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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1897)
r - K’ ' t ^ "A ' Northwestern. VOL. XIV. LOUP CITY. gHEBMAN COUNTY. N1.H1 iASKA, FRIDAY. .1UNE 4, 1897, NUMBER 14 Thk Northwestern ’UHUSHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. UKO. H HEWSU'HOTKR. Editor end Publisher. TERMS *1 50 ptr Tear. If Paid in Advance tihra l at the Ixtnp City f’ottofl'ir* tor trees BUetos thron(b the nielli ea ier«d eleae nieiter, ■Mgascc=r.=rrsrs3L.-.-r-r r xastr-r i-Terrrr i i — | In a sboit letter to the Kavenna News 8. 0. Swigart of Sweetwater says: “It may he interesting to your leaders to know that I saw (he Kev. \Yr. L. Greene, lawyer, ex-judge and congressman for the Twelfth district plowing with three horses seven miles southwest of Kearney on the 121 h of May. The next thing we hear of him lie will he picking ‘taler’ hugs or working hy the month. ” Just now while the farmers arc very busy with crops and have no L ready casii on hand, they are puz zled to know just what to do in an swer to County Treasurer Polski * notice which he is now sending out and which reads as follows: It is the order of the county board of March ft. 1897, that, the county .treasurer collect bv distress all delinquent taxes lor the year* 1893. 1891 and 1895 If not paid by June 1, 1897. Please give this your immediate attention_ We regret that circumstances are such this week as to prevent us from issuing our boom edition. On Mon day morning last we telegraphed or ders to the ready-print house at Omaha to ship our paper with four pages blank, thus giving us plenty of space for our extra edition. Hut the house had shipped'the paper ha fore receiving the order with only two pages blank, as usual. Next week, however, we shall issue the promised extra edition, with a large number of extra copies. The write up will b« even more complete on account of this delay, as it gives us still further time to obtain facts wkieb otherwise would have been omitted. The Valley County Times is a new republican paper established at Ord. The Times is full of news aad re flects great credit upon its publish ers, Messrs. Iveggett & Harris. It printed the programs for the Ord high school exercises, which this town usually has done elsewhere. The Times is run somathing on the “new journalism'' plan. Its news is apparently ail reliable, however. Just now the new venture is en deavoring to have a lake constructed at Ord for not only pleasure purposes alone but to be utilized as power to run the electric light plant, fac tories, mills., etc., which are but visionary as jet The lake, if ar ranged after its promoteis' plans, would make a magiiiflcenl pleasure resort, besides furnishing power for the Times ‘ big ’ press when they got it_ Stand up for Nebraska! With the prospects of spleudid harvests aud returning prospei ity our com utoiiweailb will have Iter population largely added to aud her wealth much increased The indications ar« all tavora de for an onward march iu the his ory ol the state. Whatever ui»r political differences |el us unite iu oue strung pull, oue loi.g pull and one pull altogether for the advaucctncut of out toinmon in tercsts lari as welcome ewrv in tfuenee and ererv force that will help in out uphuiidmg. Here on our ferula plain** th* humbl«*t fill sen of the republic, if ha po»*e*a> a energy, ladnairy anti common act.*#, can Idas* out n antceasfui pathway Here, ton, capital seeking iuve-*t want van lei ganuiae and sure oppoflnnitie* and may rest naaarad of g*ner«Ht* treatment ami cordial welcome “balu'r and capital w* used not one nut both H * k*«* ahauvea fur both. They at* coming to ot from the anti, t'we ward all along th* Im** Norfolk News. Mrs. Henry Hi/.ner of Bloody Run Cuts Her Throat With a Razor. She Dies an Hour Afterwards With Her <>-Months-Old Babe by Her Side. The citizens of Loup City were shocked when Louis Haller ol' Bloody Run came Into town last Wednesday morning anil reported to Coroner Dr..I W. Jones the awful new* that Mrs. llizner, who lived with her mother-in law in that locality, two miles east of Hazard, had committed suicide by cutting her th oat with a razor. In accordance witli this information Coroner Jones and Sheriff I'atton sum moned a jury and started for the llizner residence to hold an Inquest The in quest was held Wednesday afternoon, 10. W. (towin. Clarence Littlefield, <» H. Scott, C. J. Bolt, F. 10. Brewer and K A. Smith being selected as juror*. The evidence disclosed the fact that Mrs. llizner had been sick a day or two w ith lagl'lppe and w as in tied at the time she <mmmilted the deed. The case was evidently one of insanity, brought on by worry, she having lost her husband and two children in the last six months, which together with her III health over balanced her mind. About 5 o'clock In Hie evening the unfortunate'* mother-in-law, old ludy llizner, went out to the bam to milk the cow and during her absence it i* sup posed the daughter-in-law got out of bed and secured the razor. On the old lady's return to thelionae the awful dis covery was made. The demented wornau had cut three gashes in her body near the lower part of the breast none, i nest* wounus, nowever, wouiu not have proven fatal. She then, it is supposed, cut her throat, completely severing the wind pipe. The old lady immediately gave the alarm and the suicide's brother-in-law, Paul Hizner, who lives not far away, started to Litchfield for a doctor, but the wound in the throat was fatal and medical assistance was of no avail. She lived about one hour, dying before the doctor arrived. The jury brought in a verdict In ac cordance with the aboye facts Deceased was about 24 years of ago. She was married to Henry Hituer in the fall of ISO! and to them four children were born, the two youngest being twins about 0 months old. A few months ago her husband died, leaving her four children to care tor. Her husband was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and she received #500 beneficiary. Soon after the bushaud's death two children, one a twin, took sick and died. Heryeungest child, a babe G mouths old, was lying by itB mother's side un harmed and the razor was found near the babe's foot. She also leaves a little girl 4 years old Services were held at the Ilizner resi dence yesterday under ttie auspices of the Modern Woodmen of America." The remains were Intel red in Litch field cemetery. We extend sympathy to the bereaved ones. COST OF AN EDUCATION. High school students uud others whose attention is drawn towards the -late university hy the commencement festivities will lie interested in know lug what it aoala to »b»ru in tbo advant age* tif ibi* luatitutloa A inoinlnrr of ttto |ire*«Mit unuinr cltt*» niton* homo it In the control |>alt of llio atale, make* Ibi* r«|»>rt for tbo Journal a* an an awar to many liu|ulrioa Nwmaliiy tbe ! coal of au allocation •• I’ho Ural >|iio*tioii which confront* i alnoot awry |icr*ou who w ant* to at* land Ik* nnlvoraity #r any olbar aiuti Ur w'boot I* tbo (|no*lion of a\j»*u*n t vary largo j>cr cant of tb« |>oo|>la In { hat a vary little Ulaa of wbat t b« work I log* of tbv nultaralty »r«. To lb”iu It •cam* koittalbing far Iwiouil ibrit raa« b I to i hat** bn Ilf a 11**1 to anur Ilia nntvaraitv a y«r»‘in mu*I Ua far bw ton.I tba ordinary |>ar» *n in ImaiUg* m»a 4 id aiit<l bn artiiky I ha former Mr* U true. Ik* *a*ood Idea ii wrong If j tba ilu loiti i iiii* |u tba wnitarvly for *kit ila i * an laarn and out f» r it»<- |*u> I»u*e of getting into ao*'*aty and m«Ii*( b»n mucb n<%tt tbay van *|>*ad I ibtok I *tn *. f In raying mat iba a* otount u oioway a aln i*ut »|*> n.s> d* |i*«.|i ainiai antiraly u|m*» <ba *tud»«' kllv'lnra* * ar* taj<*«tant**>1 In lb* not , <rnii) *t |H»»»nt fit*i« tb>*»* *k« *•• • «rnlog •*#!• on* n*v tho ugh •> n aans, by ant, to lb »* Win* *«*mlngit i hata no llntit tw tbair »**t*|>it i lb# ttoltata ty >a tr. raa* I. of «t»#> energetic person who really wishes to have a higher education; that is, finan cially in reach. It is a much less ex pensive school to attend than any other like Institution in the state, because the state takes so large a share of the bur den of the expense upon itself. The buildings, the, teachers, the library, the laboratories, are all furnished the stu dents fiee of charge, with the exception that each student pays for what he breaks or uses up In the laboratories. The actual expense that each student has beside board and room can lie made very small. This Item of living is by far the largest expense the average stu dent has. Board cun be gotten for al most any p' Ice a | erson is willing to pay. An average price for average board Is $2 to *2.50 u week. There are thirty-six weeks in each school year. This would make the expense of board for the school year, ut *2 u week, amount to *72 for the year. Room rent Is the next important Item < f necessary ex penses. A very comfortable room, with heat and light furnished, and not situ ated very distant from the university, would not cost on an average of *5 a month. If occupied by two It would amount to $2.50 apiece. For the nine mouths the expenses would he $22 50." Htato Journal. A YEAR AGO TOMORROW. Tomorrow (June 5) is the anniversary of the awful hull storm which occurred a year ago. The night of June 5, 181)0, will lie remembered by the people of Ibis city as one of the most fearful In Its existence. About 7 o'clock in the evening one of the most terrific hall storms ou record commenced. The noise from the hull on the roofs of the houses and the cradling of glass rendered shouting Inaudible close to tho ear. Only those, who experienced the storm can realize its intensity. The wind blew over numerous buildings, coin plainly wrecking the Catholic church and moving the Baptist church from its foundations, hut the noise of the hull was (o groat and the people so frenzied with fear that no attention was paid to the wind. Hull fell for fifty-live suc cessive minutes, water fell in torrents and the canal at the foot of the bluffs giving away, which added to already sea of water, gave tins valley tlie ap pearance of the storm-tossed Atlantic People in one-story houses resorted to chairs and lables to keep out of the water, while those in two-story houses wore afraid to go up stairs, fearing the hail would crash through the root. One fatality with numerous narrow es capes from death was the night's record. The storm will remain as indelibly im pressed upon the minds of those who experienced it as to those who wit nessed flie terrible affair at Johnstown. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. The commencement exercises last Friday night at the opera house w,ere very largely atteuded, there being at least 450.people present. The stage was profusely decorated with flower.-, and the graduating class, six in number, were presented with boiiuets of choice flowers after each ef fort. The exercises were opened by Prof. M. 11. Mead, who Introduced the gradu ates. The class consisted of Misses Hattie ilayhurst, Grace Kay. Ida Nel son. Nettie Conger, Sadie Walworth and Mr. Jesse McPherson. Kaeh had very good selections and were heartily applauded. The exercises were closed by the pre sentation of diplomas by the Hon. R. J. Niglitingale, who made a masterly effort for the cause of education and encouragement for the graduates. Ho made the mistake, however, of stating that it was the first graduating i-la»» of I,ou|>«" 11 y. when In (act U i* the •I't'ODil, Mi**ee Mattie Snyder, Idllio Nightingale ai d Myrtle William* hav ing graduated with high honora under thepiiuelpaUbipof I'.rol M ll.Citrleiou Mnv I Mill. Twu ytar* agu W. II. Reynolds had a large ie»erveir coiiatructed (or the pur pone sf wind u ill Irrigation,aud there •tilt* obtained have proven highly *at U(aetury. Mr Reynold* ha* al*<> put Ul* tenervulr tu another purpo*e. !u November l•'Wo he atovketl it with ti-h u( the Uerman earp end black !'*•* •peeler, which* ere lutuUbeil by the •tale tt dt min ml ••inner a, The rever v<ur I* now Welt #li-*tg*il with th>>*e hunt «■( u>li many u| which are ever a font in length, the) are fed regular*? every day, their »n**dc*»n*lettog * * I breed imiuha, «t*n«u an*l * <*a*. *d tt»iu Ar rndia i hautplun. I be limit*! wleepef t* aw* up to-date' • at Mtvimntu t'-ittfort at utlinmnn • > ,nl u the pitheipa! up*m whb b thee* i rat* are built at*d up tinted. they tun * tat,* it,tot • 'Uittvil Ri ll* and thnaha in tlgthru ban ItSKlW'i nut l“nrt!a«d 1‘uilu, tn with *1*1 y vaf I -t fuitbe* paiiktutti* >aU on or *Aln*> v% w |> v U<i<ei Agon* la* awln a* V • aOa A tbuiungbhmddesM? tu:| f.u ,» re at Hi hint** hotel, loop • ‘My, X- «-«*• FREE BICYCLE#. The State Journal Is offering a first clu-s bicycle free to any person who will get up a club of 1(H) yearly sub scrlhers for the Seini-Weekly Journal nt *1.00 each. The bicycles are covered b? hs strong a guarantee as anv #100.00 Wheel and are first class In every re spect. Any young man or wo man can now earn a ble*cle. If you find von cannot get the required nnmber, a liberal cash commission will be allow ed you for each subscription you d > get You can get all your friends and neighbors to take the Semi-Weekiv State Journal St #1.00 a vear. Address State Journal, Lincoln, Nob. V To California Comfortably. I*.very Thursday afternoon, a Tour ist -deeping ear from Salt Lake City. San Franaisco and Los Angeles loaves Omaha and Lincoln by the Burlington Route It is carpeted upholstered in rattan; h spilug seats and backs and i I ividud with curtains, bedding, towel soup, etc. An experienced excursion c ductor arid a uniformed I’ullmau I liter accompany It t’ rough to the Pacific coast. While neither so expensively finished in.r so fine to look at its a palace sleep c it Is just us good to ride iu. Second c hh ticket a are accepted for passage in I the price of a birth, wide enough i t I big enough for two, is only #’>. For folder giving full particulars, aall n nearest Burlington ticket ofilue or v ite to J. Francis, O. P. a.. Bur iiugton Route, Omaha., Neb. ' INKS, • prop. ... EXPRESS am, GENERAL DELIVERY LINE, VII Kxprcwa or FrulKlit outer* promptly a! iended to fjji S. NJGHTIV3ALE, • • LAWYER. Does a General Law and Collection Bosiness \ Notary Public, Stenographer aafl Typewriter In Office. ONK J»COK NORTH OF FIRST HANK. louf cm. • • ibbbamul J. FISHER, flttnrnBU-at-Law. AND NOTRV PUBLIC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases ALSO DO A GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. Office In Northwk»tkks min (ling ROUl* CITY, - • i HKASKA ^Mothers! The discom- | forts and dangers of child-birth can be almost cn-| tirely avoided.** WineofCardui* relieves ex pectant moth ers. It gives tonetothegen italorgans.and puts them in »— . condition to do their work perfectly. That makes preg nancy less painful, shortcut labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. WinWri hat alto brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for year*. A few dose* often brings i v to loving hearts that long lor a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. H cure* Blue case* out oi ten. Alt druggists sell Wine of Cardui. per bottle. Pu# *4*ua ta i*<|uuuig *il«*»*, fttmm ‘v**. 1** " Isms' Ai*f*+* PssswwMwrt, ' t’.« C**ssa»:*3S» SSwteia* Co.. CSana* *..*»■ Tsaa. . Wanted >n?ldea^^S time table Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Unite, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City, Portland, St. I,mils, San Francisco, anti all points anil all points Fast and South West TRAINS LEAVE AS MM.LOWSi No M. Accm., dally exocpt Sunday for all point*.1:1ft am No. 53. Accm. dally, eieept Sunday lor Arcadia. 6:ft0pm Sleeping, dinner and reclining eljalr earn (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold anil baggage chocked to any point in the United stales or Canada. tot Information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to A. E. Werts Agent. Or J. KUANOI*. Gen'I. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. RAILWAY. Beginning Sunday, November 17th, trains will arrive and depart at this station as follows: Leaves Leaves Monday, )B50 Tuesday, )g;00 Wednesday, Thursday. V Friday, m Saturday ) *m Arrives at Loup City daily (1.16p.m. daily. Close connection at Orand Island for all points Hast and West. F. W. Clink, Agent Loup City Market Report Prices paid for: Corn . ♦ •l:l Wheat. m Oats.’* llogs . 2B® Cows and hellers . il.OU ® II.ISO renders . *•*’ Rutter, per pound . 1° k«k». per do* . n Personal.—The gentleman who an noyed the congregation lust Sunday by continually coughing will tlnd instant relief by using One Minute Cougb Cure, a speedy and harmless remedy for throat and lung troubles,—Odondahl Bros. LESS THAN HALF RATES TO HAN FRANCISCO. Via the Burlington Route. June 29 to July 3, account uational convention Christian endeavorers Spe cial trains. Through tourist and palace sieepeis. Htopovers allowed at and west of Denver. Beturn via Portland, Yellowstone Park and Black Hills if desired. EmJeavorers and their friends who take the Burlington route are guaranteed a quick, cool, comfortable journey, line secenory (by daylight) and first class equipment. Berths reserved and descriptive literature furnished on request. See nearest Burlington agent or write to J. Francis, general passen ger agent Burlington route, Omaha. HUMPHREYS* No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 “ Worms. No. 3 " Infants’ Diseases. No. 4 “ Diarrhea. No. 7 “ Coughs. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. t No. 0 “ Headache. No. lO “ Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 “ Delayed Periods. No. 12 “ Leuchorrea. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 “ Skin Diseases. No. IS " Rheumatism. No. 10 " Malaria. No. 10 “ Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 “ Asthma. No. 24 “ General Debility. No. 20 “ Sea-Sickneee. No. 27 “ Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 “ Urinary Diseases No. 32 “ Heart Disease. No. 34 “ Sore Throat. No. 77 “ Colds and Crip. Dn. Humphrkyh’ Homeopathic Maruai, or Dihrahrh Furr. Hmall bottle* of plea#ant pallets, fit the vmt pocket. Hold by druficlut*. or wnt prepaid upon receipt of price, IS cent*, except No* n, ana SI are made $1 Ob *lw only, Humphrey!’ Kadi clue Company. Ill William 8t., New York. HUMPHREYS* WITCH HAZEL OIL “THE PILE OINTMENT." KPII«*-Extei rial or IHIud f oJalri Ano; pchiriKor IU<**dlng of tfce MoeMun. relief le lmnidlw»‘Hbu cure certain. FBIOE, 60 0TB. TRIAL 8IZE, 3SQT1. •old by Draff tats, or sent |>oat>pstd on receipt of prlM. BUIU’UltKItt’ IXD.CO., Ill A lit WIIJImi lb, XI If lOJft* Ns ONE DIES Noonedles of Pul monary disease, tha result of cold, who takes *'77”ln tims. For sale by all drng gistB. 85 cents. FOB MODERN WOODMEN. Nebraska Woodmen who purpose at tending the Dubuque meeting will bs pleased to learn that the Burlington route will run a through sleeping ear from Omaha to Dubuqus, leaving Omaha at 5:05 p. in Sunday, May 80 and arriving at Dubuque 11:45 a m. May 31. Stopover at Fulton to visit Woodmen headquarters. Berths and tickets on application to any Burling ton route uger.t. We want one good man (having horse), as permanent superintendent for Sherman county, to attend to our bus iness, on salary. Must send along with application, strong letters of recom mendation as to honesty, integrity, and ability. State occupation. Address P. O. Box 1038, Pblla.. Pa. HAIL! HAIL! THE ST- PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. F. E. BREWER. Agent. .. —i— - . Tl»ia company has been engaged in the Hail business for the past thirteen years. Within the last eleven years it has paid for loasea by Hail the sum of 1,916.47. This large sum ot money has been paid without a single law suit, and to the satisfaction of tho claimants. The Hail policy issued is the fairest and most equitable ever issued by any insurance company. It carefully protects the interest of the insured and provides a just method for arriving at the amount of the loss in case the crop should he injured by hail. This if tho only Stock Fire Insurance Company in the IJsited States engaged in the Hail business. It has ample assets to cover all lia | bilities, as you will see by the statement herewith. It pays its losses promptly and honestly. We solicit your business for the yesr 1*»7. 1 am also aguul for the Home Fire lusuranee Company of Oma ha, Nebraska. U. U. l»OK, *• P I'ULLIY, V te»- I'ttiltlrd. C*rtw». FIRST SANK OF LOUP CITY. Genera] Banking Bualneea TranaaoM. Capital Staak, WO OOO.