The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 04, 1896, Image 2

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GEO. E. MBSBCHOTER, Editor 4 l ob.
«g=BBgg== .— -2=^8
The Total Vote ae Shown From the His
J. II. Strode, republican. 17,358
y. If. Ilroady, demo-pop. 17,137
11. E. George, national. 21*
C K. Smith, prohibition.... 42#
Total vote..25,14*i
Strode'* plurality.... 250> DISTRICT.
E. K. Buttle, demo-pop. 1*,2*<1
1). II. Mercer, republican... 14,*01
Charles Watt*, prohibition. 202
i». W. Wood bey, National. 59
Total rote.... 28,40*
Mercer'* plurality. 1,575
Bavid Brown, prohibition.. 52t
C, M, Griffith, national. 254
It. L. 1 latiiinond. republican,... 18,0 3
Samuel Maxwell, deino-pop.23,4*7
Total vote. 42,895
Maxwell's plurality.. 4,*54
roc urn dimthd t
W. II. Deck, petition. 114
K. E. Bunpiiy, democrat. 097
E. ,J. llaiuer, republican. 18,*44
B. Spurlock, nat'ii'i A proliib'n.. 425
W. (j. Stark, demo-pop.......... 20,515
Total vote...40,ouo
Stark’s plurality. 1,671
W. K. Andrews, republican..... 15,021
.1. S. Miller, national.. J53
C, W. I’res ton, prohibition...... 220
H. S. I’roudlit. democrat.... 433
K. D. Sutherland, demo-pop.... 18,332
Total vote. 34,705
Sutherland's plurality. 2,711
A. E. Cody, republican.. 14,*41
A. It George, prohibition.. 430
W. L. Greene, demo-pop........ 10,378
A. C, Sloan, national.. 110
Total vote. 34,774
Greene’s plurality. 4,854
A field of corn near Elk Creek yielded
80 bushels per acre.
A new Swedish church was recently
dedicated at Valley.
A plan is on foot for providing Te
cumseh with an opera house.
Corn buyers at Juniata are paying 13
and 14 cents per bushel for that com
A society for the prevention of cruel
ty to aDimals has been organized at
The sheep herd of Sheridan county
has grown from 1,500 head in 1804 to
60,000 this fall.
The new German Lutheran church
at Klk Creek is finished and will be
dedicated Dec. 6.
The Willard livery barn at Albion
was destroyed by fire. Eleven horses
burned. No insurance.
W. H. Schomaker, near Nebraska
City, had 100 ucres of corn that aver
aged 50 bushels per acre.
The report of hogs killed during the
present season shows Nebraska City to
be 2,000 ahead of last year.
A number of prominent free silver
men met at Lincoln and organized the
Lancaster county bimetallic union.
A farmer near Kaymond has pur
cha*ed 2,000 head of sheep, and will
market bis corn in the shape of mut
There is general expression of ap
proval because Nebraska's next statu
fair has been put along later in the
The fourteenth annual session ol
the Nebraska state teachers’ associa
tion, will be held at Lincoln Dec. 28,
20, 30 and 31.
Twenty double-deck ears loaded with
sheep passed through Sidney recently
for the Eastern markets. This one lot
of sheep was valued at over 814,000.
The house of Editor Lowers of the
Lierce l.eadcr caught fire from a gaso
line stove, but it was promptly
nt|utT< utu uy inuk ^vinicumn d uaii^ir
E. O. Kretzinger,defeated fusion can
didate for state senator in (iage coun
ty, ha* instituted contest proceedings
for the seat claimed by Ueorge A. Mur
Hurglars went through Trunk NefT's
store at Hildreth, There being no
safe to blow, they proceeded to help
themselves to clothing, underwear, silk
liaiikerchiefs and overcoats.
Hundreds of teams leave itoyd coun
ty every week fur Armor. ICunuing
Water, O'Neill, Stuart aud Atkinson
loaded with w heat and hogs. The peo
ple up there are praying for a rail
A. T. I.utterel, one of the Inspectors
in the railway weighing and ins|iection
association at South Omaha, has sud
denly left for parts unknown, leavtug
his wife aud a number of unpaid ac
Elisabeth M. Iil> the of Mason I lly,
motm-r of Hon. .lames T. Illy the. ea
chni'iuaii of the republican state cen
tral committee, died very suddenly
at her h”Ute last week, at the age of
74 year*
The Omaha elevator company began
business at Meslou last wash, under
the super vision of M. O Morrell snd
M lladt-ttbu' k 'I he e «* ator Itss been
kite most of tke Owe during tke past
three years
Mus nirawkeeker «f Materloo, an
old resident of limited means, wee no
liked last week tkal ke is sols heir |o
tke estate of au uavle, wko died recent
ly lU Peensy irnuia. Tke estate Is vnl
ued al II how
Peter Mill, who wse shot by |.eroy
(jutmt») at Aregu, died Iti Palls » tty
lest week. Iluta urea resided at I rtlg
Mo. wksre lliil. It ta eiaiwed, heenute
too well acquainted witfc tke wife uf
tjuimbr nod trouble arose between
them. during wkiek the shouting os
Tke Uneeoia ereewery, a brauek uf
tke Knulh Platte ereaurery sumps ay s
laelituttou. was burned last week, all
buildings being deelfwyed esoept the
wwl sked and engine rouwt 't here was
hut little butter «u ksud but nil that
was la tnkn tenn an vest The Urn was
alerted by sperks from the smoke stack
•etching le Ike segno.
A cash commodity on the Nebraska j
farm nowadays is the pood milch cow. |
She will bring a round price if offered
for sale, or if kept in good working
form she will turn a nice cash pron.
every day for ten months in the year.
Fred Shipley, three and a half years
old, son of J. C. Shipley, who rcbidcs
near the Running Water, was found
Tuesday afternoon lying in the horse
corral with his skull crushed by a kick
from a horse. Doctors think he may
Wm. D. McHugh has been appointed
U. S. district judge for Nebraska, to
fill the vacancy caused by the death of
•fudge Dundy. Oscar If. Mill* of St
Paul, Minn., was appointed clerk, to
fill the vacancy caused by the resigna
tion of Klmer D. Frank.
A number of teams are at work on
the big reservoir for the Crawford citi
zens' ditch, on the reservation, south
west of town. This basin will hold an
immense body of water, as it will cover
210 acres, and will be 30 feet deep in
the center, with an average depth of
10 feet
The Rock Island oflieials uro elated
over their success In winning 8100,000
of the Union Pacific's cash. The case
has dragged along In court since 1891,
and is for the rental of the Rock
island's tracks between South Omaha
and Lincoln. The U. 1*. will probably
A warrant was issued at ('hadron for
the arrest of lien H. Hayden, a well
known farmer living near lielmont, on
tlie charge of cattle stealing. A calf
stolen from Postmaster Lversollat Ilel
mont, whs sold by Hayden in itox
liuttc county. He will be tried at the
December term of court.
The convention of farmers and other
Nebraska people held recently in (irund
Island, resulted in a series of resolu
tions of the following Import: Thut
the reliei of farmers from the overplus
Ul but ii mm »» uvav I'.. —
the lime, calls for a diversity of pro
ducts The beet sugar industry hay
ing proven profitable and promising, it
should be fostered.
Upon the request of County Attorney
Kaldrige of Douglas county, a requisi
tion was issued by <iov, Holcomb for
one John Hoe, alias Francis, wanted in
Omaha for horse stealing and grand
larceny. He was arrested at Atchison,
Kan., with a horse and buggy in his
possession that answers to the descrip
tion of the one stolen from VV. O.
Hrldgcs, of Omaha.
Itcgarding the Nebraska exhibits
that were displayed by the K & M. at
a number of county fairs in Illinois and
Indiana this fall, the Corn Kelt of Chi
cago says they were the admiration of
good farmers who were the first time
in their lives, perhaps, forced to realize
that, though proud of their own state,
they have to admit that it has a young
but eminently successful rival in Ne
The recent declsiou of the United
States supreme court regarding the
Wright irrigation is of great import
ance to Valley county. It is expected
that the Ord district will soon com
mence to build its ditch. The bonds,
in the sum of #50,00, were voted and
have been issued, and the work upon
the ditch only depends upon the sale
of these bonds, which are made food
by the decision.
Mason City citizens have become
thoroughly aroused at the action of
the local grain buyer in keeping the
price of grain at that place a few cents
lower than that paid at the towns on
either side of it and are organizing a
commercial club to better handle the
matter. It Is hoped that work will be
gin on a new elevator soon. Wirt <fc
Tierney are preparing to rebuild the
one burned last season.
K. M. Debley, a brakeraan on the Kt.
Joseph A Orand Island, got off a
freight at Fairfield to give a signal
while the train was moving at the rate
of twelve miles an hour. He slipped
and two ear wheels passed over his
foot. He would have been killed hail
not a couple of traveling men pulled
him from in under the cars. The phe
nomenal part of it was that the skin
was not broken nor will the foot need
It is reported in court circles at Heb
ron that Captain J. 11. Stiekel has de
cided to abide by the decision of the
court, and will in a day or two go to
Lincoln to commence his two year s
sentence und not appeal to the supreme
court, us first reported. It is said
there is no doubt bat there is error in
the record upon which the captain was
found guilty. His attorney is confi
dent of a reversal if the case goes to
the supreme courts.
I'ndcr the auspices of a host of
friends and relatives, in the form of a
surprise party, the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. If. Fuller, aged residents of
lieeatur, was taken by storm to cele
brate with them the anniversary of
their golden wedding. Many beauti
ful und costly presents were presented.
They are among the first settlers of
thut place uud came there with what
is known us the New York Immigra
tion company in l*.’-f
During a |>olitical rally at West
, Point a rocket exploded in the face of
Myrtle Thomas, passing through the
right eye uud under the skill covering
the forehead, and out at the left side
of her head. '1 he list to which the
rocket was attached remained iu the
I little girl’s furelirad as she was taken
j to a neighboring drug store und waa
| then removed by the physician, after
putting the child under the mtlueuce
i of chloroform. The child loaea the
i sight of her right eye,
ISnlge county will break her record
ou sheep feeding this winter. I in tud
{ mg this* already In the yard* and
I those known to be on the wav, It is «*•
! 11united that rtu,nuw need wilt he frtl
! in that county tmushy A t o. will
i feed fii.uuu In I township, hear
i Arlington. ttuusiiuft A Arris will hava
| about i-i,msi at liooper and Mortimer,
sulllvan A Mahoney will tuerease their
floeka now at the tostfrey farm to in.
1 uuu head and other large bunches will
: tie ted neer North Itend and In the ven
tral part of the county
l bar lea brown, the negro aha was
' held for burglarising ttouder Itrus
| store at I alia I tty, a lout two mouths
I ago. made his sweeps from jail last
11>„ a. the lb year old daughter of l*.
htruehman, »l Nebraska > tty,died «ery
suddenly Abe hail bus with the e»a
liwshes eiasa at the church and upon
reaching horns had a severe rout, nag
spell, whtek eomp.etcly p< .sir sled her
s,,s hss had stu h attache before end
not rntwh at n alma was |>etd to the
matter During the night her mother
went to het bedside and lore said she
wee sit right, hut la the morning v«
gut eg le the loom site wee found dead
_ I
HAS NO understanding;
Ilu Not Hern Kit her McKinley nr Hanna
Since the Klertlon uu.l lln Ha.l No
Corre«|M>ii.lenco With Them —
Woul.l Not Hay Anything
About Ke-Kleetlon to
the Senate,
WAsn'fMtTON, Nov, no. Senator Sher
man of Ohio made a lint and emphatic
denial of the reports concerning adeut
between hlm elf and Mr. Mark Ilnnna
as to the Ohio sunatorshlp and a .•aid
net, position under McKinley. He de
clared that tlie stories alleging tin
agreement whereby lie (Sherman)
should go into tlie cabinet and Ilnnna
succeed him in the Senate were pure
fabrications. lie had not. he said,
seen either Mr. McKinley or Mr. Hanna
since the election and had had no cor
respondence with them save of the
most, ordinary character, chiefly for
ward! rig applications for otticc made
through him. There hud been no ar
rangements for conferences of any
kind as to office.
As to whether he would be a candi
date for re-election to the Semite, Mr.
Sherman said lie had not thought any
thing about It and therefore would
not answer any <|uestlons on the sub
ject. He paid a warm tribute to Mr.
Hanna, who, he said, was a strong
friend of his and a man of attainment*
and ability.
Kntlroails It until life to I.iihIsImiis Will
Drant Special It a tea on torn.
Hr. Loris, Mo., Nov. 30. The com
mittee of mereliunts who came here
from Louisiana to secure a special
freight rate on corn for the famine
stricken district of that stats will leave
for home to-night.
Chairman Miilsnp is highly gratified
with the result of the committee's
mission. *‘Jn a certain sense,” he
said, “we got more than we asked for.
The rates promised us by the railroads
are even lower than we hoped to ob
tain. The Missouri i’acific.Iron Moun
tain and Cotton Kelt lines have made
us a very low rate. The Illinois Cen
tral people treated us as generously as
those previously seen promising a
handsome reduction in the rate. VVe
will see the Anchor line people after
we get home and I have no doubt we
will get a special river rate. After we
report to liovernor Fosjer be will ap
point a s|s:eial committee to buy the
corn. Outside uid will not lie asked.
The state can and will care for its
District Attorney liaekus Vetoes the
Corbett-Fitzsimmons Project.
New Yoiik, Nov. 3o.—Warren Lewis,
president of the Oreater New York
Athletic club, who has been arranging
for a fight between Corbett and Fitz
simmons at Coney Island, called
on District Attorney liaekus to
day to secure a permit. backus
refused to grant it and said that lie
would not allow the fight to take place,
as he understood it was to lie a prize
tight and not a contest for points, and
he added that if an attempt was made
to tiring tlie men together in a ring
they would lie arrested.
Lewis directed the district attorney's
attention to the tights that took place
at the broadway Athletic club, to
which backus replied: "it make- no
difference to me what they do in New
York. I won't allow the law to be
violated in Kings county.”
Over NI’J.'Miu IIi-IiIikI In IIU A<‘<*01111 In —
IIm* l)<*ii(‘lt Alr#n«ly Mad# (JcmmI.
Waniiinuthn. Nov. 30. A change iu
the |x>stmastership of Memphis, Teun.,
will lie made in a few days, though
the new upiHilutee has not yet iieen
selected. This is the result of u short
age of over SI'.’.‘.'no found iu Postmaster
Armour's account*. The shortage iius
beeu made good hy Armour s eleven
U liiiluu tilist Trial Potts |fs.
AmiPHsos, Ind., Nov. 30. The Win
dow (ilass Miintifaelurers' association,
it combination of Kastern and Western
manufacturers, ha* gone to piece*.
The starting of plants In tins t'lty,
Pendleton, Alexandria ami Klvvood. In
violation of tit,i resolution to itoltl oft
till Ih-tvutber IT, Is the immediate
cause of the break One of the proud- I
in ui me lit tiers slated that the failure
of the association to hold tog«-ther
meant a loss of 5.. * no itn to the manu
t urop«*a t tfsirlsrs I , , lli«* Holler.
I.osihis, Not. hi, Asa result of the
gold stall iaisl victory in the elections
In the I iiltcii 'st it is. Itritish miiiiufae
tun-rs, e v |s u-te rs mot coiuuiissioti
houses report greatly lnerva*e«laetliit*
and ail i V|sct iu,proved trsdv til Istll,
M< ports from Paris II, riin and oilier
coni in itial liailc center* with Ameri
can tonne* thm* are of a similar I. n,*r. J
w> so *h H-* ia tui Hurt I e>* I».|
At tint solos Nov i. i o tone I J At
llariow o,r|ta of rtlglaesv. t uitvd
tvlal. 4 mtuti v iu «b|Jf ftuUuilU'tl li* fc##
I ifUiri Miht it lit* Altai) t**r! of lb#
t*t# rit«kU«Uiti UoutUi i t m4«to**•(«*§i, |
! Ull4t t lb# Uvm)> t«r t iAia'M
lb# t M)W«I Malt*! *iut (or lb#
<*«4 f# *44419 bill If
i lb# i U lb# Iaiai uuttt*
| »fw* ttt *i of lb# IM*» Ufilub t b# IV
| f«*tl tko#l lb# t«»Me»|»U'l# HMtkilll by •
MUftvt uf #«4 )rtA|* iu«>tivtU4* mIt vif
lb# #At)t* tl»*iUwt*t Unit' fhmi lb# KM
UliMb lo lb# I*#* v A#
————f —will 11 mtnnnm i ima *******
Hie Well. Known Preacher siarilo Xcw
York So; !c!y.
W York, Nov. 30.—"Idonot know
<v many unfaithful husbands or
'/rive's there are in tills community, but
1 should calculate that there might lie
well on toward a quarter of a million.
T‘n* love between husband and wife is
kept true In some east's by the possess
ion of children, but I have learned
enough to know that in the ease of any
couple that might present themselves
Isifore me to get married 1 would not
at any rate of premium issue an insur
anoe policy on their conjugal fidelity,
good for more than five years, unless
on the contingency of offspring or on
thc basis of their common faith in
This statement, made by Dr. Park
hurst in the course of bis Thanks,,'ly
ing sermon, has created a profound
sensation in the metropolis, and, in
connection with other portions of the
sermon, Is believed to ha the forerun
ner of another Parkbiirstlun crusade
Dr. Purkhurst. assailed women bar
gain hunters as bloodsuckers and mur
deresses, and declared that a woman
who will ransack the stores and pick
up an article marvellously cheap,
knowing it. as sin- must, to lie the
product of some poor girl in a sickly
back alley, cannot escape guilt bv
Joining a relief or rescue society and
packing off the unavailable portions
of her wardrobe for distribution
among these girls, lie paid bis re
spects also to the magnates of the
Coal Trust, stigmatizing these phil
anthropic gentlemen as enemies of the
human rms- and possessed "of the de
mon of theft and murder.”
Dr. Park hunt included ajl trusts in
tills category.
iteing interviewed to-day regarding
his statement that u quarter of a mil
lion husbands and wives in New York
are unfaithful, Dr. I’urkliurst said:
“When I suy a quarter of a million,
it is a round sum that comes very close
to the real figures.
"I have figured It from my own ex
perience. I icing one of the National
Christian League for the Promotion of
Social 1'iiritv, I have had ample oppor
tunity to make a careful study."
‘•You state in the sermon that there
can )»• no love without religion, do you
"No, 1 do not say that. 1 say that I
would not issue a policy for more than
five years on the conjugal fidelity of a
couple who had no children and did
not believe in a common Father in
"Almost every person who has come
to me here in my study and told me of
conjugal infidelity has told rne that
they were childless. There were only
one or two exceptions. Children are a
binding tie. You will a1 ways find that
when a couple have children and be
lieve in u common Father in Heaven
martial faith fulness exists.
"1 know the figure mentioned is an
alarming one, but J arrived at it care
fully. ”
The F.state of the Former Wealthy Kan
san Divided Among Many.
Four Scott, Kan., Nov. 30.—The will
of the late Colonel Culviu Huntington,
who died recently in Rochester, N.
Y,, and who was long reputed to he
the wealthiest man in this city, was
filed in the probate court here to-day
by Kugene F. Ware of Topeka, whose
wife was a niece of the deceased arid
one of the heirs. It bequeaths a large
estate of real and personal projairty in
l.1ii» city and county, in Boone county,
111., anil Rochester, N. Y., to heirs in
this city, Topeka, Florida, Illinois,
Rochester and Massachusetts. Much
of ttie estate w'as deeded to heirs be
fore tlie demise of the testator Mr.
Ware, Ward Huntington of Hiatts
ville, Kan., a nephew, and Knloe
Huntington of Florida, another
nephew, are appointed e.'.ecutoiY with
out bond. The First Baptist church
of this city is a beneficiary to the
amount of 8">00. The estate was orig
inally valued at 8300,000.
Three Hertrne Case Lawyers Head.
Mkxico. Mo., Nov. 30. -Three <>f the
lawyers who figured in the celebrated
l)r. Ilearne murder ease, tried at
Dowling Green, are now dead. They
are lion. It. I*. Giles, congressman
eleet. who died last week ut Shelbina;
Attorney K. D. Hicks of Louisiana, and
Natl’. Dryden of St. Louis. There
were fourteen lawyers in the ease, and
not the fatal number "Li.”
.lull fur frank James,
Sr. Loris, Mo., Nov. SO. Frank
James, brother of Jesse James, the
notorious train robber and ex-member
of the James gang of outlaws, is au
aspirant for the honors of a St. Louis
police coiumissioncrship, and t hief
llurrigau will be his friend in the race.
The ex-outlaw declares himself a can
Memorial tu F.ugetie field.
St., Ma, Nov. So. t’lty Li
brarian Fill'd F> M rigid is ut the head
of a parly which will rrect a monu
ment to the memory of Lugciie Field
in “Lovers' Lam .” ut the eastern *u
liurhs uf this city, which formed the
subject for one of Fields |topular
t <w*i hall t'tafrr'i I.H| tlrwksa.
Sr. Jiatnt, Mic. Nov. Ft The st.
,lmr|ili high h-IiisiI foutlutii dub
played it game at Maryville with the
Maryville high school team Near the
close of the gaum. I trie lloweli, of Ihe
Nt. Jiw|ili team was thrown and his
leg hrokeu V oiltig lloweli U slmul Is
years of age amt is a son of Dr. I’hwiii.»-i
II * * II
It,sill Isms Fill favu* Ws i|o». n>
ttssnivcifox Sim in Ihe renewal
of Ik* reciprocity lad lay of the Mho*
ley law will wot w accepted by live
ilraolutt republic I bis Is tbe infur
malum which reaches Secretary *>.i*«v
from How*' wbo are iu the secrets of
ttrnritiWM government. an I natch pub'.
In opinion tu the tsimblle
Xu I onbwis sinks al 1‘nwaF i
|‘li Is«l So Fa V»v pi I ha hm. f
tug of the t ofaiohdatsd I'racte u ■ I
ploys* to dtseusa I he ad visa l*t III t jg 1
stria lag adjourned ale oil I In o i Iwii 1
this gunning after di tiling » •
pNo action uwlll ihs return uf Ij ri
VI i* from the Meal / |
Kcareblng for £3,1,0(10 Supposed to Hsvs j
Hero Hidden l»y singe Kobber*.
St. JosF.rM. Mo., Nov. 26.—About ,
thirty-five years ago a stage was robbed
at lielmont, and the robbers buried the ,
$3.1,000 in gold they took from it on the
highest peak of the bluffs northwest of
the city. That is the legion that has
been handed down since that time, and
a great many people believe it. John
ivrainbeuhl, a grocer at Water
and Pauline streets, believe* that
there is plenty of gold buried on
the hills, and he has been searching •
for it. Three months ago he hired a j
number of men and set them to work j
on the hills. They have excavated in
several places and the trees near the
summit have been taken out by the
roots. Home of the excavations are :
thirty feet deep and forty or fifty feet j
across the top. A great trench has j
licen dug in one jdace imd the ground !
lias been torn up ail over the highest j
peak. Krainbcuhl says he did not find
uny money, but neighbors say he did
anil that he lias tile whole treasure in
his possession.
One Sis Venrs*'Term Favored.
ItosTON. Nov. 26.- General Russell A.
Alger mid Colonel G. II. Hopkins of
Michigan went guests at the annual
meeting and banquet of the Massachu
setts board of trade yesterday after
noon. A communication wiis read
from the Trades league of Philadel
phia. advocating tin amendment to Hie
constitution of the I'nlted States,
making a president ineligible to re
election and extending hi* term of
office to six year*, it was referred to
the executive committee.
Fifty llrRm'H I all In » Minute.
Hn»rx City, Iowa, Nov. 26. W. II.
Weed, in charge of the government
river improvements at Great Falls,
Mont., in a letter to Captain Hanford
of the government's engineer office in
this city, sa.VH that Saturday, Novem
ber 14. the wind shifted to the north
and the temperature fell from 60 de
grees to 10 degrees in less than a
hmlii'M King's Latest Match.
London, Nov. 26.—According to a
special dispatch from Vienna there is a
persistent rumor there that the king
of Hervia is to marry Princess Alex
andra, third daughter of the Ituke of
Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and grand
daughter of Queen Victoria. King
Alexander was born in 1876 and Prin
cess Alexandra in 1878.
Iona I’atent Office Krport.
A correspondent at liristow, Iowa,
asks: ‘'fan an improvement be pat
ented without the consent of the own
er of the patent?” We answer, yes,
improvements are always in order and
sometimes more valuable than the or
iginals And one a' J.orimer asks, "is
a patent taxable?” We answer, yes, in
some foreign countries, but not in
the l.'nited Stales.
Patents have been allowed, but not
yet issued, as follows:
To C. C Calhoun, of Windsor, Mo.,
for an automatic brake for wagons; to
L. Avery, of Monteur, Iowa, (recently
deceased) for a hay-rake and loader; to
Wm. Morley, of Pontanelle. for a band
cutter and feeder; to J. A. I h ake, of
llrooklyn, for an anti-friction stock
waterer; to W. .1. Penning, of lloonc,
for a current motor; to A. T. Ilowden
of Prarie Pity, (2) for a potato cutter
and a sprocket chain especially adapt
ed for his potato harvester.
Valuable information about obtain
ing, valuing and selling patents sent
free to any address.
Printed copies of the drawings and
specifications of any V. 8. Patent sent
upon receipt of 25 cents.
Our practice is not confined to Iowa.
Inventors in other states can have our
services upon the same terms as Hawk
eyes. Thomas G. A J. Kai.i'h Okwio,
Solicitors of Patents.
Des Moines. Iowa. Nov. 20, 18U0.
Quotation* I rum New York, Chicago, St.
I.oul', Omaha anil l.hewhera.
Butter-Creamery separator Ift ft lrt
Butter—* holce fancy country II Of 12
Egg. fresh . HI Of •;>
l ralrle chickens, per do/ . ft Ml ft. ft on
Quail, per tin/. l .vi in, i hi
Ued head and Mallard lltick*. 2 00 4t a ao
Spring t hlckcus dressed .... .V/j'.ft ft
Turkey*.. . 10 44 11
tieesi and Murk-. * . t
Lemon* Choice Measlnaa. 4 fto ft, ft on
Honey-l aney White. 14 *6 it;
Onion*, per bu. ;tft Of 40
I’ntatoe* . 20 ft lift
Sweet I’otatoe* per bbl.. . 2 00 Of, 2 SO
Orange* Per bo* . I no 66 t 7ft
Huy Cpluriil, per ton. 4 SO if ft fto
Apple* I’er bid . I flu at, 2 SO
ling* Light Ml*ed .>i> Of ;i .M
Hog* Heavy Weight*.. . 2 Ift Of 2 20
Iteef m*it» .I in Of 4 i
Bull* . I -0 or, i fin
Milkers und springer*.2ft oi 6627 Ml
stag- ... 2 no 46 2 2ft
Calves)..... 2 2ft ft ft 2ft
f nw* t .... 1 7ft it I fto
HelferA ... •! :» 66 2 1ft
stmkeijt amt 1 eeder*.. 2 v. 41 2 *.’
Sheep Native ..2 2ft H 2 .VI
sheep I amt.* 2 2ft 6t « 0.1
Vft heat INIV 2Spring .. 77 tlf 77>,
t .rn !%r Ini 2i6 t ,
< at- I Ir bu . 1* 6 I,
Purk 1-... ft '.ft of ft 71
I aid M, . !l >11 if lift
t attic w'r.uie »teer, I a a t ».
■ a lie* I 2 ol ... ft ,
It. .. ftSdIUUi hilted . 2 2> it a 4ft
Sheep -M • ill'ia . 2 Wl ll 1 >«i
k NEW York
ftftto >1 «>> I hanl V'
t »rn S>B .... * A
oat. S«3. . •! «| tt*
i l td, ■ » |. S * :i
Lird m •. ■ . 1 ll *« t 7ft
| »1 l.ot Is
ftft hr at — ■> 3 red, rash >i 4 *7 ,
4'»m l'i ■ hu M ft
0*1. PefhM !•>,» |>
I *
t ,111e Nntlie *htp ng Meet* > 11 *4 t t>
1 Kftft fto III
Wl„at Nj> Jho l ft • f. i|
iota No* . l. ft I* ,
Idly N* 1 .. L it t*
t ait! »iiV nil i*4 feeder* I tft a I i*
Hug* Nd»y>* ft « £ it >e
rryep I »*>•>« ltd « lh
Sara Mu|i >>«* t >" £ t t
trgn.lel Vote at In**
\t »tt» *** N II
^i,|«utlkM *l*inl»»»» tar VI*kiulv j
Y*il tlnkarii tow. tat, Itrven amt hwiaeti. ■
ptd.tlftli ilrvaM and ll a!iw4|. TU, i I
I'*lawr tail lllmkari, I »et; lenuhig ,
unit Jekae4i, t.Wt Tula!. Mat •«
Ihttaa |>luiV»lttj |;t its* li» new'
*1 Kdal ml*. Lrtf lismu
' VIWsmIi* lu*4
|>a*i*a Iui4t, Yu* M Edward i
Edd* uf Ihte Jkit* multi talllkitMiw
and »m »f Ike l*«i known Mining vs- 1
parte tn tke wiwlkl dlad teat nigM *t J
yav autidtle aged Vt yenrn
- X
ER. j
Mrs. a rare w. of Partridge. Kansas- J
Speaks Words of Praise for Ur. W11
Hums* IMuK I'llUi nI
- m
From the News. Hutchinson. Kans. ™
Mra. Grace Andrew, of Partridge,
Kansas, Is well known, having lived in
Partridge for many years. In former
years she wus a preacher In this lo
cality. Khe Is also well versed In medi
cine, and her advice has been sought
In preference to that of the regular
practitioner. Mrs, Andrew recently
gave a reporter the following Interest
ing Interview: . . ' .
"Four years ago 1 began suffering
from lumbago and muscular rheuma
tism, and for two years grew continu
ally worse despite the best efforts of
the lending physicians of the locatlty,
I finally tried a box of Dr. W IlIlftiriB
Pink Pills for Pale People, and ftom the
first began to Improve, and before I
had taken two boxes was entirely
cured 1 have never been b dhcred
since, but am enjoying the best of
health. , _ .
"I am always ready to speak a good
word for Pink Pills, and have i "om- .
mended them to many of my altlleted
friends, who have, without a single ex
ception, been greatly benefited or . n- ■
ttrel) ■ ll > d. , , , M
"In one Instate, a lady fiend baa M
suffered from female weakn* hh for K
many years, during which tltti" she was 1
practically helpers. I re <.mm‘ tided |
I'lrik Pills to her; she sceurrd a box 1
and Is now doing all her own house
work and Is stiong and healthy, at
tributing all to Pink Pills."
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pal" Peo
ple are a specific for troubles peculiar
to females, such as suppressions, Irreg
ularities and all forms of weakness.
They build up the blood, and t-slore
(he glow of health to pale and sallow
cheeks. In men they effect a radical
cur< In all crises arising from mental .^
worry, overwork or excesses of what
ever nature. They are manufactured
by the l)r. Williams' Medicine Com
pany, Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold
by all druggists at r,0 cents a box or stxi
boxes for $2.60. ^
The total population of the German '
empire la returned at 61,770,284. J
Gun eases form a prominent, part of
the passengers on the Maine trains.
A Memphis man Is in jull with pen
alties aggregating 1,426 years hanging
over him.
Scotchmen have almost entire con
trol of the stone-cutting industries of
New Yoik.
Mr. Ijaboiichero Is by no means an
epicure; broad beans and bacon is bis
favorite dish.
In parts of Oxford county, Maine,
hears are said to be more numerous
than partridges.
Six thousand provincial mayors have
been invited to the marriage of the
Prince of Naples,
The gold fields in Paulding county,
Georgia, are being developed, and have
proved quite productive.
Joseph It. Jones, wbo is ninety-nine
years of age, is said to be the oldest Re
publican voter in Boston.
The marble production in Vermont is
decreasing, while the granite industry
shows a decided increase.
It was a mighty moan individual that
stole a Guilford (Me.) farmer's prlxe f
squash the night before the fair,—Ex
From Bologna and Berne, us well as
from fictitious universities in tho
United States, fraudulent medical de
grees are being issued.
Miss Mary Taylor, who is said to
have been the heroine of the poem,
“Mary Had a Little Lamb," died re
cently at Somerville, Mass.
Ohio's production of coal last year
amounted to the great quantity of 13,
683,879 tons, an Inn ease of 1,773,660
tons over the preceding year.
If a pall of water is placed at night
in the room where gentlemen have
been smoking, all smell will be gone in
the morning. -Pittsburg Dispatch.
An educated Lng!i“h girl was mar
ried recently to a rich Cingalese mer
chant In Ceylon, according to Hindoo
rites. Her family raised no objections.
The London Spectator says a thou
sand of the Irish constabulary with
rifles would restore the worst mob of
Constantinople to comparative sanity
In ten minutes.
"Grandpap, what makes your nose so
red? Did I lit- witches pinch it when
you were a little baby?" "No, sis; but
■er—the spirits have since."- New
York Recorder.
Grace- Lid Isabel .-how the sketches
she made In the mountains? Celia— _
Ye*. HHII. from what i h ive heard, I ^
think the place must ho ijulto pic
turesejue. Ruck.
The Ktupti *» of Russia has present
ed the Second I'rusclan Dragon
Guards, the regiment of which she is
honorary colonel, with a splendid set
of silver kottb drums.
The ctailna is studying the laws oi
Russia ‘ How can i be expected to as
slst la the government of my people,"
she Is said to have declared, "when I
know nothing shout their laws?"
As one testimony to the rapid
srosith of Rales! tuew population. It !•
stated us good authority that while Ira
years ago there a- re only IS.thHt real
dents In Jaffa to-day there are 12 ox®.
In IM| there were only 2x0 into p«r
■XUS tu the limits of the I lilt..I HlSt«»
who spoke German as a mother tongue
now over T.tme.tmo of aur pimple, tier
mans or descendants of tlet mast, read
sad speak that language
IS Ike llebres t slue College,
elnnatl, T) si u»teste are •stolt*d
The ,orn«teton« of Ike 1,4II „f kt|
t«ry of tka A avert «n Isltertty
Weshatgtae It C, s«« laid tk taker ||*
I'forsos tlatl Iks sew tale dusmt
lary. im Sntsfced September |»
neeupMd tmasedtaiely. and «<mi .llUM
Westers Meeerve tstxerei,. ^
k'leteiaad, ope as with 111 m« ««4e*tg