The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 26, 1897, Image 1

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    \ ;/v3 U f ^ ^ "'Op
Loup Northwestern.
The Northwestern
Editor and Publisher.
TERMS- SI 50 per Year. II Paid in Advanoa
■atersd el tb* Loop City 1‘ottofllc* for tree*
alMlaa Uiroogh tb* mall* >l **ouaA.
*)*■• matter.
«——ii 'i— ',*i '.trmxTJXtiMi t i at-jrr^. ■ — ■ n ■ if
Lioaal Daws.
Alfalfa need at NVatkinnon’n.
Mr. Vandorena cendition ia about
the name.
Mra. W. T Owen la reported to be
very alck.
Good work harnean for $14.00 at T
M. Reed's.
J. S. I’j ke ia painting bin three rcsi
! deuces.
A. Boone of Scotia In doing bu aineni
in the city.
The M E. Chnrcta la being repapered
and olherwise repaired.
Minn Edith Bradley, of Litchfield U
i visiting frlendn In the city.
P. Rounds of Arcadta wan doing bus
ieens In this City yeaterday.
•M f. George of Council Bluffs dir
/ « i I
Fred Bcbaupp. of Kockvillo visited
tbo county seat last Friday night.
T. L. Pilger has reduced the price ol
Kerosene Oil to 12 cents a gallon.
Garden seed; new stock just in at the
old reliable Seed store, Watkinson.
You cau buy a good pair of unllnen
gloves for 20 ccriU at A. tt Chase’s.
Just received a tine line of sbirts.
Price, from 20 cents up. A. E. Chase.
Six-Inch iron holts 1 cent each, longei
ones three for 5 cents. A. E. Chase.
F. L. Pilger is selling all goods foi
cash or produce only. Positively m
CaijT *is a full line of samples carpel
rugs, a ,e and chenille curtains at Wat
E A Smith principle of the Ashtoi
•ebool speat Sunday In Loup City wilt
his family.
Jascu Gilbert Of Arcadia passet
. through the city last Tuesday on hi
IV way to Omaha.
A good ma ny Improvements bav<
been made this spring, but there 1
room for mere.
John Parll aad several other Arcadia
I ites took the U P. train at this plac<
for Portland, Oregen.
Rev. Sutherland, of Grand Island will
preach at the Babtist church nexi
.Sunday morning and eveuing.
H. Smelser, of Ashton was at Loup
•City last Tuesday iu attendance at hi
sister, Mrs. L. A. William’s funeral.
Ernest Pilger who is employed a
the Ravenna B. & M depet visited Iasi
Sunday with his parents at this place.
Two petitions out for a salooi
llceate, one for Johrn Gltman and on
for L. Seriber and a gentleman Iron
Farmers are busy sowing wheat. Al
ready there has been a large acer ag
put in and Indications are that mor
small craiu will be sown this year tha
1^ ever boforo
Tbo Kpworth League social last Fri
day eveniag at tha residence of Mi
anil Mrs. E. 9 Hay burst was «i utl
a financial success'
The meetings at the M E. Cburc
v dated last Friday evening. JUv. Wet
ster ha* worked very hard and not wit
out good results.
He sure and coiue out to tb* H u
IV entertainment at the opera hou*
to morrow night It is tb* best ovv
glvon by the order.
Mr*. T d Nlghlingal* and olb*
memliort of the Ka*tern Star wont t
Ashton this week to vis t a »i«t*
member, Mr* II Hmelser wbo is sick
All lb* different form*of skin trouble
from chapped bauds to ecseina and It
doiont ulser* can ‘ «• leadily cur*»l b
|»o Milts IVileb llasol Halve, the grea
pile cole Odeudabl tires.
« oudwetor l i.p«yil.e wf tb* i'nlo
t'a- Hie Invited the railroad boys to so
par Iasi dvening and tbo fsro able
Mr* Futsj the •** vad •*» proa»uac#
to is* eacoilOMt
IV* sec*tted • p!**•*«< coll from J
A. huffwrd, lesdadsr on tb* He* a I
land llllmtt* rnllrwad M *o»»**d*jt II
b«* a twa tfuaMer sactian of load *>•
•cbewpp attling tbt* so -atji and w*
bom Uwdileg allot h>* iaa.ted taler**!
Jubd Test** >* nuw located ig hit a*<
at or# bulbil* g and ba* *r rouged lb
oama tn pot loot isdst A I 'aatoyosb*
to* a ranged »b* IsHOOtwv to ku Mara t.
to tbolvtHg ti *»d adding a comp to*
IIP* I dry gaud* I anbt bb* tbei h*
fmH tbo w*l*e
Rufus John Brown, Sr. died st his
home Thursday March 25, '.897 after a
long and continued illness of oyer six
years duration Ago 70 years, 1 month
and 25 day.
It is with sorrow that we note his
death. He was among the oldest settlers
in Sherman County, having moved here
in the month of April, 1875. Mr. Brown
wat born in Wayne County, New York
February 1st. 1827. He moved to Bata
via 1850 and in 1852 was married
lo Aurelia McDoniels. Fire children
were hern to them, four boys and a
girl- Ills wife and the four bova
William, Comal, Edward and Rufus
survive him. Mr. Brown was one of
the fifty miners who went to Pikes
Peak In search of gold, erossing the
plains with ox trains. Shortly after
Ills location here he was honored with
the election to the olllce of Sheriff of
Sherman County and tilled the position
with honor and credit to himself and
satisfaction to the people
The funeral services take pises at the
farm residence to-day, March 26,1897 at
1 o’clock p. m., Rev. Webster officiating.
The pall bearers were Walter Moon, S.
Hancock, C. E. Kosseter, W. II. Conger,
Dr. C J. Odendahl, and Col. Young.
lie was laid to rest In the Evergreen
Cemetery beside his mother. The
funeral was attended by a large con
course of friends and relatives and the
procession that followed his remains to
lis last resting place was fully a half
mile long. The whole community join
with the bereaved relatives in mourn
ing the .loss of tills kind husband,
devoted father and generous arid much
beloved eitizen.
Amanda Willimis, wife of Louis A,
Williams died at her home in this city
Monday, March 22, 1897. Heart trouble
. U »k„ I.,li„to oaiiall of i I ■ 1 t 11
was sick but oue hour and a half. Age
49 years, JO months. 11 day*.
Amanda Smelser was born in Smelser
Township Grant County, Wisconsin,
May 11 1847. She was married to Lewis
A. Williams at Hazel Green Wia. June
Und, 1809. Hhe with her husband and
family came to Loup City, Nebraska In
1885 where she has since resided, flic
[eaves a husband three daughters and a
sob to mourn li r loss. Mrs. Williams
was a Urm believer in religious princi
pals although she was not a member of
any cbureh
The funeral services were conducted
by liav. Webster on Tuesday, March ‘i'i,
i 1897 at 10 o'clock a. m. The members
of the G. A.K. and I.O.O. 1. of which
Mr Williams was an honored member,
I turned out in large numbers and many
, were tbe sorrowing friend* that paid
this last tribute of respect to the de
We wish to eztend our heartfelt
- thanks to the many freinds who so
t kindly assisted us during the death and
burial of our beloved wife and mother,
and to express our gratitude to tbe G.
A. Ii Post and I. 0, O. F. Lodge, and
those who scat flowers.
L. A. Williams and family.
! J. B. O’Bryan has two excellant var
ieties of seed potatoes which be is sel
1 ling reasonable. One variety in parti
cular will make in sixty days after
planting and is of a superior (juallty.
1 Thetw# young men that were jailed
s at St. Paul for sualing goods from
1 Sbamstrem's store broke jail last
Thursday morning. Their whereabouts
- is yet unknown. Indications are that
s they were helped out by some of their
e eoa federates.
> I.~s7Sheppard, our new and already
popular jeweler was married at Brok
■» _ »_ m_l_ o-. Ill VI,....I
>14 it iwcv uimwnj
Brum (eld, of that city. Mr. Stoppard
9 rammed to Loup City with Ilia brido
auuday eveulag. The NorrilWRaTURS
, welcome then to our midst and wlatien
, them a prosperous and happy future
' For Sale.—.V Iborugh brad Koglith
Shire Stallion, weight tSiHI pmtadv age
* U year*. Will well reasonable or will
* trade far cattle ('allor or addr#»t
r Jolts TtKKRY,
Hoe I to. Kebr.
r ♦
*itprr*i*or’a « ctlliiu*
f March Ml, INPt,
F ill Hoard la rwilfla,
« The committee appointed to ekamlae
. I p.M>r (atm repotted attd r« miitueaded
f J that m*> break lug be doue but that the
11 prairie dog* la* rturmlaatad, U> t* **
! atep'ed and r muttlMc dt*» ti.W» I *'.,|
11", J | in i «t> employed loatte intntle
* | d-ga | i ftai.ut
t i*c* >* ffttftitNj inf M **f *•* *** i «*«f
•I %i U 9 » #»**4. gf*«*<* i
I Tto* )i4l l s *i i
[ y» tiling ill I** \ >| i T
{ill/ t‘**tt*kl4» l*»t ‘ it l>t ik »* i I
* ! Ik** Ilk 4|* •-V f 4 II ii*4t i#‘»
* ««4 lN«4> U aM *4. |«*
II Uff =«» *14**4 kl J**» 4%#ti % i *'
* *1. «u»lk< Mug *1* 1**14
f I* I Hi rt*#k * *<♦ ff***r«t *5*4 lie* t *«*ti
i I mi4#t*4 ’*» *4% villa* I t 141*
I t >
* |* 44 *4 * * tk# ***>•*# 4tk#$» I i>» * *9- f i^*
r | <M*4 ttilf'K*4 «' 9iVaW Ik* ******
II k**# kfl mH
j flf Ml* I r**t*#* I MM * *Uii K A
Brown for printing, was read and appris
ed, and the bond of said E A Brown ac
cep ted.
The contract and bond of the Omaha
1’rinting company were read and approv
At hli request the county clerk Is
autherUad to have two walks construct
ed in the court house square One walk
leading from the south door of the court
house to the street crossing south, the
other walk leading lroin the court house
to street crossing well: said walk* to lie
four feet wide and to tie of Inch lumber
laid on three 3x4 stringers. Beckthold,
Danker. McKeon and Bewollnaki voting
aye, and Barnes and Bweetland voting
On motion the board orders that the
court room In the court house bo here
after used for the holding of cmrt, for
meeting* of the supervisors and asses
»ors, and that all other meetings therein
lie prohibited, except the irrigation
meeting already advert bed.
The claim of the Omaha Printing Co.,
for $37 was allowed at $23 50 said claim
being deemed excessive as to the item of
warrant* therein
The claim of A S (just foi* $0 00 de
struction of Russian thistles in road dis
trict No. 37, wax disallowed lor the reu
son that he was not « qualltied road
The claim of E Munn for $1.50 for the
use of building for general election pur
pose* in 189$, in Hazard township was
allowed at 50.
.... ... . * i ... it.I
I mi- i oiiowiijK i' •,
deductions for tuxes made and warrants
ordered'drawn ori the respective funds:
Claim. For tax,
Omaha Printing co... $ 83 20
Wm I to We. 57 HO $29 la
Omaha Printing Co.... 15 05
Thos Ink*.... 3 75
Peter Ilowe. 1 50
Louis Strunktnan. .. 2 70 • all
Chus Quartz . 2 60
Anton Washkovlak... 2 90
Henry Heck. 8 30
Clias Haller. 8 20 all
J 15 Hrsper. 3 20 all
Herbert Ely. 2 70 all
Paul Miller. 3 50
John Carpenter. 2 HO all
John Needham.. 2 70 all
Wm Cries. 2 10
Jens Christensen. 3 10
Wm Qulnm* jr. 7 50 all
Geo H Whitman. 2 70
Henry Schwartz. 3 10 all
G II Gibson. 50 90 301C
KS llayburst. 18 30
CJ F John-uti. 173 00
folio W Long. 178 50
K A Brown. 62 12
Keystone Lumb'r Co.. 40 30
B 11 Watkinaon. *20 all
WT Chase. 24 03
G. II. Patton. 20 75
J P Leiiiingei . 7 40
M Kewnlinski. 7 50
Henry Hunker.... 7 50
K Munn. 3 60
Peter McKeou. 7 50
IW Barnes.. 8 20
S N bweetland. 0 60
Lewis Bechthold.• 0 50
1 M Polski. 4 32
WT Gibson. 75 00
Ett Hay hurst. 301 1‘
John Miushull. 11 00
S H Branscomb. 2 50
.1 P Leininger. 3 50
OGHanisch. 5 00
Henry Hunker. 0 Of)
Edwin Kraber. 5 00 *0
Anthony McKeon. 5 00
Mike McKeon. 5 00
On motion the county treasurer Is In
strutted to proceed to collect by dlstresi
alt delinquent personal taxes ot thi
years 1893, 1894 and 1895 remaining un
paid by the 1st day of June
Board adjourned to June 14th, 1897.
Attest:—Louts Rein,
County Clerk
Photographs 75 cents per doz
at Leschinsky’s gallery._
Notice is nereoy giveu luai «j»ui
Oltniuu did on t tie 2!! day of March 1897
filed with the village clerk of Lout
City. Nebraska, in the County of Sher
man, in said State, his petition anc
application for a license to sell wait
spiritioih and vinous liquors in said
village for the fiscal year of 1897 be
ginning on the first Tuesday of Maj
1897 and tinninating on the first Tuos
day of Mav 1897. Such appllcatiot
being the pit it ion of more than 90 o
the resident freeholder* of said vlllagi
of Loup Cltv, and dated this 22ud. die
Of March I"97
M. II Uud, Village Clerl
First class Photographs onl;
7f> oentM j»er do*. Don't mis
to get otio or two do/on.
We are still Inking photo
; at 7-’» cents per do*.
Li:s( uiNhk Y, Photograph**!'
Awarded highest honor*.
World's Pair.
A pur* C, if* t (««m ■* ! »»t« CowdW.
(*« S«<** A •• >ha» «• *>y ><*<I. I.SsiWfc
Soothing for burns, scald*, chsppet
hands and lips Healing Jor cut* am
sores Instand relief for piles, siopi
pain at once. These are ttm virtue* ol
DeWItts Which Hazel Cairo. 'Oder
dahl Bros.
Minutes seem like hours when life It
at stake. Croup gives no Mine to sent
for a doctor, delay may mean death
One Minute Cough thire gives instant
relief and Insure* recovery. The onlj
harrnle** remedy that produces imme
diale results Odendulil Bros.
A torpid liver mean* a bad comp
)c xIon. Imd breath, Indigestion and fre
ipient headaches. To avoid such com
panion* lake DeWItf* early itlsers, tin
famous little pills. Odendulil Bros
Constipation in Its worst form. I*i
pepslu sick headache, bllllousness him
derangement of the liver are rcadilj
cured by IieW^tt* Ksrly Itlsers. Then
little Pill* never gri; e. Small pill. *uf<
pill, best pill, (Mendabl Bros.
A weed In the garden ean be casilj
destrov ed w ben It tlrsl starts. Con
sumption cun be nipped in the hud It]
Quo Minute Cough Cure Odeiiflaii
Clticttrs, Pa,, “Herald” ltlchard Ven
e| report* One Minute Cough Cure the
greatest success of medical science. Il<
told u* that It cured hi* whole family o
terlble coughs and colds, after all other
mi cull'-d cures had entirely failed. Mr
Vein-id said, It assisted his eblldrei
through a very bail siege of mease I
: One Minute Cough Cure makes ex pee
oration very easy and rapid Ode in
duhl Bros.
Iii district court of Sherman connty
-'I lie PluKiilx Mutual Life Insnr
mice (,'outpuny of Hartford Don.
nett cut,
vs. plaintiff
bystander E. Moore, Olive I,.
MOOD'. Marx Kroger, — Kroger,
Ills wile, Hirst mine unknown, EH
It. Flslier, William ,1 Flatter, Jessie
W. Fisher, John N. Flslier, Minnie
Fisher, siyah A. Itussett, Cyrus P.
Bic-m-u, Mary A. Morgan, Albert J.
Morgan, I.ewfsG. Flslier, Francis E.
Fisher, Wlllmm J. Filler, us admin
istrator of the estate ot Mary M.
Fisher dcseased, Tlios. M Reed,
Isaac Bullock. James Bullock, defendants
male of Nebraska, l
Snermau County, I
I’ll Mill above named non residdent de
fendants to wlt: Eysander E. Moore, Oil
ve I, Moore, Marx Kroger,-Kroger
bis wife fl I'm I name unknown, Ell B. Fish
er, Mary A Morgan and Albion J. Morgan
You will lake notice that on the 841b daj
of Pel t onry IH97 the above numed plalnllf
died Us pel (Mon against the above numec
detrend ants In the district court of Sher
man county, Nebraska the object and pary
or of which are to foreclose a certain mort
gage made and delivered by the defend anti
Lysunder E. Moore and Oliver I,. Moori
to I lie said plaintiff upon the followini
described real estate situate In the countj
of shermnn and slate of Nebraska, towlt
The south west quarter of Section Twenty
six nab, in township sixteen (1#) north oi
range (14) west of 6th p. m., to secure tin
payment of a promlsory note dated Marcl
fc, ISS4 for the sum of FkHi.Oo with mteros
nt seven percent per annum and due am
payable on the Hi st day of March IssB and
which was thereafter extended In the flrs
day of March isitt, wilh Interest at all
ami one-hulf per cent per annum nail
maturity and ten per cent thereafter
that there is now due upon sale
note the tim of HJO.OO with interest at tei
1 per cent par annum from March 1st, 1*84
fn» which sum plululiff prays for a decrei
that defendants lie required to pay thi
same or that said premises may be sold l
sutisff y the anount round duo
i You ar" rehuired to answer said petl
i Mon on or before th* 18th day of April 1*87.
Dated Ihlsl?day February, 1*87.
Tun Phbonix Mutual Lira In
nuuanuk Company, of Hartford
(seal) Connelicut, Plaintiff,
Attest 14 J. NlOHTtNGAL»,
Louis Ubik, Its At orneys.
Clerk of the District Court.
Eotlce Is hereby given that by virtue o
a chattel mortgage dated on the 83 day o
May, 1*8,') ami dulv filed In the office of th
coBiily court of shurmuu county, Nebrask
on the 8tf day of May, I*W3 and exeout od b;
.samtiel C. rielcher and James M. Fletche
to Themus H Bend io sesure the payuien
of the sum of $113,00, and upon which tber
U now due ill* sun of $•'•', he with inters*
at ion per cent per auaein from May J<;
l*til, said mortgage being collateral to tin
,n<,1 m a.. r«,lnlt«r oeaeri lieil hafssi
hanuic beau made lu the payment of nap
aum aud uo anil or other procuoluifH her
■ UK been luntltutud to reoov«r mud debt o
any i«trt tbereot, therefore I wl» aall lb
property tharain damrUntd to-vlt On
•*tai lumbar wn«on, with brake, at pabll
[ auction ut tha aoaili <»tt comer of th
. public Miaaru, In lump city, ehcrtneii noun
' ly, hebinnka, on tha third day of April
’ 1 i«W7. at I'cloi’it, p. in ol Said day.
k no that by virtua of a chattel utorl
, aye dal ml oil tilt! t»d»y ol Juna, Dbft am
duly Bled iu the nlttae of the county aleri
of •eld onnuly, on June 10, pe.D and uleeu
r ad by Semitel C Kleleber to Tholuua M
Hel d til •m ure tha pnyuuint of the aum o
* $m.'m aud aiMtii which ib»ra la uow da
I lima nnuuial C. flat' bar and Jamea M
• Du ller theauut ol #,*'« with luleraat a
leu per .i ni pet annum in>m Juna l>( IMf
Default lutvluit tan m» la lu tha payuten
1 ill aaul »um and iff) *ail or oilier proewail
Dine el I** >>erlu*t« > n luatiluted to re
mtiir *uid debt or any part thereof, there
lore I w ill MU the property therein tlvi
. . rihed, to wit in,e P auo in iyiaf mi
ehiaa, t feed * inch cat. one now fram
harrow, perl of oua »ldl'>d WHtltvelOt, par
ut oua teuyt-'luM swltltetor, one •tael lurui
t llr*h ntaiibiw piow, at public auatioM, *
111, •HilliyiU .miolkl the point, *,41*1
j ia l.uup i lt|, ahertuau mmwiy, ttlniuk,
[on tha nurd day of April. W, at on
1 o’aio* k p lu of will day
Dated till* nth day of 't rial*, I*'.
T M Heap, dotty**'
| \MIItiS, . . NKHH
I 0
j f1 Aifrlifr »♦ % % « i
I M94 9r«#o4mi*i« 4*i**» «*♦
r1 i"nTfmfiWin1wMBW
Hat*—* flue assortment. Forty-nine
cent* buy* a good fedora Any kind at
corresponding figures. A. E. Oil AIK.
l)o you need a wagon, buggy, disk
harrow, seeder, plow or harrow If
so, you should see T M. Heed
All the neckwear In the house, con
sisting of over 500 pleees, below cost
until April 1. A. K CiiAIK.
A good copper bottom wash boiler for
84 cents nt Watkinson's
Don't forget the brlek hardware store
for prices on hardware, tinware anil
Dr. Humnrr Duyts, the Oculist and
Turlst atOraad Island will be absent
srom his office until admit May 15.
Mr I/tschinsky our photographer is
I still making his first class photographs
at 75. scuts per doz. Don't miss to get
' a doztaken.
TitFK* A HI) Pl.AV'TS A full line
Fruit Trees of best varieties at bant
times prices. Small fruits In largo sup
ply, Millions of strawberry plant*
very thrifty ami well rooted. Oot the
best near home and save fright or ex
press. Send for price list to NORTH
Dodge County Nebraska. (
Cost. A dear little child, who made ]
, home happy by its smile* Ami to J
think it might have been saved had the
i parents only kept in the house One Ml
! nute Cough Cure the infallible remedy
for croup
We want one good man (having
horse), as permanent superintendent for
Sherman county, to attend to our bus
iness, on salary. Must send along with
1 application, strong letters of recom
mendation as to honesty. Integrity, and ,
ability. State occupation. Address P. (
O. Box 1682, Phil*., Pa.
Mo. 1 Cures Fever.
Mo. 2 " Worms.
Mo. 3 “ Infants’ Diseases.
Mo. 4 “ Diarrhea.
Mo. 7 “ Cougha
No. 8 Cures Neuralgia.
No. 0 “ Headache.
No. lO “ Dyspepsia.
No. 1 1 “ Delayed Periods.
Mo. 12 “ Leuchorrea.
No. 13 Cures Croup.
Mo. 14 “ Skin Diseases.
No. 16 “ Rheumatism.
Mo. 16 “ Malaria.
No. 10 “ Catarrh.
No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough
No. 21 “ Asthma.
No, 24 “ General Debility.
No. 26 “ Sea-Sicknesa
No. 27 “ Kidney Diseases.
Mo. 28 Cures Nervous Debility.
Mo. 80 “ Urinary Diseases
Mo. 82 “ Heart Disease.
Mo. 84 “ Sore Throat.
Mo. 77 “ Colds and Grip.
Du. Hukfhbith' Homeopathic Mamvax.
if Dibkamm Mailed Fuse.
Hmall Ixittlea of pleaxant palleta, flt the Teat
xxiket. Hold by drujorlnta, or neat prepaid upon
ecelpt of price, SI cent*, except Not. 88, and ■
ire made $1 00 »l7.« only, llumpbreyr Medl
ine Compauy, 111 William Ht„ New York.
forPtliw-Ejttarnal or Internal. BlindorWjjjtof|
The relief 1a lrmn<xJUio-Lh« cum certain.
phiob, «o otb. wi&umihnas*
fold by Ihugglsts, or gsut post-paid on rsoalpi of prtaa.
njirnuiriui.coM ui a hi vhiwii., nw mg
Ne ONE DIBS Noooodle* of Pul
nonary dixeaoo, the reault of cold, who
aki*8 “77" In time. For sale tiyall drug
fIxtx. 20 font*.
Vice-President. Cashier.
Qeneral Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $60 ,000,
' Loans on Improred (anna at ROT par seat. Best Oonpesj aai kal tm
to be had In Um awi.
Ooknacrosowm:—Clkemloal RaCto—1 lack, Rev York OHf, I. ¥4 OMtl
*»lneal Baa*. Omaha, Rihseehe
I ~
Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher Loup OiTT NoBTBWBensBN
Town Lota, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauda for Sal*
In tba UiMtlol wan at Ommi mnu
»V. Srl,l».k4
, t or i hni.irr t'r.iv I tti.l litattlall.lil
• a M»r(nrr» I ton wnwiiMt u*<Ur tba
. *«• lUiuakiie. Tialatlff
' | ball. . an..ib. Jut.a I., t'araall atul
j Martha. . tar aati. (wrundauta
! Juba U faraataad Manilla Gt. » ar*«li
a. lviulanl* kill Ilk" mil taa that iw tba IT 1
. >4a» ul IWutatiar i*«> lha i baahlta i*iu«
i-tout luatitutlwb batata bia.1 ua
.-•titi-.i. Ih lb.- Outii. t. -.mi U| abarmaa
...H»t*. baUtaaha, tbaui||»i i awl iwat at »t
• bWbb'a l»i li.iaatuaa a aaftbth HuftMMa
• aattutad .*» bat..*‘tattaib ■ atbrao Barr
• ..•ki.r.l a.t.1 aa.t ttailtarait tu tba pialall*
uia-h tba luttuaiaa -tan.rlba.1 laal aatata
! t> *11. Tba a«it tk*l( ut lha wrath aaat
i ktaiirf ut *«r|K»a thtm t.«*r talk tat tba
•mi "i l ut tba •.talk aaat .».■ In u| aaettaa
! • butt tbraa mm. Tuaaablji aiataaa .tat,
*n* 4 **•«• tl«taa« 4 aaai irt tba
•nib -a r*ia«it«at Muktiaa. tba aaia ha
ia« t« aaattaab * tax bahraaba. tu *•*-ara
tba uaiiuaat -I ana ut.Mti.iuir .ata talwi
tba .tu 4ar «t ikk »i iwa »..r tba aaat
.< tbraa M'tk.itad iktiui baamaa attb
■ htaint at taa mi >aat Inna Janaaty '
<**at *• tar a blob auhr a-aialtt trait
m aaaraa that Jatau-taala ba tautm
tu |4| tba Mara. u* that ran prataiaaa
iMi# It ru> I ta atttaff tba aaaaaat Ma i
Van bra ia.rurt Mr a**aar aai4 Haiti. a
art .it won lha iMt *•• at bwttl, tkr*
taa i Maaaaika ran* WMl t .
• Ml thia, T
• » Cuba * Uit.ti. I la MM»a|t <
In *»»• MWM lAari at Htmmaa Man
ly. aa'nratka
Tn*i<ka*uir* fravltlaal In*iIlallun
• Mtputaiioa .•>*autia4 unlnr Ika
Aw* « «•* Maiapaktra. Plaint I*
£•>* *♦»"»■ k -»<»k« k. rataail. aa4
•rihar iwr**! . 4«<na4aai*.
jnkn I. ruwaiiM Marika «. r*r*#*i
4aiaa4auta will lak* a«Hl«a Itial »a Ika
ink ut *1 Omaaikar, la ik* >ka*ai«a
f«s I.-..* I nnttlHII. « plklallff kkto.a
• >*4 *«# pwiiiMw la Ika In*trial i uart at
•k«rtu*i> .uanly. Ik* ak>Ml aa4
atarar -l watnbarat* I Mantua* * mini
n» .««*k4>* *»n«*ia4 ky »•**! *a*k*ak i«
l a*Ml r K»tr aattaaM awl aaa 4«Ut«rk4
m *ka plataa.4 «fw* ika latlaaiaa *aa
•*wa4 iaal ««*ai* in til i*a aaffk aaal
aawr*** at wtiwi thirty ikraa A Ta
l-wauttp *t»i««a iMl. awtlfc at raaaa *th
laaa 11* • an* at Ika kill I BfTaatpaI
•*• '■« i*a. Ik* **au> aim la Ikafataa
aaaaly kntwaftha. tw mk«II Ik* pMMfMl
at -a* yinklHl *••»* 1*1*1 Ika Mk kar
at iMnWf. •*«* fa* ia* ***■ at *****
■a«4*«M UwIMM iMMtti, a Ilk twlaraM a*
taa «*> aaal Inn* Jaaaar* IM. M& M
aki-a awai plaint** Mar* far a *****
tkat 4afaa4aa»a k* t»s*»«*4 la par ika
»•*- « at Ika* M MnwttMa May la M
ta Mini) taa tmammt tamo* 4aa
«ua ara *M«M*4 la aaaaa* *ata pal*,
iraauaw* MMaiaik* Makar at AMU. art
r*« fkkMMM navtMW* ft
• liivriua |la*a>.«,
•M WiSM a M*n*ai. Ik* atMaaya
. .. ililS ...... Si': ft 9A...tJki "