— Loup City No ith western. VOL. XIV LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1896._NUMBER 39 The Northwestern "’UBLISHKD BVKRY FRIDAY AT Till'. COUNTY SKIT, U Ko K IIKNSU'IIOTIH. Editor »nj politics IB It, wbru the facts are j there is nothing visa in it. • • £ A further pioot of the political sschwuieaof the “Patriots of America ' has )Uat reached as Just before i the usscicm they held a meeting in this uift tu the Wsiworib hail and patted a raaoiuitou lo support Itryau ] wbarwupoa two of Ita memitere got: up and left the hall. Ob •*», “there j • Is no poll Ik* ut It M • * Neat weak •• and produce a few , esUacia from the Patriot# llullatia which will hw inwiaallag reading j Of courav that* will tm “aw polttusj 4ft it I Supervisors I'roceeillnK* The following resolution whs adopt ed: The county of Hherman having for the last two years endeavored to com ply with section 21 to 26 inclusive, chap ter 2 of the completed Statutes of 1825 being an ael to provide for the des truction of the Ru-slan thistle to prevent Its pread, to provide for the collection of expenses incurred thereby and to tlx penalties for a violation of this act, ami feeling that tin1 law is of no particular I)1 neflt to the citizen of Hherman county and that Its provisions In spirit and let ter are not observed by the adjoining counties and in conseijuenee all the labor performed and expences incurred by this county III endeavoring to extermi nate Russian thistles under the above law, Is and bus been of no avail and lias preveil a great expense with no practical benefit to Hherman county of the Citizens thereof. Now therefor he II Resolved: That we the county Hoard of Supervisors of HhennanCoiin ly, Nebraska, In regular session assem bled with full knowledge of expenses Incurred and benefits received, under Mild law. hereby rcuucst our legislator* elect, to wit: .1 W. Ileapy mid J, M Snyder, to use all ttielr honorable means to secure the repeal of the aforesaid Russian Thistle Law a (the next session of the legislature of this state. The following claims were allowed, deductions for taxes made and warauts ordered drawn on the various funds: urvtda i I'UN I O Beii»cb<»,‘"r ■ .•.9 I 20 On»»i»a Printing (Jo. 17.00 Lewis Hechthold. 4,00 Joe KoZCl. 8.30 Independent Pt. Lo...... 18.*>0 Agricultural Fa*r Ass’n.. 168,05 < rinutut Pt. Oo. 7.45 Hr. J. W. Jones. 8,00 Wm. Cramer. 10.50 tax 6.40 Lewis Boehthold ........ 18.00 F. Johnson.180.50 tax 0.72 Eugene 'I'raoy. 100 George Peterson. 4.00 all tax .James W. Johnson. 4.00 (ieo Truism. 4,00 Herman Fieblg. 4.00 James W. .Johnson. 8’60 Geo Latherroan. 500 all tax Jens Crlstensen. 5 00 J p Parker. 6 00 11. II. Bristol. 5.00 (ieo. Whiteman jr. 6.00 , J P. Parker. 8.40 „ W. 8. Fletcher. 6.00 „ Thos IJttddow. 6 00 ,, N. L. Talbott. 0.00 „ John Malhewson. 6 00 „ Ed. Achenhach. 6.00 „ W. 8. Fletcher. 3.60 „ James Kliudt. 4.00 Thes Clancy. 4 00 „ Harrey Barnes. 4.00 „ Harvey Chapman. 4.00 ,, William Kuland. 4 00 James Flmdt. 4.00 Wm. Cramer. 8.00 N. B. Thompson. 8.00 tax 6.70 J. 8. Pyke. 8.00 E. Holcomb. 8 00 tax 6.06 Willis Waite. 8.00 Michael Kewollnski. 4.00 Joe Slwinskt. 4.00 all tax Anton Waskowiak. 4.00 Anton Kwiatkowskl. 4.00 ,, Frank Dzwlgle. 4.00 Michael Kevolinskl. 8.50 Henry Beck. 4.00 John Murray. 4.00 ltav. Hichatdeon. 4.00 ,, E B. Wait. 4.00 F. H. Kansgeu. 4.00 E. B. Wait. 8.60 J. A. Niles. 3.00 Alfred Klttell . 6 00 S. II Branscomb. 6,00 tax 5 84 O, G. Hanish. 0.00 Lawrence Peters. 0.00 W.C Dietrichs. 6 00 W. C, Dietrlebs. 3.70 (J II. Wineteer . 2.00 all tuv Geo. Newberg. 4.00 J. A. Swanson. 4.00 E. Muni). 4.00 „ I, , llobart. 4.00 „ Henry Haller. 4.00 Peter Moritz . <1.00 Peter Me Keen. 0 00 Karl Petrick. 0 00 (i. W. Hraiiiiner. 0 00 ,, Win. Bowen. 0 00 4 70 G. W. Ilraiutner.'. 3.N0 .87 Win. Snyder. 2.00 John F Sin it ti. 0.00 Then 44’rehe. 0.00 4 15 John G. ll.ulnra. 0.00 K G. Taylor. 0.00 Win. Jeffrey. 0.00 John G Hadura. UJIO J A, < 'onverae. 4.IHI a)) J I. Hawk . 4.00 „ W Hawk . 4,00 Ed. Holmes.... 4 00 ,, J I. Hawk . 21ft* „ lino McCook..... 0,00 Enoeh Gow In .. o is) „ ('.•ranee l.lnuibbl. (HO ,, K W Si*rk». i; (HI 1>. O Eilvn . (i.oo I hen McConh .........., X.NU H Brewer . 2.00 W K Mel lor. 4,00 „ K A. Brown . jui „ M K Hat tniial.. |(UNi J. tsu'iKenlfrow... 47 ay 14.70 school In.i M.,, .list iiiuatia Print. < o,. 51 50 K A * ruwii .74 mi 47 4* l eu Klein J Ml Menti M’ltlert ... . 2i J' lkM 55 I ug 4>> .5.5 lirllHIII 5 ■■It-III kill w, h,i*a| |)til, \ u k| tai hvvDliin* t,nm(mi Is,,,, 4.1,14 I 5|. I'ttUal .... .... 11 Ml I 51 IStaial , 14 1) IM Utt ,, 4 ill l.wifi I '151 l*|> ..... .,, • .50 Lew 1* Be. M holtl ., 1 Vi 4 I* l.eln.nger || «) 4 lank kt lnii .... ..... 7 To Hewn He« • , 1 so li.fci. M 'liuii |4a PtMef M.K'wu ,, fMu lltsil I luttaet t Ml ItKIlMiK M *|t ( U*l>nvO IW Kmt 55 iiktiaiu kin Walter McNaultjr. 11.80 O. 4 • mi non. 8.00 Walter MeNaultv. 8.50 W. T. Glbaon.117.50 K. Hehneiderlte. 8.00 Auguat Moll. 3.00 Peter Graaeh. 8.00 Otto Becthold. I <)<) l.oul* Bocthold. 5.50 Win. Kowe. 8.35 all Win. T. Owen* . 80.35 80.88 l.oul* Beohthold. HO oo 4.31 Christ Tbode...35.00 33.11 John Waaelewskl. I 30 all Hubert Kidman. 1.80 Frank 1’olfkl. 3.50 ,, W T.Glbaon.833.40 .la*. I4epew. 3 50 Ja* I )ei e w. 5 50 Henry Beck.30.50 Guy E. Holme*. 11.77 8.00 < baa Gaatcyer.. 3.35 W T. Owen*. 8.50 I. oul* Heelithold.. 3 00 M. E. Hivliurat. 40.90 . Bil liard Baker. 5,10 II. II. and W. Beck. 41,50 rdl George Fugle. 8.50 830 W. I» Haw>er. 5,00 J. I* Beck. 3 50 Frank Curry .. 6,00 « HO riiornpaon.. 10.50 4.441 W. F. Hpeneer... 3 04) J. A Trallkill . 3 00 Janie* I Hepew. 9.20 W T Glbaon. 83.10 W T Glbaon. 30 30 John Nave. 1.25 all E 0 Kirk. 1 25 ,, Henry Beck. 18.00 Walter Hbettler. 1,50 V li Buoiier. i! 00 Abel Hack. (18.15 1,83 E. II Wllklriaon. 16.45 a!' Frank Badora. 9.00 Kayatone Luiolio Co.864,80 Jauirog&Gale/.cuakl. 80 30 (Berk* Broa.332.00 Peter Mi Keon . 14.50 The fnllowlnv elalm* fur I ilio. tier formed In the destruction of Itiicntfin Thistles on the public loads <> the va rious road districts in Sherman < juiitjr mid examination* of said districts In Hoarrli of Knsslmi Thistles were showed deductions for tuxes made and warrants ordered drawn on thofleneral Fn*d. Dav II. Richardson. 7.00 a', tax Bertha Richardson. 0.50 Robert Kowalewskl . 0,50 „ Fred Schadt |r. 1.00 August Reiman. 4.00 Charles Coulter. 12.00 O VVlirairmor. 4.00 Fred Sehneiderlte. 0.00 4.07 A M Kurus. 15 00 7.05 HU Bristol. 0.00 John VV holder. 0.00 all (.'ha* Court/,. 4.00 Oust Johansen. 0 00 all WWW! Isou. 8 00 Jacob Albers. 7.00 Oeo I .eat he mi an. 4.00 A. Booking. 8.00 B McDonnel. 32.00 4.15 John Stewart. 2.00 all S. Hury lu. Hi 00 8.71 BBugeo. 8 00 7.00 Nlel* X Jenssen. 8,00 4.25 James Pritchard. 8 00 all Dav Riehurdson. 4.00 all R Rcincrtsnn. 18.00 Walla* Peters . 4 00 Peter Tbode. 8 T V Robert* . 0.00 RUSSIAN THISTLE FI ND. Robert Kowulewsk!. 0.50 all Felix Kowalew*kl. 50 all Rertha Richurdaoti. 1.00 all Vernice Kichard*on. 1.00 all Joe Kowalewskl. 3.75 all Fred Schadt sr. 2.50 James Cline . 2.50 A. M Burner. 4.00 E.A. Brown. 6 00 Fred Schadt Jr. 2 00 Fred Zwink. 2 00 Frank Zwink. 2 00 John Wheeler... 8 00 20 K Kay. 1 50 William Albers. 1 60 B McDowell. 50 00 liKVKHAi. rrvn E A Itrown . 24 00 Jacob Albers. 2 00 The claims of Belle Brook George Brock Geo W. Holmes ol $11.20 were disallowed. The claims of Jacob Benton and others were disallowed for the reason that the same was not tiled and prepared as provided by statute. Claim of J A Niles for 9-100 was al lowed at 92 00 the claim of94 considered excessive Claim of II. Wlneteer for 411 oo for constable fees was allowed at 92 the . claim beiok considered excessive. Claim of William Hovder for 97 for | soostable fees was allowed at 92 the j claim beioK considered excessive. Claim ol M, Brewer 9 J (In Motion the County Clerk Is ord - lend io c,tn*e new door (<• h< laid III ; the court room, also to have lit* court room papered anew and oeilliiK» of lower room* repupered and to purchase • sulthneiit nii'iiticr of *otlalile chairs, toot iim.i ms * pitoon* els for court room Board adjorned to Jan. 7. WI. |,o.il> Item. County Clerk. Awarded tiigtiavt Honan* Wor d's Fair. oa BAKING I POWDER MOST PfKFBCT M U»B A pM i-tsfe i I«*IiIu, I’a. Wukeupyour liver with a twenty* live <'<>111 package of Hlmmons Liver Kegulator- enough to wake up the liver of the whole family. A dose a day I* enough, and a small one at that, hut It will do the work well and with out discomfort It I* the Best Blood and Best spring medicine. It D the sluggish liver that cloggs the system and poisons the blood. Wuko up the liver d. II. Zellln & Co., Philadelphia Pa. TIMK TAB LB. Hi; KI.I NOTON A MISSOURI HI V ICR It. K. ' Tit A INN LKAVB AN FOLLOW* No 4ft. Accra., dally e*. Ntin., for lie* , piililIvan and all |*ilnt* east and west.I an a in ,4o. Ml. Accra- dally, «*, Sun,, for Ober* 11 ii and liileiiundlatu stations tbftOpm Sleeping, dinner and reclining uliulr cur* (scats free) on through trains. Ticket* sold and liaggagc chucked to any jsjlnt In the United Hiatus or Canada. For Information, maps, lime table* and tickets call on or write to K. M. Davidson, Agent. OrJ.PIIANUJs, liuu'l. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Ncbruaku, U, P. RAILWAY. Beginning Sunday, November 17th, « trains will arrive and depart at this station as follows: Leaves Leaves ] Monday, luosday, / g-on Wednesday, [ ™ ' Thursday. [ „ Friday, aturday J**ul Arrives at Loup City dally 7.15p.m. Close connection at Urund Island for all points East and West. F. W. Clinic, Agent, NOTICE.—Those Indebted tome are : hereby notified to pay their accounts i and notes before Dee. 15th. < Closing out Hardware at cost. < ClIAH F. gTAIlL J _ I Tim a, 1,1 WAV of del I vc l in lp ^ by post-boy* compared with tin*, mod ern telephone, Illustrates tbe old tedious 1 method* of ‘‘breaking” colds compared with their almost Instaulou* cure by One Minute Cough Cure. Odendahl Bro*. Scaly eruption* on the head, chapped hand* and lips, cuts bruises, scalds, and burns are quickly cured by IieWitt's Witch Haz'd Salve. It is at present the Article must used for piles, and It al ways cures them Odendahl Bros. PJ pounds of pure klitlo rendered lard fur #1.00 at S. K. Iteyuold’a meat market. (’utulMrl To UAilfurulA. livery Tuesday inorumg, a tourist sleeping car for Hull l.ake fily, Han < PrincUcu and l.o* Angle* leave* u Omaha and Llneolu via the Burlington e Itxiite. 1 It I* carpeted; upholstered In rattan ha* spring seats and baek* and la pro vliled with curtain* Itrddlng, tewels, •usp ets. An #*perlen»ed eacuralon conductor and a uuiloriued I'ultman 11 psiites gt company it through to the, I‘sc I Ite coa*t Wh.l* neither a* egper,*lt*ly iaished ^ a»r a* d«e to long gi »• g sleeper. It is just a* good to ride In Meeoad t is»# , n, *< tt are henoted and the price of a i • ith. • Ts enough aod big enough for Iwu, Is vary re <**»**,ante ! { l'u> farther iwforiMalion see II If hum, BAM Agent 11 . . t e U*rlH) Ugsbel Mepeer Prsses yoiu tes 1 Cota • n* P Waeet ■** i ,s*i, t it | ••• gnu g*ii«t* ref to g r*ede<* • **e > HlfttllM pdf « [ taao r*« d“* I - wSggu*• . , M D. C. DOE, A. P. CULLEY, Vlce-Presl'lent. Cashier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $60 .000. Loooe on Improved forme at NIKE pm oent. Bool Oompooy end keel tamo OoBsaavovonraei—Chemical Rational Book. Rev York (ftp, B. Y4 OmB BooIoboI Bane. Omaha. Hot—oho W. J. FISHER, OEO. E. BENSCHOTER, Attorney and Notary Publlo. Publisher Loup Oirr Northwester* FISHER & BENSCHOTER, REAM, ESTATE AGEJYT8. LOUP CITY, - - NEBRASKA. fowii Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale ADAivi schaupp, Will pay the highest market price for JM1 i®l at j dcAlpine, Loup City, Shaupp, and Ashton. Also highest prices paid for hogs and cattle at Loup City. Wake ap your system by waking up our liver— Simmons Liver Regulator rill do It—and a twenty-live cent pack go at that. It Is an active liver reme ly and a mild laxative. Just the medi ine for all the family, children and all. t’s a sluggish llyer that causes all Ickuess because of the poison that gets nto the system. Try Simmons Liver tegulator. It is better thaa pills. .U, Zell in A Co., Philadelphia, Pa. The best blood medicine for twenty ve cents—euougb for the whole fami ir. Get a package of Simmons Liver tegulator, the best spring medicine nd the best blood medicine, because it 1 the best liver medicine. If your iver is active It will throw off ail lm urity In the system, and all depression f spirit. Wake up your liver, but do with Simmons Liver Regulator. H. Zellm A Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. WantbO -savaasi. VAiTHVt't aaa oawo teu I., travel tor reapousible MlilillthMl ouso in Nebraska Salary #X>. payable III eekiy anti eapeates Poeltlou pnrmaueat > eferenoe, l.uoluw eill-alilrsawtl *iaib|>e*l aveioped The NaUouai, stai HuUUlua. htoagu. M ASTKM'S IAI.lt eekei a.. No tie. la Ska Ullitll i wait u( the I'tllal Uttu •i the eumsi wl Nebtaoha. ithM P-taa ea4 free* Cote pant, i at, i uiuptaiaaate va n*k Net a»*4e«, ai. »■, l‘*#«s l*ata la aanaaty r«ta«lwa»a af Mutlgage. Vakti* aottaa l» aereby al*e«* taas la hi ueone S‘,4 by f nine of a goerea ante# I in the abova » •** «** the ilk 4* of I ••ssimi w. I. h » I1** It Jt . UniM ki t.sn, a*y oI lk« i 1*. nil * mil ■>* ike nda*t lie at lot it*a 4i»«ti*l **t Haliwla i i. st taa 4**4 4av of Maeayabee. i*aa, at ie b**oi of S stiu, k la Ihe fo»aa*atn .<1 114 .lay, *1 the It >*l gout uf Iks that >«*t i uonty > util Most# ballot*** la lha IJ ul l.i«|)( i|tSsfSMAM t .,4MIJ 1*40 i g« I * t + l* ‘ * " : * TBS MILD POWER OUROL HUMPHREYS* Dr. Humphreys’ gpeclflca are solan tlilnaUr and carefully prepared Remedies, need toy ya— In private practice and for over thirty yams Hr the people with entire success. Every stogie Specific a special cure for the diseaasaaaM^ ao. gpicmc roa mas 1-Psvsn, Congestions. Inflammatlona. .9 9— Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Oollo... ,9 9—1Teelhlogi Colic, Crying, Wakefulness ,3 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adulu. O—Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colls.... 4-Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. 9—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. . I &—Neuralgia, Tootiiacha. Fgceacbe.... ,: I V—Headaches, Rick Headache. Vertigo, .9 10— Dyspepsia. BUiouaneea. Constlpatioa ,9 11— Huppreaaed or Painful Periods Id—W hile*, Tier Profuse Periods. ,9 13- Croup, lmryngllia, Boarsenem.... .! I 14- Halt Hbeam, Erysipelas, Eruptions. 1 A—Rheumatism, or Rheumatic Pains.. I 14—Malaria, ChlU*. Fever and igM.... 17-Pllea, BUnd or Bleeding... j i IN-Ophihalmr, Boro or Weak Eyas_, , i 19-Catarrh, Influents, Cold InUa>Head . i 30-Whooping Cough..... . I 91—Asthma, Oppressed Breathing........ 93-Ear Discharges, ImpairedHearing I 93— Hcrofula, Enlarged GLands SwsUlag , i 94- Coast si Debility, Physical Wsakneaa , > 93—Draper, and Scanty Becrstioas. , ; h4-»ea-»lrha—a. IrkBsss from Hhllag , It-HMsrf Diseases... . 9H Nervous Debility.......I, 119 Bara Meulh, or Caiihiw. , , 39-1 riser y W eakness, Wetting Bad. . Sl-Palnful Perlada.... e 33- Dleeaseesftbe llpart.Palpitation)■ 33 Epilepsy. Hpasm*. hi. VHu*’ D*ao*...I. 34- IMphtkerla, rieerated hum Threat. J S3-« bruulo Cuagralloua A Eruption, lives DR HUMPHREYS' aam SM 11 SPECIFIC FOR BKIP, ZO# Pul np la emeu tuxiiu* of plrmsal psUs*hJaa* Blsyuur vest pocks*. gag sr iavssme. *r ssai pm y.H sa such* MsMsa Im a,ar.ee,. assess JulMyal a RsvmsSq si i llijhas WMFIHW aiUk(».l ti A H* REfcm M.. ami MBS SPECIFICS, HUMPHREYS' WITOH HAZEL OIL “THf Pitt OINTMCMT.* Wanted-ln Idea "'Jj