The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 22, 1897, Image 2

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an—— ._ 3
Many rattle are Being fed In C'edai
•County and all are doing well.
The new Christian ehurch at llurwell
•was dedicated Sunday, Jan. 10.
The citi/cns of Fremont are after a
91,000,000 lieet sugar factory this year.
N. V. Hull of W'ausa lost 100 hogs in
the storm which ushered in the new
Miss Alice Thomason has been ap
pointed superintendent of school in
Hurt county.
4 The late snow, quite general in this
state, is not favorable to the big corn
piles here and there.
lor ussault upon his wife Anton
HernuseU, of Saunders county got one
year in the penitentiary.
The Falls City creamery building
was totally destroyed by lire, Tile
loss is partly covered by Insurance.
Harry IlicA, the 1,’i-year-old son of C,
K Rice, a blacksmith of North I’latte,
was thrown from a horse and killed.
The people of IMxou recently gave a
lull the proceeds of which. were
used to purchase a bell for the school
Nine thousand sheep passed through
Superior in the course of two days, on
their way to the corn Helds of Hodge
The attendance at the winter term
ill umcft ill aVUii(ifi» i* ^rrun-i
than ever before in the history of that
Mrs. Iduha Case of Wahoo, sued her
mother-in law for slander, asking #ld -
fiOD damages. On the third trial the
Jury gave tier |:;,700.
A temperance revival at Laurel has
been tlie means of inducing several oul
topers to sign the pledge and drink
buttermilk in lieu of beer.
There is seventeen Inches of lee at
Valentine, and it i-- being burv.i'.'t
with a great rush by the Milt horn road
for aii of its houses along the line.
4 The Nebraska press association had
the annual meeting at lirand Island
last week, (iti/ena of that pla< e en
tertained their visitors in roy at manner.
Tile I' fire o yirtllnMlt J*
lildkiffif * ottboo. is* • iif'r
tain tlie visitors on tlie occasion of the
fifteenth annual eonveution of the Ne
braska state volunteer firemen's asso
It is reported that a motion will be
made at tnc adjourned term of the dis
trict court in Thurston county for a
change of venue in the I iooduiunson
case. If the change is granted the
case will be taken to Dakota county.
The Hastings I’resbyterian college
•tarts the winter term with the largest
enrollment of students the institution
has hud for over five years. I.'ndei
I’rcsident I’atterson s management tht
college is rapidly coming to the front
. August Zuhlke. a Merman farmei
living four miles south of l.ancroft
while hunting rabbits, slipped on soini
the neighbors saw him and carried
him borne.
The report, of the county commis
sioner-, of Madison county show ■> that
in the four years the county has owned
anil conducted a poor farm a saving rd
nearly 91.000 a year has been effected
-Jn the cost of caring for the poor ol
the county.
Robbers entered the vault of the
Rank of J ulmage and broke open sev
eral private boxes. but ilid not molest
the safe. They secured 910 in money.
9100 worth of postage stumps and took
with them a team, carriage and liar
JJess belonging to ' . hehlitt.
The work of tearing down the wall'
of the State Normal dormitory recently
burned at Rent, was begun last wueli.
Jt ia found that nearly all the brick in
the walls can be used again. This will
materially decrease the amount ol
funds necessary to rebuild.
Tlie record f.*r JYdk county for the
year istji; showa that there were ‘J.':;
farm mortgages filed, amounting to
•800,.'ItD; there were released lv>.
amounting to *IU0 !»h:i; city mortgages
---... ^ | . .**.§ ;
relraMil, thirty-eight, amounting to
chuttle mortgages tiled. |, jo i.
amounting to Sis! released, 7;;,
amounting to 911:1,317.
The Nebraska state hlslorieal soci
ety in session in l.incoln, re elected ail
t he oUl oflli ci us follows: .1. sterling
Morton, )(resident; 11. W. i Urtm*. tirsl
Vico president; , s .Summers, second
aie*» president 1 II Mere, treasurer:
•t• aid well, secretary. '1 he ri*(Hirt
of Treasurer Mere showed u bu .tnco on
liaml January h, js'.it, 0f .. ,,.
warrants drawn »' ■■>07.72; balance in
state treasury, ■■ ■ v . tlJUl wi.m ,
91.14b 14.
1 he sugar beet raisers in the vicinity
of trr.ind Is .ml hnvc tabrii active
stops to bring Hitt importance of uiuk
log an appropriation for the ...
of the *m.'.n b dlity l fore the U
lure. At U Horni ng av which
]IM1 Ilf these lecl la is*. 1 s n< tended .1
< 01.111, Urn. was imp 111 Mil to prepare
Matia'd. iieim r m.
and to ilttefi-st t he I cr t r-* U1 s m > ,t li#
wwwwtiea in . r > effort and secure their
Turn I letup* ted I a lid of It years,
while oul hunting lu Hurley county
with Ira IWadleaed Mill., i.„i,
hoy • uf hImiuI ftfoi* kditi# 11^9 M •« awi*
•leetally *|.o» I'c .d C w«. ,,1 |iie ... ,
wf rats , ,g his guu to >n it at 1
wheu young lie tie) |<* , M, ,
wf him and r*> iv, d t ., , i,4i „f ,
In the hip *1 co »u range, ; 1,. u , ■
charge passed throw,;>, the ... *t.ti
leu tug I be bone amt rupturing p,. |
«essel* front whMi he sl ed ,u a few
hums from loss of t <is
J M Demin < u a far Her n 1 ng
arear tt*. of para s lie l ad salt., ut
life left crawl out uf in „ n„<
legs In the >aid Me w.< disois .,1
hf anertrtwt* of bis fan, , .*,,1 , ,,
to the h-*u**' Wberehv ms n a stlti
cal cwnd.UwM
Mill lain True wf
Mrewrau on the llnr.uglou W*s suf>
peuwd when he returned burnt u,
other .ley by a nute Irurn his
wife staling that the had left fur parts
whuuffli Mm hrft her tfl»t lM i «|k with
• ir «esd and duappeeresl t n#re is a..
iMws why she sbuutd leave as her
Jmmmu 111* had always keen kswet
Tb* Nr!ir»»ki* Kxecntlv* IM*ru**e* Wit*
Affair* Thoroughly and With Iter,wring
lIlK'iily Defend* III* Him* mikI di ll.' ,
a Number of Iterotrirnrirdullon*.
HEI TIOli Til It I K.
T:y Ih* renmi* of 1>'0 ir w,i< fhown fh.-i:
Net,rank.i h«d u population if I."'* did. A'
the prexrnt lime 11 I, fair to n»*umi* that
the population lia» In. reaxi .1 to I.VTMlQO,
Ity mi examlnafl in of Hie report f >r me
biennial period ending November IffW.
It will be found (hat Ihe average number
per yeir *eprenre| lo lee jM-nlieiiuary
Ha* UiH, mil [he average number p< r
year for Ihe Irlwitilal period Juxi tTr‘od
a* ehown by the report of the pr went
warden, in ITtil*. The liumlrer of nrani' ii
eontlned In Ihe peiilirnllary November
JKrf, wa* 3fl, wbll* Ihe number I nprwin d
November la*:, or at Ihe end of lho
biennial period, wa* Z75, thu* chawing a
ion»,e deereare. II Will a! or lie 01
aerved, by ih* report of the pardon* and
commutation* *ubmltleil herewith, that
executive clemency ba* been < xerel*ed
wl:h liri frequency than during ihe year*
previou*, and the number parol'd only
a little |ri exec-w thereof. Tine' xuiUllc*
dlrscl-rre N< lir.irfca alaridlng In a very • n
vlabl* position rc*pc drig the low per
centage of eilminulliy, a* w, I a* ilia: of
Illiteracy, ihu* conllrmlng ih« axiom that
Ignorance and vice go hand lo hand.
To* condition of the penitentiary upon
the whole 1* very good. Th* pro*eii( male
agem< nt ha* taken adv.mfage of Ihe up
portunltle* willed hav, been Offered for
. —._ . .... . A .... ...till ol.iilt ..f fit*. >1 I -
lory of the penitentiary fine#' its organJxa
tton will not <1 lactose any two years of Its
exlstenc* during which greater progress
was made than during the biennial period
Just ej>ed, *'relit for thi* condition li
due to th« efficiency of the management
of fit# pr#H:n< warden, who l y r wise and
judldo I* poll y ha* improved d e t tnd ird
of moral* In tie pendent! ry, «/ w-d; 1
mad ♦ large reduction* in file • xpendl'ur* *.
This good re <,rd / * a i>een mode by ihs
warden, d-gplli? toe fo< » that i>- h^
failed t > I *e,ve fV U'erol <U of ft: • * '
of ibo*< wdh wborTj le- baa had ufll iui /•
latioil* In iu fiianugctrjen;.
Tre qtu ‘.oil of ti.' men * t <?
penal institutions, is of course, diffj uP nn*
ra*r most favorable elreurnstunce,,, 'j* - r.
,*r< various methods of manic- me o', * .1
having warm udv k*uP■*. V. o,b in - *
eouiotfement of any M b "1 of Ifiift* - •
U> »»T th,i‘ Witt d< v< iup the r« f »rrr.?«*-.',>
f- afures of pr. on If api - »la strongly t<
t.;*» symp.itin .1, and human n .rm n
of mankind, yet it 1* to le b rn. In mbc
that the place s ion d not be wade so in
vliing that the *.ip>, 4 and w.- H i;y dis
posed will 00m mb. deed* of lottrle/sn
without fearing .n** punishment to follow
Tho humanity of the pp-ent ,-./•■ -bu,i «/. i
that punishment for Violation of low b;
Imprisonment or otherwise shall n >t b
inflicted bar barouxly, inhumanly, or in mj
manner that would tend to stifle the twite,
sentiments of a man, even though a vlo
tutor of the law, but rather that the pun
lshment shall be humane, ><r reasonable
fixed, certain and determined In its char
acter. This may be brought about by *a;i
flnsment in the penitentiary in solitary
cells, in restraint of liberty, in strict am
rigid discipline. In plain, simple fare, ye
plenty and wholesome, clothing of ih<
most common quality and some particula
uniform color and hard, steady and con
m*nt, 1 do not believe in a sentlmetitaii :
tliat would supply to the prisoner, con
victed frequently of toe most nenlou.
crimes known to mankind, with ever;
Juxury, form of amusement, or In - <* twi
recreation that would be regarded a* ape
r ial privilege* by many who P ad 1 bum
hie, yet honest and upright life. I be!icv<
in t.’Ia**»flratloh of ine prisoner*, * > far .1
it can be done, with the vb w of separating
the older and mure hardened criminal;
from those who Pave committed, perhap
under mitigating ci uim mm •'*, trj**ir firs
off* n*e, ami who sincerely repent, d Irini
to pay tha penalty fur the brok* r» lc
retrieve the mistake* of the p»*t, and Jen
an honest and upright life Hu. -h prison
era should receive all reasonable f-n our
Agernent. This, It h-« rn* to me, mfgh
properly be don** by constructing new
ceils In the new cell home In tin* ej«t witif
of the penitentiary, which Is now u**<
as a chapel. This would render it Jest
difficult to mnlnt tin this class of prb m
ers without coming so much in < u;iu •
with tin? more hardened r >a •
While turtle advocate changing tin
striped clothing ru- unary to be u d It
priMons all ov»-r the country, I doubt tin
propriety of i I understand l! ha*. bc» 1
tried only in very few prison- and then
found to work n >! \.-ry 1:.-f . -u. v I
advocates say It lx degrading and humili
ating for the offender to be req nred ic
wear thi* iadgs of a br*k« n law. It can
be nab! with equal propriety tint It I1
humiliating > he put in pil- ui and r**«
queue* of mk H re.MOfiing would !*• to ilia.
iburge ail the prH :m rn and ted them tc
go their fi.iy and *Ui r. » hi -r»* VW uhj*'
came to fa..- vvjt:i the praetliMl »*t I -
of depraved humaii :i.v <n<l prUoti iiunir -
m*nt * f *u«*h, a* well .11 to have the
We hav«* had In thin #1 ite almost « v# r
alne# I:* oir ih . ition a form *f i»rie *
maim#* n* ni that ha* la * i» detuning and
degrading. .1 « m of |ra*l.;g ’he petti
tonilnry and * « ranvietsi tlur »i t » * IfUh
Individual* far to* parp »»< of priv 1 \*> gain.
VV« iim v> a* hi*’ t "l ouravH * of mi* on**
alO*etl< nab!* f»*»'ur. of pi *»» mint*.
ment. The igt hi of th« h‘Klida. 1* *
pa*»rd alt 4* t |>M* ;>ltft|! f ar th< uiMUiito »»(
of Ihe ha ♦* of tpn at ad | I * h« r»
- rnI ill* » plot d-f.y at* :ppropr, *« at f r
the i»aym« n of *v « * ah * 4,d l»r f lit id t 1
h*- due the *'i (i‘ hy ln»- • »»p eiUt-m of the
k *#.%• t*n<t*'f ?Me *«f lh» a the
if 1 Vi
tng niuiti hy t >* »• * latui. f *r p|» xt pm
i» Ug 1 ftittlian I lit I'm ptyn«n TV*
• ; - i if
f'.»f9MVd**< Wftf. '1 a a i He (f ( i Im? ♦ r.
tfr«tuUh‘l Mi-*»t 1 . t«*amro *n t . .
a h»»id*t '*' ••* '* th:%I »«p iitu
W***«>, avail at th- *■ n m» tt in. an I
V*'N . • t l. u »H
Atief ftp a' t *• i I * P H fyd MMVlfd
A ad of . pmpit.w-**ry m | tfca
;*i»»r of th» *• iu u. *» 1 Kui1 »m m« N
11 «g4mi i« tft* 1 tie f * it)♦» 1, §t..on 11
m* ota*#* ml bit*a# iho ** »tt#*f it
UK# 1 a>* ■ i.i*' iihd iftoai lt«w tain \ a
04*1 in** fr***! ••it ■u! » -• %» *-**.*»* »« ih
UtUttli ap •# *b«t» HaUd - »-1*» % • }**)► fea.| *
I 4 ‘ • n
in# glim* in *■*« »+ # « tio
M'#t* of t pfv- w*» .Mbttig It I* a tbo »* Mm
♦It. dll **#|#tff • ! » a I I 'f* fjptfft §#1 tl »
tl |t»4 « * t«* b * I **• ; • *«U<4* t • » 4 - 1 *
IM »d.| u•«»« - .-I mm '» |u t-. .* um of
n p - 4 »q 4a#;a«j * •■. 1 •.
W«Vi !J» iKu »UV Mia 1- T*»>- h-mfnl &ai*.
#traf. pi » I k » r 4|v'i .m pi>- p«q| «q»
Hill gf <>agm|4 p*t 4* « t tt ».*•
of Ut »**#. V ft tun I *• lb* *
* a \
ijfcil l%fc# ■’*»** • - ■ *hd «N#1
ibg into**vf l a a*v*„ w m u* * - • tlu
* I » »a
• * » ’ • v,f
«**q ««an »#4'i •» t»* pot! *•< In* #• . T.-m
a i U * b*M • •#! la v ft VMM* i-.pMvk^t «#.■
# V. * ft I
tom** TH# * «M*wv*iaa »4v ftua«i»i-ug 44
Hu %q|M «ima #wuf
4«n4 ft# l>4 »if*i IMI ••**<##* bf
nr ’l lea*.' tho prion and the labor of
iho "ivl. :. was lll< r.i and that thu
baa id n id «•* ■••did ||. authority.
Aft. r ' '• dcrluUm of the supreme court,
tlw board * 1 h’d in Mr. Jarm * White ;-*3fl
and Wider tin designation of agent of lit" he tssm.iM to perform name dull''*
connected wltti he management of the
penitentiary, v hi. a migm very properly
have le t'll dono by th‘- wirdcn. under tho
direction of the .lO.ird. The report of the
bo ir.J'n agent I* pres. ii . I with the re|a*rt
of tne land commissioner. I um satisfied
that lie has neeompllahed n.ivwtng inat
might not have been done by lie w..»d,.n,
ai'.l tbit the cttpcn*c* occasioned by nw
appointment were Utterly needle**, i: I*
ills, I'M' .I by the report of the agent that
there his been collected by him. a* iho
proceeds of the laisir of the eonvbt*.
IM.IPii.73. <>f ibis imount there was eg.
petid.,1 $10,011.97, and paid Into the *iala
treasury $4,llf».0'f. These expenditure* I
|,i'. ril a* paving b,■< a mule without au
thoflty of law. All money* derived from
l ie Jahor of convict* alioutd. It would noun,
i be turned lino lhe *:nle trcanury to bo
| drawn therefrom on approved voucher*,
' ii' In other , i*i*. In t ie manner provided
by law. The heard having the power to
! make provision* for the proper employ
I merit of Idle convlen r.em* not to h.iva
I xerelse I Ihl* all I he I ,ty, except I, rnpof l
rlly from time to time, a* shown by the
report of Iho agent of the hoard. It ul*o
appear* that the contract* or agreement*
temporarily entered Into were at a much
lowr t.g'irc than heretofore secured.
f have thought It proper iu go Into
dettill* to some i xleni regarding ihe Ids
tery and condition of lhl> Institution, as
It si-rr.s he, irsary that there should ho
art entire revision of the law respecting
It* future mat'Sgcmcnt. t’lnbr the leaso
sycm ther have been established dlf
ferent Indiistrlen at the Institution for the
purpose of utilizing the labor of Ihe con
vene Tlose wiiistileu have I • n main
tain'd fiy aub-eontrnetors of the lessee
and are yet owned by tliem. There are
now In operation a broom factory, it har
ries* factory, a cooper estahltshmerit and
1, i. In.,, f.., r In Tl.e / iti'iellU /, f fin VI*
sever**! Industrie# I# perhaps large enough
to utilize all of th** labor of the con
vict# not required In th* management of
tin institution, if arrangements * ould be
mail# for Out continue '*« of tu * work
i performed Iri th* re different establbh
I fro nt# at a re/isonnble rate *»f wage# for
the labor of th»* convict#, with suitable
t provision* and r# friction* to fully pro
tect the rights of lf,< cotivlcfs Ulai th**
moral** at ! dk** fpllne, l* l,<*com»'H a quer
I tioa whether at fh'*pt»* nt t;rm* tin* state
j should attempt to * tnp|o> all convicts on
Its i wn a* nurd, ft would seem «* d
I vl '; t t»f* * to I .aug u! a * > som** f>'.l*tn k-ok
ing towaiv;. tic ulllltlttfc control on tic?
j ( ..rt ot (J»e . fc of all the labor of llu
j convk t# a. I th.*! tio* jw fdtentiaty should
bo made r.# if.?*,, fairing, or « * n< arly > o a
po r:u« . I'i • II ; in i'**\erwl glut * are,
I , n4vi -ontir !;. »• * If /US! a In J an.
I In aat.tahits a plan « f * ofal a tli:/, the pen
itentiary * fitlr* )y .1 Flute account* It
1 would . * * rn t t M'r pai l of wisdom to
! begin cautiously , ' *1 In a mo*l» rule way,
find by < ar* ful * ; pi rinx at d* t* rmlne the
best method of utilizing the labor of th**
: convict,* without unn*‘'v »ry expemw? on
the part of the slat** or lo * occjisloned
1 by Inaugurating an enterprise which can
not #uci*' ? ►.f ally b«* carried out. In thl*
is also involve#! the question of 1 i aging
Into competition convict labor with that
of fre<* labor, The penitentiary should bo
so conduct#**! as to redo# # to th lowest
degre* possible, with due regards to th**
Inter# ft* of the at at**, all competition with
fr#- lals»r I can a#*** no objection# to th#
inauguration of ft system looking to the
manufacture and production of numerous
1 article# required in th** maintenance of the
differ* nt state Institutions as a mean*
' of providing mpJoyment for prison late r
and making the prison s< lf-aust lining.
This plan has many w a m a*# vocal-#
• .. 'mg'#/.***-«' wno nave studied th** MJbjc# f
of prison labor. This could la* Introduc'd
M a small way, and gradu; !!y levdoped
a v'isfhm* and * Xpert.* * would ugge-t
until, p <haps. the larger portion of tg.
Inmates #nn thus b** employed.
'i'hla whol#* qi* stlon is submitted to yiu
for your consideration with the hope Hot
a law will bo enact# d providing for tl«
! state s management of the penitential?,
m a manner mu h as to plan- th * ir»#t
| tut Ion on a higher moral plane and pr<
vbl* for the proper utilization of the
labor of tho convicts while in cunftnemcii..
Hospital* for 111«« liiHunc.
Nebraska has three hospitals for the In
f;a,«" lo-at-d at l.iricol.f, Norfolk and
Uealing* , r> rpietlvely. i < house to treti
all of them together arid lu ft gem* at
way They haw each b» * n rnaiu g.d Ja
a wi:-.-. careful and economical nmi.acr.
''he profession* I treument la. . been or a
ho;h o:*der and tie* welfare of th- un*
toriuiiai* wards of the stale confined In
»ie . Institutions has been caref-dlv*
looked after in all respect*. A \i*p. to
my cot of rh»K institutions «*iirmot bit
iin pr ► # on* with the hlg/i prof#*, nunal
-k 1! arid orderly mating* rto nt v. hi# h • nar
u«.blues it. The welfare of tt;.
k Improv «i wherever possible an | tie. r
rn#.M kindness and g# ntlener; in f aring
f#ir them prevails.
A considerable* saving linn h#*en m.*i«l#* in
th** txpen«litures. Horn** further #.tu
doubtless b»* made ami . «*t I am Inclined
to tiie vhvv that in flier*.- Instiiut us tho
minimum expenditure* in their mainten
ance has b««n very nearly reached. Jn
j caring for th#* unfortunate in* a ».*, it is
apparent to tio ordinary observer th it
til*- necessary employ, r., us #.l!l
. •• #1**11 I ( 111 lull, ti.« II I; mi’ll'
• riMif III,ill nr* ri'.iuirnl In an., aila-r
In • i It ullocal work Tin niolm-n ., . i f n
'luiinn i *|ii milliim ii furthnr liy a rmlu. .
lion nf MtilarltM lam Imoty *U|fri;»tn.| i<> rni*.
I rulimll li la ymi far yanr i ur. ful un i
JUilli ln iH i ai.nali rulloii, wuli .it rm.iin
tin ml illan no my mil f.irllnr than la
Hay that I iiiipin.- af any rlTort ttiiliil
j muy Im mttila ta |*la< i all H.ilirln* ant
I W1114, h nf * in|iayi ► nf ilm lilitt** u|iau a
i ha»in uf 11111,1111) . an m nr an m„y r it«ni,
, with r»‘fn.iint la Ihn ii'.iru<iir nf Ihn
! Walk lo I* "i'lin lit..,nr l*
j worlhy nf till Inn nn-l all *, rvahtll lif
I I hi* Hill 111 wlulrn if I .limit) ■ IH|*I*>. I II,
. nil*-iihi n i lw fair .uni laHt uumife n. itlan
| t* Mffr* hit} V rfot ft f
Thw y'M'i*-. ut iij < i It of f) |n«'f
i r lit.* m for «t|ifc*r*>t*r;«
I*#* l*» |*r*4tl«fw „KHI|.,1| ft «(tn r i« h
l 1*4 »m| f t f*> (ft. *ii«i i« fM l -4fith *
1 »'f ' * * **•“ nrt*lJ ! n>ut h flutter
| **<4 t»t *f4<t»
' f.tnuitilt. fhuttfoi
|m! tu t-|w tu (ft-- * I tic kit« O iMilti dk’dMlHli*
I fir* 4W» Ul#UfU|ii*Ht lit III* MHO t «« >.
| oulHU ^I ^ if It t kd ffct l
1*1* 4>f Ilf* UHfir,HttU It* luf tft U'tHM |>t It
, to! n * »4*l lik* f ,♦»<. »r.J H"*t <t*| *#•
• fi ***** * (It* Mmji|m> -f
>*#< ttMtj»'«i* tlv* i «4|> lit .4 t *4 Uift fetftntt.
* H ft it* » In, ti«*< 1 ' • .J f *1. f»*.rf fvi
j Ifettm • S II • Mf 9 11 MVH
; A* • !»*% ft lit* tW I* I tHttawr
t-» #w »tt* *i|W|ifv<i*t<i*%i*m* i« * »4lM M4*«4l
! 9***m «(*4 I* tit at km 1*4*4 Ufeii ftM «Hit *#
| ft I ft* ‘ *4911 4S Ilk* Ni>**toif| I4A9Tti%«*44t
V i-i* * tf.f *» »1 1 t , . 4 * t |,« y|.
» + *•- IMI fn*l«i*lMH» litttii u«
IMI. M4 *<* 14 (M» taN»%«H4 ffk« *4*
rw«tUMi» Hi44t))| Ift* • «*** H**i*k.-4-’M vf IM
' '»* Hklkifttll tMUMt t tUll-W wf
*« lit ftM *»« nf M4i
»»**♦» lw*tH «»«tl % uf f»r«M«i
•Kk* | lulrinU In |«m M f«9l tiiwftt)
»•*♦*#*4* »«* * kMi
**>• »4*#»u «* UUUUU* tt <UU0<U<M1U4
r.n asylum for th * chronic Insane and re
hs Inmst** from the other two.
I by trnm i r rf tnir.m#* aftrr a l" r - >«l « f
I time has shown that the hoi** of recovery
14 very “.nail. This hospital
! for the Insane, if th« Intention of
the lawmaker* In It* e*tnhIMmK m »*•
c arried out to It? full'st extent, w ill have
to have It* capacity still further Increased,
although It now ha* th largest popula
tion of the three. Korn#* Interested In the
subject of earing for the Insane favor
the placing of all three of tin** institu
tion* on an equality, that 1*. making tin m
all asylums for th#- insane, without quali
fying the rilfr# rent degree * or type* of In
sanity. I do not b liev« It would !*• ad
\ l/ahi— to make any c hange of this kind
at this time and n.m Inclined to the view
that the present arrangement has ad
vantages that perhaps oven on. • any dis
advantage* or objections that might b#*
urg'd again f it* continuance. The* r#
quest: for an appropriation for additional
buildings at th#* Hastings Institution 1*
with a vb v/. I iis ume. of Increasing Its
capacity so that it may b* abb* to receive
Inmate* from the oilier two institution:!
by transfer a* rap.dly a* It shall appear
that the condition of the* patients renders
It advisable to place them In this Insti
tution for permanent tr atment. a* con
templated by the law creating It. It will
be obsevred, however, that no fixed or
definite rule c an be mad#* in d«*ti*rmlnlng
Jn*t what patient shall I** tran*f< rm\. It
will, therefore, fulfil reasonably well Its
mission by receiving those seemingly best
adapted to transfer only so fust as va
cancies occur by death or rec ove ry, afte r
Its maximum number of Inmates has bee n
reached, 1 invite your attention to a c are
ful perusai of the* biennia! reports of the
superintendent* of these- thr*' Institu
tions, wiih-h will give* you much valuable
Htnte* Industrial Schools.
Hy constitutional enactment the lcgls
laiure* may provide by law for the estab
lishment of a *< hool, or schools, for the*
s »fe* keeping, •diie-ation, employment and
reform of ail children under the* uge <,f
sixteen years, who, for want of proper
pare ntal c are or other c ause, ar<- growing
uo In rn< udh .ane v or crinc . I 'mb r ltd*
provision tin* Industrial school at Kear
ney, for both girls and boys, was first
established. Afterword* tin* legislature,
in It* wisdom, v ry properly trade provis
ions for the separate Institutions, The
one at Krurnsy wit* maintained as an In
die trial rchool for boys, end another es
tablished at Genova of the warn*- char
acter for girls, Th * ri ports of the super
intend* lit* of them two Institution* rr**
*(Ul‘e eompb lo and show them to h<* la
- atlrfa* lory condition. While I do not
think !!-'•!(! ban b* en arty extravagance In
the tm./.agvtrjefU of * th* I* of th**se tnrtl
ttitlora. J fin) <,f fhi. opinion that there
It *d>! ' rl,unity f« ;* greater frugality than
I r lafor* < %* re , d without Interfe ring
v hlp ih< cfflc f)4 y ( f tr., work or r* acts
1 la the Ufp. of lb i alien b* t V. * < n par
tlfooajr «r;d rigid • > Moray. 1 fnviir* your
apM '.on to th*- Improv-merit* rugg*-fid
bj ih" ruperln w n*b*nt*. Home «»f them
w - ■ softA) of your careful consider
at on, I am prepare*! to favor appropria
tion for additional building* at «.lthvr
of th*; • Ire tltut Ion*.
If)-tit lit Ion for Feelile-MIndod Youth
She work of the Institution for ft* hie
mi»d*-*l youth, located at Hcutrlce, ip
to b< pi u satisfactory condition,
ast 1 kn*w of no suggestion* for im
pnv*-m**nt* to make to you, unles-i j «*r
iidi* It Is along th/* line of more rig l
*• Oiomy In It* management. 1 coincide
will the views of the super!ntendents
r«*sax'ting to** udv. ability of making
fur hi r provisions for a class <f citizen i
win are \kxaX what might be termed the
scl|g>l period in an Institution of this
k a ar.*J ar* yet ru t fit subject* to bo
dga n returned to th*- county of their
r*s*.dew*e, there to struggle for a living
and lx* subjected to unfavorable com
ment, rendering tneir live; ml* rub!*-, I
am Impressed with the vl* v/ tint a larg
number, afflicted a* art th* c war:* *f
He; state, should be cared for and lo .* I
after witli tho same spirit of humane r* • a* that, given to the Inwarc; an J
yet I am doubtful of the propriety of
this b-glslaturo making addltJ: appro
priation* Hufficlent to accomplish this
much desired r< suit.
I nut I tut Ion m lor tho Deaf and for the
T *!♦ Ire* to call th** attention of the. leg
islature to the urgent necessity for suit
aule legislation making pr' pi r pruv. i . i
for tho coritrcl, gavu rnment and n:« titui*
am’** of the IiiHtltutlon for tic* blind at
Nebraska City and the Institute for the
«J<*af and dumb at Omaha. The tv. > In
stitution* a tv :■'<) marly ailk*' in char i'-t* r
i ha t I am of th opinion that * a \ cm
be provld. d for by the j a-.-age of a'c ngh*
act. fn tin* treatment of thi* rubjeu, in
speaking of one, I take It that th- .t'-u
remarks will apply a well to the oth* r
Miu* law at pn-^ent gnvrrr.lng the p. ti
t it** for the d'-af and dumb j* found in
chapter 12 of tho c< mplb- l *i..tut** o'
While till* l.ivv giiVertUng th - 1M -1 :: I -
l ui f< r the blind 1* feu til In chajle. 41!
j *»t the same statute • T'fi • lav. for th*
, governIrig i f the Institute for the *1. if
and dumb was p- **•■*! in l V7&, prior to th*
adoption of our prevent onnstltu, hi
was also tho law governing th** oth r I i The present constitution pr -
vld» > that a l*oard of paid** land* a..*!
liuildlflkH consist In a of t.n • mm: I
« f i»u;• II • hind* an I building*. the ».»• r
titry r.f Mat'*, treasurer ami aiurney-ajm«
era! Khali have „'t*iurul wuperviMon a, <|
control of all btiihiiny**, y.rout; I< ami 1 n 11
of the Mate, tb»* tale i ri-wt. a»yium«
iiU'l all t>t b**r like InwtlUil HA t X
th<nt* for «tlii** it Iona I |iurj'int ». It \v t*
1ntMi«btl by tN »,|!. imI hii tm-nt uf i>o
Iaw K>Vornlmc t o-m ln^tltutUim< |,uu ih *
Imtlltut* fur tic Hi af ami dumb mi * <1
h*a iNMtroIled by a lewrd of dire tor*, a»
t sent lofted la |kn or i*t su* u f, uii in*
Itvtltutlou fur the blind ihouM bit k v*
• rfnd by n boat I «t hum r. * i - »« ,
l «t« d by trie l<-iatun therein n o.
\ i.I.d
t’nder the pfovbd n« of the j r 4eii» . nri
tdiathoi It) hi ttidtllittloo< i ill >1 n lo i
♦ ' I* fr. • • I IM • * S 1*4 I f , I,
mm! In the ran# of the Utvfitute f r the
d**f nn l dumb Ih- hoard of | nbl . ,.%»■(
and Mdldln** i inu I t out rob t »* % V
•”* Of »*••*- > :t jf i - . a'b- t m to ujuoi,
tie rretem^ uffl -r* ThU ii f.t . ? ,
h*4 le.*■ t; « t hM‘d Id Ih, i n. i « r no »,
tit * ih. InM’Mittbm f r » •* t l t.
Is *n Mhr dU> O i f th H t. Iff ,
I ?Uft>l lit tt>*» cit N**r*ika. |>tK* ft hi
jlo ***** m| Hi d* v« In ai, it *.♦ >h *
* f.*l thit ltd* tirUttHI r> » o »tu
• luw’ulbnat ln»mut . n w.thtn, the tu* ikiitu
t fa rll*l a • I # *« *tth‘n Ike «.■•»■ n| i at
Mi# ha* I *1 t wbfib and MH4
1v«rt Hi r liti# liMlttOtbMI W-** I'**
* *tHt' *a t it a** at uf tt *» #*uuc*i
lb,, fare*-* r Mm* Ok» «*■■**(■• ir■<*'** M#
H #s In o r- «i* d* y«h a. f u ; itt t h
vf i ut’n *» id \' o> -* 9* nt, j
4. - . ’ - ■
• i #*lu * •> d tw»***4*!i » ir • t r i
9lf| |>hIi Nm«
(fc'M* AHdl4 klU
Vtk*i tedlt w< tikwm i*» «m «»•
i rWft 4li«*il N* ih**#' a!*»*,* 4fkl win * t*
9 l*Nr ■
I 4 ««* | |tvo -i*n H-t* fen**| 44 i u f
|i ofetrfiN* tu *%# t»* a latltk i f • '« *
dfe# bn t1 v#iu»
» > «iVI til Ml a Mid 19Hi* *>.-*'9*1 OAd
I fv hlK* fe# Ik** M<9 * *4 'i I "
t* f ISlO ft*-* ***» ‘*r--« •# I* a
i>.«<•<»•*-■»* »»* >i >«**•* -* * ■» >•
*>►♦"••*-‘*1.1 **» t*» • «'*’ **'* *# 4 *•»!»»
■ ,1—.-,1 || fu*. • M 4 l*|l *1 »•
|Mt, |1«) IH* MMI M « If tM
M**» . h«, *. Ir* IH* MM *• *• Km IH*
, ,ft«M «* *1 «■•!)** Ifc*
a kh* •♦.** •*• ***** *•«• ts*
•ir of l-'it rPA the (Hr for t •
who h .v. lo-: tic -• Ct h ;rb>*r. a iew
|PK tii. ; -icy • • In I! < light. yet n.t
wirhtmr to c- • lr, uny : mol tr ru
prrvtst n that mlolit i">! time tin* •!»
pri ' jl »' my f i 1 o \v •;tar ofH < rn iom
ik tin- board of public Hud* mil
building.*, I requested the dtir 'y-t;i i
, ,,l fir an o|■:111 n .• * to •. i ••tier ill in
stitute for the <1 •«f and dumb va* of too
i.htracti r and standing i ill In di
lution for the bilnd; .■ other ward*,
wti'tiir It war an «due • tb nal Institution
or mi u ylt»r». v thin lie- n-anlog of dll'
c' nrtltutb.nal | " vl. lan iltid above. In
all o|.|rh n v. iiieh will he final In h'fc
report, the attorney-general pm -< r ttpo.i
the questi a rilver-lv to the |0i|t'n|
liken by myself. With all dip" def'ren o
to ih-‘ opinion of the ait rni ,v-K> ncral, I
i.:n nsnvln/r I I ".I both i.f thru* l-aniii
lluni are , Inaitlotml In the r character
end should be lr .i'ed a ■ t.iielt. Til's view
lr le ', 1 l,y their superintendents and H e
TurlP d if the iv. rk lu operation In e a • i
of ihim clearly demonrtrate* li to b car
rect. .
Alter the latter r-| Hint) of toe supreme
eotut n a sting the legal atuttir of tin
Institution f r the Id! cl, « lie effnit wan
made by H e lu‘l legist I’ll'* to e-act :i
l av respi dim* Hr govern-* >1, but for
reason Ii failed lo push I i;h braiodi
of the le'.lshitiire. All iff rt wir Hi n
111.ell to fall bul k on the < Id law ennrlel
111 the time if the creation of thnte In*
rtllulht * and i h'd tril «tei n hy a .bint
re-dn-i of the hgl-lnture. nr provided hy
tin origin il art. Thlr re tlon h ivlng bee i (
abrogated by III" adoption of the eanril
tution, I de< Tied it my duty to refuse to
to oiuiizr there tie-.allied trustee* or any
of their M IS. Iiellevlng HP netl.ui of the
leglrhitun to be Ii eonfll d with si'Mcn
pi ,f grCcie of the constitutional provl*
ilon governing the appointment of ofll
IS i rented hy the const Ii utlon or hy
law. Thlr resulted In another ease In the
supreme court. In which II wan dedtle.l
that the position taken hy me Iti thlr
matter war correct arid flint the action
if the legislature war la conflict with
the eonstlluilmi. The Inst ItuHo.i luM
»lt e<* been undi r the control of a super*
liilinUent aptiolnted hy Hie governor and
responsible to the chief excullve fi.r tun
pr. ;•< r discharge of hi: Uullt'.
To! t slate tf affairs rcltUers the Hitna
tion In regard to the , two I -Jit ,■ na
tir.-.llisliir. A oi' " J s* '* l"t
: . it • bn I.o d 'f 'ii T *
M ! S MM- I If 'Ml /, III* •< l *
ft puldl * linda and building in n'Urn
Ir r, • ntrol, l*i f'km lly tin- same sltiixti »
a a tin.- fiMtilUlhn for t i* Mind. I r*eom*
no .m it n v 1 » of ».V two rhut.-tM* » -
ft r. | f r#. Th* P Vie i J «V/ Motlid J* Vide
fur tin- njd nt * f it b aid of c nir*-!
nr trust* <•* of tin1' ft" llv** fr.< irihi ‘ to
/> rv* t- :• vtat-.d n.-rl * t • ■ • .
tie.i fixed «t ii ceri'ilri amount p i *•■
f'ro-si. r with »clu I * xj - • * *, nr I • »
< X'-' • dim* aitfjo-J * r • tlx* I "-m duni y
any * *i' y.M/, Tb* y *dm 1 I I • r*<{" - I
tf> r-vet r ot t.flMi'-r i * i i r •in * v. ry
th * • mo/M!ix f. :• the pun ** < ■ e.xar* m
i; i * the ##n«ril cf.'itie.i <f t It -<•
in Milt nil ti". i t 1 ik > >f - i ii* lioo i
rhitli lie d* f-in* 1 riJvii.tM - t!-.* ii j-. .p r
eor.duct and netna#* * • :.t.
Vcbrai.L.i Imiimtriitl Homo, ami Horne
l*u* tlio I I'.Vndh •••*.
With rt vPw i » ni l In tin- * :ippn ’o i
crfprostitutlori, the by'slatur *• of I'M mid*
I>r vlsioriwi tor tin* e*ti»bllMim<*nl of th ■
Nebru.-ka. industrial home, to prov'de
shelter, 1 rotertlori, errq iovm* r.t und
rruanf of self-support for penitent w rmni
and #iris. The y v*rnrmnt was placed
un*!er the supervisor! of the "tv .man's
as*' ciatr*l eh j t itles of Nebraska" and
an appropriation of fUi.OOb wa * in.4de to
purchase a site and m et buIJcJInic*. This
institution was located ut Milford and
Las sjri ** be* n in op* ration, d ubflsss a -
eomplishinic yn. t yood in the dire ti n
ini * nded by its founder*.
Ii 1VV7 the ley -future -aw fit to make
a . appropriation of Ivor to establish ur.d
1 * • f »• t .1* * root ton * 11 .1 homo for
t' *• friendless at Lincoln. Its ni h.-vmik* .1
to be under the supervision of tie* so-defy
of the h rqe for the friend 1*--. Hun r-- m
of hcmcde«M children and ayed women
have t»e.:i <v\ l for it this 1 sUCuti m
durlnj? ft“ exfate.KVb
The similarity of these two Institutions is
marked. Mach orlyinnuM with art oryan
l Zed society of b‘r.vden*!y dispos'd,
<‘nir :i,in w.)men. who d*-.dn I to b. neflt
s d*;y by rescuJnK fallen women and
providing a comfort.ib!*- 1: mi*- f *r tnose
whom unfortunate eireiimstanr* * had east
helplfh t ur»/,ri the w .rid.
At * < a r. ,ri ir»y • - • 11 *- f •'* .»•
ure 1 hero l appropri ttlonx ha. 1.'Uniade
for th** malnunin.-e of thtse institutions,
and at the j re-< r»t tim* th*.- s ate is almost
the t ntJre support o' * u-h of th m. I am
in some doubt regarding tin- pr*; :.-:y of
rite j*a--, unitu; th*- flnamdai r- <p.>n«i
bllliy and no having equally the respon
sibility f <r tin- yovernm *nt . nd manay* -
m<■ nt of th* m. Toe eorafiti > .s und* r will • 1
they are *i.;w man.*?' 1 and mainu n;**!
briny •» .-•mi*- <T r-- j «#111*; ml t
ry duty upon the put ; of the s >vT ,-iiing
ofH * rs th.- a -.*.-iatio:- ti b rrod to,
r« ;.’,* r than t.» the state. If* n ifore there
has been more or l.-y < ' a ar.d *on
' • . l ■ I i
stat*r in tie* m ilia** ru. nl of th m. though
I am i»i*-.*s'd t*1 *k\ th. for th.- two
years part the relation* have been of tlie
p.* -a r aa i am. l*le c.hara -r. It
se* ms to m* i iv t sound prapos tloti,
however, that tia- s’aje should haV* tin*
and i» 1 s due ■ .ntr. 1 and man;«Ke
n.eht c t all of it- inst IJ11. * a a* and that
thf? offl. • r-* sh.'iil 1 b * r* *;»on*;i*!** alone to
urn!* r < n .!• r. tl.ui «!*• f it jM .1iH.4r
* nin •ter. an! u«* the w irrvn j- ♦ in to bo
bt■: l* r i lu j»t* it u» know : :»♦• n. ♦•.!.«< on I !m h
mi km!n ot • 1 ns iein n . r he
will t* |* *v!«l»* for i f..»»* ? unu * . h.v a
in ar.l of worn . n. wn * aho.ilj b »Hr> « :ly
1 * port nib!* t » to*» *»’ in for tin* manner
in *li!on |b« . •!!- nr.;i- th* r ihiM* * ThU
I•: in w uld -• 1 . o » i« 1 . , • . i>it| fulfil
tho ot*J« - * !»\ f »» fotirul* r**, niul
>*•’ hrmk' tfr» tiwltu?; »n within rn*- nm*
. i ttfol -f I bo « •■* *:»r«. ;r» my
Ju»Ufn*n thr> prajariy h ns. if trp*
■*' v 1 «• sa * 4 Ik* hold r* «|* mi*!4*,-* !’» at v way
lor tliAif m ut,» 1*'»!*M .m<| « virnnv n,.
1 uuinil of *mii' tl«*ii«
To tvn fi* "*-1 ‘ in »h« •• |*»iW: •
an i iJftof** if** « k(h itJ l Sftf * Hi
MSI 4*f t» • >' r 1 It f u. ■ . . ti in ‘
M I, I I 1**1 1 i * ■ ■ * I • . '1 t*a ,
f? ‘Offp I tftd i >» njft i: ‘*.1 it >U- ,'1| » ft. .> ;
.«# (a Mi*ut ;ii.- Afto.t:*. -i H u« ny [
?>* ,4b*#fi il. ti ,»*♦ *■» l '
».-» ftf- U* ' * ■ ’•» I Aif W tU. 4- »
4«iil *H *h4! nir«« - «/•' taft?»* M ■
of ‘ .*• ai.i1'*. Th* •* »♦. ?•.*.• ,»•» I m.«»»4S> !
-•« n*. Mfn f-.-r* M ilffvrt ••■!*•.■ *. * -I
i 4 HP tftl' ‘i.d* 1*.. 1. k>**| A
■ In |M ■ Ita H1‘V !**# <»*>I 4 •’til *A l||k »• •>*
.*? fn >tep * •* *•* i'» ;* a » • * mK4
♦Jtf *ji; '|'at# # • I •' 4s* fe I - *« l»- *f(8k '
t$Mdn* >i tftt-f#* M# k » #%—-v »|. t tb*» i
* v^a ? $4* » »i >* • i 111 I Ih '»lt
- a# i'ftw *«-4S* '• •* ♦■#**-a *« ill 4
: t-f tbl# 4» M *41#
IM -w t >1 Mb MAl t fw*’-‘?|o#
•^Sli ytwtir ■%- en io-n *» 4 »• 1 *0; : •> * • mima I
A.<-* * » >**i*bf. »• f * f ■ tt'l a# •%4if
Ml K t > * IM ** *i ' I «* ' 0- ■ l»- til * .*•* ■
»nro|| bjr * ••*'’ 1 ■ ft *.4» 1+i«, | | | 1
he ♦*>- el UmP *#m ■ far | |
4 hi«K4b^9 bo* * » #,»f , .
W* II #ftSA % * «* «V .-4, ■ Kk# I *
SlilMlftl *»* Hft-i I .«| ^
'«* v* O-f I *• • 4 . « I* 'ft- ' 9
**•'■".1 »n t*b* *♦ If > »> *w tbdi 4«M
Tb*4 fe»'"4|j lb 4 - «|f *. ■’■• »M
|fif#ff ■ 4»l o« ».
kt*#k*l llM Aft# >4ifc%c fei* 9M| 4**W • #4
*n*fW #1 if #itf ytWm * •* .--I t ‘. ■ |
Th# S*«%AK9lb'^# tkft# S - ^*#> 4 I
t-1* ♦4>AfU*o;it^ | Nbf* »# ,
>«*s M -#?# * #*«#» •#**» ■*# IW* • ’
•MdMiv-M *#4 I m l If a* i*#*f| Iftfi
»M ki§l btSlWA if ftSMlfct Iff ft • IH
»M ftMMPWMWf |m««« •* .«• fbtJ| iw 4
4ft Oft* 4
7,1 y (>-. iiepe- »r. Ccrcnr'r Crounre. tts—
w:--e tool: c— I'lm to express h!» vies*
this >atno subject In the filbwltiff Ion
gum? -:
*'tn the c. e of i*no of the lnstl; ntlons
of the syte the governor upp-alnt* r. o
sup ■■• Intendents on I nth# •■ of'cers, wrh ■>
In others this authority I* given to tic*
hv.1 fd of public lands and buildings. 'rills
Uwrnng. The governor should la* charged
with the appointment In nil these cases,
and hi- aloue lie responsible to the piop.-e
for his action. Tin responsibility for a
had appointment should Hot lie a divided
«,ne, ai d one net directly true,-aid • or
Pi.irtrgiuhl* In any one perron. I'ondlera
lions ,f a polUtral or partisan ehaia -pr
tr; iy t. - 1,(1 i d t r a f.ivoi able • »'
of this recommendation at tills time, still
round legislation should not he avoided far
faar of the loss of some partisan advant
age. I; Is unfortunate that the heels of
some Institutions, in eases where fltne-s
and exptrlen-u- has been added, snould
he-omc (he sport of political fortune, and
for goad reason only Should tried and ex
pi-rlcu- ' d efTleer.-i la rep! i '"‘I.
To all that has burn r aid by then- tw >
gentli mi n on Ibis subject, I can give my
la-arty approval. I am unite well con
vinced that a more s.ulsf.emry cdmlnls
t rat Ion of Ihc affairs of lie c \ irl-ius In
stitution* ean he scoured when there la
one ri sponsible head In wham es-h mm *
lie rn|ulreil to a count for the faithful
discharge of the duties of his position, anil
that a fixed and well dellned toll y deriv
ing Its souri-e from one head may he In
augur red whi"i v ill vv.nidvairag. m«
Iv In on eh of the liisi It u'Inns. In my Judg
ment, ti was never Intended by the eonsil
tntIon that Ihe hoard of public lands and
buildings, therein created, should have tan
rontrol and supervision of the nlmlnislro
tlve and pari of these dlf
ferenf Institution-, bn: rather, a < t.iclr
name implies, and a- * xprex-ed In dlre-c
terms by the constitution, they should
have control of the public lands and build
ings, to look ftcr, to care for the repairs
anil Improvements, tie eroi-tt.n of new
buildings When piovldcd f o’ by th« h-gisin
ture. and such otui r control and supervis
ion as pertains to the building* ami l-imlv
• I ngoig 10 in'’ ■ I- " ..
fr.un Hie can’. malniMia i »• and control
uf Die Inin.iic« uf ; icli InsDin'Ion* Titer*
>i.i» I,, i n almost coii.'i.iii illy, sit • the en
actment of lln- law ihdlnlng Dn- du:l<* of
*thc l.fmtd of public land" anil building*,
more or ley* ittfi.ttw between that hoard
,:inl Die ix I-. i: i\ ** * a tiling If’ |»o«V'T(»
and duties < f I I -/I. Sf*l this Wl'hoif ro.
gird in v. Kin nay ha. 1* 01 O' upy.iig
. of Die i • Vs p'jsl
I lull. Ti-i i ■ .'Id n i n lie f mil'll t. I >
!M ■ n l .... d it1, - f i'll' hoard * It mill
>,.., -.I. .'I'l ■ and well defined,
.led pr .vl‘i.1" i > • . » ■ » pr.-v -in at.y
ffei. i. . • t ■ t.t.y i i • • of «•> i-u ■
in, era imI l.s. * as V. I ii a u • r
I., rd.- el , ' I Id' ■ ■ ,i111:■ Till* hiard liy
,iv, >« now rcipitn ,1 t.i ..f»j>r.r: vm-hera
for i x|.<mll!tif' 1 m ,!■■ hy meiy <1 ,'f. rrn;
boards, as veil •' ill" v ■ ir* n ipilre.l
In 1 i own . * r i air, ", An , ,tdlf nr
II • i r-1 S ", •. 11 I ■’ l,i '' " I'XlSi I i .ipi’filV ■ 1 n*
v ti ura 'iiiil '.y the in id" of tint
liifferi at iVpattm'trM .'it stale :i,«l!!ilt:jns.
, * well a by hoards winn cn .'. - I w! a
oid .iorlly la Incur Imlelcedn. • or mako
< xpt ndlfiin t in me il ■ barge of tb dr du
ly. This hoard nt!tt'ii wry priperiy Iw
1OIIUM 'ed of tv.', three km a* ofileers.
(he auditor l« .0- OH-', as '. be.-'o dufie* per
ta,n very ii.iiurallj to the duiles of Ills
own oflp <•. < n-h vou in r upon the data
treasurer having la be pre«idi:' l to him
and mere apprev. d In fan the !• nance of
a warrant. The hi.n1 of purchase and
supplies incurs much Indebtedness In sup
plying the differin' stale Institution*.
Till" hoard should lie is putrid to approve
In own vouchers and lln a lie passe.I to
the audlllng hoard for (Inal approval be
fore the Issuance of a warrant in the gta'.o
treasury for the amount of the claim.
A vary slight modification of the law re
gard'rig these suh;, a wou’d obviate need
less e./tifurdon, and encourage a mare har
monious administration of state affair*,
ii w ul I nl*.i provide for a lo tnr system
of nppovltig vouchers upon whl h warrant*
are drawn eg.D-d f .- "'.tie treasury.
I'l'tvi'Potty nl s<
The s ale unlvinity Is In a v. ry flour
ishing eanditl.m. Tin- < ~ .dleiil work In
the cdueaiiinal field occupied by this In
slliution oncer M- dire Don and t fftelonC
management of the chancellor. Is very
gratifying to oil citizens of the s'ate. Thu
ba a i.m k whl 'h it , . uple.t among simitar of th< land ts-wtIfS-a to tho
exceih n: work w hich na- le a perfarm,
The ur .vi r-i:y e.iue,, •m.n work has heeit
(xiendclsi - to a pro dir.D train
ing for a ,-hor: period of tlni" In '.no
virliil i t lie :i<s <,!' agriculture for tho-ns
who iiri iiliab: to avail them- Ives of t:,■ •
Opportunity . ffer.'.t to take the prescribed
i" uise ip the i beg., of agrie’il inv and yet
wish :a pripari li'.'m- Iv.k for aetlv-. m l
if-it lllgen: \v, rk la agrlvuliui al pursuit*.
In a s:ate such , at i, w hi rc the 'grieul
^ r • I 'cm m . ■ : s .1 ^
il it.- :o '■ ii i i ff r ! i p| .. *i
ia," feature of ur v. r.-i:y nlu itltn must
find nm a e„rdi.,l - ppart by the peoplo
gear i.t.',.. In . , m Ci i Pig :m •!« if t lie
llptiituDca * il attention t pue*:e<i
to tills hr :i ■ a i f t a w rk whl a now
ill pre i of dc-vel';'.:re :it.
Tl law pt. for wo "uel. to bo
e ■ I la Mt|i ■ ■ , .’ III!" . ■. i id : ,n, lit s*.
in. end v. men; r tnd. to he Inv ted and
t e- ill.crest d in, a ■ .;:!> . m he iisul
u, I - i:,i, • n I , .1. i-i,. r. . ii ' *
fund, wliien ia.1 e t .-i-, of to., proceed,*
if the If l* .’111 r; of the endowment fund.
■ . •. i . ■. < ■. i i* mil ■ t i 'ii j .ini
iiyi ul r*l', ino iratrloul u
; i i ■ • t. , ■ . I l»> «* .iilni - a* >
ti t.ix «.f tl r* * ;;tiihn >>f on* mill on tho
< \.i 1 u.i i. * I*# i»r «p* r\
Faun ?tii • 1; v, • ;iiii af»pt *r that 1. w.n
th«* Ini-mior !o ht\« i i> imlvrraity imp
1101"■ • I . r<»:n : :• *.- fun .n t .n r fioxn
.«r» apiMoprmi i from tin* fuitj,
uni -•* for i» ill am! i*i r*’.Mnt itnpt
mrutM. Tin* \.n of ; j|* flnan
• i » vrouM * *-in to rntph i>t*o :h«* n-i'.-'l'y
for a*lh«»*,h • to ■ rm-iho.t » f il< riving
i♦ \ >i f. r : « . i • \|« .11 a . .' o
?:.• m* t.l' it . • t i p - up.»
• U SniUtinii : - fu’t>r > • T .*• **!
• • • *• n*i. i*' ii: • i * *»i nppt*■ . . . m
from ik? it. . * < *| *:{ ,unt
Will'a I iPM * »»..«!*( ;-ipr... i M.n iho
h« « -T.i' in iviiovi r
Mt il* <;tK -s' 1 ;|M 1 Ml* f -f tHo i'%]* *»* *
• ' ' * * » » jt *». '|*i- 4 k - r . » *
M*t*ty » * foi -f rt ;»-<*,{ . , ,t, fi
*U*| p. ft » »t i i v iri m . 4»osrt«
n»* . * MMtm, . ■«.* T‘ ri » : «( th,
» ti I* - . *p It- i ? p . w *
! >ar *• * p» f -i .to |? o im
givm ;*» .}
* r* »i* »tr * » & *ti ig«n > I
l*MI fUtUI ' • o' Mil utip.. i.
o it>t
Mo 4 * « 4 .« % |« t4,
1 (*('(>(. .(» ,i. . .« » Mm tn | it*.»
« • t .it. •'.* *» ipj.u^f . (<k
*■ *--* * ,*1 * ......... i ,
UMhmi h*t* »<. lint! hi. «ii. i ,.i,.
.«! •«•<»* U -» *h M« fflirf t* M,( I, *,
■••*'1 “ it " •*» Ht*1 htvt.'v »<t th*
! J,"' lj ' ’ * •.» katlli f>s tillAiH . 4
,s. •» .M, , t»
w ; 't-i Hi •• h.,« ,,
.4 .mi**., U. ,-nk. % \
»*«. . ... t. <( i.» *.
1 |
Ur* l«*.. u . ..mmm
>*.» . *•( . i ,r i..,
h.It- * **.« , im. *.■
***•' /”' *'**• **,T* » o*tm t«t«5
Ml ..f .. M.„ mi »«Ih«»#.r"
»«.. W-M-ih.l th. .. .1 1,4 w ^
**»»i,* ’*’** 'i' 4 m*> tM«* 14