The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 16, 1897, Image 2

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GKO- E. BIMCUOTKJI, Editor * rob.
f -
0round has been broken for a cream
ery at Schuyler.
Though the water was very high.
Wayne county escaped without losing
a bridge.
A resolution introduced in the house
to allow full time- to members until
final adjournment failed to pass.
At the recent session of the district
court of Jlrown county there was not
a single criminal case on the docket.
Kdward Clark, a Columbus boy, 31
years old, died last week in sou the it
California, where he had gone for hit
Senator Allen has introduced pen
sion hills for the relief of Alrnon
Stuart, Samuel MeConaughey and Win.
]I. Johnson.
Rev. W. I). MeCrcgor has been con
ducting a series of revival meetings at
Wood Itivcr, und has secured a good
many conversions.
The large confectionery and general
store belonging to J. W. Mus ic of Blair
was completely ruined by lire. The
loss is complete on stock.
The charge tiled ugainst Professor
Conners und one of his teachers at
Itoiul fitv tv li i ntkifi fi tin oil movt.
unmercifully wus dismissed.
Governor Holcomb lias offered a re
ward of $200 for the arrest and convic
tion of the murderer of David Junes,
killed March 12 in Gage county.
East week nearly four and a half
Inches of rain fell in the varinity of
North Eonp. Most of it soaked into
the ground and will be available for
future use.
A passenger train on the Scribner
branch of the Elkhorn was delayed
many hours by a landslide 000 feet
long, in tlie deep cut between Kewman
Grove and Kradish.
Mary Dvoraeek. the fifteen-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dvora
cek. a poor Bohcmiun family living in
Nt. 1’aul, shot and fatally wounded her
baby sister while playing with an old
The body of Harry Kavillc of Ran
dolph. drowned in the fork of the
Kikhorn, northwest of Magnet. March
11* last, was found on the 7th near
where the accident happened. The
body wus taken to Randolph for inter
It lias been so wet in the vicinity of
Gothenburg that most of the farmers
have lieen compelled to quit sowing
wheat. The acreage in small grain,
especially wheat, is still increasing,
and it will lie 30 per cent larger than
last year.
While Newton Chapman of Archer, a
young man of about 20, with two com
panions, was in a barn fooling with a
gun, it was accidentally discharged.
The load entered the hip joint, frac
turing the bone. Next morning the
patient died.
Beatrice, the 5-year-old daughter of
Eli Collette, of Superior, fell into a
wheat elevator at the mill. She was
instantly caught by the elevator belt.
Fortunately the licit was so loose it
slipped, but not before she was ser
iously injured.
Dave Zahl. who has been working
for August Kuun. a farmer four miles
north of Norfolk, und was brought to
town to Is: sent to his home at Bassett.
Just at the edge of town Dave, who
was being held on the seat by liis
brother, wus found to have died.
AtOrdthc ease of Manila E, Crow
vs. the Omaha and Republican Valley
railroad company, for 85.000 for the
killing of the husband of the plaintiff
about five years ago. was decided by
the jury giving the. plaintiff a verdict
for 85,000 after being out five hours.
By a vote of 10 to 1 school district
137, comprising the town of Havelock
and three sections of furm land, voted
to issue 85,000 1Kinds, running fifteen
years and bearing G per cent interest,
for the purpose of building an addition
to the present high school building.
A large acreage of alfalfa will Ik
planted in the Platte valley ueui
Ggalatla. This pluut is proving t
Ismaii/m to the raiser. It is the luosl
valuable forage plant which lias beer
pnslnccd and the seed when thresher
finds a ready market at 8.1 per bushel
A Palmyra man has discovered am
is practicing w ith great success a ru e
idun for gettimr rid of rats. ( ulotue
is uprcud ou infill ur meat in plucei
fn-iliwntcd by rat*. They |>urUtl«
freely of the drug. The next nigh
pan* of aour buttermilk are *uln.tilute*<
for the other stuff. The rat* like thii
iiikI drink it. with the reault that the;
a*hin liecomii salivated and Wing uu
able to eat, die shortly of starvation.
.Near Kluir, Hud. Hopkins t<s>k i
skid and ti*hfd out of tin* Missour
river a spun of mule* attached to i
wagon. The mules hud lawn lu tin
river several days, us they were Ih.ui
lug down with the harness and pullilti
the wagon The wagon and hunts*
are pretty g<**l. The mules were o
pood *i*e 1‘robahi v tiiey Must hav
pone under the iee at solus* point nort
and eonie to the top when the if
broke away.
A farmers institute was held n
Upalal a w hieh proved to In' a grea
suceesu ,i good uwiai farmers wer
In attendanee and an Interesting an
profitable (Hrogiinn was rendered. INi
of the siilijnts uioler discussion wa
the »|U»stioO id "i'ree hangs', mot
ftreat deal of inwirst was iiwxilestr
n the subject main’I la . auw of th
fees' range bill now pending In th
legislature at l.itn.dn \ftcr tbs' do
mas has a Mr was taken an I the vot
wan iiuaninsiassly in tutor of the pet <
tot taw as against free range.
frank Maxwell. .oo.ctcil at the rr
et nt t. rm »d court of Hamilton »>•«•» t
vl assault wax sentenced by Jnstg
bvxigwieh b> three year* in th* |*en
b nlinry at hard labor ihs as l wa
MMiwUlml at titlMeV »*'«•• months ag
and the slotiui wa* a l« ye*r-e»Ul gd
wfor la abwyt bait willed
A |r* tmg win nipud to tot ta t
Uu M inner tow by placing a boebe
of fi»tat tninrabd with h»r»w*ne mob
tlu witphl" a Ihs 1stSs iw 111 I he |o>
kHatW. f. J. dtnk Ititd Jwsl b ifm.
and s.naiHagt burning pin* made »i
#tawtntlSNI of the |>rriulwt, iliutasi
lag the Ure ah', t'.ngu Shing it Will
* .*■..pis of tun h. ts of water
, ,Jy .... s;-. .. ;i:.. $ .
Adjournment I ndoubtvdly Near at Hand
Though the Day llaa Not Yet Been
bet—Hills living Advanced and
It 11 la Being Passed—Anxious
to Clots Cp Legislation
The Nebraska Assembly.
Pejcate. The seuute on the 0th acted on
Hie houw hill onlarging tho |x»wcr* of lbs
state txatrd of transportation, The measure
was first killed and then resurrected and
passed. The first section of the Nil provides;
"That In case any common carrier sublet
to the provisions of this act cause to Is1 done,
or permit to he done any act, matter or thing
In this act prohibited or declared to N* un
lawful. or shall omit to do any act. matter or
thing In this act required to Im done, or shall
fall to comply with the order of the Ixmrd
within ten days from tin* date of a service of
a copy of such order, such common carrier
shall pay the state of Nebraska a penalty of
not Urns than fAOO nor mon than 15.000 Huch
! - nalty shall lx* recovered and suits thereon
shall lx* brought in the name of Nebraska In
the proper court hating Jurisdiction thereof
In any eouuty to or through which said rail
road may run. Iiy the attorney general or
under Ills direction; and tin* attorney bring
ing such suit shall receive a fee of fiftfl for
each penalty recovered and collected l#y him
and 10 per cent of the amount collected, to
lx1 paid by the and such railroad shall
lx? liable to the ix*rsofi or persons Injured
thereby for the full amount of damages sue
tumid in c/mscMiuence of any such vloli thins
of the provisions of this act. together with a
reasonable counsel or attorney's fee to Is*
fixed by the court In every cose of recovery,
which attorney'* fee shall lx- taxed and col
lected as a part of the costs In the cast*."
Heeond consideration of the bill resulted In
IS votes for and 11 against. Atmcut and not
voting.;!. Another railroad bill taken up by
the senate was the one Intrixlweed by Heal of
< 'lister to legislate the Burlington volunteer
relief department out of existence. The
bill was killed by a vote of hi to 15.
An evening session was held, at which time
the senate gave consideration to the salary
appropriation bill. Strong pressure was
made to raise nearly every salary Included
In the Mil. The proceedings were almost
tumultuous, the chairman Ix lng unable to
keep order. Tie* salary of the governor’s
private secretary was raised to £2,000. and
several other Increases were made. At II
o'clock the committee rose, having com
pleted less than half the bill. A n urn lx* r of
house rolls were read the first time, among
them being the bill to ix rrnlt counties to
vote bonds for the aid of the Trans-Missls
I sippl exposition. The senate then adjourned.
PEJtATB.—‘I Mi* senate on the HI.H JUKI under
consideration the appropriation hill*. The
first motion came from Hansom, who moved
thut house roll No. fftfrt, one of the claims hills,
b» advanced to third reading with two
amendments made hy the senate committee
on claims. The motion was agreed to. The
hill appropriates abiut |7A.ono for ml*%*llune
ou* claim* against the state. Including the
expense* Incurred In printing the proposed
amend incuts to the constitution. There are
I Jin newspaper* Interested in this hill. The
bill also includes the claims of the railroads
for transportation of the Nebraska national
guard, for the deficiencies of the soldiers'
home at Milford and for the home
for the friendless located at Lincoln.
Mr. Watson took advantage of a temporary
lull In the tempest to advance bouse roll No.
W7, a hill making chicken stealing a penal
offense. The statement of the lieutenant
governor, made from the chair, that ail tin*
w idow* and preachers of Lincoln were de
manding the passage of this hill wa* suffi
cient to hustle it to the front. Mr. hr moved
and wan accorded the advancement of house
roll No. 7.1. to amend the Irrigation laws.
After recess the appropriation bill wa* taken
up again and I ts consideration was continued
until the bill was completed and rccorn- :
mended for passage, .lust b forc tin* bill
was completed Mr. wpe nee r offered unamend- !
ineiit. providing for the payment of the
chlcoay bninty earned by the American
chicory company, amounting to 117,000. The
claim wa* rejected. Mr. Murphy had no b*t
ter success in his attempt to secure the In
sertion of the 1**1 sugar bounty claims, lie
fresco ted them a* follows: For the Grand
sland factory for f lie sum of fla,*71.^5;
for IMW, the sum of 63L££7.*s; for the Nor
folk factory for the surn of fd.UTi.fip;
for UMi. the sum of §i2.tft*7<>. The claims
wen* rejected by an eoually decisive vote.
Then* were Just forty house roll* ready for
final passage on tin secretary's desk, and the
tedious process of reudlug and roll call was
commenced. House roll No. tilt, the general
appropriat ion bill, wa* passed bv unanimous
vote. House roll No. AM received 22 rote*
and was declared passed. House roll No. Y4\
passed with the emergency clause. House
roll No. 52U was passed with the emergency
clause. At 11 o'clock p. in the senato utf
journed to 8o'clock In the morning.
Hen ate.—The striate on the Hth, like the
house, devoted all its time to tho passage of
bills on third reading. Thirty-six bills were
read the third time ami all pass* d hut live.
Work was commenced at V o'clock and the
monotony of the proceeding* wa* broken only
by the roll call*. There were many Incidents
during the day Early In the forenoon Lteu
tenanl Governor Harris announced from the
presiding officer's d<-*k that the order of bill*
on third reading should cease promptly at
noon, the time fixed for final adjournment.
The announcement drifted through the cor
ridors ami reached the office of Speaker
GatHii and Governor Holcomb at abml the
same time. Tho enforcement of the order
would have undungcrcd the siiccessof several
party measures, and shortly afterward* the
lieutenant governor ordered the custodiu i of
the senate to turn back the hand* of the
clock. The custodian turned buck the dork
until Tbe hands point' d t«< 2 *> Later ||» the
day tho clock was again turned back The
transfer switch law wa* one of the party
measure* that failed to pas*. The last
bill panned by the Semite was tho In
liatlv* ami referendum. The hill was
Hover read In the senate except hy it* title.
At i« x» tbs legislative luilIs me) corridors
Were thronged with p**»ph wlm gathered out
of Interest or curiosity to wltnc** the (dosing
proceedings. A committee consisting of
Hansom. Ilea! and «hibirnc.wit* sent t*» not ify
in* ii* n iiittv iii»' I'tfiMJinn vi!bi uitout
adjourn and to Jonm a lint In r In hud any
furt fu r . i.inu.iml »t lima In uillilt*, Wldln tin
<*otuiidtt*f was aliM'tit (•rulium of IMttllrr
* iiiovim) that Ihmio* roll No. ,C*V on* of tin*
K intrant y Mnid Mils ilnfr*t* *1 In tin* aflnr
. b ftfuIlM aihI tto volt* nxonsld*r* <1
1 It** motion was hint. Win it thr i-uriillvi<
'•"ii i tut n* *1 and r* in rW*l ll u ih»
i KtivrrtHV 1*4*1 in* further • otninunhatioit to
rnakt*. lt.«tt*orn utfaln ttumd thut In him roll
N«* -ii' In* rt*>*alt«Ml unit i|»t* vota* hrninlilrriil.
t M«*vlr «»f .luVtnraoii «•*»•! Mull of h**ya I'uhn
» t nh'tvU VMoron# nrot«*t*> ami afu r a tplrltoi
. f^'t*» t»*»*niHng tin* motion was lost
WM*n (ill Mila w* n* MiMoil noihiitii nn*rv wu»
f Ml to do hnt l*» wall for tin* • oi»ft rttM'r ism*
* ttttlin • iia ityyn>i.ri«lliiii M|i* to r* .»* I* an
i Mns*M»*ttl. ulttl tin* tnr«*li1n4 .Icrk* t«» n.j.%
»•“ • |* * •« I H *. »> i viiu.l f» > ti* it n*o«l
i* aat>n»mta«*ai would mu u n n* in *i tl*l 11».
I a atlji li)»tttlii|f Hokal*. i*» o*i»|i n m »* t«*tt*i«*|t
ta« h|..|h Mir* not * \|a . I« «l » <4) 1. tion-k
IliHut In I Ha t*a«M m tin Ml, n*
Mttulr ft*f Ifua tul) N*t 4W was t>M<*«l ana
1 thlr«l tinulliir Tin hit; |>r*ukl«* for tin
I tnattaaal *»f -*o‘.ut»v% wdatirilwtf lo«t»*lil|» «.f
< untotantNat. and la. ditwh- lilt* (SWkltta*.
I a**|H<ft|«a disit h U anal •»* ftntntf t to i*a* k
r •HH> Mm nkHlhm *4 *<t)AOU>t» On Mil
tjnw'it hf a t«4a» nf \a t«» |f M»ua Mil V*
*»* IItill a Mil, aalluMftrtntf and oir*« n*,* tin
i *sHnn*t*at»M*a t **l iata.f to a*, tala and matt*
| lain a ’>**•% an of mdinirM *l«tt»»h *. 4yd
, • ’ * * * ! * It. *1
author0 * t*>. *»t»» Is «*rn» *i-«k*m*n* a*,d
r ‘ah*# vtuit lakth **« i'll«|M**|oi t«*
* intoth* M >«ith and a* tfatw of th‘
* W*|ft* t* * and tna • ata <4 irh<i «a*
' * t »« v
1* 1**«»*i this 1411 *• (i»«* it a
and lf of a«in V. I of rb^n « tt tin
“ fil#M*M h* W*«* 4 an t*»4* *0dt» M and
I law alwHWWtll Mo a*««* I t* < * wa-*•- tt««• n
- Ml •**» ***** • * i«*a«M
* * **-no* sa. »n * " •'*■ ■ .. *» - a
Mtkr I jiii J M«* » I . * 5 * *«
% »" « *■- *“* <-d** , •
ftwl tin • t» adosdad aft* t m a* rat #***» -1 »,
isi tail* a*Jai* l*» »wajlt b 11
■ for * la 'sank* ♦ «
oddsatnaiia ».o|n*** I H HO V
* fh-k i«t om •« (I • « *. t ..a tin
I n !•
fw»,ad to (*»** ii* »• *» n . ..»*■«*. «• ■ 1
■ IM* »*** ta-*a#ta|*.Via *.4»d is >• |#*M>aa«-a(
V« *k*> *1 *m*1 <*< >«*>•„ 1 h .1. a-« tij .
1 al*l II* k **• ‘ ■* '■ '<«•«•»' i
a*»<•» ik *
I Ikt »« »*• «* 'Hk .(•■'•l' • tt .
a aiMl'l *» i « a "* •»,«** I la
(1 •.•!».*.* «M l,N Wll Ii <«!>«.. .
I k»lM«» tar kiirrllI .•••
WM> Wi* !>■* lnii»l t<•»*» »t.
a a Il»4 4t* H«t.ra *1 %a« • *‘f at» *
Gaylord moved the previous question, am
debate ts-lng closed, the motion to place t,i
general tile was put and lost l»y a vote of .'f
to HI. The minority report, ordering the bll
to third reaeling. was adopted ley a vote e)f 41
to.H Dobs'111 of l'111 more reported that the
re-count cotuinlsshm hael flnislieel Its worl
hml he moveel the uppeMntrnenl of u coni
mittee of lltre-e t|) ceinfer with a like cone
milter from the senate- In regunl to a Joint
session as provleleel for In the reesiunt reseilir
lion. The spe aker named Dobson. Uoddy am
Kapp as such committee.
Horst:. The Hrst thing In the lienise em the
Cth was the committee repeirt setting Krldaji
noon as the time for final adjournment. Tin
committee furlhe-r recommended time m
bills shall lie passed after Thurselay. A bill
taken up by tlie' clerk was bouse' roll No. (17s.
to authorise IHiuglus cnunty to vote flun.fO
In aid of the exposition. The clerk had
scarcely finished re'iiellng the title ts-fore
Gay lore! Jumped to Ills feet, and dotnuneled
to know hy what authority the clerk hail
changed tin- order of these bill. This, tie elc
e-lureel, hail ls-en done. Wooster relleruteel
all that, hail ts-en said, and pmdne-ed ns cvi
elonce a memorandum of the bill numtsTs as
he hail taken them when reported hy the
e ngrossing committee. The hill passe-el with
out the e'mergetirjr e-lausc. House roll
No. Ml, to re-gttlale sles'k yards anil
tlx commissions for selling live stock
there'll! was passed by a Vote- of *0 to SI.
House! roll No. 107, by Hle-hhlns. to promote
agrle’itlliire on laiiels umler Irrigation In Ibis
state, and lo I'onfer original jurlsdlrtlon on
Isiurilsof eoiinty commissioners In tlx rale s
fortbe' use' of annual auel pe’r|ietunl water
rents, was Bussed with #7 vote's lo Its I'ri dlt.
House' roll No. 27ft, by l.leMell. to e stabllsh a
fre e puldli- e tnploynieiit nlttcc In rncl roisilltau
cities of the llrst-class. was passeel hy a vote
of T.I to in. House'roll No. IC. an ae't to pre
vent ami suppress the use anil sale of e lgar
I’tles. was Iiasseel hy a vole- of S3 to 2.
House roll No. 4IW, by Kh'li. to create
s municipal court In elites of the metrop
olltnn e'luss. was passed by a Vote'of 71 to Is.
House' mil No. 100. Kclke-r's bill lo prevent
the blacklisting of employes by guaranty
bond companies, failed to pass, the vote I ic
ing .10 for auel .‘>2 against. House roll No. 21X1.
hy Kelker. amending the law minting to the
liispe-i-tlon of oils, nrgl pmvlellng fi r a higher
test, passeel hy a »ot<-of t»> to <>. House mil
No. Ml. Hull's hill to provlele for the- payment
of prliu'lpal ami Interest on real e-sinte- mort
gage's. was passe'il with the emergency clause
by a vote of (f7 to 22. Senate- aoii nilnu iits to
house' roll No. M2 were reuel. Hodermnn
moved that the bouse- re-fuse- lo e-oncur In
these- ame-udme-nts. anil I In- motion prevailed.
This Mil i’oiiIiiIiis a provision llxlng tlie- pay
eif sheriff* for transferring prisone rs tei the
state; penitentiary. The si-nute ann-mlrm-nt
ralsetil Ibis pay tei fft |M-r elay anil fl cents
mileage' HoeJermaii called atte-ntlon to the
fai't that the law nln-aely fixed the pay ul
auel mileage, anil be didn't Is-lleve It sboulel
Is- raise-el. Most of the mi'tnliers agreed with
him. The bill passed. Adjourned.
house on the Mil a messenger from the gov
ernor announced that the executive had
signed senate file* Nos. 145. 157. 1*7 and house
mil* Nos-1*1 and lift). Henate file No. 144. to
authoflja* the county Judge in counties hav
ing a inundation or 25, HIM Inhabitants was
passed. Hmalt* file No, list, to provide for tint
disposition of the prope rty of dlsmaintarcd
school district*. and tin* closing up of tbo
affairs of such dlst rlct*. was passed by a vote
of *1 to 1. Henate Hie No. tfl». to provide? for
the making of contract* In writing t**tweeu
owners of land and broker* or agents em
ployed to sell It. ami making such contracts
void unless In writing, was passed by a v<ge
of s* to 4. Henate Hie No. ;eti. by tlondrlng of
Platte. Mi define trusts and conspiracies
against trade, declaring tbe same to Is* un
lawful and void, and providing means for t he
suppression of such trusts was passed. ICe
ce*s U*>U place. afU*r which the renort of the
conference committee. Mi reference to Huai
adjournment, was read. The speaker said
the report proper and the recommendation
appended would be acted upon separately,
on motion of Pollard tin* reporI was adopted,
fixing th«* time for adjournment at 12 o'clock
noon on Friday. The recommendation that
no bills Is* passed after Thursday was not
concurred In. Henaie Hie No. 2$. by Mur
phy of Ouge. to provide against tin- mfultera
liotj of b**d and to prohibit Its sale, was
passed without opposition. Henate Hie No.
117. to grant equal privileges to graduate# of
tin- state university, with gran nates of other
educational institution* within tin- state*,was
passer) hy a vote of H3 to 22. Henate Hie No.
HU5. amending the law relating to water rights
ho a** M* rcouire the eminent of theJued owner
through woose property the stream or chan
nel passes, was passed oy a voMj of 71 to 12.
Henate Hie No. id. to authorize county treas
urer* to Invest an amount not to exceed 75
per cent of the sinking fund in their respect
ive counties, in registered warrant* of the
county at their face value, was passed. Hen
ate tHi* No. 0, to amend tin* code of civil pro
cedure in regard to Juries. It provides that
Jurors may fa* summoned upon other than
i he Hrst buy of a term of court, such date to
Is* fixed hy tin* Judge, It was passed with
the emergency clause, tin* vote U*lng 70 to 2.
Hen ate Hie No. |H5. relating to the protection
of game, was passed with the emergency
clause with only three negative votes.
Henate Hie No. 251, by .Mr. Cmliam. Mi extend
the powers of the state board of trans|*orta
lion so as to give It (lower and authority over
charges by express companies fni-traiin|jorta
tlon. and over telephone and telegraph com
panies for the transmission of messages by
telegraph or telephone, and for rentals for
telephone*, and over persons engaged In the
several businesses: and to apply the lamer*,
given to said Imard of transmutation by law
j over railroad companies, to all companies or
persons owning, controlling or operating a
line or lines of express, telephone and tele
graph, whose line or lines Is or are wholly or
in part lit this state. tfa* passed. Senate file
No. II. by Johnson of ( lay. provide* means
t»y which cities and villages may acquire
public parks and Improve the same. The
city council or hoard of trustees is given
fiower to levy not. to exceed ft mills for the
purpose of improving such park or public
grounds. The hill punned with the emer
gency clause- stricken out. hy a vote of SO io *.
Hors*:. After tin* reading of the Journal
in the house on the Pth. by unanimous con
sent. norniM- Hie No. 2JM was advanced to third
reading. A motion to advance senate Hie
No. 25n was lost, on motion of <'lark, of Lan
caster. all senate Hie# not already advanced
to third rcadlug were Indefinitely |- «tpoued
The amendments to house roll No. 175 were
concurred In. Henaie HU* No. Itti, to prot«*ct
sM# k from pitfalls passed Henate Hie No.
2VS, extending the medical course U) four
year* wus passed, receiving HI vote*. Henate
ill** No. 271. giving tlu- governor the ap
iHiltillve power of the reform scImnjI at
Kfulni'V i.Khki-.l k.iiui. Ml.. V. *»V. . ■ m. ..*1,1 _
Inga until tier <»f count mu tin vote on ennui t
tuitonul wturndincnf» wit*. tuivtcd. Koftalc
Hie No. *J44. Flit# Irritf ttlon Mil. wu» de fettled
Hy n vote of ift) tt* tu. Ntfllite Hie No 74. f«
prevent cruelty lo children. mid provide tug
~ ntr*H.ois w.ts p i*m d with the emergency
cl m tow* h* nut* flu No. pm to provide for the
election uml np|»4nt incut* of clerk % of the
district court defeated, receiving only
4w volt % \| m \ei» minute* lo twelve o'clock
vm chick wit*. tuiiuil »*nck two hour*
\Tnoilon l»y hinltHof ImugM* to refer d ilute
III*4 No Jkti III t tie commit tee of I He w Holt f«i
strike out IIte em*clin* dun*** w.t* defeated
. I Um> hi i•«- • • 1 7t t« It h 1.*». |||« v la
dertnkit* tin <«af« of cun ml tine n 1 10 the pent*
t« iktUtry |m%w d % joint ri'vilulltiii ituttior*
UitiM the tfote»tc>r of NtHrssk.t to eater int*
a compel with tin tiovermir of Mtmih l>ttko<
tw '**• agreed upon Hy a commUtum appointed
kf mUI yminioo, In Hi tin UtumHtru* U
lavra UtM d *io» at certain imtuK wio
without *.|»|s«*ltU*ii I He Ihuim re
fa ml to c«*n ui In the MitKlr *M«« ntlue nt«
td hout* Mill No atv anil .* onl* rvo . coae
miltte ctat*Miug of • lark »*# Mk‘hittd«un,
»lw UP** of hawt * tiol l*».kUt* of .It tfer-wta
•*M a|*t«»4ntl*l •** confer with the M toil* • MU*1
hMUi on No « Alt ttiul al * \t |o |i ut 4ltvi 4
»* ttlawiw Watt, tin* Hu 1 oMmiuIUi
•l ielHt. d to te««! With Ik* «MU **ltt*%
tat M«iw nnl« N>* all oolatV tW «imi> *a#ue
n*'« anti niui|i Mth « ifu* in n <l r*
kft* « % ♦«♦« tiiw uwoott 4m| « ikMNiM that lk»
•‘•lnl* tn tW Mil a*#* n*4 mateHailf Urtfvi
than when M«* MlU (anttl tie b»a«, th* M
t*tl e# the cocn*Mtl«* Wat wki|lt*l Tin
It* W« H stit Ik* In** % w tolling r.*tto> «tol l|»
•*** wi*t* *** tn*« d the lino making • empli
WM*tta9| W»* **•» «nd Minu.y n*el«iH<«n
ll twain If h| it Kl |th. If*»i Ik* t ui'iuiii
t*9M. Ikil tk« |«.f Mih *.Oi*l feed 19 MNttft
, kwh** * .0 «H • S fc In t|»* It." #«*•»« iH I Nr-.l
I of 1 |«r a**- mtafw w* *1 higfcw. aha Hat mg »•
I tfc* k| 1 I . itvjt *h*» Sr tw it* >iallk*MH%i
H*« o h la» aiu***t • a >* ht«i
tmtfui Mo. i«. I ha mar
4 «l h t* II iimm |»«u)gwu«f
I |k* hug I a fwaiaufai»l« wilt few hawk
f t>.| <to a a if *a h»m at 1 tv
111*** * it 1 Ha of tva*, |t«. | it |4
I »♦! |H»» the KlMjfkMi |«l IS thlw* ol
• l ** ii»4 lit# go* • n***r a re twatd m tk«
; a t*dat of I Hr o<tt»l) c%Mgv|f tea
I la n ttu.ll k« o»n.4f» ug the §*>« aw<
I II <a ill «#»#= I taal *>wltf«l«i¥9 hfN
a* of a'-ad '*** ih** Hal a** dkvwton*
| Ha alt hat* Mm t he ttl
• tin ace t*h«M il Ihw laiwtl h 4
a*«t at fat at IN pwhlk* ht*«N«tN4
thm lirantl .Jury Find* Indictment*
Agaln*t the Republican Caacu*
Nominee for Senator — Five
Thousand Karh Offered for
Four Democratic Vote*
—Charge* Denied*
Frankkokt. Ky., April 11. — Indict
ment* charging bribery and conspir
acy to bribe have been prepared by
the Franklin county grand jury
against three of the most noted Re
publicans in the state, and true bills
may also be returned against ex-Con
' gressman \V. Godfrey limiter of tlie
Third district, Republican nominee for
the United Htalcs Senate; Congress
man .J. 11. Wilson of the Seventh dis
trict, one of Dr. Hunter's closest ad
visers, and K. T. Franks, one of the
leading Republican politicians of the
Second district
The indictments were prepared
upon the testlmoney of (‘upturn Noel
Gaines, Captain Thomas Tanner, hi*
brother-in-law, and Fred Gordon, ail
of thi* city.
The charges are indignantly denied
by Dr. Hunter, Mr. Wilson and Mr.
Franks, all of whom say they will
prosecute for criminal libel all who
have testified before the grand jury.
They all claim that It is the last dcs
nerate effort of the Blackburn Demo
crate to prevent Dr. Hunter'* election.
The following authorized interview
was given out this morning by Captain
'J'Uoma* Tanner, one of the accusing
witnesses: "I wax first called to the
Capitol hotel on April 1. and took Dr,
Hunter to Captain Gaines's house.
1 there board the conversation
which followed between Dr. Hunter
and Gaines. I was in an adjoining
room. My, principal connection with
the case was through Wilson and
I’ranks. On various occasions I was
called to consult with them and urged
to take a hand in buying votes. They
insisted they must have three or four
Democratic votes, and singled out Rep
resentatives Gossoma, Clarke, Johns
and Lykens, whom they said we
(Gaines and myself) must get, al
though any Democratic votes would
be acceptable. I was called to the Cap
ital hotel Monday night and had a
conference with Wilson in room 21,
#!lson had a big roll of bills—he said
there were 85,uiu in the package, and
from all appearances there were.
There were four such packages, or
820,000, and he said this would be paid
for four votes for Dr. Hunter, lie
showed me the money as an evidence
of good faith. He seemed to be the
man who handled all the money. I
had severat conferences with Franks
in the same room. 1 was last called
there Thursday morning, when they
seemed to think that some members of
the legislature had offered to succumb
for 810,ooo, but they thought this too
high. Franks was in the plan and
talked about buying votes, but he
never directly offered me money with
which to buy them. ’’
Captain Games' statement directly
charges Hunter with offering him
815,000 with which to secure three
Democratic votes, and relates with
specific particulars alt the details of
tin- attempted bribery.
The greatest excitement prevailed
during the first ballot for I'nitcd
States senator at noon. The call of
the roll showed no quorum present,
hut a vote was taken which gave
Hunter 57 and Hoyle 1. Sixty an
swered to their names.
A motion to adjourn brought out
the absentees and the votj stood 5s to
5M, but. President Worthington voted
to continue balloting and the second
ballot wus ordered. In this there was
no change.
China Kutarglng Her Nary.
Va*corncit, H. April IT—The
steamer Kmurest of Japan, which ar
rived from the Orient to-day, brings
the news tliat tiie Chinese government
hue do,tided to order four more arm
ored eruiaera. two fast cruisers and
several torpedo destroyers of the Kug
llsh type. Arrangement* are being
made at the imlm-e of the empress and
empress dowager U* raise funds, whieh
are to Is- devoted to strengthening Un
tie vv navy.
Tu Nutr«««l IV li UurrUiin.
WAsiusoros, April 11 —-Captain \V.
W IS-aUsly, v|e«t president and gen
eral maiiagi r of the Italtimore A ohb*
>w,nthwestern railway, with hea<i<|iiar
ters at l meinnati. has heeu tendered
by the president the is wit low >>f inter
state eomiMvree eoiuniiasiointr to lw va
rated by reason of the rsptratUm of
tint l* mi of llttli. II ii Morrison of
Illinois, at present the ehatrmun of
the eoutitossom
Mere MI«H ttrlu at sr Isnk
Ur Inti'S Mo. tpril tt, V» a re
suit of heavy ram* la tha vnimty of
at I. «u*s ami th« tU»«l water* >-f the
Missouri whu-li h»vv r, a< tied here, a
rise of almost a had has nwamsi in
the Mississippi hr«
toiot wns.s Hoses •idsa
to*, hy, tprd li tt Hu*
ha-rssi rein Itstlay Ashland ttilhvs a
Itwsa tr •tt'wg stattbui it years old,
U»d % fv wt JtAi trytitrJF I‘*,1*4
nt«4 lu Ilf** til 4 4Vi* U»» l»*t
(|f *mm, lit* ft*»W! tki 4 §4 i««!f «dlU 4
;»«r «gw f«» §£****
I**«mm*I M limn
lit* 4* 4 %^ft| M IS»U
$U<*#4, H*1* I Hf 4 *• «***♦i
IfAuhit itllUi4 Hy |f4tM 41 UtV’^4 |ye hi I*.- V
tl | * I Ii#| <14144 llWMlteflNM l*» 4 14|f
| W*4l 44*1 #*ACfti#< %'tl It* 4 41*444 iMflftMA
| iktlll «*#«*** I
Moody Dare* Him to I>cnv Anything In
One of Moody'* Sermon*.
St. Lol l*. Mo., April 11.—Dwight L.
Moody was asked what lie thought of
Robert t!. Ingersoll, who is billed to
lecture here.
“Why dou’t you ask ine what I think
of Corbett?" asked the evangelist, in a
slightly nettled tone. “I never saw
Ingersoll in my life. I don't know a
thing about him. He doesn't Interest
me in the least. I see he is going to
lecture here on ‘Truth,’ is he not?”
continued Air. Moody. “Well, that’s
what I have been preaching for thirty
years. I preached it last night in my
sermon on ‘Sowing and Reaping.’
That's the truth and you can't get
away from it. You go to ingersoll
when he gets here and show him my
sermon on ‘Sowing and Reaping.' If
he denies anything in it let mo know.
I'd just like to hear what he would say
about it.”
!.<>*■ of I.lfr In Knoivlllr'a I In* Much
l.argrr limn nt Klrut Thought.
Kxoxvii.i.E, Tenth, April II. —Of the
fifty-two guests who were sleeping in
the Hotel h'nov when the fire broke
out, only thirty-five have been ac
counted for. The hotel register was
destroyed, and it will perhaps never
he known how many lives were lost.
Large rewards have been offered for
the bodies and a large force of men
arc ut work clearing away the debris.
Ilrndulrrrt'* Krpurt.
Xkw York, April II. -Hradstrcot’s
says: "The situation as u whole shows
no gain. Staple lines arc only fairly
active. Overflows, washouts and floods
continue to do great damage in the
Mississippi and Missouri river valleys,
through u portion of which general
trade remains practically at a stand
*.♦(11 t_
tlie Central Western to the Northwest
ern spring wheat states lias rendered
country roads almost impassable, with
tlie natural effect upcii business. As
the region threatened includes the
richest portion of the cotton belt, the
prosjtect for delay in plant ing a second
time indicates the possibility of a
heavy reduction in acreage tills year.
Hcnnle Krorcanlrutlnn Certain.
Washington. April 11.—The coin
; mittees representing respectively the
' Republican and Democratic sides of
, the Senate resumed their efforts yes
: terday to reach an agreement on a
| basis of reorganizing the Senate cotn
I mittees. At the conclusion of a three
i hour-.' session of the Republican com
I inittee Senator McMillan said that
( such satisfactory progress iiad been
j made us to warrant tlx- prediction that
! reorganization would be accepted.
A • 1,000,000 Policy.
San Francisco, April l).—Mrs. Le
j land Stanford to-day signed a contract
by which her life is now insured for
| $1,000,000. Mrs. Stanford is to pay an
annual premium of 817o,ooo, and upon
I her death 81,000,000 will be paid by
| the company to the Deland Stanford,
.lr,, university. Should she live ten
years and continue her annual pay
ment of premiums, the university will
receive at her death $.',000,000 instead
of *1,000,000.
lloily or I’anlbir Hauer Found.
St. I,hits, Mo., April II.—The body
found in the Mississippi Thursday lias
been identified as that of Pauline
llauer, who disappeared last Novem
ber. Miss Hauer was a telegraph op
erator. .lust before her disappearance
she complained of continued annoy
ance from an unknown man. The
body is too much decomposed to per
mit the establishment ol' ante mortem
lSryan Speaks at Tallahassee.
i Tai.i.aiiASfoKK, Fla., April 11.—Wil
liam J. Hryan readied here at 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. He K|>oke at
! bake City, Dive Oak and Lloyds,where
lie was greeted by big crowds. When
asked if he felt any serious effects
from his accident, Mr. Hr/un said: “1
am all right, but 1 was considerably
shaken up. and my chest and legs are
very painful ” '
Fullerton's Hotly !« Found.
Washington, April 11.—A dispatch
received by the Hnltimore A Ohio offi
cials lu re from Oakland says that the
i iNuiy or ueocrat Joseph rullcrton
| nf VViuihiuifton him liven found in the
river vlirht miles below the scene of
! the Onklund wreck, in which he win
, kitted.
t.rgl.lalure I inmli•»» |i« iVnrk.
liiXiua, Neb., April it.- The No
! Iiruskn livi'iklutiiru udjourncd ycsli r
i iluv afternoon, after a scion extend
inir tiftccn days beyond its allotted
! time. The last till! [•assed wax the
initiative and refeicnduni, which went
through the Semite Just las fore elox
III. lurutlNM
NT .louTrii, M»k, \|»ril I!,* Thu Hun*
ruritUur*’ (illnt l«»
tl»> i uu iuir 1411» 9 1*M**ji
K«um« I II? Untl* «*4 |.i«« iintk.
Mai4 HI tt*4t H % t • Hi I ?*
| 1 *=:». ♦ "*t|| Jkv* j,
UfMtttl 4flMfAl > » s. Na 4
I T‘J •«)•* t«4
Atoll W 4* *1 Ma 4 ? M;i «4* M a 4 •Til.
( HI#; I* i*»i|**A
I i win N*i 4 4 J|ri N\\ 4
i I * hd *f a«4% I >« Will* * Hum Ha
44 V 4 l|« Nm. 4
l Ml* Hu JL |?«. V» 4 I* Kt» 4
! |,W|V*< Hu 4 HAliii*, I * Hu 4
1 *tm* I’A. X** 4 iMIf, |«ii>i4t}t
, Ht* N * 4, Al> V v § 4* N 4 | 4% |v
Mi4A Mt but %«t I* 4*4 l*u m |»%*
Mo ildlxv tiito 44f •■*'»» Hu t
, **. #»«. *» «*• Kt 4 ff ** tut * Ato«««r, m %s. c|
4 Hi i*oti*i* N'.* 4 l*MiM>4iik 4m> vHmm**
: toft *ift* Ik » » ft! i*» V* | t* fe«s. H- ’ 4 • hA
| f4 % tf*% 4 U%
A kill# Ma*-#4|R|* III C 44**4 ?« %H <-|to>
I |#*a. 4 4:lM » lltl* I II t|lu* 1*4 M4AMI
. A A* *****< *44 ft *lAA *»
tout 4*4 *liM4<f*fc44 %*«♦•% I* **
* A J»*. 4*«I*t4 14 i*» i I w« M|i
U *4 4 ‘ i * 441 tkxiift** |**4**4 9a
; »<«% |»tk U * *
M lull U (f* i I« fH*
•44« (1*1 **§*• «!*• 4 %• lit * %# | A *4 k ktoftk - 4 Aktlh
| Hml tot II* *4*44* * 1*1
HlMMtto M»x rf«|4% I IJ4 tll^fti Mi lift
J 1*4 4*1 *4* lt»4*dAU » Alu i4|
The Old Time Lecturer Fewer Away >»
Absolute Poverty.
Atchison. Kan., April 0.—Colonel S.
C. Ellsworth, who had been a lecturer
for thirty-three years, died this morn
ing in poverty, not having even money
enough to pay his funeral expenses.
His unti-A. P. A. lectures a few years
ngo attracted much attention Ho
lectured for the Order of Mystic Broth
erhood in Knnsss a year ago, hut had
not Wen on the rostrum since last
fall, living here in a cheap boarding
house. _
Governor Stephen* Plnnlly Act. Fa rot"
ably on thn Ilor.rbr.odrr.' Act.
St. Louis, Mo., April 9.—Governor
Stephens, who is in the city to-day,
signed the horsebreeders’ pool selling
bill, passed at the last, session of the
Legislature, and it will go into effect
in June.
The hill provides that seller* </f pool*
or bookmakers on contests of skill,
speed or power of endurance of man or
beast must secure license under pen
alty of imprisonment for a year or a
line of 81,000, or both. Licenses arc to
he issued only by the auditor of state,
ami are to be good only on a race
track or fair grounds. Licenses
are not to he for more titan
ninety days, and pool selling and
bcokmaking ure only to ho carried on
on authorised race tracks and fair
grounds. Each licence fee is fixed at
and there ure to he no licences be
tween November 1 and April 15 of each
year. No night pool selling or book
making is to he allowed. Ail funds
from licences are to W used by the
state hoard of agriculture to improve
the breeds of horses.
Flood Kell Vi to lie Soon Given.
Washington, April Secretary
Alger is pushing forward the work of
relief for flood sufferers, and in a few
days the disbursement of rations pro
viaru uy uin^rew »ui ifr in*
day the secretary was in consultation
with Colonel Gillespie, president of the
Mississippi river commission.
Heavy Hit* at lilimarek, N. U.
Himhki k, N\ 1).. April 0. — The
water in the Missouri river has risen
four feet since lust night. No trams
huve arrived here since Tuesday.
Compulsory tCflucallon for Illinois.
Stbing field, Ills., April 0.—The
compulsoty educational bill lias passed
the Senate. It compels every person
having control of a child between 7
and 14 years of age to cause such child
to attend some school sixteen weeks
No Free Library for St. Louis.
St. Loris, Mo., April D.—The meas
ure providing for a tax for a free
library building in St. Louis was lost
at the polls yesterday. A two-thirds
vote wus necessary. The vote w as 17,
000 sliort of that number.
ltlvera Not to lie Shut.
Washington, April o.—Secretary
Sherman stated last night that In- had
assurances that General Hivera, the
insurgent leader, would not he exe
cuted, but would be treated as a pris
oner of war.
Noutli African Kcvott.
London, April 0. — Dispatches from
Pretoria and Delagoa Hay say that
the whole of Gazaland is in open re
volt. Twenty-five tliotisaVid natives
have rebelled against the Portuguese
I>K8 Moines, April 2.—Patents have
been allowed but not yet. issued us
follows: To S. L. Hill, of Moulton.
Iowa, for an ingenious cylinder press
in which the cylinder is rotated us a
reciprocating bed carries a form
through under the cylinder to print
upon the paper on the form and the
bcil and form thereon returned to re
ceive ink ami paper while the cylinder
remains stationary. The intermittent
rotary motion of the cylinder and the
reciprocating motion of the bed occur
while the press is operated by tie* con
tinuous rotary motion of a single
crunk to wliiuh power is supplied by
hand. T* Mrs. K. U. V oung, of Ked
Oult, Iswii. for a water nag adapted to
enclose ivv er water and close it water
tight so it hub Im itoudlrd or carried
about without leaking. To ('. H. Hecli
tel, of lit* Mourns, for a manifold aut
ographic register. laventors in other
states cun bavo our services upon Urn
same terms us Howkeyes,
Titos. U. and J. KAt.rn Oawto,
IHKITO K AMI rid tin < I-. HAHMCT.
<Jiimn4lim. I'nitn Nrw lurk, 4 hlr*|n. .4,
l.nuU, I turn tin »ml KlnrwHnrt*.
llullir t'n'ktiinrj niMrtlnr ai ,( JI
llilllvr riwiti'r lum'f iwunlry. II (<t u
iin »‘n..h ... r <4 i
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llmny I nut y wtillr it m. n
• >u|iui». in r ti i li. 44 | ii
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II A. I lifltl mUt-il l nl n i
|I<<4M Ml my tti|Ma l ,% m < nt
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**y- s» aim
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