The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 13, 1896, Image 1

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Thk Northwestern
ski- - — zz--~-rr-. - -v,
aso. b.
Editor and Publisher.
TERMS- $1 60 ptr Tsar, II Paid in Advanea
flatsrsd st tbs Loo* City Foitofflca for (ru»
sil—tfin tturosab tbs mailt u •a'und
si sis msttsr.
Tammany for the first lime in ita
history was defeated in a prvsiden
tifil campaign.
The Phonograph, lli«i pop organ
•f Howard County Iinh filed a bil*
for 1l9fi 00 for printing the election
ha Hots. They made a blunder on
tint lot ane had to reprint them, and
have filed a bill for both lota at 17.
perthousnnd. My, how those advo.
(rates of inform do practice what they
United press report* show that
since McKinley’s elclion 250,000
additional laboring men have already
been set to work in the different man
ufacinrmg industries of the coun
try. A great many mills have been
opened up and men who could not
get a Job before are now at work.
It is just this kind of business that
will give the farmer a home market
for his produce.
II. M. Sullivan of broken bow
and W. I)Oldham of Kaarney are
both prominently mentioned as pro
bable candidates for the appoint
meat of District Judge to take the
plaee of VV. L. Greene. They ure
both fit subjects, speaking from a
political standpoint. Sullivan has
just begun to pop and Oldham has
been a straight democrat until this
vacancy was about to exhist. No
Middle-of-the-road populist need
»pp*y-__. 2.
The Timea-lndcpaudunt said wo
should apoligize to Conn ty Clerk
Rem for having stated that lie pract
iced deception in the matter of
printing the election ballots. All
right, here gees:
We are sorry for Mr. Rein and
his pall, Eddie Browu, that it should
beeome necessary for thorn to call
upon any one, much less their eon
temporary to apologize for them,
but the fact is they are guilty and
they know it. Rein admitted bia
deoeitful intention to us, that he so
eoustrueted the ballot to catch the
sound money democratic votes for
the fusion ticket. The law aaya
that one candidate ahali not have
any more prominunue than another.
Now Mr. Rain not only changed the
order of candidates but he gave tbe
......I.... lailu .. ...A ..._
ad the ticket ell through is he did
the rest of the nominees. Not eon
tent with this he make* the fusion
ticket more prominent by instruct
ing his pall the Times alitor, nad
others of his political pursuasion,
to tell the voters in all part* of the
oouaty to "be sure and stark »h# -X’
iu the wide space." And yet in the
face of all this Kddie bat the brass
to intimate that Mr. Hein carried
out the full intention of the law. j
Having heard that there were seme
irregularities in the printing of the
Howard county haiiou, and that the
court in cob**<ju#b«« aompelled tham
to tm reprinted, he boarded the tram
m l we ,t to St I'asl, evidently aph
fear and trembling Hut when be
•aw the decision of the court he
drow a breath of ralHtf and returned i
home The ta t .* that the object
ton t» the Howard e>mut? ballot on*
not Wade bewaua* uf thw widw space
buatuese but bwcaeae the
prluting plate* broh* sad a part of
the Itch, t **» Uiww narrowed up.
aud alao am# of th * **n
didatea were not p!*«"d in alphabet
iwal iwhi a* the law pnoid-n
We repeat that the Wor* of ih*
wusatruetbm <>f ,.ur ballot* by Homo
liaiw was a (h>»u of frau • p "Opted
by the dealt aud aawcttuwed hj M
Hrwws H »w du you ilk* the wpul
M of Ioflostr? Oiled.
McKinleys mo tion 411 That I* Needed
To Start Machinery.
.Millions *r title Oapltnl Awaiting ilia
Verdict. St. I.nnls Hanks Begin lo
I'ay out Hold on IletnetHl.
From the State Journal
Bai.timokk. Nov. f>. — Alexander
j Brown, head of the banking bouse of
Alexander Brown and sou*, wbn a
few days ago waa credited with hav
lag auid that not less than 910,000,000
was simply awaiting McKinley *
election for its investment in iuduat
rial enterprises in Mar ilai.ri, said
“Some time, ago I stated that $ Id,
(100,000 was ready to invest in this
state in the event of McKinley’s elenl
lon. While 1 earinot give details re
garding the transaction* involving
the money, 1 can say that it is avail
able sad that it will bo unmediatey
invested to pulp mills, iron mills
vnrious other luanufueiurius and in
the promotion and development of
tbo industrial interests of Baltinasre
and the statu, and that thousand* of
men will lie benefited thereby. Cap
ital has confidence anil its influence
toward the returc of gcnuial prosper
ity will soon be felt."
Washington, I). C , Nov. r».—
1*1 orr Jjl'JU 1VI |JUUtlIJ£ IIJIW WUVtTtti 91
the subtreasnry ofliee* than the off!
ees hare storage eapacity for or have
legal leader currency to give in ax
change. This in notably the case In
Boston. This gold has beau brought
out for sale deposits vaults by the
owners who have been paying stor
age charges upon it. Boltiroore
and New Yrork also have large do
posits of gold, but bow mach was
deposited at New York coakl not be
ntnle'1 at the treasury, as the daily
telegram had not been received when
the department Hosed. Nothing
had been heard from western points,
In response to gold deposits the
treasury sent out this letter today to
the nine assistaat treasuries:
Wabhinoton, I) C., Nov. 5,—
Assistant Treasurer United Slates—
Sir:—Referring to the inatruetiona
communicated to you hy my letter
of November 23, 1895, authorizing
you to receive gold eoiu in exchange
for paper currency I have to say
that the department desires to be
informod in advance of any large
transaetieas, In order that stores
may be taken to accommodate the
depositors if the stock of notes and
silver eertifleates available in the
cash of this office will admit of the
being made. The payrueut of ex
press eharges by the government on
_!Z4__ _ e_4.. I I_ . _ £
i viii i ttnij v«e e»i |viu »w i ue vniwco wi
the treasury and on the earreaoy re
turned lb* re fora will lie discontinued.
Gold coiu beneath the least currency
weight will be received a* hereto
fore in exchange fer paper under
the regulations still in force, lie
•psctfnlly. D. N Mono an
Treaaurer I'uitvd State*.
ll««t Hal In.
North Ton aw aha, N. V. Nov. 5.
One of the biggest demonsIratieus
ever wiluesevd in Niagara roualy 1
took place her* iki* afternoon wheu
the Niagra Iron fouudry at Iroalou
a a* formally opeaed and dotl addl
tional utt-n given vaiplojnueut at the
new plant The event mark* the he
ginnieg of no art ef proepertty her*
end it wae fittingly celebrated. ,\l
2: id * procession n** foemed sad
prveee ted by n tiriu band marched
to the ir >n w> rks. There the turn
a ■••* Usd h- cm prvpaivd for lighting
and protnplh nt Hue* *> eloek 1‘rvsi
dcitivleri tii Kutr) touched a t*et
ten ia his house si I'tains «i d the
th'driv* wive unnnjiii>K It ei»|» the
teiua< ecisilied a spark which igni
vd the ted*mside material and tk"
ace blast fumes** were pat la
irpjieiattoa V l-iephoaw sr<o,*i
ess *e-it tit u» t sitrik side ester
works where e etgaai was gives hr
a deem whittle and tww every j
whistle and Ire goaf is the city)
ring out the glml tidings The day
was observed as m holiday.
New Haven, Conn Nov, 5.
The hardware manufactory of the
Sargent company in this cjty has
started up full force. The factory
which employed about 2,000 hands,
is the largest in the «■ ii y. if not in
the state,
Providence., K. I., Nov. 5, The
jewelry business heic Ims fed the im
mediate resell of McKinley 'a election
Several shops this morning posted
up notices of a full tune m odule.
PATINO OUT 001.11.
St. Louis, Mo,, Nov. 6,— Gold
was paid out on demand at all the
SL. Louis banks. President Thom
pson of the Natioual Hank of Com
merce said we have ordered our
tellers to pay in gold whenever it ia
asked for. VVe did this as thu re
sult of Mr. McKinley's eh etion. lie
fore thu election we dared not, as
the demand for gold by those who
feared the suvtiess of the silver
movement woald have exausted our
President Charles Parsons of the
state bank said: VVe are giving
out gold now to all who ask for It,
because we know gold payments
will be kept up by the government.
The sixty or eighty million dollars of
gold which have been hoarded will
come ont and go into elrcelation or
bu deposited in bank* and all reas
onable uceoriiinodations will be giv
en to maaufactarere and merchants.
The Time Independent sayc that
we have nothing to crow over and
■peaks of their state victory to sup
port liis statement. Now let us see.
Thu whole country has gone over
whelmingly republican, McKinley is
elected by the largest popular vote
ever recorded in the history of the
American people, and the free silver
craze has been burned beneath an
avelanelie of votes, repudiation has
been denounced and sound mousy is
the choice of the people as it should
be. As to the slate. In the first
plaeo when the Independents fused
with the democrats the combined
vote gave them a majority over the
the republicans of 17,000 votes to
start with. Bryan's majority was
only eight thousand in the state.
This shows that we have cot down
the combined majority against us
9,000. Is not this something to
crow over? Now we ask what has
the pops got to crow over? Why,
they say, we earned the state- How
eonsistant. The faots are that they
said themselves out to the democrats,
and aonseqienlly it is, so far as Neb
raska is concerned, a democratic vic
tory and not a pop victory. It it,
a fact and cannot be wiped out that
the state of Nebraska went demo
cratic in 1K!I6 and tba democrats all
over the nation are el aiming it.
ll.v An Observer
While pop* ihoulil lie jolly that they are
saved IrOiu their lolly
They don't seem to enjoy It a lilt
John H and John I.. don't look at all ..
While Arthur has almost a III
Then there la poor Kruttk looktat rare worn ,
and lank.
Whi u he are* how his new trleada det< rt
hit Henry looks had looks nervous and -ad.
Hut n ehauye In hie looks cannot hurl him
While I.ouU, Mike and Kd look alck ruoucb
lor bed
tleeausv they could not bate tholr way
frav do u«tt took U reft you still bat< some
tin** loft
lor the reunify Is sale with It- hat
Awarded Hi(hnt Honor*,
World’* Fair.
A pur* t-iefo ittiai el I iHw l' » J*» ,
DNS *«MI A.-4KM-4W-* AJh* «* M| 9 MoAGi
Is Simmons Liver Regulator -don’t
forget to take It. The I .Iver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever ami Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
LlVfcR REGULATOR to do it. It also
regulates the Liver- keeps It properly at
work, when your system will be tree from
poison and the whole body Invigorated.
You getTIIK Hi:ST Itl.OOIf when
your system is In A1 condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. "■ t take only SIMMONS
Liver Reg >k — it is Simmons
I.IVER REGUI aTOR which makes the
difference. I ike it in powder or In liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder; buttakeSlMMONS 1 IVER REGU
LATOR. You’ll find the RLL) 7. on every
package. 1 ook for it.
•f. U. Zcllln & Co., I'liiludHplilu, Ps.
Wake up you; liver with a twenty
Itvii cent package of Simmon* I, ver
Regulator enough to wake up the
liver of (lit! whole family A done a
da) is enough, and a email one at that,
but It will do tin) work well and with
out, discomfort, ft Is the Rest Rlood
and Rest spring medicine It la the
sluggish liver that clogga the system
and poisons the blood. Wake up the
liver II. Zellin <fc Co., I’hlludelphia
No Acc-m , dally sx. son., for ite
publlcan and all points cast and
wssl . .Ii.Waui
No. S.T Ai «m. dally, ax, Sun , for Ober
11n and lnlormadlatn station* tj .")0p in
sleeping, dluriurand raellning chair cars
(seat* f!#»/ on through train* Tickets
sold and liuggage chocksd to any point In
the ITlilted States or Canada.
Kor Information, maps, time table* and
tickets call on or write to K. s. Davidson,
Agent. Or .1. KltANOIS, Osn'I. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
V. r. RAH.WAT.
ling tuning 8un<i*y, November 17th,
trains will arrive and depart at this
station as follows:
Isiaves Leaves
Monday. / - ,0 Tuesday, I ...
WeitomdafJ*-3®; Thursday. \ ” „
Friday, ) *• “ atmtey ) a'm
Arrives at Loup CMtjr daily 7.16 p. m.
Close eonnesiMirn at Grand Island for
afl points Bast and West.
F. W. Ccjkk, Ageat
A. Boone, tkk Jeweler.
Cutlery at half price at Watklnson’t
Rye sad Ear, I»r. Davis, Grand
Island. Xebr.
Round Oak Heaters are the best at
Tailor made clothing 13,50 per oil
at A. E. (.'base’s.
Window Glass cheap at Wa kIhsoii s.
Good grades of machine oi s sold by
T M Reed.
Sowing Machines at prices to suit the
times at Watkinson's.
For SCHOOL HOUSE beaters cheap
kv \ m aiuiiioi'ii v
See the uaw irillluery add of Mrs.
Kaudail in another column.
Lcaehiusky; the photographer will
be at Arcadia KVKHY FRIDAY.
One swallow does not make Spring,
but owe swallow of One Minute Cough
Cure brings relief.—odendnhl Itro*.
Dr Sumner Davit, Dr* ml Island. hur
gical diseases tad diaenae* of Bye and
IV* pouudt of pure kiltie rendered laid
for 91.00 at h. F, Key mild'* meat
Cali and look at the ample• of ready
made clothing at A. K Chute'*, hails
from hh tai ap Fit guaranteed.
The ladies of the CS. A It will serve
oyslets «•« the day and averting <f
election. Special arrangement* will tie
made te accommodate all.
hftoura Is • frightful ailliettoa, but
like all other skin dteases It eaa Im
permanent.t cured by application* of
I seta ill's W irh II aael Halve It never
I ,Ue- Im cure Pile* tt !vnd*h> Mm*
A. I.. Wooster, a p eutiiteni sltlr*i>
of Unarm, Mi* k . after *af ailng vlria
i-iattagiy I rum pitas fur twenty leaf*
was anted In a vh<*<t time hy using
IW*tv Ill's M Itch llssst halve, ah ila» j
luta sure tor all vhih dtinaaa* More ml |
thlv iitspuslias la hssul thaa nil utgat*
von*tuned Odeedshi Mrua
One miaul* Mi tlm staodar t him t«s4
its** Miaul* t .*wgfc t'me I* lire standard
prepsrvtiw* fur every term nr ss*|k or
■mid It Is the unit harm tee* remedv
A*l yrudwee* imasedtnl* >*»nit*
i ' teed*to Mrua
D. 0. DOE. A. P. CVLLET,
Vloe*Pre»l«l«nt. Oashier
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $60 ,000.
Loans on Improved (anas at RIME pm mat. Beet Company aai ben Mono
to bo bod In the want.
OonanonovMm:—Chemical national Bank, New York City, E. Y.| •make
Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher I/MJP ClTT Nort«wr»tek*
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale
Will pay the highest market price for
4.11 git^dp ©f at
McAlpine, Loup City, Shaupp, and Ashton. Aleo highest
prices paid for hogs and cattle at Loup City.
Wake up your system by waking up
your liver—Simmons Liver Regulator
Will do It—anil a twenty-live cent pack
age at that. It Is an active liver reme
dy and a mild laxative. Just thu medi
cine for all the family, etnldren and all.
It's a alugglah liver tha: causes all
sli kuess because of the poison that gets
Into the system. Try Simmons Liver
Regulator. It i» better than pills.
J. II. Zellln * Co., Philadelphia, P*.
Young mother* dread thu summer
mouths on aeeount of the great mortal
ity among children eaused by bowel
troubles Perfect safety may be assur
ed those who keep on baud Du Witt’s
Oolle * Cholera cure, and administer
It promptly. For cramps, bilieus colic,
dysentery and diarrhma, it affords In
stant relief.- Odendahl Bros.
The best blood medicine for twenty
live cents enough for the whole fami
ly Get a package of Mlmuions Liver j
Regulator, the best spring medicine
and the best blood medicine, beeause it j
It the lot*t liver medicine. If your
liver is active It will throw off all ini
purity In the system, and all depression
of spirit. Weae up your liver, but do
It with Munitions Liver Regulator.
J II /.ellm A Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Wsaval* *»« **»l rsituri i ss« unwo
lueii |a travel for responsible established
Suite I* StUMts Salary #M*. payahs# »l#
wees t end etpeaeee Puelliaa permaaant
gefereuea. kaetuse self adSreaaeO .lamped {
euveiopvd tee Naiiuuaj, etat Meddles :
Mu R. |mY»su| Mlddleburg, la., j
wiitee I base ueed line Minute t ough
i’me for sis years. Iwtb 1st myself and
■hi idren and I consoler it ihe <|gWkoot
eel lug sod siwt satisfactory t ««|h j
I ft«f« I I14I# ivir tMMNl I Mvadnhl |
■to* j
t*sy t My Marhet M •!»**« I
|*t |4*r« p»l>4 It*#
I m
, m |
t I it!
- • m :
!&*•• M I IlKlil #,’■< «4 « 9
r«4i«4« , i m
Nlllf, |MM' |*h*44 *4 HI
194*. |MM 4*4 M .
r ‘ft***** , m :
Dr. ■ajarfcrrra' l>«dto M «MIMD
Id private praaMaa and far «nr „ im,
Wanted An Idea
H Otlli - tDHii llllMU DM m%
•«m« la «>•••< far iMfaaaM attUvM
•I «•••« la ItM WM M«|M WIlMl
i*» •••».• *u4 aaraaaa* ratita* tiaraiDD
a* i Haiaraaaa laalaM *alf «M*4MMk
aa» atJja t Da DpM—ati MM ial*,’