The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 28, 1897, Image 8

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    Lioaal Daws.
Onl prices Jiseounted at Gasteyer's.
]»r. J. L.Goff of Litchfield Is in the
city today.
A. Conklin, of Ashton was in the
city the Sunday.
II. D Criss and family are visiting
relatives here this week.
Work is done on the new roof on
the waterworks reservoir.
C. W Con hi sc r is treating hi* resi
dence te a new coat of paint.
J. D. Ford shipped a car of bogs
Thursday. He will ship again Mondav.
Will Loup City celebrate the glorious
Fourth this year? If so, it's time to get
up and dust.
John 1\ Murphy of Greeley Center
lias made application to the village
hoard for saloon license
The entertainment to lie given on
the evening of Decoration Day lias
been Indeflnately posponed.
K. If. Kittell, ex-county clerk, of
Kockville township was doing business
at the county seat Monday.
(jufte a delegation went to Arcadia
Thursday evening to attend the gradu
ating exercises at that place.
Mrs. Bower, daughter of Mrs. D. L.
Gardner, returned home last Monday,
after a visit with her parents.
Less than half rates to San Francisco
June M to July J via the Burlington
route. See nearest Burlington agent
J L. Hawk, one of the very first
settlers of the county was doing busi
ness at the county seat last Wednesday
John Matbewson of Olay township Is
In Loup City. He reports a good rain
Wednesday night in his neighborhood.
J. S. Pyke and family departed for
Omaha the first of the week. They will
make their future home there,
John II. Travis went to Omaha and
Lincoln Tuesday. He will visit friends
at Waverly, Neb., before returning
Typhoid fever is reported at the
home of Frank Otlewski. His oldest
daughter is very sick at the present
Judge Kay reports the marriage of C.
L. Kelso to Miss Etta Wells of Harrison
township, which took place in this city
Presiding Elder Erastus Smith of
Keaniey will conduct the Memorial
services at the Methodist church next
A letter received from O. Benschoter
last evening states that he is at Will
iams. Iowa, on his way back to I.oup
A great many people in town are Ir
rigating this week, and several of the
farmers up the valley ure preparing to
do the same thing.
The new organization known as the
Deutsche Eintracht met at the Walworth
hall last Saturday afternoon. They re
port a good time.
L. A. Kosseter is again in the city,
having come over from <»rd last Wed
nesday. He irristedn the Notrni
wkstekn otllce this week.
I»r. N. L. Talbot, of Hhcrinan county
ban opened an cilice at Boelus and
Is practicing medicine at that place, lie
moved his family there last week.
C. H. Winteer, of Rockville township
was in the city Wednesday and made
this office a friendly call He reports
his daughter on the sick list.
Will Balllie, brother of Mrs. W. .1
Fisher and Mrs. George K. Benschoter.
is visiting in tlie city. Ho drove over
from Litchfield this morning.
The dyphthcria has again made Its
appearance in Ashton We are inform
ed that the little child of Calvin Sehaupp
died last week from this dread disease.
Geo. Gipe has moved his pool and
billiard table* on tlie south side of rail
road street. The room which he vaca
ted Is repapered and otherwise repaired
and Is soon to lie occupied m- a saloon
A good rain l» reported to have visited
the country in and around Kavenut and
the south part of Sherman county la*t
\\ edneaday. H e also got u little shower
here ut more would t«eveiy act eptaide
Roheit \ ouug. while painting last
Monday on the roof of the Long ie
deuce, lost his hold anil fell to the
ground, a distance of some fourteen
leet and sustained i|Ut te set ere in juries
He struck on bis shuuldera and was
rendered breathless for a time lie U
able tu be around, but una'de |o work
Mr aw l Mis f b \ igh'.ngate as
CssMipauied their nieces, Misses Georgia
ansi Minnie liiHikt ah.i hate laeen al
tending svkool here |<t tbeir home In
i usier f ount * bua>iat Misa Florence
\ igbl ngate snd I M it ****,«,
partied I he so I n relumed la Ike
evaniag tml Mi« i ra, and >i« gkters
remained fur a twit visit
I best |i liana uf lias i nh- not k
lag Intelaeaa at tba vuuutr sett tester
da> and among uthet lb s>g* nt4r Ikla
sMst a petssti salt Mi H M* a re
porta sum* sisko**- la hi* neigkksokood
al pent I Ninti are do a a al|k
warier feset, laelodsog ike iwsl pk|
Uvlra lie the reports > reps m bis
laniiii la a kenltkj * litkm at
Ikwugk rata hr toes k need
A Nuisance Abated
We regret to have to call Htteutin
this week to the fact that a nuisance <
the worst character has been practice
in our town, fostered by some old»
men and participated in by someyounf
er boys. It has been necessary for tli
editor of this paper, during the pas
week, to get up at midnight and ri
the back rooms of bis office of tbi
collection of disgraceful and lustfu
characters. The same on tilt had gatti
ered nlgth after night at difTeren
place? In the town and the nuiseoce he
came so revolting that a complaint wu
made to the villlage board who cause<
a speedy exile of tho center of attract
Ion. Hut it re-appeared on the scene
owing to inducimenta bold out by sorm
older ones who ought to be lookinj
behind the bars, and its second comini
resulted last Saturday night in the dis
graceful scene above referred to.
Their entrance to the building wai
made by way of the back door. Whet
we turned the key to the front door th<
whole outfit shot out the back way llk<
a herd of sheep fleeing from a blow,
hound, him) fulling ovei one anothei
in their scramble to escape fdenfiflca
tion iind possibly the clutches of tb*
sheriff. Instead of entering the build
ing. as they supposed we would do,
we stepped back Into the alley, nnc
met several of the frightened rascals
They were all “hitting the liigli
places,'* bare headed, bare-, etc. etc.
After thoroughly routing them wo
went Insjde and made a collection ol
three bats and a handful of hair pins.
Owners can have tame by calling and
identify tig, property, paying for this
notice, und taking a solemn oath to be
have themselves in the future.
It will not be necessary for us to en
large upon this subject, but we desire to
say in closing that it these parties, or
anyone else, ever attempts a repetition
of such conduct about here, they will
. 1 f I -- I .1 1ft 11 .. .-m
law. Wc also desire to say that we
had no trouble in Identifying the whole
gang, and should It be repeated the pub
lic will have an opporlunity to know
them all. as being implicated in a nuis
ance that reduces them to shatne and
Decoration Day Program
All Societies taking part in the parade
will meet at Watkinson's Hall at 0:30,
form iu line and march to public square
Where the following program will take
Service to unknown dead .
Song by the girl's;
Exercise by the children,
Cover our Heroes with dowers:
Gun drill by the hoy's.
After which form in line and march
io the Church where we will listen to
ui address by an able speaker.
All old Soldiers, members of the Post,
ion’s of Veterans, Ladies of the G. A. It.
mil families will return to G A. R.
headquarters with your dinner baskets
mid have a good time.
By order of Pres .
Sherltt’ Patton returned from Norfolk
Monday. He reports having seen Fred
King, who has quite recovered, and is
assisting iu earing for the patients at
the asylum.
The new onttlowf to the irrigation
ditch is completed, furnishing a water
power of fifty-foot fall, and which is
completely under control. There art
no Hies on this power. It cannot bt
outdone anywhere in the west, or east
either, for that matter. All we want i>
capital to utilize it.
Good work harness for •14.00 at T.
M Heed's.
Ladies' ready made wrappers for salt
cheap at < laity era.
Now stock of Garden and Ftolc
Seeds ut T M Heeds
Ladies ready m.tde underwear foi
•ale cheap at Gasteyerg
W. T. Gibaon has, sweet potato, call
huge and tomato plant- for sale.
Don’t think liecause Gndevir doe1
not ask you two price*, that hi* good,
are not all right.
Gasteyer now earrl ■• a cmnpleti
stock of ready made elothlng for tnei
i and t oys.
Yon have tried"*"’’ for Grip am
I folds now try *10 lor Dy»pe|»t*
For sale t<V alt druggets .*'* cents
l*o you needs wagon, imggv. ills,
harrow, .cede* plow or hatrow ll
I •». v Mil • hould *ew | M K* r*|
The D E Morrill D»ntal to, wit
««<a e their reg , ar v tail |o y <hlon llo
#tv»h of May and will ini pleased to d
Danlat worn for those In **■ d if «o*t
, at lhal lime \ll wuia * mauled
Do y«o uesoi a washing machine
I* iad he* wringer, *a»hb***hrr (tnware
1 or anything la that line. D call ot
r M Heed
I to Jeevii \ »«*»*» i o i f | «k* I llv
M*m«., want a *s|p>io Mis man in Ihi*
vhmlty to sell Mlnwviois grown ii**,
ami worsen stock *los»t pa> wteadi
*«ti H (tie them*
• **( a* i.i Itede
t thorough hred Jearsjr knit, etc,** o
at hi hivoo If del, t >c*«p ills, NeUtask *
i Notice Is hereby given, by vlrtneof a chat
n tel mortgage dated December 15, ISM! am:
dulv flledJn the office of the county clerk ol
'f ShermanXounly, Nebraska, on the IS daj
. or December 1*8, and executed bv August
11 and I. G. lllomi)ue»t to the sandwich Man
r I ufaelurlng Company of Sandwich, Illinois,
to secure the payment of the sum of fitij O'
with interest at H per cent, and upon which
, Is now due the *um of JIWO.oa and interest,
'' default having been made In the payment
f af said sum and no suit or other proceed
I lugs at law having been Instituted to re
1 i cover said debt or any part thereof I will
sell tbs property therein dlscrlbed to.wit;
" I one six hole, geared self feeding isiworcorn
| shelter, mounted complete, at public auction
on section s, township It, range 14. in the
Keystone lumber shed, in the village of
. Rockville, Sherman county, Nebraska,on
1 tlm II day of June IS#".
Dated this II day of May. 1*7.
i By C. K. chord b, Agent.
• Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
. a cliatlei mortgage, dated itelobar the '.’ml
1*1, and duly filed In the office of the ceiin
; ly clerk of Hncrman county, Nebraska, on
, i the same day, executed by August llloin
' finest to H I. Holbrook to secure the pay
ment of the sum Of Eerty-Beven dollars and cents (847.)«.) and interest at 10
percent per annum on which there Is now
due the sum of #48.ot, default having been
made in the payment of said smn, and no
suitor other proceedings at low having
been Instituted to Oollecl the said debt,
therefore I will sell Ihe property therein
described, to wit. Due gray Morsel years
old, named Riley' weight 1 u0 pounds, one
sorrel horse II years old, weight about HJOO
| pounds, with white strip m face, on the XX
day of May, 1*7 at Do clock p in; said sale
to take diace nl south west corner ol court
houst sipiare In Leap City, Nebraska
II. L. Hob It KOOK.
I* T •/ n. ri'.Kin.hK, hi.
Notice )« hvreby glvim that by virtue of
* mat tel mortgage dated on the Jtith day of
AUgimt und duly tiled in the ortho of
the county clerk of Bherman omnty sH»
niMkaon the -'Hill day of August and
executed by August Jllomqii t»t to th« Me*
< orrnu k Jim ve st lug Machine company of
Chicago llltnoln (a corj»oriitIon dulv or
gani/ed under t lie laws of the Mtfitn of Jli
liioUj to MfH'tmi the payment of ih«*
sum of f1.'5. and ii|>on which tbur* i«
now due ton hiiiii of fjii.ttlb IiefatiU
haring been mad* Ini he paytnmit of paid
miiiii ai<l no »uU or other pm< toiling of law
having been ln»fKilled to recover Maid debt
or any part thereof therefore I will nell the
property therein described viz one iron
gray home *> yearn old named Jim, one
white mate <| yearn old, named Nell; one
yearling heifer, color red, weight about
MO lb#, one Mc< ormick Harvesting Ala
chine, »ix ft. cut. right hand apron elevator
aame an ourcimaed «eA*on at public
auction in front of the law oflice of T. 8.
1 Nightingale in the village of Loup City.
Sherman county Nebraska on the fttb day of
June 1*07, at ten o'clock a. in.
IJated April 17th !*•#.
by F. W. DboTZ. tlieir Agent
Notice of Timber Culture, Final Frouf,
United .States Land Oflice at Lin- i
coin, Nebraska, Apail 27 1807. f
Notice is hereby given that John N'
Fisher has tiled noficc of intention to
make final proof before County Judge,
Sherman County, at hi* oflice in Loup
City Nebraska, on Hadurday the 12 day
of June, 1807, on timber culture applica
tion No. 7102, for the N. K quarter of
section No. 34, in Township No. 10 N.
Bunge No. 14 W.
He names as witnesses*. John <}.
Cray, John Jens, Herman Flebig, and
George Ware, of Loup, Nebraska.
J. W. Ferguson Iteglster.
in District Court of Shorr/ian County
Jacob Albers us administrator of
the estate of Charles C. Keasland
deceased, ilaintitl.
Krnst la-island fat tier and sole heir a*
law of Cliurles C. Keasland deeensed
and unknown heirs of tile said Char
les C. Keasland deceased and all per
sons interested In said estate, De
Now on thls iotb., day of April I SOT th is
cause came on for a hearing upon the pell
Uon of Jacob Albers administrator of the
estate of Charles C. Keasland. deceased,
praying tor a license to sell the following
described real estate eltuated In slturinan
County and State of Nebraska, to wtt:
South west quarter of the south west
quarter of section <M) eight lu tow uship (lit)
thirteen north of range 11.1) thirteen west,
or a suttlcleiit amount of the same to bring
llte sum of $.'£*&.lit for the payment of
debts allowed against said estate and the
costs of administration there not being sut
lleient personal properly to pay said debt
and expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all persons In
terested in said estate appear before me at
the court house In tile city of Broken Bow
and county of Custer and state of Nebraska
on the t’sth., day of Jane I HOT at ten o'clock
a. in. to show cause why license should not
be granted said administrator to sell so
much of the above described real estate of
said deceased as shall ho necessary to pay
said debts and expenses,
it is further by the court ordered that a
copy ot this order shall be published four
i successive week* In the Nokthwkstbhsi
newspup-T in I lie manner provided by law
Dated tills SOth., day of April I SOT,
Attest QoMKK M Sri.I.lVA.v
I,hi is Kkiv Judge of District Court
Clerk oi the District Court.
| Ur. Humphreys says as "77" is to
l Grip, ao is No. 10 to Uyspepsla. Th®
! ill rest dose relatives-lts persistant us®
, | cures--‘Jo per cent; at all druggi.-t*.
Croup ami Whooping cough are child
I,itml terror*: but like pnciiuioiila. bron
chitis, ami oilier throat anti lung troubles
ran be quickly I'ureii l>y u-i.ig One Min
ute i otigb l ure. OUeiulubl Bros,
Uni'oinhtlonal surrender, Is the only
; term* tho*® fsinous little pills known
a* UeW'itt's little Kerly Kiser- Will
make w ith constipation. -irk liftihu-lts
ami siontach trouble*. t Mendahl 11r- ■ •
N ot only acute lung I rouble*, abbli
m n prove fatal in a few days, hut obi
chrome cough ami throat trouble- wav
receive immediate relief aiot h" per*
inui.eiitt- 4- lid liV 4 tin- Minnie 1 nog ll
fur*. lltfcmtlafel Hro*
It idioold Imp mad* a in tU*t of |mbl>c
bnoalndge that HtWltl'i Wlli h Hard
t all • a tit • llV i urn |>lltm of llo Ion*
rtl tlandlntf. It t» lh» Im»u**I|oI«I f»V»t
lit for toirif M «l<h oiU, hr*ii»» wd
•ur<» of *11 kllol* IMeolafel Hum,
W loot « cold I* c«nlrtci*d cure It at
1 lie* tin* M aut* t oiigti t' ir* a Ml •• t
|iiu lb* road l» i«o»»f) In anionite
It « III 010 Ivor no* union >* bn** bun,
1 WM) mhI all li'ftM <rf turn and tfetMl
lronl*W« ttdaadabl Una
I bill 1 da** t» a lo«4 time to tttfhl *0
1 ainlol a troutd* a* |*U*» but Jftawti
Hlii ball I n ,m*IM*. r* »tr«4kt*>d
Ibat 0.14 cm* b* 111*4 ln*Wi!t
H M,b lli«*l <*a t* abb b tfutchif an I
|i»ii<i wontl> cotod boo It i» *0 *411*
tilnilti 4**«w>a aod all »*tu «<*« t
ton* t M* * 11>« n 1 Hum
I 1% Ion lb* «|>rii>4 IlOO* nun** tf*ut *
a ill chraut* lb* 11**1 tad **«o**4» lb*
• Ulto a lib InttiM* I lUt* I ill*
Mloo liaum till* |illb for lb* !!*•»
ao l *10*00 b alt ib* **»r *«uod <M*t
daft! Hto«,
For the meeting of the Nut ion a
Educational Association at Buffalo it
lHSllt the excellent, service given by tin
Union Pacific was commented on by al
those who had the pleasure of usin>
that line. This year our educationa
friends met in Milwaukee, WIs.Julj
tith to 9th, and members of the associn
tinn and others from points west of tlx
Missouri Klver, shotdd by all mean;
take the Union Pacific.
The service of the Union Pacific via
Omaha or Kansas City is the very best.
The equipment consists of handsome
day coaches, chair cars, pullinan buffet
and drawing room sleepers, dining cars
and buffet siriok ng sm| library ears.
Fewer changes than via any other line
One fare, plus $9 50 for the round trip
will be the rate from all points west <>|
the Misson i River for this meeting.
For Illustrated matter, folders etc.
call on or write.
Wii. It. CurroN. Agent.
The eomming week ending
with Saturday June oth will
i)e the lust week in wieh we nre
taking Cabinet photographs at
the rate of 99 cents per do/,
M. Lksciunhk v.
Ordinance Nn VI.
An ordinance relative to levying a tax
on the taxable nro|>erfv, both real and per
sonal. . f i lot village of l.otip City, Nebraska,
to provide for Him nc< e-sury ax penses of tlie
said villiige. for the fiscal year of is.d, eto.
He It orilat ned by the chairman and b >at d
of trustees of the said vHiggs of I.oud city,
section 1. That there be anil Is hereby
levied oil the taxable property, both real
and personal, within the village of l.onp
i :lty,Nebraska, for the various funds herein,
tiller named, the Lax after such respective
Iunils, to wit
Ocneral fund, hi mills.
Water fund, 10 nulls,
sired fund, 2 mills.
Judgment fund, |s mills.
Interest on water bonds, 21! mills,
section 2. T bis ordinance shall be In force
und ciTact from and altar Its passage and
publication according to law.
Adopted and passed Mils 21st day of May,
ist<7 J. Pint, J y kokii, < 'hatriiian
l 8. NlollTlKOAl.E, Village Clerk.
application nm Ligcoa license
Notice Is lisreby given that on May 21st,
|so7, an application and petition was tiled
with the clerk of the board of village
trustees In and for Loap City, Sherman
county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which aro, 1 hat llsenco to sell malt, spirit
uous and vinous liquors wilbln said vll.
lags of Loup City, during the Steal year
sndlngonthe first Monday In May, I*',*,
may be granted by said board of village
trustees to one John P. Murpliy.
sold application und petition wil. come
before said board for uctlon upon and after
tbs publication of this notice us required
by law. objection to Die grunting of such
license must bellied In writing any lime
l.sfore action Is taken thereon.
Dated this 21st day of May.lsir?.
T. 8. Nioiitfnciaf,K, Village Clerk.
Wanted-An Idea iHS
Protect your Ids**: they may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WKDDEKBURN A CO., Patent Attor
neys. Washington, I). ('., fur their prfso offer
ami list of two Hundred Inventions wanted.
the very best
©ell6loid or Platirja
finish, guaranteed.
These photographs
;ire of the same grade
and quality as those
other photographers ask
8:5.00 per doz and are
guaranteed to bo the
best. Remember we
are here to stay and
want your trade*.
TVje ©Qt-Pates Will last
until June5.97
M. Leschinsky LoupCity Photographer
Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher I/tui* <Jirr Noktuwmtku*
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated aul Irrigated Lauds for Sale
Gastever’s New Goods SELL At New Prices,
20 pounds of Granulated sugar for one dollar.
29 pounds New Orleans sugar for one hundred cents.
2 packages Arbuckles, German or xxxx coffee for
Twenty-five cents.
\ Word to the Ladies.
We have jual received a« line a line of Iodic
wrapper* ond oliirt woiaU at can ite I'ouu I in nny town
live tiiik t the oiae of Loup I'll). Why? Ilmni'o our
intelligent trade have diauovercd ttiat they can l>uy aa
cheaply of ut, ut m Lincoln or Omaha to aay nothing
of tlic advantage they gam m living aide to look over
the a toe k and buy what Ilia and autta them.
We pride our*e|vc« in having the moat intelligent
ela«a of trade in the city and aurrouudmg country, and
we invite any who have not yet called upou ua to do
tn ut their earlieat «ouvenieu e t'oiue and »ec for
voiir»dv« t whether our good, and pi.^ca are not all
For tlx etc who do no' care (or *«adv tuadu gar
ineiita we can) an excellent Ime of inualina, calico.,
I'cital.t, lawn., white g**ata, el* alto a few choice
pallet it. ot .ilk and wool no will*. at ev epl|ou*l|v
|ow price. For cticapci go*«la we have a gt«*d line of
Id tcut novel! \ nice line o| henneltaa alio
novelty■ at s cent*, a few all wool at-rge at ho venta
and an rvepiionlt Hnvpieceof hlaclt ailk warp henu
ett* at n't cent, which cannot he duplicated anywhere
at that pttee
A Chat With the Gentlemen.
I»" \"ii know that we handle men'a clothing? We
do, and they are good one. too. They are called
The Happy Home Cloth lug, and suit* coming under /
thin brand manufactured l»y Wachtamith have a strong
guarantee sewed on very coat sleeve, agreeing to
keep the suit in repair one year. What no ,-e can
you ask? Com* and see our clothes and you will
never regret it.
Then w* have lists for all sued men and lens
lists from 5 Mule upas high us you pleuse They
are dandy g.aal he Is too. All nice, new. clean stock
which i» several points iu tutor favor
Then We have shoe*, a lot of the latest styles
and colors just received. • treed. Oihlood. Tan C one
in ami choose tome for your wives and daughters
Your bms willeome to help you piuk Ui«tu ml y,Mr
self a pair.
Now how would It do to wind up In telling y(H,
that we do not inteml to lei any little one horse town
in the country g«t all your trade just cause we hate
no saloon We want to sell si Chicago pn ee, and
we II do It loo Your wives will prefer toup City !«.
cause there is no saloon and you wd| too when y >,
know you get your moneys worth
Yours for new goods at low prices.