r»m
the water of damage* tii<*d la connect
ion w-th t‘te paper* of the road petition
ed for or I VVor.,rinss »-t at to com
mem r at north ***l <|u*t*er of urissit
If I’. I"' It 11, and leimtnate at north
»**» corner td section 13 I in. It it t*
a p.ddd,) uace«*ity II so on motion oi
dated that *ald rued ha esteldished,
opened, platted and tocu. de-.l and that
m* claimant* I’eiei wtisii and t b%<<*
lludgtoan tie allowed me damage* *
w elded to them hy the appraiser*, to
Sit the sum oi glut** each
the load petitioned fut hy ltdtuat*
Jung « at which it a consent toed
was tuuuj hi the i-oard to he a pobi *
lt»«t t*t i!| #i« lit llltfU 'I m |
•fil**#*! #§**!* |k)4li«h| «» l
III# jfi til |1«I (Utthfii t I«.| td> I 4ilUu
•!. ti |u| III# Igi
#1 i fv44 * w Mim# lie «ki ib#
wm1 lit ib* »#i i»h i ***mb
*#sM ittflltfik ■* | ti H Id in I
t** mta M lb# wimm J|**^m*
!*#»** ill#* lit #m«4
k|i»4 dtollit (f 1
o« J, |v la«4i#4#t U MiMitftft
lu tmJ*# « it'## * i#t »##«, «• I
|Vl#r M br#44 .. $ «*. #* 4 a
Ull 114* U it ‘44 lb* V%«44#4l | l|#y|»M*«P« !| i|4
atructed to pay off the outstanding 0
per cent county bond* to the amount of
§2,000 00 and report to the county board
at ItK next meeting
Claim of F. E. Brewer for §2 50 for
• one of team at inquest of Elizabeth
Ilisner. disallowed for the reason that
milage had been allowed to coroner and
, Jury
The following claim* were audited
and allowed, deductions for takes made
and warrenta ordered drawn:
Oirmlm I’rlntliu < 'nmpally. * 2 III
Omaha Printing • 'otnpuny. :n> *<>
It. A McDowell . 2 lit)
Win. framer, all taken for tax. 2 JO
Win. Itrown. .. . I f*t
A. /.Ink. 2 20
llenry .Hchilwnrtz, all taken for tax. IIP
I tow ard l.ahii JkO
Jens f tirlailaiiHon :U0
John Carpenter all taken for tux. 2 so I
Paul Miller. .
Herman Spa)line. :*Jd
Anton Wuslewskl 2 IS)
t’has. Haller. 'ICO
Hei'Pert Illy all taken for tux,. 21)0
•lohli Neeilhum. 2 70
I ‘has. Quartz .. . 2 00
Win. IlncU,. *1 SO
Wm. fries, all taken (or tax 2 lo
Peter Hteffcnson . JO*
llenry Hock.. . ;SI
William Qnlnne Jr all taken for tux jw
Thomas liolierls. SOI
Samuel Paihlew, .. •'
W.'K Me I a turf, all tuken for tax » <»*
lieo. It. Whitman, ..ft ■'*
J. II Jiraoer. all taken (or lax , . (1 70
Louis Sfruukmun. all taken for lax ... +■ iu
.lames Slote all taken for tax ... 3 hi
W T Chase ... n on
T H. Nightingale
L. Munn, H HO
Win. McCombs all taken for tax oho
il. A Cadweilader, 6 00 taken for tax. f' h)
Jacob Winklenmo. , . 11 *k>
Dr. A. W. Jones 11 :tu taken for tux. .. 50 Do
0 If. Scott . 5 10
F. K. Hrewer. all taken for tux .. V 10
( .1 Holt . . 5 10
C. A. Drown 5 40
C. Littlefield. 5 40
knoeh Oowin. ... 5 00
< imuhu Printing Company 31 l*r>
Kerdnund Shrull. . 66 5t
H s. porter •
ii * < Pa t to j
Wlllluiri Howe. 5 40
II. A. McDowell ft 27 tuken for tax. 71 oo
D D. Crow . I '•'*
Wm. Ileupy. 53 I* taken for tux 70 no
Louis Hem . . . k 43
I. M. Polhki. . 1 10
OJ Sliver*. hoo
Charles Larson.. .. — 6 00
Louts Lein. 14 oh
Wm. Oormey. . *ft
II. C Patton. fit#
Louis Hein, . kbrf
1 M. PoUkl, . .. . Mo
n S, McKurrey. 16 6o
Louis Hein.. 57 53
D. Weil. 3 60
Otto .1 Of ten 6o
O. s. MeCurrey, .. Oo
lienry Miller. 3 ho
( F Met ire w . 10 30
Louis I*e!n ... I 60
A tj Pray.65*0
J. A. Ainger. 6 66 taken for lax lot* 66
A C llarnes. . 41 to
Louis Hein. 516 55
Nicholas DaddoW. 60 20
John t> Neill, 70 oo
0 L. Way. 01 00
K V Drown . 0 00
W c. Delttrleks UiWi
*lie la Molt*. 6 50 tuken fur tax. 61 oo
W. I*', Spenser. 61 60
('. F. Johnson,. I7H.66
John W Long. . lH»flo
David Kay. 0 76
(’lark It* ynolds, all taken for tax.,. Ilk)
T M. lteed. ail tuken for tux. I 10
(>S, Brown all taken for tax. 2 10
D T Bnyyer. 5 60
Jerry Shrove. 5 20
itobert Young. I lo
J. S. Pedler . I 10
1 M. Pol ski. 55 16
I M Polski . 1H 60
K II Watkinsou, all taken tor tax . 3 1ft
I W Barnes. 56 50
Henry Dunker,. -5ft 60
Peter McKeon. 56 60
M Kewolennkl, . .... . 26 60
Louis D«n hthold,. 57 60
8N Sweet laud,. 5460
J 1* Leiueuger. 50 HO
William French, ull taken for tax .. 5 00
C. L. Drake. 5 00
.lames Johansen.. 7ft
It D Sutton all taken for tuk. 76
Wm. Mulick.
Hob Young.
Charles Holt, all taken for tax ... . 7ft
James Johansen. IN*
Columbus Cannon INI
W. T. Owen. 6 00
Win. Drown. 5 60
i)ierks Bros. *2055
K. A. Browa. 6 00
I YV. Barnet*. 12 00
.). H. Williams,all taken for lax... 3 75
H L. Lowery. I 00
I’ftt'r MrKeon . 3oo
L#ui* Bt'chlholil. 13 50
Henry Jenncr. 4 70
F E Brewer all taken for tax. 5 30
K. A. Brown. 17 50
Hebert o Neill. 4 30 taken for tax ... * on
Anthony Me Keen. . huo
F B Corning IH HO taken for tax.. 24 6«>
A S dust . 000
County board adjourned w ithout day
Utett LOl'ls KLIN County Clerk
-. - . I'?"?.
The French government has sent;
» representative to this country to ;
take ail\antiigcs of the glut in the j
horse market caused hy the intro
duetion ot the slectrie ear and the
hicyclt lie finds all the horses any
man ran ask for at astonishingly low
price*. hut they are not the kiud of
animals he wants. The French army j
cannot nee old aud hroksu down 1
plugs The high grade horses cost
as much luouey a* they ever did, and
there are sign* that Instead of break
ing, the market is actually stiffening
in anticipation of the reuewsd do
il.and lilt will some With the Imltei
limes in tins country The raising
of hue houses wit) alwnsltv a profit
aide industry tu this sountry ami at
ways a source of wealth to the far
riots of \eti«arka Stats Journal
aotii a
i 1 luf> i*.'in» l «»4 is aeu*
** » Y - * V *•* 4»s b«9#Uf was
i hlhe
|»WbtU t*% Y*i*i,M4 III# liw#Ni«* Mf
L * #1*4 i«* # i «*|s
i 14* • | ut. «.(»#*>! ID isS| «**«» Cuitit
* > * w m mmHI Ul!
• ««•*! 4«4s*t It** *«»«4 |t.« *u«u •##! '
* »<J
» » * < f * • • Y«i # «*l..
i 4 14*1 « t i ««4 ««. tat -
- w V . i
W«tM“ *'t I **^1 4*9*4 %#»«*> tf tutM
4 * Hkki i *M*| I )|«ii |
»*M T#4 ##4# -
l ' . i
I **4«m| iftts 71# »t*l #| Jwttf
i * 4*4*11. I*##a •» |«* # |
To Alary 1, Valentine: von are hereby
notified that I. the undersigned. did, on t In1
81 day of November \ n. is»5 purchase at
private Tux Hale, of Hie treoeuror of slier
■nan County. Nebraskn, the following de
serlhod Unit —Ini, Nltuafa 111 Sherman < own
ty, .Nebraska, to wit. The nortli ensl quart
er of section eighteen, township thirteen,
range fourteen Vnd I hat said land
lot was taxed for the year laid
In the name of Mary I. Valentine and
was subsequently taxed for the years ISO'
and Isis! in the name of Alary I,. Valentlni
and was sold lor the Taxes of 1HW8 ism, And
you are further notified that the time foi
rede npi Ion from said T ax sale will cxpirt
on l he ill day of November, A, D, ls'.i7.
Dated this ; duy of July,
J. H. I'Rlil.llt, lMaiTIASUK
To Itussel J. atralght: you are hereby noti
fied that 1, the undersigned, dPI, on the IA
day of November A D. ls#5 purchased at
private Tux Sale,of the treasurer of Blier
map county, Nebraska the following desert
bed land lot situate In Sherman County
Nebraska, lo-wll The north west quarter ol
Heel I.,n seven township flllemi range four
teen: And Hull said land lot, was taxed (oi
Hie year Isid, In the name of Kussel J
slra ghi and was subsequently taxed for
the ears is'.i.Tnnd law; In the name of Itussc
J. y might anil was sold for the taxes ol
: IH.tnd ism. And yon are further notified
I lull, i lie i min of redemption from said Tax
ile will expire ontliu Ifdh day of Novem
her A D. I stir.
Date ! : ids ; lb day of July.
To Charles K. Benson You lire hereby
notifie l < 11of I. the undersigned, did on
Hie 111 day ..f November, A D, Is'.ift, purchase
at pr I e tax sale, of tile treasurer of Slu r
man i •unity. Nebraska, the following d' --
Irlbi nd lot situate In nherman county,
Nebraska, in-wlt: Kast half of the north
rast quarter and norih hair of the south
c-ial >, unrier and the south quai ler of
t be south east quarter of section », tow -
alp i inge 14, and that said land-lot
v ns la ,ed for the years ism uml ihB. in the
Itnc n: Charles K Benson and whs sub
squcii11y taxed for the year Islkl In the
■ittfiic of John W. and was sold f ur
ilia tn\c of isbi ab<i you are further no
fled that the time for redemption from
ild tux sale will expire on the I.Ttli dnv of
November, A. D. ls»7, (ijulyi.w
Duted this 7th, day of July, I8B7,
J H. I’KOl.Hii, I’lircliiiscr.
NOT 10 K.
To the Dundee Morgegu and Trust Coin.
I any: mu are hereby notified Hint I the
iinilci signed, did. on the 16 day of Novem.
I'/ J It. |MI1 ' IU 171 i . * 7 » II. A rilti' f
of tho 11 eauerer of Sherman County. Mali
i ntkii. ihu followingdelcrlhed limit— lot *n
licit in .1111:11111111 County, Bcbrusku, to
wn: all of section twenty-one town
ship 11 f teen rungo fourteen: Ami Hint, suit
i mil—lot wax tiixeil for the year 18W. in tho
name of Tlin Dundee Montage umt Trust
illpauy and wax subxui|uuiitly taxed for
on ye:u -Im'js and lulrl In tloi name of The
DnUdee Morgage anil Trust" Company and
w ax Sold for l lie Taxes of 18W, And yon m o
further notllled that the time for reilmnpl
h-n fioui xahl Tux bale will expire oil the
day of November. A. U., Ix'j,,
oateil this I day of July.
* ' pitoi'. ok EXPRESS and
All Kxpress or Freight orders promptly
mended to
3oes a General Law and Collection Boslness
A Notary Public, Stenographer and
Typewriter In Office
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases
Office In NobthwMtbhr i: ti. ling
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Unite,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis. San Francisco,
anil all points anil ail points
Fast and South. West
No 54. A it in , .tally exoept Sunday
for all points 1:15 a in
No. 53. Aocni. dally, azaept Sunday
fur Arcadia, 5:50 p m
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair curs
{seals fruai on through trains Tickets
sold and baggage oheetad to any poiut In
the II mud Slams or Daaada. Y
For Information, maim, ttmn tames and
tickets call on or write to A. F. Werls
Agent. Or ,1, FRANCIS, liau'l. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nnhruaka,
fieglnulng Sunday. November 17tb.
trains will arrive and depart at this
station as follows:
Leaves Lesvo*
Monday, Tuesday, I u no
Wednesday, Thursday.
Friday, Saturday ) *' m
Arrives at Loup City daily 6.iBp.m.
Clove connection at Grand Island for
all points Fast, and Wont.
W. D Clifton, Agent
Ladies! Ladies!
Hero are some rare bargains
for you. Every flower and
every yard of ribbon will go
for the next JK > days.
Tbe veil knovD C. G. corset
at a reduced price.
Summer corsets, ladies mitts
kerchiefs and hose at 5 per
cent reduction.
Terms, cash or produce.
Mrs. Travis.
No. 1 Cures Fever.
No. 2 “ Worma
i No. 3 “ Infants’ Diseases.
No, 4 “ Diarrhea.
No. 7 “ Cougha
No. 8 Cures Neuralgia
No. 0 “ Headaeha
No. 10 " Dyspepsia
No. 1 1 “ Delayed Perloda
No. 12 " Leuchorrea
No. 13 Cures Croup.
No. 14 “ Skin Dlseasea
No. IB “ Rheumatism.
No. 16 “ Malaria.
No. 10 “ Catarrh.
No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough
No. 21 “ Asthma.
No. 24 “ General Debility.
I No. 26 “ Sea-Siokneea
| No. 27 “ Kidney Diseases,
i No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility.
No. 30 “ Urinary Diseases
No. 32 " Heart Disease.
No. 34 “ Sore Throat.
No. 77 “ Colds and Crip.
Dh. IIi’MPRnsr*' Hohbopatsic Mawvai.
op Dihkamcm Furs.
Hirmll bottle* of pleexant pelletj, (it tha y**t
pocket. Mold by driiRKlata, or rent prepaid upon
receipt of price, Jb cenU, except No* W, nuna It
nre made fl (XI alr.e only. Humphrey!' Medi
cine Company. Ill William Mt.. .New York.
Porrtl<*-EEternal or Internal. Blind or BlMdlfl
Flutulaln Aim; f*<Mng<.r iitcealriff of (!»• anoMiu.
The relief la IminiMliato- the cure certain.
fold tr I>ruggl«ta,or ■out |x*i i>6M on r«c«ipt of prlea.
lamrHMkvr, 111a us wwua sc. raw imni
N# ONE DI8& No on* ill** *f Pul
moiiAry dissase, tbo rMult of cold, who
takes "77”tu tun*. For sal* by all drug
gists. 20 coats.
Tbo Sixteenth Annual Session of the
Crete Chautauqua Assembly will be
held June 30th to July 9tb 1007. A vari
ed program of Instruction and enter
tainmeut has been prepared, and the
beautiful grounds on the Big Blue
river afford unrivaled facilities for
pleasure, rest and recreation. Programs
may bo had by addressing.
CKu. W Baldwin, Hoc. Cr«t#, Neb.
We want one good man (having
horse), as permanent auperintendent for
Sherman county, to attend to eur bus
iness, on salary. Must send along with
application, strong letters of recom
mendation as to honesty, Integrity, and
ability. State occupation. Address P.
O. Box 1632, Phils.. Pa.
Wanted-An Idea
F. E. BREWER. Agent.
This company has been engaged in the Hail buainasa for the
pact thirteen years. Within the last eleven years it has paid for ioaaea
by Hail the sum of $341,916.47. This large asm of money has Ween
paid without a single law suit, aud to tUe satisfaction of the claimants.
The Hail policy issued is the fairest and most equitable over
issued by any insurance company. It carefully protaets the interest of
the insured sad provides a just method for arriving at the erneuat of the
loss in case the erdp should bo injured by hail.
This is the only Stock Fire lusurauue Company in the United
Stales engaged iu the Hail buemest. It has ample assets to oover all lia
bilHieo, m yoe will see by the statement herewith. It pays its ioaaea
promptly and honestly
We solicit your hueiaeee for the year 1*07.
I am also agent fur the Home Fire lueuranee Company of Oma
ha, Nebraska
|». C IM)k. A. p. CtLUrt.
Vl«a l*r»»IJrnl wMfcirr.
General Banking Buslneee TraneaeMl
OapHal Steak, IN Nt.