The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 11, 1896, Image 5

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CHAPTKU VI.—<C’ostisceb.»
If. was October before the family
made a formal removal to town. One
of the brothers, sometimes both, spent
two or three days a week there In .Sep
tember. and, since the uncertain sun
shine and cold rains of autumn ton
fined the ladles, for the most part, te
the house, they were ready to second
the proposition to seek their winter
quarters. Edward Withers was regu
larly installed ns one of his brother'*
household, and under his city
life also put on a new face for Con
stance. Ho had a box at the opera, and
Klnathan was foremost to suggest that
Constance should accompany hint
"That Is, when you are not engaged
to escort single ladles," added the se
nior, with a dry smile.
"Which will not happen often 'f 1
can have my sister's company fna'cari,"
replied the other, cordially. "But can
not we make up a family parly of four
for to-morrow night? 1 can promise
you a treat.”
"Musical treats, when they are op
eratic, are thrown away upon me,” wa*
the answer. "Hut I am anxious that
Constance shall keep tip her practic
ing, and, to Ibis end, desire her to have
every opportunity of Improving her
taste and style. You anil she can give
homo concerts of the latest gems 111
tills line for Harriet's benefit and
i Harriet applauded the Idea to tie
^ echo, and was careful that he should
not. regret the young people’s absence
on the evenings they spent, abroad
playing chess with him for a couple ol
hours, and then reading aloud mone
tary or political articles selected by
himself until he dropped Into a doze
i ney were icn mus io ui',mHoivi,s mor>
ami more aa the reason advanced. In
vitations to parties, concerts and din
ners rained in upon Mrs. and the
'Messrs. Withers, and to moat of these
Constance went, attended by Edward
only. Mr Wit hers had never been so
cial from inclination, and lie was only
too glad to delegate bis duties in tills
line to his wife, now that the protec
tion of his brother rendered his attend
ance unnecessary.
Constance did not confess In vords
to herself how greatly her pleasure was
augmented by the exchange of escorts.
It was natural that a man of her hus
band’s age and disposition should pre
fer his own fireside to dancing and
small talk, and a wearisome feint of
hearkening to harmonies that were un
intelligible ami without sweetie is to
him. She enjoyed gay scenes with an
easier conscience that she did not ri <■
his grave visage at every turn of Cic
waltz or promenade and was not. haunt
ed by the thought of her selfishness in
having dragged him from Ills beloved
retirement. How much this feeling of
relief was intensified by the circum
stance that her willing cavalier was the
most delightful talker, one of the host
dancers, and assuredly the most grace
fully attentive to his fair charge In the
cordon of beaux who frequented the
fashionable resorts Just named, did
not enter into her complacent calcula
tions. She was on excellent terms with
herself and all about her at this Junc
ture. The acquaintances who had
carped at her reserve and want of ani
mation in the few assemblies at which
she had appeared as a bride candidly
avowed that nothing could be more
charming than her affability and gay
good humor, and that she was far hand
somer than they had supposed at first
The more captious subjoined, sub
rosa, that was evident she appreci
ated (convenient word!) Mr. Edward
Withers, and how fortunate Hhe was in
securing the services of an escort so
nnexceptionable in every particular,
since her husband seemed to have re
nounced society just as she fairly en
tered it.
"But,” subjoined No, 2. audibly de
livered, "people had different ways of
looking at these things, and, so long its
Mr. Withers lived happily with his
wife, and countenanced tier In nil that
she did, whose business was it to hint
at impropriety or misplaced confi
y That Mr. Withers did countenance
his wife In her lively career was not to
be denied. It gratified him fo see her,
magniltci ntly dressed, go forth to gath
erings at which, as he was sure to bear
afterward, she was the object of gen
eral admiration for her beaut) and vi
vacity. It tickled his vanity to have
her do the honors of hia mansion to a
choice company of Edward's friends
and her* people In whose eyes he, ih<>
sedate millionaire, could never hope to
be more thsu the respectful representa
tive of his money bags. They were glad
to cougregate In his stately salon
now, to partake of his tine obi wines
and esrellent viands, ami unite in laud
nitons of the handsome woman who
bore hts name. Adulation lid not
spoil her. he was pleased to observe
Jibe bad uevef been more defetrttUal
In her deportment to htwself, more
n-adv to consult and obey him than
when the star of her popularity **»
fe gb «t and brjst*'* *• In tht* ho l*a
tilted htr good eenro and feeling heart.
To Stan should *be he gr tiitul at-1
dutiful if nor to her u„ef*> mr. the
t ***** Mi u«»«t *MH fttttti **t) * ' H HU
breiH*f H**I lur Uv -i* ll«
*aH id Hint-** it (Hf IHd *j*A'
*A Hahm ffcllMf A
t Ha* W» Itt«* Hw mil AI
January. "Constance should he thank
ful to its all her days for opposing her
absurd tranrendontallsm about conge
niality and mutual attraction and the
like puerile nonsense. What a wreck
she would have made of her happiness
had she been left to pursue the course
dictated by her own caprices! I hope,
Margaret, that we shall not have to
combat the like errors In our daugh
ters when they grow up."
“Constance had u fund of strong
common sense in spite of her crudely
extravagant theories upon certain sub
jects,” rejoined Mrs. Uomalne. "Thanks
to It, and, as you Justly observe, to
our counsels, she has married better
thar any other young woman I know.
Yes, I can ask no more enviable lot for
our girls (ban one like hers.”
According to these Irrefragable au
thorities. then, our heroine had steered
clear of the rock upon which so many
of her age and sex have split ; kepi out
of the current that would have strand
ed her. high and forlorn, upon the bar
ren headlands of celibacy; had, vliitt
ously chi hewing “crude” Instinct, and
heart promptings, and natural laws (lit
only, in Mrs, Itomalnc's creed, for the
guidance of beasts, and birds, arid
other Irrational things), rendered Just
and graceful obedience to the equitable
principle prescribed and practiced |,y
the autocrats of the "best circles."
These burning and shining beacons
‘■case not, night nor day, to warn off
the impetuous young from the rigors
and desolation of Scylla, and cast sm h
Illusive glare upon t'haryhdls as makes
Its seething rapids seem a Pacific of
delicious calm.
*vll . It, POX tin .moot h ,i
|1 j, II current wore foti
r'^eiLv’ |i stance Withers’
t, conscience and pru
T*><- deuce rocked to
j~- " ' sleep during Hie
’/'''A PHrly tnoiHiis of
ft. /TWfe Hint winter. Wln
•V* '‘fl'Clr^W ter! Never lind
- v ~ summer been so ie
Z[ ’ i-, plete with llgiit
•’*» * ' and warmth. There
Is n divine ’delight in the slow sweep
of the outer circles of the maelstrom;
the half consciousness of the awaken
ing heart, like that of the babe who,
aroused from slumber by his mother’s
voice, smiles recognition of the dear
music before hie eyes are unsealed by
tier kisses, or ills head nestled upon
her bosom.
That lo every human heart such
awakening comes, sooner or Inter, I
hold and believe for certain. Deserts
of salt and bitterness there are in the
spiritual as well as in the material
world; hut there was a time when the
Proa tor, whose name Is hove, pro
nounced them “very good,” when an
yet the flood, and the rain of fire and
brimstone had not made havoc of nil
their pleasant things, nor the soft soil
been hardened into flint and gravel by
dearth and heat. An/I, to that garden
of the Lord’s planting there came a day
when or of what duration He knows,
and perchance He alone—when the
south wind blew softly, and all the
spices thereof flowed out spikenard
and saffron, calamus and cinnamon,
with all trees of fraklncense, myrrh
and aloes. It may have been but for
one glad hour one moment of bewil
dering bliss, that the heart ttilist visited
was transformed into a fountain of
gardens, a well of living waters and
streams from Lebanon. The next may
have witnessed the rush of the deluge
lilt- I/III ninth ui till |»««« u.v « iUIMI,
anil behold! in place of Eden, a lair
of wild beasts, a house full of dob'ftil
creatures, meet for ihe dwelling of owls
and the dance of satyrs.
Other visions than these images of
woe and terror abode with Constance;
formless fancies, fair as vague; spe
cious reveries in which she lived
through coming years as she was do
ing now, surrounded by the same out
ward comforts; her steps guarded by
thP same friend, whose mere presence
meant contentment; with whom Hie
interchange of thought and feeling left
nothing to lie desired from human sym
pathy. It was a severe shock that
showed her the precipice upon the
flowery verge of which she lay dream
The brothers were, one morning, dis
cussing at breakfast the merits of a pair
of horses that hail been offered for
sate to ihe elder. Kur a wonder Ed
ward displayed more caution in accept
j tug the Jockey's declaration of their
; nines* for family use titan lid his
I staid folotlvc* Mr VVithci ■ was w r>
obstinate In bis adherence to ever
! principle or prejudice lie believed that
! hi hid aecu cause to adopt, and his
! eve bad been captivated hy the showy
j team; hi* credulous hearing gamed hy
i ihe adroit tongue of the dealc/, Alt
that Edward's dUtstuodot* could effect
: wa* *• <inic*< cine in hia yrigHtwii that
they should try the hurst* hrf tr» the
■ sleigh that afternoon, before deciding
uj on ihe puri base
Harriet clapped her hand* ylvac'uo*
: ty> \Sit then von ti drive hy and gtve
»* g mm be hi I d the beaut tew. I atit
1 st tr they moat he heavenly from what
1 I'm .si, i Klwathuu soya 1 am wild to
- ia&f * h* m
th M !***«►«** *4 tk« 1*5*4- if ul rttm-Mv i
ItgMtt, t »U4 I t* if‘i 4|N»M I’ m
1^41^4, «|ui* M> twoMM* n*M
f II ***** M«l» *1*1*4 M*r mi
|** f *S **■*> 5 **** t * * ♦** I**
i «*|i4i*i44 VUll IfMMP HI* 4*4 It
make a iborough test of them before
consenting to the venture. I shall drive
them myself, anil speak out frankly
the result of the trial. In whatever
else we may differ, Klnatlian and I are
a unit In our care for your welfare.
So. if we show ourselves and the heav
enly span of quadrupeds at the door
today, you need not fear to accept our
The gentle and affectionate reassur
ance contrasted pleasantly with Mr.
Withers's authoritative mandate.
"Constance! you will hold yourself In
readiness to drive out with us this af
ternoon. We shall call for you at three
o'clock. I wish you and Harriet to hr
entirely prepared for the ride when
we come. Young horse* do not like to
stand In the cold."
An Impulse she did not stay to de
fine drew Constance to the window as
the two gentlemen descended the front
sups side by side. Mr. Withers was a
trifle the taller of the two, hut Ills
figure was angular and unbending:
Edward's s*pple and elegant, while
scarcely a trace of family likeness ex
Isted between the swarthy visage of the
elder, with Its deep-set eyes, long up
per lip, and high, narrow forehead,
and (he lively glance, clear complexion,
and spirited mouth that made ICdward's
physiognomy a goodly sight to more
e>es than those that met the parting
smile he cast up at (lie parlor window
when he gained the pavement, where
as Mr. Withers stalked solemnly on,
apparently forgetful already that lie
had a home and wife, now that nls face
was set office-ward.
"Shadow and sunshine!" reflected the
gazer. "And they are not more un
like in countenance than In disposi
tions, aims and conduct as dissimilar
as two upright men can he.”
Harriet's shallow treble sounded nl
her elbow like a repetition of the last
thought. "No one would ever take
them to lie relatives,” she said. "Yet
each Is excellent In Ills way. Don't
you think so?"
“Yes,” answered Constance, moving
"Only their ways are so different!”
persisted the cousin. "I like Klnnlhan
best, of course, but Kdwartl Is the more
popular man of the two, I believe -Isn’t
"/ really do not know!" Constan'-e
left the room tittering the falsehood.
Mnrrlci had a trick of making her
Intensely uncomfortable whenever the
talk between Hum turned upon the
"I hate comparisons!" she wild to her
self, when she reached her room. "And
it is forward and Indelicate In her to
institute them In my hearing."
Convinced that the sudden heat
warming her heart and cheeks was tx
cited by Harriet’s Impertinence, she
made It her business to slop thinking
of thr? conversation and ita origin so
soon as she could dismiss it an I turn
her attention to pleasanter things. Ji
was more Innocent and agreeable work
for Instance, to write out Kd ward's part
of a now duet upon a fair sheet of
paper which he could hold in his hand
as he stood by her at the piano the
printed copy being so blurred as to iry
his eyes. He was very slightly t ear
sighted, although a casual acquaint rice
would not have suspected It. Hhe
copied music legibly and rapidly, and
lately had hit upon this happy device
of making him some poor return for
the manifold services he hatl rend red
her. "All that I ran do leaves me de
plorably In his debt,” she reasoned. “I
never knew what was the fullness nd
disinterestedness of a brother’s love un
til I met hint. Hilt all brothers are not
so considerate or devoted as is he. J
should understand that.”
H« Wim Imlned Ali««nlMlnileO.
Judge Hawley of the United .States
circuit court related recently from the
bench a good story at the expense of
a distinguished lawyer and United
States senator, whose name was not
mentioned. This prominent member
of the bar was very absent-minded at
times. One morning he was on his
way to court in a great hurry, and
happening to overtake a friend, re
marked: "I dressed in such haste I hie
morning that I.forgot my watch.” A
little further on he said: "I wonder
if I have time to go hack and get it,”
and as lie spoke he pulled out his wateh
from his pocket. "No, I have not time,”
he concluded, after consulting the dial,
and he walked on. Nearing the court
house lie hired a messenger to go for
the wateh. paying him a dollar for the
service. The messenger returned with
the information that the timepiece
could not be found, whereupon the
lawyer esc I aimed, looking up from his
books and pu|»'r«: "That is very
strange!" Then he took a swift glance
at his watch and said "It makes no
difference, anyhow. 1 can do without
It. The judge Is late and then* is plen
ty of time." And he paid the nc«tn>
ger another dollar.
IViIt-I IhM.
lii i’tirii mitt miiy * tuU«,
ta'ifetttttull) 4#«arnte4. They nr# ptirn
whit*, with yellow h«t ml leu A roun I lh#
tui44l* hi 1*4*iiite«| • 4oubi# blue ribbon,
! with the #lty nr*M it tb# point wbtr#
I ihe emi# of the ribbon rrotn. The vulte
I tutor mil W more enntty notl«,#4 thnn
I m* other by *«Mt litiwn, th*»
; Wing h# 14 llh# mmhu'tof’t hntMtn by
‘ the p it e*M‘ *i In th# mUI4|# at tb#
| ttifeet. in i||hh1 trawl in lh# right nr
I left or to flop It w hen newtttfnl
«•« I
#1. but II weit'l tiit| ' Wrtff
! 14 w tMf«itn #rnnn4 mtn u
H»twist,«« mi
- -'If nAn##***
Ilow NdH'^Mfnl I-mmimt* 0|MT»lf Thin
iiifiit of lIt** I arm \
Mint* »* to thr 4 mrr of Htork
him! Poultry.
IIK deductions of
M. Comon, one of
the foremost
French agricultur
ists, prove that the
dry matter con
tent of potatoes Is
notably increased
by the use of plios
phatlc and potasslc
fertilizers, but les
sened If nitrogen
fertilizers predominate. This fad has
been often suspected and the labors of
M. Comon and hi* coadjutors now
leave no doubt Itt Ihls respect. M.
Conum says: la the rulture of the po
tato the question of fertilizers Is su
preme. The plant l* not fasthHou* In
Ills respect hut If not fertilized II
will yield llllle. A large and first
'las* yield can he expected only
through plenteous and suitable fertiliz
ing. That the yelld depends In
great part on fertilizing I* not dis
puted by any sunn person, but It Is less
generally known that the kind of fertil
izer exert* an Influence on the quality
of the product. This I* a fact that
seems to he undoubted. The exclusive
use of dressings in which nitrogen pre
ponderates Is prejudicial to the elab
oration of dry matter; the simultaneous
uso of these same nitrogenous fertili
zers, with pliosphatlc and potasslc fer
tilizers Is, on the contrary, favorable
to the securing of InherH of a high con
tent. While this statement may have
/»»• I t/ i uin'/.n/ln I't/ InitiiiH'itit'ft fill* t lift
majority of our potato growers, who
cultivate this plant merely for ihclr
own consumption or for that of the In
habitants of the towns, It Is far other
wise with those who grow the potato
for industrial purposes and have In
view the production of the starchy
matter. The Importance of the obser
vation of this truth In practice can he
easily reckoned. Allowing lhat. an acre
planted In potatoes gives an average of
10,000 kilos (22,000 pounds) of tubers,
the Rain of 3 per rent of dry matter,
for example, obtained by the applica
tion of phosphaile fertilizer to potasslc
in the stead of nitrogenous organic fer
tilizer, would result In an Increase
equivalent to nearly 20 )ier cent in the
To Prune or Mol to Prime,
The discussion in these columns re
cently concerning pruning has doubt -
less interested many of our readers,
-ays National Stockman. Much may he
•iiid on both sides of the question. That
pruning was practiced in the most an
ient times, as attested by Iho oldest
writing, extant, can hardly he claimed
as conclusive evident r of Its useful
ness; hut that It has continued In vari
ous forms until the present time and
is still In us' among Intelligent horti
culturists is not without weight. Pass
ing through the country one often sees
rrult trees with great limbs four or five
inches iu diameter cut off, and stubs
three to six Inches long left slicking out
—enough to turn any lover of trees
against pruning of all kinds. This,
however, may he said to he the abuse
of pruning. That trees endure such
cutting and live is evidence of great
vitality. The Osage orange as used In
hedge-making Is a striking example of
this. Its strong hold on life enables It
to withstand the two prunlngs In each
year which are necessary to a perfect
hedge. Though never killed by this
.tperutlon when properly performed It
Is repressed and kept In bounds; crip
pled, It may be said, and prevented
from taking Its natural way and in
time mounting upward fifty or sixty
feet. The usefulness of pruning Is
I It al ly nt.'t u itcir. urn tilling 11107
done for different ends from this: To
direct growth: to thin the crop of fruit
and prevent Injury by overbearing, as
In the shortening In of the peach, etc.
The grafter prunes; the budder must
prune; the grape grower trims hls
vines annually In order to obtain the
best results. In the rase of the grape
It Is pruning and training combined
So with apple, pouch und other fruit
trees grown on u trellis or espalier, us
Is done to a considerable extent In Kng
land and on the continent of tiuropc.
In this connection we recall the recom
mendation some time ago of our occa
sional correspondent lion. Cassius M
Clay of Kentucky, to omit pruning as
a preventive of grape-rot; Just what we
had been doing with our Duchess, not
removing a single cane, spring nr sum
mer. but without checking the malady
In the hast An examination of the
principal authorities ou hoiUcutlurv
mil pomology. Downing, Thomas,
Warder, Harry. Nicholson, etc., will
■how that they ara all favorable to
pruning Hut It Is moderate, careful
pruning, at the right time and with a
I mrreel understanding of the end to to*
| attained What is Justly reprehensible
1 la lb* in Hserlmlnatr rutting and slash
I lug of which the |>ru|e*siuasi as well
■• the uuprotesa.oual piuner Is loo ol *U
I guilty
lit**** ****** I • !**»•
Wa know many isiwwta who hove
! iearn*il to tike celery, and who buy
' .nssitirfiki* amounts every fail sod
; winter, hut without a thought of grow*
' 'ng It ihemsettew. Th*y h>*t» from
| planting rebury under tk* impress! >0
8 1 hot Its .'nittysima amt *r|s*tally tbs
i blent hint of tbs hstn. Is a diNhott
I npdtattau Celery ward 10 be gtoeu
iou<tv an.*., etpensivvly tbew how Yb*
, d»ep trenching that *s» sis* tbooght
I . *a» 11 y m ttttw * i«»i i - r-d mb** on*»
1 as *u4d*a stmweta In ettmmer will mi
I tbs Item h*s with water, and half bwi 1
. tbs you*, pi* a is tit tw*rd before Ibvy
have laxly beaww growing It •*
1 mm. h bettor to yds! t*w Wtet sitfcr*.
{ and lb. atalb* by it* Mbf
light with boards ret against the rows
of celery on each side. The soil needB
lo be as rich as It la possible to make
It. and with plenty of water so that
the growth ahull never cease. If there
Is any stoppage of growth, the celery
will be tough, stringy, and lacking in
the nutty flavor of celery grown from
start to finish as quickly as possible,
t'oarse stable manure must not be used
for celery. No matter how much water
the celery has. the manure will at
some time heat and cause the celery lo
j growing. That will make the
I celery totigh, no matter how well
grown It Is otherwise. The best, ma
nure for celery Is nitrate of soda,
which will furnish nitrogen In avail
able form without hcHtltig.
The l.siiih t'rerp.
The lamb creep has not been In gen
eral use among sheep owners of th*
I'nlted Mates, writes <!. W. K. In Na
tlonil .Stockman. To a large army of
sheep owners it Is an unknown device.
Many would not adopt Its use, If they
did know. A few would not employ It
If they knew It would make money for
them. The lamb creep Is a lot or an
apartment so constructed that the
lambs tin creep through und ItHvr a
quiet meal to themselves undisturbed
by older and larger sheep, Home sheep
owners construct It In such a way as to
adjust the creep holes by having roll
ers above and at the sides of the creep,
and the wool will not he rubbed off. I
do not do anything of the kind. I made
a series of hurdles with a creep hole at
each end of the hurdle nine Inches wide
and about thirty Inches high. An adult
sheep that can get through this hole
needs more feed or something else.
I'eed Is employed In the ham In a self
feeder, bill when the creeps are re
moved to the pasture they are supplied
twice dally with the ration. I .am hs
that have access to lamb creeps will
mature earlier, grow larger anil become
■/» <»» ! ' i mm immr wimmii mm
advantage. Ill the line of hurdles for
sheep I never allow anyone to null them
up. Wool twine Is brought Into play
for fastening hurdle*. They ran tie
he Id to place by twine, and a good knife
or a pair of shear* which Is almost al
ways at Jiutid will cut the twine when
they are to lie taken away, and'new
I wine will make them fust again. Try
the creep one reason If you have not
done so, and sec If you do not like It,
Ulnlfr fhjcic*.
With warm house* and plnnly of
such feed as I name you will gel eggs
In winter when they will bring a high
(nice, write* W. (I, drown In exchange.
There Is more in the cine of poultry
than the breed, and the better the care
the greater the profit, I had never fed
lettuce to poultry until last, year, but
after feeding It, to several hundred
young chicks and chickens for two
seasons I pronounce it the most satis
factory and th< cheapest of all foods for
poultry, or course, it does not tHke
the place of gram. Dm n your fowls un
fed all (he lettuce they will eat they
will need less grain and grow fusler
than without It. I was surprised this
year to find that I could cut over a
pound of lettuce to a foot of drill, anil
as It can lie grown In drills 10 Inches
apart II will lie seen that more than
one hundred and fifty pounds can lie
grown on a square rod. A single plant
ing will furnish feed for a month, and
hy making several plantings the sea
son can be made much longer. The
eggs and poultry used In the family will
go far toward paying for the keep of
my fowls, for we use both eggs and
chickens freely all the year around,
and my books show that the egg* sold
from my hens since January 1st have
brought me $03, and 1 am sure that this
Is all net profit, for In addition to what
we have used we have 100 line young
fowls, more than half of them pullets,
and some of them large enough to lay.
Raising I-urge Trees. —In the vi
cinity of Philadelphia they have a
fashion of large trees
where the grade has been raised that
doeH not seem to be In practice else
where. Two ropes are attacbd to the
top of the tree so that each can be
druwn In different directions. A
trench Is dug around the base of the
tree the circle being us wide us may
seem Judicious. When dug to the depth
dealred. the earth Is forked away from
the ball on oue side and u block set
under tue roots as a sort of fulcrum.
The rope on that side Is drawn over the
block, and the result Is (lie lift lug up
of the mass of rouots on the opposite
side. A little earth Is then places
under these elevated rools, and the op
posite rope drawn to that side. This
lifts the roots over the block, and more
earth Is placed there. The tree, by the
aid of the opposite rupee, ts then drswn
backwards auil forwards, more earth
twtug placed at each turn. In a very
short time the Iree may be elevuted aa
many feet aa may be desired, standing
on Via summit of a firm mourn! of
earth. Trees IS to bo feet high, with
trunks 13 to II Inches In thickness,
nace t«e*n lifted in this way with very
little check to future growth Mee
han h.
More IHveraiiy Needed The term
ing certainty that lha great staple
j southern crops will no longer warrnnt
the lat were and planter* of the south
ern state* In buying away from home
all iheir current supplies and produc
lag si home only these great southern
I staple dupe must lead every thinking
I person Id*united with southern agrt
I • allure to the Inipwialiv* srceeetty
| that now ronftowU w of protecting
| outset*** by producing at home ell of
i ii) agricultural products that ss bare
I been IU the habit ot buying from the
! nilid stales This la said In no »*ifl«h
1 It 141 (Ml ft til '
i #t*%! ftiitMMtt 9>-<
gpl .i| $aMhfttk4tl|MV"4 Will ♦IlfK'ljt rwftk.-1|
v4 ill* la tut ftft4 ftlftfttwf* **I
' life* •*# ftMlfttffft rfttftlftf,
A i- i Wd4» I# ft** iftHtoi is* tot# toil*,
! lift tft lift vllU*#ft#r
(■olden Test: 'Tor the llrnnkerd end
the tilnltnn ahall t ome to r«v*rty"—
The Vonog l imit log Out I'pne th#
VERY young per
ron ha. a future be
fore him. Htnndlng
on th* threehold of
life, hi the parting
of the way*. he will.
If wlee, carefully
look forward and
mile wher* each
l>tti It lead* and what
eiamlM at II* "nd be
fore he ttinkea hie
choice. A great
cloud of wltnearea
are looking at him
wllh Irilenai. Inteceal angel. In tteaven,
and frlemiH In hettveti and on earth, par
1 hi., brother* and .later., and tegchera
Itnd. nioet of nil, hi. heavenly Father.
Miner many of the danger* of Ilf# have
linen referred to In prevloua leaaona. It la
well 10 u.e (hi. |e..otl apenlolly til lm
preN.lng tii,. ri.,,(| and the duly of tem
. .. a* on* appllcallon of th* great
principle. ltd,) down.
Tin mi i • lefeiem ea 'n Proverb* un In
lem|/era:it eau he forn.rd upon (hl»
To-day’a |ea*on, Prov. 23: M-2B. With ex
planatory note*, follow.:
IS. "My .on, If thine heart he wire.'*
Metier, becomeih wl.e. "My heart ahalt
rejoice Not only ||l(, heart of the eon,
hill my hearl Id. leaehar, III* parent,'
even mine." What hii argument this I*
for children to he vlrtnou* and temperate
for the aake of their parent* and Ihetr
III. My rein* (kidney*) .hull rejoice ”
M#h<• and cl./'wliere, the "rein*,'' a* he*
lug among lh* rno.l Inwur.i of the "In
ward pari." of ih* body, art- looked on
a. I lie Neal of the deepeat and alronge.t
emotion*. K. II. I'lumplie 'When Ihy
lip* .(ii'/ik rIsclii thing.A* the fruit
uf h right heart and wl.e mind. Word*
.re the caste.I outlet for the Inner Ilf*,
and, when rightly Judged, declare what
the *0 ill I*. Every noble attraction
Mrhool. Th*y nIiouM hr mnrtt gunny, mor*
••Itforfill, mor* HttrAffllvm to the higher
tiMture Ilian any haunt of evil,
"Lei not flilne heart envy glnnern,"
♦ v«n ihough for a time eorne of them
may *##*»n to gain more of the wealth and
Mlearnii#-* of thl* Ilf#* hy their *ln. “Hut
!»»• thou In ih«> fi'ttr of tin* Lord," I'rofeg
eor Mill# r tmuHlah* IIiIh v# »m# “Let not,
thin#* h#ari he aglow (full of emotion*
lomalon) In gin*; hut In the fear of tho
Lord all 11,» #Juv.“
I*. "Kor Miirety there |* an end, H V.,
n few aril, which eorneg at the end. Thera
i* all Mill to the Meemhig pio»|»eilty of th*
Wh.’kcrl; there |g a #h»y of n koiiing ttt
1 he # logo #»r every life, there 1* a harveat
ni the end of every gprlng time Mowing.
"An#l thine expeHatlon *hall not ho out
#»ff." There I* a hurvegt of good a* welt
«« of bad, and It* hundredfold reward*
will not disappoint tho** who “trunt In
the Lord mid do the right."
h*. "Hear thou, my *on, and he wl e/"
Llaten to arlvfee. Look at the rewult* of
th** two e#iiiraeg before yrrti, Only thug
‘•an you ho wine. "Huhie thine heart
In the way" of life, of right#ouMhefSH and
JW. "IP* not among wlne-hlhher*." Who
are wanting llielr hodle* and moiiIm for th*
Hake of temporary pleanure*, whhh hav#
death at the hot tom of th* cup. “Among
rlotou* eutera of fleah. (Hutton* at
feantg, eating merely for pleagure, and
health, of character, and Immortality for
m moss of pottage.
21. "Kor." Avoid such company, be
cause tint results of their conduct are
plain. Ih tlmt goes Into bud company
lias already more tlinn half fullen, "Th#
drunkard and the glutton ahnll com,* to
poverty.” Drinking I* the nulural op
posite ut hard ami honest work. Whi n
the love of II taken possession of a man
he Is sure to become a useless and un
productive member of society. "And
drowsiness.” "The lethargy, loti# sleep
11iK. which necessarily follows a life of
riot and revelry." "The disinclination
and unfitness for work rcsulltiiK from
night revelry."- Delttcsch. "Hliall clothe
a rnan with mgs." Its whole tendency
Is toward poverty, and tills warning 1#
Intended as a stimulus to Industry anj
22. "Hearken unto thy father . . .
thy mother." Kor they have seen more
of life than you, and are most anxious
for your good.
28. "Huy the truth,” The truth means
(lie exact facts, the real state of things
seen Just as they are. and especially lit
reference to moral and spiritual things.
It Includes "wisdom,” that secs the es
sence of things and their true relation#;
"Instruction.” moral culture and disci
pline; "understanding.” the faculty of
discerning, proving, distinguishing. Jesus
Christ himself is tile truth, the sum of all
truth. These should he sought as the
pearl of great price, und us the hid treas
ure. The truth must lie bought. While It
Is perfectly free, yet It eosts much to at
tain It.
The Fledge. The pledge Is one of the
most effective ways of promoting tem
perance. We need a pledge-signing re
liar tirssm law* True.
When lien. Vane wait quartered in a
email (own in Ireland he and hi* Indy
were regularly betdeged whenever ’hey
entered their carriage by an old beggar
woman who waa alway* provided with
a frenh tale of dlalreaa. The charity
and patience of the two dUllngulahed
per horn were long exhausted without
any diminution in the lieggur’a powers
of Invention One morning they were
accoated aa usual, but with tbo follow,
lug new plan of attach:
All. yer honor aurclaa to yer honor *
honor and yer lady * houor. on tbta av
all moruln'a. Kor didn't I dream laat
night that yer ladyship give me a
pound av tea and yer honor give me a
pound av tubaecy!*'
Hut. at good woman aabl ta* gen.
eral. ’ doa I you huow that dream* go
by tonirarie*”''
Mure th« a,” replied the ready
tongue, 'll ain't he yer honor that ta
gulag to give me the pound av lay aa'
yer ladyship that will give bh> the
pound av tobaevy.'*
Mb* got tb* vein* of tb* dream
WillilH hMOWINU.