The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 02, 1897, Image 4

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    PART II.
CHAPTER IV_(Coxtiwdsix)
"Now, Richard, think very carefully.
Vou speak of the missing finger Joint.
We doctors know how many people ■
persuade themselves Into all sorts of •
things. Tell me, did you notice the
likeness before you saw the mutilated
Anger, or did the fact of the Anger's j
being mutilated bring the likeness to
your mind.”
•'Bless the man,” 1 said. “One would
think I had no eyes. I tell you there
is no doubt about this man being the
original of the photo.”
“Never mind—answer my question.”
‘‘Well, then, 1 am ashamed to con
fess it, hut I put the photo In my j
pocket, and forgot alt about it until I
had recognized the man, and pulled eut j
the likeness to make sure. I didn't
even know there was a printed descrip
tion at the foot, nor that any member
was wanting. Conround It, Brand!
I'm not such a duffer as you think."
Brand did not retaliate. He turned
to hts friend and said gravely, "To me
the matter Is Inexplicable. Take your
own course, as 1 promised you should.”
Then he sat down, looking deliciously
creetfallen, and wearing the discon
tented expression always natural to
him when worsted in argument.
It was now Carrlston's turn. He
piled me with many questions. Iu
fact, I gave him the whole history of
my adventure. "What kind of house is
It?” he asked.
"Better than a cottage scarcely a
farm-house. A place, I should think,
with a few miserable acres of bad land
belonging to it. One of those wretched
little holdings which are simply curses
to the country.”
He made lota of other inquiries, the
purport of which I could not then di
vine. He seemed greatly Impressed
when I told him that the man had
never for a moment left me alone.
He shot a second glance of triumph at
Brand, who still kept silent, and
looked as If all the wind had been
taken out of his sails.
“How far is the place?” asked Car
rUstcn. "Could you drive me there
after dark?”
At this question returned
to life. "What do you mean to do?”
he aaked his friend. “Let us have no
nonsense. Even now I feel sure that
Fenton is misled by some chance re
"Deuce a bit, old chap,” I said.
"Well, whether or not, we needn't
do foolish things. We must go and
swear information and get a search
warrant, and the assistance of the po
lice. The truth Is, Richard,” he con
tinued, turning to me, "we have rea
son to believe, or 1 should say (’arris
ton persists in fancying that a friend
of bis has for some time been kept. In
durance by the man whom you say you
“Likely enough,” I said. “He looked !
villain enough for anything up to mur
“Anyway,” said Brand, "we must do !
everything according to law.”
"Law! 1 want no law," answered j
Carriston. "1 have found her as 1 ;
knew I should And her. I shall simply j
fetch her, and at once. You can come
with me or stay here, as you like, doc
tor, but 1 am afraid I must trouble your
friend to drive me somewhere near the
plaee he speaks of.”
Foreseeing an adventure and great
fun.moreover, not unmoved by
thoughts of revenge--1 placed myself
entirely at Carriston's disposal. He
expressed his gratitude and suggested
that we should start at once. In a few
minutes we were ready and mounted
the dog cart. Brand, after grumbling
loudly at the whole proceeding, finished
up by following us. and Installing him
self in the ha* k scat, t'arrlston plated
a parcel he carried inside the cart, and
away we went.
It was now nearly dark, and raluing
very heavily. I had my lamps light
ed. so we got along without much dif
ficulty. The roads were deep with
mud; but by this time the snow had
toon pretty nearly washed away from
everywhere I d«n t make a mistake lb
a road twice, so in due course we
reached the scene of m.v up**t. Here
I drew up
'The house lie* shout five hundred
yard# up the lane I told Curt ision
we had better get out here *
What about the horn*?” a*krd
.No tban** of any one passing this
way on such a night as this. <m 1st us
put nut the lamp* agd tie him Up
•urn** bar*
We did M the* struggled on ef«M
mill we mw the gleam of light abb h
hod heewow wel **ma tg me two night*
II waw ghout eg dmk aa gtMt hut,
g tided by Ibo tight w* warn e* uwitl
w« atwud tw frowt of I ho houoo who**
g tuff Pap* apd g d»| hedge hid m
hwg sight although op awch a Wight
•o had I Ml la fear of owr ptema-* hotpg
What do too mdwp to do now —
ashes! Mewed ig g dlauotooled oh le
per V wo vap l hrwwh lain lha Psora* '
t arrlwfew said woihtpg far w minute,
thaw I foil him piwso hr* bawd ww wt
-Afg Ihato apt horses. sn» •***
•Pool lha pigs* tvs aehwi
I laid him t Ihwoghi that my ouri)
t-lapd iofotr*d IP the p'ssssssloo of a
Very wotl Us« »* must woU
Mw'tl *'MM ggt M gpe mem bafwto ho
gone Ml Ml* «Pl4 Osrrtstoa a* da
elded ly as a general giving orders Just
before a battle.
I could no-t see how Brand expressed
his feelings upon hearing this order
from our commander I know I
shrugged my shoulders, and, it I said
nothing, I thought a deal. The present
situation was all very well for a strong
ly interested party like Carriston, but
he could scarcely expect others to rel
ish the prospect of waiting, It might be
for hours, under that comfortless
hedge. We w'ere all wet to the skin, |
and, although I was extremely anxious
to see the end of the ex|M*dltlon. and I
find poetical justice meted out to my
late host, Carrlston's Fabian tactics
lacked the excitement I longed for.
Brand, In spite of his disapproval of
the whole course of action, was better
off than I was. As a doctor, he must
have felt sure that, provided he could
survive the exposure, he would secure
two fresh patients. However, we made
no protest, but waited for events to de
velop themselves.
OKK than half an
hour went by. I
was growing
numbed and tired,
and beginning to
think that we were
making asses of
ourselves, when I
heard the rattle of
a chain, and felt
Carriston give my
arm a warning
touch. No doubt my late host had
made sure that his new door fastenings
were equal to a stronger test than that
to which I had subjected the former
ones, ho we were wise In not attempt
ing to carry his castle by force.
The door opened and closed again. 1
saw the feeble glimmer of a lantern
moving toward the outhouse in which
my horse had been stabled. I heard a
slight rustling in the hedge, and,
stretching out my arm. found that Car
riston had left my side. In the ab
sence of any command from him I did
not follow, but resumed the old occu
pation • waiting
In a few minutes the light of the lan
tern reappeared; the bearer stood on
the threshold ofkthe house, w hile 1 won
dered what Carriston was doing. Just
as me uoor was opened ror me Door s
readmlttance, a dark figure sprang
upon him. I heard a fierce oath and
cry of surprise; then the lantern flew
out of the man's hand, and he and bis
assailant tumbled struggling through
the narrow doorway.
“Hurrah! the door is won, anyway!”
I shouted as, followed closely by the
doctor. I jumped over the hedge and
rushed to the scene of the fray.
Although (’arriaton’s well conceived
attack was so vigorous and unexpected
that the man went down under it; al
though our leader utilized the advan
tage he had gained In a proper and
laudable manner, by bumping that
thick bullet head as violently as he
could against the flags on which It lay,
1 doubt If. after all. be could have done
his work alone. The countryman was
a muscular brute and C’arriston but a
stripling. However, our arrival speed
ily settled the question.
"Bind him!" panted Carrlston; “there
Is cord in my pocket.” He appeared
to have come quite prepared for con
tingencies. While t'arriaton still em
braced his prostrate foe, and Brand, to
facilitate mattor'i, knelt on bis shoul
der, sat on hts head, or did something
else useful, I drew out from the first
pocket I tried a nice length of half Inch
line, and had the immense satisfaction
of trussing up my scowling friend in
a most workmanlike manner. He must
have felt tko*» turnu on his w rist for
days afterward. let when we were
at last at liberty to rise and leave him
lying helpless un his kitchen floor, I
• I'ucnu »*»• • - n un u pi I * I I
bUI in uot beetowluR a few kit k* upon
him. aa he swore at ua In hla hroadcat
vernacular In a way which under the
drcumatancea. was no doubt a comfort
to him
We acartel) noticed the untile wife
while we rendered her hu.dt.trtd help
i*»* Ve »* entered ahe attempted to
fly out. hut lirand with th* prompt!
(tide which. I am ptad to r* n.<t inter
1< ptad her. «lowed th* ilMt. turnetl and
porheud the he). After that th*
woman aat on th* floor etui ro> bed her
*H to and fra.
for aatm* iMt>oi*at*. al l* *- uterlap
! hla hf*«ta t 'arrlaton alotwl aud pwa|
»!»*♦> phkted -«L ht* pro* rote Um %t
eel he (wind word*
’Wber* it and Where le th* hey,
yww hound * he t ho a deied out atuup
lag e*#r the falluu aad *h*bia« him
With a tlulente uhhh did my bead
pa«4 At he iMtitwl no aaeaet ante
i »h* unrefutable e*pr—atuhe abut*
| OMiiHtMd ue anhutlaued the WtwUh’S
pueheta aad mart bed thuaa gi*e»> re
<*plae(oa Aatoup th* aeual lute* we
did wtolilt had a h*» I'ittutm
••ut*had at M, add cheating (lade
Hht* Madeline* I earn* ru>h*d wul
of the t*um Mb* a manta lea• lap
Hi aad aad at* to heap poa d tut ttut
Ottawa* i •
I Sited « pipe lit it, aad than <a»e
bach *» my lettpa fan
"I way old chap1* I *etd •iicttnp
Mm (Hatty with the tua of my hm
ihM a III h* a laamiii t* tow Meateat
War I l«ld yau that -Utility cuate noth
tap If t*u had gitea aw t’hitetlaa
! had w<—model wa ladtal «f wtahlnp
' me waar out my puar hwa** ua tha*
infernal chair inu -«utd hat# prpp«d
along In your rascality comfortably,
bo far as I am concerned.”
He was very ungrateful so much
so that my desire to kick him was in
tensified. I should not like to swear
I did not to a slight degree yield to
the temptation.
“Push a handkerchief in his mouth."
cried Brand suddenly. "A lady Is com
With right good will 1 did as the
doctor suggested.
Just then Carrlston returned. I don't
want to raise home tempests, yet I
must say he was accompanied by the
most beautiful crealure niy eyes have
ever lighted upon. True, she was pale
as a lily- looked thin and delicate,
and her face bore traces of anxiety and
suffering but for all that she was
beautiful loo beautiful for this world.
I thought, as 1 looked at her. Ube was
clinging In a half-frightened, half-con
fiding way to Carrlston. and he happy
fellow! regardless of our presence,
was Showering down kisses on her
sweet pale face. Confound It! 1 grow
quite romantic as I recall the sight of
those lovers.
A most curious young man. that Car
riston. He came to us. the lovely girl
on his arm, without showing a trace
of his recent excitement.
“Let us go now," he said, as calmly
as If he had been taking a quiet even
ing drive. Then he turned to me.
"Do you think, Mr. Fenton, you
eoulil without much trouble get the
dog cart tip to the house?"
1 said I would try to do so.
"Hut what about these people?"
asked Brand.
Carrlston gave them a contemptu
ous glance.
"i>*ave them alone,” he said; "they
are but the tools of another him I
cannot touch. I,et us go.”
"Yes. yes. Hut why not verify our
suspicions while we can?”
Just like Brand! He's always want
ing to verify everything.
In searching for the key we bad
fonnrl Hnmft tiunfiH nn nnr nrlurmpr
Hrand examined them, and handed
to Carrlston an envelope which con
tained what appeared like banknotes.
Carrlston glanced at it. "The hand
writing Is, of course, disguised," he
said carelessly, "but the postmark
shows whence it came. It Is as I al
ways told you. Vou agree with me
“I am afraid I must." said Hrand.
humbly. "But we must do something
about this man," he continued.
Hereupon Carrlston turned to our
prisoner. "Clsten, you villain,” he
said. "I will let you go scot-free if
you breathe no word of this to your
employer for the next fortnight. If
he learns from you what has happened
before that time, I swear you shall
go to pen|^ servitude. Which do you
choose ?"
I pulled out the gag. and it is need
less to say which the fellow chose.
Then I went off and recovered the
horse and cart. 1 relighted the lamps,
and with some difficulty got the dog
cart tip to the house. Carrlston must
have exactly anticipated the events of
the night. The parcel he had brought
with him contained a bonnet and a
thick warm cloak. His beautiful
friend was equipped with these; then,
leaving the woman of the house to un
tie her husband at her leisure and
pleasure, away we started, the doctor
sitting by me, Carriston and the laoy
We just managed to catch the
last train from C—- . Not feeling
sure as to what form inquiries might
take tomorrow. I thought It better to go
up to town with my friends, so, as we
passed through Mldcombe, I stopped,
paid mv Hill, and gave instructions for
my luggage to tie forwarded to me.
By six o'clock the next morning we
were all in Condon.
to n« cONrivoftrvt
1 it ml ik k DiHinoiiila Into 4«r»|*lillr.
Elementary chemistry teaches us
that, as far as the nature of the sub
stance tompoaing them la concerned,
there is almost no difference between a
briiiiant white diamond and tfie iilack
graphite forming the tote of a lead
pen* II. Hoth are simply forms of car
bon. and if we eon hi readily turn one
Into the other, the diamond would cease
to rank aa the king of gems. In fact,
very minute diamond* hatre recently
been made in this wav by Monsieur
MohuaU. the Krench *heml».. (Sraphits
i an be dissolved in molten iron and
when the iron cooU the graphite
rrytlatli/cs. My p**t (orming inis
operation in a particular man
uer Which hati hrrelofoe been
{described In Ibis toiutltn Monsieur
I M»i'«*u gels mu p> tit'isl, not
of g i phitc but of iInimoihI t un met)
i eutmgti now that s« know now
graphite tan be turned into dtomund.
It lui also t*»*n ithoi iNg that dia
UMMtd can f*e < b inged luto gtapMIS
! This l* eg,tied n* piecing a diamond
| in an *»*• *u»te*i • rooks* tuha In such
j a infer' it IS t*el!»r*«t that mvlslhio
I mole- a tea uf matter are >oonau4kllr
darting ttosi and 'h**» usmsas pro
dure • -reertesr htunhardment tea tha
sorts* e of Ife* dkaUkawd Moi a lime
the ■ g» ' kro*WM rtsinio In a him fe
slain nr ‘root rose * tag the diamond
i tin ttaminatiw* tnta to t****nd to nn
I ■ imi'Wto «f gtwpht e
scar too gen •*«
UoMbmad Maw t**m hate* pwaal
•lacing pane**, tawht*' t*»hhr *m
* ranh ouh grim hamatt martn pan
ora * thell I -<vu ti>) <*, «•> got nut
| li atn * mated lt»n thto Ii-sm I spot
tar Are hr at e fehm
th Hhes to a suae alnmrd snmoa.mhtt
: tiai Mhat * he done now ■ Has
ynot tom* fem h Mum at** •**»* h«,u»tat
and ia*l ntghi he e*t do an in a m*ut
and haiesk It not null! t. fe e *nd the
• hc.t* l*et ft Hits
Mr In tvm ill imirr In thr Srr%l«*r of tlir
King of Aahantl IIni E ter Mini Morr
of MU t'fllowa Than %njr Olhrr l*rr
M>n Mvliig.
UK gentle m Hn
whose picture Is
shown here has
done enough work
In his line to en
title him to much
distinction. For
thirty years he was
lie great execution
er In the service of
the Kin* of AshHU
tl. The office he
| held made him the most notable per
son in the country, after the kin*. It
haa always been a very high office In
deed In Ashanti, and the great execu
tioner was an Inmate of the kinit's own
It Is enough to make an ordinary
person shudder to think of the number
of human heads tills worthy has lopped
himself, probably views his record with
pride, us convincing proof of efficiency
and faithful attention to official duties.
He did not keep tab on his victims and
does not exactly know how many per
sons he slaughtered during his thirty
years of hard work In the sacred grove;
but the lowest estimate of his victims
Is 30,000, the highest Is 50,000. and the
tiuth probably lies between the two.
When the Knglish expedition was
approaching Kumassl. early last year,
the great executioner disappeared. No
body knew better than this functionary
that one of the chief reasons for the
British advance in hostile array was
the failure of the king to put a stop
to human sacrifice* at his capital, as
he had promised to do. The execution
er discreetly decided that Kumassl
would be a very unhealthy place for
him as soon as the British entered It,
and ho he took to the woods. He was
caught, however, a few days after the
larger part of the British expedition
had started back to the coast with the
king In custody. At last accounts He
was still held a prisoner at the cap
The British had not been able to find
the golden stool which has served the
line of Ashanti kings as a throne. They
thought the great executioner knew
where this valuable piece of furniture
wag concealed, and they tried in every
way short of torture to wrest the se
cret from him. He Is a very close
mouthel old person, however, and the
golden stool has not yet been dese
crated by British handling. As like
as not the great executioner is honest
in his protestations that he hasn't the
slightest idea where the old stool is.
For the first time in his life he sat
for his photograph, no longer officially
known as the great executioner, but
merely i humble prisoner in the bands
of white men. The photograph was
taken by Mr. George K. French, and
this picture was drawn front It.
For thirty years the great execution
er was the presiding genius In that
horrible sacrificial grove of which Stan
ley gave so graphic a description. The
trees In this grove were tall cotton
woods, and when Stanley was there the
ground was covered with euiiutless
skulls and skeletons, whip' about fort)
bodice, recently decapitated were ly
ing among the trees. Mr Howdlch dr
scribed the grove In lilt. aud M Bouat.
wbo was long a prisoner lit Kuntisb.
said that he had writ two or three him
dred slave* slain on the same day
They were executed In tb> HO*! bar
( l.itrou- iu.iittl#r. usd th* ir tiiuli* w wtfv
Ifc* *i*wvr. Wh ti uu,
1 iiuMiOi » that has* tom going on t«.r
I m til410 >«*»* II U <Im Mt
I t*4*t I9MMI p*ra***# »niri*
| a« ui % ?* ittiitt tit Kumtoht *ln<» ►» 'f tit*
! tli# i *»i th# r*i« ui 4)tu» v **•
i«it*ti»lt«<t uM *li# tuMtn •Um4.
In (M miMMII* of tfc* ♦ !r* nil, tru
Tilt *«* *■»*! |mii« Mi »*• tuiitv IliiiltM
,«i «b« t iit»* wmai ku«<
4ml i it. Kxutiwr •*>.! M»« th*a. I*
w i,»a tA* tuliiwn a>rt»*4 ih*t*
latl f«<*« iA*» *»“***• tA4*. iA»«* ■ «.**
Id * *N • dAwdt Kkll *.f«* Ikd.
m»4. ut kt»«#» *d4 ik«Ali«t *k.l
• i**ii.tut • All* •Adit* Mm ik« -At.*
Mlgrvdl >al«d*t A** H. « l~«* *t>*l
t*d*4 dd4 Id* **•*#•* at A.Aabtl add
Mm t4fr«H.d4ld« *•**••*.- <a>i Af*atA*
*•»<«. iff * a* *aif»iii«« hHf.k adit I
A.** i|m»* **** AddadM l)« a lit bom.,
att « ibid* »t »A» ►*»'
A ••.■It.* iif.iAi
fk. »««4trik fidddbdf M »«.* |t.H
Aid «•' *f .4* ***Jida id H.«kida dt*
{•at a*»v>* iA< MM» wa*mM»mA4 **«><
iwl fhlAd* **rl»*4 di l.iad Adlitd
• A«i> • it. *f*ii«4 if. i*»Aid Af’ai
| a »b»> aid# iA*f* U Att* il*44id |hm
i»l<> i.ld« »** N'«t*U **l Add.*
|0t** * A» *«* >* <d
long < i*ni|iuIgn* \% III Hive I'tucc to single !
Hut Derisive Ftirou liter*.
Summing up the whole question, as
between any two European peace
trained armies of the present day, the
extreme percentage of loss to be antici
pated locally, I. e., on particular bri
gades and divisions, will not exceed
one In three lof which one is killed to
four wounded), whereas for whole ar
mies of a quaiter of a million ami
over one In ten Is the very outside pun
ishment we may reasonably expect.
When a paper speaks of Munkao
Compared to the slaughter of the seven
years' war, and the best contested Helds
of the Napoleonic period, this Is very
little, indeed. At Zorndorf the Rus
sians left 21,000 out of 52,000 on the
ground, and this Is undoubtedly the
bloodiest battle recorded since the In
troduction of portable firearms. Eylau,
Frledland, Wagram and llorodino all
exceed the figures for any pitched bat
tle since the breechloader appeared in
the Held, Moreover, the horror of the
whole thing Is not to be measured by
figures or percentages only, but by the
density in which the killed and wound
ed lie, and the fate of the latter after
wards. In a modern battle 20.000 men
would fall on an area of about twenty
square miles; at Zorndorf the 21.0(H)
Russians and 12,000 Prussians lay on a |
single square mile, and of the wounded,
not one In three survived; whereas, In
1*70 nine out of ton recovered, and the
Prussian medical staff anticipated even
better results next time. But death on
the battlefield Is by far the least of the
two evils the soldier has to face. There
Is deulh on the line of march and In
hospitals along the road. Whereas,
formerly, particularly under Napoleon,
ten would die by the way for one who
fell In action. In the last. Franco-Ger
man war only one mau died of disease
for two killed In action. Indeed the
health of men In the full prime of life
was actually slightly better in the field
than in quarters. It may, however, )»e
arguetl that, even granted that battles
and marches may be less destructive,
there will be more of them, because
every able-bodied man being trained
for war, tbe resistance will be more
prolonged than formerly, but this pro
longed endurance Is only conceivable
under the supposition that the leaders
on both sides are hopelessly incompe
tent, and both fear to stake all on a
single collision a supposition that
nothing tends to Justify. On the con
trary, every leader brought up In the
modern school Is taught to understand
the vulnerability of all modern mili
tary organizations, and is penetrated
with the conviction that one downright
"knockout” blow effects more than
weeks of purposeless sparring, and
where both start determined to bring
matters to a climax, tbe decision can
not long be delayed. Judging from
what we know of the relative efficiency
of continental armies, we believe that
the first round of tbe great encounter
will also be the last, for the momen
tum of tbe blow which decides will sim
ply paralyze every nerve of tbe oppo
nent's body, and, adding up all sources
of casualties that can occur In a short
campaign of this description, we con
clude that at »he very worst the actual
cost In human life to the powers en
gaged will not amount to more than
nve per cent oi inetr several popula
Ada l.el|h'« Gooil Work.
There are now in Paris three homes
for English-speaking girls—the Mother
Home, at 77 Avenue Wagram; Wash
ington Home, the home of the art stu
dents, and the Children's Home at
Neuilly—as the outcome of the work
begun in that city years ago by Miss
Ada Leigh, now Mrs. Travers Lewis,
wife of the archbishop of Ontario.
Miss Leigh, who had conducted a Bible
class of over four hundred In Man
chester, England, while she was a girl
of seventeen, organized one of a simi
lar character among the English-speak
ing girls in Paris, when she was her
self studying there. Front this devel
oped the idea of a home for girl art
students, which has grown to the three
homes mentioned above. None of the
ladies in charge of the homes receives
a salary, hut there Is never any lack of
MIS* Alik UUtlll.
kr*|.*r» » An wtk IM*( <|M«k
>** I* Uliltaaa •*«! aa*UI )*«*>
Dim klk* ' An «***■! #tfla *1 *11 <l**a*a,
i >■« laJia* aktwlMkU |um*a*M a»4 Jw
aal«*St* Ua< r ra*a*>«4 A* I*
a lAa k»*fc*a Wa*r*M Him «Am.
Ik* Ammi tia *»t kll lu^anAi A*t
> • »W—I A* tr«MM ifcua*
»t*'**ti t* IS* ku»S
* ~»
tka »)«•*•• Mi— a 4a« i
Vtaaaa*! MwuMifat> *•<a «*a «*,
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HmaS Am Mlfl *—*u 4ataa|*ik«4 4*4 i
!* ••< in* 41* «»»»*»* in IAa> la*na*
kill *!**<• »Aa *kaa«M— a*** .4| ia.
|M*U**>* fAa *r«a»4*kl Am aaki iw
-A* *«**>• * »«*M*WtkM* afcWA Am iiaa*
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I i4k«* AMI kMt*llta4a, »« *1*1 Aa *av
M*a»y <k Ati#**u»a lAa kimiliif
Unltlen Tr*l: ClirUt WakHb tk*
Whole” Art* » I 3« H»lnt Pater * vtill
to Ijriltl* Aflrr Paul-* to .lrrn«a
I K lessm. for to-day
Include* Acts 9: A2
43. Time About A.
D 49 Peter'* vlall
lo Lydda was prob
ably mill- soon aft
er Paul * ' islt to
Jernaalam Place. -
I. Lydda. now * ailed
Lud. It I :** about
nine mil— southeast
of Joppa In Peter a
dev b w a* a town
of importance. e*|*e
ciglly famous for its
rabbinic * hool. If
Aaron, the ‘•plain of Aharon renowned
in the ancient Km-i im fertility and beau
ty; If war deii*e|\ Inhabited A Joppa.
'I he modern Jit ft a ha* in ill agw been
Important as the **>aporf o f aouthern
Palestine; It Is twenty-five miles from
Jerusalem, and fins about ttfteen thou
sand Inhabitants Joppa wa* originally
a Phllestlne Hty (Josh. I'h to. thither
‘Mina from Lebanon materials for th*
temple (2 Chron. 2. 1*L and from It Jonah
sailed. The following Is »he full text. 33
And there he found a car’afo man named
Lucas. which hud kept h« bed eight
veara and wa« sick of the |M.!<y. M And
Peter said unto him. Kneas. Jesus Christ
tuaketh thee whole att-e* and make thy
bed. And lie arose Innnedla'*dv 3?> Arid
all that dwell hi Lvdd* ami Aaron to w
him. and turned to th*' Lord 'Mi Now
there was at Joppu a ••erta: i disciple
named TaMthii which try IiP*m pretgtfon
Is called Lore as. this woman whs full of
good works and almsdeed.' wbb'h she did
87 And If came to pass In (hoe* days, that
she was sick, and died whom whan they
had washed, they laid her l an tipper
chamber. ;*h And forasmuch a* Lydda
was nigh to Joppa and the 1 «■ Iples had
heard that Peter was there 'hey sent
unto him two men. desiring film that h«
would not delay to conn to them 'M
Then Peter arose and went with them.
When he was come, they brought him
Into the upper chamber ami all th**
widows stood by him weeping and show
ing Ihe coats and garment * wrMhti Leu* as
made, while she was with them. 40 Hut
Peter put them all forth, and kneeled
down, and prayed, and turn! »g him to
the body said. Tahltha. arise And she
opened tier eye* ana wiisn «ne •*** w rr
ter, iifie sat up. 41 And lie nave her Ids
hand, and lifted her up. and w. on he had
called the saints and widows, he pre
sen ted her alive. 42 And It wi* known
throughout all Joppa and many belli vid
In the Lord. 43 And ft arm* to pass, that
he tarried many day* In Joppt with on#
Hinton a tanner.
Lesson* from this L*ion 1 Raising
the de*d was Jesus' must wonderful
miracle, and here the ascended Lord does
the same works as he did when on eaiih.
They proved him Lord VV»*. do not nerd
their continuance now. for we know him
to be Lord. The proofs of Christianity
that are always wanted ire forglvaness
of *lna. nitrified souls loving hearts, holy
live*, helpful hands, happy d"*tha a liv
ing Church, a conver t world. 2 Par
alytic souls and souls detail In ah» have a
mighty Savior who Is realty to save
them. If they will hear the voire of his
ministers and his Spirit.
The growth of the Christian Church has
always been a fact un accountwide to hu
man philosophy. A little hand of a dozen
poor men. without mone> or so la I influ
ence. or sword, set In notion a movement
which In three centuries conquered the
civilized world: which has not >et spent
Its force. Is still cottquerp x heathen
I. We find here Indicated ho nr,** of the
elements of Gospel power. 1, The power
In organization Verse ti. 'nils is hinted
in Peter’* journey “throughout all quar
ters.” The churches throughout Pales
tine and Hyrltf were united under a cen
tral head, the apontolate a* Jerusalem
Thera was at bond of discipline. Cully
gives power. 2 The power In sympathy.
Peter found the palsied Knew*. Hot as
sought out the needy and sorrowing, the
disciples at Joppa felt an interest, which
prompted the sending for Peter. Chtls
ttantty In lh«* heart awakens sympathy
for those In trouble The Christian
Church has built hospitals, established
charities, has gone about doing good, and
has thereby won the love of men. 3. The
power In character. A character like
that of Dorcas could not remain con
cealed. It shone in the darkness of the
world, and not only attracted attention
to Dorcas, but also to the GospH which
Dorcas exemplified. The Christian char
acter draws many to Christ. t The su
pernatural power in the Gospel. Beyond
all the v isible Influences of Christ ianlty
there has been an invisible divine force.
Kneas arose to health ami Dorcas was
• ailed back to life by a miraculous power
for which no human philosophy an ac
count These were only illustrations In
lhe physical world of what Christ f* con
stantly doing in the spiritual world.
Kvery marked conversion of -t soul Is
just as miraculous as t! •• recalling to 11 f♦
of a dead body.
TI. Wo note ulso some effects of Gospel
power, as shown in this story. 1. Moll
■ css: expressed In the name saint*.’*
applied to believers in Christ. Christlan
itv ha* given to the world a new type of
character to helpfulness Christian*
have been at work feeding the linear).
« lolhing the naked, relieving the <tl*
tleased, ever since tin day* of Dorcas. .1
Growth. Verses 15-42. A while ago the
Church was only 111 and Around Jet ihu
lem. \\> find It alreai|> -prradu g ti. Ha
maria, along the «oast of the Mt lit« t -
ranean. over the tnotiritain* at Daimi- us
The t Son pel is a seed, having mighty pow
er of reproduction. 4- \ i tory ovei death
The restoration of Dorms to life v.a*
only a symbol of the more wonderful tri
umph of every latllevet over the
As she arose so shall w<- riw only our
t esurrectlon will he cvvrbiding for v. e
shall die no more
r airrimi i« 11 *r<» u or)|M *
M«> I* iho muni (tint ••a.intiio ol
lonontnl horo-worwhtp Mia opinion*
mio nl)*olutol> iinti'iuliflfit exoont lo
lompi rnmont. Mo o»pr*»vin it form o^
i« t»of in th* lm(tui i«R>t of ih- Imli
virtual whhh l» Ind iniloiil of any
ptrnonat lolattotia In h*» wish ib>
wttrM It U M If » mati ho! Imn
wlihihunn from ih* v.trth ana a,.,t|.
*’»»fo«l 10 i o'olonxinn amt t-mborty la*
Mil* •••Mini Mow ih** ialno ut t v in
•livtrtiml MMil mi i Unity ao v IIally
lhal hi* ninth* null.I no* rtlo ’ lit
•mb lllttnlt* ana jIm>k*. t , ,!,4i
br uw I ban** ami by m» |n«*«i tow hi
hi* tf«*tl bar wool (nr pntpthw* uf tyi
*»U» iHHIMia HRRHiH tv MRIltM 1*4
'tom M it* hunt* * nnttoi bn built on |i
It *ttvr it*** m tb* tRtril it*** „r
• !*• It •* apotn*** ana i*n*«n n*>tb.t>«
•*'H*iMb nn* *u nfitid <tI ip. bout
'bni hlll*tb tbm b. n*mia bnrrtly irwM
bln nortin to mint II* «.«, *M*o*a
ibn** nn« no to. b tbini* M Htmnl
MMtb bo* «*»»» Ilt*i*l **i*t*b<a* l |p
i* nut
* Mill IH.bUI.
1I*|» nr* lbin* balitttal *r««,
in taikOon t« •«*«) tno puit»**o>*
tb««* n<* win i *••• aitn* tn M ... «
t« w >«** upatnuun tot tv lr>t**n.M
of b * 4i*>»l*
******** MWmmi* of w» Smi lor I
•** tn nntbortnv tn I* .,«**• b »»*.t, *
*»a pat** of f'inR**
inn Mhbm««»4 tVt t i»r«v«* i*pva
»k*lf mnpin tw* f*ttvrp t*» , »
path** mi uttaobMAb. «*p twais*, *4
*-*»h. " imtnti*