Iioaal Daws. For any thing In the lUrnew line call atT. M. Heed. Candies for Christmas trees at Odendahl Bros. Good grade* of machine oil* »»ld hy T. M. Reed. Finest line of celluoid gifts at Odendahl Bros. A choice lot of mixed candlea for .ale cheap at Ga.teyer * Cbaa V Ktahl received a power corn .heller hv fright la.t Saturday. Henry French l» learning telegraphy at the It A M. depot Christmas candies very low at Odendahl Bros. Dr. Sumner l>avl», (ir.rnl Uland. Sur gical dlaeare. ami dl.en.e. of Kye and 14* |||> , The Omaha Kiev. <« ihlpped four car load of grain from thl» point la*t. Saturday Holiday goods; books, toys, sleds, at Odendahl Bros. The Itaptl.t S S. are to liave » can tata entertainment, “Santa t.la.i* and MotherGoone. Kverybody Invited. Mr, II Sinclai r and Fred Wlchmann of A.hton were doing huaine*. at the County .eat Wedtieaday. t^iille u number of farmer, through thl. .ectlon of the country are complain mg ftDOVtl Ilirir hwh»« Beat and newest lot of books in the county at Odendahl Bros John Fisher went to Omaha lust Monday where he will remain a lew, days and visit with his brother Louis. Miss Mary gchuupp of Arcadia visi ted Sunday with her cousin In Ibis City leaving forOrand Island Monday morn ing. yulte a number of our young folks en joyed a pleasant dance which was given at the residence of Mr. Austin last Sat urday evening Japenese, French, and A trier China Ware at Odendahl Bros. There seems to be considerable sick lies about town this week, especially among the children. Coughs and cold* aro the main ailment*. If there I* a reliable man among our reader* who can sell Minnesota grown trees, he can secure steady employment and good wages by writeng the Jewell Nursery Co., Lske City, Minn. A good audience greeted the Swiss bellringers last Friday night at the epera house and all who attended spoke very highly of the entertainment. They left Baturday noon on the U. & M. Sheriff Patton went out to Divide last WeduesJay afternoon and brought In Fred King who Is again unbalanced In mind. Fred is a good fellow and ha* a large circle of friends here, wno will be sorry to hear of bit sad affliction. Soothing, and not Irritating,strength ening, and not weakening, small hut effective—such are the ijuallties of DeWitt’s Little Karly Risers, the famous little pills.—Odendahl Bros. C. 11 Wlnteer, one of Sherman coun ty's substantial farmers, living near Rockville walked Into our sanctum lust Baturday and planked down gii.DO say ing, set mo right on my subscription account. It was no sooner said than UVHVi The length of life may be increased by lessening its dangers. The major ity of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly us ing One Minute t ough Cure. Odendahl Bros Thu M. W. A. team of this place went to I’lessanton last Saturday after noon and attended the lodge meeting there In the eveuing They report a very pleasant time Five new mem bers were initiated by the I.oup City team. Christ Hansen, of Kockvllle was a caller at this office last Saturday while doing business in this city. He has been reading the Noumiw'ksikks for over eight tears past, and teem to bold fast to a good thing when he can. there* fore be has taken this opportunity to renew his subscription for another year. Tickets for the Herman Yarelu Masquerade ball to l*e given ;n the opera hou»e in this city, decent tier IK, Ixm*i Will be on sals at Odendahl Bros drug j store, si the following rates of adults* ton Uenlietuen ftd cents, I.aides in ; Costume free. Lady spectators 2A cents. I* T. Kons has moved his fsmity back into the Col Young resilience nesr the ftesd Horse creek Mr Howe moved from this sente boose right after the June IwkI to i residence near the foot of the bills lie moved hack again j because there ts no well up there, and says that be tan stand the ftnwda better than be van drouth. Mrs I nog and as other »< counts ' attorn*) John W Long, gut quite set | teusly hurt front a lad last Momtai afternoon nbe went out dewts fee I something sad m she stepped upon the , •alb bet M turned in some w«jr and ■ sbeleii. tinning bar hip agniisl Ibe mlge uf the modi At Aset d was j Ibengbt tn he only a beul*e hut It ba* been se pninlnt it ta feared tbal lbs | besse ts injured Hkatic#! Sk atk» I! Skate*. ami lot* of'em *t Watk.naon*. Hobby Pyke I* a»*l*ting In the t'nieg. office Kye and Kar, l»r. I>a*i*. Grand Island, Nebr. 24 Pound N O. Sugar for ft.00 at Gaateyer'a. Tailor made clothing 18.00 per anlt at A. K. Cbaae'a 1 have corn, oat* and ground feed for •al« T. M. Heed. Schuyler flour la the beat you can buy: for sale at Gaateyer'*. The K. of P. Lodge, will give a grand masquerade ball on New Year* night. The cheapest him! best dolls f«»r the money are at Odendnl Bros. tV. L. Hitter, the I'nlon Pacific coal man wan doing bu»lne»a with our local dealer Saturday. Troy Hale returned Iroin Atlanta, (fa ho-1 Saturday evening where he went with two ear load* of home* Call and look at the aamplea of readv made clothing at A. K. Chaac'a, Suita from #5,00 up. Kit guaranteed. Get your choice of China Cup and Saucer* or other dlahrs with 1 pound of the celebrated Lock-Chop tea at 50cent* at Gaateyer'a. J.JI O'Hnan, S. C. McGrath, Her man .lung, K. Jeni. O'. Hanaen and John OhUen went to Grand l->laud and atten ded the funeral of K. Sctiwer laat Tuea ilav Tin* Kpworth League entertainment given last Saturday night, at the M E cltti'ch *a* well attended at'il was a splendid success throughout The re ceipts which go to paint the church and otherwise tlx It up were quite large, We understand that It will he painted its non us the weather penults. ,Iny A I’laut sml Miss Gahrlelle E Needham, Loth of Austin, this county were united In marriage at the residence of the brides parents last Wednesday afterneon, Itev. Webster officiating. Both the contracting parties have u large circle of friends who join together In wishing them a prosperous future. "Excuse me," observed the man lit spectacles, “hut I am a surgeon, and that is not where the liver Is.” “Never you mind where lit* liver la," retorted the other, “if It was lit Ills big toe or hi* left ear IteWItl's Little Early Kiser* would reach it and shake It for him On that you can bet your gig-lamps."— Oden da hi Hroa._ DIED Ernst Hchwer, Jeweler of this city died at the Hospital in Grand Island last Sunday December lii, 189# at 5;80 p. m, after a short but painful sickness. Ago 40 year*. The news of Mr. Schwer's death was indeed a surprise to the citizens of Loup City. Only Isst week. Tuesday he loft here for medical treatment at the hos pital in Grand Island. Up to thg time of his going away he wa* able to be around and attend to business, and people generally supposed him to be in usual good health, although we learn that he his been complaining at times during the post two months. On the morning of his departure It Is said by parties who saw him at the train that lie was very sick, and that he said he would never be able to return to Loup City again. There was not much weight given to hi* expressions, however, as an 11.1 m any nu|>puscu mill HO WOUIU begin to recover as soon as placed un der the physician's care. But hegradu ly grew worse and on Saturday after noon his wife was telegraphed for. She started Sunday tuornmg for Kavelina where she took the train for Giund Island and arrived about two hours be fore his death Mr Schwer was born In 1S5T at Kel chenberg, Sort lien Bohemia. He came to Loup City in 1800 anJ has since re sided here. Prior to his coming here he resided in tirand Island where lie married his present wife Mis* Hora Wtlldolph The funeral services were held at t le Baker residence tirand Island Tuesday at 1 110 p in Ksv. Gallon! officiating lie was bunetl In the tirand Island cemetary. Several ot his friend* and members of the Germania Verein of this city were present s' **>•• funeral, lie I leave* a wlie and a host of frl-nd* to! mourn hi* loss. t he | u| hi P*cltle System ha* Inau > gurate l a thorough colonist seeping oar service between Council Blurt, and Portland. I hi* ear leaves Co lilult * on our train N» a dally at it 14 |> m and passeitger*go through w hllwut change Betths iu this car can bw se> uied bv i re-piest at thl* oltbe In addition to the ahuve.we also run a through colonist cat dally to wan Ptanvisva and a penua nenllv conducted colonist car weekly every p’nday to *w t tat>< <*>•• and l.o* tngeiM* i’sll ti< formation can he t»h twined ay writing or calling on Prank it t line .kgewf r*K IIMis l.INt til \ Pot tke Annual Meeting «| the *tate teachers tin* altsus to he held at l.twcot* Inc P* 41 the 1 P. wilt mil ticket* at rale «f owe late for the tooad trip tram I point* m Nebraska t all get tale* .iniM,uf tickets st* llttk M t i taa Agent 1 PICKING CHICKENSTO MUSIC! 4£u«»r f'tMtum* of the IfMllMn Poultry litalcni of H»n Pram lnco. Tho suitor ha* bis musical shanty to which he keep* time us he trots ah it1 the capstan until tho anchor is howled j to the peak, the furiuer trill* a lay to! lighten hi* labor* os he pitches liny into the wagon, and these songs are familiar to many, hut who ever heard or *uw a gang of Ituliuut'hickcu picker* sing mid denude fowl* to the time of the music? Much a scene can be witnessed any Friday evening in season at the Clay Street market, while the employees of the tig poultry house* that have their place* of buNinr** there are preparing for Bale the chicken* thut the housewife bay* for the Huuday dinner. The men scut themselves in a half cir cle aud each take* a fowl. One stroke of a sharp knife across the throat put* the unfortunate squawking broiler out of it* misery, and then the foreman of the gang starts his song. An they catch the uir and the time tiie other* chime in, and in an instant the plucking be gin*. With rhythmic motion the nimble finger* grasp the feather* uud pull them • out during all the time of the song. Feather* fly in all direction*, hut tha King goo* on until the lunt pinfeather* | are removed and the carcasses are tossed into a pile, ready for the man who put* i on tho ftnlMhiug touches and prepare* J them for the inspection of prospective . purchaser*. i The rapidity with which a chicken if stripped of it* feather* i* astonishing to i the uninitiated who have tried it hut n i ... ...J * I. tl.._ .... .. become that they finish their fowls ul- I most Nimultaueously, and the process is i repeated lu unison. Tliree dozen turds 1 are not considered n heavy night's work ) for one man, and when pressed for time | they munugu to compass even more than i that. c The song they sing is remarkably live- i ly and sweet and much resemble* the 1 song of the fishermen us tie y row their t bouts, though the time is much faster. » —Sun Francisco Call. t FOOD FOR THE CATS. 1 c EuglUli Hjmrrowft lliivn to Fight For Tin Ir r Live* lu Isomlon. < If l<;ffc to biniHoJf, tho London Hparrow t would probably multiply exceedingly, r for there is enough waste from every a human household to keep at least oua 1 pair of sparrows. That would give somo- i thing like 1,COO,000 sparrows to tho area of greater London. liut these fig* • ares do not represent actual facts. The J sparrow population is rigoronsly kept c down, not by want of fecundity—for at j tho zoo, for instance, where food and shelter abound, tho birds seem to breed at all seasons of the year—but by the operation of tho natural enemy, that % greut fact in all wild life, which even tho progressive London sparrow cannot v avoid. Tlie natural enemy in this cuse ^ is tho Loudon cat If any one will count np the number of bouses in his or her j knowledge which do not possess a cat, e the numbers and ubiquity of the natural r enemy will become apparent Poor people koop moro cuts than rich people, | so tho small houses abound in cats. Rich fol.sk’ cats which huve largo c houses, us a rule, only catch the spar- e rows on their own estate, but poor oats a have to pouch at large, and their ravages amofig the young sparrows are prodi gious. It has been observed that a spar- a row killing cat bags on an averago two J young birds u day. No amount of cor- \ rection seems to prevent their indnl- f genco in this form of sport They know p it is wroiig, but it is too fascinating. 0 One young out of the writer’s acquaint- 0 mice want into a fit after a mild beating a, for killing young spurrows, and as soon c as ho recovered went off to catoh an- u other. A cat in the same house which B was surprised with two naked nestlings a in its mouth slipped them underneath a mat on the stairs when it saw its mis- q tress approaching. Nature is too strong a for them, and the drawing room pussy seems no moro able to resist the tustu fa for sport than the stable cat.—London fa Spectator. n SpanUh Inefflrlencj. Spanish inefficiency lias been shown B' np in a ludicrous wuy by tho recent self flouting of tho uuw cruiser Princesa de Asturias at Cudiz. The vessel, which it . hail tuken seven years to build, got stuck iu the mud when they tried to lanuch j * her over u month ago. After trying their 81 best to float her without success for 30 j ? days the Spanish engineers gave up tho 11 job, adopting the usual Micnwtor policy | * of Spain of waiting for something to i ’ turn np. They were justified by tho i cruiser’s slipping into tho water of her , own accord one afternoon when no ouo ; was watching her. w Tim I, i eel, < In addition t o the lied Crisis anil tha * White Cross there bus just Ls en < stub- J* lished in Vienna a new ordrfr, to to 11 known a* the Ureen Cross. Its object is to gtxc sueoor to Alpine climbers and f‘ excursionists iu mountain region*. It * originated in the Austrian Alpine club, r The iMMiliqa is *«t establish huts m J high Miouutains and to keep supplies and relief slot! * or boles eoiitalUiog urileb * 11 likely to bo Mpur. d iu ctiirrgfUfte* at '* Coll V« UI wilt tv le *led total* i r . __ tl 4lb»4 tbs t»t«a* tl According to tho most re I,a tie lluglish *' historians, Allied ibe Ureal, m i}), *' was the tli>1 Kugiish lullr, gu to Wear ' a atowa 1 mu t siijr isunpuisie ai,d ** historical trvurds it ap|«at* that the ^ baton kings Ufi re the lima of Alfred ’* wor» simply a band t p* alls around 1 th» !>• *1 as a mark • f royal p «>r maa mm ggr - —a <|i The tuosutag glory has long u,u n a g I’d* I as an asbli-tN of tajs* (rv tier k fb tal 4li'ik‘itSty il* arts ti. it this «ym h b dksru M Arrived fins |W sittrthsly ^ it iiHi* ut ss>sn of in* it*>«• ,4 they * he, ei*» ataatl sunt tse and la ttu os threw hi hours h«*a petisiod at —*■ • b> Ths J»isf taty Woman's club pah U lishsa a lift* usaspapsr l atisd Usl Clah di Uultuuh gi EVEN WITH THE ' DUN." A Hp*wn>»tor IliniM-ir Wltli MU Kawirr CredltAr. The lawyer had won an iniportant ca»o for the man. He had dabbled iu •locks of one kind and another, anil, hard lack having overtaken him, he hod bolstered np his vanishing fortune* with $50,000 of other people's money. But the other people bad troubles of their own. They had wants that needed catering to, and win n they found that the dealer in stts-k* had invested their means of subsistence in uu enterprise that would benefit no one hut himself they arose with a howl of righteous in dignation and brought a suit for dam age*. Tliut was where the lawyer hail his sbance. • He knew the man was guilty, ind he told him so. But for all tliut he jleured him. He charged a pretty big Fee, $11,000 being a conservative estimate if tiie value nt hi* service*. The man [laid him $4,500 in cash and promised /O give him the other $500 u mouth or wo later. Thut wus more than three rears ago. The lawyer patiently waited m his client for a year, and then he put he matter in the hands of a collector. In the course of two years the collector fathered in $400, and then, us his salary vu* more than eating up the amount lolleeted, the lawyer took the ease from its hands and gave it to the office hoy. k* an Incentive to energetic work, lie aid: “Jimmie, there is $100 coming to mo torn Mr.-. If you can get uuything mt of him, I'll give you half of it." Jimmie's eyes snapped, and he went o work, lie labored diligently for tlireo uonths. Monday morning at 11 o'clock iu would go into tho office and present ds employer’s claim, and so run tho |amut of tho other five working days, mil then repeat the procedure the sue uiiiK v» * i n. xnu man k a uii'iub t nt first nnil threatened to throw the loy out of the office, but lie finally bought better of it and contented him elf with turning Jiuituie away with oino stinging rebuke. .Jimmie kept up the daily siege till ast Thursday. Then he was sick and ould not come down town. About 2 ’clock tho lawyer was in his privato iffloe holding a consultation with two lients, when there canut an imperative iit a ia-tut on iiis door, lie bade the isitor enter, und a bead, half concealed >y a shock of bushy red hair, was thrust to the room. ‘‘Please, sir,” saida high koyod voico, ‘I’m from Mr.-, an ho wants to ;now why your boy ain’t been over to ay to dun ’im for that flOO ho owes ou. ”—Chicago Tribune. Wanted a Clock and a Timepiece. ”1 want something handsome in tho ray of a clock,” ho said to tho Jeweler. “We have a very flno lino of goods,” ras tho response, "and tho prices are ery modorato. ” “I don’t care anything about tho rico. I want something that will show t u glance that it cost u whole lot of joney.” ‘‘Certainly. We have Home beautiful nported goafs. ” "That’s tho idea—something that nmo from abroad. I want an onyx ped itul and ormoln trimmings and a ;atue ou the top of it." "Here’s a veritable work of art." "That’s pretty well, bat I’d like omething more attractive than that, i’s to be a birthday present to my wife. lo haven’t been keeping house very mg, and she’s been worried for fear oople would think we were going with at a clock becauso we oonldn’t afford ae. I’m going to see that she has jmething so handsome that it’ll dazzle verybody who comes into the parlor ad so preoioas that it has to be kept nder glass like a specimen in the mu 3um. ” "How is this one?" the jeweler in aired as he lifted a massively ornate rticle from a shelf. "That’s tho very thing. That’ll please or almost to death. Paok it up and ship out to my house and send tho bill to W /.fflnA »» “It’ll cost $125, ” the jeweler mildly iggested. “That’s all right. It looks us it it ere worth it. ” lie sturted for the door, bat came K’k and said, “By the way, you’d bet r give me another clock—one of those nail nickel plated affairs that cost K.Dt $1.50, ho that we can stick it off i an obscure corner to look ut when o want to know what time it is.’’— ’oshingtou Star. A Cheerful hro«pcft. A nervous young minister was filling io pulpit for a country charge that was ithout a regular pastor. A part of his tp. rn uen is touchingly related by me cal paper. The very pious old lady at hose house he staid, iu showing hiui s room, said. “It aiu't i veryUsly I’d pal iu Ibis mu. This here room is full of sacred j i«'«'iatiotM to me," she wat lounge right under the window | ere. i’oor )■*. he was a ■piniualist, ' at be alius Mul b« d appear in this , • iu ato r tie d»«d. and • .... uuo » I am otuti rs< ugh |» I*<>k (or him. If you • aid *• • anything if him Ktnigbl, at d Ulief not Hit we. It d bn n »igu me that IS* to was * ni.ihm in spit ulisu, and I d hale to into a that* Mr u by my Im wan felt d ad of tagl hmhi right where yen stand, tin we 1 tlwits, and there a two whole shele- | us IU mat v Use-1 kStte Uioagtu lu hi and half a tkeen skulls in that * wtr di »w. i If yen are up marly and ; ant sowelbtn to amuse yourself be-fuse j • »st*»0 just open that cnpl «e»d there. .•I yog will I ml a ltd of deed men's ! to • Mr pm* boy Ihtteghl a 1*4 of *as Mull, garni night, and p.enseal , emus?” 1*11ut.wig t bivnwW Tale* . ** " , I FOR AND ADVERTISE IN THE •\ r The BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM and local newspaper in i v « % _ I- MAKCY. urrU'K tn Ret.il mi l Muroy Bliwk, Ka>l Side Hublii- *uu»re. Loup City. Neb W .1 USUI K, Attnrnayat-Law. \M> NOTHY IM BI.lt Will Deitul in I'oreclusunM .1*0 AI.SO (»«• A OEXKNAl. kkai. E* I ATE IU SIXE'* . <>!««»< m VlBttl* *»t ■ *» build III* LtM I* t ilt • • • HWl.tiki *|S INKS ■* *** EXPRESS as»* GENERAL DELIVERY LINE Alt llyrtw 4t IfMlkl .ude • promptly Ui4«*A«Jn»4 ' *.l f, - ij t 4 V t 4 * a ~ *r 1 Y AtfllL AtlNIa *t.U».3L ( t>ai CarniMM (I. O'tub*. k*k rp s. XIGHTIV3ALK, * LAWYER. Hoes a General Law and Collection Business ^ A Ni>t»rv Public, SI®«ngrA|>h»r Hint TyptNK. I* MH NOR! II ilk HKST HANK Lour city. . • auiati. * t*itu-utmurtnirviiikk «« .■ >i l*®®Kly nu>l ®t|x>nar< >n |*ihmii • ul, m*I*i*mni. l.neiiM* wll iiHriMM'it •inntiMul • my*|.i|>® I'Iim NAt limit, *|.|I lint <1 I n*, VI* ■ *4<*. l it* ll< •( K|>rlui( luftliiln* (ui iahi lj H*» i'i iiii I iliii* « tin fur nmi III* Hi •»t •>( III® I .H. II lift ) |>4> i«K«’ *»f Aiimiitiut l iter KoRuiniur, u>® b«*( tiUnnl mmhIIc t.• Ri l Ik* k**t »|irlntf weUkiHV. It will «i* )M .*t*nlf At* * *««• um * M! «’» w >*rti» ui w*iii< i in* «ma'hl *« | t» in I «i | £| i * ywu l «iln UIimmI a I k ll*t kMllk I4WHM* i> r*, iii--* v« ih'--* id* * »«i»l «l k**hk J li Xviiiii & I Vi rdit«jwi|idi«, r« Wanted An Idea £—3 ssUssssMHr -*•