Loup City Northwestern. __ LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY,'NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1897. NUMBER Is The Northwestern ?UBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. OKU. K. DEJIIIITIOTIOR, Editor and Publisher. TERMS SI 60 per Tsar, II Paid In Advanea Bnt«r«iiipwc«ed their he longing* ley eg "at lb* r at >eu%i of weapon* on a it Is Ike Imptemeule ot warfwre were » a peace*' * it. trued **< er who *u«pected the istjt of oeing pro I ••tonal b akwsi m- H aa.f votepi-. oil to the puttee who ptetapoj ar reared tire w k re satfi t»n the charge of nartf mg > on wealed weapon* I belt I suit In Imre* ie* in tbelv favor oil th*v weve tetva*sit with a a41 ti ng to ■«.*** the • lit, to*! ebtlw endeavoring to *41 ft "nt lb* It* |t|Hi ( MM lit Ike cunt I to «g M < re nan we* held up end tubbed of fin low an h*«t bt* grip tn Ike skuibw end went tree* to ***••■»♦ th* •metier f* the ralkurtl e* lie en ttt#« | H> iMillhf Wf % MN|f vK*#? I * and stopped in ttie corrlders to talk to the prisoners, when he was caught by in ofllccr who searched him and found i pair of brass knuckles. After spend mg the night in jail he was permitted to go his way minus his weapon. Lioaal I7sv/s. croquet sets at Watklnson's Nice corn beef at Reynolds’ meat market. Hammocks from 75 cents up at Wat kinsoti's A good cow for sale Enquire at Watklnson’s. .John lloppsr hopped over to Sit. l’aul yesterday on business. The North western can boast of live new subscribers since our last issue1. Annual school meeting and election sf school officers the last, Monday In June. (iusteyer now carries a complete itock of ready made clothing for men iud boys. This section of country has been visited with two splendid ruins during the past week. Mrs. W.J. Fisher left Tuesday morn ing for a two weeks' visit with her par sets at Shelton. Don't think because Uasleyer does not ask you two prices, that. Ills goods ire not all right. .1, D. Ford shipped a carload of stock to niurket, yesterday, lie will ship igain Wednesday. M. Eescbinsky. the photographer, lias i rush of business at present and i.» turning out lirst-class work. We understand liiat Representative J. M. Snyedr will quit the farm and move to I.oup City in a few days You have tried “77'* tor Grip and Cold* now try “JO” for Dyspepsia. For sale by all druggeste ‘iti cents, O.Benschoter and family arrived from Iowa last Tuesday. Lan will take pos session of the Hound front ham soon. I)o you need a washing machine, clothes wringer, wash boiler, tinware, or anything in that line,? If so call on T. M. Heed. Soren L. Sorenson of Loup City and Dortiia M. Peterson, of Boelus were married od Saturday. June 5th. by ■Judge Hannibal at St Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Hev. Chandler, former M. E. Pastor of this city, but now of Callaway was visiting friends in this City Thursday. Mr. Chandler extended his visit to this office. W. K. Melior started Wednesday for a ten days business and pleasure trip to Michigan City. He will visit other points on bis return when he will en deavor to interest parties in some real estate matters. Farmers and others who enjoy a homo like place to stop when in town will find Kosseter's the place to go. It is the prettiest home plot in the city, and while not exactly a hotel, lias pleasant rooms and conveniences that more pre tentious buildings called hotels have not S. F. Reynolds, proprietor of the pio neer meat market, bought nineteen head of sucking calves in March, INtKi. which ..I..I,,..I .... un.l tl.aa.-aa ac.iiskI town. They co»t him on an average of ft:!.SO per head, lie fed them just one year and aold the bunch for St'-'S.lt'l or ft *a *h per head. We are reipieated to announce that there will he (’hlldren'a Day exeroue* at the ItaptDt church next Sunday and aDo that Met Sbattuch. «>f the tiraud Dland ItaptDt college will preach Sunday morning and continue service* regularly through the auitiiuer every Sunday morning and e\ruing t'lereattcr We understand that Mev ''hattuch wilt locale at l.oup fit? Adaiu Jachaupp the grain and ■lw k tiuyer. - *»« that he expect* to »*ilp nut of .aherman comity timing the next year ,liner carloatD of grain to any no thing of the large aoioooi of enttl* * cl h<*g< lle.it* II..' (tie |n den I luhi it it go.... ciop* a. I warrant him m malting Ihl* alateuient lie ha* elevalote at 1 oiip t . v \*htow amt wchaupp * * d ng and I* unit one id the aevnral gram t..iy»r* t* 'mu in • • nniv It a man had a * at hull pup he *wnhl kndt eH*r it • areiullv. and rat let tt rua 4l k«t|(lft4 |)i »*%•! |tt4M, 444* V%«V»h(ldH ' 41N *■■*•♦***? ; MM** 44* It *$• « 4>|w t H*t 4t* Ml* |**4 W 4*>4al 4 b • |44 f#%| ft Mlt» 4*4f ll**t#l* ** |H<| *«»4t* M*»4 b 4*4 MM MMl *4*4*4* «U I 11 Halt b# Ilk4l “*) ‘4 IM«b 14 4 '4 IlMl i •*, I vft#' %4 41 hi* Mi ft (M *4 ****.j| Itl I v* Imp #1**4 *** 4IIH III# ’Mill |^ »|» Mr. Hickman has the nicest field of corn so far reported to this office. It is without weeds, stands ten Inches high 1 and has but very few missing lulls. : j At tho present writing tho prospects j ^ for a largo crop of all kinds is good. J Small grain is shooting out splendidly j| and corn is large enough to cultivate. I The village tioard met last Tuesday s morning and among other tilings grant- < ed license lor a saloon to John P. Mur- | pliy. who opened up business soon after- I words. Alfalfa is making a ripld growth, 1 some of it being ready for harvest. With good growing weather tills crop is harvested three times during the j season. A sample from John Fisher's wheat ( field was brought to this office Monday. , There were forty-nine well developed ] shoots from one kernel of wheat, the stems being of an average height of ten inches. 1C. S. Hay hurst raised twenty-seven acres of winter wheat In 1895, which thrashed out 1,491 bushels, machine measure, and weighed out sixty-four pounds to the bushel. The Olilsen Bros, have manufactured a fine lot of brick this season. They have extensive brick yards and the ipiali ty of the. brick is us good as can lie produced anywhere. Julius Buss of llsyestown was in Coup City Tuesday. He made tills of lice a call and left the wiieiewith to uav fora weekly visit of Till-: Noitrn wkstkks to tiis household for the en suing year. J. Phil Jaeger has a tine system of waterworks, with underground piping. ' and sm everlasting supply ol' water, which cornea from the irrigation ditch , lie can throw water on any part of Inn building in ease of tire. Win. Landon of Washington towa ship was at Loup City Saturday, and while here made this ©Hiee a pleasant call and left tlio wherewith to insure a weekly visit from this paper to his , household for another year. ignite a delegation from Loup City ■ went to Kearney yesterday to represent the local Epwortb league in the state i convention of that organization now In session there. Among the number were: F. E Brewer, John W. Long, C, J. Tracy, Miss Ella Long, Miss Mamie Grow, Mrs. Hattie Jones and others. | When the poor eastern renter who pay* from 81 to 85 per acre for land learns the very important truth that three years cash rent would buy a farm in the great Loup country he will take the first opportuaity to break away from the rent habit and buy a farm of his own. Bead the advantages which Shor man county ©Hers to the eastern renter printed on another page in this issue. CLEAR CREEK NEWS. Crops of every dlsoription are look ing line. The Mrs. Henry Hi-tier's suicide is the topic of conversation. Camp meeting of free Methodist per suasion is iu progress at Round Grove. Three inches of rain in one week and one inch the next week and so it goes in tliis locality, Hkcokdkk. For Hal* or Irmlt*. A thoroughbred Jearsy bull Kii«|iur# at $t. Elmo hotel, Loup City, Nebraska 1 ....... NotUi- o! Tlmltcr 4 utlur* final l*r«of I ' II11«9>ft Stall** 1.2111*1 Ofllen Ht I .III t coin. Nel>ra»ka, Apall I*»U7. \ i Notice i* hereby given that John N Fiaber ha» tiled aotiee of intention to j make dual proof before County Judge,1 M|i;'nnaa County, at bid olltee in l.oup Citjr Netiradlca on Hadurday the 19 day of June 1*07 au tliutier culture appllea* lion So. "UK.*. for the N C •|Uarter of mvturn So. Jl lu To«n»hi|> So, tH S | It tug* So. || \V lie name* a« w tti*c»»e*» John i,* |*rs*y, lutoi ,len», Herman Ftrtdg and tietoge Ware of l.oop Nebraska. J \V t 110,1 *•*> lt«*gl»!er N till* « tat t Milff 4 MMtl '!>•» »£•»** • NlHta# it tltryHy tfltnt tint bs fifth# 1 i f iiHtrigt4*t* I tut ill# lMl» j «t&s nt Ihifinhtti jmi»1 tJuljf llh tl i nt th# i ltl v|«*sw4 j 1 Ml *. *% tjft* |||# III Ml# *UHl 0? | #-H4- m, t iM» 1)mmv tt nut «l »» ihw mMU ui |44 # «l M h li tU | f» l#|Rt Ih’itt till# K Uull j Ittyit mitlu in IM 4’Ht titftl # Mat »wmi autl |*«« |ut! uf nihi l «l 4 * 44tit«g rCClft lit ifftiit i itM 4-r *fc ui >ttn | til (hI *» . i tt ' l. I h*T |M • |n « l 9 » h# Ii 1U 4#**: | hr 4 I lit# . .1 !«.••* * *♦** *#!<•«*t* » »*k«* I f St t» HtwniMlfS till til Hr* Uadjgltif * lh«-i« In St is*.'Ml* 4*-i>|.v*f* It ?.(*# toitlH S««| ^ ttiUt m? Mh MmN It tn#|l4lk(|» IS I I I Mill* h» I »» 4tt Iwt a* Mapp'd • >itag a tptatu *>.t*ett, »« iM l»i ,tat ot Jolt t*t*T at 11 o *l,a* a a* **f ' »•> l U< |tn«d Smm », t*#« .• i i it* laatuiit . u iiiiitt i« H* UM. i. %l*l*t s ASH IIM I* tll ia l> hi i it u r m tti »'!•* To California Comfortably. Kvrry Thursday afternoon, a Tour* »t sleeping ear from Salt Lake rity. Ian Kranslsco anil Los Angeles leaves )maba anil Lincoln by the Iturllngton tontc. It is carpeted upholstered in rattan; ias spring seats and hacks and is irovlded with curtains, bedding, towels oop, etc. An experienced excursion oiidiictor and a uniformed I’lillinan lorter accompany it through to the ’antic coast. While neither so expensively finished or so line to look at as a palace sleep, r. It is just as good to ride in. Second Ins* tickets arc accepted for pussage ml the price of a birth, wide enough ud big enough for two, is only #’> Kor folder giving full particulars, call t nearest Iturllngton ticket olllee or trite to I. KfUNMH, G 1’. A,. Bur Ingtoii Itoute, Omaha., Neb. . i , or HAM UNDKK CHATTI . MOHTUAOK. Notice is hereby given that by vlrtueof » ittel mortgage ifatiul on I In- Will (lay ol i igust, IHWI, mill duly libel in the olllee of 1,0 county Clerk oI Mht rman county, No , ,huit, on t In* 1st h day of August, is'.m, and cc,ulcd by August Hloinquisl I . Hut Mc nnlck Harvesting Machine coninnriy or icago, Illinois, III forporiitlon duly 01 ,,|zt.tl unitin'the laws of Hit- statu of HI i. ois), to smuire tint payment of the sum of .. mid tipoii « lilcli there Is now due tint iiiolfW.H'i licfaull having In in in ulc in " pity moil t of said mi'll mid no nil or u-r procectllng of law having been lu lu toil to recover said debt or no pm I ocreof, therefore I will sell tlm propurl v •r«d u ileserlbcd. vis: one iron yiay bor cm old, named Jim; one wIdle marc ■. , us old. named Null; one yearling heifer, dor red i, weight a boat inn ponmls, one .t, I.i ms it, n il ill*' Si 1 \ . f I ll t f i., right IntiKl ii|iron elevator, hiiiho ii. pm ,H«.1 -canon Ill public miction IN ' - ,nt of I be law linin' of 'J' s Nightingale I he vIIlie '■ ol l.olifi l It v . •'Iiei'luiiti | unty, Nciiiu-Uii, on tliu Mb 'lay ol June, ,, ill ID o'clock ii in. I tut cil April 17, l»»v Mil OK Mil'll IIA KV RSTINO MaiIIINI. Cl). Ily k. tv. Iiuiz. tliclc agent, liic nbovc hiiIO w». ailjotirneil to July I li, 1*V7. |i INKS, ! 1 * prop. .ii- EXPRESS ani. I ! GENERAL DELIVERY LINE Ml KxprPHH or Freight order* promptly ii tended to I j i Ji M. NIGHTINGALE, LAWYER lies a Genera! Law and Collection Bnsiness A Notary Public, Stenographer ami Typewriter In Ofltco. ONE HOOK NORTH OK FIRST BANK. LOLP CITY, • • M KB RAMA. yy J. FISHER, AttnpnEU-at-Law, AND N'OTHY PUBLIC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases A',SO do a general real ESTATE BUSINESS. Ofllee In Nobtiiw**t*kk i. n» 'Ung i,OVl‘ C1TV, • • K BRA SKA MONTHLY I SUFFERING. | *T*bonsanda of i * women are p troubled at , inoiubty inter val* with pains 1 in the head, 1 hack, breast*, shoulder*,side* I hip* aud limbs. I Hut they weed f not sutler. [ I These pains are symptom* of I j d*u£<-iou* deraUK«mrnt* that I tsn b« corrected. The men- I 4 strual function shout ! operate | paiulctoly, I WineM liuks* menstruation painless, ft. A fstsosy Ivtu'lsitsl " t bs I i h sir sMt-sH. * ita.li, ms Co,, I '■«**♦<•*«»• n.s suit as t«».« L «r e***.ii * •«•** mhi a '• t •«* *>»-*•** *1 *>•*■, Mm*«* f: »wa is.iiat* *»«»»a—* »•■ * »♦*>, ■ s.< «»• S**« ***>«< i isOsss* Si SM f *i taw. ' ■ timk tablk. 1,01 I’ CITY, NKBK. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St, Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis. San Francisco, anil all points and all points Hast ami South West TRAINS I.KAVr AM FOLLOW*! So r,l A rent , tally except Sunday for all point* I lift a in So. 5,1. Arcm. dally, except Sunday for Arcadia. fl:.'iOpm Mlneplnu, dinner and reclIniiiK chair ear* *«at* from on tbrouKli tram* Tlnkats mill ami Inurgaac checked to any |*iint In he tf nlted State* or Oanadu. For Intormatlon, maim, time tatile* and Ickets rail on or write to A F. W«rl* Auent. Or .1. Fit A*(!la, Uen'1. Passenger Agent, Omalia, Nebraska, U. I’. KAII.WAV riegimilng Sunday. November 17th. rains will arrive and depart at this nation as follows: Leaves Leave* Monday. /r>r,0 TuMdny, JH:W Wednesday, > ,, l'hurs nnnta, rtxnupt No*, H. *na It urn triadn $1.00 ui/n only, llttrnpljr*y*' M*dt i t'ltin Company. Ill William Ht., Now York. _——— HUMPHREYS* WITCH HAZEL OIL “THE PILE OINTMENT." For PflM-liUmal or Internal. Blind or Bj>idlW|l r'lptnlA In Ano: Id hint f ugglntd, wr gml j/ .al paid r>ti rncglpt •( prig*. utnj'itMKiH' mb. to., 111 a i 11 whims •*., nw vein N# ONE DIES No one dla* «f Pul monary disease, the result of cold, wh® takes ,,77”ln time. For sal* by all drug gists. 25 cent*. FOK MODEHN WOODMEN Nebraska Woodmen who purpose at tending the Dubuque meeting will b* pleased to learn that the Burlington route will run a through sleeping ear from Omaha to Dubuque, leaving Omaha at 5:06 p. u> Sunday, May 30 and arriving at Dubuque 11:45 a in. May 31. (Stopover at Fulton to visit Woodmen headquarters. Berths and tickets on application to any Burling ton route agent. We want one good man (having horse), a- permanent, superintendent for Hhurmun county, to attend to our bus Incas, on salary. Must send along with application, strong letters of recom mendation as to honesty, integrity, and ability. State occupation. Address P. O. Box 1632, Pblla., Pa. HAIL! HAIL! THE ST- PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. F. E. BREWER. Agent. This company has been engaged in the Hail bueinesa for the past thirteen years. Within the last eleven years it has paid for ioesee by Hail the aura of «34 I.0W.47. Thie large sum of money has been paid without a siugle law suit, aud to the satisfaction of the claimant!. Tin, Hail policy issued is the fairest and moat equitable ever issued by any insurance company. It careially protacts the interest of the insured and provides a just method for arriving at the amount of tho loss iii case the crop should he injareii by hail. This is the ouly Stock Fire Insurance Company in theUaitod States engaged in the Hail liueiuesa. It has ample aeeota to cover ail lia bililies, as >..u will see by the alatement herewith It paye ita loasea promptly and houeetly. • NVe eolmt your busiueas for the year I am also agent for the Home Ktre Inaumnoe Company of Oma ha, Nebraska __!. .. i> « |i«>K A- A*' CUULKT. \ ,c. frMi^WMi Caaiaat. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Bualneaa TranaaolaA. G “»l Stank. 1*0 .Ml jam — UifK» HUMS W a—A. (bagaaf aaAIrtlMI taka haiklbia«k laak, Vart ®*f. I Va MM