The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 13, 1896, Image 8

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    Lioaal I7sws.
A. •*. Outhou** did buainea* ut Rock
ville Jfl(Mll»J .
Eddie OH men i* much improved «lnc«
our latt l»»ue
For any thing In the llarnea* line cell
hi T. M. Reed*.
Wilber Welte did buainea* at St.
l’aul Tueedav.
John llut»on returned today from a
trip to Mleeourl.
I have corn, oate and ground feed for
•ale T. M Reed
Mr*. J. II Travl* returned from Ra
venna ye»tcrday.
Mr. l’alge of Athlon w*» at the comi
ty test Saturday.
We »nnt hay and corn on auhecrlpHon
Bring It In at once.
F. Buehner of Ravenna wa* at the
county teat Saturday.
Harvey Brewer I* again employed at
the Keystone lumberyard
Ml** Steel* of Ornnd Iilstid I* visiting
friend* In the city till* week.
Frank IJadura ol Athlon wa* regis
tered at the Ht. Elmo Monday
The St Elmo Hotel ha* a lady cook
to take p'a< e the of Joe Church.
W. Mattley, < ol lector, of Ord did l>n»
inea* In Loup City, Wednesday.
McMillan, the IJ. 1*. freight auditor
made a buaineaa trip to tbi* city Wed
Mr. Lance of the Lange B etting Co.
Grand Inland, did business hern yester
The little child of doe Frol**' which
hat been dangeroutly ill «/llh lung fever
la reported better.
I,it* Mary Kuuteon apeiit .Sunday at
Athton She returned to thia city Mon
day morning.
A. M all waa requested to addreaa a
McKinhy ratltleutlon meeting at Ord
Friday night.
The Huventh day AdyentUts hold
general meeting at Loup OUy at their
church from th • 24. to the HO.
A good lot of aecorid hand lunilier for
aale cheap, duat the atufl' for theda
and corn criha. Call at thla ofllce.
One fare for round talp to Irrigation
Fair at Lexington, Neb., Nov 1H- 10.
Cell on Union Feci lie agent for partic
The aeaion, ao far Iihm been very fav
orable for winter wheat auil Hher
man county haa out a much larger acre
age than ever before.
F. Behrens. of Rockville waa a pleaa
ant caller at theta headquarter* last
Wednesday and left two dollar# to be
credited on subscription.
In the Spring time a young mam's
fancy lightly turn do thought* of—
DeWtu’a Little Early Riser*, for they
alwaya *lean«e the liver, purify the
bleed, aud invigorate the system —
Odendahl Bioa.
WAMTID 100,000 chlokeu*. hens,
geese, turkeys, ducks, In fact fewla of
all kinds, also fat cattle. Will pay th*
hlgbeaet price at the city meat mar
After the band boys hud rendered
several tine selections at the McKinley
ratification meeting last Saturday alght
they serenaded Mr. and Mrs. W. Ratten
m A ..... .... tLl.b W_ ...All. <L.
blood I* po'Honed by constipation Y
Bad blood means bad health and pre
cnatara old ng* D« Witt's Little
Early Risers, the famous litltle pills,
orsisumr abstmate coast! pa ti on
Odtadabl Bros
The variest venial vampire of the vil
lage v*luly visited Resblnalskl's for
vile, vaporing, volotlle, vapor; vitiating,
violating virtue.-"Vain Villi** " Time
and tide reveal alt things. Actor 2nd:
Reason will right “raiders" wrong
A representative of the ilankrept
Clothing Company of Ceutral City, Neb
was in town yesterday looking over
thu geld wilh a view to putting in a
vary large slock of clothing We under
stand that they will sloek up ib the old
Taylor building.
The friends of Mr V. l ander* and
Mr* M l.eepvr were considerably sur
prised wheu it was deiiaaiely learned
the fore part ef the week tbat they were
uieinvd at Loup ( Ity on October Id. by
Cenuty Judge Kay of Khertnsn county
‘I hey have gone to house seeping in the
hues* which Mr*. Lauder* recently
purchased Mrnlu Champion.
Bos. that U I tirn-ue Is e i». ted In
represent the Kltth distrhT m o ugist.
alter the tth of neat Matvh and that
bur Itoivomb will supply the vacancy
on the dittri«t heuvh by reason of Jn-ige
t<ree*«* »llhdrawtl It la popularly
auppwaed the Hemet I. hot titan who
speae here tact Monday evening will
icwlts Use sypMs'srssi Musette*
lb* tsothnsen ere nun engaged In
put tog In a nett ftwnl Its the dr. «
stole ul t M*Sidab 1 Ktul It • til he *«
want an any tu town when *»m»pi#wd
The new M» h fuundatiuu to the at“i*
ban lawn dots So*. I she the stirs cellar
and four.4atIsm to ih* n* bout* Mt«
geitsei iMewdahl Ins hssn Hu*n a
*n»| beasy ehpewn* by aay ul ms
pro I ewe It
J. \\ rliave of tirauil Island was III
ili« city Tuesday.
Studlbaker Wagon* and buggies at
Wat klnson's.
Mr*. I,. K V'alworth went down the
B. A M. road this week
Tbe-auperviaora wera In aeaalon the
f ire part of the week.
There waa a cold wav- and a light
fall of anow Sunday nigh1
Mia* Route of Lllt'hfleld waa vlaltlng
at the county seat l*«t Wednesday.
T L. Pilger I* handling Rock HprKg
coal hiving received a ear load this
wi ek.
Henry Dolling ha« h*«n laid Uft the
past few daj a with a *«vere attack of
Mr*, .lame* (longer and Mr«. Haney
returned from a three week* vi*it to
St. Loulf Monday,
Mr* R Taylor l a* moved Into her
store Imlldlog and will occupy It a* a
residence thl* winter.
K. Smith preaiding elder of the M. K
church held quarterly service* here last
Saturday evening aud Sunday.
Mrs- Ramlsll ami daughter took (he
train )a»t Monday and, we learn, will
reiume the millinery butluesa In some
other town.
W P Reed italic I for Omaha ye*
terday noon where he goca to aeon re,
If possible, a position as traveling
We want a load of good »at straw
but must i.c brought to us by aomc one
owing us on aubacrlptlon. Bring It at
ouca, we will glye due credit.
The plastering to the M. K. ehureh
ha* been repaired »n»l, we learn, that
as loon a* the weather permit* It will
receive a new coat of paint outside.
The many fib ads of Mrs. John Wall
will be p'eased to learn that She has re
covered from her severe burns sufllrl
nently to )>e out again Arcadia Charu
J e Church who has been chief cook
at the 8t. Elmo Hotel for a nuirilier ef
years left Tuesday noon for Wymore
where he will be employed In Hie II. A
M hotel.
W J Wilbur, of Lltebfleld was a
pleasant caller at this office yesterday.
He was over with a special Invitation
for Judge Wall to address the Kepub
llean allocation meeting at that, place
which will be held to night A very
large attendance Is expected.
Tiunksoivino ki t’PEK. Everybody
l« cordially Invited to bring your bas
kets and route to the Baptist church on
Thanksgiving night for a good old
fashioned tlimit (giving supper and a
social tun*. Tell ycur friend# and
bring them with you. Muppar sH o’clock
By order of Com.
The Ladles of ike MsKinley and
Hobart club of thla city gave a supper
at Republican headquarter# last Satur
day evening at which there were at least
300 participants. The evening waa In
deed a pleasant one. There was plenty
lor all to eat. The program was good
and a great deal of entuslasm was man
ifested. The tables were spread several
times that all might be accommodated
The first tables ware occupied princi
pally by the older men ard women and
.t Sk/. ko.,1 rtf rtr.n LWntnid U' If
Conyer and Judge Aaron Wall. At
the r*t|ue»t of the ladle* Mr. Cougar
oll'ered a toatt which wa» reiponded to
by Judge Wall in a very able sad plann
ing manner. He wa* teveral time* ap
plauded during the eourto of hi* re
nt ark a.
After the tlr»t table Mr. 1). I>. drew
read a poem which he Itad written for
the oceadon, aud which wa* loudly
cheered. We produen the poem el no
where In thi* laaue.
The l.onp C'ity cornet band audited
untei tally in making ttie evening plea*
»nt. The icleutlon* were very appro
prtate. It wa* one of the mutt entbu*.
laitie gathering* that ha* liken place
here for year* ami will long be remem
bered by all w ho participated
Ily It II It row
ilrkiiM' ii with how tel ub ahum
w tv houcked repodlaUeu out
IVi'"** kilted the wild tm ulu-r eraie
To Ih'ii* it nu n i» due the pntuv
The tm> who tin night hebud a job
Ik.hum tu . i i.katl'ti!i'ioni» bii i
i'»lit l< » 1%’tlffv llUfetf iHil Hi w|
give fct* imMwito i tp*i
j tti# «ttf«U#tfi* HV U*. 1**1 hi* !«|#.
1 I vnu li h# *#vy (k#l«
j Tk* ktTMt tfe|0 latl nil
TU#. k»#rr #*J HniN f» * i «|*. |»
AH*I #**• M u|t amH if•* «i til #iit
i 4 .ill «aU U tfe* i«u
M *> h- • i«r h* It*# • UNNMfi ##**>» tigfcl
<4*4 #ttf # #< Ivd Mm ftgM
I# l|i« f >«l fcK-Mif Ml
! % Milt f#ft |f« 4 f* #*M
M fl#** #--*1 h<v«ii«df *i i-»l|l
Mffcy 4Ml ***** l#U hn>Ii *i Nm
Mr k* h »-*>#§ Ia *#m*^|* {
; t* ♦ * }4ahf *44 llcikttt
f 14 Mktifel «*#4 wl I«*»#**• * $**
tit** Mm# *« #-•*!**» yum ***** »*i
£**## H%mI m# lHm«h i| *»«,«
I IN# «M4i Ilk* Mt#l^ l|ii|[|» 44 h> Uxtht
• iii4 bilAt-f MMW
bltltU ittttll tail M* I t Mb*
: a* •••«•«• kt at »*» iwjuwjM* ..wl
»t*bw * uwb t» ***• v n-t m
Able »» neebi) >M *ti«m.i C..w.*o«ti get
14 «##•**#>* l> l#f K|»4# ** •-! *
| •(■«•#*■«*% »#»» ■n^n-iii |i#« H-*ii#«*%t. kiftt
M#iNy>#g | #i "«hg-a
Clover* mill Shamrock.
English clovers are Irish shamrock.
Perhaps no greater myth exists than dial
relating to the shamrock. St. Patriot
would find clover in almost all parts ol
Ireland, as he would in England, and
it was a fitting emblem at the Trinity.
Consequently there is little doubt that
he used it us ati illustration. How the
little Action that it is a distinct pluut
and will grow only in Ireland has been
maintained so loug seems incompre
hensible unless it is due to the pecul
iarity of Englishmen when regarding
most things Irish. It is almost us ab
surd as regarding Lever’s characters as
typical of the Irishman of today, prob
ably of any day, us he appears to have
hud us great a genius in inventing char
acters as in inventing stories. Ireland
largely owes its clovers and shamrocks
to its limestone. Around Dublin, where
limestone is not very prevalent, the in
ferior type of clover, the yellow trefoil,
is commonly employed as a badge, its
convenient shape, owing to its top root,
rendering it convenient us u buttonhole
Ill limestone districts the white elo
ver is more commonly used, though
there is no definite rule, us is shown by
the specimens collected by natives in
all parts of Ireland now to be seen In the
Dublin museum. These specimens were
allowed to go to flower, and four dis
tinct varieties of clover are represented,
each frequently. Even the largo red
clover is included. There is no other
plant shown, because them is no other
sliumrtxik. The myth is destroyed, but
the clovers remain, and it is due to
their presence that the Irish postures are
so rich and so valuable for grazing.
They have accumulated fertility, and
they have done so in England. There
fore their presence in lawns must not
he regarded us prejudicial. —London
> isimmy m m|iiu mb
Tho result* of tho experiments in
light visibility conducted by the inter
national committee on behalf of the
governments of the United Htutes, Ger
many and the Netherlands have been
handed in. The German section gave a*
the distance at which u light, of 1 can
dle power became visible 1.40 miles for
a dark, char night, and 1 mile for a
rainy night. The American experi
ment* *how that a light of one caudle
power is visible at 1 mile and one of
three candle power is plainly vi*ible at
2 mile*. A 10 candle power light wa*
sec-u with a binocular at 4 miles, one of
22 at 5 mile*, though faintly, uud one
of 83 candle* at the nuiuo distance with
out difficulty.
To be on the »ufu side the experiment*
were made with green light, u* it has
been conclusively proved that if a light
of that color fill* the required tests a
red light of the same intensity will
more than do no.
It wa* fonnd that the caudle power
of green light which remained visible
at 1, 2, 3 and 4 mile* was 2, 1G, G1 and
10*1 respectively. It wus noticed, how
ever, that great care hud to be exercised
in the selection of the shade of tho col
or, so as to give tho minimum interfer
ence with the intensity of the light.
Tbo shade adopted is a clear blue green.
Yellow and grass green should not bo
employed. The tests may be of interest
to railroad men and seamen.—Progress
ive Age.
A Man 1* Mu Hero to IIU Typewriter.
The mystery of men's live* in the
world, out of which illusion* are spun,
has always hud a greater influence in
determining the fate of women than is
readily admitted. To feel transmitted
through the ring finger tho electric
thrill of business, of politics, of olubs,
of the stirring movements in the life of
men, gives any woman vantago ground
over others of her sex. But in the actual
commerce of business, the community
of uffairs, the wear and tear of daily
life in offloes and elevutors, this mystery
VAtiightiu A />rmn1n at (vnnuriUis itt
luncheon will i Hunt rate badly a situa
tion yet too new to be fairly reckoned
up. Over knife aud fork they will match
employers us smull boys do pennies.
Out of hours the boss is only a man
of whose necktie they may disapprove,
or of the way he wears his hair or per
haps of his grumwur, and it may be he
appears greatly to the advantage of
some youug man ut u neighboring ma
chine.—Mary Oay Humphreys in Scrib
Ilouulu 1'ashn.
lionnin Pasha, the chief of the sul
tan's private police, is a plump, thick
set Frenchman. In 1SN4 he went to
Constantinople us a detective with the
French cmtan-sudor. Abdul Humid took
a fancy to him and desired him to or
ganise a detective force for service about
the palace. A rorpa of bludgeon men
was th« result, and their tactics much
surprised the Purisiuli agent, Kouduis,
a lew years ago, when he invited his
colleague’s help in arresting a notorious
swindler. Tapping at the malefactor's
door, the Tuikishorticial fell,d to earth
the servant who opened it, and the par
ty proceed'd through the huu*", Wie»k
. log Him I, slide' i veryhtsly they mot,
Poutiai* was budly engaged tu auiwirinf
! the Wounded, while tlouttin collated the
| real criminal. tt< mini hew a ceunfurta
‘ l ie house tu P* (a, and his w ife, as
court iliiwaiAri, has csuwuU rubiy in
crease<1 his sue lugs,—•Ke w 1 >ik Trtb
| UlM
set-see* of list ( weM4*s««.
Inch- t*e> rge — 1 really < an't under
i eland ye u. I Pel I tv, All the maided We>
i We it )e>ee know yeas say have ut-eu lead
male he*, sent y#t you at* <ju<n> tcady Is
j try letalltUe- ui pmwll
llaiii* ** |i«i |em know, furls
tive rgv, that thwtv't an « » »il> ui chain ■
. if gening a prise in a tottery whs see is
' Many el the blanks hat* t*»n u»aat»s«
|k«t> a I rare* npt
U t o '■ , si t ewplleMsat*.
" \ uss b.*y k* • *** eg. tl. but I Ml
; Itoil se en * *%, of yeast bstteg lit here,
I Mb"' - Ami you wa* its Hi htfw, hut I
can s>m eaaneiv* e( psi bsxug e«
gaged iMtvil Free l':v«s
An Imitative Monkey.
One of the drollest instances of the
| monkey’s keenness of observation and
power of mimicry that we have met
with is the following: A retired ad mi'
ml and his wife living at Cheltenham
had a favorite monkey. One day tho
lady, beating a strange noise in tho
dining room, looked in to what it
was. Tho sight which met her e-yes was
a ludicrous ono. Heated in the artn
Vbair, with the admiral’s smoking cap
on his head and the admiral’s specta
cles on his nose, was the monkey, and
in his hand was tho open newspaper,
which he shook and patted, while ho
I Jabbered and gesticulated witli great
emphasis at the eat, which lay blinking
I on the hearth mg. It wail a clever and
oarefnlly studied imitation of tho testy
old admiral's tone ami manner when ;
reading to his wife some passage from
the new. paper which excited iiis wrath ,
) or indignation.
It is strange that so little attempt is
I made to utilize this strong imitative j
faculty in monkeys. They might easily !
| be trained to perform as athletes and
acrobats. Homo 00 years ago an Ituliun !
count, who had a villa on the shore of ,
Luke Albano, kept u monkey which ho !
hud taught both to row and sail a small
skiff. Tho monkey used to navigate this
tiny craft with great skill, but unfor
tunately one day, when climbing the
mast, lie capsized tho boat and was
drowned. As Jockeys, monkeys might
surely be made useful and would fulfil
every purpose for which the manikins
who ride on race horses are artificially
stunted and sweated.—Chambers’ Jour
Lighthouse Light*.
Ill a Hi re s of paper* contributed to
Engineering by Hu iiiche Freller on
lighthouse* in Europe tbe remarkable
Htutemeut i* made that (he Juminoua
range of a iiglit of 600,000 candle pow
er iu tlie Mediterranean (44 miles) is
equal to that of 6,000,000 caudle* iu the
channel—equal tea ratio of oue to ten—
hence, it 1* udded, that, with the excep
tion of the electric Hashing light of
Planter, near Marseilles, of 000,000 i
candle power, the most powerful rain- 1
crul oil ligiits recently installed on the
French, Corsican, Algerian and Tunis- j
Ian coasts of the Mediterranean do not
exceed 156,000 candle power, having a j
luminous runge of about 80 miles in av- j
erago weather. On tho other band, in J
the channel and in the bay of Biscay
the largest mineral oil lights have lu
minous powers up to about 200,000,
and the electric lighting Hush lights up
to 22,600,000 and 87,600,000 candles.
Further, the maximum light of French
lighthouse towers—that is, the height of
tlie focus above ground—varies from 1
about 60 to 70 meters, but some towers
are, of course, on very elevated posi
tions, ho that, taking the height of tbe
focu* above the hcu level, the highest
light, that of Cape Bream, is 751 feet
above the high water hcu level, while
it* luminouH power is 6,000 candles and
its luminous runge 26 miles. This light
iH an oil light, and the geographical
range, or direct visibility of such lights |
on high elevations, is usually in excess
of their luminous ranee, the reverse of *
this, however, being commonly the case 1
with electric coast lights.
Machinery Lnbrloatlon.
Tho results of some valuable experi
ments on tbe lubrication of machinery
bearings buve been set forth by Mr.
Dewrance in an address before the Civil
Engineers’ institute, London. His ob
servations show tbat olive oil becomes
black aud thick after passing through
tho bearings several times. This oil,
aftor filtration, was composed of 1C per
cent of oleate of lead, 9.67 per cent of
oleate of acid and 74.02 per cent of
olive oil aud glycerin, the oleate acid
in the olive oil appearing to attack
lead, zlno and copper with great activi
ty. Thus dmks of metals used in the
manufacture of bearings were immersed
iu oleute acid, occasionally drawn up
out of the acid so as to be exposed to
tbe air. Lead and zinc rapidly corroded
away, copper was corroded to a less ex
tent, while tiu and antimony were not
appreciably affected. In regard to the
compressibility of alloys, it is suggested
by this authority that no alloy be used
uutil it is satisfactorily demonstrated
that its point of first yield is consider
ably above the greatest load or shock to
which it will be subjected in use. Iu
testiug the effect upon soft uietal bear
ings when the shaft sustained a heavy
pressure a piece of iron was found to
leave no mark upon u surface softer
| than itself.
ttouee'* Groat t iro.
Iu A. 1). 04, 10 of the 14 municipal
districts of Home were destroyed by a
I routlagratiou instigated, it is said, by
tlie Lui(h ror Ncru. The number of lives
hat is known to amount up into the
hundreds, but the value of tbe properly
destroyed can uni even be estimated. Ur
the emperor's command, thousands of
Unman* rendered homeless and desti
tute were employed in removing the de- ]
bn* and rebuilding tie* burned city.
Nero, to divert the odium of the crane
from himself, t barged it upon the
Chlisllau*, aud ibu* I* gall oue of the
greatest j- i «* ulloos iu the history of
the early t'bristiau church.
IlMk lltKfvk
To blown guu barrels, wet a piece of
tag w ltd i blonde of antimony, dip It
tule> nine oil and fttfe Iha land eivtrf.
Ill 41 kftl* II Will U11'\ W Mil ft ft***'
(Ptfti! *1 twi TftMMi mb III# U*mi wMfti
ft ftttv ikil m ult h t'tttfth *11*1 WI|W Willi
ft tftft 414 in tout 1*4 114*1**4 kills
1*1*11’%*!*, Uiwkt ||k# uk) Willi
Ml fti#4 »H4#i jf | , ibiu Ik#
Willi *
ISwkft li* fg#ftk*tftiijr flPffcftNt iiMhftkft*
1# W ft** ft ft i 4 W * ftll« * f tft
llkft 1ft lift* ft UUlIMft wteftl# lift ft* (jufkft
«|t ftftlft** lift* **#ft ft V%ftftf4M ft* lift
fettltlfti ItI?4ft, kb« ftrwl feft«ff||l r-m
k fti e l I - 4. wft* » ftU<4 lift* Mil'
4*1*9. livid ll« «in* III In* vWft
imim. ■
and local newspaper in
yy i. main y.
UFFlt'i: In *mi U me If Il'Mk. K«l
■Ida I*ul>lif m Ultra UiifClll, Kali.
yy .1, MSIIIU
VM> NOTitY mil.ll'.
Will Dele ml in I orei lo*uiv l .i-h >
I |MI A I*K\ K*«M. Kl. vl.
kviati: m vim.-.
IHSaa lb b.-aiit* •»»•■■ bm1.11h*
U>* I* tin * * IIINIIkl
* 1‘b‘if nr ICXPHLiiS *’•**
All (M I HI »*#*!•*• |»*m«h^41|
*t (»*!•*! to
HM »*• MOM I MtMli <««(• .1
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rUmro .f.
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•# Oil «t*M. *»a . >1*. b.M »«*4t*
_aaMlMaaaaaMaHIBaJ % **-*
VOf Pmn>mm II. Mb*.
Does i General Lav and Collection rnnf m
A Notary I'lkllr, hi ..uoar.pli.t aim
Typ«arriit<r In oiMm
14)111* Cm. • • RKBBAV&A.
W \ n t an—»a» r u*i t*unri>i. «»* u l»r tiav.l lot r.*i>ou«llila nnutiitak
**l tMtuM in N.Kiaah. taint y »*au payaMa
* I ■ nv.klr auk »«|>««.»» ttwitiun mout
ant, Km loan —1| y 'rntr l
i-nt.lti|i« I n. National, atar 11.1:4
iu«. i'bt. ti.
lb* lt*’al 4|trlU|{ mul.nlno fm twoii
t) |i» a tlnao n lur aunty
mamiioy * I 1 In Luuily , tf.i 1 p ink,,, w
of l.iynt lt« ^u'«lof, ih.i h. .|
ItiiHMl in.tli. pm ,i..| tb* Haul idling
MiilUimb It a ill akt* my upynnty.
t«« mit «*• «tbiliar’k ». ilk ul n.*.li
1 inn humhi u I n. ami ni l gun you
*••**"* ''******* ***** **• Mai k“*lik a.<auo»
It »»<«!*<.» 11.Ul lurf 'Im .an Ika
•* i «»* «! haaMb ,1 || /„,nw f
l*btti% |*4
Wanted An Idea 2i.-r.3l i