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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1896)
Uoaal Raws. Friuter'a ink make* business. ••New corn" meal at Watklnson*. Window Glaaa cheap at Watkinaou a Round Oak llcatcra are the best at Watki neon's. For any thing in the Harness line call at T. M. Reeds. Good grades of machine oils sold by T. M. Reed. Fred Jens returned ftom Grand Is land Monday evening. A Sutton returned trorn a business trip to Omaha last Suturday. Adam Sohnupp has established a grain and stock market at Rockville. Mr l’aige of Rockville was doing bu ainess at the county seat last haturday. County Superintendent Johnson made a business trip to Rockville yesterday. Dr. Sumner Davis, Grand Island. Hur gical diseases aud diseases of Eye and Ear. C. J I-ar»on shipped a car load of hogs to Omaha Tuesday. He accompani ed them. “The argument from successful pro pagation will be the subject for -Sun day evening at the M. E. Church. Geo. Oltman Is attending the farm of Jamas Conger during tba laliers absence at Omaha. F. W. Fuller, of Bristol township was doing business at the county seat Wednesday and Thursday of this week Nearly every day some of the farmers bring in a lot of rabbit* to market. Mr. Baker of Elm township brought in about OH InO \f Mi./lav Mrs. A Foltz and her mother-in-law haye been here the past week looking after tome buslues# Interest*. They ie tured to Phillips, Nebraska yesterday. WANTK1> 100,000 chicken*, hens, geese, turkeys, ducks, in fact fowls of ail kinds, also fat cattle. Will pay the higbeset price at the city meat mar ket. K. W. Van Horen, the proprietor of tbe Loup City Meat Market shipped 000 rabbits last Tuesday. The country seems to be alive with rabbits this sea son *• If there Is a reliable man among our readers who can sell Minnesota grown trees, he can secure steady employment aad good wages by writeng the Jewell Hursery Co., Lake City, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Hendrickson now occu py tbe office rooms recently vacated by Wall 4 Burrows. One of the rooms Mrs Hendrickson hHd especially flttcd up as an office and will resume the prac tice of medicine. Soothing, and not irritating, strength ening, and not weakening, smsll but effective—such are the qualities of DeWItt’s Little Jiarly Kisers, the famous little pills.—Odendaid Bros. The length of life may be increased by lessening its dangers. The major ity of people die from lung trouble*. These may be averted by promptly us ing One Minute Cough Cure..Odendah* Bros. To cure sit sores, to bsa'. an indolent ulcer, or to speedily eure piles, you’ ueed simply spply DeWitt’s Witch Hszel Salve according to directions Its msglc-iike action will surprise you. Odendahl Bros. A good many of our citizen* and far mer friend* are enjoying the tine sleigh ing nowday*. The ice under the snow, make* It last well. Some thiuks that it ha* come to stay all through the winter month*. The eld lady wts right when she said the child might die If they waited for, ths doctor. She saved the little ones life with a few dose* of One Minute Cough Cure. She had used It for croup before. Odeudahl Bros. Mr. James Pritchard w ill start with his family overland for Grant City, Mo. next Monday. This community Is very unfortunate in loosing so good a citizen a* Mr. Pritchard. The Nokiii WBSTKTN join their many friends in wishing them a prosperous future. Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless,! and Invariably reliable aie the qualt ties of One Minute t ough Cure. It cures rolds, croup and lung trouble Children like it because it it pleasant lo lake and it helps them Odeudahl. Bros. 1>, 8. Buyer, of Washington town ship made tbit Hauctum a friendly ‘ cal) yesterday aud left the repaired a mount of the needful to Insure a weekly visit from this re'lable journal for another year Mr. Boyer expressed himself a* being pleased with the re sult ol the reeeut election llaut) bill* are out auaouaeing a grand masquerade ball, the ttret of the eueeoo, lo be given at the upate house under the auspices of the t>ermenta \ ereia Friday ) mourn bar Ik, Ikiat fit* Loup City orchestra will furnish the music and a grand good tints i» **t»red to all who attend W, It l onger aunt to Omaha teal Btaeday to attend to the Mil of his %»a Jam** »• Northwestern Batiroud »"wm puny. The earn, however, did not rnmr to trial hut «a* postponed until Jem. tJeUe a good deal uf evidence la the earn was taken at i uuiicli W art* • her* the e> aidant wvunS Mr longer and *OU ruiutned home Wednesday Cutlery at half price at Watkinson'* Eye and Ear, I)r. Davi*. Grand Island, Nebr. Studibaker WBgnn* end buggies —at Watkinson’*. Tailor made clothing 12.50 per suit at A. E. Chase's Drop In and tell u» the news in your part of Lhe ecounty. .Sewing Machines at prices to suit the times at YVatkinson's. For SCHOOL HOUSE heater* cheap go to A. Watblnson’a I have corn, oats and ground feed for sale T. M. IteeiJ. C. ,1. Bolt has secured a job of work near Austin. Cbas. Gasieyer received a large ship ment of fruit Tuesday < veiling A M Bennett ban been making some repairs on bis bath tub* Ibis week If there are any persons, who do not get tbeNORTIIWESTERN regularly please report to this ollite. ( all and look at the sample* of ready made clothing at A, E. Chase’s. Suits from #5.00 up. Fit guaranteed. The station on the Union Pacific, one mile south of Ravenna was opened Wednesday morning as South Havenna Miss Maggie Solms went to Grand Island Tuesday morning and will make her future home with her sister in tliui city. County attorney, John W. Long ac companied Mr Haywood, the Kpwortb League lecturer to Arcadia Tuesday in i n i it ur The Thanksgiving soclul which was nosponcd on aeoount of the storm will take place to-night at the Baptist church Everybody invited lo participate. Kev. BenJ. S. Haywood of lloldredge and Conference President of the Ep worth League gave Ids lecture as adver tised lust Monday evening. His lect ure was good and very interesting. Judge Hunter says that he got a fall on the slippery side walks last Wednes day morning that was a hummer. He lays It happened just when lie was'nt prepared. The lee and snow in the c irntlelds makes It very hard to husk corn now days. But few farmers had finished husking before the storm came and now of course all such work will be greatly retarded. 11. W. Pedler, of Canada and brother of our fellow townsman, J. 8. Pedler. Is visiting his brother this week. He made this office n pleasant caII last Tuesday and expressed himself as being well pleased with the country. • Excuse me.” observed the man in spectacles, “but 1 am a surgeon, and that is not where tha liver Is.” “Never you mind where hi* liver is,” retorted the other. “If It was in his big toe or bis left ear DeWitt'e Little Early Kisers would reach it nnd shake it for him On that you can bet your gig-lamps.”— Odendahl Bros. NOTICE—The Epworth League will give an “Jacobs Ladder" entertainment at the Methodist Church Friday Dec It Admission: Adults 10 c. Children under fourteen 5, Something new: Come everybody. There is a large ice harvest going on in the city this week. The ice is of splendid quality and all who arc engaged in the business are hurry log up to get n supply before it is to thick foruonven ience when using. If the cold weather keeps up as It has all through the month ofNovomber it would not be loag till it would be two feet thick. The average thickness now is from 13 to 15 Inches. The L nion Fucitic System ha* inau gurated a thorough colonist sleeping car service between Council Itlufl'saml Portland. This car leaves Co Bluffs on our train No d daily at U 15 p m ami passenger*go through whltout change Berth* In this car can bn secured by request at till* office. In addition to the above, we also run a through colonist cat dally to San Francisco ami a perma unfitly conducted colonist car weekly every Friday to San Francisco ami lew Angelos. Full Information can be oh tallied by writing or calling on Frank W Cline, Agent. The case of T M Iteed vs Kit It Ft*’ her came up for a third trial last Wed tiesduy. The case had Imeu previously submitted to two juries and • it'll time they (ailed to bring ill a verdict 1 h< third Jury however, brought In a vur diet fur the plaintiff In ike sum of gV The case Is on* In Which the plalnllll sues to recover the amount of a u ole. ul f*5 given in | a) iu<‘iit for a mule ami l km*w it a* the l*t td Mtiia i'ate' the mule having died shortly alter tlo purchase Ilefendenl alledged tbst lie mule was worthies* amt not a* represrn led by |>lainlllt A large amount 01 testlmonv was lotto, luted at eath Iris and the cost* in the case amount* It over glia* WAIT? | fur the Ma tpierade Halt tu he giver I by the It. of I* I edge. Jsituarv |»l MIT. tut tliiMKt |IH1«TMA* The t wioi Pat ill* will sell round trip Ik beta f>* owe end owe third fate. Hell on tree, SMh a« l .list ami J*u 1st , good wit Jan 4th For particulars call on o a Kites. F " ft toy, tgeni SPEAKING PIECES. Goahl But them actor chapa reclt* Their play* too much like talk. Speakin in public it ain't right To joke an chat an walk. W’y don't they yeli an atomp the floo Aa me an Marthy would A apeakin ptecoa up befuru The hull dern neighborhood? I practiced in the hoaa barn lof Then w’en the timo had coma I'd murmur “Bingen" low an aor* Or make ole Capuay hum Aa Hpartacua. 'Hie roof ’ml ahake. Eochiol 'd bewaro the day. My pa win aartin auro I'd make A prealdent aomn day. Child'n an parent* woro thoir beat School exhibition day*, An llko a Vinton o’ the Ideal Wux Marthy Ellen Haya A-aayln curfew muwtn’t ring— By goah, ahe meant it, tool— A night to make an angel aing In tl»e gownd her ma dyed blue. O’ eourao aomn gala wtiz rather aliy,* Twlatln tho’r ap'un atringa. An aomn boya trimblod—I dunno w But on tlio hull, by jlnga, Wn licat them player fellera fair. An na fer form an face, No Noo York actreaa could compare Till Marthy Eilen’a grace. —J. L. Heaton in “Thu Quilting Bee," EGGED ON THE DOCTOR, A Napoleon of Ylninm Meet* HU Water loo In New Hnmpitliire. An itinerant corn doctor took posses sion of the public squaro in Charles town, N. H,, one evening and proceed ed to transact a business which was of land offlco dimensions while it lasted. But ho closed up early. Eggs woro flying at him from all di rections, and ho was a sorry looking sight when be reached the friendly shel ter of tho hotel. He had imposed upon the confidence of tho unsophisticated, and the shower of eggs was their way of expressing thoir righteous indignation. Tho "doctor's” modus operand! was something like this: Ho had a corn salvo that was unequaled and iinap proacbublo in its virtues, llo wished to advertise it and would for 10 cents give a sample of the salvo and a cheek, on the presentation of which later be would givo a present. The “present" end of it caught many who were old enough to know better and several children, hut great was their surprise when on presenting their checks they were handed 15 cents as a present. This was making money very fast. Kueh purchaser had realized 50 per cent on his investment. The doctor had ar ticle No, 3 to advertiso and would also givo a present to every purchaser who would pay 25 cents for a sample. Those who had bought one package of No. 1 took two and three of article No. 2 and wore given checks, as in the previous instanco. Of course they thought this man who gave thorn 15 cents for 10 would certainly give them at least 85 for 25. But he didn’t. He probably thought he had gone the limit, and when the speculators presented their checks they were given a bit of taffy candy by the smiling doc tor, who said, “I told you I would give you a present, and I have done so," and while he continued to give them the laugh they began to see the "joke.” Several of thoso on the outside of the crowd got their beads together and then went to a nearby provision store and in vested all the money they had in eggs, and the less modern they were the more desirable for their purpose. When they returned, the voluble doc tor wus tolling his audience uot to feel bad over the matter. He had, he said, traveled a great deal and had "got it in the neck" himself and never complained. Well, just then he got it in the neck, and in the back, and on the head, and in several other places. There was a perfect shower of eggs. The doctor’s smile vanished, aud he did not stand upon the order of going, but got quickly. Ho made $5 or $6, but ho needed a new suit of clothes.—Bos ton Globe. How a Letter May Be Recalled. The public is not as familiar with its privileges about postal matters as might bo supposed, says tho Boston Transcript. Many times people would like to recall a letter after it has been mailed. This can be done, even if tho letter has reach ed the postoffleo of its destination. At every postoilice there ure what are called "withdrawal blanks.” On application they will bn furnished, and when a de posit is made to cover the expense, the postmuster will telegraph to the post master ut the letter's destination usktng that it be promptly returned. Thu ap plicant first signs this agreement: "It j is hereby agreed that, if the letter is re turned to me, 1 will protect you from i any and all claims made against you | for such return ami will fully iiuUminl : fy you for uny loss you may sustain by reuson of such action. And I herewith deposit 4— to cover all expenses Incur red ami will deliver to you the envel ops of tlie letter returned." In many ca»cs person* iinv« made (ntnittattcn* to fraudulent parte tor irresponsible firms, ' not learning their true character until after the letter had gone, and have sue 1 cecded ku t<valling (hem. i llusultt S'*W tss t est Im l * Halts. Klephautiosis l* a i culmr form of leprosy In which the* limb and frstiihs | swell to horrible pt* portion* ami out of \ all semblance tu 1 be legs* arms ami fa- si f bullion t* mg* <* »»» s al« know n where the* legs have Iwo ti* mi swollen that they luobsmi 4 fx't lu ciKUtu f' li lee's-. fl» • ais of tlie MW« tliSIW. Waiter ktrutane, on l.ngi-lt sailor. Were It no Iks Hi teu^lh amt tils boss elongated to upward of • feet when In . the last »r*«> s of the horrible malady —• ft la nil* Mepttblnv IV H* 4tt to lO pt4iinto s-jual | bushel of eornimat In various states, I ha lower tgmv being the h gal weight nr Keith k-sh'ltta the latter Im Aika'isws and 1 i others | , j from Warsaw, lira capital of swwsl i IMand, 1st our capital tho dtstarras Is 4,t> Iw mile* HIS WITS SAVED HIM. The Diver Felgnol Death That He Might Karape With Ilia Lire. Some years ago, upon tho coast of France, there occurred one of thn-e ro mantic episodes that seem to belong to tho realm of fiction. A vessel had found ered within sight of port—gene down with all her cargo. Two divers were sent to report upon tho causo of tho dis aster and tho prospect of mining (he goods. Olio of these represented tho iu sarunce brokers, who hud instituted the investigation, and the other the cuptaiu and owners of tho vessel. The brokers’ man touched bottom first and found himself on a bod of while sand, lfo was fortunate enough almost immediately to discover tho wreck and ut once climbed tho crags upon which tho vessel rested. Investigation showed him that there had Lrn foul play, for an auger hole was plainly visible ill the hull of tho ship. He had turned to point out his discov ery to the other diver, who was now by his side, when ho folt himself suddenly clutched by tno wuistaud drugged down open the sand. Here his assailant mur derously attempted to break the glass of bis helmet, but the assailed man fought desperately for his life. He firmly believed himself to be in tho clutch of a madman, and for a few minutes tho water was thick with sand that flew up around the combatants. In tho end tho first diver was worsted, and his assailant forced him to lose hold upon his line. Death seemed imminent, but tho div er’s wits did not forsake him. Finding that he was no mutch for his adversary, ho fell back and apparently swooned, and in this condition the other man pre pared to leave him, cut off from com munication with tho upper world. He imvi! the sii/nal to i>o drawn uti. hut al ho began to aseenrl the apparently swoon-1 ing man sprung to his feet and clutched j the rising man’s legs with u firm grip, and tlie two were hauled to the surface together. Then, indeed, the ready witted dlvei fainted in earnest, and before bo regain-! ed consciousness his enemy had escaped , to laud and when captured was attempt ing to leave tho country. At the trial ht explained the reason of his conduct. It was the old story of greed leading to unlawful deed und of the resulting danger inciting tofresh crime—an over insured cargo, a scuttled ship and then a frantic effort on the part of the ship owners to avoid disgrace and punish ment by offering to tho diver u share ol the profits on condition thut tho discov ery, sure to be made by his rival, should never bo hoard of. —Y ontb’s Com pan ion. As to Ballets. A Bridgeport (Conn.) inventor hat patented a “mushrooming bullet. ’’ Tbit is designed to fill a very important waul in modern warfare, the new styled riflt projectile having proved too hurnano. The trouble with the latter is that, hav ing only tho diameter of a lead pencil und traveling with a velocity of half a mile a second, it is apt to pass clean through a man without disabling him. It lacks what is technically called “stop ping power.” The bullet devised by the Bridgeport man has a cavity near the point, which causeB it to “mnshroom” —i. c., spread—on striking, so as ”tc produce a large and lacerated wound, accompanied by great shock.” In time of peace it may be employed for killing lions, tigers and elephants. The very newest thing in this line, however, is the aluminium bullet. Ol courso it is very light, aluminium being only about as heavy as chalk. It is not intended for use in war, but for bunting and shooting at targets. Ordinary bul lets have an excess of forco for sucb purposes, traveling unnecessarily far. Those of aluminium, on tho other hand, have about the same force for short dis tances, but their velooity diminishes __: |_—-1 OAA ntnnll gamo a person fond of shooting may avail himself of tho novel idea of an other inventor, who suggests that tin plate shot would be preferable to the kind now in use. These latter are coat ed with graphite, to blacken and polish them, und this is alleged to bo objec tionable becauso the graphite fonls the gun. Furthermore, the lead is acted upon chemically by the animal juices so us to bo iujurious to the eater of the flesh. This is obviated by the coating of tin.—Boston Transcript. Btlll » ( Iiuiko Fur Jtiiftinriuu The monotonous voice of the truinboy broke in upon the meditutious of the sleepy traveler. “All papers, auy of tho sporting or comic publications, hooks by popular authors”— “Not auy,” drowsily answerer! th*' traveler. In a few moments the boy came bu and spoke to huu again: “Bananas, oranges, up"— “No!” Again the boy went away, und again he came back. “Figs, chocolate caramels''— “Isaj’t want anything. 1 w ish yon Would quit bothering me." Un>o more the By went away, and once more he returned. “Now, see here," said tint traveler, thoroughly awake by thus time, “young chap, I don't want any lead )* net Is, pruo package*, stationery, hunk*, pa }a-r* of any kiml, cigars, fruit, eandy is skullcap* 1 have no u*e for nuts, •betkd or nt tier wise, and you can't sell me any * >ap, buckle*, omU, raaor strops, i uiT buyout, aiiuanacu, paper* of pin*. c*irusi«r< n, tug*, walking •ii> a*, mustard •peon*, umbrellas, nightshirts, elotbe*piua, l*r.* ai*4 silks, rubber bam Is. carpets, bayclsu shaving mug*, yachting nap*, d am ti-t*. knivv* or forks, cut glass, their, baton, pick In duhe*, perfumery. mit-e, tea, ttnn cut IcImmih steak baby cai i tag**, elephant*, hot** • nr any other bunt >4 animal- - four (»*o| or ntm I* t*—mw bg*. mining •tea k or real estate Now, wilt year go away nisi let me ahumf* "Yes, »sr,” i> p iu,d th# truinboy la ||i«t f-MitT lki*'fi»- 'It'in 'hk4 tiHU ' Want any th* wtwg gumf*'—t'bhago Ttibuna, V \ \ ) / } * ( I 0 1 * • • ■*; I i FOR AND ADVERTISE IN THE 4 The BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM and local newspaper in $H MIAN CUNTY. * * r L MARCY. ]J«DENT1ST* fr%IOlt lit Hmnl Him Marty 11 lock, Haul #V';*c I'ulilii. wtuarn. Lu»i|> cily, .1. KISIII It. ' * Attar nay-at-Law, j AM* NOTIIY ITBUC. Will IJekndin I orei:l»*Mm t a»k> h'.'io |io A (iKNKKAI. ItK VI. I I I A 11. Ill >IN I.-. V' I H Hit HI* *•! IK» l-.lil I 4 l*»* I' • IIV • • NkHMAkK V »■’ INK' 1 n... M* EIXPKEijiS AM. cj ENKKAL DELIVERY LINK *1, KiiMMa u. »«>.•« |i».H.|>tly *u#<4 »***» ■ tk. r|i m. X KJ1IT1VG1 ALE. * LAWYER. floes a General Law and Collection Biswss A Notary l*al>lln, Steiiotf raplivr aii't Typewriter iu OMm. CM. |> oil KOHill or rtElT HAN a. MIL’I* ( ITT, • * SUlilU. M iim* «w||v Ml4t. Ulliirut. MkN t»N ttlMUfU I •* IIKTiti lot ««!«!»'Ml»tb|« vxtiit* lull - * »| in Nt hmikn ••m'mi f fftiM, *15 i* »•«• Ik 1 jf Mini v hMitiuii i^riuait anil, Mt h ri ui'n I iivl«Mta> •a>l| miMh.w«i’«| •tMiM|*n«l * til*' H iMtittil, ilnr ItMiUt ti»4 i*bn mo. l li»* ll**M ttit*«livlu«* for I arru *> tl%«» erili 1 »* *l«y for #%«ry MH titUvr i I lln< f tu,t|) tin « |i4i U|t* of Hlttuooti* l.iy#i H' liMtitur, ilia* k»t i • «Mt«| uirilii jif * I I tin t»#*l »|i|tii| lMtH||rl|»r ll * tit *nr >on tfttrv ** mi» on * iiutlir'a va til* of t iw Muir Ifni *|l| |||« |«»u ‘Hftttctv Midi t« ‘limn b ^hli idb?t til IhmHIi J || £*ttto A t u , l*b I oh*i|'tn 4, |*4 Wanted In Idea ZE&S ft'v E* RrSSJn^isaW Sr *+•