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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1897)
Loup City Northwestern. VOL. XIV. LOUP CITyTsHERMAN COUXTY7NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, MARCH 1897. NUMBER~» 3 The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY HEAT. UBO. K. llERHt’IIOTKR, Editor and Publlaher. TERMS- $1.60 par Yaar, II Paid in Advene* Eatered at tba Loup City PottofUro for tru* ■1—tnn tbroafb tk« mailt at »oun4 •laM mattar. Kalurnlujf Conlliloucn. Kalona, Iowa, March IHh 1HII7 El*. Noutk wkstkbn: Dear Sir. An confidence la now re stored in the ea*t you will find enclosed $1,50 which will help to bring prosper ity to the Ncurii whutkkn which 1 have confidence will come to toy addreaa the next year. I am interested in acme real e»r,at.i in your county and will de pend on the Northwester* to keep me posted. I will send a brother out so if providence blesses your country. I hiii afrtid that your country would not bugood for mv bees. Respectfully, I N. Aiinoi.h We acknowledge the receipt of Mr, Arnolds enclosure with thank*, and are pleased to note that he has real estate > Interest* here and will send a brother out to make hi* home here soon Mr. Arnold.s letter head indicates Mist lie is III the honey bee business und in answer to his query us to bee* doing well here, will say belter coun try than this can be found for that industry. I'rom Hnjit. .lohnsiin. I have received a copy of th ’ New Catalogue of the State Normal School, an examination shows that there are added two new courses of study which open the way for work much needed in Nebraska. These are a course adapted to the advancement of those who lire graduates of high school* anil one for those who desire to prepare for public school kindergarten work. Both courses are to lie recognized by appropriate certifi cates and diplomas. The course in Post-Graduate* work which has been estah i*lied for year* i* well outlined and put la definite form. The specifications relating to all the courses are dear and readily understood. Both the elementary and higher courses have been enriched and strengthened. The work is indicated by the Cata logue recognized the needs of the school* ef Nebraska, the intelligence of her people, the high school law and ad vancement, and improvement of the school* and people through the better and fuller preparation of the teachers, Any one desiring to seo what our State Normal School is doing and the advantage* it offers can have a cata logue by sending to the President J. A. Beattie, Peru Nebr. There are 44 counties of Nebraska represented, and six other States. Catalogue show* an enrollment of 553, which is the largest enrollment in the history of this school. Respectfully C. F. Johnson. Co. Supt. Died,—Lura Augusta Pray, daughter of John Q. and Minnie L. Pray on March 14th , 18U7 age 8 years. 5 month, and 33 days. We learn that the child had been complaining for two weeks prior to her death hut had quite recovered sad was thought to be feeling quite well again. Last Saturday she was taken suddenly worse und early Sunday morning im. iIoiii'h wri iuiuiuuiihi uui the died before the doctor arrived. She wa« burled Monday. Tbe torrow atrlckeu titiully have tbe profound tytiipatby of the entire community. *' Mr- M I.etchintkv’t condition U re* ported to lie Improving. TltKKS ANI> I’l.AS IS \ lull line fruit free* of !»e»t varletiet at hard time* price* Small fruit* lit large tup ply Million* of htrawherrv plant* Very thrifty aud welt rooted. l»*t the twit near home and *ave flight or ex pr«--«. Send tor price ll»l to NOtil'tt HKN It SI lOfim.s, North Bend I nidge County Nvi>ra*k* All tbe .lilti-rent fu* tu* <d *ktu trouble* treat chapped band* to e* **iu* and In doleut utter* van '*> leadlly cured by Iia Will* Witch lUael Salve, the great pile, le t tdeu-UHl Itrua. We terau that the old lady llaftor lit tug an Blow-1 Man tecta* mentally deranged la*t frtday and e*a<te*vd I tom home Rite went rtr*» to ll**ard a dottier at au* ml toe and ft urn there to It** eon* where they I- .» ! her tb» •eat dav. Rim I* *aid to be about ** » year* old the filMlwwwo i uth-u Rghl wan h to-*a p - • *t t «r*.-H. \ ... * .... St, |*atrtoa'» |hi re» ta * oruett ge ting anwched *iily -« the lourte. *■ a round ||og* are Worth Rtuu H« the o«tM mar* I I»a» *re Hoot*d ti f lu u* the l oop t ill maihat i»hi and aattto have * 1*0 1***0 a tog »t*e t« naitn *« • ' ter !».»»!> ae h«ve ft t the •«>. OLD TIME DOCTORS. The Student# Helped Their T?*i her* In Practical Work. During the last century in America the medical education of a young stu dent was generally what ho picked up by serving as an apprentice to some noted practitioner, which combined tho duties of u student with many menial affairs. He ground the powders, mixed tho pills, rode with the doctor on his rounds, held the basin when tho patient was bled, helped to adjust tho plasters, sew the wounds and run with vials of medi cine from one end of town to tho other. It was a whites day when such a young man enjoyed tho rare good fortune of dissecting a half putrid arm. So great indeed was tho difficulty of obtaining anatomical subjects that the medical school of Harvard college made a singlo body do duty for a whole year. •Jnder such circumstances the doc tor’s knowledge was practical, and de rived from personal experience rather than from books. The advantages of study were sparingly enjoyed. Few physicians boasted of a library of 60 volumes. His apprenticeship ended, tlie student returned to his native town to nssume the practice of medicine. At that period, with the exception of tho minister and the judge, the doctor was tin? most im portant personage in his community. His genial face, his engaging manners, tho sincerity W'ith which ho inquired after the carpenter's daughter and tho interest which he took in the family of tho poorest laborer made him the fa vorite for miles around. Ho knew the names and personal history of the oceu pants of every house ho passed. The farmer’s lads pulled olf their hats to him and the girls dropped courtesies as he passed. Huushino and rain, daylight mid darkness, were alike to linn. He would ride ten miles in tho darkest night over the worst of roads in a pelt ing storm to administer a doeo of calo mel to an old woman or attend a child in a fit. The drugs were stowed away on the shelves of the village store, among heaps of shoes, Ilohau huts, packages of seeds and Hitches of bacon. The physician was compelled to com pound his own drags, make his own tinctures and put up his own prescrip tions. His saddlebag was tho only drug store within 40 miles. Each spring tho blood must bo purified, tho kidneys ex cited and the damsel who fainted pro fusely bled. Largo doses of senna and manna and rhubarb and molasses were taken daily. It was safe to say that more medicine was taken every year by the well than is now taken by tho sick in the sume time. Water was denied the patient tor mented with fever. In its stead was given a small quantity of clam juice. Mercury was taken until tho lips turned blue and the gums fell away from tho teeth. The writer has a vivid recollection, when about 8 years old, in a raging fe ver, pleading for water. The nurse hand ed the pitcher, and the child satisfied her burning thirst. Her brother, over hearing what was going on, rushed into the room, exclaiming, “You will kill her, ” but it was too late.—American Magazine. KITCHEN RUN BY CITY. At Grenoble, France, an Association Serve* Good Food at Co*t. Housewives who think tho co-opera tive kitchen is so far in the future that it would be absurd to look forward to it for relief from daily drudgery will be interested to hear that a kitchen with the same end in view as the co-operative has been in successful operation for nearly 50 years. The Association Ali raentairo of Grenoble, France, is a pure ly municipal uffair. The city owns it tutd supplies meals at cost in its own restaurant or delivers them at private homes. Everything at the Association Ali mentoire is as good as money can buy. The cooks are as clever us any in France, which is saying u great deal. The pro visions are bought iu the best markets and are carefully selected. The service is excellent. The dining means are of several grades, according to the furnish tug* and tho attendance, so that all tastes may bo accommodated, t he may dine tie-re for it cents on bread and soup and bo satisfied or one may pay til cent* and have a full course dinner. In the I* st rooms, which are marble tl>» red and ibcurated with minh eh-g.UKe, there are waiters whu lick bar tips as natu rally aa th>aitth ti, y wet* in the *w vilest uf t'aruiau cafes, wines, wills It hava been proper ly gtai are served ai about a r«str a liter Tin ra U no iuaMctal profit t.» the city In running tl»t» bug*- r* »'.«ui*itt. which nnw swum* 14,ism meals a day Yb*> tthargea am basest oa lint east ut the n.a'- ri els used. tin empb vnw-ut uf In Ip ml tin auHniul spe nt in tneptng this utensil*, nen'h Me tv and bunding m t* pall «—X- w V il iVeaa VIMS Mass Us.'» W ail Item is « u- -I ills *MI>« la lb* Augtwt PM» »* al<<nl IIm sad uf Mbe banab > whet was said to haw bo« heard la b*U Kerry b* fvrw Ike is lal Ug M*»v*d A nsf- ■*|atnsieai * I it** that dm lain Am-Mwsmw Huat*i*, »h. n Ubtaivd ambtnshop’* awft, tuM Atm «f V evttaia i,**t one . t the baas he*'* nj ftm ai». tniraisar mwi that be -tiMim ily b ard Ik* watt wbib b* an (• •-<* u«s Itv parish administer tug tbs lady «*a» htwM la a dying man A torpid liver means a bad comp lexion, bad breath, Indigestion and fre quent headaches. To avoid such com panlons take PeWItfs early Kisers, the famous little pills. Odendahl Bros. Constipation in Its worst form, Pi* pepsia, sick headache, bllllousness and derangement of the liver are readily cured by PeWItts Kurly Kisers. These little Pills never gripe. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. Odendahl Bros. Soothing for burns, scalds, chapped hands and lips Healing for cut*1 and sores. Instand relief for piles, stop* pain at once. These are the virtues ol PeWItts Which Hazel Salvo. Oden dahl Bros. Minutes seem like hours when life Is at stake, Croup gives no time to send for a doctor, delay may mean death. One Minute Cough Cure gives Instant relief and insures recovery. The only harmless remedy that produces imme diate results. Odendahl Bros. MOTIOK OK SALK I'NKKK tltATTKL MOKTOAOK gotten is hereby Rlvon that by virtue of ;i chattel moregage hated on the 25 day of May, i and diil filed in the office of the county co.iri of Miertnnti county, Nebraska on the ’.i'> ditv of May, Jhu.'I and executed by ftamuel C. ITiort hcr and .1 mM. Fletcher to TlibniiiH K. Need to secure tl»o payment of the mu in of 00. and upon which there i» now due the wun of $*>*<. eu with intercut at ten ner cent per annum from Alay gti# H‘i.1, Halil mortgage being collateral to the mortgage hereinafter described. Default having been mode in the payment of Maid Mum and no milt or other proceed mg* hav. Ing been innUtuled to recover Maid debt or any part thereof, therefore I will Hell liie property therein deacribed to-wit One Mar lumber wagon, wltii brake, at public auction at tha sooth cant corner of ilia pilblie nquaie, in DoUpCily, hlieriimn coun ty, Nebraska, on the third day of April, JHV7, at I ’clock, p. in of said day. Also that by virtue of a chattel mort gage dated on i lie |0 day of June. 1M05 ami duly filed m iheoffire of tlit- county clerk of mild county, on June 10, \W> and execu ... I l. ■ i i / • I i, t n li t* i* t ii T 11, m in-. \1 Kccd to secure the payment of the sum of $7M.i'0 Hlld upon whieii there is now duo lrout Sau-- e i c. Fleicher mid James M. Kielelier tin sum of .•7V00 with Interest at ton per cent per amnim from Juno 10 180ft, Default having boon mails In I lie payment of said sum mid < -ait or oilier proseed liiKsallaw : tvln beeii Instituted lo re cover -aid debt oi as* part thereof, there fore 1 will sell the properly therein des cribed, lo-wit: i fie Piano mowing rna clilie , 4 feet lueli it, me Iron frame harrow, pari ofoi o riding cultivator, part of one loiign-di - all: u'.or. one steel huam 12 inch Htahlne p ovv, , t p’hlh; auction, at the Month wad corner of the public square in I.oup City, Sherman county, Nebraska, on the third dr / of April, I n, at one o’cloi: k p. in of - ibl day. Dated this will day of -March, ) -A T. if. Mortgagee NOTICE TO NON-ltK Si DENT DEPEND ANTS. In the District court of Shcrmaa coun ty, Nebraska. TboCh ibl to Provident Institution a corporation organized under the laws of New ilamshire. Plaintiff', vs. liatlc Carruth, John L. Farweil and Martha C. Earwell, Defendant*. John L. Farweil and Marlhla 0. Farweil dcfendiuils will take notice that on the 17 day of December ISMS the Cheshire Prov ident Institution Plaintiff herein tiled its petition In the District court of Sherman county, Nebraska, the object and prayerof which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by KalicCurrulb lo Carlos 0. Ifurr assigned sold uml delivered to the plaintiff uisin thu Pillowing described real estate lo-wlt; The west hulf of the south west quarter of Section Thirty-four |.t4>, and the east bun of the south east quarter of section Thirty-three <:«), Township Sixteen (1(1), North of ltange .■sixteen (18f, west of the Sixth (ti) Principal Marldlan, the same be ing 111 Sherman county, Nebraska, lo secure thu payment of one promisory note dated the tlth day of October, ISH6 for the sum of Three Hundred Dollars (glidO.OOl with interest at leu per cent from January tlrat Isa-.1, lor which sum plaiut.ltf prays fora decree that defendants be required lo pay the same, or that said premises may he sold to satisfy the umunut found due You are required to answer said petition on or before the Hill day of April, IsJ’. l’HK ClIKSHKIKK PKOVHIKNT IN STITUTION, Plaintiff, lly OuBH A Hahvev, its attorneys. NOTICE TO NON-UESIDENT DKFENli A N TH. In the District Court of Shermuu coun ty, Nebraska. The oheshtre Provident Institution a corporation organised under the laws 01 New Hampshire. Plaintiff vs. Paul etoahark, John I,. Harwell, and Martha C. Parwell, deleudauts. John 1.. t si w ell ami Martha 0. Kurwcll deleudauts will tuke notice that ou the ITlh day of Dec gtu tier, lst«l the Cheshire Provident lustitutlon, plaintiff herein its pet it ton in the District Court of Hhurmau county, hehruska the object aud pruyur»f which are to loieclose a certain uioitgago eseculed by Paul Nuabeck to Carlos ■' llurr assigned aoid and delivered to the platiialll upon the Pillowing diet er Iced teal estate to wit: the nor til east quarter of section thirty three ith, lu township sixteen 1*1;, nolle of range six teen Ce- west of tne stvlh «> principal tnaridian, tne same being in eh. ru-an county Seine*ha, to secule the payment ot plum sol v note dated the day of October, ism f.*r the sum of geven Huodtud IiuImis inue, with interest a> ten put >a ut trim. January 1st, hraf, for a hub suw plaintiff pray* for a decree defendant* be ir.futied to pay the seme or that said premise* maybe sod lo satisfy wre amount foand dee. tod are isifsilid tn aosesi sent pelt* tlussaui befute Mte lath day of yprn, l»d tuti iniuMstaa i*no*tug»i la *titvti<» P.stattif, tty toad i tlsavaf, it* attutaey* Awarded Highest UonoiA W*i ld'» r«lr. DR I I M*V 1 l-i i? 5 M M>l A > * .,«* CftcS 4 I - It# IWiM. He Asms fHp.e da **»■• S* say ***** bJmd t* MAAS 1 Ml gT khUAAtt The Nebraska Legislature. It is a recognised fact among Nebras kans that no matter what other daily paper they read at other times, during the legislative sessions they must, get the Lincoln State Journal if they want all.the News. The Journal is right on the ground can get the latest doings of the law makers and frequently gives the news one day earlier than the Oma ha papers. The Journal'* Washington Correspondent. Mr. Annin keeps the Journal readers thorougly posted on Matters of Interest to Nebraskans that are h ipeuing or the national capital .The Journal Is mailed at f>0 centa per month without Sunday or 55 cents per monts with Sunday. It Is a great payer. ' Chlcora, I’a., "Herald" Richard Ven el reports One Minute Cough Cure the greatest success of medical science. He told us that It cured his whole family of ter'ble coughs and colds, after all others so called cures ha 1 entirely failed. Mr. V* icel said, It assisted his children through a very bad siege of ineasel* One Minute Cough (,'ure makes cxpec ora! ion very easy and rapid Oden dalil Bros. The I 'nlon Pacific System lias Inau gurate ’ a thorough colonist sleeping car service between Council Hlulfsanil Portland. Tills car leaves Co Bluffs on our train 15 p in and passengers go through whltout change Berths In this car can bo secured by request at this olllce. In addition to the above,we also run a through colonist car dally to San Francisco and a perma nently conducted colonist car weekly ovi i) Friday to San Francisco and Los Angelos Full information can be ob tumeil by writing or calling on Frank W Cline, Agent. . t -—— --—.. NOTICE TO NON-IIK9IDENT DEFEND. ANTS. In district court of fthermuri county, Nebraska Tin- Thu.nix Mutual l.lfo lnsur ,.nco Company of Hartford Con. netleut, vs. plaintiff Lyslandor E. Moore, Olive l„ Monro, Marx Kroger,-Kroger, Ins wife. Hirst nano unknown, Ell II. Flslier, William J Fisher, Jessie W. Fisher, John N. Fisher, Minnie ^ isher. surah A. Ifassett, Cyrus I*. Bassett, Mary A. Morgan, Albert.! Morgan. I.ewfsO. Fisher, Francis K. f isher, William J. Filler, a*admin istrator ol the estate oi Mary M. Fisher deceased, Tlios. M Hee l, Isaac Bullock. James Bullock, defendants. Slate of Nebraska,; S'lerman County, ( •to the above named non residdout do fondants to-wit: Lysander E. Moore, Oli ve L Moore, Marx Kroger,-Kroger, lus wife flrst name unknown. Ell B. Fish er, Mary V. Morgan and Albion J. Morgan: You will take notice that on the 24th day of February 1HW7 the above named plaintiff tiled Its petition against the above named defendants In the district court of Sher man county, Nebraska the object and pary end which are to foreclose a certain mort fago made anil delivered by the defendants ■ysunder E. Moore and Ollvor L. Moore to I he said plalntilt upon the following described rearestate situate in the couuty of Hhermiin and state of Nebraska, to wit ; The south west quarter of Hectlou Twenty slx (2Hi,iu tow nsliIp sixteen (10) north of range (14) west of lit h p. m., to secure the payment of a promlsory note dated March 25, 18K4 for the sum of SUdo.Ou with interest at seven percent per annum and due and payable oil t he Hrst day of March 1889 and which was thereafter extended to ike flrst day of March 1892, with Interest at six and one-half per eent per annum until maturity and leu per cent thereafter; lhat there is now due upon said mite The sum of 330.U0 with Interest at ten per cent per annum from March 1st, lsilt, f,,r which sum plaintiff prays for a decree lhat defendants bo required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to set taffy tbe anouut. found due. You are reoutrod to answer slid petl tl<ni on or before the 19th day of .Jirll islff. Dated thls27day February, lain. TUB TIIBONIX MUTUA1. LlF* IN siuANCB Company, of Hartford, iscab Coiiiiulloiil, Plaintiff, Attest H- J. Nioutinualm, Louis Ukin, its Attorneys. Clerk of the District Court. S. NIGHTINGALE, LAWYER. Does a General Lav aid Collection bosuess A Notary Public, Stenographer amt Typewriter In Offloe ONU 1>0UK NOKTH Ol IIUS1 BANK. UHJF cm. • • MBBBABEA. vy j.KisiitK, * AtturnHU-Bt-Law, AM) NOTHV PUBLIC. [Will DefcnJin lortclosureCases ALSO DO A tlENKKAl. REAL ESTATE BUSIN ESA um«e ta * SISAMriM <Uag Loll' l If r, • . • s»HIU*K* | HERMANN KR”N/E. M D Physician ami sir&toi, AHIiro.X, NKHK 'V \k*. 1 * rfcop int kXPKfcSS **« 1 GENERAL DELIVERY LINE Ail IlyNti «w VnkU «M*»ete pmeepSly <*t ta r * r- *» rn« ■ »r * , vH * I *o’« IUA KiK { '* • t »#•# I *#4 f I ■. * I . v * :?% I 0*1 ’** . »■ ! ' s H y V ? ' ***** '•*» ■ **. * •• it C r*". ■ I SSwlwwmuA UaiAttwl K A. A4I •Ml J #«»..**« *. UMait#, «•««*, TIMK TABLE Lincoln. Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, 8t. Joseph, Halt Lake City. Kansas City, Portland, Ht. Louis, Han FAnclaco, anti all points and all points East and Houth. West THAI NS LEAVE AM FOLLOWS. No 54. Accin., dally escept Sunday for all point* . .1:15 a in No. 63. Annin. dally, eicrpt Sunday forArcaUla.. S :80 pm Sleeping, dinner and reclining clialr cars (scut* free) on through trains. Ticket* sold mid baggage chocked to any point In the United Slates or Canada. For Information, maps, time tables and ticket* call on or write to A. F. Wert* Agent. Or J, FKANOIs, (ien'I. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska, U. V. RAILWAY Beginning Sunday, November J7th. trains will arrive and depart at till* station as follows: I,eaves Leaves Monday; ) , no Tuesday, I g. ()() Wednesday, [ ™0' Thursday. [ * Friday, ) Huturday m Arrives at Loup City daily O.iOp.m. daily. (’lose connection at Orand Island for all points East and West F. W. Clink. Agent I OST. A dear little child, who made borne happy by Its smiles And to think it might, have been saved bad the parents only kept in the house One Mi nute Cough Cure the infallible remedy for croup. We want one good riian (having horse), as permanent superintendent for Hherman county, to attend to our bus iness, on salary. Must send along with application, strong letters of recom mendation ss lo honesty. Integrity, and ability. Ht.ate occupation. Address P. O. Box 1602, Ph I la. , Pa. HUMPHREYS* ! No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 ** Worms. No. 3 " Infants’ Diseases. No. 4 “ Diarrhea. No. 7 “ Coughs. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 0 “ Headaohe. No. 10 “ Dyspepsia. No. 11 “ Delayed Periods. No. 12 “ Leuchorrea. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 “ Skin Diseases. No. IB " Rheumatism. No. 10 “ Malaria. No. 10 “ Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 “ Asthma. No. 24 “ General Debility. No. 20 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 “ Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 32 “ Heart Disease. No. 34 “ Sore Throat. No. 77 “ Colds and Grip. Db. Hi.'kphbbts' Homeopathic Manual or Diheaheb Mailed Fbeb. Hmnll bottle* of pleanant pellet*, fit the T**t pocket. Hold by druEKlxt*. or mnt prepaid upon receipt of price, 26 cunt*, except No*. I*, and SI are made $100 elm only. Humphrey** Medi cine Company, 111 William Ht., New York. HUMPHREYS* WITCH HAZEL OIL “THE PILE OINTMENT.** for Pflnn—External or Internal. Ullnd or Plwndfiif t PJntulafn Ano; Itching or Hlii iilng of the Kectam. Tim relief In l mined Into—the cure certain. raiOB, 60 OTI. TH1AL SIZE. MOTS. •old If Ihiifglsis, or nttil post -paid on rscsipt of print, ■tnrmtsvr, iiia lit wiia** at., nw imi Wanted-An Idea SmsS Protect your Idea*; they mny bring you wealth. Writs* JOIIM WJCDDK.RHURN ft CO.. Patent Attor ney*. Washington, D. C\,for their $1,910 urine offer nod lint of two hundred Invention* wanted. D. C. DOE, A. P. CULLEY, Vice-President. Cashier. FIRST RANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stoak, SCO .000. Loan* on Improved farms at MINI par mA Beet Company and tat tmms to tie had la the neat. OonuaroaDmm:—Chemical national Bank, Raw York QMp> >• Td tatilt *Wtlonal Bane Umaha Mrtemefce W. J. FISHER, GEO. E. BENSCHOTBB, Attorney and Notary Public. Publlsber Loop Uitt Nobth warm ait FISHER & BENSCHOTER, REAM. ESTATE AGEJTTS. LOUP CITY, • • NEBRASKA. Town L>u, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauda for Sale ADAM SGHAUPP, * Will pay the highest market price for All Kii^da of (iroiti at M 'Alpine. l*mp Oity, si»*. ;»p, au<I Auburn. Alto bigkaal prioet paid for U*^t etui caul* at Loop City,