For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City, Neb Lioaal I7sws. croquet sets at Witklnson’s Nice corn beef at Reynolds’ meal market. Hammocks from 75 cents up at \\ at ki n*on'* A good cow for sale Enquire at Watklnsons. The celebrated Sylvan Toilet Ke qvsitea; Sold only by the agent—Mrs Ohaa. Gasteyer. Gasteyer is closing out bis line ol Kelz Sehuob shoes at very low prices Call and see them. You have tried **77” lor Grip anti Colds now try “JO” for Dyspepsia For sale by all druggests 25 cunts. Rinding twine Is coining Into Louf City by I he car leads. Every prepera tion Is being made for a big harvest. Editor Day of the Arcadia Champion was a pleasant caller at this otllce last Tuesday while doing business in the city. Do you need a washing machine clothes wringer, wash boiler, tinware or anything In that linel- If so call on T. M. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Neal l’ontius, of Elk hart, Indiana, are visiting with relatives at the home of Tlios. Inks, having ar rived hero last evening. The Jewell Nursery Co, of Lake City, Minn., want a responsible man in this vicinity to sell Minnesota grown trees and nursery stock. Good pay. Steady work. Write them today. Massaireo: The remarkable skill food am] tissue builder is constantly winning new friends. Massugeo Manuel ac companying eucli package Found only at Oasieyer's. The N. Y. Delinator say* of the cele brated ‘Sylvan Toilet preparations" That they are the mort reliable, harm less, olttcurious, preperation* on the market. For sale at Oasteyer's. f^uitc a freak ©f nature In the shape of a pig may be seen at the farm of i’eter Hansen of Logan township. 'I ke animal is neither male or female, is about seven weeks old an in n thriving condition. When a cold is contracted, cure it at once. One Minute Cough Cure will set you on the road to recovery in a minute. It will cure’your pneumonia, bronchitis, croup and all forms of lung and throat troubles. Odendahl Bros. The B. A M. train on this line did not make its regular run last Wednesday on account of damage done to th* track between Loup City and Arcadia. The damage was the result of Tuesday night's heavy rain. O. Bcnschotar, while riding his pony across the Blippery walk was ijult* severely bruised about the face last tyonday. The animal slipped and fell •A/ i i It III III lias a a KAiin/i nrrain t Im - — -— r» — next morning but la feeling quite sore from the effect* of the accident. Kev. A. ScUonnau. of Hayestowu writes for a few sample coppiea of this great futnily newspaper and al*o asks for yearly BUbscrlpton price. We glad ly send the samples a* repuested and state that the regular aubscripton price is $1.50 per annum. Thirty daya is a long time to light so painful a trouble as piles, but Jacob Mitchell, of Unlonville, l’a., struggled that long before he tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve, which quickly and permanently cured him. It is equally effective in aezema and all skin affect ions, Odcudahl Bros. I,ow rate* to Milwaukee July a, 4 and 5 via the Burlington route on accouut of the annual meeting of the National Kducatinual association, one tare pin* for tho round trip. Special train ol sleepiug and reclining chair cars leave* Omaha for Milwaukee at 5 p m. Mon day, July 5. Lor tickets and sleeping car reservation* sec nearest Burlington route agent The Loup City ’>a»e ball team ha* gained quite a reputation since theii last game with the Austinite*. Th* t • reely Center folk* have ad vert l let a game on celebration day between tin club of thur owu town and Loup city team, >#emingly without authority Arcailla ha* matched a game with Lout • tty for the third which Will he playet at that place to morrow, and last ho not |e*»t Lite title hi come to the Iron with a challenge to meet n* oat he |.o*i| City dliuiutil un Monday July 5ih It seem* that Our l«»y* have made oihe logagemcau for that day. t ot they *r< mahiug an eAort to hat* Ht*m me* the Amlin rune hete at to \ M I •> | ( tty and l.ltchAeld will proi ■ erwM hate taler la the teem* I ho Hutting yvu|il« ttiilnl tw« train Itmlt of blading ten* oat ol Chicago last week These train* o* u decorated villi (tag* and math** eating, * The*# traiaa are t*q V )>re»ka Tbit p«rmiU**l to lua daring the day that nil *!*>«( Ik* line it might twohearted that the Nebraska email (train erop i* Im menae The daitrel* uf th*** U* *< are note being di*lMl- *i#»l over Hi* •ualkrn portion of Nebrnaka ei* > (•«• mure will fullof to supply the demand in the northern park. A lawn social was given by the peo pie of the Baptist church last Tuesday evening in the court house square. Wm. ltoe. l’eter Rowe and John M Taylor are bulgy this week putting n new shingled roof on the court house. John Fsher was in the city yester day anil reported a fine baby girl which enme to his house Wednesday. The North western oiliee has turned out au unusual large amount of jol> work this week. We do first class work at low prices. If you want a neat job of hand made shoes, or shoe repairs, or to purchase shoes from a well selected stock of the best makes in the market go to II Dol ling. New stock allow prices. J>r. Sumner Davis of Grand Is land, the specialist in disease of the eye and ear diseases, who has been absent during the past three months has returned to his office and is prepaired to attend to patients us usual. Another heavy ra!n the heaviest of the season fell here last Tuesday night About three Inches fall. Some dam age was done to the mill race and bridges on Oak and other stream* are taken out or badly damaged. We are authorized to say that there will be union service* at Loup City next Sunday, July 4th. Morning serv ice at the M. E. church, subjact: "Christs Politics " Evening service at Baptist church. Sermon by Kev Shattuck. The result of last Tuesdays school election verified the statements made in the Noktii western of some weeks ago under the caption of “Town Talk’’ The Mead faction was turned down two to one, or better. School election passed oft- very (juiet last Monday. The candidates in the field were l) C. Grow and Win. Roe on the one ticket and Geo. Hunter and it , J. N ightongole on the other. The first two named gentlemen were elected by haudsome majorities. C. J. Itolt, who works his turning lathe and bracket saws, known as Karnes' foot power machinery, to perfection has been working the foot power press in our job department tills week, owing to a rush of business. Key G. E. Hotchkin, of Arcadia who was in the city Monday on business made us a pleasant call. Mr. Hotchkin is a practical miller and is negotiating forth* large (louring mill plant at this place. We understand that the deal is about cousuniatcd and that he will, as soon as necessary arrangements can be pretested. take charge of the plant and materially improve the same Commencing Sunday June 13th, the UNION PACIFIC will inaugurate. Through Turist Car Service to Portland, Oregon and Washington points via Union Pacific and Southern Pacific R'ys thereby giving passengers the benefit of two tourist routes via Odgen to Portland. This route will take them up through the beautiful Sacramento Valley, disclosing all features along the Shasta Route, from Sacramento. For rates, time tables and full information, call on City Ticket Ofilee, No. 1303 Far nain St W. D. Ct-Ii-TON, CLKAH CKJEKK NKWM We have received about eight Inches of ram during the month of June. Rye harvest is here and wheat is com ing on in the beat of shape. *,'orn prom ises a big crop. Mrs. Burk has a new baby boy and wishes it was a girl. 11 ood health prevails at present in tliis vHclmty. Kk< OHl'SIl. HI .01 Mil It SCHOOL AMI INUTITC11 ” IF I Ml l ire summer school opened la*t Mon day and bids fare to be a , pleasant profitable ami instructivc sews I on. The attendance has not been very large so tar but it i«expected that the list nil) dotiide next week and during the lu Itltute which will follow Follow mg are the list of teachers enrolled . I.oi r Cm. N t i'.hcsK*. Nettlt l onger. Kdith Kradlry Anna Heehthold Neinn Converse Minnie t;||tarrt, Marsia t) Inert, Kiln < onner, Maud Fletcher \lira Keynold*. hate Hrulth, llattle Hay hurst. Ho KVlt t-k, Nar-uaahA Fdna Map hens, IndU Nelntutf l'i> n * Ntnnasaa siul* I hroemwortssn UtMlMlUi, Ngnu ssas Mau l i»riuh«y. ij Msiule Ferry ij IIall'town Htuaiat Ida Wnaa, A*Mit»s Nan* ana a Finuta IViltaa. Kdith Nat lot U< kt*ta. Nlntta*h» Fwtaest l e tlherwan llangeld \els«n The summer **-h»**i» are now swi« d. led hy Mi. I. M truth J a*f Metis aetw Nemaeha and >sy*.• on hand lo lewd iat the Institute • of I J F llaatia I »ataaiat bftwu and j peeaidwul m the | . uetdrs Nwmal a til igiae a hn (rate dm ,ng the rnalltete and on dale Hh st, ms i KdsoaMunal FsMses The supporters of the move to cut down all the rest of the teachers wages and leave the principal's wages at the highest notch met w ith a ju-t rebuke at last Monday's school elect ion. It is known that the principal, only had an average attendance of about fourteen pupils while the rest of ibe teachers had from thirty to forty-five and consequently twice as much work to do and were on their feet from morning till night while the principal had two easy chairs to support him, one stationed at one end of the room and one at ttio other, and in order to make his work still lighter abandoned the use of that all important book, Aiitbme tic, from his room entirely. The next move the new hoard should make is to readjust these mat ters. Will they do it. Via the Union Pacific and North Western Lines. Through sleeper and ehair car service. A special train July 5th from Omaha 4:45 P. M. direct to Milwaukee. The pre ferred route for all teachers. Chan cellor MacLeun, State Superinten dent Jackson, J. W. (Jrabtree, President Nebraska Teachers Associ ation, A. II, Waterhousr, State Manager N. K. A. Superintendent Lau Miller, of Fremont, and the most prominent Kducators of the state will oonduct the party to Milwuukce, and eadevor to secure the 1800 con vention for Ni.breska. For full in formation cull on W. I>. (,’ldFTON. A correspondent to the State Jnur lal ha* the following to say; “An old [risb woman came to me one day with a itory. She had agreed to loan her team o a neighbor *o that he could haul 1 U •orn to market if be in return would jeiforui the choies about her place. Ihe was a widow and had no children o keep her. The man took a shine to he lady, but she would hare none of ill attention. Love changed to hate ind they bad a fight. The woman bad the tnaa arretted for assault and he then lued for the amount due him for wo rk. l'be trial was before a county juetice whese knowledge of law was somewhat Imited. I put a counter claim for dam igei over which the Justice had no juris diction. He did not see It in that light However and gave me judgement. I !ollectsd[#70from the man after|his claim for work was taken out. Some one could write au Interesting story on practice before oounty justices. For the meeting of the National Educational Association at Bufl'alo in 1890 the excellent service given by the Union Pacific was commented on by all those who had the pleasure of using that line. This year our educational friends meet in Milwaukee, Wis., July Oth to 9th, and members of the associa tion and others from points we.«t of the Missouri River, should by all means take the Union Pacific. The service of the Union Pacific via Omaha or Kansas City is the very best. The eaulnment consists of hirnlamnc day coaches, chair car*, pullmau buffet and drawing room sleepers, dining cars and buffet smoking and library cars. Fewer changes than via any other line. One fare, plus 93.50 for the round trip will be the rate from all po ut* west of the Missouri River lor tbi-. meeting. For Illustrated matter, folders etc., call on or write WM. 1>. (Jurros, Agent. < roup und whooping cough are child hood terrors: but like pneumonia, bron cbitl* and other tbiuatand lung troubles can be quickly cured by using One Min ute Cough < ure. Odendabl Itros. Unconditional surrender, is the only terms those famous little pills known as l*eWitt's Little Karly Kiser* will make with constipation, sick headache and stomach trouble*. -Odendabl lir<» Not only acute Sung trouble*, which may prove fatal in a lew days, hut old chronic cough and throat troubles may receive immediate relief and be per. mauenlly cured by Otto Minute t tmgh Cure, ttdeiidabl Itros. Ladies! Ladies! llrtv art* »*»tm* rar»* ktar^aiiii for \"K. Kv»*ry >tmi P'efj \ar»l *tf Hi*bon will AT COST for lh** next *la *|.*n« The well kiowoC. C. coral at a btitiiikl |iri«v Slimmer c<>raet *, la.lie* mitts Iti'ivlticfi MU*! boa* at ** |mr yVItt rynlucl t.di lirwi, «*a*h **r | truths**. Mil I NX * la Go to Gasteyer’s. THE ONEPPJCE STOPE. Your money is just as good as your neighbors. When you buy of us you know you bought just as cheap as any one. We’ll meet department store prices. Don’t think because Loup City was for some time a high priced town that she always will be; We’ve changed all that. ! 20 lbs granulated sugar - - $1.00 30 ” New Orleans ” - - 1.00 2 ” any package coffee - - .23 2 ” hand j)ickcd beans ■ - .03 4 " evaporated apples * * .23 I__ . . .. ^ „ ... J -,i ■ .7 >■ , *• We are agts. for Schuyler flour, which is 2nd to none. Especially in the dry goods department we have many unex celled bargains which ought to be taken advantage of at once. For instance: Wo have a good summer corset for 30 cents, gents L summer underwear 50 cents a suit, ladies vests from 5 to 10 cents, ladies union suits 25 cents, ladies hose 5 cents, and a full line of ladies shirt waists and wrappers at especially low prices. (Jive us u call and satisfy your demands as well as your curiosity. C. GASTEYER. South Side Railroad Street, Loup City, Nebraska GALLON T. M. REED FORA Steam Engine or a Threshing Machine Outfit binders or mowing machines, wagons, buggies, disk harrows, sulkies or gang plows or anything in this line. Prises all right. I also carry a complete stock of Harness aid harness fixtures, Washing aid Sawing Machines, Oils, etc. and everything in the line of hardware and tinware. EAST SIDE PUBLIC’ SQUARE, • - - DO UP CITY, NEBRASKA. IT WILL PAY YOU! » IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME TO B.TOHN H. TRAVIS’S — GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOKE AND GET s wtl Mr i ,; ' lie HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR YOUR PRODUCE. Strictly foe wH we will PfU < jo lb* sugar • l *-1 JO ” of prune* • • l-u> MJ bar* »<*a|* • * * ’ * m J tbs poftW * •“'* Tea front ... * Ift |o m EVERYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. ,V „*r» ,4«ili%viS •.« r.,Ur« ll 4* of »4 »*• 4b4 > «.-4 *'ar b I. .. I l.»tm *,U .1 . m*L |M*r 5»nl • full Uuu ,,l piu4« »l X * .*1 * •*’»*•. *1 V «. l» 4«*» 14 *.*4. i „i,r, i(llu. ho>i»uf» 4»iM».iMHsMa b .*.«»*. ».»a 4I«uium.«i 'em* .4. lb- 4' 4\ •• 44 40, I .. .0. ,«*. 1 ***** •«*» » 4' ‘W »«<* »»h. jf*.«r tfa** Wr Hill ImVCII lull line cl llic celchriltcil ScL mill Schvvuli Slices • hu h n* »iH mII «l »*•» *bf. «■*•**|»4Uk>% UU*tU. nlAtUOvN. AM»GlilM. COME AND GET 4UIM »UtS \X C»*T i Yours for new ^oods at low prices. J H. TF/VVIS&CO.