j^YE MOO ST. VALENTINE. ( > Many yearn ago a Frenchman who ' visited London wrote this passage con cerning the Kngllsh girl on the four teenth of February; "8t. Valentine's day Is the carnival of the young people here, Kngllsh girls await the arrival of the postman with the utmost Impatience. They open their letters In a state of delighted ex citement, and Instantly give vent to I heir feelings In cries of rapt a,"; or hursts of laughter. The girl who re ceives no valentine has reason to feel mortified, as It Is a proof positive that she will braid the tresses of 8t. Cather ine." The same condition of things exists to-day, as the postman whose work Is doubled and trebled at that period will surely testify. In city anil vlllag", and In homes remote, the time is one of Joy ous expectancy, and often there Is more than the trivial following of a tradition In the exchange of those lace-bordered and decorated missives with their saucy, mischievous cupids, their hearts transfixed by arrows and their senti mental verses. "Hearts are broken, heads are turned IJy castles in the air.” There are a few who take advantage of the time to send hateful comic val entines which Illustrate some peculiar ity of the ones to whom they are ad dressed, but no one will envy the un kind spirit that could dictate such a proceeding. But there are comic valen tines that are employed as a pastime by persons wbo are not over-sensitive or refined. In the olden days when the world was inostlv under tiaaan rule, the 11th dav of February was one of carnival, and often misrule. The valentine lottery v.as one of the favorite amusements in England, when the lads and lasses bad not the gilded opportunity of the pres ent time. They wrote billets with their names Inscribed thereon, an equal number of each, and drew by lot —the men taking the billets from the maids, and vice versa. The company being thus divided into couples who were each other's valentines, many happy marriages grew out of this lot tery. Writing was not then cultivated, even in court circles, and the first written valentine of which sentimental history has kppt any account. Is the famous one of the Duke of Orleans. This noble man, being a prisoner of the hat tie* of Agincourt. could not draw his valentine so lie wrote u quaint and chivalrous ad dress to an unknown divinity. Being a poet snd a writer of songs, his verse 4 ml merit and 1* distinguished for Its ’graceful simplicity. A stanza will give an idea of the poem: "Will thou he mine, dear lore’ Keply . Sweetly consent, or else deny; 'Whisper softly, none shall know; Wilt thou be mine, lote? aye or uo. "Hpil* of fortmte we may Happy by one word from thee; I.Ife files sw iftly ere it go Wilt thou be III) lore ’ «.e or no." .Shakespeare Drayton flower Chau cer and many at her* ol the old writer* f I " N MiMT HKI.iuVIli V IKK (IN * «* ui > mg lu *« \*l«ntin# • !*•> and Hi (unity iu*. I»«t* In \ HWllfclftt .SiflN' • |)iv«m VtMNNMNI «n iim 41MHH »l !•**•* I* lb* *» J« Mil llnuK Mxttun IH*i»4*^ 1*4 III V«MK* HIM In |t*n, |IM« m»«* vimhI bml» Imii in in«pi* MK v lb* KhaNt**** UK 1 iiUnllnt» U him K» IN* hmM'XUI IK utlnm Nlw Mil. • NNN II I* H** •»»»• I »»• **•«** •• IN* »al*nil*« w* N>* l> < \« n* limb* v. a.v. No doubt tile spelling wax good for UiOMe days and Hie sentiments en deared It to th# heart of the fuIf Aline. "lit there fnne heavenne aught more rare Than thou sweetc nymphe of Avo.i fayre, Ik there ooiie earthe a maltin' more trewe Than Willy HhakKpeare Ik tot* you? "Though fickle fortune prove unkytide, HUH doth aim leave lierre wealth he hynde; The iie'eic the heart canne forme anew. Nor make thy Willy's love unnctrewe. "Though age with withered hand do Ktrkye Th<’ form most fajre, the faro moat hrvghte. Htlll doth ‘'he leave unnetouehed undo trewe Thy Willy's love and freynshyppe too, "Though death with ncverrc fayllnge blowe JJoth marine and hale: alyke brynge lowe, Yette doth he take nauglitc l>ut Ills due, And Ktrykcg notle Willy's heart Ktlll trewe. "Synee ihcnnc not fortune, death nor age t’anne faythfulle Willy’s love asswage, Thenne doe I live and dye forre yon. Thy Willy syncere and moHt trewe." itrayton also alludes touchingly to the custom which tradition gave to the CUPID'S AIM IS TRUE. birds, of pairing on St. Valentino's day. Perhaps one of the most ancient verses Is that written by Uydgute, the monk of Unry, In 1440, in praise of Qineu Catherine, consort of Henry V.: "Saynt Valentine of custom yeere by yeere. Men have ,.n usaunce In this regloun. 1o look and seiche Cupid's kalendere And chose tiuyr choyse by grelc af feelouu." Herrick. In his “tlrsperldes," speak ing of ii bride, says: "She must no more a-maytng, Or by rosebuds divine Who'll he tier Valentine.” A modern valentine has ail the marks of the old-t'm# ciTo-ton* The writer really claimed that It was yel- | low with age being found in the dress- j inis •case of a lady of the past, who bad lived and died single. The valentine was wrapped In •« tut of yellow lace, “fatnil) scented with vanilla bean'' “Thia mert) maiden, radiant, rare. With win sum- ways and debonair. When sweet *h- -mite# on me I swear j Thai Eden s Ugh' la resting there t'luni ih»M> tip* *•» ripe, an fair* Tu Ieoh mum tier face oil Care Would cease la »rp and court luspatr Would give up dole ht« trade forswear Hun tuna* l*» k * B ake J* y h a half M hat witudvi r « a that I sound dare Her praise <» • «g her >«l»n wear, litr valeuttne myself declare I1 |h» merry maiden radsut, rarer* Maud up va eg* hum has hr* urn* a fa j vent* uteih • a* ammeateai ia»u , chi diva who but uae-ceai m aaltes ; whi* h (oaiatu * »*ra# of pus iy with a I fit rapid i« a itaM'flted bear autwtaeu llllh IH*ee aud f it gsf-me-aels. (he p* eltc ••itiite** Irlttg uiur'k si |lh*> j (his Tea ylUtti* I »f**t ft «4*v prove Ml Heed devaitwn a ad m* lave* M«a> year* sg>* •>» Kan ik pair***' 1 | e*-pur-4 the futiaama aa'bre f sw th* 1 «d< -i(i>*n« *u* • «t aa kwertvaw ! ar ws'papei Ik" H *•« it Heuuu rat • ha lag the p »-’•* crlty of at Vabiu line’H day, and at the same time the peculiar form of advertising In vogue In this country: "The great Increase of marriages throughout Wayne county during the past year Is said to he occasioned by the superior excellence of the valen tines sold by George Howard, Indeed, ki complete was his success In this line that Cupid has again commis sioned him as great high priest of love,' courtship and marriage, and has sup plied George with the most complete and perfect assortment of ‘love's armor' ever before offered to the citizens oft Wayne county. During the past year the blind god has centered his thoughts on producing something In the line far surpassing anything he has heretofore Issued. And It Is with 'fellnks' of the i greatest Joy that he Is able to announce ! that he has succeeded," Then follows a description: "The turtle-dove kind, with Its coo i coo, the sensibly sentimental, the cut ling, the severe, and, In short, every i thing that can he required, with all | necessary fixings. Prices range from cents to A great number of valentines are on the market this year, and some daring ! innovations are made on the tradl I Honal Cupids, the loves and doves of ! ye olden times. Kor lnslanee, a neat small folio of cardboard with raised ! ■ Mowers awl a medallion of gold on i which a Idrd In opaline colors Is trill ! Ing a love song, has the non-sentl inental verse on Its cover: | "The turnpike road to people’s hearts 1 And Ides through their mouths, or I mis take mankind." When the leaves are opened behold a real peppermint lozenge, and a ciga rette fastened to the inside page, with appropriate couplets to "My Valen tine.” Cupid riding a bicycle and hearing a large bouquet to his lady love is de pleted In outlines of gold and fancy paper, and a span of horses and a sleigh In the same style form pretty valentine toys for children. A bath ing house made of cardboard has for Its foundation a sandpaper for matches. One would think the valen tine Inventive faculty had gone mad, to see such an attempt as this. A sweet face peers from a heart-shaped open ing In the door of the bathing estab lishment. Half-way down the building a liny iron serew is fastened. It forms u word In the poetry that Is printed around It: “He said as he gazed In her eyes of blue, •Give me a kiss, My darling, do,’ “ ‘I won't.’ she said: 'You lazy elf. Screw up your lips Anil help yourself.’” llrr \ ib* |M»*4nt4M i>u!N4 ib# b#)l • itb «lm: Tb# *«i> bib« mW utuab*4 mm») rt»l, “|li * »* »uii»* hum bin. WHta (mil** »b* wish wiRb n«i >«'w*4 bull# *• m« *» bib m I In i#i % b#b* •* \vtti.it 4'«'«*kw>b. i Sluinl) r Unknown DREADFUL DREAMS DRIVE SLEEP AV/^Y. lor I'iglit \r,ir< a I.aily of lmp«»ri,», XiifTm I impi'sk*Me A|nii| Slu* KrluIcK Ilf Kipfrleiri*# y rein »Vir Ifppuhl .-ar, K.n porta, Kan Mi .frnnle < Mrlov* n s'.dm at. T1 *J Mer rhant Street. hinpona. Kansas, and is the wife of VV. It. < ’arlov. proprietor of tho fnr low Waf on and fflack*inltli Works, win is m» well ktioun a * tin* Mast (liind^ and as on# of u." mostaetii i embers inl/xlgclft, I. O, O r . of Ktnporia. The dlitrm of n condition of chronic • leep|es4fiess Is no terrible. Mrs. Carlow's ar.fferitig* from it so well knov. n.our readers we feel sure, will welcome tn» good news that she is now well, and wih !*• glad to l.now how the < m e wa* accomplished Mri Carlow'sstatement is h* rote append ed lit narrative form " Kor many year* I was a confirmed inva lid, suffering constant pains through my breast and Sack, of the inns' excruciating tvpt*. rendering :n« absolutely kelpie**. I was unable to Hm p or lie down %% ithout assistance, and was vihjact on the leasto. tlon i* fluttering* of tlin heart and such shortness of breath *>r dy*pnvn j/j! . v vy i i .-I t just beiore retiring, and wale up every morning pcr fcetiy happy I ini vine every one whom I I ear com* plaining to try Dr Willi.i a * I’-nk I 'fill*, for i>ltlioiu.li 1 r< cognize tie fa' t Hint medicine that >• ill etire one will not another. Mill a* most diseases are due to a hail condition of the hloo 1, Mnk Pills in such eases will prove a certain cure. Jl I* hut natural that I should have the moat, unbounded faith In them. I am only too glad to isar testimony UuourIi your paper us to v/bal they nave done for ir.o 'I lie ab >vo is an exact retort of Mrs Car low's i tutomeut ( iuki.i - IDiuii*. (Kluneit) Krjsirter. Kmpo ia, Kan. Hr. Williams Pink Pills for Pule Peonlf are now j ivin to tin- public as an unfailinv blood huilder and nerve icstorer. curing all forms of weakness arising from ;i wati-ry condition ol tin blood or shattered nerve*. 'Dm pills uie sold by all dealer*, or will be sent t*j*t paid on receipt of price. W) cents a box. i r : \y luixe* for an (ilo-y are never cold In hulk or bv Hie UP;, by addressing Dr. Wdll a in s- Med tfino <*/» . Sell lid* tttdy. V V. __ Morn* , » + *•. *•.> A Hclglan nobleman once managed to catch /Ob stork* and labeled every one of them with a pieen of paste board, giving the addre** ol the ox perinicnti'r and requesting lo Inform him where the bird Imd been caught or k.lled during the winter season. These curious paisports wore atlaehed in a conspicuous manner to I lie neck or leg of the hinl*. and one of them returned next spring with a message to the effect, that lie had been caught in a meadow neur t>ldi lid bo/. iri west ern Algeria. VibrslIng In Tuni-fiil An writ hike III! strings of a musical liislrnnieiil. I lie iiertoiis sjso ui In In-alt It liartnonl/.is pleas antly with Ilie oilier pnrlsof Hie system, lint weakened or ovwwroughl. II Jangle'. mnsl m liarmonlously. Ouiet anil invigorate It with ilie great iraiiiiulll/x-r and Ionic. Hosteller's | ■Homacli Hitlers, which promotes digestion, billons hoci-oHoii and a regular action of the laurels, anil preicuts malarbil. rlii uuiatleand kidney complaint*. t-aiglisli lu Hie (Hurt (tooin. "Who arc those students with books under their arms?" "They’re taking tip the law." "And what's the old man In a gown back of that bench doing?" “Oh. he's laying It down."—New York Press. l or m i l lurll). Th© total revenue of tlie charitable institution* imving their headquarters in I ondon nmounted to over ti. 00*).<*>0 sterling—or. lo Iki precise, iid.OtiU. 708. __ _ Wiii:\ tiitlioiiM or rohttive. vat it Cam arvt. randy i athaitir. rtir® guaranteed, iup, \ gnod wliUt player nearly alway* drift*- , into pnk«*r. Mrs. HImIow'r hooililHi »>••••!* Ki*r rhllilr* n (••**lhif»g M.fieii«(h«*gmn»» iwUm*** Uiflaae i mat ion. alia)* pain • ure»» wiml «ul|»* lioiila. Oih- eold. elurotny worn an with her new 1 lutned upean ruin a wivpihm. rev. : T. DEWITT: TALMAGE j ~ — - R R In one of ho, wonderful rermt n g R very truthfully laid," My brother, 2 ■ your trouble U oot unh the heart. j . it i« u gotrit disorder or .» rrf>el R j I ItotM livtt, It i» mat mm that U*>t , g B out your hope of hutnt. but bib 1 g th.rt iw*t only yellow* your rye g >0 lalli end (nr* unit twgur ut.tl " Eituliri your lit ul rtkr Imi twuupy w ] upon your m»uI in ili irtUuii uul g | for, hotling*, -aim! g : I eltnege it tight * All j I Ihii trouble t in br* mounted 1 I P Vtot un be i ur» I! ® I I low? Hy UMinjJ ft I «• SfflEGai * \\« < au gut yno ito nttm erohl* I lAik.l it,,oi inert »ml AutittH,tututrt I Mime, r*. 1 1 B Hal to day well, ' B inti it uy mi P I K«i* it iM>«lu«tM ul tht*. Twenty g year* tt per ten* «t piwe* trot word* 5 Owe, I P W,w# 11»,te> lyt m>’ •twinnii UMk p f aewMif % i‘ %'%*#* i W, H ».■ !***»♦#♦ a 1 I A Modern Way to Stop a Cough Si Tried b> * Prominent Iona Minister. In a wont letter lie says: ‘Many win ters ii.ivi' I cougi oil .ill winter long. Twite lime I been r,.irpeM«- ministerial duties, for u |< nod of several years. \\ lion I look cold In winter the roughing would be Intense., laist fall l took cold about the loth of October, and was sick with it for about a week and be gan wtint I supposed was a winter of roughing. My wife railed my attention to l)r. Kay's I .tins Balm, and after much per suasion on her part, and a free expresses' iof a not flattering character) about pateEr medicines, on my part, 1 concluded to trw ttie l.unp Balm, f /elt tit inter lhat it trmeht v a phtrr in my rntilntly that nnlhlny rlrr him ever Hour I began to improve. I used about 0 lajxrs and t an now prrarh with nit Oouyhtriy I keep it by me ami if I take eold I use it. Ii I have u bronchial irrita tion after preurhing / hihr llr. key'* Lunu Hahn. I call cheerfully say that tne l.nng Malm prepared by Thr hi ll .1 hay Mrrl irnl in nf (tin "ha. Asti . has been a great help to n.r it inis no had effect upon the stomach. Kespeetfully yours. ,1. D DrTxa. Ihirtnr VC K. • hunch .Vprfny Hill. It^pj^hre Muhin t iniltrtnrr," The tdrMirrii < me. The Adelsberg eavo, with Its recent* ly discovered sldo cavern*, has latdly been carefully surveyed, in accord ance with the instruction* of the Austrian minister of agriculture < 'ount Fnlkenhayne In the eoursn of the operations some v cry beautiful parts of liio rave which could formerly bo reached only v/ilh the greatest dif ficulty. wore made easily arcosablo. • loo Kswxot. *l«o. The reailersof lids paper will he pleased I 1 learn I hut there I* ul. least one dreaded disease Dial seleie e has la i ii able to cure in all Its siav-H. and Dial I* * ulurrh, Hall * I alarm Cure Is the only piisillte eitre row known Hr llie medical frklcrnlly. < utarrti lielng aI'onsiltilllonal ills* a-e, re . r... i i I 114 Is > 11 <■ I lif.itllillil 11 (I I I a* i 111 iii rli < iin: I- taken liilei imlly. ucllPK dlii-etly iipon i lie blond mill Bine ilium sur fa i :il ilif system, thereby -1roylujt t Ilf foil ml lit Ion of I lie disease. anil iilnni Hie patient strcptrth by bullilmif up tin .mi II III Inn anil a-.1*1fuse mil ille In dotnu lla work Tin’ proprietor* have so iniieli lallli In Its curative powers, that lliey of fer uni- liuiKlrxl Imlliiia for any ran that It falls io nre. Semi for ll-t of I e thnonluls. Address. . . Ill IIKM'.V A i n., Toledo, () fold by l)ru*|ll*t «. 7.5 cent lillllV lamlly bills are (be best The Dutchman** Army. Dutch military cycling voluntcem have to jins* u real examLnation Iho fo;v they arc aecoptad for the inancu vu.’s, but when passed they got A florin • a day. first-cl turn fare traveling and art lodged ns officers at the expense of Hu ntnto '1 hey have to be able lo rid< aixty-threo miles in seven hours him thirty-one miles in two hours and i half. _ Aii Opportunity of m I*lf* Tium To secure a Hrst-elas* vehicle Ih-Iov eosl in manufacture. We arc elosini mit the stock formerly belonging b the (idiiiiihus Ituggy , Co. in Omaha Ncli. nothing reserved. Send for cut alugiic, ,1. II. Hai.sk.v A Smith Co. Ibim-io-li Harney Street. Omaha. Neb Take a l.ook. Doctor (to Irish patient) Do yot sleep with your mouth open? Iris! Patient flhure. Ot don't know, doe tor. Oi've never seen myself whir. Ol’ve been aslape, but Oi'll have a look to-night! Tlt-BIt*. Ilf(«*niairti t'mniiboi’ Ii'i* **MI» Wljffrluf Tin origin*! an4 only ifconliM <*iu«w • humufti Umtui tnd 1-4.« . rolii v r - Ar. C welx. Never xiekeu. weaken or £ripe.I Or TIm- good die young, hut tin* had oulliv* t In ir tixi'fiilm?**. ZC4 lit". (IIRN PKK Allll, It's marvelous how *e progress! You can make money at 10 centa a bushel when you get 304 bushel* corn, 330 bushels oata, 173 bushels barley, 1,000 buahela potatoes per acre! Halzer# creation* In farm seeds produce. • 10.00 WORTH Kill* to « I NT*: .Inst *eml Tt.ls Notice amt IO (rot to the John A, Halzer Heed Co., L» Crosse, WIs. and get 12 farm seed ■samples, worth $10, to get a start, w.u, L i oiiMn’l Ntiiitl It. V Tennyson used lo tell the story of \farmer who, after hearing a red-hot sermon of never-ending fire and brim stone. consoled his wife quite sincerely with the tiai'M* remark: "Never mind, Hally; that must be wrong! no conslU tooshnn could stand If.’’- Tlf-»1(*. Ji st try n Ms- to* of Cuscarets, ciC-sJr cathartic, the Hne.t liver noil foe cl rey\ Istor made lit. fulse pretense that tin. received tie) IiIcmIiiu. Ill dlsytlW ' ii i ■■ i. iiw 11 I———i—w—■ Naked Pills j! ’ are fit only, (or naked aav- l' age*. Clotlit* arc the mark* )\ 1 of civilization in pill* a* well «[ , a* people. A good coat doe* i jj not make a good pill, any more \ i than good < lothc* make a good ‘<| ' nan. But «■* aurc u* you’d {' i look on a i lothrr.lcMft man a* a V mad one, you may look bn > >, i. coatle** pill a* a had one, < | After fifty year* of teat no J '• pill* fttaiul higher than i | AYER’S \ ; Cathartic Pills > MJOAK COATED. / 1 '. '» * Comfort to California. Is fry Thu rnouy aftt-t nwni n fottrUt *l«- r uni for fried * ill I man port**r ( accompany It through to f ho While neither urn expert* I *fvidy IlnUhcd nor »* Hi « M look at a* a palace .* lee per,It. I* Ju*i a* good lo ride In rye ond cl***tjckefxarc IwMiored and the price of a burih wide enough and big enough for i wo. I* only ♦ . I*or a folder giving full particular* write to ,p /’jiam ix. lien I I'aei'r Agent, Omaha N«U PENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. tSMJL. ,/n.). w. »«, n> . < ii . nsn Dr, Kay’s Lung W. N. U. OMAHA. No- 7. IB<37. When wrliliii' in ndvariUer*. klmlly mea thin till* paper. f Whoever chooses to use St. Jacobs Oil for f Hurtsor Bruises I Will feel a CURE so SURE, Why-sometimes It amuse s.l ALABASTIN E.$ IT WON’T RUB OFF. I Wall Paper Im I'unanltitry. KALNOIII\f: IM i TEMPORARY, ROTH, HI MM OPE A.\I> MFAI.EM. f AS idlATIIir U a pure, permanent tuul anittlc A ALABASTINt J » i -. i... For Male by Paint Dealer* Everywhere. » *i«~"l^b2°n.'.iiirh*r*<*«"! CQCC A T,nt <'»rd thowlnir 19 desirable Unit, alto Alabatllnc f Atareehere ,na/r»toT.r NltE Hou»-nlr Ko. k twii lre« to any onemenimniiir I III* naj^r A v butesoautthrive" AI.AUAMTINK ( O., Urand Rapid*, Mlrb. f WEHAVENO AGENTS but bav« Hold itirect to tba (Tiiisurupr lor u yum. at * IiuIiwm * ur»« m. nas Wig IbPUi l l»f upm I r r*' |»ro bu. Milo Rlli wb*r« for HSAMilOAtioQ ba fun amir Kv«rv* tiniif warmmm lik) alrlM of «ar ugna. *> Mr In* of Mat* wm l«»p nuggtnaa* !«>■ a* |iWi-iw aatow C.W" a* nluring Wngo* _ g« |?*| k»ii«t NtiMo »»t,eo|i,d» IUmm! Wagon*, #f*\ Ntid k» m T#iu* ri»p •iaw» m imh «• im m hid »*• |n • for Urgt. fra# < Winingo- •k»*« mm •*» m »•« «n H ELKHART 4 AMUIAO*. ARI UANHM UP*. 40.. W. U. PM AIT. Rm’i, IUIANT, Iff*. I lilt Ml «t til «|*| IM) OMt U«t< V I >“*•* nh*. Why k* WHulda i h#»» *>f • i * ih an l> >«» l>n»_ .-V Marty I 4«a't ka«« aUatkat *h«t *■» >u»!i!i y 11*II#I» lt. u. luu .. IS* SO* | ftNOLUTtlY ItimiTKID . - - *. 3