The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 30, 1896, Image 1

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vm ' YIV -nTV >m i:ma\ COUNTY, NEBRASKA, TODAY OCTOBER80 189ft_NUMBER 36 1
Thk Nokthwksi i:rn
mmr - - rrr——— ■
*T I 14 t\ ’ (M) N I ^ sK \T.
(ilCO K IlMFI^'llori H.
Editor and Publiatinr
———- — -- . x
TEliW ft BO par Year if Paid in Advance
latera l at the lamp Clip Pi •tofl'ce lor traaa
■llulon through tba mailt •> -or),
alaaa manor.
— Ill M II 1 *• .X.-»
Republican Ticket
Sul lunal
For Prcaldent.
WM McKINLEY. -f Ohio
Fur Vlce-Prcaldeilt.
Uovernor .. ,1. If. M COLI,
Lleutenant-Oovernor ORLANDO TKFFT
Heeretury of Stale .(OKI, A I'll KK
Auditor . )'• o HKIlLITgg
Treasurer ... 1 K. * A SKY
Attorney Ociieral A S ( III ItCHILL
Supt of I’uli Insi.If It. COKIIKl I
( dmmissloncr . IIC KI'HSKLL
Supreme Judge HODKK'I ItYAN
Supreme Judge. M ('. K1NKAID
Regent W.d, WHITMOKK
At Large . ,J. K. Hoot/.. Lancaster
At Large F. J. Had lick, Saline
First Dlstrli i.A. J. Iluratiam, Nemaha
. Second 1)1,oriel A. C. Foster. Doiurlils
h Third District Hoi Diaper. Kiiui
Fourth District O A, Derby. Sr ward
Fifth Dlatrlrt J L. Mel’hi eley, Kearner
Sixth District M.L. Krlei,e. \ alley
Hlxth District . A. K. CADY'
Sxlteentb district. AARON WALL
For Representative .W. II. DROWN
r i*l « mjriiy a t i/W * ii • > tt • • i ' ■ '
Vote for McKinley!
Vote for Protection!
Vote for Reciprocity!
Vote for Hound Money!
Vote For Jack MacColl!
Vote the republican
ticket and you will:
Open thti Mill* to American labor.
Htarl up the fur note and kindle the fire.
Do a kind act for your next door neighbor
And IncreaMj the price of American hire.
Yes you will do more tlueu that;
you will throw die political deins
giiguc out of a joh.
» — —- — » ■ 1 --
It you want uu able mai. for coun
ty attorney, and one who will no*
ncfil in import u lawyer every time
a little cime eon*cs us vote for \Vr.
H. Conger.
Judge Post, elisir.nun of the re
publican slate central committee is
well pleased wph the outlook for
tbit*stale and say that she will be
found ibis year it- the republican
column with a majority of at leaat
Bryan has had much to say lately
about the people Ic ing coerced into
voting for sound money but an inves
tigation resulted in the discovery of
the fact licit the Colorado free silver
men ate doing more eohereing than
any body.
Secretary Piper has been sustained
in every point by the supreme court
in hi* decisions as to tiling the dii
fereot parly nominations. This fact
alone suould commend him to the
people ns an ollieer who desires to do
justice to the public regardless of
party alHIiations.
A McKinley dub wan organized
nt Atlanta, ueorgiu ntid hit* over »
thousand members. Many Nubias,
kail* will lie smprlaed, no doubt, nt
tbi*. The club wits organized lint h
few week* ago with only twenty the
y member*. It tin* n a fait amuple
of the recent change# all over the
aiate ev» it (Jeorgia will go rupuhll
While I'red and Cliua
lireene apoke at lid* plat a III favor
of the republican ticket there weiv
pop* and democrat* in the back of
Ilia bail, albeit a a* beaut to ezclaiui
"that* « lie , but when the rentiMi.
(can ladie* elected ’.he pop apeaker,
(taruer >w*l Thncaituy night for »*v
mg that lie w«i |n favor of sound
money, ihcMi name pop* am saying theta Was all atO wpt »li the
part of 1 tie ivpnlbican element t>
i ream a diet nth* nee,
Kvert inch of me campaign m »
I dra a mg to » el *e h** h» h t ».»I« *
a to a knikii, I hi* been on** * f the
m al vigor u* ml hody ea *aied
| »UM**M»<* that (hi* nae Hi h .< »%
■ . yiei|eir* e»l f*o n if* I he tot*. •
■ -r lent li in niauth uo i amt »h* 01
P diet la ab <i t > lie rend* led The
N SI i •> ■ .***>. mo n t t . Irate
9 the d*vi«>l >n Hi till* great .Hal to
I the la uei Jsu (Mating oenoi
H. that 'i ‘it «ear* # *p- ? ten*«
■ N»|ll afct IU> n tn aiming at the heat
* ioa* ln*-« \l» a» ,d |a that ikay
■l JP to the p-tl|» determined to aar
H^Umii !•**« judgement in the teslU.
The republican Hally* both l*'ri
<lny and rbriurday w< tc the largcal
attended of tin- reason. On l,'ridnt
evening Kred Holmsteid with hi*
ftnuiieial t-clc l guv. the Andieneo a
i in ireal hr «a\ of |ti< during illu»
1 rutimis ill figure* and ... itnmg
urguim ill* in favor of sound moi ey .
He mis I mu r i 1 v cheered and I lie ex
ereiaea all the win through were
highly entertaining atid maiructive.
('Jims <Jrecite of Orindin spoke in the
Opera house on Salurdin evening.
M r. 1) lee lie has a splendid voice and
liandled the mofiev i|iie»tion in a
masterly u aimer. Hi* dosing rc*
murks brought four h great Hieeiing
and applause. The ma ilings weie
van successful and will be prc.dtiti
tjve of much good. Tin re were a
tin ruber of voteis in dotihl who
hava, after attendingthe»« meetings,
declared themselves tor McKinley
and sound money,
The demopop rally wu* well atten
ded lust Thueaday evening. People
ot all political faiths were present,
but the main speaker did uni am it*,
J, ll Oainer of Oo/.ad was present
Ms a substitute. In the course of
hi* remarks he referred to the ■•crime
of seventy three" and staled that sil
ver was demonetized, lie also re
ferred bis audience to the dictionary
to find the meaning of the word “de
monetize," and just for fun we have
lonstilled Webster's! I na bridged arid
find the following to bn the exact
words used: “To deprive of value
or to withdraw from use as currency "
Now alter reading this definition
will ho)one with horse sense under
take in say tliut our silver is demo
neljzed, sud that too in the face of
the fact that there is little else but
slver and silvei cealificales now in
use a» currency? It is not necess
ary to mention any other point in his
speech. It was simply the same old
song of array ing one class against
another. Mr Darner got, mud when
the republican ludics cheered him
for remarking that he was for sound
money ulso, and said that lit; would
make them ashamed of it before the
meeting was over Outside of this
little appl'tusM perfect order prevai
led all through the evening,liRbqugb
it is asserted by some pops, who
evidently wish to create sympathy,
that the republican element tried to
create a disturbance.
Chicago, Oct 2(1. The dual week
of the presidential campaign was
entered upon by the campaign stall
at, republican national headquarters
with expressed confidence in an over
whelming victory for Msjor McKin
ley. Mr. Hanna counted thirty
three of the fourty live states for the
republicans. The chief will make a
! dual and complete statement as to
the probable result of the election
.Saturday night, just pior to hie dc
! parture for his home.
Reports received this morning
bussed upon private polls taken all
over the country tlimiuute every ele
ments of doubt and place firmly in
the certain McKinley and Hobart
column the Dakotas, Nebraska,
Kansas, Minnesota and Michigan.
Indiana is practically conceded by
thu opposition to lie safely 20,000
plurality for McKinley anu uoimri
uni) in dunned at 40,000 by the He*
publican* Kentucky ia conceded at
20.000; Michigan 40,00(1, and Minn
OKOta HO.OoO for McKinley Weal
Virginia and Maryland are regard*
ml iik aufe aa Indiana. It in now a
11 neat i* in with the licpohlicmi nat
t >u it I committee of aiwply pulling
the free »ilver btreay up by the root a
like a bunch of bud weed* mid
throwing It «>eer the fence forever.
I'he light to the liniaii become* a
determination ibet every vietego of
the free coinage dlaeaae ahull la<
pvnuaneiilii eradicate I.
I’l.e • jgmg of pc irctarv (‘ailial*
I in Kuuiuoky and that of lleptiblieah
• p. ikrra m the ilghteeiilb ward of
| Ihia wily, the burning and otberwue
! d**m ration of the American d*g tr»
Mioiool uint aeve lal | adauf lllieo a
rc. viili vUitnl In tlottinor Ab .eld
an I the ll ml t* •»!.• n»* i t In 14'HU*
1 >ng men tlo*egI* the it llhiat • I the
iu*a>tmg itougM that limy tin*
l>«11« d |nli. *M| | orl of •* to ,1 in in,
: h«>r ed ii te bleed to al«n»v pa'll I
(am 41 I tiii apoil f. I go li gov. It*
urewl ti« 4 pitch not Hi ll aim* * <h"
war, Ik change to *ound u. ncjf
iHrmoaiatb M KInlet ib to a aiv
! * neat cf i‘i iott g the
pift an - a t.4* i* <a pie '• M i*
f be voiuttth tin lading itowMfwl
jatatea ami tboae tadowgi >g to Hit aw
Iitif* now hern reduced in Florida,
(Seorgiu. Neva a, I• 111»**. t’oiorado,
Motiian*. >liti-is**ippi. Doui*i
hdi, Sontli Carolina, \ irgiuia nmI
I'tntin, There I- wha' lb-publican
Iwudci* regard i* 'i y »od ligit itig
i im'iii for vie! i i in Idaho M niiinti,
liOiti'lana and Virginia ari l it will
I'li'Hic no oirprUi' if I ’uli'i and
Color**!' ahoiil I lie *i cured Jo llie
advocate* of good money.
\ nun v *oni >ii: i'khi'k.ictkatki*
With Omoily Clerk Itnla ul III* million
<>i n. •
Mcf.ii. the printing of t',e election
IihIIoIm had eomineriecd it wiim ilia
covered ti^ the Kepnhlieana Unit
count! clerk Kien had materially
changed the form In in that which
had been certified to by the aeerei.arv
of atutc, In pboing the populiat
i leetoral ticket at the head and
doubling up the linen ho a* to make
ji read People* Independent. Ili’iim
era!, when in fact ii rend Democrat
and IVopIc* Independent, The
change i* made ho a* to catch the
eye of the aotind money Democrat
and beguile him into voting for the
fu*ion 1 IcKct before hi* eve catchca
the aotind monev democrat ticket
further down the line, When oh
jeelloim in it wu* made Mr. Ricn
remarked that "it make* a difference
whore ox i* being gored." Now we
don't believe Mr. Hein hu* a right
by law to change the coualructiou of
that bulbil after it ha* been certified
toby the aei.retaiy of atate, and
eapeeiallv to deceive the voter*,
neither do we belejve tliat Ml. lleili
or any other olflcer ha* the right to
use Ids official power to gore any
body’s ox, Mr. licit, admits the
changing of tint ballots and acknow
ledge* that ii, was done for the pur
pose of catching the sound money
democratic voles. Arid so be w ishes
to practical disccpliofi in order to
estcli them. The sound money dem
ocrats shuold, nnd doubtless will re
member this when they cast their
votes next, Tuesday There i* one
good way, I batik Heaven, to gel
even with him, and tlist is to vote
fot McKinley republican electors,
and w«/ sre Infoimcd that they arc*
thinking prett y seriously of doVg/
Itetsoris, Nell', Oct. 2IIIll IHtlll
Kn. Noimiyvi.HTi.KN.—D'-ar Hlr: —
Knowing Hist Judge Wall is a candi
date for sluts senator I desire to say a
word to the farmers of Hherman coun
ty, In July 1*H2 I first came to 8hel
ms n county having a wife sud a large
family of children null hut a lew dol
lars in my pocket. I procccdud to tukc
up a price of laud from lliu govern
incut to build for myself and family a
home, being n foreigner snd not being
able to speak the English language I
whs sown beaten out of every dollar and
was im ble to take the paper* on my
land. I w as advised to go to .fudge
Wall, lia lining recommended tome as
a poor man'* friend. I related to him my
story and told him my condition, fie
advsuccd me money ami saved my
home, I have done business with him
mole or less for fourteen years and
have always found him faithful honest
true to his trust and a friend to the
poor msii, and I believe should he be
elected as Senator the Farmers sud
poor man of our county will have a
warm liieud In our state sense,
Your* fruly.
John Nokiosthiim.
One fare for the round trip to St.
Paul Saturday Oct. 81. 1C" ami hear ll<iv
K. Rmthw uhit. A. K t.'AKV Hiol J. C.
Caw is. Train* will be hold until afier
.p.itLIng tin on I In* I' it ion Pacific
and arrive In S’ Paul In time for tlm
parade at lu:#i A. >1 F. " Punk
A splendid rain fall which la.ted
uearly hour* fell here la.t Wed tie*
day and I' It waa followed l.y
two lin in’* of wet sir * and »l#*t. The
ground l» thoroughly .naked In mine
i he l adle, of the • » A If will *erve
nr .l.r* *1 the oid H.t»”Oull hotel on
the day and evening nfeOvUeti It ha.
been tlodr u»ualeu*to«i and *« preyi
oo.iy anoouiownl In Iht. paper
Awirdid highaat honor*.
World * Mr.
! powtia
A pure l'» j*. t. • wll ta I' .ht
pM* hew A null ..A *m» •* *»» » ’• *MMNW
40 HAM* lilt IfAMUiUfc
h Simmons i iver Regulator don’t
forget to take If. Die l.iver gets sluggish
durlm' the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes < linked up by
tb'.‘ accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism, You want to wake up your l.iver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it. it also
regulates the Liver In ps it properly at
work, when your vst, in will be free from
poison and the whole body Invigorated,
You get Tin: IIUHT Ifl.noilwhen
your system is In Al condition, and that
will only V • when the l.iver is kept active.
Try a Live! Re nr ly once and note the
difference. • 11) ■ only SIMMONS
Liver re >r it is simmons
Liver KEGi EOR which makes the
difference. I oke It In | iwder or In liipiid
already prepared, or male- a tea of the
powder; but t - eSimmons I IVER REGU
LATOR, Y E I Hud (lie RLilJ / on every
package. I o, k lor it.
4. II. /editn A Co., I’hlimhlplilu, I’n.
mid for two hours he addressed the
people and poured hot stint after shot
loro the p pnllslle hard. Ilo went deep
Into tlm moony question and furnished
absolute proof of all hfs statements It
W/l.* it KlfitHU’r ^ JM « UH ill Ml I'UUKUII IU«
rimtlag blather suite* who would dl»
tror Hi** fundamental pnneiple* of our
government to wince. It allowed up
the Nitric* that llrjr hare been teach
ing mid exposed thalr falie stiitment*
regarding ilia no called "crime of ’7U.”
11 .V| a TAill.K
III Ifl.lNUTON it Miasouui KIVEH K. It.
N<> 4f>, Aeuni .dally ox Him , for He
pu hi lean anil all point* east amt
west .I idea in
No. 6.1. Al l’ill. dally. «x, Hun., tor Ober
1 i 11 and 111 ter limit late slut Ions r,:60pm
Muttplng, dinner and reclining 1 lull e ear*
<*,ill« fine) on through trains. Ticket*
aol/tnud baggage dimeka<l to any point In
t g fl111 .ail malms or Canada.
rot Information, map*, linn tables and
tickets rail on or writ* to K. a. Ilavlclaon,
A gen I Or J.r HANOI*, Uan'l. I'aaaongnr
Agent,Omalni, Nebraska,
Beginning H.inlay. No vein tier 17ih,
train* will arrive and depart at till*
• tattoo aa follow* :
Leave* Leaves
Monday, / r r() Timiidiiy, /g oo
Wednesday, Thursday.
Krlday, ) *'1,1 iilurday )
Arrive* at Loup City daily 7.16p.m.
do** connection at (Jrand Island for
all points Lust and West.
K. Wr. Gf.INE, Agent
A. Bniilie, T1IK Jeweler,
l.'utl* ry at half price at Waiklnsmi’*
Kye and Knr, Dr. Davl*, Grand
Island, N'eor.
Hound Oak II alar* are the lies! at
W hi kinson’s.
Tailor made elotliing 1..60 tier soil
at A. K. I.'base's
Window (ila»» cheap at Wa .kluaofT*.
Good grat’e* of machine ui a sold by
T M. Heed.
Sewing Machine* at price* to suit the
time* at Wutklo*on’».
for SI'lll>GI. IIOI Si: heiilers cheap
Ko in A Wathluyoh’a
See the new u Winery add of Mr*
Kamlit I In another column.
LcNiihiusky; the irholngruplier will
l.c i.t Aivh.Iu. KVKHY FBI DAY.
One •wallow doc* not make Sprlntf
lint one »wullow of One Minute <,'<>o|(li
Cure Onna* relief.—OdruiUlil lima.
lir. 9 it inner Oavli, drawl Inland, Sur
Hi. al di»ea e* aud dl»e»*c» of Kve anil
pi .d pur* kltll.. rendered Iki.l
for bl.UO at S. F. Bey Hold'a meal
I 'ail and look at Ihe •ample- of read,
made elollnuk at A. F t‘ha*e'». *uil>
from •A .hi op Fit kitaraidee.l
t he ladle* of Hi I* A H will *ei v«
itulril »n the day and eienlnji I
. lecliou. S|w« 1*1 arrai.|(eiuenl* will Im
mid. It. art . ..tu.' lale all
F. mm* l» a altlt.'l’ml
Ilka all other *km dl« »»«•• ll .*•» tw
l#aru»*o**i.lii cured by apple* *»l
|K<lt in'* Ik I. b llnrl k«l»* 0 w»*i
fall#. Iw . ore |M» » .Maudabi Mr.**
\ | II a p eiMiOeol rllll* I
uf It* . ■. Mol' allfl tut. M«j| 04.1.1
. lallurf*- |.**n» i He* N* year*.
• a*.«*r*<liM a «h»ri Hne* by m.*|
|*vll lll’< llayel Hall*. an .tat*
loin ran lot all *km .lu*a«* M a* *1
mil |,.« ,«*r *. on. i, Ml.1 Ib*» all *** bar*
.triakna.1 IkUmdehl Una
law muHit i< lb* *l*n.k*id Haw and
tlM. M i,ul- r'owyh . of* )• He* •laa.lntd
p<*p*'**lloo lot ...ll of natyk “f
».itd l« in* .mt, oarmi!•«* Hand*
in*, pi man. t.uuadiaie »**nlla
lH«k<Uk. tkifM
|». (' l»UK A. P. CULLEY,
Vtiw-Pmalilrni. UMhiar.
General Banking Business Transacted
Capital Stock, $60 ,000.
1 joana on Improved farm* at If IKE par coot. Bart Company aad bad tamo
to be bad ta the wart.
OoruaroroarTe:—Chemical National Bank. New York ONy, E. Y.| Caohl
■aUoaal < iniaha Nnhauaaka.
Attornejr anil Notary I’ulillo. I’tibllahar (XMJP ('ITT NoKTHWKaTEEK
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale
Will pay the highest market price for
All of *1
McAlpine, Loup City, Shaupp, and Ashton. Also highest
prices paid for hogs and cattle at Loup City.
Leading Milliner.
Will close out her entire stock
of goods at cost by Novem
ber 1st. Call early for bar
Two doom north of lflr*t Bank.
Young mothers dread the summer
month* on aeeount of the great mortal
ity among children cau*ed by bowel
trouble* Perfect safely may be assur
et! those wbo keep on hand DeWltl’s
| Oolle A Cholera cure, uml administer
I It promptly For cramps, bilious colic,
, dysentery and dlarrhiea, it afford* In
stant relief. Odendahl Bros.
The best blood medicine for twen Sj
rtve cent* enough for the Whole fami
ly (let a package of Slniinon* l.iver
Regulator, ibe best spite* medicine
and the best blood medicine, it
1 la ibe best liver medicine. If your
j llyer is active It will throw off all im
purity in the system and all depression
! of spirit Wake up your live?, but «l*>
It with Simmons l.iver Regulator.
.1 II. /.ellin A t o . Philadelphia. Pa.
w tsiau iirwu rsitnr* r uua uuwu
Ui.u t ■ o««l lot O.ISlMlVIS »»l»Ml.M
U...M la Makvaasa awiary #?<w. payahi# It*
.wS-l .a4*l|i.*is* I'.ssIUmw
h-«»(*uv« Kweiuee sell - addrews.-d alaiwpad
an. an.peil I b« Mlwui. ska hsutsltw*,
I'SIspii. _I
Mr* H I* Yuoug Mlddlenurg, la..;
wiilea, I hive need Owe Minute t ough ;
I*nfo fov *1 a years, belli for myself and •
children anil I uaunlvt It the tyulcheal
acting and most saiufa* lory I '•“g*
t'lgfv I Ktiv mil I iMendahl
I.aplti) Nask.i Mepnet
Vltava punt Ka
iw. * U
• aval *
mu i d
titles aw. and tsimr ask * 111
t sai.i. am
Unties, pas p*ssS Ml k.
eae* per d»* * .
PuSeSOM • W(
Wanted—An Idea SHSSS
orriUB.-In B«»<1 UMl Muraj Bloeb, Iwl
Mile Public naan, Lou* 01«r, Bub.
* AitnrnHH“«t-I»aw,
and notky public.
Will Deiend in Foreclosure Cases
office In bulldln*
tr inks,
* pmop or EXPRESS ***»
All Blpreuu or order* promptly
elieu.ted to
mu i Muni ur at cmikuu mum
A boioiy r«MK Uteenm»ArS**
Ty pe * rlter la c>«
cut p nt bourn or rtaat bam*.
uNir cm. • • uMtfftA
Wanted An Idea
« kb IIP —♦»* Wt4k KllHtt *M M
ouAmMi to )•*»*« lor r*k*oo*tbM oukluk•
. . ... . *. *• »
. . . . ... i
tlumped eoreMr* t*o IMA
iub ■ VbMAB*.