The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 25, 1897, Image 8

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    For Hardware, Tinware, Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup 'City, Neb
Lioaal Daws.
Croquet sets at 5V atklnson s
Nice com beef at Reynolds’ incat
Hammock* from 75 cent* up at Wat
A good cow for sale. Enquire at
The celebrated Sylvan Toilet Re
queues; Sold only by the agent-Mrs.
Cha*. Gasteyer.
Gnsteyer Is Closing out bis Hue of
Selz Schuob shoes at very low prices.
Call and see them.
Mr* J. S. I’edler and daughter started
last Friday morning for a months visit
with her daughter at Denver Colorado.
You have tried “77” for Grip and
Colds—now try “10” for Dyspepsia.
For sale by all drugged* 25 cents.
Sufficient funds have been raised to
Insure a grand celebration which will
take place at Loup City on Monday.
July 5tb.
Do you need a washing machine,
clothes wringer, wash boiler, tinware,
or anything in that line? If so call on
T. M. Reed.
Miss Frankie Inks Is again setting
type In the Northwestern offleo and
mill thf> DnkiHmi lllirilll/ fill*
school vacation.
A heavy electric storm visited th's
section last Tuesday night. It was ac
companied by a heavy wind and a very
slight shower.
The .Jewell Nursery Co. of Lake City,
Minn., want a responsible man in this
vicinity to sell Minnesota grown trees
and nursery stock. Good pay. Steady
work. Write them today.
Masssgeo: The remarkable skin food
anJ tissue builder is constantly winning
new friends. Massageo Manuel ac
companying each package. Found only
, at Gasteyei’s.
The N. Y. Dolinator says of the cele
brated “Sylvan Toilet preperations”
That they are the inert reliable, harm
less, oitlcacious, preperations on the
market For sale at>GasteyerV
When a cold Is contracted, cure it at
once. One Minute Cough Cure will set
you on the road to recovery in a minute.
It will curejyour pneumonia, bronchitis,
croup and all forms of lung and throat
troubles.—Odendabl Bros.
it should be made a matter of public
knowledge that DeWltt’s Witch Hazel
Salve will speelly cure piles of the long
est standing. It is the household favor
ite for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and
sores of all kinds,—Odendabl Bros,
Thirty days is a long time to fight so
painful a.trouble as piles, but.Jacob
Mitchell, of Unionvllle, Pa., struggled
that long before be tried IfeWitt’s
Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly and
permanently cured him. It is equally
effective in aczema and all skin affect
ions,—Odendabl Bros.
An invatatlon has been extended to
theM. W. A. Camp of this city to attend
a picnic at Arcadia July 15. said picnic
to be given under the auspices of the
Camp at tbat place. A good time is
looked for in which, we understand a
delegate of the order from here will
Low rates to Milwaukee July 3, 4 and
0 via the Burlington route on account
of the annual meeting of the National
Educational association. One fare plus
Si! for tho round trip. Special train of
sleeping ami reclining chair cars leaves
Omaha for Milwaukee at 5 p.m. Mon
day. July 5. For tlekets and sleeping
car reservations see nearest Burlington
route agent
The people of Loup City will cele
hrate the Fourth of July this year in *
lilting manner. Fosters are out announc
tug the programme for the occasion. Tin
celebration will take place on Moudaj
the 5th. Nearly all the towns arounn
us will celebrate on the 3rd. This wll
give all a chance to attend two celebrat
ions, with at: oppert unity to rest be
tween each to observe the Sabbat!
which comes nu the 4tb.
l>eilui{ueut subscribers are nutetket
that their accounts must tie settled soon
We have a large number of subscriber
who have not paid anything for severs
years ami to those especially we will
that force of circumstance* coui|tell u
to collect up. iHiu’t make it aecetesr;
for u« t« give further nolle*. Our news
paper hills am ripe aud we are call*,
on to cash op Fay what you can mu
an.l settle in full alter harvest.
F F. Stephen,, prsMblent of the hut
Horticultural Meelety and manager «.
lit* Fret* Nursery su in town at
goe.t of I' I Filgei a few dnya »*.
Mr Httpheos is looking the count;
»**r with n »iew its putting in a brand
or partnership orchards uutter Irngai
I >n. I he** sorceries placeorvhaida an
take an lainrest in u*m. Ikey a!a
Mil ® tail to aere wrehatd* on tints
Kb dtephea, was much phrased «11
Ih* sutsstaailai work wu the diuh th
•ore water supply sad tb* rich sol
w«4*« trrigstl.n*, and kas Jeietmiued p
wins la a short time swd piece i
number of orchards the value e
UMee fertile laada for orchard* am
WISH fttstts la w<d yet appreciated
Mr Nephew# sat s that rose acre nod*,
this ditch I* Vwlti ibree setts to 1*1*
rash* or western Ns loses a He elm
sate Hull w* hat* She >**• river lo tak«
Ifee water Irsww la Ho state
A heavy wind prevailed yesterday.
Mrs F. W. Cline returned to Kim
Creek Tuesday after a two weeks visit
with friends here.
The sidewalks on the west side
of the square are undergoing repairs.
It is time for the fair association to
commence preperationa for a county
W. 11. Brown, of Rockville town
ship was doing business at tho coun
ty seat yesterday.
J II. Travis is still repairing his
new store building. This time he is
pulling up a new awning in front.
Represenlive J. M. Snyder was in
the city Wednesday. He says that
he will not move to town until fall.
The Kdison showmen departed
yesterday morning for Ravenna
where they will give two evening
We acknowledge a pleasent call
yesterday morniDg from our new
Baptist minister, Rev. Schattuck,
who is stationed here for the sum
mer. I
Valley county has been infested '
with hog thieves. Tom Sorenson 1
was found guilty of stealing three
head of swine and was fined $25.00
for the offence.
The son of August llciman, who 1
has a swelling on his knee, caused
by some accident, and which hus been |
very bad, is reported to be consider- ^
ably improved. i
The ladies aid society will give an
iee cream social Tuesday evening in '
the Walworth hall. All are invited
to come. Iee cream and cake will be ]
served and games indulged in. A <
good time is anticipated.
The supervisors have been in seces- |
sion during the past week, three days 1
as a board of equalization after which 1
they engaged in the general routine (
of business. We will publish the ,
proceeding next week. j
Dr. Sumner Davis of Grand Is- ,
land, the specialist in disease of the 1
eye and car diseases, who has been
absent during the past three moDths
has returned to his office and is
prepaired to attend to patients as
The Edison Projecting Klnetoscope
Co. which gave entertainments at
the opera house last Tuesday and Wed
nesday nights were attended by fair
sized audiences. The opportunity to see
something new and novel was fully
appreciated and every scene received long
and hearty applause. This wonderful
new invention is becoming very popular
and the life like appearance o( the pict
ures is something marvelous.
Commencing Sunday June 13th, the
UNION PACIFIC will inaugurate.
Through Turist Car Service to Portland,
Oregon and Washington points via
TTdlAn I’ai.iftss astil
lt'ys thereby giving passengers the
benefit of two tourist routes via Odgen
to Portland. This route will take them
up through the beautiful Sacramento
Valley, disclosing all features along the
Shasta Koute, from Sacramento. For
rates, time tables and full Information,
call on City Ticket Office, No. 1303 Far
nam St W. 1). Clutos.
The assessed valuation of Nebraska
railroads, just made public by the pop
board of transportation shows no in
crease over that of the wicked republl
, can lioard of last year Aa it has been
a standing pop bowi that railroads do
| not pay their share of taxes, fs’nt it
singular that Govenor Holcomb and hi*
cabinet have not Improved this golden
I opportunity to serve the dear people ?
But then the govenor it under consider
( able obligations to the railroads for
, free excursions and such like favors.
and railroads like to have such favors
I reciprocated t allauay Courier
Those who are Interested In enlarc
leg ami Improving l.luhibld r i-retnooy
» are |P|tMulst| to meet lit convention at
f l.ltchlic d next he turd ty aflesnoon t»
» transact oustne*s In that respect
and d«»t ie upon • course of action It
t Is proptssed to purchase ami endow
> U addit.oo three scree of grnoad and
!employ a sexton to survey the lots and
l uhe rare >-f its glutted* A iH<wlsal
* charge will he made fur lots, tu lew (to
, eapense af the ptopored improvements
l This mote has been uu l>u{ lot » vetal
• y»*»« tot was Uui pet into tvr. eth u on
I ssresat si tbe hard time*, but tbe
» present prosper* ta are sogU leotiy guttd
i to warraiit (be exeeutlwn e| tbe plan
I t»ur matioe dealer Mr Ctausi i« <n
I lertMliwg bust sell tu tbe enterprise and
Is ceuBdeat that the people c|thts rent
1 usuatty espeeiady those who hat* s
per tonal Interest in the grounds, will
■ join tu making this spot <m* It fur the
mini m*ut u| dr .s»»d t. Itch geld Mott
REED—GROW.—Walter P. Reed a oil
Miss Mamie Grow were united in mar
riage at the residence of the brk’e's
parents, Monday evening, .June 25tb.
1897, Rev. Webster officiating.
It is with pleasure that we note this
union. Both parties were well and
favorable known to all our people Miss
jirow is the oldest daughter of Mr.
tnd Mrs. I). O. Grow of tblaclty. For
leveral years part she has been an active
vorker In the church affairs of this
dty. Last year she was president of
he Epworth League and the zeal and
mergy she manifested in that and other
)ubllc matter won for her an enviable
eputation. She was married on her
wentv-flrst birthday unniversery and
|ulte a large circle of her relatives and
aiimate ai|unintanccs were present to
vitncss the ceremony and enjoy the
dcaaant hour that followed. The groom
van for some years past also a resident
if Loup City, but now ha has a good
losttlou in a wholesale Implement
louse with headquarters at (irand Island
A grand wedding march was the
'ommeiicement part of the occasion and
he ceremony that followed was duly
Itting and impresive.
The happy couplu took the Tuesday
uorning train for their future home In
irand Island and departed with the
test wishes of all for their future
lappiness and good fortune. The
{OKTHWESTKBN joins their army of
riends lu extend mg congratulations.
The weather Is warm and rain plenty.
Grasshoppers are doing some damage
n certain localities.
The Little Held relief corps met at the
mine of Denis Kearney's and made
heir ueedles lly The family is well
irovlded for clothing for the next six
nontbs in consequence.
Litchfield «ill celebrate on the third
vitii appropiate exercises. Rkcohdf.h.
Having taken possession of the Hound
rront barn, which is being repaired
ind fitted up, I wish to say to my fanner
riends and to all wishing anything in
be iivery or feed line that I am pre
>ared to furnish the best of accommo
lations at very reasonable prices. My
igs are all first-class. My motto is
bat "Nothing is worth haying that
sn't worth asking for," so 1 take this
ipport unity to let you know that l want
'our trade. 1 will post a schedule of
Ivc and let live prices at the barn, which
annot help but meet your approval,
iespectfuby, O. Bkniciiotrk.
For the meeting of the National
Educational Association at Buffalo in
HOT the excellent service given by the
Jnlon Pacific was commented on by all
.hose who had the pleasure of using
hat line. This year our educational
friends meet in Milwaukee, Wh , July
3th to Oth, and members of the associa
tion and others from points west of the
Missouri River, should by all means
take the Union Pacific.
The service of the Union Pacific via
Omaha or Kansas City is the very best.
The equipment consists of handsome
day coaches, chair cars, piillmun buffet
and drawing room sleepers, dining cars
and buffet smoking and library cars.
Fewer changes than via any other line.
One fare, plus $2.50 for the round trip
will be the rate from all points westoi
the Missouri River for this meeting.
For illustrated matter, folders' etc.
call on or write.
Wii. Ij. Clifton, Agent.
For Sale or Trade.
A thoroughbred Jearsy bull Knquiri
at St. Elmo hotel, Loup City, Xcbraski
Croup and whooping cough are child
hood terrors: but like pneumonia, hrmi
chills, and other throat and lung trouble
can he quickly cured by using One Min
ute Cough Cure. Odendabi Bros.
Unconditional surrender, Is the only
terms those famous little pills knowi
as lie Witt's Little Early Kisers nil
make with constipation, sick beadachi
and stomach troubles,—Odendabi Bros
Not only acute lung trouble*, whicl
tuay prove fatal in u few days, hilt oh
chronic cough and throat troubles uia;
receive immediate relief and be per
inanrutly cured by One Minute Cougi
Cure. Odcnduld Urns.
Ladies! Ladies!
H- iv aro Hum© nr tv bargain!
for you 11 very flower am
©very yard of riMtoti will gi
for llu* m*\t .‘U* ilav*.
The wsll IcdowbC. C. corse
at a r««lmvd |«ri«*e*
glimmer tHinmi*, latlfo* miti
kcfrlifof* ami bnsc at .*» j*.|
«vnt reduction
IVrnu, raadi or |>r«ulmv.
Mki I ha vi*
Go to Gasteyer’s.
Your money is just as good as your neighbors. When you
buy of us you know you bought just as cheap as any one. We’ll
meet department store prices. Don’t think because Loup City
was for some time a high priced town that she always will be;
We’ve changed all that.
20 lbs granulated sugar - - $1.00
.‘>0 ” New Orleans ” - - 1.00
2 ” any package coffee - - .25
2 ” hand picked beans - - .05
4 ” evnporj«ted apples - - .25
I... . I
i Good unbleached muslin .05 per yd.
i Good grade prints - .05
Mosuuito liar - - * .05
Fine lawn - - - ■ i *
Good scrim * - ■ 05
We are agts. for Schuyler flour, which is 2nd to none.
Especially in the dry goods department, we have many unex
celled bargains which ought to be taken advantage of at once. ^
For instance: We have a good summer corset for .‘10 cents, gents
summer underwear 50 cents a suit, ladies vests from 5 to 10 cents,
ladies union suits 25 cents, ladies hose 5 cents, and a fidl line of
ladies shirt waists and wrappers at especially low prices.
Give us a call and satisfy your demands as well as your curiosity.
South Side Railroad Street, Loup City, Nebraska
call on t. M. EEED for a
Steam Engine or a Threshing Machine Outfit
binders or mowing machines, wagons, buggies, disk harrows, sulkies or gang plows
or anything in this line. Prices all right. I also carry a complete stock of
Harness and harness fixtures, Washing and Sewing Machines, Oils, etc.
and everytliing in the line of hardware and tinware.
an h dollar’s nil hr a dollar, id i
l _ . - - - ..
strictly for we will sell
JO lbs sugar .... 1.00
JO ” of prunes • • * * *1.00
.'1J bars soap * * * *
J lb* eoflVo • * * * -•*
i Tea from . * • • • .Ifl to .110
W* to our ttttir« liau of it i»o lb* » ,,w|r !*■ L* Mu»hs >t<l
• ill n«> at .t rmU |H-r just « full liu* of |HitU tt A, S sa«l • so*In. *ttt(|b*u*» at S, **, |ti au,| 11 cent*, mtlia, Ki*t« Uufs auU ko*o si sot L boa* •» ■» t’SttU. sml * full lisa uf*
Is.iuUing lb* C t\ C si .**», I\ A®, *». I‘S». ss»l l.i*. C >«*a *a«t Uka $«uir sboW.
Wo will liavon lull lino of tlio oololirntoil Sot* ami Schwab Shot *
»bu b mm will sail si §**»«** tbsl «l»tf «M»|*llllMI
Yours for new goods at low prices^
y H TPAV|S & CO.