Loup City Northwestern. VOL. XIvT^ ~~~ LOUP CITY, SHERMAN POINTY. NKBKASKA, FRIDAY. Al'KIL i>, 1897.___ NUMBER 6 The Northwestern •PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. OKO 1C. Ilicnwci ll»T Editor and Publisher. TEKMS $1 SO p*r Tsar, II Paid in Advsnes ■aUrwl st ths f yfrup City Postoffie* for true BlSSiea Uuungta Ur msllg u Htud •1ms mstUr. Last Monday’s daily papers said that Iowa hud seventy-one hours of continuous rain fall and that it was still raining. The recouting of the amendment ballots by the pop legislature in the hope of seating the two pop judges who were elected contingent, was a disumul failure. Two thirds of the time of the legislature this winter has been spent wrangling over this recount and the nearest they could get to seating them was within 16,000 votes. J. M. Snyder, of Sherman lias been beard in tlie legislature to lift his voice and cry out “gentlemen be a law abiding body and do not defy the order of the courts." Now the facts are that tins isnt good populist doctrine but .1. M. dos’nt scum to '•are. More than once during that re-count on the amendment ballots the stcncli from the rottoness which has been practiced has been to mush for the nostrels and he has been heard to < ry out and enter a viger ous protest against the high handed manner in which the re count was being done. It is an undeniable fact, to whatever cause or causes it may at tributed, that there has been a great improvement in business since the election. The most marked changes occurred last month, when the steel rail and beams Industry started on a new basis and took orders that will keep all the mills running for more than u year. We have had in the last lew weens report* oi me oiun ing of new textile factories in many places, and of largely increased operations in many of the old mills. Hut the most encouraging fact has just come to hand iu the shape of an official statement by Factory In spector Campbell, of Pennsylvania, that there are 100,0U0 more persons at work io that state now than there were six months ago. This means that in a siuglc common wealth near ly half a million persons have a much belter chance to live in com fort than they did six mouths ago. It Is far easier to slide down thuu to climb a bill. One day of panic will do more devastation to business than a year of intelligent effort can undo. The blastiug effects ot the panic of 1893 are uot all removed; the hard times have uot been chang ed to good t lues; labor is still cal ling for and needing work. Hut the pro eess of recuperation appears to have begun, and we have good reason to believe it will go on Our lUHteilal resources, Iiatutnl and acquired, urc still the wonder ami the envy of the j world, slid are have just ttegUti to appreciate slid utilise them Nat ioital Ill-colder. While rmuitugiug through a trunk Monday afternoon Mart llvoracch, a 11 ysar-old girl living with her par cuts iu the Ihdii UMau »cillt until east of Hie l n»>*« Pat id * tries, found an *dd revolver with which ■bs a few tin menis later stut a tin) 1st through the Imtly uf her baby M*ler t hdHike snd little dr* aut lug ot the dsngei that tuivol within I ha rusty weapon, she playfully pointed the muasiv at the It year nhl batm, when suddenly them tame a d< sfeniug report and the gun |<*r f.irutsd Ms deadly mission The hail entsrw>l the tC andi if the child and bulged star lb# hath botte Mvdn vl eaatateme was at wme suwMMonetl but wae powerless tu esse the awful audeiinga which racked the little body from the time *1 of the accident about 6:30 p. ra., un til merciful death come at :t o’clock in the morning. The family is naturally almost prostrated with grief over the terri ble alfair, Joseph Ltvoracek, the father, is a tailor by trade and in the employ of Joseph Deruy. The funeral was held Ibis morning from the Catholic church, the re mains being interred in the cemetary south of town.--St. Paul Republi can. In 1887 the legislature ordered a re-count of the vote on a proposed constitutional amendment to increase the length of .the legislature session and the pay of the members. Ac cording to the returns made by the official canvassers the amendment lacked something like 8,000 votes of a majority. The vote on the amend ment was on the same ballot will) the names of the candidates for office UlltJ IL iimiMlUllini tUUL 111 n'JUJi: voting precincts the election boards had neglected to count and, return the vote on the amendment. Judge; M. B. iieese, then on the supreme bench, and some others thought, the discrepancy being so small, perhaps enough of these omissions hud oc cured through the state to change the result and the legislature re counted the votes. It was done by the legislature itself, in public, and the result was publicly announced every day as the count progressed, and transpired that in fact the amendment had carried hut the votes had rrot all been returned. It was not a political move at all. All parties took part in it and were equally Interested in the result. In the case now before the legislature the vote on the amendments wus taken upon a separate ballot, ar.d there is no reason to suppose that uny election hoard in the state failed to count these ballots. The snort age is ,'f0,000 and to suppose that even a tenth part of that num ber had been over looked under the cireuinstances was ridiculous. But the extraordinary inducement of seatiog the governor’s old partner and relative on the supreme bench was enough to induce the populists to undertake it. Such a thing could never he accomplished if it was watched, and so the board sat with closed doors and never auuouuced the result, but pledged themselves to absolute secrecy, no penalty was attached to any amount of fraud or tampering with the ballots aud they were shut up in a room to emerge with enough votes, by hank or by crank, to wairent the governor in declaring the amendment carried. If there is any parallel in one single circumstance between this high-hand ed outrage and the re-eouut 1. T. Hale went out to the farm to doctor a cow which had fallen in a well amt dlslueat ed her hip After preforming ihe »or glcal operation ihe) looked about the ptemi»e* and discovering that the old I vow had a Hue litter of pig*, that Ho' l*e»t milk cowr h ot twin calve*, that lie Hue tuood uiare hail a colt, and that Mi and Mr* llenry oilman arc the happy j parent* of a bouncing I*si pound hah) Ik*) All of tbe*e event* took plat**. Within Hi hour*, otandp* lobn*a>* that the waive ha* surely *•• ***•• The legislature played t»**r»*' with the seolla Noiutal P- hoot 1**1 w*#k I lit) can pat lu an valla B*»l*li#t»* Mono on a aiding that * til Ik* |va*h*d a list I* oil* net ‘bait once • Week, by I a* I when , IH *•( • .i*h4ll Mf \ll*f%*lk4, 44**1 I V'HMsI )A 4|s = • «*ffftt#f* *mU 15ft %<• * 4 (b#4tk| If'>44* Hit »(>4 they t*«| I# #411* | 111# *1 If# infill f) , M* 4*4 ft** ft fllMlb ; ifyvtii i |n Uj«"■ I#mi Mr ialtu* Ibe I *..•*» f* irt mail ’ * **** I#* i t ###li I# i#% 4 # * 11 4 ft >U | • till **.* 4rlU|t |#| * 1 ftk **• 4* % f«#4** III li| | I tmll III* |‘t 4! '# l|*|f ft *» 4 lb* 4 4ft*4##* #« Many of our citizen* are planting tree* again thia season. It. seem* tli it the severe hall storm of last June did not entirely discourage them, although all of the fruit trees in town were greatly damaged and in several in stances young promising orchards were entirely destroyed While Hi chard Bausch was working a disc last Thursday afternoon, the team started to run away, throwing him in such a manner that the disc passed oyer one foot, splitting the ankle bone and badly mutilating the limb. l»r. Palmer, the attending physician, says the injury is of a very serious nature, Litchfield Monitor. NOTICE FOH LIOL'OH LICENSE. Notice Is hereby given that .John Oilman did on tin- 2d day of March 1*‘J7 tiled with the village clerk of Loup City. Nebraska, iti the County of Sher man, in said State, his petition and application for a license to sell malt, spiritioiis and vinous liquors ill said village for the fiscal year of I*!l7 be ginning on the lirst Tuesday of May 1*117 and tiruilnailng on the lirst Tues day of May Such application being tic pitltion of more than HO of the resident freeholders of said village of Loup City, and dated tills 22nd. day of March I*!)7' M. it. Mi-.ad, Village Clerk kotjcic TO sox ucsiuunt dkpknd axt's. In the District Court of ishcrnmn coun ty, No’unskii. The Cheshire Provident Insulation a corporal ion orjoinized under iho laws of Xew Hampshire, Plalnllll. vs. Paul Si-iilao-k. John I,. Par well, and Martha u. Karwell, defendants. John I. l ai "Vc.i and M irths c. Karwell defendants w ill lake mil Ice dial on the 17th day of DecKnihar, 1 .if) the Cheshire I ro v i1 o ii i i i: t . i ii i in 111 it 111 Hied 11 • pel 111 m in the Di-dricl Court of Hhei limn eoiiut v, Nehri-kt the object and prayer of whhhareto foicrloc a certuln mortgage ♦ Mi nted by Paul Heubeck to (.‘arioso. Burr U'-igncd Mold and delivered to the plat mill! upon Him following dee- j triced real estate lo-wtt. The north east quarter of section thirty three (.'13), in | township sixteen 8), north of range six-| teen 08) west of I lie sixth 18> principal marldlan, t in same bein * in Mher/nan county Nebraska, to scenic the pay me nt of one promisor y note dated the 8th day of October, i* 8 for the »uni of Heven Hundred Dollars (70b00;, w it h Interest at ten pei cent from January i-t, UNtit, for which Mum plaint nr pray* for a decree that daleudauLM be required to pay the same or that Maid premise* may be sold to sat inl y t he amount found due. Volt are required to answer Maid peti tion on or befoie the 13th day of April, 1*37 THK i'll Kbit IKK PKOVIDKMT iN Hi iTtrri *M. Plaintiff, By (John unlil to Ulitiafv flit* UIIlOllllL fOUIld (lull. You are required to answer said petition on or before the llttU (lay of April, I'(I7. Tip. Ciiksiikiiik PnovuiiewT I» STlTUTtON, Platnuir, Ity Uoiui ,t llAKvav, Its attorney*. Wanted -An Idea 52SSS Protect your t» Washington, I> f'.r their ,01a* otter and ll.t of two hull Prod luveutluu* wauled. Awarded Highest Honors* World's Fair. 'DU* BAKING POWDER MOST PI KFl CT M \1>E. A fUtt * • »f* Ci *m v« T * f I' wJ«f. f*#a ft -m A x fitti e A . ■* -# W #£' -P Shr 44 years THL it aMAKO. ST. MARY'S INSTITUTE, OCIIHI, II I.IMila, Ik t ktiUuiwn, ilaiMnl inly ■ 1474. In wnin.uJ ky Win k.M lidut *I hvin lluw, noi fw*i: J null «»®»y te^ntaon tuo4tt .« to |hj * . tl, to' 1.. U Mbl anted 4* Soothing for burns, scalds, chapped hand* and lips Healing fur cut* and sores. Instand relief for piles, stops pain at once. These are the virtues of DeWitts Which Hazel Calve. Oden dahl Bros. Minutes seem like hours when life Is at stake. Croup gives no time to send for a doctor, delay may mean death. One Minute Cough Cure gives Instant relief and Insures recovery. The only harm lass remedy that produces imme diate results Odemlabl Bros. Chicora, I'a., "Herald'’ Klchard Ven el reports One Minute Cough Cure the greatest success of medical science, lie told us that It cured his whole family of terible coughs iuid colds, after all others so called cures had entirely failed. Mr. Veiled said, it assisted his children through a very bail siege of measeU One Minute Cough Cute makes expue elation very easy and rapid Odea dahl Bros. NOTICE TO NON UKSinENT DEPEND ANTS. In district court of Sherman county, Nebraska Tlie rim.nlx Mutual btfo Insur. anco Company of Hartford Con lie) lout, vs. plaint! if bystander P,. Moore, olive b. Moore, Marx Kroger, —— Kroger, his wife. Hirst nane unknown. Ell H. f Isher, William J. Plshoiy Jusslo W. Kisher, John N. Kisher, Minnie I isher, surah A. Bassett, Cyrus I*. Bassett, Mary A. Morgan, Albert J Morgan. buwisC. Kisher, Kruncis K. f isher, William J Klhcr, as admin, istrator of the estate of Mary M. Isaac iiuUock, James it til lock, defendant*. 81 ill o ot Nebraska, Sherman (lonnty, (*' ' l ■ i iIn, above named non rcNiddcut do fciidunls lo wlt: Lysauder K. Moore, Oli ve I, Moore, Marx linger,’--Kroger, In- wife ftimi name ntiknowu, KM It Mill or, Mary V Morgan and Albion J. Morgan: V- ii ulll lake notice I bat on the XII h day of February 1897 the above named plaintiff filed Its petition against the above named dctteiidanl* In the distrlet court of fiber - man county, Nebraska the object and purv ey ot which are to foreclose acertuln inort ¥ago made aud delivered by tho defendants -ynander K. Moore and Oliver L. Moore lo Ilia said plalnllft upon the following described realesiatu situate lu the county of fihcrtmiu mid state of Nebraska, to wit: The south west quarter of Mectlon Twenty. hlx(Xil), 111 lownsliip sixteen (ID) nurtli of range (14) west of lith p. in., to secure the payment of a promlsory note dated March x'i, |shi lor the sum of HUOO-Oo with interest at seven percent per annum and due and payable on the first day of March Issli ami which was thereafter extended to the first day of March I89X, with Interest at Mix anil one-half per rent pur annum until maturity and ten per cent thereafter; that there ih now duo upon said note the sum of 330.00 with Interest at ten per cent per annum from March 1st, 1894, for which sum plalutilT prays for n decree that defendants he required to pay the same or that said premise* tuay he sold to MallMtfy the tuiount fouud due. Veil are repaired to answer said peti tion on or before the 19th day of April 1897. Dated this27 day February, 1897. tiik PiHtomx Mutitai, l.iva l« HiiMANUK Comi*anv, of Hartford, iseal; Conuellcut, IMalnllfT, Attest It- J. MOUTINOAt.it, Louis Ukik, Its Attorney*. Clerk of the D'strlet Court. NOTICE OF SACK UNDKIi CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice ts hereby given that by virtue of a chattel tnoregago dated on the X5 day of May, 1893 and dill v filed in the oflloe of the county court of Btierinan county, Nebraska on the Xii day of May, 1893 anil executed liy Samuel C. Fletcher and James M. Fletcher to Thomas II Reed to secure the payment of the sum of $uri.ou, and upon which there Is now duo the sun of (isri.00 with interest at ten per cent per annum from May XB, 1893. said mortgage being collateral to the mortgage hereinafter described. Default liuvlng been made lu the payment of said sum and no suitor other proceedings hav ing been Instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore I will (ell the property therein described to-wlt One star lumber wagon, with brake, at publlo auction at the south east corner of the public square, in LuiipClty, Shot man conn ly, Nebraska, on the third ilit. of April, 1897, at i’clock, p- in. of said day Also that by virtue of a chattel mort gage dated on the llldny of June. |89i nnd duly filed in the oflloe of the county clerk of said county, on June 10, 189i and oXeeu ed by Samuel < Fletcher lu Thomas M. Reed to secure the payment of the sum of (79.00 and upon which thure 1* now due I I Will —1111111*71 V/, r IUI> lull nii'1 oi»iuv» .»•. f lelcher tlm an ill of 479.00 with Internal nt tell |»'r cent pur unuitui from June 10 1896. default having hneu inutle In t he payinent | of aaul autii and no *att or other proceed - I 1 »•<> :tl Iuw having4iri it Imuitutad lo re. ! cover aahl dchf or any part thereof, there. I fore I will aril the property therein (lea crllied, lo-wit One Plano mowing ilia chine, t feet 8 Inch cut, one Iron frame 1 harrow, part of one riding cultivator, part of oun louga.leaa cultivator, .moated Imam 19 Inch alaohle plow, at public auction, «t the amith a ut corner ol the public square in l.oupttily. Miciu.au county, Nnbrnaka, on the third dar of April, I"97, at oue o'clock p. m of add day. Hated thiaath ■lay ol March, I"9V I' 11 Kano. Mortgagee HERMANN KRUNZE. M- D ASRTON, N Kit It. 'I* INK-*, 1 • pump i* EXPRESS GENERAL DELIVERY LINE Ail I at V rtigEI «iUw M l*« *|» -» MtillllN . VIA I g*\ W VKIi. #•« i Sami U» im CkUKtMl kaiHis 4 taUlf fakle>, *«o f»p»ee»t«< U» «MM«« alt |. .W RUMIH tie tlMI atkk iuvr uti, . • iiwuMii Hats—a line assortment.. Forty-nine cents buys a good fedora Any kind at, | corresponding tigures. A. K. Chase. Do you need a wagon, buggy, disk | harrow, seeder, plow or harrow If' so, you should see T.M. Heed All the neckv/ear in the house, con-' stating of over 500 pieces, below cost until April 1. A. K Chase. A good copper bottom wash boiler for 81 cents at Watkinson's Don't forget the brick hardware store for prices on hardware, tinware and furniture. Dr. Sumner Dayis, the Oculist and Turist at Graad Island will be absent smut Ills office until adout May 15. Mr. Leschinsky our photographer is still making ids tlrst class photographs at 75. cents per doz. Don't miss to get a do/, taken, TKKKH AMD PLANTS. A full line Fruit Trees of nest varieties at bard times prices. Small fruits in large sup ply. Millions of Strawberry plants very thrifty and well rooted. Get the best near homo anil save fright or ex press. Semi for price list to NORTH BEND NURSERIES. North Bend Dodge County Nebraska. Dost. A dear little child, who made home happy by its smiles And to think it might have been saved had the parents only kept in tho house One Mi nute Cough Cure the infallible remedy for croup, We want one good man (having horse), as permanent superintendom for Sherman county, to attend to our bus iness, on salary. Must send along with application, strong letters of recom mendation as to honesty. Integrity, and ability. State occupation. Address 1*. O. Box 1«83, Phi la., I*a, HUMPHREYS’ No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 “ Worms. No. 3 “ Infants’ Diseases. No. 4 “ Diarrhea. No. 7 “ Coughs. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headaohe. No. lO “ Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 “ Delayed Periods. No. 12 “ Leuchorrea. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 “ Skin Diseases. No. 13 “ Rheumatism. No. 13 “ Malaria. No. 19 “ Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 “ Asthma. No. 24 “ General Debility. No. 20 “ Sea-Sickness. No. 27 “ Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 “ Urinary Diseases oo a ur rMoAAaA No. 34 “ Sore Throat. No. 77 “ Colds and Grip. Dn. Humphiikth' Homeopathic! Manual OP bUKAHEH MAXi.NI> FuEE. Hmall bottle* of pleasant pellet*, lit the yeet pocket. Hold by driieifUt*, or nent prepaid npon receipt of price. Jh emit*, except No*. DO, ana M arc made II Oil nlxe only. Humphrey*' Medi cine Company, 111 William nt., New York. HUMPHREYS* WITCH HAZEL OIL “THE PILE OINTMENT." KPl)**-Extorn*l or Intom*). Blind or BltadtWf t ui» In Aiin; Itf lilriM or Ifleedluf of tho ItonCwm. rolJtf I* liumodlato—tho euro ccrt*Jn. fHIOE, 60 OTB. T.Hl^JlZB,,21gn fold l>r or MDl j»o#t-j«al BARGAINS»III Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes and everything kept in a first class store. i All goods sold for cash only 18 lbs Granulated sugar for $1.00 22 “ New Orleans “ “ 1.00 Kerosene oil, per gal. - - - .12 411 package Coflee - - .15 Eight bar any kind of soap .25 Three cans corn or tomatoes .25 Arcadia Bakers’ Fancy Hour .95 " Cream Patent “ 1.05 Corn meal .... .15 Choice prunes, 20 lbs for • 1.00 Extra clioice prunes, 111 lbs 1.00 Best oat meal, 8 lbs for • .25 Four lbs choice raisins for .25 Apples |>er |>eek • .25 Hubest Price Paid for Butter and Etuu. Don't fail to come and ge^ bargains in every line. j T L PJLGEF, |NEW YORK STORE Lioup C ity, i