Tm NorthWKsiT.RN - * -:- —“■ • »UHI.ISHKD KVKKV I'UIOAY *T till. » '« >1: N. I ’> s K AT. k iiunxK iiori.B, rwn the sencte T ghermnn county will be reconi/ed and represented in u manner that will meet the approval of her citzens, Give Mr. Wall your vote and you * Will not regret it. The good news we hear daily re garding W. U. Brown's candidacy for representative ot thiscounty wenld lead one lo believe that the election is assured. From every part of the county comes word that there arc ipulists as well as republicans whe working for his election. Let ui iy that they will make no mistake i supporting Mr. Brown. Ifo will lake us an able ana houest officer. Mr. Greene, in bis speech hers •ays that he was not drunk at Sid Bay. The Sidney Telegraph says ttat be was drunk. Now we art willinir to oivu Mr. Greene the beue Ill of the dmi I it, mil bouauae, huw •T«r, that lie denies it Bel haeauM I tbe record* of the (fraud Ulanu JCtelei I 'm*' >bo»s Unit lie Ini* beat •ured of drunkednee* tinea ditt'ereel and it i* yeeaiellt baliaveti At lbe I bird time ia the chui ui. Ibiil \ an l»*r V"oii OM "l Un , abiuiiig iijjlitv of the |ier Oth Ifd.iiJ: "I have great satisfaction in being able to say that the general condition affecting the commercial and industrial iuteiests of the I'tilt ed Slates are in the highest degree favorable. A comparison <»f the existing conditions with those of the most favored period in the history of the country will, I bclclvc, show that so high a degree of prosperity and so general a diffusion of iho com forts of life were never before enjoy ed by our people This brief exhib it of the growth and prosperity of the country will give us a level from which to note the increase or decad ence that new legislation may bring to us. There is no reason why our prosperity should not observe the same rate of increase that has char acterized the past thirty yeure. There are no near frontiers to our fu ture developemeut. Retrogression would he a crime." How Hill llrvoid lidli llrlnk* (JitANii 1st.anii, Neb., Oet- II'.— (Special to the l.incolu Journal.) “It is rumored that Judge Oreeuc or tvearney, now ciuiuuiaie ior mm giessman from tbe 01It, district, pawned a cuff button with you some tunc ago for tbe price of a few drinks? Is that true:” was asked of a Grand Island liquor dealer. The In tier smiled und for a mo ment made no reply. He began ter walk away, lint turned aud said; Will you promise not to use my name? The promise was given aud the liquor dealer proceeded to the cash drawer aud returned with a much worn are old enough in have lived through the "good time* Indoie I'd ! ‘ that thea.lveritea talk about no giddy will not he utrongly liiijim-ed by the |*4trg a jet'ct u(*»n >he •!*<•(' > i (|i at .t, t ftyaugh of i 'I tut die, tt i", Mi k(t tngU t» a i t ante tmie rtei and i* u a |» «t t u to »«a the final andlhe h**l*t*te of he i ti t i ul it»(* gocvvnment Mt if** ,w**t* *** i * f IU * t‘**anm* t* *ty tt** 11 ti f are itttwceer v*i« he o t nothing h it to j *.<«t-n* >fl It * * **ut in*r**n (» tfcat | itta tienewt* at4* me •nitiaiy |*t thv , Mr at* aw gtt»la at aad ito* Vmeiuae importer, and that no one elae i- be nefited at all On tIlia lino Mr. Spsugh say* in hi* letter to Senator Warren; “I claim that Mexican entile do not roach the masses of the people any cheaper under the Wilson Kill than tlic\ did under the McKinley law But if they do, and it makes cattle cheaper, then it works a hardship on the, producer of cattle alone, in thta country, to the tune of a million dol lar* annually (it is considerably more),* ' for there is no difference when the beef reaches the consumer, and if there is it is ho small that it is not noticeable.” He further says: -If there is any one in the United Slates that Is bone tiled by the free importation of Mex iuan cattle (that is what importation under the Wilson bill virually a mounts to) it is the importer. If it id for the best for the ma*»es, and does the greats*' good for the great cst number of people, to return to protection and good old McKinley times and I certainly think it is — you will have a helping hand from me, for I can find plenty t > do out side of the Mexican trade.” Taken in commotion with the showing that lias already been made as to the ruin of the cattle industry in the west, Ibis statement from an importer who thinks more of the pros perity of the “greatest number" than he does of his personal profit* from a business that he feels called upon to condemn, ought to sink deep iuto the hearts of the farmers of Nebraska who have not yet been able to see that one item of trie tarrilf schedule is costing them more than they could ever hope to gain from a shower of ;j0 cent dollars.—M. A. Brown. The tide in Sherman County has turned in favor of McKinley and it id beyond the power of the Bryanites to change it. A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen of Oasco, Mich., after suffering excru ciatingly from piles for twenty years, was cured tn a short time by using DeWItt’s Witch IUzet Salve, an abso Ullti trim* l«>r Rll nniii uisvnara, *'iwiv thin preparation it used than all others combined. Odendahl Bros. One minute Is the standard time, and One Minute Cough Cure Is the standard preparation for every form of eough or cold. It Is the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. • Odendahl Bros. REPORT OF THE CONDITION First Baal if Lorn City. CHARTER NO. 250. AT MHII* CITY, IN TIIK STATIC OK NKn it ASK A, AT TUB CLOSIC OK IUI8INK.SS. • NKt'TBMHKK .10, 189)1. IIKtoilKUBh. I.oanx anil discounts . $27,non.13 Overdrafts seuuaed and unsecured.. I S'.! Banking house furniture and fixtures 2,810.67 Other Real Kstate. 2.786.36 Current expenses and taxes paid. 2,036.71 Due from National, state and Private Dunks and Hankers 6.312.01 Cash. t'i-.’i'.as ToTAI. *1N " "1 1.1 Altll.lTl t.8. Capital Mock Iiuid 111 $20,000.00 Undivided prollls. 1 876.37 ill'll* 11111iti m-jnixin nunjw i *v » “v* ■» - • Demand eertitlcatAis of deposit iMooo Totai. . ws.kti.tx State ot Nebraska, i County of Sherman, i 1. A I*. Cullojr, Cashier of the altove named bank do solmnly swear that the above state meul Is true Jo tile best of my knowledge and belter A. I* cult.*.* Castile, ATTICHT. It. c lam 11 true tot A, I*. COLMEY. Director Subscribed and sworn to be lore me Ibis 1 ‘th day of t H't'da-r tse vt ll MiLtett Notary I'ubllc My Cemmlssiou otplm* January Ast |wi* Mr* H. lieV<»titi<. Mlil'lleldir*, la., wiltea. I hive used *>*»** Mltmie l'o*gli • tire fur six years, l«Hh for myself ami ohihiren ami l consider it lit" <|0t«l«Ml act I o,( ami um»l salUfactury Cough I Cure I hay* ever used iMentaUl | Hr us Awarded Hits host Honor*, World's Pair. DU BAKING POWDfR MOST IM RFfCT M \1>B. A fMM v r t * * Wi |PMA #«Mi A.M**nil*MA, ***** ** **• * ***** **+-’-9W*** 4d HAAh IHk >TAhUAHU THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE ts Simmons liver Regulator jon’t forget to take it. Tiie Liver gets sluggish during tiie Winter, just like all nature, and the system becomes choked up by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS Liver regulator to do it. it also regulates the Liver—keeps it properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body Invigorated. You get TIIE REST BLOOD when your system Is In A1 condition, and that will only be when the I Tver is kept active. Try a Liver Remedy once and note the difference. Rat take only SIMMONS LIVER REG .iTOR — it is SIMMONS LIVER regulator which makes the difference. 1 ake it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea of the powder; but take SIMMONS I TVER REGU LATOR. You’ll find the REL) Z on every package. Look fyr it. J. M. Zuilln He Co., Philadelphia, I>«. TIME TAM UK. HI Bt.INOTOK A MIMOtTBI KIYEK K. B. I H tlNH I.KAVK AH roi.I.OWMi No 1.',. Accm., Sally ex. Nan., tor |{e puId Icun uad All point* emit hail west . .. 1 .W a in No M. Aeom. dully, *x, Hnn , for ilb*r lln mid Interiuedlatu station* r. r.op m Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cur* (seals final on through trains Ticket* sold anil baggage olieeked to any point In Ilia United Htale* or Canada. Eor information, maps, time tables and ticket- call on or write to K. S. Uhvldaon, Agiml. Iir J. KltANCI*. Uan'I. 1‘assenger Agent, iiniahH, N*bra»ka, U. r. BAH.WAt. Beginning Sunday, November 17th, train* will arrive and depart at thl* stilllou a* follows; leaves Leaves Monday, j tso I Tuesday, / a no Wednesday, f*’™’ Than.ilay. ** Friday, | | atwday ) *•nl Arrives at Loup City daily 7.15p.m. Close eonneetloH at Grand Island for all points East and West F. FT. Cubic, Ageat A 'iie iBH Jeweler. Cutlery at half price at Watklnaon'a Eye and Ear, Dr. Davis, Grand Island, Netir. Hound Oak Heater* are Urn bent at Watkiuson's. Tailor made clothing 12.50 per iult at A. K. Chase’*. Window Glass cheap at Watkiuson's. Good grade* of machine oil* sold by T. M Reed Sewing Machine* at price* to suit the times at WatkinBon’s, For SCHOOL HOUSE heaters cheap go to A. Watblnsou’8 Sen the new tclllinery add of Mrs. Randall in auother column. Leaehirmky; the photographer will be at Arcadia EVERY FRIDAY. One sw allow doe* not naak ■ Spring, but one Rwallow of Oue Mini ■■ Cough Cure brings relief.—Oclendah: ISro*. Ur. Sumner Davis, Grand 1 land. Sur gical diseases and disease* of Eye and Ear. 12 pound* of pure kittle reudered lard for $1.00 at S E. Reynold'* meat market. Call and look at the *ample* of ready made clothing at A. K. Chase's. Suds from $1 00 up Fit guaranteed The ladies of the U. A. R will serve ioystei* on the day and evening of election. Speelel arrangements will be made to accommodate ell. F.i /i iua is a frightful aitliciioii, but | like all other skiu disease* It can be ...... -rr I >. \V ttt'l W itch Ha/«l Salve It never fatle* tu curt Ptlua. Odu«dabl Brua. Suverelga Orud U4|» I l*. <* K Italia* Texas Stpl. HI tu t»lh The I . I* Mill .ell tlaketa tu Ualla* ami return fur one fare. Fur |»arttcuiar» call on or . F. W Cline A*t l .mlalt To Ullht.t* Fiery I'aa-iday maruunj a tmirt.l »tee|. uk ear lot Salt I ah« t’dy, Saw Frunt i«•» aud AuRle* teavea Omaha and l.lnaultt t|h Bu»iii*iCt“U Haw tv || I* .*.|.*ied, a|.ttol*t«r*d It* ratuu haa >|>rli<| oral* *ad ho*a* ami I* |*r« « id-d With . u. taltt* bedding, touel*. An *apUf»*o*anl ev. ntalou UuatlM-int aud a utofuttiied l**m«o*u I |m*h« *v.'mui)Oi| yt the*»M*t** t»* tb* l‘e the ‘M l Ah t* o««t*»* *• •'tt* *lv»lv A*- •bed a tieo It* I* a at a* a iIm|M »' '» j )<*»* a* a*om4 tu »ldu b» * ** «u l via** ■ U an* a » ltu**wl tail the |»*h» 4 a l~ oh m hr rooeth aud «d *«**•.,gh tut tarn, it uu’y |1 In* a iuhWt I »** tmlkattn ' eo(i a< t|r k.atoat It aud A A M * I trial due Or *tll* tu J FtuuHa, oat. I. Fan* » A«aut, ti-O (.guu* Mom*, t ttuaba \» hi at a a l>. «. I>OK. A. P. CULLEY, Vlw-I’wlilsnl. Uaahier FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted Capital Stoak, ISO ,000. Lou* on Improved farai it If Ilf K par sent. Bait Omyuy tal baak kmt to bo bad In kbo wmtt. OonnnaMwnnvni:—-Chemical Ifoktonal Bank, Row York CHy, R. Y.| OnkH %Umi1 Bone Umli* WriMwobe W. J. FISUER, OF.O. E. BENSCHOTER, Attorney anti Notary Public. Publisher Loop City Noitiwmtii* FISHER & BENSCHOTER, /f/,.##, ESTATE JtGEJVTS. »v LOUP CITY, - - NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale AD/W SGHAUPP. Will pay the highest market price for All AN# A**N McAlpine, Loup City, Shaupp, and Ashton. Also highest prices paid for hogs and cattle at Loup City. MRS. RANDALL, ! -THE Leading Milliner. Will close out her entire stock of goods at cost by Novem ber 1st. Call early for bar gains. Two doors Morthof First Uink, LOUP CITY, i i MEL The irrigation convention at Lexing ton, Nebriuka, October 7-0, will to* a great event in the hlatory ol tblHHtate. ax will also be the Irrigation fair, anil Buffalo Bill * Wild Wett abow, to be held at North Platte. Neb. Oct. it). |m*hj. For lioth theoe '.locations the l'nion I’acltlc will tell ticket* from point* oil ita line in Nebriuka and from . it.__ .. at rnltte of iiBtl fair for the round trip For limit of tick*!*, dato* of aala, etc , eall on or addraa* Frank W. Clink. JU«ut \ooog mother* draad tba aumiuer ' in out b* on aacount of tb« great mortal Ity among children aauaad by bowel trouble* Perfect aafaty may l# aatnr •d there wbo Kaap un band UaWitt’a I'olka Jt t 'boiata core, and admlnl*l«r It promptly Fur arampa, billaa* colic, j d> renter v and dlarrh*pa, It aPord* In* •tnnt rallaf. thtandabl Pru» Tba tmat Maial nradnuna for twenty Ira cant* etrnngh lor tba whole fawn It tiat a |»#*»ag* o| nimuton* l iter Hagai ti n tba haal rprtag medtclaa and tba boat blood modi*in*, hattttae it la tba (mat Heat rood tell a If foof liter a actraaU will lira* uf ail in putil* in lb* ay treat ami all ibwaalwi t4«ynti Wtt* op tour dtaa. f«*tt *b* n nttb bmuMH I,iter Hagubalor J II «ailmAt —'ii tatar t.lea-u. «. Raotwaa roll aMreaaml ataarpeil i • aata—gw* lirttiMo avar belie* , I vbhago I Wanted—An Idea yy L. MABCY. •»DEHT1ST.* l>rrio*.-Iu Hoed and Maroy Bloak, Eaat Side Public Muara, Lauy City, Bab. J. FISHER, Attn r n au-at-Law. AND NOTRY PUBLIC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases A LSI) DO A GENERAL HEAL ESTATE BUSINESS. oitloe III NoMTUwMTaMN bulldln* Ull r t:lTY, • • • TINKS. moron EXPRESS *"»* GENERAL DELIVERY LINE All Kilirm or rral«M oMar* promptly allnoitoU to rj» », * LAWYER. m i town ui u< cnittUN luum A Notary r«Mk. iiurirtyM aa* liytvriui ta om it** IK UN NONtW u* »IMf MM Wanted In Idea S"3 a an ta!»->- ta<«a*t imam aaa mm ■ •aw to ttatat lor tat»oaaiaia »»t*aa*a «*i turn la Naar *»lt aatart iiaioi—il oat atoya tNa tti-ttt*. ttar OotaM .*a t awaa>»