The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 16, 1897, Image 4

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    1A Tale of £
• j Three Lions £
CHAPTER X_{CotmvoMtt.)
"At last the crisis came. One Satur
day I had paid the men as usual, and
bought a muld of .nealle meal at sixty
shillings for them to All themselves
with, and then I went with my boy
Harry and sat on the edge of the
thundering great hole that we had dug
In the hill-side, and which we had In
bitter mockery named Eldorado. There
we sat In the moonlight with our feet
hanging over the edge of the claim, and
were melancholy enough for anything.
X’resently I pulled out my purse and
emptied Its contents Into my hand.
There was a half sovereign, two florins,
nine pence In silver, no coppers, for
copper practically does not circulate In
South Africa, which Is one of the
things that makes living so dear there,
In all exactly fourteen and nine pence.
“ ‘There, Harry, my boy!’ I said,
that Is the sum-total of our worldly
wealth; the infernal hale has swallow
ed all the rest.’
“ ’Gracious!’ said Master Harry. '1
say, you and I shall have to let our
selves out to work with the Kafirs and
live on mealle pap ‘ and he giggled at
hla unpleasant little joke.
"But I was In no mood for joking,
Mil U IB IIUI U lilt'll/ tUIU£ IV 'lift HR*
mad for months and he completely
ruined In the process, especially If
you happen to bate digging like poison,
and consequently I resented Harry's
‘“Shut up!' I said, raining my hand
as though to give him a cuff, with the
result that the half sovereign slipped
out of It and fell In the gulf below.
" 'Oh, confound It all,’ said I, ‘it's
‘“There, dad,’ said Harry; 'that's
what comes of letting your angry pas
sions rise; now we are down to four
and nine.’
"I made no answer to these words
of wisdom, but scrambled down the
steep sides of the claim followed by
Harry, to hunt for my little all. Well,
we hunted and hunted, but the moon
light is an uncertain thing to look for
half sovereigns by, and there was some
loose soli about, for the Kafirs had
knocked off working at the very spot
a couple of hours before. I took a
pick and raked away the clods of
■ artb with it. In the hope of finding
the coin; hut all In vain. At last in
sheer annoyance I struck the sharp end
of the plck-ax down into the soil,
which was of a very hard nature. To
my astonishment It sunk In right up
to the haft.
" 'Why, Harry,’ I said, 'this ground
must have been disturbed!'
“ ‘I don’t think so, father,’ be
answered, ‘but we will soon see,’ and
he began to shovel out the soli with
his hands. ’Oh,’ he said, presently, 'it’s
only some old stones; the pick has
gone down between them, look;’ and
he began to pull at one of the stones.
“ ‘I say, dad,’ he said, presently, al
most in a whisper, ‘it's precious heavy,
feel it,’ and he rose and gave me a
round brownish lump about the size of
a very large apple, which he was hold
' ing in both his hands. 1 took it curious
ly and held it up to the light. It was
precious heavy. The moonlight fell
upon its rough and dirt-lncrusted sur
face, anil as I looked curious little
thrills of excitement began to pass
through me. But I could not be sure,
f “ ’Give me your knife, Harry,’ I said.
“He did so, and resting the brown
done on my knee I scratched at its
suriace. ureai neavens, it was sou:
"Another Hecret and the secret was
out; we had found a great nugget of
pure gold, four pounds of It or more.
•It's gold, lad,' I said, ‘It's gold, or I'm
a Dutchman.’
"Marry, with his eyes starting out of
his head, glared down at the long
gleaming yellow scratch that I had
made upon the virgin metal, and then
hurst out into yell upon yell of ex
ultation, that went ringing away
across the siU-nt claims like the shrieks
of somebody being murdered.
” ’Shut up. shut up!’ I said, ’do you
want every thief on the fields after
"Scarcely were the words out of my
mouth when I heard a stealthy foot
step approaching. I promptly put the
htg nugget down and aat un It, as
though It had been an egg and un
commonly hard It was. and as I did
so I saw a lean dark fare poked over
•he edge of the claim and a pair of
Wady eyes searching ua out. 1 knew
ike tare. II belonged to n man of very
bad character known as Handspike
Turn, having I under stood been so
ii itue-1 at the lnanu-ad fields be- au>*
he had murdered bis mala with a hand
spike, fin was now no doubt prowling
whom ithe n human byenn to see e hat
he i-outd Meal
la that fes, water Muster main*'
he soya
*’T*a. that s me Mr Tom.’ I
rasweted, politely
’’And wbnt might all that there
veiling tm?’ he ashed t was walking
e eng a-taking of the evening giv ai d
a-tbinsing a boo* mv ewoi nbea 1 "ewre
•tel after awl *
to*li Mr. fsw | answered, ’that
to new tn be wondered at seeing th*t
Ithe ywurwtf they are iskisimI bird*
** * ttw| after wwl.' he repeated, stem
tv taking no untie nf mv isloytyi*
tie* and I stops and amwvke «a» lips
and *#*«. Chat a murder and I He
lena agin and thinks Mu. it am t that
wwl to the wwl wt hwihwMwtton a»m«
vtkde WMi 4H«| III# tUlH # I
)r*)|rr | H 4R I § *«»*
.g Hg '«» \ m Uk* « h fetfe* lil MMM*
Mow,' 1mm «r M» •. u.a-1 » I i igfci *
fan nugget- t»h i.oi ’ and h« »«nu>k .
ed his lips audibly—‘great big yellow
boys—la It them that you have Just
been and tumbled across?’
“'No,' I said boldly, it isn’t’—the
cruel gleam in his black eyes altogether
overcoming my aversion to the lie, for
I knew that if once he found out what
It was that 1 was sitting on- and by
the way I have heard of rolling In gold
being spoken of as a pleasant process,
but I certainly do not recommend any
body who values comfort to try silting
on It—I should run a very good chance
of being handsplked before Ihe night
was over.
"’If you want to know what it was,
Mr. Tom.' 1 went on with my politest
air, although In agony from Ihe nug
get underneath, for 1 hold It always
best to be polite to a man who Is so
handy with a handspike, iny hoy and I
have had a slight difference of opinion,
and I was enforcing my view of the
matter upon him; that’s all, Mr. Tom.'
” 'Yes, Mr. Tom,’ put In Harry, begin
ning to snivel.
“'Well, all 1 can say Is that a play
ed-out old claim Is a wonderful queer
sort of a place to come for to arglfy at
ten o'clock of night, and what's more,
my sweet youth, If ever I should 'ave
the arglfyIng of yer' and he leered
unpleasantly at Harry 'yer won’t ’oi
ler in quite such a Jolly sort o' way.
And now I'll be saying good-night, for
I don’t like disturbing of a family
party. No, 1 ain't that sort of man. 1
ain’t, flood-night to yer, ’tinier Qua
termain - good-night to yer, my argl
fled young one;' and Mr. Tom turned
away disappointed and prowled ofT
elsewhere, like a human Jackal, to see
what he could thieve or kill.
'“Thank heaven!’ 1 said, as I slipped
off the lump of gold which had left a
dent upon my person that did not wear
out for a week or more. 'Now then.
Just you slip up, Harry, and see If that
consummate villain has gone.’ Harry
did so, and reported that he had van
Ifihed toward Pilgrims’ Rest, and then
we set to work, and very carefully, but
uemunrig wiin pjaifm'iu, »nu mi
hands hollowed out all the space of I
ground Into which I had struck the
pick. Yes, as I thought, there was a
regular nest of nuggets, twelve in all,
running from the size of a hazel nut
to that of a hen's egg, though of course
the first one was much larger than that.
How they all came there nobody ran
say; It was one of those extraordinary
freaks, with stories of which at any
rate, all people acquainted with al
luvial gold-mining will be familiar. It
turned out afterward that the Yankee
who sold me the claim had In the same
way made his pile a much larger one
than ours, by the way-out of a single >
pocket, and then worked for six months
without seeing color, after which he
gave it up.
“At any rate, there the nuggets were,
to the value as it turned out afterwards,
of about twelve hundred and fifty
pounds, so that after all I took out of
that hole four hundred and fifty pounds
more than I put Into it. We got them
all out and wrapped them up In a hand
kerchief. and then fearing to carry
home so much treasure, especially as
we knew that -Mr. Handspike Tom was
on the prowl, made up our minds to
pass the night where we were a neces
sity which, disagreeable as It was, was
wonderfully sweetened by the presence
of that handkerchief full of virgin gold,
which represented the fnterest of my
lost half sovereign.
“Slowly the night wore away, for
with the fear of Handspike Tom before
my eyes 1 did not care to go to sleep,
and at last the dawn came, blushing
like a bride, down the somber ways of
night. 1 got up and watched its perfect
growth, till it opened like a vast celes
tial flower upon the eastern sky, and
the sunbeams began to spring in splen
dor from mountain-top to mountain
top. I watched it, and as 1 did so it
flashed upon me with a complete con
viction tbHt 1 had not felt before, that
I had had enough gold-mining to last
me the rest of my natural life, and I then
and there made up my mind to clear
out of Pilgrims’ Rest and go and shoot
buffalo toward Deluge Hay. Then I
turned, took the pick and shovel, and
although It was a Sunday morning,
woke up Harry and set to work to see
If there were any more nuggets hsnily.
As I expected, there were none. What
we had got bud lain together In a little
pocket filled with soil that felt quite
different from the stiff stuff round and
outatde the pocket. There was not a
trace of gold. Of course. It la possible
that there were other pockets full
somewhere about, but all I have to say
Is i made up my tulnd that, whoever
found them I should not: and, as a
matter of tael, I have since beard that
ibst claim Has been the ruin of two j
or three people, as it was very neatly j
lit. ru'n of me
**‘Harry, I said presently, I am go
tng away this week toward* tie logo to
•boot buffalo Shall I take you with
me or send you down >e Durban?'
(Mi take me ^tlh f«H, dad beg
getl Harr* I Waul tu kill a buff.*
" And supposing ik* boffaht kill*
««w instead* | asksd
Oh he * *« rnm.i M >a*» g. • <
'tbsre ate iwta more okere I cam*
I rebuked him for his Dippon . k-»>. j
tn Ike . ad | i unseated lo take h't.t ”
fit At* I KM (I
donteihiog over a foriaigkl kid *
tutted store ike nlgkl when I kwt half j
a so*• ivigit and found twelve hundred t
sod fifty pound* In l**kt*i for it. and ,
Instead of ihat horrid hole tor skkk |
after AM IHdniado woo scarcely a mt*- i
earner a very different * *se iimtk I;
aoay before no * tod in 1 he etfver trks I
of ike mnonllgkl W* w-»»*.su*p t
llstey and I, in* koine o ff.srtrk art, I
ood Sts osen I* ik* sw*ll*hf eld* d a j
great wars of kaok * tad land Just I
wk* >w no had orb our > «tn<p. how- j
e*#f Iko knob wos very •!•*•«, sod I
only fir** about in vtnmiw, s kite were ,
and there were single flat-topped mim
osa trees. To our right a little stream,
which had cut a deep channel (or Itself
in the bosom of the slope, flowed mu
sically on between banks green with
the maiden hair, wild asparagus, and
many beautiful grasses. The bed-rock
here was red granite, and in the course
of many centuries of patient washing
the water had hollowed out some of
the huge slabs In its path into great
troughs and cups, and these we used
for haihlng-places. No Roman lady,
with h'T baths of porphyry or alabas
ter, could have had a morn delicious
spot to lave herself than we had within
lifiy yards of our skerm or rough In
clnsure of mimosa thorn that we had
dragged together round the cart to pro
tect us from Hie attacks of lions, of
which there were several about, as I
knew from their spoor, though we had
neither heard nor seen them.
"It was a little nook where the eddy
of the stieaiu had washed away a mass
of soil, and on the edge of it there
grew a most beautiful old mimosa
thorn. Beneath the thorn was a large
smooth slab of granite fringed all
with maiden-hair, and other ferns, that
sloped gently down to a pool of the
clearest sparkling water, which lay In
a howl of granite about ten feet wide
by five deep In the center. Here to
this slab we went every morning to
bathe, and that, delightful hath is
among the most pleasant of my hunt
ing reminiscences, as It Is also for rea
sons that will presently appear, among
the most painful.
“It was a lovely night, and Harry
*nd I sat there to the windward of the
(Ire, at which the two Kafirs were
busily employed In cooking some ini
paia steaks olf a buck which Harry,
to his great Joy, had shot that morn
ing. and were us perfectly contented
»irn ourselves and the world at. large
is two people could possibly be. The
night was beautiful, and It would rc
lulre somebody with more words on
!he lip of his tongue than I have to
leecribe the chastened majesty of the
moonlit wilds. Away forever and for
ter, away to the mysterious north,1
■oiled the great bush ocean over which
he silence hung like a heavy cloud,
riiere beneath us a mile or more to
he right rolled the wild Oliphant
■Iver, and mlrror-like flashed back the
moon, whose silver spears were shiver
'd on Its breast, and then tossed in
twisted lines of light far and wide
about the mountains and the plain.
Down upon its banks grew great lim
ner-trees that through the stilly silence
pointed solemnly to heaven, and the
neauty of the night lay upon them like
i dream. Everywhere was silence— si
ence In the starred depths, silence in
lie fair bosom of the sleeping earth.
Vow, if ever, great thoughts might rise
u a man's mind, and for a space he
might lose his littleness in the sense
hat he partook of the pure immensity
ibout him. Almost might he hear the
(hoes of angelic voices, as the spirits
poised on bent and rushing pinions
•wept onwards from universe to uni
verse; and distinguished the white fln
;ers of the wind playing In the tressei:
if the trees.
"Hark! what was that?
"From far away down the river
Ihere comes a mighty rolling sound,
then another, and another. It Is the
ion seeking his meat.
"I saw Harry shiver and turn a little
jale. He was a plucky boy enough, but
the roar of a lion for the first time in
the solemn bush veldt at night is ap:
:o shake the nerves of any lad.
L'nearlheil l.y » I'urly ..f Soltllm In
After Italy and Provence there is no
lountry where Rome has left more
monuments in every state of preserva
ion of decay than in Tunis, says the
Loudon Daily News. The largest
Roman circus after the Coliseum is
Rl-I>Jem, Arles ranking next and Nimes
omlng fourth. At a recent sitting of
the Academy of Inscriptions In Baris
M. Bolster, our correspondent says,
gave an account of a remarkable
Itomau discovery at Susa, in Tunis.
The French, who, unlike the English
In Egypt, have settled down in Tunis
for good, have got a camp at that sea
port which is "a mine of mosaics,'’
where fresh discoveries are made every
year. The other day a party of soldiers
digging foundations unearthed a mo
rale with three human figure* In a per
feet slate nf preservation, covered with
only a few inches of soil. It Is only
three sUd one-half feet *<|iuire, hut the
subject. "Virgil Writing the Aeneid.”
will interest ail There Is a from view
of the poet loosely draped in the fold*
nf a white toga with a blue fringe. *|t<
ling with hte feet in sandals reeling on
a step lie holds on his knees a
papyrus roll on wtvi-h is wfritleu in
cursive letter* one of the varsaa of his
I«h in With hi* right hand on his
l read the foteBugvr pointing upward,
hi* ton! erert in an inspired altitude
bu l»»!en* Is fils and Melpomene, who
•illi ig b* Intel dMale his canine
V iim*i Maurtiu
lint ate rtiml things in th.» i
hunk wj inie* that I think are pirtks I
tarty good »atd the jsung writer. \ .
de.i m* Senkt " replied tk> ana* of
tnu*y *%e*it*n«»* lltvs jw tslns
ltd )t to a poklieker "Mot y« |
• awed to get twwr triikl ' dr tag 1
did advice’ Certainly Wei) If I
*etw m rw«r pia e I'd go through 'ho
knut and pteg nut »ha I coward*ted
th< p>> •■.*>•* nf wtr>kMtg |%*eli»„
t«*’ t»i thru* fgew a*4>
Watkin* i■••n tttar
•me ■ - ««•
1mm eiiwt
An - gt ha<>a* amseuntea on the d«a,h
nf a lady that 'she lived llty |es<*
with h*r hushwnd and died in raslaip
he, * of a fcettf s»f* * Y>*a* Ntfter
A lliDirrat Showing It* Kate* of Duty
I oiupnrnit with Timor* I’mlrr th* Mc
Kinley anil tYI loon* Ample Pro
tection fnr the Parmer.
(Washington Correspondence )
Tlhe following statement shows the
rates of duty imposed by the new tariff
bill Just Introduced In the house of
representatives, upon articles In which
the farmers are especially Interested.
I his relates both to the articles which
they produce and which they want
thoroughly protected and also to the
articles which they use in considerable
quantities and regarding which they
are equally Interested as to the rates
of duty fixed by the new bill.
I he Republicans In the house of rep
representatlves have broken the record
In the matter of promptness touching
the new tariff bill. Congress met in
special session ten days ufter Presi
dent McKinley was inaugurated and
within three hours the house had or
ganized by the election of officers;
rules had been adopted; the ways and
means committee had been appointed,
the tariff bill had been presented In
complete form and had been regularly
referred to Its proper committee with
the understanding that It would be re
ported (jack to the house before the
end of the week and passed that Imdy
within a fortnight.
The provisions of the new bill are
extremely satisfactory to members of
congress representing the agricultural
districts and agricultural interests. All
of them who have had an opportunity
to examine It speak In the highest
terms In regard to It. No man In con
gress is better able to Judge of the bill
and of Its prospective work than Gen
eral Grosvenor, of Ohio, who, as a
member of the committee, has studied
every article and Item carefully,
guarded the interests of the farmers
closely and consulted with the farmers
of his agricultural districts regarding
the important features of the bill
which affected not only their own in
terests but those of farmers generally.
Speaking of this feature of the bill he
“The farmer will find; first, general
protection of his product in the form
of tariff duties levide upon articles of
importation of every character such as
he produces in the United States. Thus,
the development of the sheep industry
we have taken up and resumed at the
point where the Wilson bill destroyed
it, with the hope; first, of a profitable
industry directly, and second with the
hope of diverting a vast amount of
agricultural lands of the middle west
the west and the northwest from the
productions of agricultural grains, veg
etables and fruits, to the production of
sheep, and secondly in the same direc
tions stands the protection to sugar.
So far as the wool features of this bill
are concerned, the protection is very
much better for the sheep grower than
was the McKinley law because of one
great feature, the removal of the pos
sibility of fraud by the importation of
carpet wools, which at once, on their
release from the customs house, became
clothing wools.”
The following statement, gives In the
first column the rates of duty pro
posed by the new bill; in the second
column, the rates showing the present
Wilson tariff law. and in the third col
umn those of the McKinley law. It will
be seen that in almost every case the
rates are much more advantageous to
the farmers than those of the present
law and in many cares superior to
those 4)1 the McKinley law. This is
especially true with reference to wool,
the explanation of which is found in
the remarks of Ueneral (Jrosvenor
quoted almve. These should be ex
amined carefully. HU statement upon
that subject is important because with
out It the reader not skilled in the de
tail of the tariff ma>ter would not un
drstaud the advantages given to the
farmer by that feature of the bill
which prohibits the classification of
coarse clothing wools under tile carpet
wool schedule, by which under the Mc
Kinley law enormous quantities of
wool mod in clothing came Into the
country at very low rate*. It was
this feature of the wool schedule
of the McKinley law which proved
dumaaiiiK to the who! orislm-ina
intern*!* of thr I'd I t*<l Kitties. but
Ihe way* and mean* lunmillN
h»» taken advantagi of the ex
perienie thu* gained to make their
eluMuncation am h that ihi* will be pre
vented in the future. Thu*, while the
tar Iff rates <>u wool under the proposed
bill appear the same to the ouprat tired
e)t as th<we of Ihe M> Kmley law. they
an very mwh mote favorable to the
wi»d iimlu ei mi tiiuib a that no
doubt la entertained of Ihe pruepetliy
of the wool ptotliuots a* well aa of
the fainter* generally under the new
Mil when It boom** a law and ha* hail
time lo ad prat Itself to londlltuui
The .ate- named by the new Util
.<>m pared with Ihnaa o' the Wit>«n and
Uikinbv law* upon artkU* a whuh
the i*i*»t* are :tu<i«#ti| *•« a* fol
Mdnl Hi*.-** »*# <
Ifc* « »f
t«*f * H|l
4c* t !/»*» ||»
ll M p tf | W
i |Mr* frtm III *M
to*- 1*4# I# 4
»** . h p p*t m
% %»H ** %»%»*** 4
*• < ifct *tt HP
bff h*t4 Hlfc # ,
H « . ii so I* r , ith
It »• 9 • t • • Htl
, »t kaltf * h IK'i |
. ' it*. m
l et hi* i tm , „„
v «tM«*1 at eve*
«►** . *»■
t i Mn* e<»4
*1 ' *
It no valued at
lit* * I ecer
»fc*it ea< a 4*»
t d »► *
Sheep, one year
old or over. *1.50 20 p. c. *1.50
1-ess than one
year old :. 75c, p. p. 75c.
Other live ani
mal*. not spe
cially provided
„fo' . 20 p. c. 20 p. C. 20 I*. <>.
Barley, per bu.... 30c. to p. c. 30c.
Barley malt, per
bu, . 45o. 40 p. c. 45c.
Barley, pearled.
patent or hulled 2c. lb. 4o p. c. 2c.
Buckwheat 15c. bu. 15 p. c. 15c.
lorn or maize. , u,c. bu. 15 p. c. 15c.
j (ornmeal 20c. bu. 15 p. c. 20c.
i Macaroni, verml
1 vein and similar
preparations ... 2c. lb* 20 p. c. 2c.
t>« t h . 16c. hit? 15 p.c. 15c.
Oat m ♦* a I and
i rolled oal*. lc. lb. 15 p. c. lc.
Oat hulls, per 100
pound* . Me. 20 p.c. 20 p.c.
Rice, cleaned. 2c. lb. l<*c. !c.
Hire, uiH'Ifaned,
or rict free
from the outer
hull . H«c. lb. 8-10c. Hie.
Hire Hour an<l
rice meal, and
r I c e, broken,
which will pass
through a No. 12
wire Steve. %C. lb. tic. tic.
Paddy, or rlre
having the out
er hull on. tic. |b. *ic. %c.
Bye . 10c. bu. 16 p.c. 10c.
Bye Hour. tic. lb. 15 p. c. 4c.
j Wheat . 26c. bu. 15 p. c. 25c.
i Wheat Hour. 25 |>. c. 15 p. c. 25 p. c.
Tapioca, cassava,
or cassada, fa
rlnu. and sago.
In Hake, pearl
or Hour. iy |h. Free. Free.
! Arrow root Hour 3c. lb. 20 p. o. 20 p. c.
i Butter and siili
! atltules fherefor He. lb. 4c. 6c
I Cheese . tic, lb. 4c. 6c.
I Fresh mil)t. 2c. gal Free. sc.
Alllk, preserved or
i condensed or
sterilized. In
cluding Weight
of package. 2c, lb. 2c. 3c.
Sugar of milk , 5c. lit. 5c. 6c.
Beans . 50c. bu. 20 p. c. 40c. bu.
Beans, peas and
mushrooms, pre
pared. or pre
served. In tins, • • ,
Jars, bottles or
otherwise, 1
weight of pack
! »gc Includ'd ... 2t4c. lb.
& 15 p. c. 30 P- C. 40 p. c.
i Other prepared
I vegetable*. In
! eluding pickle*
and sauces, not
! specially pro
vided for. 40 p. c. 30 p. c. 40 p. c.
j Fish paste or
; sauce . 40 p. c. 20 p. c. 30 n. c,
| Cabbages, each. . 3c. Free. Free.
J Cider . 5c. gal. Free. 5c.
i Kggs . 5c. do*. 3c. 5c.
Kgg yolk. 26 p. c. 3c. doz. 25 p. c. ,
Hay . $4 Ion *2 *1
Honey . 20c.. gal. 10c. 20c.
< Hops . 15c. lb. *c. 15c.
Onions . 40c. bu. 20c. 40c.
Hat lie . Ic. Ih. 7 p. c. 10 p. c.
Peas, green.. 40c. bu. Free. 40c.
f'eus, dried. 50c. 20c. 20c.
Pens, split. 60c. 50c. 50c.
Peas In cartons,
paper, or other
small package*, lc. lb. lc. lc.
Plants, trees,
shrubs, vine*,
bulb* and root*
of all kind*, not
specially pro
vided for. 30 p. c. Free. 20 p. c.
Potatoes. 28c. bu. 10c. 25c.
Castor beans or
seed* . 25c. bu. 25c. 60c.
Flaxseed or lin
seed arid other
i oil seed* not
i specially pro
e video for... wu, we. <*» .
lint no drawback
i Hliall he allowed
on all oil cake ,
, made from im
ported seed, nor
1 shall any allow
I a nee he made
for dirt or other
Impurities in
Seeds of all kinds
not specially
provided for.. . 40 p. 10 p. c. 20 p. c.
Straw . 11.50 Ion 15 p. c. 30 p. c.
Teazles . 30 p. c. IS p. c. 30 p. e.
Vegetables In nat
ural state not
spei tally pro
vided for . 25 p. c. 10 p. c. 10 p. e.
Apples, green or
ripe . 25c bu. 20 p. c. 15c bu.
Apples. dried,
desiccated, eva
porated or pre
pared in any
mariner, not
specially pro
vided for. 2c. lb. 20 p. e. 2c.
Peaches anil other
eatable fruits.
Including ber
ries, when dried,
etc . 2c lb. 20 p. c. 20 p. c.
Fruits preserved
in their own
Juices . 35 p. c. 20 p. c. 30 p. c.
Comfits. sweet
meat s and
fruits preserved
in sugar or mo
lasses. or in
spirits contain
ing not over 5
per cent of alco
hol. and not
specialty pro
vided for. and
jellies of all
kinds . 35 p. e. 30 p. c. 3.. p. c.
F I g s. P 1 u m s.
prunes, raisins
and other dried
grapes 2*ic lb. I've. 2'jc.
/aide anil other
currants ... H*c. lb. V'jo. Free.
Olives, green or
prepared. in
bottles, Jars or
similar pack
ages . 2..c gal. 20 p. e. V ret
In casks or oth
erwise . 15c. gal. 2111». r. Free.
elrape* . 1C. lb. 2*1 I*, i*. 00c. bid.
I’cache s ... lb. 10 p. c. 10 p. <•
oranges, lemons,
limes. grape
fruit rtluultltM ft*
or gomeloa *fc*' • ••• •■•>
In aihlltlon (here
to upon the
I *>*•** barrel*
or other art tele*
.obtaining the
ruregolng let p e.
mange*, lemon*,
ami time*, in
(MM-kagen ... g- eu. ft.
orange*. lemon*.
■ut.I llnte* in
tiulk. per thou
MIW ... *1 Jo
In arltliOon. u|wn
the boat* or
liarrrl* . *' P. «,
• •range*, lemon*,
•ml lime* in
m*> kagea of < •
pa. lit of It* • w
Ote fret CM lean.
get lat'kagt IV
In taokage*
I retting IV, I It
lit.' feel a cel nut
• ," k 3 '
In mo fcagee
• »IWM N *o
hh feel for
**« It oUHOmiI
; iik' fuel w
Itinlka .... tv
In hoik gen thou
**>«i II m
In mglitnan van
■ he lenv ei
imrvoV .., kf <
• •>*••«» gnet •*•! {
!• nroti geel. ('«»•.
**»«*4 • at 'fse.l Jr ;k ** * « > I
• '••on tin
|wel I <*e tie)
u* «an4V4 > l<* g g *, g* «, |
»'n.*aggn>a > Hr • k v fc\«*.
llwnalv Mil
•Iwthal V V J» V '
• "leaf .MU , . .• lb fc IW
riikin *«<i **i
r-ota «f all kmift* Nr to la. »
I tlMIr 40) W'
nak*. •*•*■*• V lb V. g I
l'»nn«l« «M *{«M**4
Man*. mmUm »g #r t fc
I'»*"*•• ngehe-l IV tfc gr ,, o K. I
v ala naetu i an
ear b» taut, *«•
•ge.'Mw* !•» _ I
WM mf fb rn g- a, §.
I tar uo ami • *•*»• * It Kg i m
•Manage* >■• al* . _ |
V lb tag % «»*
lnt«f. guii»a atol 1
m»»b . „ bb in im i
mu «t
or prosetverf.
not specially „ _ _ — _ -
provided for 20 p. C. 30 P- ®- " **•
Extract of meal.
not specially „ _ _ ok n c_
provided for ... 35c. lb. 30 p. a 28 P. C.
Fluid extract of __ „ «. „ P
meat . 15c lb. *P. C. ®P-C
Laid . 3c. lb JOP. C.
Foil I try live .... 3c. lb. 2o- gv
Dressed . 3c. Ih. 8®
Tallow . Ic. lb. Free. *•
Wool grease, In
cIuiIIpk fcgra*.
or brown wool _
grease . V lb. Free. z*0.
Chicory root, un- _
ground . Ic lb. Free. Free
Chicory root,
burn! or roast
ed, ground or
otherwise pre
pared not spe
cially provided .
for . 3c. lb. 2c. ■ ».
Chocolate and co
coa, prepared or
m a n ufactured,
valued at not
aliove . 1'jc Ih.
* 12c. lb. *10 p. c. .... ••••
Valued a have 12c
ih . 8c. lb. .... ••••
And not above
36c lb . * 20 p. .. ••••
Valued above 36c lb 30 p. C. •••• ••••
Cocoa, prepared
or manufac
tured. not spe
cially provided
for. .... 3# lb. 2o.
Chocolate, valued
al 26c. lb. or _
less . .... 2c, lb. 2c.
Valued al exceed- _ ..
Ing 36c lb. 33 p. e. 2*\ lb.
Cocoa butler or ...
cocoa butterlne. 6* . lb. 3'diC- ®’z*c
Dandelion root
a ml prepared
acorns, and oth
er article* used
as coffee, no'
specially pro
vided for . IV Ih. IV- JV~
Tbe provisions of
the McKinley
law remitting
the duty paid
oil salt used In
curing llsh on
vesst Is or on
l he shore* or
navigable wat
er* of the Cull
ed Wales, and
In packing
rru*HlM Im I'f'-Hi
Htanh. Including
all prepai alInn*
lit for use as .
starch . 2c lb l'ic. 2c.
Dextrine, burnt
starch, gum c
suliKl liutf. or
British gum... . l'.c Ih. l'ic. I'/ic
Mustard, ground
or prepared .... 10c Ih. i p. c. 10c.
<'H|islf-iim or ted
pepper, or cay- ...
enne pepper . 2'4e Ih. 2*iC. 2’4c.
Hage .....*. lc Ih. lc. fc.
fiweet rnajoram 3c. Ih. 3c. *c.
Hummer savory,
coriander seed
and thyme .... %r. lb. ..c. 4c.
Hplees not spe
cially provided
for . So Ih. 3c. 4c.
Vinegar, gal. . 7V .... —•
I'ustor oil . gal 3.<c. M>.
Podllver oil ... 13c gal »p. C. Ilf.
Cottonseed oil a*l (.ree, 10c
t 'rotor* nit . 2is* It*. I* ree. 3tX:
Flaxseed and lin
seed oil. raw,
Polled, or oxi
dized .32c gal. 200. .12c.
White lead, white
paint and while
pigment. con
taining lead . 2't' lb. l’ic. 3c.
Cement, lime and
plaster; Roman,
Portland and
other liy
draullc cement,
in Parrels, sacks
or other pack
a g e s, Includ
ing weight of
Parrel or pack- tic. per
age . PSJ lb. Sc. Sc.
7c. per
In hulk . 10" Ih 7c. 7c.
Other ccrnenl . 20 p. c. I)p t, 20 p. c.
I.lrne, Including
weight of Par- 3c per
r<d or package. 100 lb. 3c. tc..
Plaster of Pail*
or g y p s ii m.
ground or cal
tn«| . *1.50 ton *1.25 *1 75
Burr stones, man
ufactured o r
bound up into
mill stones ... 15 p. o, tree, 16 p. c.
Irlridstones. fin
ished or unfln
Ished . *1. is too 1" p. c. 11.75
Crosscut saws,
tier linear foot. v Cc. kc.
Mill saws, per
linear foot . 10c. 10c. 10 to 15c.
Axles or parts
thereof. axle •
ti a r s. axle
blanks or forg
ings for axles,
whether of iron
or steel, with
out reference to
th* stage or
state of manu
facture . l«4c lb V, lb. 2c. lb
Hubs for wheels,
post*, last
blocks. wagon
blocks, heading
bolt s. stave
li o I t », or
blocks, heading
blocks and all
like blocks or
stick*. rough
h* w ii or saw ed
only . 20 p. Frep. 20 p. r.
Bathe*, per thou
sand . 15c. Free. 15c.
4ugu)*, not above
p; Dutch stand
ant In color,
tank bottoms,
syrupa of cane
juice, inulcda.
concrete and
c o n c e nil an d
molasses. test
ing by the po
larmcope. not
atiove 75 degree* lc Ih, D j c. Free.
Be a f tobacco,
so! t a tile for ci
gar wrapper*,
and not stem
tiled .... *2 Ih. 1150 J!
If stemmed 12 P Ih. fc. 75 *2 V
Flax straw 1.1 ton Fine 15 ton
Klax, not hackled
or dressed lc lb Free. Jo. Ih.
Flax, buckled lb Free, 3c. lie
row of tlux, not
retied Ip- lb Free. V Ih.
I'ow of llax. ret
ltd V lb. Free, >jc lit.
Hemp li! ton Free 125 ion
row of be nip, not
carded lc lb. Free, V Ih.
row uf heiup.
carded IV Ih. Free V •»>
!•«*< Kl* «| IHM, I !*r IHMVM
I am t»f iuie l<- lb »p i . » i> i
4 l» I* .
HUKOik • lalrtgu** atik Iwlil*.
\ letter wrlttea from Berlin to a
•umlori i»ew»iM»i>*r ***» that Ur lleta*
*• h f'rtmljun* U abma to |iul*lt»t> a
Na>ll nil Thu lkiu««le for ifupremari
a fS-itnaai. I•*:>» im, m wki* ti hr
• III give a» at'«94nal of lafanaaiieu
r»*ra u» b> Briar* Hawaii » with
»*■*•» In Ik* *» rhaa-'altor • prapiM«)«
II A uali la la l**W, befur* Ike on I break
•I aar for a paninow of liarmam k»
w«*a Aaairta anl Hntaii \t bank
•**n »w «k#a arai* I 14 ike leeik,
1*1 »****14 k**e u*i««*r I ike*' will
I|»a fcmop* the protai**). It la eaW,
i*» k#a« win be* me U •until bate
at«*!***! ike poHltral tutauiliaaiina ef
k* IkiatiM huh la \aalrta Him* '
IMuwurvh aewi **«a I'irtker aw4 la
III a* a eor4» progum^ the I t*. tMaia
>»>♦ AaaUm ikuaiil awk* 4 WHal it
a*k mem >*»•»*• ana « tat mi ik*
«"**•*»* *1 Ala*** lawn* waa lo i*k*
M laaborg I'm.ia Mama Ik* tab a
alma beta* ik*l S*pmI*«m« roeb4 fu
‘••*kiaw km «•*•» ka*ia« mmn» *b»m*f
>»<•**» hi Ike UtlMII »rpeiiillon