The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 26, 1897, Image 2

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OI O. E. WHNSCHOTKR, Editor t rob.
- ■ _
Donglns county farmers have or
ganized an institute.
The Dawes county agricultural so
ciety has money in its treasury,
('rawfor.-l saloon keepers hare re
fused to pay the oecunation tax levied
by the city council.
Old settlerH of Otoe county will hole
their annual picnic at Morton park,
near Nebraska City, dune 15.
It is estimated that Orafton grain
men have over 250,000 bushels of corn
cribbed up awaiting higher prices.
The dead body of an infant was
found in the vault of an outhouse at
Fremont. Investigation is to be made.
The city council of lieatrice has
passed the sulury reduction ordinance
that bus been bunging tire for sonic
Robert Ayer* and Mrs. Kinmu Mc
Math of Clay county have tieen
adjudged Insane arid placed in the
The large pluining mill of Fade A
Nous, Hastings, was totally destroyed
by tire. The loss is estimated at 91,500,
partially insured.
A school house near Bayard took
fire, and most of the roof was consum
ed before the teacher and pupils suc
ceeded in putting it out.
Walter Clark, ayoung man employed
in the tow mill of the Nebraska binder
twine compuny at Fremont, lost a
thumb in the machinery.
Humphrey had a 910.000 (ire a few
days ago, severul buildings living de
.XII tl
of making good the losses.
Tlie report set going that Cudahy
and Hwift, the big South Omaha pack
er*, will concentrate their interests at
Ht. Joseph, lacks foundation.
The 1$. A. M. depot at DcWitt came
very near being destroyed oy lire, the
result of an explosion of a kerosene
lamp. Vigorous work squelched the
The city of Kearney is lieing held out
of about j.' in taxes from the rail
road companies, as the roads claim
that certain levies are excessive and
While delirious from a severe attack
of diphtheria II. L. Avenurius, a for
mer Omaha man. jumped from a win
dow in the county hospital at Chicago
and killed himscif.
Thieves entered Charles ilobb's sa*
ham at DcWitt by breaking a panel
out of the back door, and carried off a
shotgun, cigars and other things to
the amount of about $30.
At West Point the verdict of the
jury in tlie Flowers hog stealing ease
was, Wilbur Flowers guilty, and
Thomas Flowers not guilty. A motion
was filed for a new trial.
The stockholders of the York mili
tary band propose to extend the work
of the organization the coming year,
and have it reorganized as one of the
^ Reading bauds of the west.
Willie Booth, 10 years of age. was
kidnapped from the' South school in
Beatrice by a man named W. 1!. Brown
of Kummcrficld. Kan. The lud was
later recovered in the sunflower state.
A. A. Adams, a farmer residing five
miles north of Bradshaw, committed
suicide by hanging himself with a
rope. He leaves a wife and seven
children. No particulars concerning
the cause of tlie rash act have been
The dwelling owned by K. A. (rcr
rard und occupied by Lee Kay at Mon
roe, burned down, lu the excitement
of getting Mrs. Kay, who was sick,
out of bed, nearly everything was de
Kudolph Xewiuan. aged .10 years.
registered iroui irciidwoixl. committed
Nuiohle ut tlie State hotel in Omaha by
xhixiting himself in the head with it
revolver. I.otters left indicate that
despondency arising from an incurable
disease was the motive for the deed.
Charles Ncheutli, one of tin* earliest
pioneers of Cuming county, died after
u lingering illness at the udvanced age
of 83 yeurs. lie made settlement in
Cuming county in isiii and has iiccn
identified with it ever since. He was
I torn in West phalen, tiermunv. .Mu v 7.
Deputy sheriff Knxiow returned to
Hebron from l.iueoln with Fuller.
Ihtird and WhitUing.the Ixuik robbers,
who were arrested at Hanover, Kan.
These men Were ordered to the peni
tentiary for safe keeping, not with
standing the fact that the county hu*
a 81 juiI. The trial of these men
will take place ut once,
A Washington disputeh ao Fund
Agent McAllister of the I ukon Duel It*
’ullroud lias iiud eonfervnccs with
Itwrdarv Francis, the result of which
will prohuMv lx- the lutlenting of u
number of thousands of ucre% of lund
to the company which have passed
Into I la* laud* of settlers. \ uuiiils-r
of these lists Wen* tiled mouths ago
und were evaintued at that time but
were relumed for additional pn«.f
I tow lists Include lamts along tie
entire line of the huil
Farmer* ».f the IInuncr and Nleker
hhi utighUubiasl ISslg* iunlitv were
victims of tbU'ves, w ho rclk-ved them
of some nltttlilr property. * barb
tua-vke a farmer living a few mile'
West of Hooper, Was first visited \
good team of hots** were t»k< •« frvmt
los butn end are stl!| Will
Fhuifsrr, w ho live* sat Ifidtp gin
farm. *ud» ml to the eSteal of 4 eisst
it*races Ihi nest trate was at \ivk
t-eaten, where \ a 'i. h , .
was kill to d at to slid driven awav tin
wagsKi twoughl liters' b, vkt do* n
having look« m tiowa
tlhs* .haste Iktrwes a ttuvr g*d itv
lltg at tir iad Is .iu i II*, ki. a ,t ,
while attempting to l»whl the I
Ibtilx vasthuid train V. t it she
went to gs I *•!« >Ml iW tlt |«t t|| | v*|
Ml u» ttw
•«t|diftr# tMt d»t t%# lk »**■»-■ I tie. |
J«v||M IVt Ft **# !Un«' i thv It -H
«b!m A Itv mmlkh'*** tkt» i> «
At that Tim* th* House Will Definitely i
l>«rld* What Is to II* Hon* With the
Measure—Kvriiii of HoiirIms ( ounty ;
I nseiited In lli* N*n«t#—Continued In
troduction of Hills— But Fetr Measures !
Passed —M Iscel in neons Notes.
The Nebraska Assembly.
Sfnatf Ihirlng the morning hour mm the
iHtli the senate addl'd fell bills to (tie general
Ale. Introduced seven new ones and received
and referred a large batch of petitions ami
resolutions. Mr. Johnson, from I he commit
tee on miscellaneous subjects, presented
favorable reports on the following bills:
Senate Hie No, I .'is. to repeal tin* dead letter 1
*1 at life Importing a penally for tin' killing of
deer; senate HR* Vo. s. forbidding railroad
companies to give free passes: senate Hie
No. I.Vi, to prevent the blacklisting or pub
lishing of discharged employes: senate Hie
No. 1.V7 and IAs. noth forhlddtng city and
county employes from accepting free street
railway passes. free telephone, elect He light
01 gas; senate tile No. l‘l(, relating lo the Is
suing of Honor licenses hy county Isiarcts.
Among fhe m w hills Int rod tired were: I'ro
vldlug for the appointment of a tax eomrnls
sloner and deputies In cities of I he metro
politan clami. Henate Hie No. 2SI. In reference
lo the Interpretation of the statements In a
life Insurance policy ami in applied!ions
therefor; In reference to the uefrnse* In
suits on such policies; and for the allowance
by t he con rf s of a reasonable attorney fee
to be taxed as costs on rendering Judgment
In a Mill! against a life Insurance company on
Its (silicic*. Senate Hie No. :;*u. to permit
county agricultural Noclellcs to participate
In the Trans-.Mississippi e\(scdtlon and lo
provide for expenses oficounty exhibits.
HgXATK. The senate on the I7tli pill In a
big day’s work, passing seven bills ms follows:
Providing that cities and villages are em
Ilowered and authorized to receive by gift or
devlsu real estate wiildn their corporate
limits, or within the miles thereof, for pur
ls^** of parks or public grounds. Providing
a law defining cruelty to children, providing
punishment therefor and for the guardian
•hip of children In certain case*. Providing
that no child under I- years shall Is* em
ployed in any store, office, shop, factory or
mine In Nebraska to exceed three mouths In
any one year. Providing that all graduate*
of the I'lilversity of Nebraska bolding the
degree of bachelor of arts or bachelor of
science shall Is* accredited asijtialiMcd teach
er* within I he meaning of t hr school laws of
this state. I{c<|uiring school district Ismrd*
lo provide on every sclasil house sit*' and
keep in gfssl repair and In clean and health
ful condition at least two separate water
iiom-is. i mvtiling i mii ini legal iuivitiiw
incuts shall Is* set in solid nonpareil type. A
Jotnt resolution Inviting foreign nations to
part Id pat i* lit I he Trans-Mississippi e\|tosl
tlon was passed. The senate ifteit lintk a
recess Hilt p. in.
Hknatk. Pri septalIon of petitions was tin*
llr.-t business in the senate on the l*th.
A tnong ot hers was one from t lie Indies of t he
<*. \ It. protesting against dosing the Mll
ford soldiers’home. The pe titions were all
referred. Mr. Johnson, from tin- committee
on miscellaneous subjects, recommended
that senate tile No. lift, introduced by Mr.
Tallsd, he placed on general tile. The hill
defines I lie crime of grn ve-robblng and pre
scrllte* rules for disinterring and dissecting
Indies. I’lie same committee presented a
favorable report on senate Hie No. 190, by .Mr.
Haller, authorizing tin* organization of mu
tual Insurance companies to Insure property
in rlties ami towns. The hill hitrodimed by
Mr. Mutz. senate HU* No. 2ft, making it unlaw
ful for a county i reasurer to accept In pay
ment of )k>II tax tin* affidavit of any person
that lie was not notified, was recoin mended
to pass. In the afternoon session considera
tion of I he governor’s message was the special
order, but there were no developments of In
terest. The message was red I'.Ii'l then, on
motion of Mr. How* 11. If v.ay referred to ft
ciujimtttee of Hve to report on not later than
ten days. The lieutenant governor named as
Ih* committee, M-natoi •> Heal of Custer,
limiting of Cass. Mdoinn of Boone, Mutz **f
J\Vvn I,alia and Tallsd of Lancaster. The
pillule printer hill was considered and rec
ommcmhd to pass. Important amendments
were made, notably one (Milting down the
salary of the public printer from *2..j»o to
♦ l.aun. Mr. Hansom, from tin* committee on
eoust itiitloual a mend men Is. recommended
that Joint resolution No. ft, introduced by Mr.
I'eltz, and memorializing congress to submit
a woman suffrage amendment, be placed .m
general flic.
Sksatk. A number of new measures wi re
Introduced, and when the business of the
day was through the aenate session of the
HUh was concluded by adjournment until
Tuesilay at 2 p. in. Anticipating tin* report
of t he committee on privileges and elect ions,
which It had In-en given out would re|*ort for
t he seating **f John Jeffeoat and t h* memat
ing of John II. Evans, Hough,. county fon
testants. a large crowd gathered In t he cuate
chamber, \fter tin* roll call the committee
reported hi favor of Mr. Evans. After the
motion to adopt the report of the committee.
Senator Hiabani sent up an amendment
naming Mr. Jeffeoat as ta-lng «*n 11th d to tin
oat. A long discussion ensued In whl**h the
(‘Ittluis of Isrth parties were exhaustively sot
forth, and then roll.was culled upon the mo
tion to unseat Mr. Evans and seat in his stead
lion. John Jeffeoat, TIkn- voting in the
atttnuatlve wen*: Me*sis*. Heal, t'auaday.
I am II. I'eltz. Prttz. tiraham, Hrolhuu. Itow
4*11. Heupy, Johnsttu, las*. Muffi.v, Mutz,
sclutal. >ykes, \Yutson. Wt-ller IT. Those
voting In tin* negative were: Messrs. Cald
well, Conaway. Hearing. (»4»n«lrlng. Haller.
Mcloinn. Miller. Murphy. (Khorti. Hitchlc,
Tails.t. Hjh ncer. Steele i t. Huiulas. Evans
anti Hausnin Dtit voting This uctlou gives
the seat lt» Jt-ffcoal, the * imtesiant. Senator
Hn*hum sent up a n-s**|iitioit asking that the
t tniiniltIts- i»ii puhlic luilhllngs la- ullowtil ft*
vIsit tile public lustItlttioiis anti Is* c\i*u*cil
tlurlug t heir ah** m*e. Leave was granted.
Senator IN-aring sent up it resolution provld
iltglhut tile c«»s| of t lie i*t at lest him- Is* paid
tml t*f I tie I lie ide util I i \p< use fund. The
• t lit* >ii ii I is something over HW*1 'the [iso
lation was hiit o\t r tltidei the rule.
Ih»i *y. \i| ua inlaw* him m*i yet arrived
when ihi house t*i Hi veiled Oil I he li*l It. only
sl\iy-lwo answering to f.'11-call The house
»» HI I Mill Vl.l) I * Vlllllg. 1IIMI lltlH
nit I f**f Ik llmt .tint M 4.111 wort*
*•»* lli* iMut ltr*i <Im> i»r lIn* m-vkion. (in itu
r**|» »* *4 l|w «‘Hft itiltm. , Ihhim mil
N" •> lii h k r >t| I* iglu* Min* oitUrv# In
Mm* *i« li* ».»i HI** ThU U liU I,r»*li*l hill fi r
Hi*1 inlilullii* nml n (* r« mluio \ mm U r • *f
klUim *•*« oiol mhiMii. *« r» »* fi rn«l tnouiti*
Httll« • * IIimim * •-I tUtthftml i»H.« lull* * HU
fMlliHl in mvUv ii iMiMilitnU »f««*,mii11 v mu|
• Iml. mil fto.
1**4 IU*I forrUti iiKH ttilftl
lu»t* f* it* mil Hi *4 i»l i*M>* or. «fi* . * I*m '
i«Mki. H|«* nil r ii.ilftti In iin tiiUUl nf |tn r* ***U
lug »»f Wlk Mtr%«‘»**l nUtt*|km inih. U I Mini
U KfH *1*411 lo «4gii hou* r*4l So . Ih* lilll
imhMIihi 1*4 ft r* .tmiii «f I Nr «o4»*im%i In
>• *» ' ■!* r fo* Ik -s lull* K4l ft It* *1*1 -
HI Ml" ttUfch to i I III Him* HMl S*i 1^
•UMfett*. hii Ifflg*t *«*■ i gu *um, »«u*l I**m»m
io() ft**- IT k 1 J«ul ••# I >4*»- *•»I* if. fiiiHiftktm r
*4 it** 4* M* **l tfklibft i.i» «*li| ihu1 Mi *g ft t
Ii* I U* (4*H» *4 i U tl»» »(.(! O.Uf . of i l» « IlMtt.
<»«•* miiMitiu Mini lf» M** -• flu kuitrlk I
I «4Vh«*M 4 to t***Mf- k«M.I* M iimtlMk) V \
• ******* «
M"(m fk t it*M k* ninw'iot U*
rlMMitMtllnttitf Ik k«u* ilm* lint g««
4“* “#»■«*• «l i«* l*o* Hoftrftgkh* v***Ul
ii»i >g* »* *4 **•* ik *. •*-.«mu '»*g * *fa**#t
♦|i* h» M f H •MuU I itullb) *4 Ag If*
»*»• t **** *i***U4# »* * II ktu >1 III Dm
loll *4 »» ** MhIU*^ th* Mm * MM*
|U*4» '*#*1*# *4 tU Wfc t*t* |V<U lit
114* Ik ****** M 4* 1*4**1 (in !»******* to
f' O’-.* *'■ ■* H *U **Ui ft » of . t-Htftl) ■ |f*U
ftHtnll »kM»4t ♦ * *4 Ik Hl|» (|k
t* 0*4 of I ft* Not •' -M«« * »«•# *1
hv Uftr# h>»W Ml 4* i * *1 r# * MH
H«Hi|iti4 M riti^ of UiwMto * *4
n^kti ft *4 lAk ll k' .ito • *•*• |,~» * , -1
ft* ft t*4* of ft# •**#- *»«**•* 1414. **#i
Toft fi f*<# fttt ft*-* ft 4.*»» » *. .**4 <4
•->» |0'M.FfrFl *-*0 *| !• ' ft*.*-*
•#» *** «»«h \u in *t» 4 I t*Ut - g i*.i
. ft**t)*44M nVft*«4tfc-ft. » f * lN»f mM*
fftlM-ik •Vftft fttlfck »-S *4 u.ftf ft *, 4i A’tiftg
(So fiftnt* ukk*ft ft* *#»*.* ft« fcr- ft
f*l* ftftft *1 (* ft* *W F .. . *4
ng 4 4|Nt4(ftft(* ftftr fct-ft-ft «m ■ ft*
III |#M M-h‘< U * I ft* »F Mr v*ft ■ . : ‘4 »*Mt*
Sftft* »* • UftvftMft ftlfttMMMi ifti* Mlhft |i *H U * -
»M Fwi *•< K»l». . ... t
HU-*. »« I«* «*,. .l|.i tkjtt.
J' »*■* FW« l*U »t *' (-.* .. 1 fi -U*.'* Ill .* *..F .HI
i* n» Nf * ... I.... >f (. i'. .s # |1 .. it...
rMHtiiina tin on I oil *» . h*h-’ * » •..! «».
bf k»i.iF... - . Mh lt#F.t * «•• t>F*W *f *
I If « t*MM • >•< *•* «• 1
.. ii in >i. *. \nF»»t l« !*>■ • >-f i *n t«^t
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«f. ».F» «*« «M t*’ -*»***• «mt « •>*
tl « *t t > IN* l» ‘M • a M> Ml n«l>
Ini: of the minutes was suspended and Unit
was iveojrnlzrd hv tin* up'fikrr. lie said ho
wmited toHp4':iki)n in’lulf of prompt net Ion
on I he Trims-Mississippi exposition hill, lie
moved that till* hill, house roll No. W-’». Is* ad
vanced to t In* lieml of t he list on the general
Hie. ('ou*lderahle discussion took place, when
Kager ilcmainh'd the previous question,
which curried, and day ion I culled for the
ayes and nay*, the result iieing, ayes IKI, nays
:t7. a I went and not voting, 7. The hill I* nmv
outlie general Hie with sixteen measures
ahead of it The first thing hi the aftermsm
Wooster called for the special order of the
day. Till* wit* tltc report of u committee ap
pointed to make a prelliulnary InvestIgatIon
of thr affair*of the state treasury. Speaker
IJufftn a n mm need that the report of the ln
vestIgat,lug committee, to Inquire Into the
condition of the several state offices was In
onler und It was read hy Chief Clerk Huger.
Pollard moved to adopt the re|*»rt of *h€
committee. Hod mint n wanted lo amend hy
referring to u special committee of four, wit la
power to send for |M*r*ons and paper*. Pol
lard opposed tills. A lengthy discussion took
place, at the conclusion of which the house
went into committee of the whole to con
sider hills on the general Hie. with Pollard III
the chair. The committee of the whole pro-,
reeded to advance house roll No. ‘XI on the
ll*l hv a viva \oce vote. Ily this It appeared
I hill the of the whole wms more
indent in ad vanning hills than was t he house
The hill 1* art act to protect stock grower*
and provide* I hut hutcher* shall keep a rec
ord of all Iteef animal* they may slaughter,
and that tin hide* shall I** exhibited ten
days after killing. The hill whs recom
mended for passage. House roll No. VX4 pro
vide* for I he appraisement and leasing of
«'Im*»I laud*, and stop* the sale of such lands.
*la hlou. inirfslucer of the hill, said that,
it 11 hough It was a large document, there wa*
nothing In flic measure differing from the
aid law except tie* provision prohibiting tin*
sale of school lands. Horner wauled to know
i he object of slopping I lie sale of such lands.
Kheldun said I hat I lie message of l he gover
nor road yesterday fully answered that
i|iio*tlon. 'The hill was recommended for
passage and I he house adjourned.
Horst-:. The house on the Mth. hy a vide of
•*.'» to X, made the exposition hill a apodal
order for Tuesday. l*Vh. 21. This uctlon ad
vances tin* hill to the head of the calendar
Mild gives the rigid of way on the legislative
track after the liottr named. House roll No.
1* wa* recommended to pass. Hy tin* pro
visions of t In* hill a Judge I* disqualified from
trying a case In any case where he Is a party,
or*Interested, or where la* Is related hy ties
nf consanguinity, or where he Inis been at
torney for either party. No. 77, the age of
consent I HI. was engrossed for third reading.
\ pel iikmi hum u uurnoer oi »nrri»iw *»»»
read, endorsing the Milford soldiers* and
sailors'home, and asking that It Is? main
iallied The report of the committee recom
mending an Investigation of the affair* of
I lie deaf und dumb Institute at Omaha was
adopted, tom m It tee re port a reeom mended
numerous hills for passage, among theoi
Is lug: Telker's Idll, house roll No. 102. It Is
an aet to Incorporate tin'orderof the r,astern
Star and give It l he right to hold and dispose
nf property. House roll No. 70. hy f lat's of
Lancaster, providing that husband* and
wives may testify against each other In civil
i*as< h and In criminal proceeding* for a
•rime eommllted by the one against the
other. House roll No. 71. providing that an
appeal run Im- made to (lie supreme court
wit hilt six inoiil hs Instead of a year. House
roll No, *7. by Snyder, amending the code of
civil proceed 11 re relating to change of veil tie
in Justice coil rt*. telker's bill, house roll
No. 147. amending the compiled statute on
evidence. House roll No. 33M. by Wheeler,
prov idlng for the payment hy »het state of
1 lie premium of the slat** treasurer's liond.
when such Unid Is furnished hy a guaranty
company. House roll No. :H2. hv ternow,
providing for the administration of the |m*h
It* Hilary. The house tlieu adjourned.
I’lve of 1 he siil»-eotnrnittee of six upfiolnted
hy Hpeakcr Haltiu to visit the stale Institu
tions and report to the lions**, returned from
their first trip on I lie 13th. They visited the
asylum for the chronic Insane at Hastings,
the Industrial school for laiysat Kearney, tin*
soldiers* ami sailors' home at Orand Island
and the home for fallen women at tieneva.
The report of tills eommittee will recom
mend several appropriations for repairs and
Improvement*, especially at tin* Hastings
asylum, where ii is admitted unanimously
that more room I* needed. $upt. Dumrcll in
his est Imale of • In* biennium asks for two
additional buildings. One will Is* recom
Ilou*e roll No. 473. Introduced by Hnydcp of
Nemaha. I* an act to provide for the salaries
of officers of 1 In* slate government. It Is «*'
tlrely independent of t lie act ion of tin? com
mittee In charge of tin* appropriation bills.
It provides for an averaged reduction all
along tin* line of aliout 23 tier cent. The sal
aries of head* of departments remain the
- i:i»e. That of the governor**, private secre
tary is cut from lEkOttfi to $1,300. Salary of
t lie ejih*f clerk from §1.200 to #kou. Th<? adju
tant general is reduced from $ to #sno.
Salary of tin* deputy land commissioner
from 91.700 to £1.200; chief clerk from #1.200 to
#700. All ot her deputies drop from #1,700 to
£1.200, ami the salary of the deputy of the
stale superintendent Is reduced to #1.4X10.
The salary of the deputy of the attorney gen
eral goes ilown from £l.sno to #1.300. Tie sal
aries of all the state institutlonsttreatta 'ked.
Salaries of £2,ooo per annum of tiupcrlntcnd
euls go down to #1.300, and that ot all em
ploye* from 20 to 23 per cent.
BKKT til'd All BU I..
The house committee appointed toconskh r
ways and means for t lit* encouragement of
t he heet sugar Industry. Iiehl an open meet
ing at the Lincoln hotel with a good attend
ance. rhalrman Pollard explained in
general,!Im* committee’* Idea of drafting a
bill iiermillliig the organization of district*
to vote liond* for sugur factories. Tin* plan
iM'lfjg based u|M>n the Wright irrigation law.
Tin* plan seemed to meet with general ap
proval. Mr. l it advanced the idea that
Millie restriction should Im* placed on the
liumls*r of faetorles which should Ik? per
mitted under tills law. for the first few years,
pointing out tin* fact that If jienple hceame
loo enthusiastic, factories would Im* rm'lrd
ImToiv a suitlcietit number of practical men
could Im* secured to operate them. It Is prob
H hie I hut t he Ideas Of th<* committee will Im*
einlMMlh'd In a hill and presented to the leg
islature within it few days.
KIIDHTMi) or Till: STATI. \t*PIT«Ul.
I,nil-mil iM'*ji»ii' ii !«• MU’ » mii.inil nn I n»
lioitdaiuen of e\-Audltm Fuji im* Muon* held
anollHt miiifi'h'iu'i* in llir nffliT of Attorney
(ini, Smyth. \Vllli<i K. IMof MmllMiu, wlm,
with Ait«»rn* \ Harry llrome of Omaha. wa*
ureat lit al ll«e »*imft renee 'If. Keed *tld
Mini lu unitrtpatcd that criminal proceed
1114* would Imi iHHUUieneed again*! Id* client,
lie added that the attorney general might,
however, decide lo lieglll a civil *ult for the
balance owing hy M«<orv. on HI.tore **ay*
he hm a one-third ittlrrcat lit a mine In « «•!
• undo. for which he would not tuk< fioutu*. If
now net* #1 "m* a month and Hltatre 1* ready
(«> }*!> AMlU a month to t Im- *tale on hi* In*
debt*'dnt <o»
\lloiiii i l(« id mi>« that the law of |*ftl
|*i ov oh d I hat lliiwi liuiirance fww duMlIll I*
pn id to t In at ate auditor I In* cou*t ituthm
of |«? \ amended HtU taw and tnnde all f»t ■*
received »•> any *t*ie dt pariin* •.« nay able in
*dt am*e lo lh« Male treasurer H»i- ». th*
Imwinia tiw ri that they are n -i
M.iMi-, tu V|. «»i« ha*l no right lo roi ln th*
ft ea Mr l(« »-d that ltd* will* l*« Im
I hut**. la* a (0***1 ticf» iiw In a * tlintnal a h«*n
Attorney to m rat an yth •■•id hrtnty Mint j
*ita<« thing tittt*l iluiit it* *h» ittitlli r or an J
at»« %t woi|t*l la- ti «’l< l ith 1* wt>al Vtto* I
tit t lie* »l t rue* ir» itHtl lie h making |»ft |«w* *•
I hat* f* *r *l> rtiot Mt M«*t»» «ant Mail he I
ft4« doing alt hr Ci'UUl |o M% llti* M.alli f Up |
and If Ktn*a Ittm »«#*ihl »kt we
l lo k tU«r u«rf lt«*4nt« Mu •**• k
a* k*«M» H«« % at«MM|
111 Ml |% I *‘l» Hi |h« Mew *|«#ii** fa u|
llhi rity r* H* cl l he ivwMiuen’ fell » y j t iu|wfei ftt Ih reject **#i hy the .
HI at i|M ia al Nlhlaify al liU H| a ,* * 1* %
(vto'ltifel |Nr«»UM^4 1** e efi n hfm ^ h*
4 |ioi(ftt l»na'Vt'k' »*f the l*m a*, e
| ort til Athena, b.i the lb u t*if th
l**a»i* in »*i Ue* Im eheeh IH* t%4vl»*w
' 9*a<4t >if«ia*a * *4 hr»#yf
Mt* h f4M M44* t fto
t, unit H| * t i l* I
v.i. vom^ltec **h tint * 41*41?* u>
had twvift tfrfcff#*I | hil la gk
1001* ul wmt |he *fk t «ut \ j
*v*'«Mft*tfcft*M4 ot 4 Nil lift ab tfit l'%
ha Mte ||>0,< hi m *#** Vwt -4 ah'*
ket I I MM • M» 4*t t
\\ MMtlahd, }*h Aft Ik mu It
ft m* * • aifer h 44 W-'tMft »|#t*'-4ti*t* *1 j*.*•»'
I 1 mhl at II- am.He. han *4 th* f**r
Mithki tiU*h4Mi uf f 40V•*V ftt*0*M
i. raw 11 n.
Jnlervlitwa Will i:» Urn turd Only to
Tliot# Specially Invited -Pour fab
Inol I'urtrnlins Said to Hr Mill
L'nscftled As to tlir r«
lo Whom They Wilt
Hr Assigned,
Canton, Ohio, Feb. 22. “President
elect McKinley bus fully recovered his
accustomed good licuith," said Dr. T.
If. Phillips tliin morning, “ami I lie
licvc is stronger timii ever. That docs
not mean, however, that he will re
sume Ills receiving visitors promiscu
ously. as I have advised emphatically
uguinst that custom What busi
ness tile President-elect will give
his attention to previous to
his departure for Washington will
lie what lias been partially arranged
beforehand. Special visitors, or those
who come by invitation from the
major, will lie given audience, but not
si great deal of this will he transacted.
The rest und freedom from official
cures obtained tin: past week have
been most beneficial to him/’
Mr. .McKinley liiderlded as lo Several
of the Cabinet Assignments.
Carton, Ohio, Feb. 22. While it is
believed that Colonel J. ,f. McCook of
New York will be invited to come here
in a day or two and confer with the
i resident-elect as to a place in the
next cabinet the position of Attor
ney general is not thought to be
deckled uj on for the distinguished
New Yorker. The places ot postmas
ter general, secretary of the navy ami
secretary of the interior as well as at
torney general are all believed to lie
under advisement, although it is still
thought that the appointment of Mr.
McCook will complete the full list of
the iiersonnel of the cabinet.
Kuimla Against Greece.
St. I’ktbksbi ho, Feb. 32. -The pb
stinacyof tiri-cco is causing irritation
here. The Novoc V'remya expresses
the general feeling and policy of the
government in saying that the powers
have no idea of uttering the policy they
have taken. If needs be, the Creek
battalions will be disarmed by them
and <ireece placed in ;i painful situa
tion by being blockaded. The Mirova
lieotzoloski says polities is not senti
mental and good sense orders the
Creeks to retire.
Important Land Decision.
Hams a, Kan., Feb. 22.—The suit
pending in the several courts for sev
eral years, brought by the I'nited
States against the t.'nion I’acifie rail
way company and William Hoard of
this county, to cancel the patent totlie
latter's land, has been decided by the
I'nited States supreme court in Hoard's
favor This was a test case, and Judge
Ifarver, who won the ease for Mr.
Hoard, states tba* it virtually settles
any further question as to the title to
a large amount of land in Saline. Dick
inson and other counties.
The Joke on Dan Stuart.
.!Kt i l-.HSON CITY. Mo., Feb. —A
telegram from Dan Stuart to Kcbo,
the member who introduced the prize
tight resolution, was read totlie House
tliis morning. Stuart offered to place
one of the br-tt boxes at the ringside
at the disposal of tin- Missouri com
mittee if one should la- appointed to
see tile Coriiett-Fitzsiminons fight
Not Guilty of Murder.
I.i:\ingtox. Mo., Fell. 22. -Ollic Lo
gon, l'i years of age, charged with Jo
seph Wilkci-son with tiie murder of
Jlimes Seen-use at Odessa, Mo., April
l.y was acquitted this morning, the
evidence clearly showing that Wllker
soii committed the deed. Wilkersou's
trial was eontiuued until the June
term, he being unable to up|s-ur on tie
fount of sickness.
•\ t aiutirldite Iti-irn for Mr. Iu>ar,I
lit in !M>>, Full. ".* uni
vi*r*ity*U> •«» von for tint diH'tur«>f law*
dii'rw <>i> Amlmsittdttf llii.vnril and hr
Nan-i'ii at u apvvial votm'i-viriilton it l
ulii. lt tliti i liaiirttllor of tlu> nuiv*r*ily,
tin- halt*) of IVvololiliv, toll |MVMtl»v
Mr Itavurd already lia* ti tloelor of
rilll law » ilt'Kivt' ftt.iu < K ford.
a Hlloittl tu Soria liatoita.
I.IWM l"KK< N If, It'll '• iU»
Im jjii to (all Vital rtl.iv and ha. win
liuiii’d vinw. allli a liijfto odd iiortli
n mil Kwrv araUablv mu* jilow Has
la va wilt util lu all dtlrvvtlutoa. U>
yiiilivr ntlli a Irripi font* of »no«
ihtixWrr. ko'|* U '.tnmttf In* in
wai fuff
l al Mild « n*«.»i
lit a* is l i ft ti laWtiftMi I at
.I*tti** a a |*.»t «trv»iMtodl In ito*
I a I'd si*iv* itoal too sill la a part'
i.*r la a Us Ir ti Itt Iv d tot
IV tulral * . i. hMtol amt s«. ■ ,(»., ti.
top wtlto toi-adi|tt«tU*a in V » V • S
I. toil HtataV »tv** la Irka
St* |.Htk I* to ll t*r*|a*rt -d
It* it Iti H fal lio'.t.f Itt* « M'titt a/a.M*t
trlt **>u U** st**|n it***! as ftavkUt %*»
**»»*.! too to tot aitt|«l * t m>i> • l»*u 111 to
tol l< •*! rtH( * ty* *t* .* * v as I s too at
.*, j | Wo. t itl * " totol v. a* <» • * fv >!*• l toj
to.* i, .. .j*tt MMat >« llatllsoirv. to*
Iffc*«to* lut ’totov
S t t t 4» tow aw ♦ t* "**'**
VI k ttlllt. tut, I. to 5 f I !l I*. . A
tkt loti ll n^.il a j**' I to lu VI »' t ar
Via id lufoi ado i. titik v I tu Hr*
war* 1*1 (*#!•• to r i
nail, aal itWk (uti I**
Tli«* Wife of I*o4t iniiMcr .*% Yoiin ;
Man Nlmt. Vri.i.AOK, Conn.. Feb. 22.—
When he awoke this morning, tin* 10
ycar-old son of Postmaster Walter
Chapin found the corpse* of his mother
in tlie dining room of their home and
nearby (lie dead tiody of Charles
Mead, about 25 years old. the son of
Ualph P. Mead, formerly of Falls Vil
lage, but now of .Scotland, Conn.
Some distance away was a revolver
with several chambers empty.
Chapin, who is engaged as superin
tendent of Henry Bishop's factory at
Sheffield, Mass., was summoned home
upon tiie discovery of the double
tiugedy. The supposition is that
Mead killed Mrs. Chapin and himself,
hut at present the facts in the case are
not known.
Tin- of u Chicagoan Found In a
llot. Spring* Sewer.
Hot Si’uinom, Ark., Fell. 22.—An in
quest was held this morning on tlie
body of Kobert Muerling of Chicago,
which was found yesterday jammed
in a sower main. Investigation
strengthens the belief tliut lie was
murdered, as it would have ln*i*u iin
possible for him to have replaced the
cup on the manhole if it had been sui
cide. The body was decayed so badly
thulthc jury Is unable to determine
yet in what manner lie met death.
The only way by which it could bo
identified was iiy the name on a collar
found in a coat pocket. The date of
disappearance is unknown.
For tlie Fellow* Family.
New York, Feb. 32.—It was while
stumping the South for the Palmer
ami linckner ticket that Colonel #1. If.
Fellows caught the cold that probably
caused his death, and Republicans, in
cluding Messrs. McKinley, llanna and
Carnegie, have promised to contribute
for his family SRiO.OOO, which sum it is
proposed to ruisc to #100,000. Colonel
Fellows gave away nearly all his
money and there is a #20.000 mortgage
on the home. Edward Eauterbach is
the father of the relief movement, and
he and Senator Platt arc pushing it.
I.rlaiul marges Fraud.
Topeka, Kan., Feb. 22, Cyrus Re
land, whose administration as chair
man of the county board of Doniphan
county was the subject of un offensive
petition offered in the Senate a few
days ago, has been conducting an in
vestigation of the mutter and to-day
says the petition is a fraud. He finds
that the names of numerous citizens
on the petition were put there with
out their consent or knowledge, and
that fraudulent means were resorted
to to obtain the signatures of others.
May Come to A merle*.
New York. Feb. 22. Princess < li 1
may has given Oscar IlHinmersteiii an
option on her services at the Olympic
music hall in this city, and in- has a
week to decide whether iff- w'id'pa.y the
salary asked, which is something like
#2,000 a week and expenses. It is
thought that Hypsy Itigo will accom
pany the princess to this country, if
she shall come. »
Arkansas’* tJovornor \ gainst tlie Treaty.
I.itti.e Ris k. Ark., Fell. 22. Uover
npr .tones replied to a telegram from
the chairman of the national arbitra
tion committee that he was not in
favor of ratification either with or
without amendment, closing: "In my
judgment it is a trap for the I uited
States into which we should never be
led with my consent.'
XSnsliiai-11 Kaps Newspaper*.
(' i wji. Ohio. Feh. 22. \t t he
V M. (' A. state convention to-day
lloverm r RushneU made an address in
which hi* said that he hoped that the
influence of the Y. M. <A. on news
paper men w ould keep the n from stat
ing every morning who was going to
be appointed I nited Ntsitcs Senator
from Ohio.
I'iiigree'* Mayoralty In touri.
Detroit. Mich.. Feb. 22 Arguments
were Heard by the judges of the circuit
court silting cn li.tne to-day, <>u the
. r i - .1
tin* «K’t'liou of u muyor t<» 'iitHitHMi
iinvcriiiir I'in/n*. wl»«» it wllo/od,
vnoatod tin* oflloi* of imiyot* i.j !». 4 »m*
iiijf /o*.. » nor.
\it t in till t ir ttlrurk.
f’lth \« o. |VI* Ihiriitff tin* tl hi*
dor itiirni un'ly Mil* morn in/ i/htiiln/
driu'k a Fort; third divot ilootrlo our
full of work In/iuoii on thoir way t«*
tin* »tt*'k ji'ttirik VII nir tmdly
dtookod mid ono man. /a**h lh*ot. had
to I*.* wmoioft in an umhulmo.* TV*
»*ar \%»** 1*4* Ily *lti
%ilv« >r« Mnlit.
hiNri Fi N VI tv**. V. i
l»r«»tooth*ii uifttunl tram r*ild*on to*
territorial nmm ll No |ma**«* •* i m» a**
ure |Mro%utmtf that *%or> *MN,|dus| * it
%l«alt *am a tin* not t*» «*d
haK for *»tonyN* »*l vuiu^ul* >. "*N1U*
;».»tsUia ibnutyii ‘Id* terrlw* »
««Un Mill *•§•» omo
lull* * Kan til* tin*
i a* ad **».■ iiatn * v* 4*11*0 r * ^atori K#
|li*- KiH took* % •% a* ra r* i|fi'hi»u
P«* of dato »(M * t*. taol'Oilhinf
I rm|dr> n’ > of oiaml t**
h*t«*f iynti^H * die Kill
Ki* *,*■» . v%t 4 >11. MH*aO t
I «|l m . t I|m ii4***m m. I
Vf mi*! i *a»«ia* Ki |vK * tH-*
m| \>•» | I elho*o» */
the fan* Hit tatlifK^ IuNh t i alKoon
at* MmI <.* *k’ krtitiwVi
to* a a# II K* IK ’u
iilaK l d* a W »
%■* *«t t««*o*
tm ao- h t i ka, Fyk if, YK-*
a, nat** tfcH wa* *>mu , - t a KKI rv
j*ea a if I to? %-affraa^ ®ao a> h K k wo*
|*4 4*^1 Htfl» f 4 I
IK** eft tv n* TV tan H o
h* *> •
To Do lHwIno** Without Money.
(JlTlllMP;. Olcla.. Feb. 1-A remark
able bill was in trod need in tin: llouso
yesterday. It contemplates doing ti e
business of the territory without
money by* it Territorial exchange sys
torn, depositories for products and de
posit scrip in books. V territorial
board of control is provided and each
county treasurer is manager for the
county, anti issues the scrip for depos
its of products or on loans on personal
property or real estate, no loan to lie
for less'than or more than $1,000.
and all scrip to be good for payment
of taxes anti legal tender within the
ML* .Jewell, tlie St. Joseph Nun. Will
Give I p Thoaaantl*.
St. JosKi’ir, Mo., Feb. if).—In the
will of Frederick Taylor, a New 'i ork
banker, who died a few days ago. Miss
Carrie Jewell, a nun in the Convent of
the Saereti Heart, was offered $-f>,000
if she would lay aside the veil, leave
the convent anti promise, never again
to enter a Catholic order.
Miss Jewell has declined the offer.
She says she gave up much more than
S'J.I.OOO in money when she renounced
the world and became a nun live years
ago. and all the riches of the world
could not tempt her imw to leave the
order of the Sacred Heart and to give
up the work to w’i:<;li she lias devoted
her life.
Iinnilgral Ion Hill Ha* r«»«eil Hulk
House, of Cuniim*.
Washington, Feb. II* The immi
gration bill now goes to the President,
the last legislative step having been
taken in the Senate yesterday by an
agreement to the conference report on
Ilia bill. Stroncr onuositlon was made
to the report, but oil the final vote the ,
friends of tlie measure rallied a small -V,
majority, the vote being, veas .'it, nays
ill. _ „
Cos- I r,|,l« .Murder.
San Qi knits I’iiison, Cal.. Feb. IT.—
t'liun Sing, a I'liinanian. was lianged
yesterday for three atrocious murder-.
Ilis crimes were committed in Septem
ber. 18T5. With an ax he attacked,
without any provocation, a fellow
countryman. Ah Kook, in the latter's
house. He left Ah Kook for dead and
brained Ids wife as she was attempt
ing to escape. Then he went to the
house occupied bv < hurley Tab an
other Chinese, and killed him and a
woman he found there, actually be
heading the latter.
Ilattlenhi|> Texan Slack In ttie Mini.
liAl.VKHTox, Texas, Feb. IT. The
battleship Texas got stuck hard and
fast in the mud in bolivar roads yes
terday, just after crossing the liar,
and remained in that, condition until
4:T0 in the afternoon. (lalveston's
proud boast is that she has a twenty
six foot channel, and as the Texas
draws lint twenty-two feet, naturjlIy
enough, it was desired to keep the fact
of her grounding a profound secret
liedhurg'it Widow on flu* Stage.
(TiltAiio. Feb lit Mrs. Uaymotid
Steveus. the widow of Cuptufh Hcd
burg, who was shot and killed l>y
Lieutenant Mean at Fort Sheridan in
lsTU, will shortly make iter debut upon
the stage in continuous variety. Mrs.
Stevens will take her first step in vau
deville under the guidance of ht r hus
band as his stage partner. Mr. Ste
vens for some time played the part of
Columbus in "I it.'.
(tear Admiral < atliouii Dead.
Washington, Feb. to. Hear Admiral
Ldmuiid [!. Calhoun (retired) died slid*
dcdly last niglit at bis residence here
of heart failure, aged 7.1 years. He
appeared well and hearty almost up to
the time bo was stricken, and passed
away before a nhysician could be sum
moned. Admiral Calhoun served val
iantly in the Mexican and civil wars.
No l ittle'* at f In* I uautfuration.
Washington. Fel>. it. The senate
committee on military affairs to-dav
took adverse action on the proposition
to bring tlio cadets from W est l*oint to
tlic inauguration. Only eight inctn
liers were present and bates. Cockrell.
Mitchell of Wisconsin and Walthall
voted against the measure. Senator
Fulmer did not v,>te.
Can Photograph ;ii l.oug Kangs.
Xmv Voitk. Fell. F.i Thomas A.
KdUon srys that by a new metliiNl of
long photography with camera and
now it may !>♦»
|M»s>ibl« soon to taU«» photographs a**
fat* «ts tin* ovt* ran st*o with a U*h*st*o|*»4.
Ll\t VMMK \M> I’ltlllM < I MWtkt l.
tiiiolat loii» I rum \i w \tirk, I ht< •](•*. s|,
I .out*, tliiiidm !••••! I 1-fM lu*rr.
on mi \
lltilOr « rt iiiiim m tmi rotor M «•
ituio-r t hoi* ♦ f »n«*y *«tttiitr\ .. It «*» It
t-tfif-4 I o h || *» f*
NithiK I lil« W* i*> , •# ; ,
nirkt o It *t »*
4 *♦ « ■»#” Mint 1*41' u • • i> «
t riitilrirti H |« i M*l to l*» ti 7-»
I 4«l»* •4»’» t Im*I« » M< smIII 4* I ft# t '«»
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is a ,»i« <•'%, *'» to »»
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HrM»i4i • |# r t»»v i id 4# i »i
11**4 I |#i:414*1. In » t»M; | III «.t \ *«r\
\ia»a >• m r mJ i »» +$ “ -*»
SIM ill Iitttllt ftl’Mt k MVNKtrr
I.Mthi Hthi ii i •fi m , t»*
Ihnf* M> i»»i a* iito* t tit «< i
k* • t *•*-* rs ‘5 7^ ** t tii4
H«lh ? |M i. 4
WUrNMriMXuiti. m« «ti •*
***** ' *1 # | Hi
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