The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 27, 1896, Image 2

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0EO. E. HBNSCHOTBB, Kdltor * l ob.
1 .iH.i— '■ . " 111 5
Ibijr I’rorlamatlnn.
Following is (lovernor Holcomb'*
proclamation in reference to Thanks
Whereas. It is provided by statute
that the governor shsll, by proclama
tion, set apart one day in each year u»
a day of solemn nnd public thanksgiv
ing to Almighty Uod fur His blessing*
to us as a slate;
Now, therefore, I, .Silas A. Holcomb,
governor of the slate of Nebraska, in
conformity to la tv and in harmony with
the proclamation of the president of
United States, recently issued, hereby
designate and set apart Thursday, the
Btith day of the present month of No
vember, to be observed as a day of
thanksgiving and praiac to the all-wise
Creator for the many blessings so
graciously bestowed upon the people of
our commonwealth.
It is lilting and proper that we
should as a people render unto Him
linmble thunks und sincere gratitude
for the muny evidences of divine favor
which we arc permitted to enjoy.
The labor* of all our clti/.cns for the
year now drawing to a close in the va
rious branches of industry have not
been without recompense. Bountiful
crops have rewarded the toil of the
husf.atidiiien. I'cacc und tranquility
prevail. The spirit of progress and ad
vancement to a higher and better eivi
Ii7.iinon exists among our people.
Let us, therefore, on tins day ab
stain from secular employment of ail
kinds nnd assemble together in our
accustomed places of worship and
around the family altar and render un
to God praise and thanksgiving for
these many evidences of His kindness
and humbly petition to the throne of
grace for a continuation of the favors
of Divine Providence unto us as a peo
ple, and as a great commonwealth and
as a nation.
Let us also remember the needy poor,
the sick and the distressed not alone in
our supplications but by deeds of char
ity and substantial gifts of those things
which will alleviate suffering and dis
tress, for “inasmuch,” says the Lord,
“as ye have done it unto one of the
least of these, my brethren, ye have
done it unto Me."
In witness whereof [ have hereunto
set my bund and caused to be affixed
the great seal of the state of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this twelfth day of
November, in the year of our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and ninety
six, the thirtieth year of the state, and
of the independence of the United
States the one hundred und twenty
By the governor:
J. A. PIPER, Sec. of State.
The various statu societies acting in
conjunction with the University of
Nebraska, have perfected arrange
ments by which speakers will be sup
plied to at least fifty or sixty of the
farmers' institutes throughout the
italc. The superintendent is anxious
to open correspondence with points de
siring institutes or witli those w ho are
considering the matter in tin; hope that
ali dates may he set and speakers as
signed by the end of November. The
plan of organization is on the basis of
sending to each institute point from
two to four capable speakers along
some of tiie lines directly connected
with farming. AmoDg the topics which
will be treated are, all the different
brandies of agriculture and horticul
ture, dairying, bee-keeping, poultry
raising, etc.
Blaine county cast, all told, 145
South Omaha authorities are negoti
ating for a loan.
Farmers about Weeping Water are
short of corn huskers.
Niuirods of Hurt county are having
great sport in hunting jack rabbits.
The Union Pacific is building a sec
ond large ice house at North Platte.
Rev. K. II. Hryant of Muncie, ind.,
will Dreach Methodism at Wallace the
coming year.
it. A. Itixby, It. A M agent at Inland,
has been transferred to Durrison, on
the Columbus brunch.
More cornhuskers are wanted in the
vicinity of lienningtou, Douglas coun
ty, than apply for work.
The \\ iliurd l.ivt-ry barn at Albion
was destroyed by tire. Kleven horses
were burned: no insurance.
Mrs. Klla Schuller of Omaha at
tempted suicide by the use of chloro
form. Domelie trouble was the cause.
diphtheria in a mild form is reported
at David City. Anti-toxine treatment
is used ami no fatalities have us yet
The new Itoone county court house
at Albion will tie heated by steam. An
Omaha plumber furnishes the sparulu*
for 93,71X1.
1.urge numbers of cattle are dying
from eating cum*talks Over mo hides
have been uiurkeled from cattle that
have died near Neligh
llishop Newman's residence In Oma
ha has terioiusted and he lias taken
his departure fur the I'uciUu coast,
where be wlil hereafter resale.
Otuaba la goin^- to get up a society
circus for the beuvht of the poor, aud
will ash the raliroatt* to give reduced
rates that outsiders way attend
Jobu Christ musoii and dm Mason
are under arrest in North I'alle for
lee robbery of t.m leiu s etotbing store
tn that | is e. '1 bey were captured at
Maw lias
Thirteen men sat around the table
in a Nebraska i lly re»tauiaac and the
anbyett coming up t.r tie*
was found that there were htivvn guns
In the party.
The \ oung people id the l uited free
Mytet.eb * hdrch at North lb ud base
Inaugurated a plan for rdutatma su-i
eut> t >iisiutut during the lowing win
ter I he plan Is to tabu up Ike
it! the couuiru * »f the cud.l
dee» un eseeiug ea. b week to an
tnlerc lauge uf i.I>m and research
Mario* |to utae, or a do
mnnitc of iiraud htos). in t ie e.up'.y
aI Mr* K A * . i* i - •
it 41 * .**
: --4l9 'M|»M
C. F. Kaul, Madison's brick manu
facturer, has received the contract to
put up a brick building at the Indian
school near Gonoa. It will require
300,000 brick.
A son of I* C. I.arson of Kearney
county met with a painful accident in
riding a broncho which ran away with
him. It ran so close to a barbed wire
fence that his leg was terribly lasccr
atcd by the barbs.
The Columbus fire department is
making great efforts to raise money
enough by giving entertainments,balls,
etc., to entertain the visiting firemen's
delegation at the nnnual state conven
tion to bo held in that place in Jan
The official program of the Nebraska
State Teachers' association, the four
teenth annual session, which convenes
at Lincoln, Dec. 2H, 2!#, 30 and 31, has
been issued by I’rof. J. I'. Saylor, su
perintendent of tiie city schools of
col n.
A woman, assuming to be the au
thorized agent of an eastern charitable
organization, succeeded in working
several Grand Island people for valu
able contributions before her true
character was made known. She was
a base imposter.
Lulled States Marshal lloehme was
in Osceola last week looking after some
of the fellows who have been bootleg
ging for the past few months. It is
rumored that lie gathered in four wit
nesses to take before the grand jury at
the next meeting.
Ntoneklng, the manconvietcd at Har
rison of cattle stealing and sentenced
to three years in the penitentiary, lias
made a confession anil implicated three
others, who are now tinder arrest.
They arc Hathaway Dodd, John Dodd
und Archie Akers.
Several of the sugar beet growers
about Valley are feeling blue over the
loss of the cron, the factory allow
ing them to ship just a few L<>
make sample tests till they worn froz
en in tiie ground, which iimL.-'i tbo
crop almost un entire loss.
An attempt will he made to organize
a new church ut Syracuse, the members
of which shall be madcupof those who
arc dissatisfied with the churches now
in existence and of those wiio cannot
now affiliate with any religious organ
ization on account of the position tak
en by some of the clergy in the late
J. V. Itolken of Talmuge. a man of
years, took a shotgun and went into
the timber on the bank of Nemaha
creek and deliberately put the barrel
in his mouth and shot himself. The
tragedy is no doubt the result of tem
porary insanity, as he iiad many times
before shown that his mind was affect
ed and had often deelured his intention
of killing himself.
Milton Ames, a drayman of Fair
mont, met. with a serious, if not fatal,
accident last week, lie was hauling
coal from the depot when the train
came in. His teum became frightened
and begun to run with tiie loud of coal,
in some way Mr. Ames was thrown
under the wheels, which passed over
him, breaking several ribs and other
wise injuring him.
It is reported that tlie government
employes who were dismissed from the
service ut South Omaha will appeal
their eases to the civil service commis
sion and make u demand to be rein
stated. counsel lias been employed.
The discharged employes assert that
they have always attended' strictly to
business and that spite work is the
cause of their removal.
The annual meeting of the Nebraska
Dairymens association will be held
in the chapel of the State University,
Lincoln, on Dec. 15, 10 and IT, 1
The opening session will be in the
evening of the 15th. At this meeting
the papers read and discussions had
will be altogether on subjects of a
practical nature and of interest to all
engaged in the dairy industry.
A strange accident occurred at the
l. nion school house, three miles west
of Berlin. At a few minutes before 1*
o'clock the large furnace stove fell with
a crash among the children who were
standing around it. The ffames and
smoke poured in clouds from the
wreck, but the teacher and large
scholars carried water and drenched
the flames, thus saving the building.
Brown, the negro confined in the
county jail at Falls city, for robbing
Souders Bros.’ department store a few
weeks ago, made his escape. The
altAXtlV'u enn ii >■ n I intis llm iu t is /* i nn
the prisoners their supper when Itrown
knocked the boy down and escaped.
There was one other prisoner who re
fused to leuve. This is the third man
who has escaped in the last three
The American Chicory company at
Fremont lias issued u circular to all
chicory raisers liking the price to he
paid for the roots at ft» pci- ton at the
factory at O' Neill. The circular calla
attention to the clause of the contract*
which Uses the price at $0 nor ton. "if
no bounty ia punt the company," and
the provision requiring the farmers to
refund $1 .'>0 per ton, if they have re
ceived $10. .'.0 per tun for Ilia beet*
Kk > undidate Itryan has arranged to
lake the lecture platform, and his tlrst
undress will be uiude in Atiuiiia. tin.,
early in December. Then he will go
to Jacksonville, ■'uvuniiah. t harleston.
Vugnsta, Itirunnghaiu and New Or
leans After leaving the latter city
Mr. Ilryau will go through Texas,
theuce on through t aliform* and Ore
gon and will not reach the cities of the
east before the latter part of tebruary.
i tun.
.Secretary Morton of the department
i of agriculture has ordered that the
quarantining uf cuttle nt the south
i Omaha v *r»is cease until Feb. I V The
i order will make very little difference
to the yard ttvara, s< very few cattle
from infected district* are lew. ved
j vk'castowally a shipment uf cattle ftom
inside the quarantine lines would *r
rive, but generally they were bi led
| direct to the |asckers and did not enter
I the pens at all
A. J Munir a berg, who was leturr
the district court uf I messier county
charged with shooting t VV Itullard
, with «auni to kill, was declared insane
and sent to the asylum lie hail asm
; V vfori, been an inmate of the asylum
and had tvet ills haigesl.
The sheep feed ng tnmiwwaa ia Ihatg*
I cowaty will be mure c sl* naive l k» h at
lt> .1 reported! V e-v*- waliv* V.l m ile
(-.sees * i e a -mtn» whi h will he fat
, tatted thta w later at umm Vbiastrelf
A V’l * base a lbs s of mmt near t as
pel M y that w H l led lice, a flu
H#r H(%*t b t% ■ I V* i ffe ii %% 1 It -V I p$t-:-X t
Ilnalnesa Not Any Heavier at Present
lint tlie Next Year llxneeteil to ItrliiK
Hrneweil Pnmprrlty Many K in -
ployca Sated Prom Present
idleness ,'t.OOO Carpet
Workers Idle.
I MU'.too, Nov, 23 The Hallway Age
publishes a summary of reports re
ceived from 200 railway companies and
manufacturer* in till parts of the coun
try regarding the effect on business up
to date of Mr. McKinley'* election.
These show that though the railroad
business has not picked up at all, but
in purtsof tiie West and Mouth west has
been evidently distinctly worst; since
(‘lection than it was before, the ruilway
companies us a whole have very ma
terially increased their expenditure*,
especially in increases of shop forces
and a very general tendency to pur
chase more freely. The last fact is
shown more conclusively by the re
port* from manufacturers than from
the reports of the companies them
A number of companies report, that
they hud all plans made for a reduc
tion in forces in case the election hud
gone the other way. The railway
i’iifiiiiiiuii-v, irpiipriillv liutfj* ilwpifuf tlx.
hurt! titties, been keeping up their
forces and expenses at a point in excess
of what existing business would justi
fy, in the hope of a return of prosper
ity. and they ure now in a position to
meet any increase of demands that
may lie ipade upon them withoat
further expenditures.
The expectation of a revival in the
near future is almost universal. There
is a curious unanimity in the expres
sion of a belief that this revival will
really begin to lie felt after the Hrst of
■lan.mry. There Is also an evident l»a
lief in all directions that this revival
will be permanent, that it will last for
several years, at least.
More Thun Three Thou.und Employer
Out ot Work.
YoSKKHH,. V. Y., N'ov. The big
tapestry mill of the Alexander Smith
A Sous Carpet company clotted to-day,
throwing from .'1,000 to 4,000 hands out
of work. It is rumored that Wednes
day next the other mills of the com
pany will shut down also, so that there
will In- 7.00*1 people out of work at the
beginning of the winter.
A Statement us to flow Iowa State Chair
man Curry Met Ills Death.
Dk.s Moines, Iowa, Nov. 23. The
body of Democratic State Central Com
mittee Chairman Edward W. Curry,
who was killed at an Elks' initiation a
week ugo. was taken to his home at
J,con in charge of Masons and Elks.
The Elks huve issued u statement as to
how he met his death, from which it
appears that he sut on a thin sheet
of cast iron over a small gas jet, ac
cording to an initiation custom of the
order, hut thut instead of jumping up
on feeling the heat, as most candidates
do, he retained his seat, probably to
show his stoicism. When it was seen
that he would not rise of his own ac
cord he was led away and it was fount!
4l_4 LI. low.n I.I
away and his flesh slightly blistered.
Nevertheless he made a good speech
and lunched as merrily as anyone.
The next day he went about his busi
ness as usual and that night attended
u performance by Joseph Jefferson and
it was not till the day after that he
felt any ill effects from his experience.
According to the statement, Mr. Curry’s
system was in such condition from the
excitement of the campaign that any
small hurt would huve caused hlood
The HI. l.nuU I nit*rt ««iiii*u I hargett With
Infraction of (lit* law.
Sr. Lot'is, Mo., Nov. 33. The l*o*t
Dispateli nays: **On the hasiM of h h
stuteiuent of campaign expense* filed
with Recorder l*ewls, Charles F. Joy Is
not entitled to his scat as Representa
tive fr«ttn the Flcveiith Congressional
district of Miwiouri. 1 hough elected
by nearly 4.IHJ0 majority, he U liable
to Ik* ousted under section* ft
and lo of the corrupt practices act.
I inter this act Mr. Joy was entitled to
siH'iid on the voter* in his district,
lie went over this by #.*oi Ml. Hi* lib
erality wdl cost lit in hi* * aut in Co ii«
| giess. Congressman elect Joy until:
"I don t know how much I wa» en
titled to s|ie|id under th%* law, but I
i hardly think my extravagance will
keep me out of my seal in c«»tigre**
Xh I mIwTiIm s*u,|»*»h» KtrIX*.
I ) itiVIMJ, fill, Nov. *1 l he re
port* of a pfol*uhU sympathetic strike
of miner* in ulla r camp* in aid of the«ivdle striker* U declared t«* Ik* uii
founded 1 Uh*U *»ltl* er* devlare lo*
such move i* %’#*i*iemplated at present
hy the Western f . deration of Miner*
or any of lt% I * an* he*.
, P««*lM»**lrf I **»!» * 4*4 %*«**»«•* 1 X »w*»
I r
It w I li miM* master at %nH< It,
Hk win* rova*tdltc4 a We* k
ago «** |*»Hy Ihomas W Hogan
a taw *tud> ut wader t»en* rat John
I M INIm and later p»wltt*td r at
! W iiiuui* u.f g Kan. wh*rv h* la cao.c
! | % *» « *-. » IC4#!*«•' tM***!*-# 4
I It % «»* e t». :d *uit itlv * sat ft ig hI
Senator Morgan Declare* That the Fac
tious Will Kenuilti Apart.
Washington. Nov. ‘.’3. Senator Mor
gan of Alabama said to-day that he
did not expect any action on the Ding
lcy tariff bill or the tinaneial question
at the coming session of Congress.
To the question. "W ill the National
Democrat* lie admitted to the Demo
cratic caucuses in the Senate?” Mr.
Morgan replied: "Not at all. Not at
least without repentance, and neither
of them have shown evidence* of that.
These gentlemen will not wish to as
sociate with men whom they have de
nounced as anarchists, traitors ami
dishonest people. It would Is- expect
ing t<s> much of them to *up|M>se they
would do anything of that kind.”
I.lttle Fvldciic* Secured In the Cl ay
County Murder Case.
Lihbktv, Mo., Nov. 23. The coroner
expects to conclude the investigation
Into the murders of Mrs. Foley anil her
daughter some time to-day ami it is
general belief that William Foley, the
son and brother rtf the murdered
women, will is- held for trial, though
it is confessed that the testimony
against him is far from sufficient to
secure his conviction in court. AH
sorts of rumors are afloat, hut none of
those inquired into have amounted to
He I man Komalne, a Klili New .ferney
Wan, Kill* Himself From Drlef.
N'kw Yokk, Nov. 23, Ileluius Hie
nuilne of Patterson. N. ,1.. whose
estate was estimated to amount to
about *1,000,000 (u value, committed
suicide on bis farm in Rochelle park,
Bergen county, N. ,1., by shooting
himself. Three months ago llomuinc's
motiler died. This had a depressing
effect on him and lie continually com
plained of being ill.
The Pain In Ills Slilc no Severn Thai Opi
ate* Are Constantly Necessary.
Waniiixoton, Nov. 33. —- There lias
been a sudden change for the worse in
tiic condition of 1 icorge R. Peck. The
pain in his right side has been so severe
the last two days that he has been kept
under the influence of opiates for the
last twenty-four hours The location
of the pain indicates serious internal
The Inventor anil Hulliler of the Famous
Wheel luriirahly Sick.
Pittsiii no, Pa., Nov. 23. (icorge VV.
Ferris, who originated and built the
great Ferris wheel at the World's fair,
is lying at the Mercy hospital in this
city with a disease of the liver und Ids
deatli is expected at any moment.
Ifussliiii Thistle* lining Nome flood.
Atwooij, Kan., Nov. 33. Russian
thistles have been blown into the creek
iieds and packed so closely that they
retard the progress of the water, caus
ing it, to rise nearly to a level with the
lianki, of the streams and allowing it
to seep out. sub-irrigating the land ad
jacent to the stream. it is thought
tliut t his will prove of much benefit to
the farmers along the creeks and
Ilrynn'* Hunting Trip Fndml.
Kpkixukiki.ii, Mo., Nov. 23. — Mr.
Bryan and party arrived here this
morning from the Taney county game
preserves and will scatter to their
homes. All enjoyed the outing, hut
none broke records for shooting. Yes
terday scores of people heard Bryan
speak at the park ami at Taneyville.
Htewart fur Don Cameron.
W AsiiiNOTo.N, Nov. 33.—Senator Stew
art of Nevada to-day came out for
Senator Bon Cameron for the silver
party's Presidential candidate in 1900.
lie believes that with such a platform
as Cameron suggested two years ago—
“free silver und protection"—the Penn
sylvanian eun win.
The Oftlcer'* shot Held .lUMtlttable.
SkiiAI.iA. Mo., Nov. 33. In the ease
or ex-urn. cr wiinum KuitTeisse n,
ehurged with tire immler of Henry
Hohm', eolored, while trying to rneupu
arrest. .lanuury Ho, the jury returned a
verdiet of acquittal after I icing out
two hours.
A t ItiM Hilled Willi a Hunting Needle.
Qt'iv v. 111. Nov. '.’.I Lorena, the
3-Vearohl duugiiter of tieorge lingers,
while |ihiyitig with her •’•-year-old
eousiu. Nellie Iteddieli. wus struek hy
u knitting needle, which penetrated
the lua' of the hrain. She died this
An t ill Will He raid fur Ills Nstite.
l.oviaix. Nov A dispute l«-tw een
broker ., vvhuh was eolistdereil hy tile
i iiiiiiuittee of tile stock exehalige dur
ing the week, dlselosed that a eollillds
siidi of |;»i was |mi*l for seeuring ait
earl us a eomiwuv direetor
Hrtan luvlled iu W llllau* Jisill.
I.mi lilt M<s, Nov ;:t it a Joint
meet lug of the I'hiloiiiathie uiid Kxoet
slot l.llergrv sisdeties of it I Ilia in
Jewell eo leg< ii illluui J llrvan was
invited lo deliver the annual address
during einulllv in - in* lit We< k next lUllr
Ha ttasrivt t ell a I n«luue.
I.ovis.v. Not .' t. i he estate of the
I late tieorge liuMawiter Is valued at
gi.r w-mai It is all left lo his widow,
with a rvsertal.nw to Ihei#children
Meslau* Xfver sixteen tears
f«ri11 hen, Not t \ M
UeN-l«i|>li n*k rtiav ri ll, not his |»*
! sitk'U as sU|>rv>u<. vs«ur» r% r.« ler and
the isiurt a Celt i t t. 1*1 w . of il.t
I hue to Is I,,* on 1* >r M> Matokdidt
I he ld tb. ts tltZu ..St* wars in
Hudit It* t#»* % t**t«
Mttftf |4>rk|a- l i t« ilftkl’ «** ii,- . 1% 4 It
**1111 1 s l;4Wi*
• lit M ■ ***„. '’•*» iw life*
There Mint be Quirk Act Ion or lie Will Me
Recalled — Hope* In Score a lieclded
Victory lie fore t'nncreu Meet*- Presi
dent Cleveland's Action Depends Much
I'pou Kvents of tlie Next Two Weeks.
Apsln Tiring of Weyler.
WAilttJtOTox, Nov. 18. — It, in lonrnod
here oh authority that the Spanish
government hus given General Weyler
to understand that ini must push ids
operations against the Insurgents ag
gressively and vigorously. Unless lie
boon achieves a decisive victory over
the Cabana It is believed lie will be re
called. General Weyler, it is under
stood, is aware of the alternative and
his present eampuign in I’inur del Itio
is expected to result in un engagement
that will put a new aspect on the
Cuban situation one wuy or the other.
General Weyler has all the troops
that he can use. There are over 200,
000 Spanish soldiers in Cuba and the
force under the captain general in Ills
present operations in the field in per
son is over 00,000 men. Mueeo, against
whom he is now operating, has under
him. it is estimated, about 7,000 men.
Hpuin having fulfilled all of General
Weyler's wishes as to truops, now ex
pects results from him. Consul Gen
eral Gee lias acquainted the adminis
tration with these fucts and the Presi
dent is at present simply awaiting
events and will shape his course by the
It is tlie hope of General Weylcrthat
he will be able to wore a decided vic
tory before the assembling of eotigress,
December 7. Spain fears adverse ac
tion by that foody soon after it meets
and lias urged General Wcylcr to dem
onstrate ids ability to erusli the rebel
lion within the next two weeks, If pos
sible, »
4 li i. nl Ii Onsu* I.utiur HfalUtle*—mi
lions Without Work.
Wamhihotos, Nov. 18.—Hon. Carroll
D. Wright, commissioner of labor, in
charge of the eleventh census, lias
transmitted to the secretary of the in
terior a special report on the statistics
of occupations.
The most interesting feature of the
rejsirt relates to the question of the
unemployed. Siiniiur data relative to
the unemployed were collected at the
census of 18so, but were not compiled,
so this 1m the tirsttime in the federal
census that information of tills char
acter lias been pre ented iri connection
with the statistics of occupations.
There were 23,7.15,0151 persons 10
years of age and over engaged in gain
ful occupations in 1800, of whom 18,
821,000 were males and 3,014,571 fe
males. Of these, 3,013,117 males and
510,<i)3 females, or a total of 3.523,730
persons, were unemployed at their prin
cipal occupations during some part, of
tlie census year ending Mu,, 31. 1800.
Of the whole number of persons so
unemployed, 1,818,sti5 were unem
ployed from one to three months.
1,318.318 from four to six months and
33*1,447 from seven to twelve months.
This is equivalent, approximately, to
1,130,072 persons unemployed at their
principal occupations for the entire
twelve months, and this number would
represent 5.01 per cent of the total
number of persons engaged in gainful
occupations in 1800
Divided as to sex, the approximate
number of males unemployed at tlieir
principal occupation for the entire
census year was 072,000, representing
5.1*1 per cent of the whole number of
males at work, while the approximate
numtier of females unemployed at their
principal occupations during the same
period was 1*17,072, representing 4.28
per cent of the whole number of fo
males at work.
The Spanish Captain General May Ha
Outwitted l>y the Mabels.
Havana, Nov. 1H.—No news, official
or otherwise, is obtainable here con
cerning the movements of Captain
General Weyler and his army now in
pursuit of Die insurgent forces under
Antonio Macao in the province of
1‘innr Del Kin, and the insurgents are
circulating reports of Spanish defeats.
There seems to tie ground for the be
lief that the cuptuin general lias not
met with the success lie anticipated.
It is no longer denied that the in
surgents have captured Die two ijuite
important towns of I aseorro and Duui
mara, in Puerto Principe. As intimated
some time ago, there is no doubt that
an insurgent army of alsmt 10,000 men
is advancing upon Die city of Puerto
I'rineipe. capital of the province uf
that name.
Humor 'III AI a t o»t|ir«ittiU«i IIa* llcrii
I rf«-« («•<! \% lih .%|| t out mini.
KH4M Imo, Ni»V. lA Tilt* (Hitt
teAt oVfiP tl»« will* of tin* Inti* >1111111'*
ti. I ttir i’IhUmIby the w ith
tlmwitl of this AO i’AlUii |a*lit 11 will,
%% liu ii |ia>( offered for prolmto.
I If M it IV !sivill|f.l«»|| lllHIIPtl ill 91(H)
Ut*»r uiitlvr tin* |Aii«*it will, in with
tlmwiMy the *Ulol tlmt hi*
r«*#*Gii for lii»* wtlon rt»* tha! tlii* |m
litimi of Mr* Nt'Uld I rmru ml^ht lie
a* nottfthelieii.
t he MWeA**tioci in wiiMmW'
lit* the |a iifii w ill i vufttftl iftvitt *ur
I ill it'ifil i’iri'lvt) •UliuU||ii it t»
I iuiu"r* «l thnt the rvtrewft of |*if Inif%t«»tt
I him! Mo I Flltett w »* the i«*ult of a
I a tilt*#* if nil the ihirlii * in
IT t MmHIa »*| It At* k!*♦♦*«** I#* i «g.|ii 4 t»9
J- M At H9***m,|
fui’ltt b 41* | Nov |A timi (U »|
| ||i*ffill thU tHoniug r^io.l Um «%
1 * tf»*tk tt of I h M dliti *<f liuit r m
■ h*-o. jiMtAV' of the NHtd-W ;a* vli*t? k».*t
i i»»c«*-t i f U.*•*=-•» Udittii •Htj Vi
' Ths tAHI f«»OMt|f% tlftol At Mil- 1 i|r, 4H*
Kovel Cliurrh Project of Chicago Whitt
Metal Advocate*.
Chicago, Nov. jo.- The Her. Flavius
J. Itrobst, who was an active free
silver speaker in the late campaign;
Colonel C. A. Crum of the United Silver
party, Charles 1*. Huey, an Episcopa
lian and secretary of the United Silver
party; Professor H. M. Johnson, a
Presbyterian and a member of the ex
ecutive committee of the same organi
zation; David Shanahan, who repre
sents tlie Catholic sentiment in the
movement; tieorge A. Williams, who
was prominent in the silver movement;
J. P. Itishop and Colonel Drake met.
yesterday and decided to open a church
of non-sectarian character, at which
silver as well as religion will tie con
sidered. It is expected that some the
ater will be secured, and that Mr.
Jlrohst will la-come the pastor of what
will he called the Church of Humanity.
The founders believe that the recent
attitude of some pulpits on the finan
cial (juestlon had driven a large num
ber of church people from sympathy
with existing organizations. It is not
proposed to have Mr. Ilrobst preach
nothing imt silver sermons. The
founders said yesterday that the pure
gospel from the lllble would be
preached, and in time it is hoped the
church can extend its good influences
through humanitarian work, and
demonstrate the usefulness of a prac
tical religion to those who care little
Ur it now.
Tlie CanarcN.lofiMl Committee at l.rar
eowortli llmiljr for It. Wort*.
LkaVKXWoitni, Kan,, Nov. 10. Con
gressman (froutof Pennsylvania, chair
man of the congressional committee to
investigate the Soldiers’ Home, arrived
this morning, accompanied by ids
stenographer, and registered at the
i> ill. I* III ill MOM'I, < UH^rcVMKilll \ ; »> . %
Stone of Pennsylvania also arrived tliis
morning and Congressman I S. Day
Urn of Ohio arrived lust, night. Con
gressman Warner of Illinois had not
arrived up to noon und Congressman
(Sayres of Texas, the fifth member of
the committee, is not expected until
the investigation is well under way,
and may not come at all.
The committee will not wait for
tint absent members, but, a majority
being here, will proceed at once, and
the first session of the committee will
probably lie held this evening.
Chairman Curry of tlis Iowa |)e«io<r»lln
f'nmmltlcc Killed l,y Carelessness.
I Iks Moinkx, Iowa. Nov. 19. Edward
W. Curry, chairman of the Democratic
state committee, died at the Savoy
house to-day of blood poisoning, as the
result of initiation into the Elks lodge
here a few weeks ago. He wax seated
in ari electric chair and badly burned
before those operating it realized what
they were doing.
Sugar Should lie Cheaper.
Washington, Nov. Hi. 'ill year's
raw sugar supply of the world sur
passes that of Pdift. not with landing
the enormous Cuban deficit, according
to official statistics received at the de
partment of state from Consul General
Karel of St. Petersburg. Mr. Karel
reports the Russian wheat und rye ^
shortage will be more than made up
by the increased beet sugar produc
tion. and adds that this case is common
to other European countries.
The Official Kentucky Count.
Dolisvh.i.k. Ky., Nov. 19.—The of
ficial count in this state shows that
the highest Republican vote w»,x 218,
073, the highest silver Democratic vote
217,829, the highest gold Democratic
vote 5,103, the highest. Prohibition vote
4,470, that McKinley's plurality is 224
and t hat the one Hryan elector out of
a total of thirteen received 2,471 more
votes than the lowest Republican.
Quotation* From New York. Chicago, St.
Louh. Omaha ami Kl<rwlitr«.
Butter—C reamery separator.. 15 fit If,
Butter—Choice fancy country il fit 12
Kgg» -Fresh. I7!4<& Id
I ralrle chickens, per do/. ft 00 m ft SO
Quail, per do/..I 2ft ft/ l Vi
lied head and Mallard Bucks ft 00 ft/ 3 2ft
Spring Chickens dressed ... h'/i'it 7
'turkeys. Ill @ II
lieese and Ducks. ft 10
Lemons Choice Messina*. 4 50 ® 5 oo
Honey-luncr White. It <io III
Onions, per lot. ... lift (<j 40
Potatoes . 30 (it Ik",
Sweet Potatoes per bbl.. I I'ft l.f, I 7ft
Oranges Pi r box . t 00 (it 4 7ft
IIbv I | land, per Ion. « fto kb ft 2.5
Apples Per Mil I ftO 2 ftO
Mil I'll DMAIIA STim h M \ i;K I T.
Hogs Light Mixed. .lift <14 ft JO
lings- Heavy W eight X a oft <r* 3 10
Beef Steer*. ;i 2ft lit 4 .,
Bulla . 2 (tl 4/ ; Aft
.Milkers and springers.2ft m <,(■;. '41
: Slag*. 2 4ft M 2 541
l allea.. . 1 a ft 2ft
t uwr* | 7ft lj» I SO
Heifer- •• 4ft <1 3 Aft f
Shaker* and Feeders 2 70 m, 3 ■; *
Sheep Native .. .. .... I 10 44 •> (at
sheep l.aml*. 3 2ft H * 1^,
> lilt ADO. MedV
'ft heat No. 2Spring . 74 /. 74V
1 m " Per hu a 1
l*at« Per hu Is *4 1, ,
Pork 4 ini 44 4 4ft
l ard I >1 1,4 « to
I attle Native kteer* 1 Ift *4 3 n
« alie* , S 111 *4 ft T.ft
ling* Medium lulled 1 ju 14 3 3,
sheep I.anile. si 44 4 7ft
ebeep—F fxf dlng I id* si 3 (gi
N I ftft V i>! k
Wheal No I, haul «l <4 p|
1 otp No 2. , 4i 14
'I 4 in,
I • n S « 2a
»T Um |%
| W>i»*l- Nil ] »•«!, . «•(» iff 1.4 |,
| I t*f m l*»*i lu|
i t‘*lh l*« » txi I. j
Mu#« MftlM .tW # i \
(•III# \ Alik «* «|»l|. >.4 <>t(7«tf a » ’« I t(l
K V\» 4% t I * |
Nff, 11« *ni a ij
1 t'vfi 2^«f t ti 4 | „
}'»». No i , I* 1 I, ’
i t •til* m »#•* I*tot| (i nlivM J I11U 4% 4 »y
I Fix #. Wn.d . s 91 L
I 4k,, p Mittna. tn lid
Wat hi Mix I ah, la, 4 ft
** ilium V|,. N.o |p
«*•*' * 44. DlJ
ft I .. *
II. mm lipth,414414th HiUushh him ♦»«
i*Ai ****** M l lliltttm tiHH lfc|
>Pl» fc*t| -4 ’*« i«§ Hh*A|e4
■JM «»**’* llch- Set*' || ft|f*f -irtl |f0,
Itlrivth fm \ 4. •.*•!. ,H ■;>* III Hi Hfiin
J ' s fi ' r I If** *|M ftt#
l ■»*>*-tl*# \*Q » (llufHlttJf f*Ff t*|
"M* * % 1 1 ** * l»* l^,Tt||