The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 11, 1896, Image 1

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Loup City Northwestern.
. INI — ■■!■■■ I »■ I I ■ ■ " " ' ' "" *" ~ 7 ' -'
The Northwestern
UKO. K. lIFKnclloTFH.
Editor and Publisher.
TEKMS Si 50 psr Year. II Paid in Advises
■itarud at ttia Ix>tip City pnatulbaa lor Iraa*
Blaaioi Uiroafb Uw> at tsoad
claaa d attor.
Rome four lias been expressed by
friendi. of J. M. Snyder, poat mail
er of the Vlrdurette post office and
M. H. Smith, post master at Divide,
that these two gentlemen will loos*
t heir prevent respective federal po
sitions Their fears are not witboat
foundation. Grover hates a pop.
. ■ —
We shook the hand of our old i
friend M 8 Taffee, master of the
Litchfield post office while in that
village last Monday. M. 8. wore
the Irce silver button daring the re
cent campaign aud consequently,
us he expressed it to us, t‘is expect
ing to hem something drop,” and
is anxiously waiting to find out
whc'her«r not that something will
be Mike tumbling from his present
federal position. It is pretty gen
erally believed, however, that Mike
wili be a participant in the new pop
ular game of “Grover put’em in, and i
Grover pul ’em out.” <
The Oakes Swiss Beil Ringers and ^
Comic Specialty Co gave two exel
lent performances at Deremear's ope
ra bouse yesterday afternoon and
evening. The performance was a
success from beginning to and. One
minatc audience would tie filled with
rapture by their harmonious and mar- '
velous musia and the next convulsed
with laughter by their nonsensical
mimicry and mirth. It is an excep- 1
tional company and they will find it '
profitable to return again.-Chieftain
Pueblo, Col.—They will be at the f
Opera house in Loup City touigbt.
The indications are that the South i
Atlantic and Gulf States Harbor <
Improvement Convention to meet in I
Tampa on Jan 29 1897 will be one of I
the most important occurrences in i
the South for many years. The sail I
is attracting much interest. It is <
believed that all of the Southern and i
most of the Eastern Northern and I
Western States will be represented <
by prominent public and business i
men. An invitation has been exten- I
ded to President-elect McKinley and 1
it is hIbo hoped that President Cle- i
veland with members of his cabinet l
may be induced to attend the con- i
vent ion._
The Swiss Bell Ringers will be in
Loup City and give ibeir entertain
ment in the opera house tonight, it
is a good company and will doubt
less draw a large crowd. Rut while
you are contemplating going to this
entertainment don't forget to patro
nize limue talent. The Epworth
League of this city had made every
arrangement to give their entertain
ment to niglit hut have postponed
their program until tomorrow (Sa
turday) night because the date first
made eoullicted with that made by
the hell ringers. They have taken a
great ileal of paius to make it a suc
cess. Now whils you are saving
enough lU'inev to patronise the hell
riugers la* sure and save an eilia
dime with which to go mi l hear the
• Jamil* Ladder" entertainment Our
home talent has always given good
satisfaction and the program that
awaits y< u is entirely new an I will
please you.
t he t nl >a i' n itt. by stem lw« titan
gttrsled a thorough eolunWt r'ecpiiii
ear service between IV tin'll It IIIn ■ and
I’ rcwti l, I bis car leaves t o • on j
ons train Nuliblli «l J It p 10 anti,
passengers gu through wbiloul change
Merths la tbts car cm* be secured bt
WHSm st this Witte* lu a.MitPoi to the
above, w* also roo s ( culuotst ear >
daili to wsa tbwm iscM sod a iwrws
aeoilv conducted c«>t«otst car wregiy .
sv**i I'r.dat to Iran s* *n t |.ih
tngel.rS enll I li.foiltus era t* yU
laiaad by writing or catling on
iraah W ritna, ygsut ,
IJanaral Hatlafarllnn I’rairallii a* a H**ult
of I lie llarv»»t #4 Rusts »«. (A
tlia yiissllou.
Kriirn The Grand Inland Dainocrat.
A Demiii’iHt man mu ordered this
week lo go out to the, sugar factory,
and resume Ins inquiry regarding
that great industry. This time he
was to see how the beet raisers Wert
feeling after the season’s work now
elosing. The weather for the past
week or two has not been ideal
weather for outdoor interviewing,
hut the least said about that the
better. The reporter went, saw, in
terviewed and got back without
freezing any part of his anatomy or
itlierwise hurting himself.
The variety of oponions regarding
icct sugar raising, its profitableness,
Me., is almost wonderful. One man
will be ai. enthusiast and probably
he next one you meat will declare
hut lie dos’nt see much in it. and
lothiog if only ft a ton is paid for
he roots. There are ail shades of
(pinion from one extreme to the
ithcr. One point upon which almost
dl agreed is in regard to silos.
Phe factory should provide shed
oom enough to take all the beets
is they are taken from the ground
n the fail, as the putting tho roots,
n silos takes as much work as would
ie neeueu 10 nasi insrn w me iaei
>ry. Another point spoken of is the
cry disagreeable job of digging
rests out of the silos and basting .
hem iu sueh bad weather. This is
.bout the only point upon which sll
vith whom the reporter talked
ecmed to agree. Many of the men
alked with were hauling for large
[rowers. Those who have engaged
xtensively in the business were not
mong those interviewed by the re
lorter, but the haulers told many
liffercnt tales of success and failure.
)ue intelligent American ~ farmer
aid that tie thought the industry
hum a grand thing for the state and
loped the time would come soon
phen many factories would be in
iperation. He knew of several poor
amities who were enabled to make a
iving from working in the fields
ind do hauling who would otherwise
iave needed assistance from the
:ounty. He and his sons had plant
id a small crop hut they had not
urned out well, still they had no
lomplaint to make as they had not
iiiltivatcd the crop as it should have
icen. This gentleman thought that
he incoming legislature would not
nterfere with the present bounty
aw. He thought it would be a wise
hing to continue the bounty for a
ew years at least, and also said it
vas his opinion that those who were
icquainted with the beet sugar in
lustry would not feel kindly toward
my party tiiat would remove tike
present bounty, which goss largely
.o the growers ot the roots.
The i|ueetion “Wilt heet raising
><• more profitable at |l a ton than
uiaing other crop*.” wus asked of
Midi, 'df we get $4 a ton it will he
i’iIiication whether we can make us
much as with corn an hogs, when
you eouaider the niuny things we
have to contend with in raiaiug beet*.
A failure erery few years would
knnek all the profit* out of thing*,"
•aye another. “1 iuteod to put in
uUiiit five time* aa many acre* next
year If we get ♦,'> a tou, hut If we
done there i* too mu.-It risk for a
poor man to run to put in very many
a- re*, I* the opinion of another. “I
think there t* money ia raising heet*
at $1 a tou, lull nt |!i a ton *« get
joat a dollar more pr tfli." Saitl an
other email grower. "It wc i itl<I
haul tit- m liirmH to the factorv fi< tu
the Bel-1* ami not put them tu ado*,
titer* witulil lei some profit left in the
hu*iu*»* even it |i i ton bill put
ting then in »|U>4 U lot* of work and
we gel mublog for it, *av» another
,;tIn, you'll Btwl all kimh of men;
raising hetfa. *at* a bright American
grower "ttcni make u -n> i and
nthti* d a* l know nun
*b> lilir (r|re<l h«*li even year
time the factory started ami kit«|
not made anything;others have been
getting ahead every year. Its lots
of work and the work must be done
just at the right time or the crop is
no good. The company ought to
have more shed room so that the
crop could be brought in as soon as
it comes out of the ground, instead
of making the growers wait until
they send for the beets. Maybe a
little competition would fix this,”
was the partial reply to the repor
ter's questions. “O, yes, I'm going
to raise beets next year. I can make
good money at a ton, bit 15
would be that much better,” cheerily
remarked one of the fanners. My
crop was all right and I'm well sat
isfied with this year's work,” suid a
German farmer who harvested a -00
acre crop which] averaged twelve
tons to the acre.
Kvery on evinced a lively interest
in the bounty case no triul, and the
question of 14 beets against is a
burning one with the beet raisers.
None tilamud the company, however,
for making the proviso In the con
tracts to pay 11 a ton means the
slate bounty is not paid.
‘"Whether these few opinions give
a fair idea of bow the farmers feel is
diflcult to say. A few points stand
out prominently. One is that all
arc not as successful as they would
ike to be. Another is that all have
,r.„„o,ro,l ii .. nrt. of ruisinu the
srop. The silo system undoubtebly
s causing some disatisfadlion.
There is no disposition shown to
juestion too honesty of the com- ;
,ariy’s officers and employees such
i thing was riot even hinted at.
rin- more intelligent farmers arecon
Jdent that the industry will make
,he state one of the richest iu the
To sum np in a few words. Meets
it $r> a ton insure all against loss
who have labored intelligently and
ndustriously, and a large profit to
,hose who have a thorough knowl
sdge of the work. At four dollars a
Ptifl the profits are cut that much,
d ire light will be shed on this sub
cct when the report of the State
Meet Sugar convention is published.
\ large number of letters from
{rowers all over the stave will be ,
ncluded in this report and should \
ie read by those interested. The
mhjeet is of too much importance to \
,e passed over lightly.
Wasted—100,000 chickens, hens,
{i;e»e, turkeys, ducks, in fact fowls of
ill kinds, also fat cattle. Will pay the
llgbeset price at the city meat mar*
To euro all sores, to hca! an indolent
ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you.
iced simply apply DcWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve according to directions
Its magi c-like action will surprise you.
Odendabl Bros.
The old lady was right when she said
the child might die If they waited for,
the doctor. She saved the little ones
life with a few doses of One Minute
Cough Cure. She had used it for croup
before.—Odendabl Bros.
__j.-sl.. ._1 -V „
AUiiUiuicijr l»u» pwi*v« »v ....
and Invariably relsablo are the quali
ties of One Minute Cough Cure. It
cures colds, croup and lung troubles.
Children like it because it Is pleasant
to take and it helps them. Odendahl.
GO 1IOMK CI1R1 STM AS- The l’nlon
Pacific will sell round trip tickets for
one ami one third fare, Sell on I*eo, 114
pith and Hist and Jun. 1st, good until
dan 4th. For particulars call on or
address F W ('link. Agent.
NOTICE—Those Indebted tome are
hereby iioulled to pay their accounts
and note* tiefure I tee, 13lh
Closing out Hardware at cost.
lilts F. 8TAIII
Awarded highot Honor**
World * Pair.
A (sMJHI CM6#*** 1 .<• f Wtifltft
A -m jt-Bfj jMsur «# **■¥ h-*m»*
Time* are pretty hard for most of us
but occasionally there nr« cases of de*
titutlon positively distressing A man
called at this office, Tuesday, who was
on his way from Colorado to the home
of friends In Oarfletd county, lie was
traveling in a eoycred wagon with four
children and bis wife and was entirely
destitute. They were on the road du
ring the storm of last week and no doubt
suffered greatly. Traveling in a cove
red wagon with woman an children,
without, a cent of money and tbo ther
mometer way down below zero Is an or
deal we would rather imagine than ex
perience. A woman, with a little child
was trying to find employment In Ka
verina Monday. She had rode from
Loup City to Rockville with a farmer
haturday and earns to Kaverina with n
fi'iner who came to the services ut the
<la'holic Church Sunday- She tried to
find employment but fulled, finely
made application to thn authorities for
assistance. Hire was sent hacb to ber
home ut. Loup City. Ravenna New*.
The woman In question wa* doubtless
the one known as the “old Indian
Woman.'' If so we will state that she
was at one time a public charge here
for about two years, but for the past
year has made her home elsewhere,
flho doubtless will continue to Ire
a public charge wherever *he goes.
Wake up your liver with a twenty
five cent package of Himtnons Liver
Regulator enough to wake up the
liver of the whole family. A dose a
Jay is enough, and a small one at that,
i,ut It will do the work well and with
out discomfort. It I* the iiest Ulood
aid Rest spring medicine. It 1* the
ilugglsh liver that cloggs the system
md poisons the blood. Wake up the
Iver J. II. Zullln & Co., Philadelphia
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
•St. Joseph, Halt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland,
Ht. Louis, Han Francisco,
gill all point# »»«1 #H t>
%*t and Booth. West.
,o M. A«cm„ dally except Sunday
for all |*>Ints .I.I"
63. Accra, dally, except Sunday
for Arcadia. .,
Sleeping, dinner and reclining cbalr cars
,eatH free) on tbrougb trains. Tickets
old and baggage checked to any point in
lie Ifni ted States or Canada.
For Information, mans, time tables and
lekets rail on nr write to A. K. worts
Agent, or J. FRANCIS, Uou’l. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
Beginning Hunday, November 17th,
trains will arrive and depart at tliia
nation as follows:
Leaves Leaves
Monday, Tuesday, 8. qo
Wednesday Thursday. ■ U1
Friday, aturday
Arrives at Loup City daily 7.15p.m.
(Jloie connection at Grand Inland for
all points East and West.
F. W. Clink, Agent
The old way of delivering messages
by post-boys compared with the mod
ern telephone, illustrates the old tedious
methods of “breaking" colds compared
with tbelr almost Instanlous cure by
One Minute Cough Cure.—Odendahl
Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped
hands and lips, cuts bruises, scalds,and
horn*are quickly cured by DeWltt’s
Witch Hazel Salve. It Is at present the
Article most used tor plica, aud It al
ways cures them.'—Odcudahl ltros.
Comfort To Oallfurula.
Kvery Tuesday evening, a tourist
slteplng ear for Salt Lake City, San
Francisco aud l.o» Angles leaves
i tmaha and Lincoln via the Iturllugton
It lscar|*eted; npholstered In rattan;
ha* spring seat* and backs aud It pro
vided with curtalut. t tedding, towels,
■osp eta, An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed l*ullm»n
porter accompany II through to the
1‘adAe coast
W ode neither as expensively dnUhcd
nor as dna *•» look at as a sleeper it is
pod »• 4>»hI to ride in HecsMtd class
ticket* ste honored and the price of a
tort It. Vile enough and big enough fur
tw>, la very reassmabir,
In: lorthet inforsnatiwM eee
A F it aars, II A X Agent
loop t'lt| Market Ms pot I
pturns path for
Cut a • »
wa«ot k
mis I *
Mow* AO
i „s<su i onto
t ssster* Ad
Pattaf, per pawed ... ... . 1
!»**. P»» Aoe
Plasma < •
Vlce-Prosldont. Caabiar.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stack, $60 ,000b
Loana on Improved (anna at MINI par eaoi. Bart Oompanp and baaC law
to be had In the wak
Oommmnn:-Chamlrrl national Bank. Raw York dtp, B. I4 Omaha
(■raioaal Baaa. Omaha. Rahaaaba
Attorney and Notary Publlo. Publliher Loor Orrr Nobthwmtbb*
RE.ll, ESTATE .1GE.Y7%.
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauds for Sale
Will pay the tugboat tuai -- -
&11 g:i®tdj» ©f ^t?ai^ at
McAlpino, Loup City, Shaupp, and Ashton. Alro higheat
prices paid for hogs and cattle at Loup City.
Wake Hp your system by waking up
your liver—Simmons Liver Regulator
will do it—and a twenty-live cent, pack
age at that. It Is an active liver reme
dy and a mild laxative. Just the medi
cine for all the ratnlly, children and all.
It’s a sluggish liver that causes all
sickness because of the poison that gets
Into the system. Try Simmons Liver
Regulator. It Is better than pills.
J. II. Zellln & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
The best blood medicine for twenty
live cents—enough for the whole fami
ly. Get c package of Simmons Liver
Regulator, the best spring medicine
and the bust blood medicine, because it
Is the best liver medicine. If your
liver is active It will throw off all im
purity In the system, and all depression
of spirit. Waae up your liver, but do
It with Simmons Liver Regulator.
J. II. Zellln & Co.. Philadelphia, Pa.
inon Li travel for reapoBelbte eeiebllabed
Uou*« Id Neurwekw Mwry ♦'*». payable 111
weekly kiidekpeueee 1‘ueUioii periueueui.
Itofereuce, fcucloee »etf-kdilre»e«Hl elamped
euvelopeU The Mktloubi. »Ul UulUliDR
Docket N>. Ho. lid.
Id tbe Oiyeell • ‘uurl «f Ibe l!bll«l elate.
fur Ike dlrlrtot of Hebraakk.
i eulral Lodd end Treel touipDDy.
el. el . I'uoiplelkewte
llw*h'*M«l‘wt4e«. e*. HI . UefMlMlA li
Fureeluaore *1 kolRed#
p while Dot lee I* Hereby Rivet* Ibel ll
ooiaueaee ml b* virtue of e decree ewier
ed l« ibe above, «eoee »k »Ae HA de> o
Deeeatbkt, ('*». I, 8 • I'ewly Jr., Heel*
II. tlteb. ery of ike t’ltekM Vektl of lb
I wiled to* lie tlimte* .»# Mvbieaka
1 Dill..«the end dey of Dceerkher, leer. »
ike k.<e« of » no'l Ik lb* fiuehuuk e
•kid dey. e» lb* If *M fon of Ike kbei
HMM I Ukktt iVkfl H-ikee bklldlue Ik lb
illy of look .Ilf. kbermeu t weedy k*et
act I Ii.of of b»i.**»be. *1
■O. reek Ibe KPIweik* deecttbed frayMlI
to oil A eel bell of aelaiow teeely A*
*>.■ ee l kkk.b k... M «e»l«* o« kecih*
i reeaty Httee Ml, Ywewabiii Hue* tl>
Iml* df leek Dv., " of Ibe Ul? ^1
• l<e box* o» tee* •*«*•dice I
foverbweki »o»*»*, eil ia kketbAbD «ww«
y kkd itele «f Hehreek*.
I ' A A T*» abl, J».
Heeler Iw I'Aeeee * •
uib ’ll l»A« A llAli
I biiW.Mii toe . v-cyoeieewt
Dr. Humphrey*’ HpecIBca are nclentllloaUy
and carefully prepared Remedies uaad for yean
In private practice and for over thirty yean by
the people with entire aucoem. Every atagla
Bpedfle a ipeclal cure for Uie rlteeaae named,
m. JPinnc rot nut
1-Feven, Congestion*. Inflammation*. >9
9—Worms, Worm lever. Worm Colic... ,1 i
S-Teethlugi Collet Cryln*. Wakefulness .9
tDiarrhea, of Children or Adulu.
Dy*enterr,Or1plng, Bllloua CoUo....
•-Cholera Morboe, Vomiting. d
»—Cough*, Cold*. Bronchitis... ,!
£—Neuralgia, Toothache. Faceacha.... d i
•-Headaches, nick Headache, Vertigo. .
1(1—Drape paia, BiUimane**. OinaUnation ,!
ll-Muppreaat-d or l’ululul l’erleds. .9
19—Whites, Too I'rofuao Ferlodl.! i
IS—Croup, l.aryngllla, Hoaraenem.... d
14-Hall Itbeum, Erytlpela*. Enmtiona. .1
19—Rheumatlam.or Rheumatic Faina.. d
tg-Malarla, Chill*. Fever and Agns.... d l
IT—File*, mind or Bleed! if. ..*.*.,•.••••*« i9w
IN-Optiibaluir, Bore or Weak Ena..... d I
iwtaturrb, Influents, Cold tu toe Head .9
90—Whooping Cough. dj
91—Asthma, Oppressed Breathing....a., d I
93- Ear Dlscbargea, Impaired Hearing d !
91—Herolula, Enlarged elands. Swelling d
94 ral Debility. 1-hy.leal Wmkumg d
lY-HIdnrr ... .
HH-NFrviiMi |
3*-Hero Meath, or rmk*r •
311 I rlaarr W eakness, Wetting Bed. .
3t ratulul Ferleda....d ‘
Sl-Rlseaaeanl the Heart.FalptlatlonJ. 1
3»-E*llrp*y.Biwama. *C Vim*’fiaae#...!. '
#1- Diphtheria, l'kw»WI‘« Throat., d
S4-4 hraaleC'aagratleaaAEmpMoua. 41
I U77„l)R,HUMrHBffVV r0K QR|P| 26°,
rut u* la
go* mhiaMUW. •* ew*ot as lauttgam
Ua te Haas at. ,t« ai««« * havneto aall«40m
at aruaatr a* iatw.,uihiua**aa»t., **»•**»
•TMf HU OINT»*«irr.
ntoa.Mor% lllikllM MB
|tMM» »•»«►.»•»• IHrnmm M* N.U
| _.
I Wanted In Idea 5Sr’s?
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