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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1897)
Lioaal Daws. _ For any thing in the Harness line cal at T. M. Reeds. Geo. Gibson went to Grand Islam: Mondey morning. Good grade* of machine oils sold by T. M. Reed. More Ice has been stored this yem than ever before. Wm. Neville moved bis family Into the Stapp residence. A. It. Outhouse went to Rockville on business last Tuesday. G. W. Sutton went to South Omaha with a car load of cattle. District court for Sherman county will convene February l«th. Dr. Sumner Davis, Grand Island, Sur gical diseases and diseases of Eye and Ear. T. L I’llger Is aclling all goods for cash or produce only. Positively no credit. No less than six car loads of stock have been shipped from this place tbis week. Mr, Dwozark who ha* been visiting bis sisters In Eoup City for u few weeks returned to Iowa Saturday morning. In another column you will see the new add. of Tbeo L. I’llger. Read It carefully and learn bis low prices. C. L. Drake, our popular hotel keeper captured a large wild cat last Tuesday morning and a wolf Wednesday morning On the 14 of this month is Valentine day and a great display of both hand some and ugly looking valentines are now on exhibition at the drug stores. We are Indebted to senator IleHpy for several copies of the new bills intro duced In the state legislature. We ack nowledge the compliment with thauks. A weed in the garden can i>e easily destroyed when it first starts. Con sumption can be nipped in the bud by One Minute Cough Cure. Odendahl Bros. Our farmers are feeding an unusual large amount «f stock this year, and as prices on both cattle ond hogs have been fairly good, stock raising has been a very profitable business. toothing for burns, scalds, chapped hand* and lips. Healing for cuts aud aoraa. lnstand relief for piles, stops pain at onee. These are the virtues of DeWitts Which Ha/.el Salve. Oden, dab I Bros. Mystbht Tea —AH are cordially in vited to bring their lead pencils and cone to the mystery Tea at the Baptist Church on Friday Feb 5 lbi»7. An en joyable time is anticipated. Supper on the European plan. Prof Auble and family atarted for Ord last Monday morning where they wilt take up their residence for a time. We understand that Mr. Auble wii) try to organize a class and teach inusie at that place. Mrs. Love of Scotia is in Loup City this week vi|lting her sisters-in-law, Mrs. Culley and Mrs. McPherson. She ia also presenting a petition asking the Legislature to establish a State Normal School at Scotia. Wm Waite and brother of the Waite boys of this city, in nompany with his Aunt, both of Chisago arrived here foi a visit Wiliam used to live hern in thn early days aud has many frieuds who are pleased to see him again. Minutes seem like hours when life is at stake. Croup gives no time to send for a doctor, delay may mean death. One Minute Couirh Cure aivsi in«tnnr relief aud Insure* recovery. The only harmless remedy that produces imme diate results. Odendahl Bros. Geo Thrulsen sold • bunch of 31) head of fat steers to Biemond last Thursday for which he realized the ueat little sum of #l5A3.tH». They were a tine lot ef steers and averaged 11411 poueds each The prlee paid for the ste ers was #3 50 per cwt. Carstea Truelien sold 37 head last mouth at near the same dgures. The L. of G. A K will give a social at Watkiuson Hall Feb A each lady Is request'd to bring a Basket of leuch for two. Make two Neckline, Just alike, wear one, seal the other in an envelope place It in her basket, the same will be sold to the gentleman at 3b cents each Every body cordially invited It has been over two year* since the circle tias gavene social. We ask your patronage Mrs ( Klv tlal’Ch. 1‘rea. Ye editor attended the Baptist Young People's toweling at the Htbtln cbuteh last !*u«id«y evening and Witnessed the earnest wets that is is ug carried «o under the Super vision of Kin Minute Gilbert Freeldent of the organisation The meeting » held early In the evening and dismissed in llnre to give those in attendance an opportunity to listen to the sermon try M*v A ehster at the M E. t'Burch, and also If devil ante to attend the Epworth league meeting which follow• the service* Altogether l.oup t Ity 1st very interesting and her mo ntooa religion# •»nt.*»*. It reftest* credit on the loan end her people end particularG those who era so satire ,* the »aue» the seven dat people «l though small In nntnber are *Mu energe lie ha their noth an-1 hold service* tego lar»y white the snthoiiw'* teW thetr set vt e once a Month a« I »r# «)•»«>* fever *d with a good al«end. * Item <ar **.4 near I.- up t U» I* sCVvu I to no toss ..f her site in eastern Mshrsan* m (he advamvsnentof churvh enrv h« Skates! Skates!! SkAtes, and lots of’em at Watkinsons, I have corn, oats and ground feed for sale T. M. Keed. Geo. Roll I us returned toGrand Island Tuesday morning Columbus Gannou worked at the brick yard this week. James Rentfrow was doing business at St. Paul last Tuesday. Oblsen Bros, shipped a ear of brick to Dannebrog this week. Mrs. James Rentfrow went to Grand Island Wednesday morning. T. L Pllger has reduced the price of Kerosene Oil to 12 cents a gallon. W. J. Mulick Is assisting at the Co. treasurers ofllce during Mr. Polskl's ill ness. J. B O’Bryan shipped two car loads of cattle to South Omaha last Tuesday morning. T. C. Chamberlain started from Litch field last Monday as a delegate to the encampment. Park Paige was in town last Wednes day ami while unloading, his team ran away. The hind ex was broken and taken to the shop for repairs. First class Photographs only 75 cents per do/,. Don’t miss to get one or two dozen. Conductor Forsythe and engeneer O'Bryan returned from" Lincoln Satur day evening where they had been as witnesses in the Vandecar case. Milton Kentfrow was called to Oma ! ha last Friday morning by a telegram | Informing him that his little child J Was dangerously sick. His wife and child were at Omaha visiting relatives All the different forms of skin troubles from chapped hands to eczema and In dolent ulxers can *<e teadily cured by ])• Witts Witch Hazel (Salve, the great pile cure. Odendahl Itros. A torpid liver means a bad somp lexlon, bad breath, indigestion and fre quent headaches. To avoid such com panions lake DeWitt's early Kisers, the famous little pills. Odendahl Bros We want one good man (having horse), as permanent superintendent for Sherman couaty, to attend to our bus iness. on salary. Must send along with application, strong letters 'of recom mendation as to honesty, integrity, and ability. State occupation Address P. O. Box 1633, Phils , Pa. Willis Waite has been employed to teach the grammar department of our sity schools In place of W. H. Kennedy resigned. For the last two or three months Mr. Kennedy has been in very poor health and the work in the school room has been too confining and so in jured his health that It became neces sary for him to give it up. Mr. Kennedy has had fifty-seven terms experience in the school room and his scholars deeply regret his having giving up the work. They will find in Mr. Waite a very good teacher as he has been a close student for several years past and bus had some experience in teaching. CLEAR CREEK NEWS. Quite a number of Children are on the sick list. Litchfield G. A. R. will be represen ted at Hastings at the encampment. The circle will be represented by Mrs Ro berts. The relief corps will send Mrs Flint. Vf IV a i_i it if:. . » -- • ' • • »»• wmi ivu an. (4I3IILI l Friday. His widow will get $500 from the order, Mr. Schultz and Miss Kate lleak were married at Kearney oue day this week ! The brid# is a daughter of Hans Heck and the groom is a lad from Ca«tcr Co, RSCUHOKIt. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. It I* supposed that two or three of the large hoys of the gram mar department have graduated as they have stopped i coming to school lately. From all app arauce the school hell '< beeeme tired of the old soug and Chang ed It somewhat during the la»t week The scholars of the grammar deport* I ueut were all very sorry to loose their teacher, Mr. Kennedy who resigned his |e*sitiou last wee* on account of poor [ health Mi Willis Waite was cb*>*cn to take his place We are In hopes thst , Mr. Kenue ly wilt be a freshen I *|.i j tor dm lug the remainder of the term **» h*M#i girts stiould not correspond 1 with loMug men Owing to the hewultfui weather the average attendance ha* h*a*t rery good the past waes, \ a11 ta t• u % v t uwstipation is ||* worst futtu, l> . papsta,>ivh Itea-luhe trllliniMPOea and derangement w< the User are readily 1 voted by iteWttts Early Ki<M* |he,* little 1*1 >Ss sriyi git( e !*,u*i! pill, Safe ptii, toit put tr.. n lahi H • GASOLINE » Ssi svSS i .«M la-'.... PIIIIDQ rUmrO b .eV.atsn. •• bit .•*«, 1 FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CO 'tint Fsrnant tt OmsM, Mop, * SUPERVISORS PROCEED I NO*. (CONCLUDED.) The report of the Soldiers Relief Committe was examined and on motion uot approved, an referral back to said committee. Geo W Hunter, was, on motion, appointed member of the Soldiers Relief Committee fo three years. Motion carried to transfer $2,009 from count; road fund to general fund-Bechthold voting no On motion $1,000 is transferred from genera (and to county bond interest fund, The Finance committee reported that they hat examined the fee books of the county clerk am found them correct as follows: Total fees received 1st quarter, 1896: ... .$ 644 If *• “ ** 2nd ** •* . 861 81 ** •* M 3rd M M . 606 11 " “ M 4th “ •• .... 780 21 CZ3 $2,792 7C1 DIsnURSEMK.NTS. Clerk's salary for 1896.$1,690 <g Deputy salary “ 700 0C Assistant salary “ 136 Ot Balance on hand. 467 7C $2,792 7C Report accepted and approved and clerk ordered to pay balance on hand Into the county treasury Maine committee report having examined fee book and report of County Judge and find same correct as follows: Fee# received 1896: 3rd quarter, 46 76; 1th quarter, 79 26; 1st quarter 46 61: 2nd quarter, 66 90—total 228 87. Which re port 1# accepted and approved by the lxw»rd. Fee book of sheriff examined by finance commit tee and reported correct a# follows: Fees collected 1896: 1st quarter. $263 80 2d quarter.347 20 3d quarter. 112 96 4th quarter_ 130 66 $861 60 Which report Is accepted and approved by the Board. Fee book of c< unty treasurer examined by finance committee and reported correct. Total amount of fee# collected for the year 1896 $1,280.72 exclusive in commission* on *iaie mx collection*. The committee appointed to examine the rooms for office for county superintendent report that they have seen the rooms In the Porter Block, and that the agent is willing to paper said rooms and to furnish curtains for four windows, free of charge to the county, at 75 00 per year lor the three rooms used last year, and recommend that said room* be rented. Said report was accepted by the Board und ad opted and committee discharged and county at torney ordered to make contract with said agent. The Soldiers belief Commission presented the following amended report: To the Hon. the County Board of Bupervisor* of said county: The Soldiers Relief commission of said county respectfully report as follows Hince our last report made dan, 8th, 1890, we have ex pended as follows: Fredrick Yocum, February 4th. 6 00 T C Chamberlain, Feb. 7,15 (JO, June 8. 5 ou.. 20 00 T H McClintock, April 15. 14 00 K J Wilson, deceased, April 20. 20 00 James Drake, A pail 27, V 35, July 27, 5 00.... 14 35 73 85 Walter Moor, Sec. Geo W Hunter, Chr Said report found correct and approved by the Board• Bond of Geo W Hunter as member of Soldiers Relief commission examined and approved. Geo E Henschoter then presented to the Board, in writing, a cut in the prices for printing court dockets, election ballots and treasurer* statement a* compared with the bid filed by him before. No action was taken on this proposition. On motion the chairman appoints Dunker, Herb tbold and Keetland a committee to see E A Brown to ascertain whether he desired to file a new bid on the same supplies and on county printing, as contained in the bid rejected by the BoarJ. The committee reported that it had seen him and that he would present new bid. The application of the Treasurer for deputy and clerk hire was granted. The application of the county clerk for a deputy and necessary assistants, salaries to be paid out of the fees of the office, and for a salary of '200 dol lars, for self, as clerk of Hoard, was granted by Hoard. Geo E Henschoter and E A Hrown having filed new bids for county printing and to furnish sta tionery as set forth in lots 2 and 3 of published : notice, the contract wa* awarded to Brrwn, hi* bid being the lowest, and the county attorney in structed to draw contract and bond, . The finance committee report the superinten dent's fee and cash book correct, a* follow*: Amount on hand Jan 9, 1X95. 47 0^ Amt collected from Jau 1, *95 to Jan 1, '90 75 (Ml Amt collected from Jan I, *90 to Jan 1. '97 1^*9 00 ! — Amount disbursed. Ill‘JO On hand January 1st, 1KP7. 57 K*J Said r®|M>rt is accepted and approved. Hoard adjourned to Usui Jan 14. I*tf7 Attest l.oi iH Kkim, County Clerk IfOUp City, Neb , Jau. 14th, 1*1*7. Hoar 1 iu session pursuant to adjournment, all member* present. The olftclal boud of Haini Pndtlov, overeeer road dUt Jl, approve«l. On motion the salary of *hi|>nriiit*ndeiit for the year IMf7, u (Ued at $7uu. oti motion the county treasurer is authorised to transfer the balance on hand and all collection hereafter made an the judgement fund of Mai >|Uette, l*ewees«» h Hall vs b h*Hii |>|st No II, to the school fund of -aid district, said judgement , having been fully paid. on motion Up* > hair man la authorise*! to ap prove all oihvial while (he boar d ts *» *t lu MMatog The tlaiMM«f Jamrog a titU wudi, was di*al> i lowed for the renew* that same was a<4 properly f be IdltMeing c talma werw »ii-e*<i, 4eiu^Uwo f »r lavas made ami warrants ordered drawn on ta- napettw land* ««s»aaai> ft av N H Tb a*e f i mu k t tfcrewn I I is* hsetovie Lumber >* >4 ho h«jr atoms t. a>* 17 so IshI lo til the tahv j l | M r»- *hl b* ft ip Isuxuysf m S** Meaty thslrr Irui ISte* I lea lets* M heW'diwaai byte leetelunMb id. it - »* a N aweenead lie pare* he« t le tt t it •*" «'**. ad ranee I upm tw |sf*y« it p.lliialss M hve* Severn* 4% is Pete* |a - I H M*<nrf tn.-^as t*u Peter tteh*. * ) W •bad ad| trued C- ttvel 14, MM9 t treat **»,•*.* have, nseaaiy ct**k * w«.<» i‘t litnm* kiOmm Vt*> •*l »»»...«». IM Mikul* * I HIV >h* |fV4li*t lk)Vk«4 u( kk II* «4« iImi u mO a* *et« ImiIi «i Wltt.ta t I. * „i| lutit*, ,«»*» *tl »tk'i* »> «4l • I <him I.* I aui ifli t«iW.| Ut, { I ,Ht'i Mitt, ti *,kUK.| Nn < kl iltm |l W |tl * M fl ll* I kl.jjw III l« 'kil|< Vlkitik * tm|k • >,i«> w,vm •»!■** I 14 >..H III ‘ *4<| ,il I f«t>,,| (I t«, I «S‘ H( 4 THE PAINTER. • Mature hath taken her delicate brush, ■ Her palette and paints and all. ! Bhe hath worked In the silence of starlight ! hush. Bhe hath worked in the atorm's lond brawl, j i Bhe works, and, lo, Tho frescoes grow On the sides of her ample hall. Sbn hath tinted tho apple with flnshes of rose, Bhe hath covered the pear with white. And the osier blooms where the honeybee goes She hath crowned with a golden light. The leafing sloo Is draped In snow. And the celnndlno stars gleam bright. Bhe hath sprinkled the meadows with sliver and gold And the cuckoo flower's delicate hue. Bhe hath kindled tbngorse on the wind haant ed wold And hath garnished the woodlands anew. The speodwell's eye, Demure and sby, Bhe hath touched with a heaven born blue. And in and about and around them all Bhe hath tilled In a background of green. The lenf buds burst at her noiseless rail And spread out a verdurous screen, And wearied eyes In qnlat wise Find rest In the soothing scene. —T. Bruce Dilkes In Temple Bor. BONHEUR’S FIRST SUCCESS. With Fortune's Favoring Smile Came an Offer of Marriage. Rosa Bonbonr gives an interesting account of her first success as an artist in her article, "The Story of My Life,” In Tbe Ladies’ Home Journal. "To bet ter study nature, so as to impregnate myself with it,” she says, "I passed whole days attbo slaughter house of tho Roulo in Paris. One must be truly de voted to one’s art to live in the midst of snob horrors and in such coarse com pany. Tho men were surprised to see a young woman interested in such things and wefe disposed to make it disa greeable for mo. But providence never abandons those who strivo to do well, and came to my uid. in the person of good old M. Emile, a Hercules in force and physique, who declared that he would tuke it upon himself to adminis ter a good lesson to the first one who behaved rudely toward me. From that timo I worked without further annoy ance. The position that my protector occupied was that of sealder and dresser of calves’ heads. Seeing how frugally I breakfasted, lie often invited me home with him, and there, surrounded by the curious implements that served him in his profession, his wife, as good and honest as himself, made me partake of many a comforting meal. ‘‘At last fortune smiled on me. M. Tedesco, tbe picture dealer, bought one of my canvases. The secretary of fine arts commissioned me to copy a picture —a ‘Flight Into Egypt, ’ I forget • by whom—and I painted another picture, ‘The Shepherd and His Flock Seeking Refuge From the Storm,’ which I sold well, and, lastly, to crown all these hap py successes, I was asked in marriage by a druggist. As tbe drug store had no attraction for me I refused. My father’s position had improved also, but death overtook him very soon after this bright ening op of our prospects. ” An Etching; of a Btujr Town. “Bay-bee, bay-bee?” called tho grimy faced urchin coaxingly. Tbe baby with the white coat and the kid gloves looked sidewise toward the curb. Its mother was one of the crowd in front of the store window and look ing at a perfect love of a bonnet. “Bay-bee, bay-bee?” came the invita tion again. Totteringly the baby approached tbe i curb and smiled trustfully up at the dingy face. Tho urchin dropped down on his ragged knees, laid the papers ha ' was selling on the pavement and patted the little kid glove with his red, dirty — little hand. “Pretty bay-bee!” he said. Just then the mother turned, ran • across the pavement and dragged the baby back. “How dare you touch her, you dirty little good for nothing!” she said. Tho urchin grasped his bundle of pa pers and rose, digging his toe into the dirt of the gutter shamefacedly. “Aw—g’wanl” he said sullnuly.— New York Press. lie Was Sore. “Drummers," sometimes called com mercial travellers, are, like ministers and doctors, fond of chaffing each other. “I’ve a great story to tell you, boys,” said a drummer to u group in the corri dor of the Iroquois last night. “I don't think any of you ever huurd me tell it before. ” “Is it u reully good story?" asked one < of the party doubtingly. “It certainly is. ” I “Tlnn I'm sure you never told it be- j fore. ”—ButTalo Times. ' Iluiklr'* l.llrrery Monument. liuckle devoted nearly JO yeur* to the ooJIectkun of mat- rial* fur bia "Uiatory i f Ulvllimtlut. " Hu wrotu only a por tiun of tbe lut ml not ton, w tan b r< luaiuc a groat iiionuiueul to In* literary and 1 .ii IliUga If Mir wink bad | been buiaiird uti lb« »aiu«> ai alu a* l.rgun. 10O vuliuu a would nut bave euflbtd '•|*i« * your ever talk In bla •bw|*>' * *‘ll« a) |* u» to, but I bar* my doubt* about In* W tug a*t»» p. kluetuf hi* talk In about bow dearly bo Mw n* and ( bow tu*!ily be hgard* toother,"—t'no ettUMtl tunultrr | Avow baa U • n known to tw«gul*» tbe |*r« tutu of a i alt, aud th» tiger la •aid to tf drawn hi a trap by the per tutv of a v> mpaun u Tbe timid buree, bow i«i, taki • uti Milne * f a pn lure, and the t at w lit tad apt tag at a paint • d bird. __ Tbe ordinary annuo I er«p >4 ailk t« I'btaa u watHnahwl at about tl,t#t,W<t pound*. <4 wbn n mt M per vent t* eoueunnd In Uu> country where It la pMflM*A ___ It u tadt»*«d mat tbe tempiratal* 4 tbe earth at « depth d putt mile* la ant I«m Utah ia,iMai d>gte*e If, TheG olden OPPOHTIJMITY -of the season AT PILG€F?S’ LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Gj-ocepes, Dry Goods, Shoes1 j and everything kept in a first class store. I • A g oods so d for cash only 20 lbs Granulated sugar for 81.00 20 “ New Orleans “ “ 1.00 Kerosene oil, per gal. - - - .12 All package Coffee - - .15 Eight bars any kind of soap .25 Three cans corn or tomatoes .25 Arcadia Bakers’ Fancy flour .85 “ Cream Patent “ .95 Corn meal . - - - - .15 Choice prunes, 20 lbs for • l.00 Extra choice prunes, 13 lbs 1.00 Best oat meal, 8 lbs for - .25 Four lbs choice raisins for .2 Apples per bushel .7 HiiM Price Paid for Boiler aid Bm : Don’t fail to come and get bargains in every line. T L PfLGEp, piew yoi^h stoi^€ Loup City, a ^Jeb.