mr ■ -- • MISSOURI’S SENATOR THE FOURTH TIME. ONE VOTE AGAINST HIM. Will Retire At the Knd of III* Next Term—Sny* Hint the Older Men Must Mnko Way for YmuiRrr lilnod -Mone to Hueeerd Cockrell When llie ler'» Term Ktplre*. r Jefferson City, Mo., .Inn. It. For tin: fourth time the Democrats of the State of Missouri lust night named George Oraliam Vest for the office of ; United States Senator. There was hut one vote nguinst him in the cau cus. Due i'opulist, Washburn of Folk, east his vote for William .1 Stone. I against the wishes of the present gov ernor of the State of Missouri. in addition to deciding to return Senator Vest to Washington the cau cus made it apparent that, in I Will, i Governor Stone will lie a candidate for the place now occupied by Senator Cockrell. SENATOR VEST. vt|SSOERI. Senator Vest, after the caucus had nominate*) him, addressed the legis lators. lie said in part: “To adequately express my thunks tx> you, my friends, would bankrupt, my command of language. I am not vuin enough to suppose this is a per sonal tribute. It is a recognition of the great principles for which we are fighting, “There lias never been, in the his tory of tiie country, a crisis more em phatic than the one now. Not even during tin* civil war was there a greater tension and strain on the spir its of our institutions. All tin* bur dens and til*1 benefits of our country must, be equally distributed. There should be no class legislation, where th<- few are enriched at the expense of many. “There is to-day a most sublime op portunity to make an adaptation of this great truth. Within our shores there is a strife for self-government. We are told now, under a Democratic adminlttration, so-called (applause), that the people of Cuba shall not be declared free, because they have fight ing bunds, not dignified by the nume «f armies. If France had acted in that <>ay. we to-day would he a British ?rovincc and I would be a subject of a ueen. Are we to forget the people of ubti. who are imitating us? For my self, I propose to give all the Sniluencc i can command for the recognition of Cuba ” (Applause). Senator Vest then spoke at some length upon the money question, while the free silver enthusiasts shouted their approval, lie foretold double standard victory in litiH). ■ [ stand to-night for the last time," he said, ■‘receiving an oilier at the hands of my couutrymeu. I realize that the time will soon come when we older ones will have to stand aside for younger blo*sl. In this hull, sur rounded by the memory of dead friends, 1 can tell nothing but tlx mint. )) ncii i nave iHsciiurgcil all the <1 utivs tlu)'. the present legislature has placed upon me, 1 shall have done mv int to my career in the past. \\ hen the shadows have gathered, my prayer is that mv lu,t lingering glanee shall la- upon a coun try great, united, eternal in its free institutions, anil, in the great gulavy. the star that shines most brightly is our great Missouri. lAppluusc ) The caucus adjourned at lll:'.1i p. in. Tlrtul «*f linns I ,>sri lirr. Li* Amiki.m. t al., Jan. 1! it. t'. t'rccdc. tile millionaire miner after whom tlie town of t'rccdc. I'ula, Is named. ami his wife lutvc ,e pa rated • ml agreed to dlvwilvr at once, as far as possible without legal process, the marital l»>mlv \ stipulation was drawn up and signed several days ago by which Mis t revile accepted t'Si.issi cash in bauti anil surrendered all fur ther eiaiut upon tier husband and at the same time voluntarily withdraw lug from his home in this city. Mr , reede gnvc as a reason for the separ ation that he and his wife were uu euuipuuionahlf aud a s on was •ourted by tailli lw tmalllM lit* Ilia Hulko. I>>at III ww Mich ..Ian II trvhle Mil hIIimh pleaded guilty to having madi a enai iial assault upon hi* ow u m din i lie was srnlvtts'tii to state at .sou tot life, notwithatandiug he an tteipated his iMUiduMriil would Is* Ugh ter if be confessed Its corn wrunity has Urn greatly eyelled over tb ktneMv rrUar the I.* treat Ikt alert Ska > "hv Jm i! Mepresvntattses nf the blurs that the story sent mat Irian »ndaha do to lb* • iVci t Ikat k|ies Inaitie iitnr a i barn tar gtaoi in a hotel there was an to?ires, in r IkertHng an annuity bhra*' a star ft can the John Jacob hslor estai, I tut — FLEAS FOR METAL DUTIES. 'flu- I anal Conflict Artec* a* to the Untie* on Hllter l.eatl Ore*. Wamiixotox. .Ian. II. —The House committea on ways and means reached the metal schedule to-day. The first speaker before th*‘ committee was Hep rescntatlve Draper of Massachusetts. In behalf of the machinery muuufue turers of New England he advocated the restoration of the McKinley rates. W. II. Alexander of the brant Smelt ing company of Omaha spoke for lower rales on lead ore. asking a provision that the lead In all metals containing lend ore ho dutiable at three-fourths of a cent a pound. The importation of lead ore was necessary for smelting, he held, nnd under an erroneous Inter pretation of tiie present law I* paid ns high rates as five and live nnd one-half cents it pound. Duties of one and one fjuarter cents on load bullion undone and three-eight* cents on pig lead were asked. American capital was in vested in Mexico unit llritlsh Columbia for producing the ores John D Dnvis of California asked for a duty of one cent a pound on lead ores. Dwight A. Jones of New York, rep resenting tin- Nt. Joseph bead com pany of Missouri, spoke for proiect ion, which would enable American* to con serve their 'end supply and prevent the abandonment of mine The bond ing system enabled the Mexican ores to affect the American market injur lously. I inler the Wilson law they controlled the market. Keprcseiitative Herrmann of Dreg m recommended a duty of ten edits a pound on nickel. WESTERN RAILROADS SOLD The Oregon Hliori l.lnc mill I f ib North ern mol Simlliern nt Auction. Su.i bAKK, I tall, .lull lb Tile Sttle if the Oregon short bine lllid the I'tah Northern railway under the con solidated mortgage of August b |ss!i. was made to-day under direction of John II cicluii. court commissioner,, appointed to direct the sale, /.era Snow was pres-nt representing the American Loan ami Trust company of New York, Samuel < nrr. Walter (•ronkinnn anil Henry (i, Nichols, rep resenting the reorganization commit tee. purchased the property for S''. t IT. via. The I'tali Southern road was hid In by the same parties for tfTn l.onu. They also purchased the I 'tah South ern extension for 000. SV, II lliiu croft will he general manager of the company. MERE PRETENSE OF A BANK K. 1>. Ilreyir & Co., of ( lilrugo Halil to Have Mollilnii for Their Creilltor** ( nil ‘no. .Inn. II. Thu Keoiiomlst says, referring to the llreyer failure: “The ui» m the »h ad t h * -ag » hanker *p pro* * oft the rvv*nd as a sutet* tkitMk H«i t*l Us H» I tested. |k*ts* Idah ' Ian II Ih %upj* it ers of %iutktf Ikihk* ars hvhijf eon a^n nt of k *i nit»tt llu * * * 11 i • -H to him is as am* h ditkhd a* in the h it««o**a SUICIDES Oh YOUNG many Children killedthem SELVES OF LATE. V» Modern C'lt lllzAtioti to Illume? I*lie iMMiirnon I* One of the Mo«t Hturt ling of Our Time* (uoiri of tin Minlft* N THIS country and In Europe pea pie are beginning to wonder why sc many young per son* have commit ted suicide of late *nys the New York Herald. The othei day a consumptive lail named Rudolph I’erclval found diatli by mean* of a gu* tube in thin city, and hardly a week pusses that we do not hear of somewhat similar and generally sitecessful attempts else where. Tlii- latest attempt In 1’iirli was that of a young man who tried In blow out bis brains with a revolver. I ortiiirilely pin hand trembled and to mlhsed bis aim. True, he did wound himself badly , but the piiyrli lanu nay that lie will recover. Disaiuif tirntent |n love, we are told, was the reason why this foolish young man wanted to rjult life «o abruptly. In ibis respect there In nothing peculiar about lila ease, Many men before him have killed t)ieins,,lve-. on ancount oT women and doubtlesa many men after him will follow his example, Wliat Is peculiar Is the fact that tit Ills age he should already have grown weury of life, h*or he Is nol a man, but a boy. Nay. In the eyes of the law he is hiiii an mrant. On this subject o French wrl>r says, "When we Investigate such tragedies we find almost always that a woman Is the cause, some destructive and mer cenary creature whose lus; for money Is abnormal, though her own value may he very little, How many of these foolish women have we known and how, when men have killed themselve* for love of them, they have not scrupled to use this fact as an advertisement! Only a short time ago a son of one of the most honorable families In I’arls committed suicide on account of a woman of this kind, and before that the little son of a woman of this elat hanged himself In the bedroom be cause he could not endure the humilia tion of hearing his schoolfellows' taunts that his mother was a dis reputable woman. But It would be absurd to hold wom en accountable for the deaths of all young men who commit suicide. Any one who reads the papers knows that boys and girls have killed themselves for the most trivial causes. To such oversensitive souls a parent's repri mand has more than once proved a death sentence, while In other cases want of pocket money or an unhappy home life or a willful temper bus ' -en the cause of a sudden and lamentable death. At no time has there been an utter dearth of suicides, hut at no time, we are told, have there been so many suicides of young persons as there have been during the last few years. More over, at no time have so many very young men killed themselves on ac count of disappointment in love. The exact canses of this epidemic of suicides among Juveniles no one has attempted to explain. Some think that the stress of modern civilization is to blame. Our children become nervous and discontented, they claim, because too many of them find the enjoyments of life are not for them and that tin world has nothing for them hut many years of haul labor and a loveless oh age. Competition, they insist, is s< keen that many parents cannot giv< their children the ordinary pleasure: of life, the result being that the ehil f I It'll itit- I 11»• i t*' i.oak I,.i resolve to remove them.-.elves swiftly out of a world which has so little hap pi ness in store for them. Children In former days. It Is argued did not commit mlclde, because they were taught to lie canton: with then lot and hence were generally stolid am unambitious, whereas the children oi to-dav have the benefit.; of edueattol and, naturally. Utiow nnnli more abutn the world tli.iti eould possibly lie knowi by the children of half n century ago Hein e, it Im argued, the Imaglnai ioi ol many young persons ha. been over stimulated, and th« sudden kuowtodgi that the real world fulls far short e tin Ir Ideal has proved a death blow t< many of them, Somewhat sliullui reasons areas signed foi Hie suicide* of so lliulti young nieii, though disappointment ti love is genet all. admitted in be Hu main can**'. The >uung men of to day say these person.; begin to live 4 (a* life White ihev are still In tlielr bov tuaid ami the stile k at Mitdlng them selves detelvel b» heart lets, inerceii arv wiiiiieu Is iiw uim It foi them In stead of pnisutng thrli studies am tans lag fin ward in a happy marrlet life llte. Itiag tt.vni*elves Into dlsslpa 1 too ai ait early vg* and after iuIuiui llieiuselies pet uliUHtv 4inl |>hy steady hint Hyai lint burg U left fn| 1 hem I'll death • '■»p*lt«tt«e Metis. ti oi l til l**nl a. l.ottd;.ii uug'Ui lh« hallowed belle la gteale tempest* or ligtitatea* Is iwatilni *• a 'oaimoi pisthe and ellMilst rattle* fi.mieall is I ay la parish legister* Ibtu igbue KagUad N ar vtfil »rt It lb# » i»t* ilfl »|k*M** ill I be t4i|t||vs| (Mtfi* uf Ml IdfU’i tiU***c lb nit« 141 M autumn." “And If Dobbs doesti t pay you What he u*i < you'.’ Well, It will probably be Dobbs who will go there.' Tld-lltta. FOR HU A IN WORKERS. Apple* supply tuuscle and nerve fotr but do no' give Slav Tomatoes are thiuitiiig and atiwulai ug and >he skin* should never Im I j eaten. I Orajigea are refrevhlug and feedlni put at* not fust If the llvet is out o [ tirvi* ». tireen are ««telteUt tool Inlet Hu < mi ala nerve and miracle fund bn i are P.d far the llvet pruues afford the highest brain u pel ve loovl but should be avoided Pj •offerer* ft am tb»tr liver*. Walnuts gtvv brain and nerve Its* po (pete I* beat and Waste Pine her tv. I* set V* as 4 substitute for bread HI ■nitre ft oil* are ivrusMered in | jwtivtu* f»»» miffetera from the tryau fiv*r and *h«ald be »at*« van , fiil.lV Im,. water at up** are «f tittle fvs« vain, but ate aiwsl |isrtfiii| If ibr .h a and »e*4* are not sri»a It « • i gsape* ace feeding sad bfcaad pur if v tat tHa at two rPh far thus* who taffei I front *b fiver. THE POWER OF CHILDREN Tliojr Madf) a Man All the fioo.l in a Mot her In-1 avr. One man was making unkin I re* v*s»t»t his mother-in-law, ar.d the water inun was taking it all in. After a while he put in his oar. "You haven’t any children have you'.’” he inquired. "No," was the reply; “what’s that got to do with It?" "More than you 11 ever know till you have some." "I fail to see it.” "Yes, so did I, at first, and I talked Just as you do. Then, when the youngsters came and began to grow up and to learn who grandma was, to look to her as their best friend; the one to shield them when they needed the parental spanking: the one to give them pennies when their parents thought they should not have them: tin* one who catne and watehed by them when they were si -k: the om* who was always good to them: the one gran lma of all the world to the innoeent. mischievous all-pervad ing kids, blamed if I didn't forget utterly that air* was my mother In law. and I got to railing her ‘grand mu.’ jn«t as the little ones did. mi I thinking about her just ns they did, imil tlna'l when the grty-haire I old angel went to her rest, I grieved with the children and as sin ur dy us any of t hem. NO Tr>-ti C FOH FIFTY HINTS. Mi; h'Us of men who nre dally "To! nmi S| it*, ii; and HmnliiiiL* ilielr Live* Awns v ill I e h ud to k-nrii that tin* tnn'.i rs of So Tillin', tlie n.mills yunruntoed lotuso habit c ure that 1111 freed over -tee.nun to iai'i'oun'i' in tl e nut lo.v years, have put en the uinriei a tl't> eutiaou e of their lit'., ll I'KI i n It III. U.i I I' It R OVOt’t III* >1 *. i ii n-i-r i> i Ii'iiii !• 11> test Ni.-'l ii I a ■ » I imiT to t outrul the desire lor tobaeio in every form ui.>1 ut the Hiimo time I e lienelitte I by Nii In I ucs nervu Ktreu.thoning quaitles Kvrry tot uiv user should | roeure a titty • eat i da at mu e Iii • druggist or or dor It hv itml . Soil will to stirpri-ed to bow easily mnl quickly tlte desire lor tooir eo disan ears. Any render i nn ole tain n i ample and liooklet lien t»y addrcie In c t lie Sterdng Jtemedv Co . ( tiii ayo or New York and mentioning this pn|er. Almost Mail. 1 Gus—Ileav ngs, Gawge! What's the mat tub ? Gawge—Mattah! Why, I nevah came go near hfdng offended in my life. The keeper of that cafe called me a Halt and kicked me out. I tell you what — nii (Jus, It wouldn’t have taken much moah to have made me weal mad. 1 flu? Itt K. POTATO*:* FKH Al'KK. Don’t believe It, nor did the editor until lie saw Halzer’s great farm seed catalogue. It’s wonderful what an ar ray of facts and figures and new things and big yields and great testi monials it contains. Sfiul Thin Noth-** ami IO Cent* Mhmptf to John A. Salzer Seed Co., J^a Crosse, Wls., for catalogue and 12 rare farm seed samples, worth $10, to get a start. w.n. fnor .nou* Evaporation Fig area. An average of five feet of water is estimated to full annually over tiie whole of the earth’s surface. Assum ing that condensation takes place at an average height of 3,0011 feet, the force of evaporation necessary l<* sup ply moisture for such a prodigious rainfall must be equal to tho lifting of 000,00.1 pounds of water 3,000 feet every minute, day and night, <1 unit'' the entire year. In supply this enormous amount of moisture a stratum of the entire ocean surface of the |f 1 hoe not less tliun 7 _ feet thick must he taken up by the clouds and returned to earth once each :W3 da,\ s Itewure uf Hintiiteiit* for ( Mtui rli That 4 'on t htii tlerrurjr a* merriiry Hill Kuiuly it ex troy tin ten** uf Miu ll .it.*1 i'oin|»ii K iy ileiuitgetlo n holu »y»tem Alit'ii i nterim; it tliioii^h tin iiui • iiu** j*tirfw« e*». Mi*'h tinIHe* nhouhl r l > ■ •' i iiImMi jiliy *.l«u»ii» u« the diinmtM' tn**> Hill i|o I*. t« ti fold to tin* *r«*od y« u mil iNM*ili|y dnlM' from them U ni - * murrh i tilt', ihumifiii'ltti**i| lit I .1. « bein'v ,* l‘o. l oletio o . I'onteiu* no nt*r«ory uml U taMeti mtirnullv im ting lilnvih uimmi I hr 11 It Mill Mini llllH'ims nlllfAl'I'a Ilf till %yi' < tern In buying Hall *« * MtMirb * ure I* * •uv# yoo m-i tin* geiiulm It n t:t»>rn In ternally untl in Mill hi Toledo 4» ly t J i iirii! v A » u IrUluiiiHiiU free «|||(I 1)1 uli |)|t||rVMa |»rbar TA*' |M • lot llr Hlill'ii I MHilly I ure the In *l lit# I urgeti Iterret. The relebrated ’lleidel ber# tun* look* like a miiimII **eak tabeu i*«uu* )t«re«l »ib a huge barrel llut wit made laat mmmrr fur the »nr of the * llulle au« \ iu»," a I'arie ealabli*!* turn! U non n a%tli«* large*! lu|U«>r ru»* |mji itiui in the Murltl I ho butf* fiearh tame eatk ha* a e*|ui»»tv of |« I iU gllii'lli ami tura»urel I'ti lH v three feet lt« he>ifhl t tn4M t 4mH ee*t lb«Mit« Are tu le bad ng the Iriivg l.lae n Mieaciurl. ttbat*»a* end Haft***. I h» beet mote from M I umi tu le*a* et**i all i«n «i» ewt aad %outh*e**. I m mat** timetable* «u- • a or addtee* **%* agent uf the raw* ) Abi Uf I' h *hi*M In It l r«ntllg«M Agtdl vt I mu • there are *ehl in Ivute • an* to Je*tie ia the M mis.. Hi I Ihwhlgt til It Ml t I **• M IN ItNI M %%, l'»t* t »**> «• *»< »•■• vj « ts »i< S 1 I I **■**«:* * hwhmI the ana*r% if U t* bt **m»*w -A* I } \ u»tu Mb' ha* awiili wg r i* I’* «1 Imm %m t.-eatae** <* ««• *«b« YOU WANT A FARM and we have .'>0 miles west of Houston, at ( hestervillc. the .best tract in Texas. Land high prairie and well drained, abundant rainfall, good soil, low prices and easy terms. Don't fad to post yourself. Write and receive “Fertile Farm Lands" kkki: and information as to cheap excursions and fkkk kaRF. Ad dress. Southern Texas Colonization Ca. John Linderholm. Mgr., 110., Rialto Rldg.. Chicago. A Tougnn Twister. Among tlie literary curiosities of which Boston is justly the proud pos sessor is the following jawbreaker, frumetl and hung in the old South church in that city: "Wutappesittuk quMiunnookwehtunquoh." This word, so far us known, lias never been pro nounced by a white man, but occurs in Kliot's Indian bible, anil is found in Mark’s gospel, first chapter and fortictli verse, and according to that means "kneeling down to Him." If the brave red mail bail thrown such chunks of wisdom at the forefather* instead of dull arrow heads and way side stones, probably American his tory would have been written in a different kev. Nn.TO.BAC FOK FIFTY CFNTS. ((ver 404.not) cured. Wli v not lo* No Tol'.a* rr/u at,- or remove your desire for tobacco. Haves money, mutos licntli and manhood. (Tire guarantee.I. ode and fd o .aildruggtsts. 'I In* 'lower of l$,ili**l. Marly Kngli»h building was doms with what would now In called very small stone-* and the unwillingness or inability of the workmen to r:iisu and deal with heavy m iss *s is in* dicated in a sculptured ivpres •ut;v tion <>f th' building of Bibcl p • »* served in the Chaptur house of Halit bury. Workmen are there shown in the act of walking tip the ladder* Merchants Hotel, Omaha. COIIMtlt HFII'.KN III ANII I AIIN \M MV Street ears pass the door to and from both depots; in business center of c.ty. Headquarters for state and local trade. Hates r.' and S'! per day. J’AXToN A HAVLNJ'oRT. I Top’s. I ai’tfn.t Italiy Kver Horn. The largest baby at time of birth of which the medicos of the world have any record lirst saw the light of day at Macon, Ha., during the summer of lS'.lO. The child was the offspring of the Lennon,, its father, Will Lennon, being a well-known painter of that burg. When the child was :!4 hours old it weighed hut one and one-half ounces less than forty pounds. F*TS stop; i I uptl p»ru>ttu<'iitly No fl’j qf . r firm .lay a u»m ,f Hr. Kiln**’-* (•rent \nv« Hrstoifi. %2 trial bottW- uinl m jim Mffltl ro liK K I II., HAl Art’ll M . I'tiiJau lpl.ia I *. 'I he average hawk Isn't, in it with duh kind * of dove*. Coiitfli Miilaum It the • h i !>. nt It will »*i«•«!» up a i*o14 quicker than anything > Im- ItI* alw»y» r«-|i*»ilw d ry it. I.ondou iiik- To.i’iMI ftroet lainf*, I’ari* .rjO.OuU, and New V'ork When billions or costive, eat a < as< aret. r andy cathartic, cure guaranteed. Hie, *i.V, (It msioimlly you fmi a woman with surtl < ieut nerve to equip a dozen men. I he first te ezranh wire was hung iu True Merit Ii charactcrUtlrof Hood'* HarsuparllU and is manllested every alt < Ity. Situ I'runcisco, and Los \ugelos leaves Omaha and Lincolu via the Ifluiingtofi Koute It is carpeted, upholstered in rattan, hus spring seats and hacks and Is provided - with curl ulus, bedding, tow els snap.etc. A lie \ per ie licet! excursion conuiictor ami a uniformed i ulimau porter accompany It through to thu Pacific t oast. _ Willie neither as expen sively liiiished nor n* III o to look at us a | ala*e sleepei .lt Is iust tis g. o«l to ride In. rec oil d • lass t icl ets are hoiioi eii and t lie price of a bel t It. w Ido enough ami Idg enough for t w o. |s oui v $ l or a folder giving full particulars w rite to ) I II*m I-. I.»> n l I'Uss r N •••■lit, Omaha Nob. *