The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 02, 1897, Image 1
r jf i i » \ v ■ ? ** Loup City Northwestern. ^p!xTv~ " LOuFciTY, SHERMAN ror.NTV. X ERR ASK A. FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1897. NUMBERS Thk Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THK COUNTY SKAT, aico ic. iiunMc'iioTLR. _ Editor and Publisher. TERMS- SI SO par Taar, il Paid In Advaaca tatorrl at th* loop City Pixtofflc* for traee eitMtnn Uirough Uu main u Monad. •lata in a't«r, , IMPPTANT NOTICE TO THE FARMERS OF tlKirman mid Adjoining Coil nil**. :.,x£ While the Farmer* Union Insur o*ec Company hum established un ' ofllce at Lincoln, the company will Also continue un ofllce in (irnnd In land which will lie In charge of l*ec fetuiv Wiese. General manager Brownfield will divide bin lime be v|<fween the two ofllaes. TJiis will af ield all the convenience* and advant ages heretofore enjoyed by the members and patrons ol this popu lar old company, and all old mem bers, who left the company iu 1892 a and insured iu other companies, no P matter wliut company they may have insured in, can now be re instated to 1 their former policy by paying only ' ONE ooi.i,Ait and a small assessment for six mouths in advance, this ear- ' ;,m ries a member for six months before 1 I another assessment is made. Farm- 1 | ers do not be bulldosed by agents of 1 k old line companies into deserting the ' B Union and insuring in their com- ‘ I panics and paying double the rate 1 . accessary five years in advance. * V Eleven years of liberal adjustments J and prompt payment of every loss 1 [sustained by lire, lightning cyclone and tornado, has proven beyond a doubt that the old Union Insurance company furnishes the safest and j most reliable insurance and at one < MALE THE COST OE 01,0 LINE COM- j I*Anies. When an agent of an old lino company seeks to destroy your j confidence in, or keep you out of the , Union, and by false statements and , misrepresentations or the guise of t friendship advises you to insure in ( bis company, just remember begets j from one-fourth to nearly one-third of the whole amount charged for his r 4 policy. Suppose * policy with his Co. j •owls yon forty dollars for securing t your patronage and writing your t application, and all this the farmer t must pay with eight cent corn or other products equally as cheap. Why should not their products cor m respond in price with yours. The people need insurance more in hurd I H times than they do in good, but there * 5'^ lO 1JU UbVU 111 uuuuiv IK is worth. Drop the Union a card or 1 call at their olllee in Grand IslaBd I thnl join the Union and secure the best and safest insurance inexistaace at cost. “A dollar saved is a dollar £ earned." E. Munn, Agent. Hazard, Nab. , Cheerfulness bears the same friendly regard to the mind as to the body. It t banishes all anxious care and discou- t tent, Boothes and composes the passions and keeps them in a perpetual calm. The toothpicks of orange wood, which « come from Japan, are made by hand, j It is said that u Japanese workman can • ■whittle from 12 to 20 dozen a day. i A Mar of the United States * The lis* wall map Issued by the Uur Isgioit Haute is three feet four Inches vs ids bv l.'ur feet long; I* printed ill »>* 'colors I* i smutted on rollers; shows j every suite, i 'Ouuty, important town and railroad in the Union, and forms a very j desirable and »*•<**» adjunct to any household or bu ’»nOM establishment. Purchased iu lo '• *1 N.UUU the asa|)s costs the llurliugl.'N K®ut# nearly A) | egnts apeice, bOtOn r•■•■w11,r id i>ceni> In stamps or cola the undoimgisovl will 1 lie plttM'tl to setul you *»* | ■ Write immediately, ts the supply is i j ,, limited. 1 J frauds, tl IN A,. IMrtiugt-.n j Houle UiusliA. Net*. Tw Oeaaha, i hlcag.* and pssluta in j Iowa aid Illinois, ih«> I nton Ps. UW la ctMsuuotleu with lh» t A N « *» of fers the best service an l ih* fa ♦* *» ' t<iu* i‘vl wr w rlie to too l*>t lone • a __ a • mi** A ■U**# l* l \ *|##«| In I lid *84l*HlU*M mu M* pesMwo* take ti«W IM‘* eosly Miser* Ms* f*>a»ws little pin t»,l*«d*hl Hi os I TIME TAHI.K LOUP CITY, NEBR. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, Ht. Joseph, Halt Lake City. Kau*us City, Portland, Ht. Louis, Han Francisco, anil all points and all points East and Houth. West. TRAINS I,HAVE AH EOl.I.OWMl No, 54. Acern, lally except Munilay for all |»>lnl« .1:15 am No. 53. Acorn, dally, nxoept Sunday for Arcadia. . 0:50 pm Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (seals free) on through trains, Ticket* sold and Imggage checked to uuy point In the United Stales or Canada. Tor Information, maps, time tallies and tickets call on or write to A. S', Worts Agent, err J. KKANUIs, (Jen'l. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska, O. P. IIAII.WAV. Beginning Hunday, November 17th, trains will arrive and depart at tills Ration as follows: Leaves Leaves Monday, )r,r.n Tuesday, /«. Wednesday, Thursday. Friday, ) “•1,1 haturday ) Arrives at Loup City daily hilly. Close connection at Grand Island for ill points East and West, F, w. Clink, Agent The Union Pacific Hystem has Inau [uratcil a thorough colonist sleeping :ar service between Council Bluffs anil Portland. This car leaves Co Bluff* on nir train No i{ dally at il 15 p rn and >a«sengor*go through whltout change lerths in this car can bu secured by eijucst at this olllce. In addition to the .hove,mi also run a through colonist car lally to Han Francisco and a penna Antla *•*-» I * . ■ . I u < (lug MUoI/Ilf very Friday to Nan Francisco and Los IngeloS. Full Information can lie ob allied by writing or calling on Frank VV Cline, Agent. Comfort To California. Every Tuesday evening, a tourist leeping car for ; dt, Lake (,'ity, Hail "rancisio mid Eos Angles leaves Imalia and Lincoln via tic Burlington toute. It Is carpeted ; upholstered in rattan; ias spring seats and backs and is pro dded witli curtains, bedding, towels, oap ets. An experienced excursion onductor and a uniformed i'ulltnaa orter accompany it through to the ’aciflc coast' While neither as expensively tlrushed or as tine to look ut as a sleeper, ft Is list as good to ride In. Second class ickets are honored and the price of a erth, wide enough and big enough for wo, is very reasonable, Foi further information see A F Wkbts, B & M Agent. Constipation in Its worst form, I>i* epsia, sick headache, blllioiuness and erangement Of the liver are readily tired by Ire Witt* Early Kisers. These Ittle Fills never gripe. .Small pill, safe ill, best pill. Odeudahl Bros. We are still taking photo s ,t 75 cents per doz. Leschinsky, Photographer. For Bale.— A thorugh bred English *biie Btallion. weight 11)00 pouads, age years. Will sell reasonable. or will rade (nr cattle Cation or address John Tuckkv, Boelus, Nebr. ItravDerries! StrawDerries! Strawberry Plants AND ALE KINDS i'\ !•;. it ft ##•#/*. LOOP OITT. » I N*m. Wanted An Idea <>*. W|.I>I4|UU. I* I .l.* Il,« unwise imIiI** uI l«i> MM*, l U«»*nU/..4 Awarded High*»t Honor*, World * Fair. Da BAKING POWDER MOST WKFICT MADB. A f«4 0*ei» ,4 ! » pe>e *»»aewwotw as*** «e »*»*« sMem* , 40 uah thb *r and urn yy j. fisher, Attarney-at-Law, AND NOTRY PUBLIC. Will Defend in foreclosure Cases ALSO DO A GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. Otnco In NoKTHWKiiTitKH ding i.our CITY, - - I liltAHKA REPORT OF THE CONDITION —OF— First Bank of Loop City. CHARTER NO. 250. AT 1,01 I- < II V, IN TIIK ATATK OF Nl\> HACK A, AT TUB CMJIF. OF HUfHNF.kN. March 23, 1hu7, KF.not; rvk*. Loan*and discount* . 4WS.0W.kH Overdraft* secured and unsecured 1,7k Stock*, bond, iceurltle,, judgnieat*. claim*. etc.. 26! WO Hanking house furniture and fixture, 'J.kiu.37 Other Heal Ksttkte . Ii.il66.tti Current expert • , and tuxes paid. 317 IMS Hue from National, Mate and Private Hank* and Hanker*. 3.644,FI Cash. 6,330 13 To* A.. liTnTm I.IAIIII.ITI 1.14. Capital Meek paid In . Undivided profit..... 1,0)3,kb Individual deposit* subject to check, ','0,6211 >3 Demand eortflleuto* of deposit i ec on Totai, . . . $.WTT State of Nebraska. i County of Sherman, l ' I. A. P Pulley, i 'a- hit of the above named bank, do wolmnly wear that the ultove state ment l» true to the best of my knowledge and belief A Cashier. ATTEST. i/ « , j /< >r. i Mr •'•■Or, A. R ('VIA.icy, iHroi'Utr. HubMcrlb«-<! und hwoi u to before? aw thi* HJxt <Juy of Miirch. IW7. f.{. j. Niohtjwdai,k, Notitry Public. My PomiDl ^ion oxpIroH Murdi 17th, IW02. First class Photograph* only 7."> cents per do/. Don’t miss to get one or two dozen. NOTICE FOK LIQI.'OK LJCF.N8K. Nolle* Is hero y given liutt John Oilman illil on the 2H day of March 1H!)7 tiled witti the village clerk of Loup Clljr. Nebraska, in thu County of Sher man, in said Stale, his petition and application for a license to sell malt, iplritlous arid vinous liquors In said village for the tUcal year of 1N!I7 be ginning on the first Tuesday of May IS!)7 and cirminating on the tirar Tues day of May ISIIB. Such upplicmion being the pitltiou of more than HO of the resident freeholder* of *ald village of Loup City, and dated this 22nd. day of March 18117' M. II. Mead, Village Clerk NOTICE TO NON-It EVIDENT DEFEND ANTS, Inlliu District Court of Sherman comi ty, Nebraska. TheOboMbtre Provide nt Institution a corporation organIz ed under thu law* of Now Hampshire, Plaintiff, v*. Paul Beal>ack, John L. Farwell, and Martha O. Farwell, defendants. John I,. Farwell and Martha O. Farwell defundants will take notice that on the 17 th day of Dec km bar, ihuo the Cheshire Provident Institution, plaintiff herein tiled Its petition tit the District Court of Sherman county, Nebraska the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Paul Sea hock to (ariose. tin rr assigned sold and delivered to the plaluallt upon thu following des cries.I real estate to-wtt: Tltu north east interior of suction thirty.three (.'«), In township sixteen (10), north of range six teen (I0i west of thu sixth .0) principal meridian, the same being in Sherman county .Nebraska, to seeuio thu payment of one pro'nlsory note dated the Ulh day of October, Imni fur the sum of Seven II a ml red Dollars . ;*e00., with interest al ien per cent from Jauuary 1st, ISifj, tor which suiu plaintiff prays for a decree lliat defendants bo required lo pay the tame or that said premises may be so d lo satisfy l he amount found dee Vo a are required lo answer said peti tion on or beioie llie Itfth day of April, |sd7 Tint < HKsliiUk I'liot lbi,x i 1n sririrnoN, Pialuliff, liyCouu a Htavar, its aitorney* ANY** In the hiutrlot court or HU* rum* couu- I Iv, Nehrrt»k*. luct tieaitirt* Provldint Imtiiutum * 4!or|Hirt*llo!i HiKimuni untiei th« in w§ «tf New llui.uhtre. IMuiitlilf. I j K*Mk • arrntti. John It, IniweiJnuU Uni Urn i'. I «r«ull, UttlvudAAU Mu l Nrwuil »ii<i Murtbin u I nr w*ti lli Ivti'UnU will tnWe miilor Umt on ilitt IV >Uy oi I»ih i i«ii#r {*>*> the * Ium|iio> i*ro* oh i»i l<»«titutioii I'i.vHiint h< i«in iti«>i u« |«#t illuu In liie |H*t4 let court of flirriUAii county, Scttiumtu, th« oi »t nu<t i»t*y*»r oi uiihiiifu lo Iui«N'luii» i cerium iuttrifttifti rtoutol ny kiiitviWMUlIt lui urbut ih Burr • **i4!o *t eiH »ltd vred M* the |)i*mlttf ui<»h Ui« luiUiuiiw tint*tiImmI iimI miaIu to WU, Yh«> w***t Itllf **f lh« nnUll «««t ‘ I • ( I »<ol hud ot the *■•»*>• w«wt >)(•** let of in hmi tilth) Ht(«« ih** I i»ihu1|. »>ftk4vt* ; V»*|* of It nit 4*1 Mh, #mi ul toe M*tt* I**iiiwi|r<i) UiM'Hutt, k:*«i ume b t*4 In fftfi mi td OHMHV* tie hi 4**4, to mm Uf e ; M»*» IttiillMlI .4 *‘**4 )tfWlti4Niy >*Ol4 4|k«d l oi I *c |u * r, IH f,»* the tu*i* t*| t hi<N* It ttt lin l Mm lot I'i-Ut*'- Wliii j «t leu t*»«r utui JuiiiMty i n*»* un*.\ i«n » nu * mn* |» 4iM*i0 !*<«•» • l<>» 4 >Ht *«« it*** tnfvudtuU Im* r*»44J*tol ( l*» i ♦) tk»* m iw>, M« ikul mi 4 i»*i t*-ii -** we i ta •* - o» -1 Hue 4Hi*** * .* t tounJ . Uw* V>of 40 r* v tf*«l > n 4444*1 mil yeiiUMN : iMt at m. Mi %n* t »tM »*4 4HUt •-•<# |u* i imuRutk I'u-o util« U lllli ht>4, I' Aiuof, II| I/oKt# A lltAtKt. It* KltuM «k#|* 0 *f t i • • | * Smoothing for burns, scalds, chtippci hands and lips llenling for cut* ami aorcs Inataiid relief for piles, stops pain at once. These are the virtues ol DeWItts Which Ila/.el t alve. Oden dahl Bros. Minutes seem like hours when life h at. stake. Croup gives no time to *cni for a doctor, delay may mean death One Minute Cough Cure gives Instant relief and Insures recovery. The oulj harmless remedy that produces Imme diate results Odendah) Bros. i hicom, J’a., "Herald” Itlchard Ven el reports One Minute (lough Cure the greatest success of tnedlcAl science, lie -.told us that It cured Ins whole family ol '*|e' -ghs and colds, after all othuri K, ■ >res had entirely failed, Mr. T^ecr^ld, It (i-slstcd his cblldron throng,t »ery had siege of (iimtsuls Oil* Mil a e (lough Cure makes expoc < r. ion o - easy and rapid Odon* (Jaii l!f,» p It I NOTIUK dla[ NON-It Ksl IlK NT UKKKNI) Mu a nth. In <ll»trjy I'ourt of Hhermau county, Nebraska „ j The I'll.i II , ,'ntunl l.lfn Insnr. Hin Coin * of Hartford Con hcllcut, !H, vs ,|1(,e Hl iilulnllir Lys'areler . .or*, Olivo I,. Moore, Mara®** 'lir, —— Kroger, Ills • te. Hirst imne unknown, Mil II. r -her, William J r lslior, Jossln W, islior, John N. flslior, Million L' I. A !(■ • 4 '.. tt I, Alary A. Morgan, Albert.) Mmi'/hh. l.owlMl. KMimr, Knine in K. Vi* itr, \V III i ■ < hi .) Kill or, aa admin uti .«»r of the estate of Mary M. Kimtif i Thn*. M i/i-ikI. I m Itullock, jmilies bullock, defendant*, slate of kebiwkn, ) Hbcrmurt County, l*'"' 'To Him in hi sin named uou reaiddent de fendant io wit: l,y*md«r K. Moora, Oil - vc I- Moore, Marx Kroger, —— Kroger, Ills wire Ural, inline iiuknown, Ell U Flail i t, ' iiry V Morgan awl Albion J. Morgan: Von will take notion Unit on tlm kith Uity of f el ruary IhI/7 the above named plaintiff Hied i s |,eti*.lon against tlm above mi mad duff* i dan tain the district ooart of fiber-; iinii -minty, Nebranka the object and pury nnc which are to foreclose auurtaln luort gitgi made nail delivered by thu defend ants Ly- nder E. Moore awl Oliver L Moore to ' bu Mild plaint in upon tlm following die rile 1 real estate illume in thu oeunty of a),- rinaii nod atule of Nebraaka, to wit: The south eat quarter of Hoot Ion Twenty hI* i I), 111 township sixteen (III) north of rang: <U) wcatof uth p in., to aeeure the piiyi o ut of a proiriUnry note dated March ar>, p -1 for the aurn of fuio.oo with intareit at hi in percent par annum and due und paynnlu oil the Hi at day of March long und which wu* thereafter uxteaded to lbn Unit day of March Isltt. with iutureat at alx and one-half per cent pur uuiiuin until wnlurlty awl tun pur cent thereafter: that there im now due ii|hiii Halil note (lie aain of 830.1X1 with Interest at tun per cent par annum from March lat, lam, l-i* hloli anin platutlff prays for a decree ibat defendunlH be required to pity the same or linn said preiiilau* may bu aohl to autlHlfy thaanount found due You lire robulred to ana war autd pell, tleii on or before the tilth day of April IHV7. Dated this*? Nay February, 1h<s7 The I'iieoni* Moti-ai. Lira lit aiuiAHCK Comi'anv, of Hartford, aaali Connullcut, TlalntllT, Attest U J. NlOflTINOAl.U, Lorn* linn, Ita Attorney*. Clark of Iha D'atrlct Court. NOTICE OF HALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice 1* hereby given that by virtue of a cnatlel moregage dated on the Hi day or May, UNIS and aulv Hied In the office of the county court of Sherman county, Nabraaka on tha T.i day of May, intw and exocuted by Samuel C. Fletcher und Jamua M. Fletcher to ThemiiH H Reed to aeeure tlm payment of the Hum of t'., and upon which there la now due the huh of f i'i-ix) with lnteraal at ten pur coni per annum from May *), IHli.l, aald mortgage being collateral to the mortgage hereinafter dcaurlhed. Default huving been made In the payment of said aum awl no a tilt or other proceedings hav ing beuu instituted to recover said debt or any isn't thereof, therefore I will aell the property therein described to-wit One -Star lumber wngon, with brake, at publto mis' I ion ul the south eaat cornur of the public square, In Lmip city, ghurman coun ty, Nebraaka, on tha third day of April, IHV7. at 1’oloek, p. in of euld day Alao that by virtue of a chattel mart gage daled on the In day of June, pills und duly tiled in the ofllee of tlm county olerk id aald nouuty, on Jane 10, 1st" and uXucu ad b] Samuel r Flclehor to Thoinua M. Rued to secure til* pay muni of the sum of f dun and upon which there la now due from Samuel C. Fletcher und James M. Fletcher tha *iim of tTI).in with interest at ten p«r cent per annum from June In 18116. Default having been made in Hie |>ayinuiil ol said Hum and no salt or other pruaeud lugs at law navlng beuu Instituted to re sunt uitiiv ui »iiy i ilium forr I Will MU U>« proiiurty men, In do*, i Hind, to-wil: Onu Vuuu mowing mn t'liiuu, I tool il Inoli ear, mm 1 fun fraim, Imriow, part vf hub riding eultlvaior, park of on« tongnoloiMi cultivator, mm Maol liwiu nitieli Hlniiiiln plow, ut imtillo aiicllon, ut llii noutli • !*# roraor of to* ptilillo ot|uaro in I onp 111)1, nlmfiuiii wiuiily, Nolrratka. on Dio mini ilny of April, Inlir, a( mm o'Oloi If p hi of »aid dny. Daunt tlttovkli day of Unroll. I oil. T U It a nr, vl „rt«arfoo HERMANN KRUN7E- M- D ASHTON, • • NKHtt. T N M * •*"** «* EXPRESSED GENERAL DELIVERY LINE Al< * u« rmirfM Mi ltn UWwM W •|’ », VlfiKTIV JAt.fc LAWYER. a i 8uir* U* Hi CUWiti Ui.uu A »'*«*<» IfttMt*, MtA »***•« !*** M U>M '• I* *M» «u«tn (Hr MAU IAII uHir im. . • »t Mat*—a fine aaaortment. Forty-nint cent* buy* a good fedora Any kind ai correupnnding figure* A. E. ClIASK. Do you need a wagon, buggy, dink harrow, seeder, plow or harrow I ; so, you udiould see T.M. Reed. All the neckwear In the hou*c, con slating of over 500 piece*, below cos until Apyll 1. A. K. CtiAst; A good copper bottom wa*h boiler foi HI cent* at Watkinson'e Don’t forget the briek hardware *tor< for price* on hardware, tinware uni furniture. Dr. Sumner Daylw, the Ocull*t am Turlst atGraad l*land will be abaen ; aroui bis ofllce until adout Ma> 15. Mi I jeichinsky our photographer ii h'III aiaklng hi* llr*l clay* photographi at 75, rent* per dog. Don't mi** to ge a dog taken. 'I REK* AMD PLANTS. A full lint Fruit Trees of beat varieties at ban: time* price*. Small fruit* In large sup lllv M ill If HIM Ilf Mlltii’lifMTt/ lilllltf* very thrifty and well rooted. Get lh< best near home and save fright or ex press. Head lor price list to NOltTFl BEND Nl KSKKIKS, North Bend Dodge County Nebraska. i oht. A dear little child, who made home happy by its smiles And to think It might have been saved bad the parent* only kept In the bouse One Mi nute Cough Cure tins infallible remedy for croup We want one good man (having ! horse), as permanent superintenden' for Sherman county, to attend to our bus iness, on salary. Must send along with application, strong letters of reeorn mendatiun as to honesty. Integrity, and ability, HI,ate occupation. Address F*. O. Fiox I’bIJa , I’a. HUMPHREYS* ! No. 1 Cures Fever. . No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 “ Infants’ Diseases. No. 4 “ Diarrhea. No. 7 “ Coughs. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 0 “ Headache. No. lO “ Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 “ Delayed Periods. No. 12 “ Leuchorrea. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 “ Skin Diseases. No. 10 “ Rheumatism. No. 16 “ Malaria. No. 10 “ Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 “ Asthma. No. 24 “ General Debility. No. 20 “ Sea-Sickness. No. 27 “ Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 “ Urinarv Diseases No. 82 “ Heart Disease. No. 84 “ Sore Throat. No. 77 “ Coids and Grip. Dn. llDlfPHBBTs' IldMEOPATHH! M AH DAI, op Diheahbh Maimed Fuck. Hmnll lx it tie* of pleaxant pellet*, fit the rent pocket. Held liy drumtl*!*, or Mint prepaid upon | receipt of price, tf> rent*, except No*. ijH, anaW are made $1 on *l/.e only, Humphrey*’ Modi cine Company, 111 William Ht„ New York. HUMPHREYS* WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." Per rtlen—External nr Internal, blind nr nteedtnei Pl*t.ulii In Ann: Ilehlnif or hired Iiir of ttiu Uectum. The relief I* Immediate—the cure certain. TRIOE, 60 0TB- TRIAL BI2B.M0T1. 0ol4 «*r Druggists, or seat j»os4-**id on rscalpt of prf«» • uiiiiruitKvr bku. co., 111*110 muum hi. , nv iobs N# ONE DIES No one (lien of Pul nionarjr diaesBe, the result of cold, who taken '‘77” In time. For sale by*ll draff gluts. ~'i cent*. The Golden OPPORTUNITY -of the season AT PILGe^S’ LOUP CITY. - - NEB. UK * UIGUR * IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes ‘ and everything kept in a first class store. All goods sold for cash only lbs Granulated sugar for $1.00 “ New Orleans “ “ 1.00 Kerosene oil, per gal. - - - .12 All package Coffee - - .15 Fight bar any kind of soap .25 Throe cans corn or tomatoes .25 Arcadia Makers’ Fancy flour “ Cream Pateut “ Corn meal - - - • .15 Choice prunes, 20 Ihs for • 1.00 Fxtra choice prunes, 13 lbs 1.00 Most oat meal, 8 lbs for - .25 Four lbs choice raisins for .25 Apples per hushel - • • .75 West Price Paid for Boiler aod Boos. Don’t fail to come and get bargains in every line. T- L. P|LGEP, |NEW YORK STORE Iioup City, i Neb.