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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1897)
Northwestern. ~ UHT CITY, sm.KMAN (ol .NTV. NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY It, iHi>7NUMBER 11 The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THIC COUNTY SKAT. QEIt. *3. ItKRMOnOTKR, Editor and Publisher TERMS $1 SO »tr Tsar. II Paid in Advanca ■at«r*i at tbs Loup City l’>,atonic* for trtaa niaaloa through th* mall* u Mound, alaaa matUr. TOWN TALK. We are Informed that the achool board has sent off to get the pro gram for the graduating exercises printed, and when naked why they did not gei. the work done at home, said that “ihey wanted something ex tra bice,” In reply to such a frivel ous excuse «e only wiali to say. the printing offices of l,oup City are as ■well equipped for aueh work as any town of its size in the state. There is no less than three thousand dol lars In hard cash invested In print- j ing material in this town. We have been able to do all kinds of County ^ printing with perfect satiafaalion even to county bond printing in rich colors, and on program and card printing we will not take a back seat for any country printing office in the atate. Besides, if they could not get so fine a Job done at home, would it nor tin better with our OrCMCIlt utate of finances, to take something a little plainer ami cheaper and save tbe additional expense to the dis trict. Of course we do not do litho graph work, neither do we charge lithograph prises. In nearly every issue the papers of this town are ex pected to say a good word for the City Schools, and this is the reward we get for it. Net a printer in town has been asked whether or not •they could do the job, neither have ttbey been asked to give prices on t*be work Tbe whole graduating exercise i» a Ifarce from beginning to end, and I* *o considered by tbe whole town. even a program has been given tbe local press for publication until yeste vday, md is expected by the ' management that wo shall go to ex tra troublewf making room, free of charge of eornrse, for its insertion. However \se print the programme on our lociil page, That is wc sup poseit Is the programme although it does not sa;r what it is for, tier when or where it is to take place. Ns body seems to know just when the show is to c< >me off. We say it is a farce because the principles of graduating exercises are not carried out. Nor does it seem to be tbe object of tho^e in charge to have them carried out. The rule requires that tbe pupils of -graduating classes shall study Latin ■fu at least two years. Every body ■ - 1 . » l l. .... >...nila Lu iro iwd Ailinn mat - — studied Latin half that length of time anti it is a faetthat some of the lower grade studies have, by some • of them at least, Imeo sadly ueglect ed. in order to give these pupils a meat smattering of Latin They have taken up several dillerenl vtud jea during tile term and dropped them again, and infact some studies that wixild have Iteeu far, far, more ini porteut to them than Latin. The contest but ween the newly elected village tumid slid the old village taiard at IdUhlieUI has loa n left, by agicement on tin- part of all « i necraed to his honor. Judge Sul livan It st ems that the obi tumid ft fu* 'd to call au clect|t>ii much against the willof the eltiaeus The latter, Itttwcver, wt-re detenwitied tit have au agpllaalh to Vole an I so demanded that the |edr« be ofa-n. The village eleth Mr Minshntl *tdl refused lo «lo so. Piwii'v cUalriMtii U .if seemingly ute-'ulv fate noie u>r .of the b«*a»d. s eiltg ‘hat the ivri would not do anything to the matter, nyieWett the |*J*a himself, and the voting cumMu-wfod afwmt two o cbw h fn tfte afternoon Tt»* cfa« turn i> ant ted tn n crushing detent >*< tlewU board Ail the members of the new iwtrl have •luaii* *tl bat the «M \ board refuses to ttirn over tbe vil lage records, Claiming that the elec tion was illegally held, in-aa much as the polls were not opened in the morning at the proper time, audio accordance with the statutory provisions. It takes a pop to get office in this country by representing one term only, and it also tukee a pop, when once installed, to bang on to an office like a blood sucker to a cat fislr. If some of those who are making such a roar against republicans be cause Hartley and Moore belong to that party would look a little closer to home they might Sn'd that the pops have not been wholly blameless in the matter The law requires that each State officer shall rnuke a semi annual report to the governor showing the amount of money in his hands. Why did not Holcomb en force the law and have the condition of affairs made known to him? Did he neglect his duty or wa* hs a party to the deal? South Omaha Hun. 10 very legislator implicated In stuffing the amendment ballot should 1)0 SCW, Ml llll! pcuiu uuui y. It docs not matter that the evil pur pose was not fully curried out. The wrong intent was fully shown and several thousand ballots fraudulent ly counted and It was only because of the mistaken impression that one ballot fraudulently changed from no to yes counted as two, the same as it would in ease of a candidate, that the felonious intent to overthrow the verdict of the people as register ed at the poles, was not fully carried out. Before the fraudulent recount ers and stutters discovered this mis take, most of the counties had been counted and it was too late to go back and revise the work. No state in the South ever perpetrated more brazeu fraud, ami ho ballot stutters ever more richly deserved a pljtce ju the penitentiary.—Grand Island Re publican. VV. A. Anderson writes the follow ing letter for publication. It ap peared last week in the Ord Quiz: The Agriculurai Department has offered to furnish anyone who will i plant it, sugar beet seed for experi mental purposes. It seems to me this is an oppoi tunity which should be taken advant age of by everyone interested in the future of our eouuty. The next five years will see a tremendous boom in the sugar beet industry and if we are alive to our interests as one should be a hundred or more experimental fields will be planted to sugar beets in this vicinity. A sample from each field will be sent to Linooln for analysis and a state report win oe mado'of the result of these aiialysis es aud to this report persons who are intending to erect factories will re fer as le where desirable places arc to locate the same. We cau raise as high a grade of beets us any place in the U. H., and now is your time to put it on record. Let everyone who has a square rod of ground send to I'rof. II. II. Nich olson, Lincoln, Nebraska, for a pack sge of seed and see what we cau show for inducing capital to come in aud build a factory here in the near future. I need not reiterate the LI vantage of such an enterprise I to Valley county, for anyone ku**w» ! the lusting out from one bandied to one bundled aud IflV thousand dot ) In* in a season will lie of licurlll tu i every msn, woman and cl*.id in our | call* v !■*«ml for see*I a! once amt from the JH,h l*» He in'll of VI *t Jton 1 d«lat hul send a |i • <t*l '«aid a«kl*>g *h.t Ities.ed tc "M ' f'w *n*i then give # little of sour •pate 11mo to rvftag f*o the '***is •luting ihe «*>a» >n |l seem* to mm that the lime lid j • ,■**' u**i we «houht make iht* * ifoit it we ever tt |u>* l a fa* i h lit*'*, ehn raise 1h Meet* will lin t i for feeding potp*-*#* Usct *sre worth ants than all the lamn in*» out I * * raising (him It a tee heel*' Raise 1 ie*ci« ' t«s*l lot seed now v\ \ \M*ra*ov I»r. Humphreys says as “77* is to Orlp, to is No. 10 to Dyspepsia. The direst dose relatives-its persistant use cures-S') per cent; at all druggists. Croup and whtooplng cough are child hood terrors: hut like pneumonia, bron chitis,and other throat and lung troubles can tie quickly cured by using One Min ute Cough Cure. Odendahl Bros. Unconditional surrender, Is the only terms tho*'« famous little pills known as DeWltt's Little Karly Riser* will make with constipation, sick headache and stomach troubles, —Odendahl Bros, It should be made a matter of public knowledge that DeWltt's Witch Hazel i.alve will specily cure piles of the long eat standing. It Is the household favor Ite for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises und sore* of all kinds,- Odendahl Bros, When a cold I* contracted, cure It at once. One Minute Cough Cure will set you on the road to recovery In a minute. It will cure your pneumonia, bronchitis, eroup und all forms of ling und throat troubles, Oddidahl Bros. Thirty days Is a long time to light, so painful a trouble ns piles, but Jacob Mitchell, of Unlouville, Pa , struggled that long before he tiled DeWltt's Witch Hazel Halve, which quickly and permanently cured him If. I* equally effective in Hczema and all skin afflict ion a,- Odendahl Bros, When thospring time conics,“gentle Annie,'’ JH w all other sanslhlo persons, will cleanse the liver and renovate the system with DeWltt's Kittle Karly Risers, famous little pills for the liver and stomach all the year round,—-Oden ilahl Bros. Not only acute lung troubles, which may prove fatal In a few day-, but old chronic cough and throat troubles may receive immediate relief and be per manently cured by One Minute Oough Cure, Odendahl Bros. We want one good man (having horse), as permanent superintendent for HhyrtBan ooUnty-, to attend to our bus iness" orl ralary. Mnrt rend along with application, trong letui- of recom mendation as to Imie ty, Integrity, and ability. Hi ale orchpulloo. Address P. U. IP < Kelt Fill.a.. i'a. To Omaha, Chicago and point* in Iowa anti Illinois, Mi* I nloii Paeille In connection with the < . iV V. IV. Ity. of fer* the bfst service and the fastest time Cali or write to me for time cards, rates etc. F, W, < USE. Agent, CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE NOTICE. Notice! is hereby given that by virtue of a dial let mortgage, dated October tin- Jnd lMk;, and duly tiled in tlio office of the coun ty clerk of rlnsrmaii county, Nebraska, on the »UUI' day, • aeciilud by Aligns! It oin Ducst to H. L. Holbrook to secure the |«ty rnent of I In- sum of * < rt y-Heven dollars and i wcnly-11 vc cents -1.gc,: and Interest at 10 per cent per annum on w blob there Is no w due the slim of **«.•», default having been made in the payment of said sum, and ud suit or oilier proceedings at law having been Instituted to collect lbe said debt, therefore I will sell the property therein described, to wit: One gray horse 4 years old, named Eller* weight tin* pounds, one sorrel horse i years old, weight about HfW pounds, with white strip m face, on the « j day of May, POT at So clock p. in; said sale to lake dlaee at southwest eoruer o! court boust square In Loup City, Nebraska. H I,. IkiLHUoOK. Ur.) h Puppi-eh. Agent. NOTICE or SALK UNDER C.IATTEL mortgage Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a mallei mortgage dated on the -Util day of August Pkl and duly tiled in the office of the county clerk of Sherman county xeb raeka on the iwth day ot August Isis; uud executed by August Blomquiet to the Mc Cormick Harvesting Machine company or Chicago llliuois [a corporation duly or fam/.ed under the laws of the state of 111 nolsj to secure the puyment of the sum of •lit. and u|sm which there is now due the sum of fgii.lo. Default having been made In the payment of said sum agd no suit orotber proceeding of law) having ts-eu liisUtuied to recover said debt | or any |iarl thereot therefore I Will sell Hie properly therein described viz line Iron ; gray horse 6 years old named Jim, one I white mare S veurs old, named Nell : one I yearling heller, color red, weight about MSI JOB, UJIM .H«l UIII11. a n,u>rtmut( «»■ clniie, sia ll. oul, right band anron e.cvator aaiiie aa purohassd ncuMin ISw;, at iwblic lui'i mu tn I runt of llte law oltics of T. S. Nlglltll.kalo tn Hie village ol I.uU|i I lly Sherman county Nebraska ou the Mb day ol June leu o'clock a. in. Haled April tilil INS'. MU.'ottNICK llAUVkSTINO M ACliINK COM - I'AKV by K. W. IlhoT/.. their Agent Notice of Timber Culture, f inal l'roof, I tilled State* Laud Olllce at Lin i coin, Nebraska, Apuil »7 Isu7.) Notice is hereby given that Joint N Fisher lias tiled notice of iutentitiB to make Huai proof before t'ouuty Judge, .Shunuau County, ai his oftlce ill Loup t .’ity Nelnaska. on Sadurtlay the 1J day of June, i*uL on tliubertiuitnre applies lion No. TiOJ. for the N K ouarier of section No, Jl, in Township No. PI X. Katige No. II >V ||, name* as wllnssHui John I’rm, John Jens, Herman Kieblg. and tinoge tv ate, Ol tamp, Nebraska, J Vs III..: ' V I. . Awarded highest honor*, World's Fair. BAWNfi POHMR MOST PI KPH T M U>B A fass L , j Cu n i I i.i IN*del, tmi a A aowuha. Atw * say »*>** I» A 4>VtAftS TH£ lUMMMfc T1 INKS. *• PHOP. or EXPRESS AN" GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. All Ki pre*« or Prolght order* promptly ittendod to rp M. NIGIITIV'>ALE, LAWYER* * Does a General Law and Collection Bosioess j A Notary Public, Mtenngraplier ami Typewriter In Office, ONK I> OK NOttril Ol I-1liHT HANK. | LOUP CITt. • * NKB■ ASIA. T—: ~ ■ * Eistii *i. fltturiiKy-at'Law, AND NOTIIY PUBLIC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases ALSO DO A GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. Office In HoiTiiwtiTIUonu dlnj mh t rrnr, . - i hkaska TJtKKS AND I’LANTW. A full !ln« Fruit True* of be r. varieties at hard linn price*. Small fruit* In largo sup ply Million* of Strawberry plant* very thrifty and well rooted. Oet the H'M near home and aye fright or ex pr< *. Send for price li*t to NOIITH BK.V1> MLTiSEItlKS, North Bend Dodge County Nebraska. STEAM PUMPS. IHOT t- 0 WO00 I Ki llpeBMd K»lrb*BX« Wc ___ _ _ _ rn'iis Towers. Tanks, Irrit tlor* O itflts. Hob-. H-ifii = |Ji I L (fcfg fjl V UrfntliTH.Hbellers. W<mmJ ? ■»> I fin I I a\ UfUe Points, Pine, | W p>f .1 ' KOOill find frtl*l»;iilk*» ... wt*u<l*r<l Prices OF ALL KINDS. low o<t tb<* best. Be^U for Catalogue. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., ^1102 Farnam St. Omatra, Neb. Strawberry Plants AND ALL KINDS • v \ If vou need anvthintr in the! fruit line come and inspect my stock before buying. ttOIJC BY F. F Ml reiver, LOUP OITT, l t nil ^WtfEBROy^ MONUMENTS w ,J Mil l* MY r II WATKISliO* TIMK TAHI-K. LOUP CITY, NKBR. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis, sun Francisco, anil all points and all points Last and South. West Tit A INS I.KAVR As I OI.I.OWSi No r>4 Accni., dally except Sunday for all points .1 '.ID a in No K». Accni. dally, except Sunday (or Arcadia. (S:50 p m Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars 'seats free) on through trains. Tickets •old and iiaggage checked to any point In the United States or Canada. for Information, maps, time tattles and ilckels call on or write to A K. Worts Agent, or J. Kit ANUIs, Oen'I. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. UAII.WAY Beginning Sunday. Novcrnlier 17th. trains will arrive and depart at this station as follows: Leaves Leaves Monday, 1 * ,,,, Tuesday, i ( Wednesday, fj-*’ Thursday. [ J; ' Friday, ) U Saturday ) “• Arrives at Loup City daily 6.16p.m. daily. Close connection at Grand Island for all point* K»*t and West. !• W. Clink. Agent Loup City Market Keporl Prices paid lor: Corn • 1:1 W neat.. .. .** Oat* .7 U ling* . .. Cow* and heller* . Lite r<t K.W Feeder*. ®-®U Butter, per pound .. ie Eggs, per do* rt I’KiCiONAL. -The gentleman who an noyed the I'ongregation la*t Sunday by contiuuali} coughing will Hud Instant ri lief by using One Minute Cough Cure, n speedy and harmless remedy for throat and lung troubles,—Odendabl Bros. HUMPHREYS’ No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 “ Infants’ Diseases. No. 4 “ Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 0 “ Headache. No. lO “ Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 “ Delayed Periods. No. 12 “ Leuchorrea. No. 1 3 Cures Croup. No. 14 “ Skin Diseases. No. 18 " Rheumatism. No, 16 “ Malaria. No. 19 “ Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 “ Asthma. No. 24 “ General Debility. No. 26 “ Sea-Sickness. No. 27 “ Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 “ Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. KTa O «< No. 77 “ Colds* and Grip. Dn. II' UwinETH' Homeopathic Manoai. or Dimeahkh Fhee. Hniall bottle* of pleasant pellet*, flt the Tent pm k. t. Hold by drti«Kl«t». <ir Hent. prepaid upon receipt of price, an cent*, except No* *H. and IU are made $1 DU *l»t only, Humphrey*' Mwll cine Company, 111 William ht„ New York. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL “THE PILE OINTMENT." gnUw-Ftt^mnl nr Intern*!, Mind nr Itomdlnfi win In Ano; Iti-hlii# <*r HleeMlii# of tho Rectum, relief U iiiitM4viUkUF- the euro certain. PRICE, 40 0T8. TRIAL 8IZjq,3?jgTl, fold t»jr l>ru««tiU, or Mr i oo r«< «lpi of prV*. hl nr it UK to* ann. MtlllAllS wuu«» •*., ||« TMf SsONK DIES Vo oris iltea of Pul monary iIi*cbsc, rim remit of cold, who take* “77”ln time. For sale by all drujf j(i*tH. 25 cents. HAIL! HAIL! THE ST- PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. F. E. BREWER. Agent. This company has been engaged in the Hail business for the past thirteen years. Within the last eleven years it has paid for loesea by Hail the sum of $341,916.47. This large sum of money ha# been paid without a single law suit, and to the satisfaction of the claimants. The Hail policy issued is the fairest and moat equitable ever issued by any insurance company. It carefully protects tbe interest of the iusurud and provides a just method for arriving at the amount of the loss in case the crop should be injured by hail. This is the only Stock Fire Insurance Company in the United Stales engaged in the Hail business. It has ample assets to cover all lia bilities, as you will see by the statament herewith. It pays its losses promptly and honestly. Out of the many recommendations furnished the company we publish a few in order that our customers may have evidenee of tbe Com pany 8 standing ia comunities where it has done business in the past. We solicit your business for the year 1897. 1 am also agent for the Home Fire insurants Company of Oma ha, Nebraska. noctor Henderson 102 ft 104 V. 9th St., KANSAS CITY, «0. tw a. c'-- •» <<*•,••• ®* «U4>«< •* OVER »7 YEARS OI SPECIAL PRACTICE. A ih.K.M.1 I , Ui* i m C**0A<C •mi Oi » . - ■>.«, n Ik.iM All a4 «i«.a - S.>. .’U| juIchivk. I* >i -V . Ml •AUl.o.v IftMtaal kf Mil • I 4«,'* ||4’4»41* i-« **<■ > &*« fe«M «M« aHMMt UK, ,<»<»!*«• kl. <>.4, A' MW.. t«(H A. ! *mi » * *• • i«*»» «*• (iuu M.iA It* •.« lltlt* *- ' '* !'• *--« 1 1 .Ml1--« Seminal Wcaknv xsA Sexual Debility, W #<*J :? ,V4 . - '■ t ■ , , , litfe-uh. «| 1 it . !»• | - ■ - - 1 A .4 -I A-/ Ufc | .* »! ,«»)■- «*»'i 4-4*4-* --- --- •*M#4«*4i • Hli -M«V. 44 * |n»S4***.., <••**!- ,«-!♦■» few •4*4*tM4, Xl llllilii l »ll 1,4*4 *4*4, lit *.{ C, I 11 *4 4 |h I **W »« «4 j »liA 9\ pniUA, u., 4*..»4 i.•*, ..44.4 “*riv»urv »*. l’Kt<k Aw** ***, Iw *» «♦>■**»*%*.« *1-4 a t *4 Ymwm *4 h «*(• uu>»*«< ' •*.»<( *■« w*a #• <»%*»•' • Hit'k !*,-»», Wo* b fcta, * t* K « # • I W|M*«allktii* 4i «»»*»'«, |b* «•.. • u4 j . mo **1*U4 id |N>M» •»•*-.*** »■«*•» S« ! k* *4 Ikb*t tib* »** •*. i ( Rheu m«tUm £: 1 uu 4 t ~ • •»•<**) w f to I jm mm♦*« • I nt 4n*> »*>•• ■» I ■ t»i«( »«4 Man »■ ■ •>*•»* ** »>**•*»» » ttal« pHMJlMgMM § - . , M .1 «*(•« ■■■■■K If nv museum of \u.ili tv iMliifliM V 44 ®n »•*»• v • ' * # ••' »*#»* (4 fc*«4 #i4i I +444 f** 04*1 W** 44m# !•## f HMmI • 4