VOL. XIV NUMBER 47 The: North western PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. OEO. tC. llEnMCII OTBR, Editor and Publisher. f ■' .is ^ - '^ajau— —a TERMS- $1.60 per Tsar, II Paid In Advance Eater*] at tha Ix>uy City I’oatoITtcs for traaa aalaatnn tbroafb tha mailt aa Mound, alaaa mattar. Ross Hammond, of the l’remont Tribune is spoken of as a probable eandidate for the position of public printer. He will have the • hearty endorsement of the republican press of Nebraska. Senator Beall's bill to quash passes imposes a fine ot $500 to the party giving or receiving a pass on any railroad in the state, bat it don't prohibit the railroad companies from selling a ticket to any part of the United 8tutea/dr l(.\t , value of a tin whistle. . ----- senator ./call «r turner county il'Jieduced the first anti pass bill. It is repojted that it attracted con siderable attention as a large ma jority of tbe members of the legis laturc have passes that are good un til April 1. The penalty attached is a line of $500 for giving or receiv a free pass on a railroad. One of the hills introduced in the Nebraska legislature is to the effect that any person or persons or eor ( poratiens who shall tako or receive | a mortgage upon real estate to se cure the payment of money loaned or any contract for the payment of mooev, shall not be entitled to any deficiency judgement against the mortgagor ia case of foreclosure of said mortgage when said real estate eo mortgaged shall fail to pay enough to satisfy the said mortgage and costs. Governor Holeomb recommends a liberal appropriation by the Neb raska legislature for the Tramsmis sissippi Exposition to be held at Omaha. After sighting a great many of the benefits derived from other expositions, the governor in his message said: “You will be called up on by the management of the Trans mississippi association to make an appropriation to aid the enterprise and I trust that the financial assist ance given by you will he liberal and sufficient, so that our sister states and territories west, of the Mississ ippi may be thereby encouraged to lend their substantial aid." The aunnul meeting of tin* Beet Sugar Association will In* held in the city of Hastings, Nebraska, on Feb ruary 2 aud l, 181)7 commencing at 2 o'clock 1’. .VI. Tuesday. Among the object of this meeting is to de vice wt»y» and means for securing additional sugar factories so that farmers disposed to diaversify their products by the means of sugar beet culture, will have u market far them. ^ Officers of the State Fulversity, the State Hoard of Agriculture, the State lloriieulmral Societies, Irri gation \ssociitions or t'ompsnies, the State Dairy idea s Association, the state Federation of bilmr Coun ty or local Agriculture or ilortlcul tural Societies, Hoards of Trade, Comuieiciai I'luli* the State Nor mat S brail, Private Iterrouduatloual Colleges, l.dsir Organisations and Farmer* tiistllule* »n iiivited. l«*f Hullll tg | I gtlJilUtH Id giit|iit * '*• «.4( || jg tM' Dll H5 *1# JtHlfs | ,l4| Id i ntl |*» I dH M M.lUif f| UU « tf% * INMI iW4» 'b*! rfNhI%# It VI# ttf ! \ i * | r bun v Ut i muwlwi# |i«» l (Id yg | <%}### ft * Hmi, H*!**1 ; 4'ithi Si ^*1 * Hn»4tv4* • f **wti 41 I *|*|» U* I i»4 4U I* | Ht4|Mi IliglMtf •!%'. f*4‘4»tl , |*t**|%l * 4tt* D^ .i d f M | VI44 i«D < V*ft44 l »t'»'i| |||# I atiagibe; H*gl*i«tsr* su solar a Sal other pap i, (VS l*wl U <•«>«« time* Veil Motel ws4 fear aomvy >tlini to lk> htate '.1*10*1 Urn .nil Nst*r**ha to !•! soy al lk«H tree pea a* mate. THK K.OF P. KSTKKPAINMBNT. It lias been the custom of the K. of I’, lodge of this city to give an annual free Entertainment anil ball. These enter tainments have always been especially attractive and Interesting. Mot because they were free, however, but be cause the management take a great deal of pains te make It u grand success, and always employ home talent, to partici pate in the plays. These entertain ments have always been good and en joyed by all who attended. The entertainment which they gave last Friday night, was more than up to standard and was attended by a crowd Bd house. The play produced was en titled “A Box of Monkeys,” At the opening J. H, Pedlor came for ward and In making the announcement welcomed the people In behalf of the odge. He stated that the past year iad been a prosperous one for them, bat a year ago when they were giving their entertainments they had only 1ft members now the number has Increas ed to !10. As the curtain rose it was evident from the start that the audience was to have a rare treat. The character* prpsent«’{J were Mr, and Mrs, F. XV j' f ’U'.’iirs. II M. Mathews Miss (,‘arrle Holcomb and Win. Nelk. Space for dds us to characterize each, hut we :ari assure you that each handled their especil ve parts wen. >> in. rsciii s nisi ippearance captured the roll, and the louse, from the bald headed row In rout to those occupying the studding pace In the rear was convulsed with aughter. Mrs, Cline, Mrs, Mathew md Miss Holcomb also prokcd mertb in several different occasions, Mr. line’s shyness served him well and r. the love making scene he used It o the entire satisfaction of all present. The dance that followed was very argely attended snd was but a repetl* ion of the good times heretofore ex jericnecd at former K. i’ balls. HIGH SCHOOL NOTE#. Anna Meir and Ethel Zinc are enrol* ed among Mr. Kennedy’s pupils slnse ,he holidays vacation. Mrs Kearns sclioolars number on# norc than usual tills week The A class in the grainar department were pleased to get more new Geogra diys us it has been very hard to pre pare lessons with so few books. Jennie Sutton and Mary Webster have >een absent this week on account ot dekness. Julia Howe lias been absent from icbool teaching for her teacher who lias been undergoing a siege of the Grippe. Nei.lv Ghet. In Msinorlsa. Masonic Hall, Loup City Neb Jan 16.'97 As we the members of Oriental Chap ter No. 78 Order of the Eastern Star have this evening assembled to consider essential matters pertaining to the wel fare and prosperity of our order and to mingle with each other in our joys, we are also reinimled|that we should drop in the bands of sorrow the tear of affec tionate sympathy. One of our star* lias fallen. Since our last convocation our sister Edna F. Hall lias been summoned to try the realities of the * reavement That our charter lie draped iu uiour Ding for a period of thirty days. That a page of our record he In scribed to the memory of our departed sister. That these resolution* he spread upon our records and a copy thereof be sent to llrother llall, and that each of the city papers he furnished with a copy for publication. -e— Mus ItKU.n Ml I'ltKh'OX. I . i W. M t ***'{ J. I’uu. J.*.«!•«. ^ w |* \ lt>l,A UHtMiUlt.. !Ms!. Awarded Highest Honor*, World * Fair. DR BAKING PffittWR MOsF PfRPl r MAFB. A ywu «>!*•« i * * * At*. In* a, - * v* * • • 4 * V«A*S THI iTAM&AlUX Tin* Mehrualu Iu«*k1 ftlatu re. It is a recognized fact among Nebras kan* that no matter what other dailj paper they read at other lime*, during the legislative sessions they must get the Lincoln State Journal If they want all the News, The Journal Is right on the ground can get the latest doings of the law makers and frequently give* the news one day earlier than the Oma ha papers. The Journal’* Washington Correspondent. Mr. Annin keeps the Journal readers thorougly posted on Matters of Interest to Nebraskans that arc hipenlngot the national capital.The Journal Is mailed at 50 cents per month without Sunday or 05 cents per monl* with Sunday. It Is a great payer. Comfort To California. Every Tuesday evening, a tourist sleeping car for Halt. Lake City, Han Francisco and Los Angles leave* Omaha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route. It Iscarpeted; upholstered In rattan, has spring scuts and backs and is pro vided witti curtains, bedding, towels, soup ets. An experienced excursion conductor and a uniformed I’ulJnian porter accompany it through to the I'aclflc coast’ While neither as expensively finished nor as line to look at as a sleeper, It Is Just a* good to ride in. Hecond class tickets are honored and the price of a berth, wide enough and big enough for two, Is vety reasonable, For further information see A F Wkuts, B A M Agent. Constipation in its worst form, VU pfpsia,sfck heartache, bllllousoes* nul derangement of the liver are retuflly cured by DeWItts Early Kisers. Tli use little Pills never gripe. Small pill, r f« pill, best pill. Odendabl Bros. Chlcora, Pa., “Herald” Itlchard Ven* sel reports One Minute Cough Cure jtbe greatest success of medical science, file told us that It cured his whole familr of terlble coughs and colds, after all otiers so called cures had entirely failed. [Mr. Vencel said, it assisted his chill run through a very bad siege of models One Minute Cough Cure makes efpec. toration very easy and rapid fjden dahl Bros. LEGAL NOTICE. State of Nebraska, I Sbermao County, ( •* State of Nebraska To Malls Kowalski, Frances Kowalski and Aultinun Miller and Company. You will take notice that oil the sth |u*«4 't.WM & I ti**? K*n>;**!. on through trains. flekot* sold and t»ii/gagc elmckcd to any point 111 the tinned State* or Canada. for Inloriiiatiiiii, maps, time lalilei and ticket* rail on or write I.'* A. K. Worts Agent. Or J. f ItANl.'i*, Oen'I. Passenger Agent, OmaliH, Nebraska, V. I’. KAII.WAY. Heglttbing Sunday. Novcmher I7lh. trains will urrKe ann ocpaix at .. station as fallow*: Leaves Leave* Monday, )-r)0 I Tucaduy, / H: 0() U'eilnesilay, [ I" 1 lh.ir.day, Ijiiilay, ) *'1 I uiunlav ) I Arrives at Loup City daily O.'iBp.tn. •tally. Close connection at Crawl Island for :|ll points East and West. F. W. Ci.ink, Agent. Wanted-An Idea £SS au4 list of two Uuiictrod * wanUxl* _ si a, i \ 'I 4 1 I,' T. . LAWYER. Does a General Law and Collection Business A Notary Public, Stent>«ra> bur anti Typewriter In unit ONK DuOlt NOKTU Of I IM HANK. LOOP CITI. • - I LI IB ASIA. »*r J. HS1ILB, AitnPiieyat-Law, and NOTKY PUBLIC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases ALSO DO A GENERAL BEAL ESTATE BUSINESS Office In Noutllwa*Y NitM bn I lit In* 1,01 P CITI, * • * Nt.HliAAK A HERMANN KRUNZE. M D Physician and Surgeon, ASHTON, • • NKUK 'V INKS 1 puop. or EXPRESS GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. All t iptMt «t (r«l|til uitlon pmtaptly | tinn i. i tu Wanted An Idea :a ■ ms fc* * * VI hhfei A'tj&b w*1-»**«*••, i* ‘ .< * *»•' ’ If t ;|*« -w **4u*i s4 !*>i W ****** 4 I********* v***4. 1! I Ik UlMI Hr V *< ^*1 I*#**1*!# ; I ID »**.*fe. v AiMl •tlBWlMN'*. I I *lfttr |4 '''I#* **•*■••» * r-xr u "i*!* — Loaoi on Improved (arms at NINE per cent, Bead Company aadMteW to be bad in the went. OonuaroeoKMTfl:—Chemical National Bank, New York City, I. Yd OMfct National »**-- Omaha. Nebeneba. W. J. FIH1IEK, GEO. E. BENBOHOTKR, Attorney and Notary Pubiio. FublDkar Lour Citt Nokthwbstmui FISHER & HEN8GH0TER, KE.IK KST.iTK .iGEA'TtI. I.Ol’P CITY, • • NKBHAdKA. iTown I»u, W d, Cultivated and Irrigated Uadi for Sate ADAM SCHAUPP. VS ill jmv thu hlgbeat market |»rioi» fur All Kind* t»r at Mo AI pirn*. I. *uj> Oily, *Im and A»hU*fc, Ala* blgbaat |iru<« |>aul i'»r b's* and uatU* at Loup OUy. a