The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 02, 1897, Image 2

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QEO. E. BBN8CIIOTEB, Editor > »*«b
III! |
Several new business enterprises are
getting under way in Tecumseh.
Or. (irant. one of the oldest resi
dents of Nebraska City, died last week.
Three spans of the I’latte river bridge
at. Schuyler were taken out tty the high
Methodists of Heaver Crossing are
holding revival meetings with great
<!ov. Holcomb bus announced the
new tire commissions for Omaha and
The American savings bank, Omaha,
in receiver's hands, last week paid u
K> per cent dividend.
The Auburn telephone company is
talking of extending its lines to all
other towns in the county.
Frank YVivims, of Lyons, has mys
teriously disappeared and Ills family
and parents are much concerned.
.Mrs, .1. F. Ilaekettof Exeter slipped
and fell while entering her seat in
church and dislocated her ankle.
Paul Sandoz of bayard received two
cans of strawberries sent by express
from his old home in Switzerland.
Close to 3,Ottl) head of cattle are lie
•lng fed near Nelson for the cattle com
pany represented by A. C. Mct'orkle.
At the recent session of the district
court of Brown county there was not
a single crirninul ease on the docket.
Senator Allen lias secured passage
through the senate of his bill to estab
lish a legal survey of Ponca reservation
Huin llirseh. of Omaha, was arrested
for forgery, but he got out of the
scrape easily by proving that he could
neither read nor write.
Rkvivai. meetings for some time in
progress ut St. Kdwurd have closed.
The meetings were not us successful
us had lieen anticipated.
A petition is being circulated ut
York for the pardon of \V. L. Lee. the
man found guilty of assaulting Aaron
Hissell with intent to kill.
The stock that is being shipped from
• Pawnee City to tiie Kansas City market
is very highly spoken of by the Drov
er's Telegram of that City.
Constable (ieorge Davis arrested
•lim Dean, a negro, on the train at
Lyons. Authorities at Sioux City tele
graphed to hold the prisoner until they
could arrive.
A ear of corn, donated by the farm
ers of the vicinity, is now stored in the
elevators at North Loup, awaiting
shipment to the destitute famine and
plague victims in India.
Applications for urmy chaplaincies
arc pouring into the war department,
three already tieing credited to Ne
braska, Rev. O. L. Ramsey of Craw
ford. Rev. J. R. Carnes of Orand Island
and Rev. Warren F. Kastman.
The Otoe county fair will la- liehf the
week immediately preceding the state
fair. The board of managers is busily
engaged on a revision of the premium
list, und is raising the premiums gen
erally, in view of better times.
The public schools at Mead are closed
for one week ut least. This was
caused by Prof. J. M. (Julloway having
caught the measles. The regular
spring vacation is due in one week and
the board has decided to call it vaca
tion now.
A contest for a small purse took
place at Weeping Water between two
lightweights of that city, Elmer De
Wolf and Davie Miller (colored). Miller
was knocked out in the fifth round
with a blow such us the one Corbett
received at Carson.
Hon. J. Sterling Morton arrived in
Nebraska City last week from Chicago.
The ex-secretary of agriculture is ap
parently in the best of health and
spirits. He drove immediately to
Artmr Lodge, where lie says he will
remain for the present.
James Adams, a well-to-do farmer
living on the edge of Pierce, disap
iH-ared from bis home on** morninir lsst
week. He is supposed to have been
temporarily demented. He wax last
seen ulxmt noon near the river and it
is thought lie met his death there.
Eugene Maxjre. ex-auditor of state,
appeared in court Ix-fore Judge Coch
ran. waived examination and was
bound over to the distriet court in the
sum of fltMKKl. The bondsmen are:
A. L,. Hover. L. W. liillingsly. J. 11.
Culver, At lee Hart and Trank I*. Prince.
A. It, Moses, an old veteran and one
of the early settlers of Howard county,
was kicked severely In the face and
heud by a vicious burse He w as budly
hurt, but his injuries were not con
sidered dangerous. However, he sub
ke<|Uently began to fail and S<x*n died
Assessors of York county have agreed
on the following basis: Cariu lauds
Including improvements, •;> to *ti, I main
and rough laud, ft; horses. It to fin;
rows, f.1 to *s; steers. #* tofts; sheep
fto eeuts: h<igs one fourth market
value Vpri i. T<le phone, fin per mile.
V tire oeewrred two miles west of
Shell,Ul, w it it’ il destroy o 1 a tattfll. jO*l
bush, I. of corn five toils of hay, three
arts t«f linrnes*. farm machinery three
head of entt-a anal seven head of work
horses Is longing to Mra KUen tlllver
There wss f <»> insurance on the t>aru
Uilai fawi's *
I to* l'a am I'a, !«• railroad ha* a
large fama of grsala rs at work at
t trlwmbn* in xib.ina of the ballasting
pang preparing th*- roadbed for tha
grave I that will oMwarav to arrive
alsrat the ferst of tprd Several ha la, I
rest ,wrU<n*l» »f gravel wtU be put In
between t o'uud-u« anal l.oup hrtdgv
raising th* track a Isaac tha aianger
lint in earn of high water.
iacirgs Jones and Jim i ntdwell the
|avo men enpiured at llraiinga about n
month np»* nn*i brought to si Paul on
anamkehm wf being inaptnawd in the
robbery a»# I* t« W»aaa.lrt»«s a store, a*
eased »a»m the ta*»n jad last as.-eh
A liberal tv a an a l it ofhrvd hr their
Mean it Han asm »»f ttwaha rva •■acred •
verdtet «*••••* lb# PaeMe
rwttrsmd gswnpnni In ahnigc l awe its
vsanrt for |i*f *«• Ih. !»•* .al to
right leg which Was i»| ilatvl «-•
Iwiowr the an*# *» a •"•*» «d |w|M mn
wat r bt a train wn the Writ line tall
way wear Unset* park June n. iwi.
\ he* was the third Wt*l th »h* vase
fleeanvaat of the A m end men t Vote Will
Now Interruptedly (Jo Forward—
l.eglilattire’* Time la I’p, Hut
There la Yet a (Jreat Deal
of Work In Night.
The Nebraska Assembly.
Hew at*.~The senate on the 2nd became In
volved lu a parliamentary tangle over the
bill providing for u new dormitory for the
Peru normal school. Today the senate un
did some of this hasty work. The dormi
tory appropriation was recalled, arid the
measure must henceforth take Its chances.
The vote by which the bill win passed was
reconsidered by a vote of 17 loll. In the
afternoon the senate took up regular routine
work. As soon as it had lieen called to order
the senate went Into committee of t he whole,
with Mr. (iotidrlug in I In* chair, to take up
the consideration of senate file No. 2W. which
had lieen made a special order for this after
noon. Frit/, of TJiurston. author of the lilll,
tried to have the name of Felt* of Keith sub
stituted for Ilia* of Mr. (iondrlng. hut the
motion failed to carry, and Mr. (iondrlng
took the chair. Henate file No. 23V provides
that I he terms of all county officers shall In*
for the period of four years, and that all
county officers now ill office shall hold
said offices without further election
until I sum. In other words, the pro
positi law extends for two years the ,
term of office of all county officers,
The commit tee math* short work of the
hill. After it had been read Mr. Frit/,
offered an amendment which limited
t he tenure of office to a single term. It was
agreed to without dissent. Then Mr. Mut/.
offered anottier amendment providing that
the llrst election of county officers under the
pro|H>sed law should he held Jii 1SW7. This
was also agreed to hy a vote of 14 to 7. Mr.
Heal moved that tlie committee rise and re
port the hill hack to the senate with the
recommendation that the hill lx* Indefinitely
postponed. To this Mr. McUanu offered an
amendment that the hill lx* recommended
for passage. Finally the hill was recom
mitted to the committee on Judiciary. Sen
ate file No. 2, the anti-compact Insurance
hill. Introduced by Mr. Ilaller. was placed on
Its final reading and pu*»ed hy a vote of 2* to
I. Senate file No. 305. Introduced hy Mr.
(iondrlng. to amend the Irrigation law. was
read the third tInn* and passed. House roll
No. |HA was read the third time and passed
It leagall/es certain acts of the county cifbi
mlssiouerf of Buffalo county. Up to this
time the passage of the hills hud proceeded
without Interruption; hut from this time on
t he afternoon proceedings, so far as hills on
third reading were concerned, were bail I y
broken up. Hill after bill was read and
found to he radically defective In construc
tion nr In the manner in which It hud been
Henatk. The senate devoted the session on
the 24th entirely to the severul normal
M'hixil propositions. It transpired very
early in the day that a combination had been
effected for the purpose of establishing not
one. tmi t wo, normal scnoois. one in ©cotta,
and one at York. Long before tint day closed,
however, the combination went to pieces and
ail normal school bills wen* killed for the
session. Mr. McCtann said that the necessity
for a normal school was apparent to every
body. Scotia was but forty miles from the
geographical center of the state. It was ac
cessible to the people of twenty counties.
The buildings were sufficient for all the
needs of a normal school for the coming ten
years. He contended that such a school at
York would la* superfluous as that city was
within an hour's ride of the University
of Nebraska, which furnished ample fa
cilities for the training of teachers In
the south ami central purl of the state.
There was lengthy discussion on th** mutter,
some favoring York and others Scotia. Mr.
Mediant) closed the debate with a plea for the
Scotia proposition. At 4:20 o'clock a vote
was reached on Haller's motion thut the
committee recommend to Indefinitely post
pone all normal school bills. It was agreed
to by a vote or IS to 11. Tills kills all normal
school propositions for this session. Mr.
<bd>oni moved that the vote by which senate
tile No. £11 was passed lust Monday Is* recon
sidered. This motion was declared tot)© out
of order until the bill was In tie- possession
of the senate. Mr. < ’aldwell moved that the
house t>e requested to return the bill to the
senate, lie said that there was good reasons
for tbe belief that the bill, which proposed to
retrain the crime, of gambling, had been
passed In Ignorance of its true purport.
After discussion the motion to recall the hill
was agreed to. When th© bill was returned
the vote by which it was pussed was recon
sidered and the bill sent back to the com
mittee of the whole. A committee consisting
of Talbot, Ooudrlng and Howell was ap
pointed to confer with a like committee from
ttie house relative to fixing a day for final
adjournment. The senate then adjourned.
Senate. Tlu* senate on the 2.1th resolved
itself Into an Informal sifting committee this |
forenoon. The approaching end of the ses
sion was evidenced in the hasty scramble of
individual senators to get their favorite bills
In under cover. Utils on third reading were
taken up as soon as the chaplain had said
his prayers. Hut one hill whs ready, house
roll No. 144, Introduced by Burkett of Lan
caster. it makes grave robbing .» felony
Instead of a misdemeanor. The hill has al
ready passed the house and the senate sent
It to t he governor. Mr. Milts brought up Ids
bill, senate tile No. 1»M. providing for the
dividing of thi* Fifteenth Judicial district
into two districts, aud moved that It In* ad
vanced to a third reading. This motion
brought on .i llrst-class controversy. The
motion to advance the bill was not ugi-eod to.
Mr. (iondrlrig asked that senate tile No. 240
be engrossed for its final passage. This Is
one of the important hills <>f the session,
although It has uttucted hut little attention,
it authorlzes the attorney general to com*
me nee mi action to recover from the sureties
of an official Umd running to the state In the
county in which the sureties reside. \t
1»r»-sent such stilts have t«» U* commenced In
Lancaster county. The Idll wusudvauced to
third reading On motion of Mr. Spencer of
Lancaster, senate tile No 'J9:i was ordered
fur till t*« i n uiIIiil’ ll u ft .ft 11
to require K<*tiool IwMik • milieu tile* fur
’lUhlnp tmoke to a*‘hoo| dietrirle hi Nv
hru*ka muter «,oiitrtu*t to tiiutii.uln a
H.pnly liouee at the capital of the elate
Nrnute ite No. 9P*, whloh next r«*cel\e«t con
*ii|«*ruf ton. |»hnlitn for the e\«'iualoti ..f
M’hool lioiiU t&Xefc til the comnul at Ion of ap
fh'Knlr r'lMel luxe#. Tin4 hill win* unhhii*
tuentlee) for |i'tovlifi Ttw* enrolled »*opy of
• lie revount 1*111 «u% prt M'iiti'il amt eigne*! l»y
th* lieutenant goveritoi I'ht Miiate lull
■ idlittf to the uae of t Inmpltal for the In
mum at l.llMHiiu a uuarter uelinii of elate
laml wt»* |m«m «I The *« nate hill permuting
< rluituat eiitte agatuet elute oflh’iai* chargon
Willi ..ff, Here apatite! tl»e etatulee to In
hroU'fhl it 4HV 1‘tHllll V Itf till Unit Nit* il
flu ami«»mut>v>ietit that the /mi rn»r hail
etgm tl (Im ro'vulkt UUi *ae re«*r|eei| amt ll**
•mate u(IJi<iifit(it.
mmti The urn ate oi* th* 97th itul eon
iUlerghle lk(*lw«e Ttte Ik'iih nttht ifoternof
ImmIoI to iht > U tie amt ha*t read a *«aoinM
lit* >I oh ta win*, h h* a*ii»o«u. « *1 th* .»iH*,tui
IN M of t uieli) of h* art«e>. dykeeuf \da»«»*
ami Mi ami of • *,» iimuii a« llw eenale im m
t» Ufl t ha MM 4I.I * «4nK«le#t»M| |ilm l«l« i| fof
In Ih* bill whe ll r% vrlxrd the approval **f tin
/i<m *n*»f The hoae* Mile uertltel a« m
nMil llw a «><td Da** I i* of tk>|d xhmoI
that laueee roll \o Ml h oleai* '*1 • tlemi
n oil* * I k 4)1 anil#■#!#• e tin »on#mi*
*k<*,t m of gMihtle* laNt» *ii4 imlkltiHh to « a, i
Ui*th Im Ik *4*1 1***1 M«n4«!l h« i
latMi 4* • hel laml <ma * The pure
k*«) hit) mi realm e«t hy Mr Matiiki a a#
taaea up 4l« tWMil and m imjNink 4 M
lluii# |e4t V« liaMfl • MU to
H« irkt <«tpfatkm* fr**m *4*1 rihnleap t*.
I#nttw at » ♦*»!*#!h*ne *»* e*i^| itmi Uettu
vat r la ttoetU***# ««» f*r. «••»**» h4r*t h* *****
The tail MU Mka up •<#! uaaH •'*« V* let
Ultkl e MU pfothltaa M Ma tautka of » %
p«* m eapeitw**Mkilt IM »i*i» »*f hei"#a-t *
tn4 Ititf * pinity ha f*1** *4*1*meat*
Ml Toll i«h **4 to *4*‘he e**lt »k ♦*#***-■
meal %*%•»>« ilk o**.* * In
%#ai »*f tha be i ami u«ah* «•
hal * |»* *ai *•# th* o-w * #•#*«*#%
I'm «** tv* w • ** aeh'pl* *4 M* Mufphp «*#e##4
aa «* • .<•!«.♦ ..4 % »*#.#* up »**<*• the a*« **•#
M»** of tk ***** cnmhmm * ih* a a# aval t***4 h#
:*>• .».i m»m >> *.. • - e» *«>.«.• >.
♦ .»!»•* IV
uvt»«i<.t »>,4 «►.*•»» kf e* .
> th* I **« •«•!<■» |»«» »•'
I W ‘ • «4uM*«>4 Ifc. *■*»••» *».»v
IKI ■)-•< 4 *' •*» M 1IM .»*ll H **» V.
k% r*n& m*‘.Mt«« *<* * •*» «
Mwt *i(w»** *
iv -mmn % i4i.vm •> law • !*»•< •
U J m. >1 « !*• It»l V ‘ I •Ifcw* ■ *. •*
MittNei 'r* • *.i'i i-p
>3 i dTi**- a*’
W i r hiMi 111 ■S>el~ * I« M-<| 'Ml l-« i
Im mmm■ ItA*t «# | im* «»»i fw
'iiNiVaiiMUli.' • ws-ww* ‘9tewa*i£4i rUbM v -rowu>*m9» aetu«w>%.
offered by Mr. Tails>t. wa* ndoptrd. ud tht
: bill was recommended to pass.
Horse.—In the bouse on the Zkl the com
mittee on privilege* and elections reporte<
house roll No. 65!. the new hill relating ti
{ the powers and duties of tin1 attorncy-gcn*
1 era! In cases affecting the state, to ih* en*
grosM’,1 for third reading. Tin* report wa*
adopted. Itllls on third reading having l**en
taken up. House o, 11 No. ttlil, tin* general
appr*,print Ion hill. wa* read and pur upofi
Its pfuMage. Tin* vote stcaal K! ayes to4 nay**
Huger. Snyder of Nemaha. Wooster and
Young voting against the hill. House roll No,
IWO. th« . biiins appropriation bill, was read
and parsed by a vote of 7rt to *. House roll
No. iMi. provfdlug for the payment by coun
ties of the premium on tfie bond* of county
treasurers, where these Ismds are executed
by a surety company authorized bylaw tfi
. v . nte Niini iMifida, possetI by ■ s <*t« of
to tV. House roll iiumls'r ;i%4 provides for the
pay men tout «'f the state treaaury of tin
premium on the state treasurer's bond, when
t he Is,nd 1s executed by u surety comuany
authorized by law to execute such Imuki, the
premium not to exceed one-third of 1 per
cent per annum of the penalty slat4*d In the
l,ond. The bill curries an appropriation for
the payment of such premium It was passed
hy a vote of AW to !£A. House roll No. Ml.
by Hlch. to amend section* 7 ami M of chapter
I will of the compiled statutes of Ne
braska. lhUft. and relating to Ik,mis re
quired from persona having contracts
with the stale, received Ml vote* for ami
I Is against Its passage with the enter
gency clauxe. ltd I was again called upon Its
passage with the emergency clause stricken
out. and »be fate of t he 1,111 Ik* I rig t cry uncer
tain. Hlch moved a call of the house. It
was -im>ii raised and the bill passed by a vote
of Ml to House roll No. Mi, crcutlrig a
Ik,i»rd of nubile works consisting of three
member- In cities of the scccml clas* and
villa*, -,*hIc« of over fl.non Inhabitants, was
pa— e<l with tin* emergency clause stricken
out by a vote of Al to 44. House i^ril N«^ UtK!
pro vide- t hat notaries public slta 11 Mj »e bond
for $2,(Niu either In an Incorpon surety
company or two residents of ly county.
The bill received M votes and ww declared
pa—«d with the emergency claj^p stricken
out. House roll No. .’Mb rcpilr,Jrv hat when
the plaint ill Is a nonresident of#M county In
which action is brought lie tnum R*ft furnish
security for costa, either by a ■patent of the
county or a surety coruminif r| tliorhted to
transact such business. Tin* •hO.',LHSi<1 with
the emergency clause. Henif tHI© No. 47.
Hansom’s hill requiring ll,uli|y»*hand and
wife shall Ik»i h sign chattel if rgages given
on household good*. passed only three
dissenting vote*. Henate Hlej 4H, by Han
som. requiring street car co^k ^Tiles to con -
struct end, mu re* at the end r* to protect
their employes from k’diinar*'*/ the
weather (luring certain l ^of the year,
was pa— ed by a vote of
lloi'KK. Hills on third reading were the
first thing III order In the house on the 24th,
und house roll No. 474. Haftin's hill to permit
county agricult uritl stx'ietlcs to participate in
the Truits-.MIssIssIppI exposition mill fo pro
vide f»,r 1 In* expense of county exhibit*, was
pnsseil by it vote of HI lo 2". House roll No.
.bn. the bill to establish it stale ban kitty
Imnrd. let define stale banks, provide for a
secretary for the stale hanking l*mrd and
state Initik examiners, anil to provide for the
regulation of such Institutions, with penal
ties for violation, false stateuieiitsor entries:
also providing that receivers of such bank*
nitty Kite bond In Incorporated surely com
panies. was passed after the emergency
clause had lieen stricken out. House roll No.
312. the Inst of Itleh's bills, pro. idliur that a
receiver shall (five tsmds of the same kind as
dcsItfiuiK d In itie previous bills, was (uisst'd
without the emergency clause. House roll
V.. in* i.... if I/I I Mir fur ffiitif'iitiMr luntflw for
township, city ami village treasurers, re
ceived Ml ayes and :t* nays, with the emer
gency clause. With that clause stricken
out. ft received fifty-seven vote*.with thirty
two negatives, and was declared passed.
Wehh offered a resolution providing for the
print lug of 810 copies of the ‘'Blue Hook." to tie
modeled on that of 1HW3. After some discus
sion t he resolution was adopted. Alderman
sent up a resolution asking that the Missouri
river commission he instructed to take steps
to prevent t he constant change of channel of
the Missouri river between Cottonwood Hills
bluff and Hie bluff at Sioux City. It was
adopted. House roll No. rt. Hull’s deficiency
judgment bill, was recommended for passage
as amended liefore lx*lug sent to the s|ieclal
committee, tin* committee sulistttute being
ignored. The committee of privilege* and
elections rcriortcd senate tile So. 3*2. the new
recanvass f»lII. for third reading. Jt was so
ordered. Adjourned.
Hoisr..—The sifting committee of the house
on the 25th reported the following hills, with
the? recommendation that they be ordered to
third muling. In the order named: N-natc
files ft and t*t*. house rolls 350. 32.'. senate files
74. Trt. house rolls 32. 4*1. 273.505.277.351,27.
rt07, 57* amt 540. 'Hie standing committee on
agriculture reported house roll No. 545 to lie
placed on the general tile. This Is Marshall’s
Mil giving the state lioard of horitlculture
$!.<NN) for the payment of expenses of the
society. House roll No. 401. by Haftin. limit
ing the tax levied hy school districts, hut
providing that the lioard may borrow money
on ImukIs which mav lx* Issued when author
ized hy the electors of wild school district,
was placed on third reading, and passed hy a
vote of *3 to rt. House roll No. 300. hy Wim
berley. to direct the application and payment
of certain moneys received hy the state
treasurer annually, and known as the ‘ Mor
rill Fund." In aid of the Industrial college of
the university of Nebraska, was read the
third time and passed with the emergency
clause. House roll No. 12, by < lark of Lan
caster. to amend the (‘listing law relative
to elections to correspond with a bill
already passed, providing for flic selec
tion of nou-partistan election boards,
was passed by a vote of *4 to *.
A message was received from the governor
announcing that he had signed house roll .No.
K3. the 3thus-Mississippi exposition bill,
house roll \o. |5, for the relief of Boyd
county, and house roll No. 4. for the relief of
Heheccu Perkins. Senate file No. :i*2. the re
coum hill introduced at the suggestion of the
governor, was put u|xmi its passage. During
roll call it was discovered that several mem
would have to lie brought In before the
bill could pass, and a call of the house was
demanded. The hill was passed by u strictly
party \ote. On motion of Hhull «*f Nemaha,
t lie amendment to senate file No. I Os. thede
tlclency judgment bill, exempting present
I contract*. adopted yesterday, was stricken
out. A n attempt was made to recommend
the hill for passage, hut It wax defeated by a
tie vote. A message from the governin' an
nounced t but In had signed senate file No.
4*2, I In* new rts'outii hill which passed during
the afternoon The house adjourned to 10
o’chs'k tomorrow morning
II, 1 it.,,
••ivlwa In tkt Ihmim* on titi,£>th tin •tpeMkfr
>iimoun<*t «i that In* luol up|a>litti‘tl Ik.iiaoii t*
It Union (orth-it of;mt**on, l-Yrnow of
\tlutii» anti Ma mu la of Hut|«*r a% Him Imium*
niintullin to ahl In the rn'tiiviik. M**
i ra* kt »t movftl tliut Him iiunmltlMM I** in*
Mrii* tut to •'tnploy u* liftp In Hm* rit*ount
Hu- pr* m i.t i ii p>o>i *of tin- hotiM . u«* far a*
i ipillitit. Tin' motion wan a*lo|»t*il without
•IIvi*t»»i». Miittli Hit No an* put upon lt»
Hltltl Till* la tin lilll t» gulutlng tin1
HUnir of artk'U'n of itd'orporutinn aiul
Hying tin- » 4iv of ft*** for tlm umt
it rioitoi >• out) two \ot«« with
• atly • tgh» In ihr n**uwtlVM. ami win
ill - tur% tl ttiiorii with IIw t tin ttft t>< * »lauw*‘
II 'Um »•* No l*M Hit* »'oiiiin|t11t iiiliitttutv,
l ytt iniiiig iid ii rut of of r« *U uipthui of r**ai
i U tli h*1i r ftirrr|ia»Hlit to •****> ytar yoml
tin i.Iim m»*dH»* i'll m(\ riluwtti IN*- MSI
wo imi ll!y**hi u4ta. amt %*.»* 4*1*11# pM
i«4. u» Aitii tin- I’ttii ryi'iM y I'liutr
«*trU k* d o il IH> |)it* hill I'ttll Hi* Itflj uw*U‘4
H"«* r«» No a«i. tl** Mi) •\iua% *»» »i hj tl»*
tjfo%fWit< f * hi! W!||ts Id- tooiliK »»«• i» wi r««-l
Hm ill* »m) U* « rat. U tnh lb*
• 'H hi in m*.»i iw hot*«* rut No t> wyi
r* .*( p4i%al iwno| tkil Ik* t« u»#t U* ton
• tlm *t in. IvhI that tin* Mil in »v*f%»n>«|
la a to Ha > Ktwaithtoif tin *k<v> M Nt*
Hut »- i.*ab t**M**n tin a ti*iu| t*4* I ha
"*tt4.n * *« w*at 4d«i Ih* M u-H wan **|«gti ii
ll. vil.h^ toiiuK tH* Mill fl*l 14*
k .rt**i m* y •»» !»* k H“*oia*
t OH tUHHtNl, t HtMJNM
*»•*•»• ml •*>« IlKIMttlM
UmaHiN * •!» mm «*•
VI ituikhtii* U*rvli It fbr Mvhi
bar* ill lb* mwaiilM «<*
Htwtl «*• •MWMM b| Itw Im4m**|»
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H»»4 *••'*4> #u4 I«ikv4 *11
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r**i> 1*4 W*kt** ittMM
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l>< Nh - > .<(!*** 1*4 V 4Ul*i4 w. HH
. I Hid
Mr. Walker of .Mmnmrh.ij.rtlN I’rr.lIrtH
Thai Eventually All the KallroaiN
In the Country Will lie Con
trolled hy a Muffle Corpora
tion—Orow anil Vandi
ver Heroine I’erHunnt.
Wasihnotox, March 2ft During si
discussion in the House to-day concern
ing a duty on hides, Mr. Hopkins, re
publican. of Illinois, said that there
vvus no demand for such n duty, and
Mr. Walker of Massachusetts ex
plained that few hides were imported
except those used for sole leather, so
thitt u duty ou hides would Is- of little
benefit to farmers, if a duty on hides
would increase their production in this
country the Republican aide would be
unanimously in favor of such a duty.
He argued that great combinations
necessarily reduced the cost of produc
tion and consequently the price to the
people. Trusts were the natural out
come of higher civilization. He pre
dicted that eventually all the railroads
in the country would be controlled by
a single corporation.
Mr. Orow of Pennsylvania was ex
plaining how the duty on tin plate has
established that industry in this coun
try when he and Mr. Vandiver of Mis
souri lie.-ume involved in a personal
controversy over the question of "who
paid the tax arising from an increased
tin plate duty."
Mr. Simpsou of Kansas, after re
marking on the conspicuous part
played hy Mr. (.row during the stirring
days of the war, said it was sad to see
him now the "defender of trusts
and combines, whose purpose was
to enslave the c American people.”
lieferring to the question of free
t,i,i..^ i... :.i it.,.. .1,,.,. .... i.
would be of more importance to the
farmer than all the other duties in the
agricultural schedule. It would mean
an Increase of 81 each on every one of
the 5,422,000 hides taken from the cat
tle slaughtered last year.
Mr. I’ayne of New S'ork insisted that.
Mr. Himpson entirely misunderstood
the question. The hides imported did
not come into competition with Ameri
can hides. The former were used al
most exclusively for sole leather.
genslnr Smll U't I’ropoaed .4 lurioiiiicnl to
the Tariff Hill.
Washing tos, March •.'!». Senator
Smith of New Jersey, a Democrat, de
clares that he will offer an amendment
to the tariff bill to provide for the pay
ment of h bounty on wheat and cot
ton, two of the principal articles of
export. Ho says that neither wheat
nor cotton are exported into this coun
try in quantities to interfere in any
degree with American wheat and cot
ton growers and that therefore the
domestic producers of these articles
cannot be protected by import duties
as can manufacturers. He insists tiiat
there is no essential difference between
a protective duty and a bounty, and
that as wheat and cotton cannot be
protected by a duty, it is but fair to
help them by a bounty.
Thry Are Leaving Wauhlngtim Very
Much lllsaruntleal
Washington, March 2li.—The men
who held office under the Harrison ad
ministration and came to Washington
on the advent of President McKinley,
with the expectation (hat they could
secure appoint incut to their old pluccs.
arc leaving the city one by one,
thoroughly discouraged over their j
prospects. President McKinley has |
told his intimate friends, and through i
them wishes to have the party gener- I
..II.. It.ul I
holder will 1m- appointed tea place un- {
tier hi* administration unless there are .
extraordinary reasons for the man's
selection This decision of the presi- j
dent, while it has caused the men I
against '.shorn it is directed to feel dls- |
gruntted. is hailed with delight liy the
gn-ut arms of llepuldican workers w ho |
have liner liad recognition ami think 1
they are justly entitled to It under tin
present administrate n
M* Nall's Nrnetl Star.
I "l riv s, kan , March < insurance
I outuesgi.> Vtohti Me.Salt svsl istrv
ante un- eil that under the is* ■ durum
a.iil 'rust law of Kansas, he wljtes
pet ail old-tine ttrw lltsitranee torn
puna s from the state or compel them
to lease Ike »* ret |*«il wloelt In
eis «•* the* malutam to iwtan* of
Isctng tuliwriWrs to llarrtson t ,ark
~m • rat* l«»4 M< via -i that he
has other evidence* of a secret p*ad of
rate* ,u the frequent *«s re
Wh-va! of agent* for cutting of rate*
laius those of other vssmpantes
It* ksn-c* stela*** tan—hi tb- n
suraius . 0000-0 toner to refuse com
panic* lieeaves if Iket du not comet*
with statute*, mil this will la his
Iks tee** Uicoslee* Vila am
v* IS< I III March * The M-s. »
I stppi rUtt waiiastts to rise It* rv an«t
with the Wot tons* ail na-W« S^to is
s on h.u * wide iV*'p,e hate tw *u
arose front lh*-ir hone t h> the bilk
tin what Mr ha-bwu aa t,*tae Inc pro*
r r lh. bbuit lbs.1 is • b'Wt bg ft*,
at tie* 1* the na r r .to ■ -n.* t* it t of
th* at | .•*** Ki drah awi ,N*u tb
west) is - a*• f-«s>t
Sot lagan* *'<a.» S.fiborol
i <■<»s % kan Ma*c' ** i „ total
. tslratton sl t -u* so tmaudlng I bt*
wsntwa. t»*r the *( i t-g »l» ti--u t* *,%li
The Situation Itrgarileil an Very Serious
—Austria's Aggressive Proposal.
St. Pitimbtro, March 211.—In high
official quarters here much annoyance
Is felt at the signs of the vacil
lating policy shown by the powers
at a moment when the greatest
firmness is necessary. The feeling
here is that the other powers are try
ing to place llussia in the undesirable
position of allowing the shedding of
Christian blood The (Itgoloski pub
lishes a very strong article on the
subject and thinks Knglaml is going
to establish herself in Crete and as
Crete is not what the Dardanelles is to
llussia. the latter would not go to war
about it.
In diplomatic circles the position is
looked upon as very embroiled and the
only solution that if the Creeks insist
on fighting they should he allowed to
go on and be beaten. It is considered
that after all the center of interest is
entirely concentrated on what is tak
ing place on the Greco-'I urkish fron
London. Murch 27.—A dispatch to
tiie Daily News from Vienna says the
Austrian foreign office lias proposed to
extend the blockade along the entire
Greek coast with special stringency at
tlie Piraeus and in tiie gulf of Volo,
Corinth and Arta. Knglnnd, having
abandoned the condition that. Turkey
and Greece must lx* asked to with
draw their troops from tiie Thessalian
Ply* Western Senator* Appeal to Pres
ident McKinley to Annul the Order
Washington. Murch 2!>. The Prcsi
dent listened to strong representations
from Western men respecting the or
der made by President Cleveland Feb
ruary 22, creating extensive reserva
tions of public lands for forest protec
tion. The speakers were Senator*
Allison, Pettigrew, Mantle, Clark and
Hhoup, ex-Senutor Moody and Hepre
sentative Hartman of Montana. They
criticised the order in the freest terms
as unjustifiable and a serious blow at
tiie development and prosperity of tiie
tuurru uuuniry, ri t'Muuu .mcimuio)
listened closely to wlmt wa.. said and
promised to take the suggestion that
the order be rescinded under careful
All H*-pul>ll<»n« Must Ho.
Topeka, Kan.. March 29.—Mrs. Fan
nie Beardslee, who for ten years has
been clerk in the adjutant general's
office, was to-day removed and Miss
McLallin, daughter of the late I)r. Mc
l.ulliu. appointed in her place. The
salary is $600. Mrs. lteardslee re
tained her place through the Levell
ing administration arid her friends
hoped that she would he permitted to
remain through this, hut the pressure
for places is so great that she had to
go. It is believed that Mrs. Beards
lee’s removal is the forerunner of a
general decapitation of all Republic
ans who are still in office.
Acqolttrd of Dark Crime
Fort Scott, Kan., March 29. —Harry
Adams of Crawford county, charged
with having killed und then burned
the bodies of the four McFadden
brothers, aged 10, 12, 15 and 17, re
spectively, at Frontenac, was acquitted
last night after a four days' trial. Ben
Whittington of l'ittnburg, Kan., who
was held on the same cliaige. was dis
charged. Adams was immediately ar
rested, charged with arson in setting
lire to the house in which the boys
were burned.
A Kiihim Colony for Minnesota.
Xavahkf., Kan., March 29.—A colony
of farmers from central Dickinson
county will leave here Monday for
Minnesota to colonize a tract of land
in the. northern part of that state.
Among them are Charles Sommer, one
of Central Kansas' best ball pitchers;
•ieorge Jones. Xels Sherman, R. Bass
ler and J. W. liornberger and their
families. 1 hey will go in three special
cars and will join h party from Eastern
So Ilallot in Keiitnehjr's l.eglslat tins
Fkanksokt, Ky., March iO.—There
was little exeitement attendant upon
the fourth joint session of the legisla
ture to ballot for United States sena
tor to-day. The lie mocrat* and bolt
ing KepuhlU-aus who had not paired
refused to gnawer to their names ami
so prevented a quorum, and no ballot
was taken.
A* Elopement I aasva Tan llnlhs
May«vim», Ky.. Mareh a Near
tailead In this county yesterday Amos
Higgs shot amt killed young Itoyd and
his father W l! Itoyd A few dav s
ago vming Itoyd ran off with one of
Higgs * daughter* and a fatuity quar
rvl imuttd
A I uli Trust ihr latest.
N'ltt Voaa. March '*• \ couth,im- .
lion is said 11 Im- on the |H>int of »s 11 |
put, on iatsrrli iWaier* in the produtd
of the fresit H .its r IIsh. rte* of the i
l tilled Mates and * attada which will |
practically control the suppts It i* I
■eked largely t>y t.ugluh capital
lirsrattllr In Sirat Peril
liRttMilll Alia*, Alareh n< Im
mayor ha* uauesl a pro*-latuatlou call
ng on all met chants to done their
nine** of busmens and every aide
Malted man to go to the h **« A
strong light M facing made along the :
ling to 'mid lac great cmtmMsmgnt
A Has A t ashlar s ttnuf Wssdeeda
\**ov tala March .a II It heal
asm egahter of the At *»hi«*gt*vn t county
t«Mvh, now ta the hand* of a receives 1
was arrested tv* lint on »’targes of tar |
• s Ml vnhii'i crfl r*. • IVtng dv|*-s.ts |
when he ha«w the hiak vi> taad'vrnt ;
ansi m'swppr q«nat »g the h*<l» •<* the j
Mtcsr tv tdM tall tea
Magenta teen , Marsh ’ f)a fa*g I
river wa'UtM* to fail Mow * and the {
Want nlvitsa m A rh AM*** wWpsrai *
lists vtly la somewhat imptt. %>d
A Small Fonone Stolen.
8t. Joseph. Mo., March 47.-Joseph
Davis recently drew $4,440. a legacy,
from the bank and hid it under a car
pet, placing a trimk over it. Vester
i dav afternoon, while the family 'vas
down town, the carpet was torn up
and the money stolen.
(), o, Eckstein Secures a Divorce.
Wichita, Kan.. March 27.—0. <»•
Eckstein, a well known attorney and
. Republican politician, was granted a
divorce from his wife to-day on the
ground of gross neglect of duty.
Kansas Almost Csrtaln to Del the first
Interior Assistant Hecrvlarysl.lp
WasiiisOTO.n, March -'7 1'resilient
McKinley has practically agreed to
appoint Thomas llyan of Kansas first
assistant secretary of the Interior de
partment. He arrived at this conclu
sion last night and some surprise was
mnnifest when the Kansan's name was
not found in the list of new nomina
tions sent to the Senate aftei it met
As first assistant secretary of the in
terior it will he Ryan's duty to exam
ine charges against officials and em
ployes, instruct Indian iuspci tors and
mines inspectors, supervise ofs*n mar
ket purchases of Indian supplies and
generally matters pertaining to the
Indians, supervise business relating
to the distribution of certain
public documents und matters re
lating to the government hospital
for the insane, Columbia institu
tion for the dvaf and dumb, su
pervise the Arkansas Hot Springs, the
Yellowstone mineral park of Wyom
ing. the Yosemile, Sequoia and Den
era! (Irani parka of California, and
supervise the disbursement of the fund
for a more complete endowment of ag
ricultural colleges in states und terri
tories. In the absence of tin' secre
tary, he uet« in that <*">vi-«p’*v.
JOINTTnrv. . . _ -ASE,
Appeal to III* Supreme ( port.
Washington. March Attorney
General McKenna yesterday Mint, in
structions to District Attorney Mac
Parland at New York to take an ap
peal to the I'nited Mates supreme
court from the decision of u.< circuit
court of appeals in the cast of the
I'nited States against the Joint Traffic
association. As soon us tin papers
reach the department of jus tie* a mo
tion will be made in the supreme court
to advance the case on the docket, so
that a speedy determination of the
question involved may be hail
It is stated that the decision of the
Supreme court ir. the case of the
Trans-Missouri Freight association
covers all of the main points in the
decision of Judges Wallace anil Gas
con! be in the case of the Joint Traffic
association. It also is their opinion
that the passenger associations come
as clearly within the prohibitions of
the law as do the freight associations
it is believed that the appeal will la
argued and decided before tin rummer
recess of the court
Rockefeller ..... . Wuow,
Ci.kvki.anii, Ohio. March 2Y— it was
announced to-day that John I Rocke
feller's representative at thi recent
meeting of the Bessemer Iron assoc;a
tion made a fight against a reduction
of the wages of ore miners. It wu'
stated after the meeting had adjourned
without reaching an agreement that
the wages of men in the Rockefeller
mines would not be cut.
Bl| Reserve* in Kansas Slate Rank*
Topeka. Kan.. March '"l -Reports
from 123 state banks in Kansas show
an average reserve of 4i> per cent, while
the law only require■< •lo ner cent.
Df.s Moines, March Ik.—Henry
Principal, of Des Moines, has been
granted a copyright for the "Principal
Tailor System of Dress Cutting ”
J. Cundiff, of l uion, Iowa, has been
allowed a patent for a siinp.e. stroug
and durable portable machine adapted
to be advanced along a w iie fence to
weave stay wires on the fence wires.
In the list of patents issued last
week low-a is represented by i>,
Nebraska has 2. Minnesota s. Kansas
3, Missouri IS, New York *(>.
Ten thousand two hundred and e-glit
applications are awaiting action at
Washington. The examiners of 33
divisions are less than two months in
arrears with their worn and ,u only
one division is the work .u arrears
over two months.
Printed copies of the draw.i g* and
specifications of unv I'nited Mates
j itn-Ni twin U|WU rm ipi ui ».■ rrnih.
Tiiomah 0. ami .1. (tnwie,
Solicitors of I'atcnts
IJmiUUiun trow Nro York. (t-.K.go • li
I iiiiU, Oiimhit • U« « .
|lu(u*r t'paiHrjr 't # t<«
Hutirr « hi*!* t fniM ji fftunit v *’ *
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