The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 09, 1896, Image 1
- NUMBER 32 •f VOL. XIV. . TUK N()I< I HWI.STKRN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY *T IIM-; «•<>!* NTY sKAT. uuo k. iiickmciio r i«;k. Editor and Publlstior TERMS SI 80 par Taar. II Paid in Advanca tnlara.l at tba [>onp Clip I'natufiica for Uaaa ■tlaaluu through tba mall. aa aar<>ud claaa niaitar. ’ Republican Ticket Nu I to rial For President. wm McKinley, or Ohio For Vice President. QARliLTr A HOBART, of N. •' State Governor . J II. M'COJLL Lieutenant-Governor ..OKLANDO TKFFT H Secretary of State.JDKIf A. Pll’I.K Jr-, A mil tor.—P. O. IIKDLI’ND 'I k Treuhurer. < ’• K. CASK} Attorney-tleneral... .A. S. CHCKCMILL |§ Supt. of pub. irist.M It COKUKTT Commissioner.. .II. C KCHSKLL Supreme .Judge . . . ..KOHKRT ItYAN Supreme Judge. M P. KINKAJD K}. Regent .W. (1. WillTMOKL KLKt To Its. V At I .urge .I. K. Hout z, Lancaster I At Large. F. .1 Radllek, Sullne Klist District.A. .1. Hiirnbam, Neinabu H^B Second District A. c. Fostor. Douglas District. Sol Draper. Knox Fourth District. G. A. Derby. Howard If* Fifth District.L L. McPheelcy, Kearney Sixth District.M L Frlcsc. Valley < ONGKKSSIONAI Sixth District A. K. CADY SKNATOKI AL. -.fa;?Sx 1 iccnth district. AARON WALL COCNTY TK'KKT. «,'■ |Por Representative.VV. II. IlItOWN | For County Attorney.W. If. CONGKIt mk. mi ri i n_ il _ £ J Ilf.* SMI V 171 tl'MUll Ul UIC WgHJnited States is good for its Ipac*' value in Mexico—II. M. Sullivan. The American silver dollar isonly worth its bullion value in Mexico-— W. L. Gkkenk. * Both et I In* above gentlemen are H»opolists ami both made the ab >ve Hwatcmcnt in Loup Dily on the name .-.■•day ns credited. . VWtiishof tlieae two gentlemen told Pt|j? the truth? Wo know. It was Mr. Gpullivan . Any sensible person s knows that. The Dcmopops read the l>v laws adopted bv their club in our pres ence last, Saturday night and while it gave Bryan a big acrid off ,not a word or referanee was made to either poor middle of the road Wataonoi , Millionare Bewail. The second place fee their ticket is not recognized in r any way. Mr. Greene, in his speech here, in ' appealing to the prejudices of the | republican voters clenched his fist, squatted, and in a tragical attitude | reminding one of the eharac»er repre senting Dr. Jeikle and Mr. Hide, 6; eaid “Dae ye repudtieane want to t distrov the nation and the nations credit? Kf ye due, vote for Daily and McKinley.” The populist orators, in the open i»*m I" .V - letted that they wanted a ailver itandnrd no that the gold hearing >ond« could lie paid in ailver. Now hev positively aaaert that not one I.dial of the bonded national debt 4 made hayablu in gold. How they In twiat their argument* to pull <hc tool over the aye* of the voter*. If ;he national debt 1* made pay able in Mii'i a* they aay it i». why then, shat better money van we have to puv |t with than the ailver of today? • We were whit d i|i Mll'e I n M. II Jtulllvan • »p-*e* t» la*t Tne* lt\ afternoon and *o weiv some of he adtruoatea of free ailver It *ti i labored elf >rt all lb# w »y through in I wa* fflU' lied w|ih little, if ant inlhuataaitt Til# apewelt *ouaiat#»l •bietl' of reading th* garbled igiraeia fr < u ape#'he* of *t**t»a iad uiliri r ,i*ib < o« !«• lie il'il <h»* ihe ieptbli< in- *<|ed then garbled statement* bet it a n n«>< tree If they arv, »»i I be, wbt d* they nut get lil<|k* * •perch to fab |m prove tl bebtvan wowbl ***** ha** wot* an h a h«d )>«>** tl he ha t ta i** that u*er t*ohe#lf**l uf Utean in Ini’, and Uh*n flow tin i-o«greaatouai i*< id* had been ill minted in ihtn uonult within tht last ten day* III.*INK'S HIOPIIKsV VV hi In W. L. (Jrti'iH* wns quoting lijs garbled 'tiiti mfn’.K from eiteeches of .1 mix « (i Blaine wny did he not give ihi! following sentence in full to hIihw Mr. Blaine's mo- i I • i of tltu cause of hard lime* of U»d m ? I’hw fact that.James i». Blaine predicted in1' exact eondilion of things now I prevailing in this country, audits 1 accurately showed the cause whic h would lead up to it, is now roeille.l Bead tfin words of this greatest of latter day American statesmen, and ace how clearly the diift of events indicated to him the evils that were to come: I love niv country and mv country men I um an American and 1 rejoice every day of iim life that I uni I en joy the general prosperity of my country, and know that the working men of this land are the t est paid, the best fed and the best clothed of the laborers on I lie face of the earth. Main of them have homes of their own. t hey are surrounded In all the com forts und many of the luxuries of life, I s! udder, however, at the thought that the time must come when all this w ill tie change.', w hen the general prosper ty of the country will I « distroyed, when the great tiodv of workingmen in this I nid, wno are now so prosperous, wifi hear tiieir wives and children cry for bread. I hat the day must come when the great factories anil manufactories of this land will shut down, and where there is now life and activity there will he iin* silence of die tomb. And die reas n why thin must list i s .t . I i. ... Uoml.o.... /.f fl... Democratic party are determined to establish the doctrine of free tr tie in llii- land. They will he assisted In tlielr Nun hern allies. There Is a great body of visionary, but educated men, who ate employed day by day lit writ ing free trade essays and argument)) III favor of i he d ctrlue, which ttnd their way to every newspaper in the land. The gteater bodv of our people have nev» r experianced, themselves,the sull'ering* which always result when the protect ive principles arc laid aside. Poisoned and excited by the wild statement* of these writers and the demagogic appeals of the Democratic sperkers, the resul will be that in the vert near future these forces which are now working will Ire strong enough to di feat at the polls (lie party advocating the doctrine of protection. It must inevitably follow that uncertainly and doubt will ensue I'hu business men of ibis country, fearing 'he instruction of the principle* of protiction, will de c!lnc to engage in business, consequent ly mills will stmt down, and tin* work ing me i wi II be thrown Out of employ ment The people will then sec as they have never seen before that they can not be prosperous and haye wotk while this principle Is threatened. In ttie midst of their sutf'erings they will learn that the only way they can bn prosperous and be happy is to vote for the party Unit has built up the Industries by which they have gained a livelihood: because they will then see clearl v that when the manufactory is shut down flier* is no demand for the only thing which they have to sell, and that >s their labor, A short time ago this paper stated that we understood that Mr. Ileapy o, the V est side was present at the convention which nominated him, and having miss ed the train was compelled to foot it home.a distanceof some SO miles, W e have since learned that the station mi t i» without foundation. Not wishing to state any thing but fact* in this cam - palgn we will do Mr lleapv the justice to make the correction, We will say. however, that it was a west side gentle inmii who lliroriiieii tia aim ior mat m'ii non we gave credit to th« report The ataienient on our part wan not intended ro Injure Mr. Haapy in the lewd, hut waa given out n» a prautlaal joke. t'ONTM IHIITICH TO OHBKNK'n UKKKAT. Slorjr CuiiccriiliiB a l*«|»ull»l Attach On There Own Men. N'oKTII 1*1. ATTIC, Nell., Old. :J Information ha* reached die r> pulilicnn headquarter* here >>f a pc. culiar «ittialiou of ntfair* in Kililtiali emiu v About ten data ago Win Greene waa to addrea* a p<q>o cratie meeting at Ktwhnll and a large crowd a*aemhled e\pecling to liear Greene tear t'ady into thread* S iw th|» * i* the tlitc that tiiecn* wa* hat III,' all attack of 'touadlli* in Mindset and. of caarw, could not Mil In* appointment- \\ hen Mr. Ihgtf*. the chairman, who i* a pop-i I jet, opened the meeting lie aaid: •*l regret our candidate lor -on grr-aa, Mr. tltwa*I'aawtk* with n*. II# I* down at Sidney drunk I will ini* vi t» for \|i tile* i e an I I k u •' <h re*' t>f von will not V . .. el V*. H -"l iki — a ■. VMa'’ i4! a tgfV sin IA*’ fMH Am I Vim aM hJV-t'ti M. ti ll*. «tt* A (Ml lint UM giM#***-** 1 t*M«a >>*•*’• I* vHTv * A ii 4,4*1 iria*1** AIM mv Mill triy''•«*! tig *W»4 ntht*n* >4 * K ■ g l%- i »*%* %«** tfeytft t*g**«* *V- * WImc« ***«,* £»»»*»* *» *l*#**4 tt u **MM ^ Hi n*n hm*-* %k t*fc «*#v *%,$ m* -m* ***** ■ M r U a I-** I 4^-4 :# «NH g*W6#Afr 1 *4$. IAmm *A*rtWA»ft W ft. <*4** % W **• r%« mm «*♦#* **•* * ***■* ?V«« • t*M#A M *41 l A# Mm * u»h »*o » win sum) tv mvHoot. voxvkxtio i The Sherman County Annual SubflCrh School convention tv * held a Litch Held, Nebraska 20 27. 1S33. The tli>t session begin if 2:30 in Ml1’ afternoon of the 20th. ttlih a prater service led by Itev Shncmakci of 1,1 cli tleld. A paper on " How can we make this convention a success was read by Mrs. Colter, followed bv a discu-sion on the same subject Ada Mlnshull was olected secretary 'protein. A short, talk on the su‘ij i t‘ The (Juallliealion o a S. S Teacher” tva* given by C. N, Johnson, and it was also ably discussed by other inemlcT* of the convention. 1'hu remainder of this session given to a business meeting, the lirsl of which was the eliding of the constitution It was moved and carried that the olllceis he elected by acclamation, and also that all pe sons present be allowed to vote as delegates. I’Ue following olll • ts tv re then duly elected. Miss Noma Converse. President. Mrs, K. II. Fairliurn. Vice I’lesldeut. Miss Ada Minshiill. Secretary. Mi»s Kttio Zimmerman Trees rer. It was moved ami carried that the vice-presidents of the township* hold their ollices. except Kuckvlll , w ho will have Mr. Wilkinson Die committee on resolutions appo Int nd was: Miss Fair, Rockville Mr. Hu'rnahy. Mason Mr. Waite, ' Loup City. Adjourned till 7:30. The session opened at 7:30 with a song service, followed by an address ot welcome by Mr. J. Starks, and a re sponse by Miss (’onverse Lecture by Mr. N C. Johnson, state missionary A collect,'on was tuk'.’n up amounting to 80.51 Sunday It.00 A. M i o vention opened with devotional exeretses led by Rev. Steyens. and an experience meeting led by J lev, Fenton, Subject ‘What have I done for Cod, and what has Cod done for me the | ast. year in K. Work?” After this Sabbath School was held ike le-son subject being a review ol the lest quarter. No. of pupi M, No. of siipls. 7, No of ottlccrs S, No. of teachi i s I t, collect ion $1.27. State Normal Work was then discuss ed by Rev. Shoemaker. Adjourned un til 2:00 1*. M. The nperieil v nil (r vorionai servlet* led by Rev. W *bster. Follow ing thN was a business meet tig. The minutes of tlte last eonvention W> re ead and accepted Reports from dlf ferent parts of the county wereread. Mrs. Shelton wan elected vice presi dent of Kim Township. Roll call of M. S and Out of tlte 28 111 the comity 15 of them reported. Report from State contention by Miss Converse Moved and carried that re port be accepted and placed on file, al so that a vote of thanks to Miss Con verse as delegate. A paper was read by Mr. L. Smith of Loup City. The committee on resolutions then reported. Carried that resolutions be adopted. Discussions on “liow to teach the Bible Class.” Moved and carried that each district of the county hold a con vention once a year, also that the next annual convention be held at Loup City. Carried that the association have a Rally dav once a year. After this was the Children's (.ornor successfully coud ueted by Mis' Alpha Fairot Rockville. Adjourned till 6:80. The evening session began with Y. P. s.c. E After this was the convention sermon bv Rev. Fenton, and the exer cises closed with a consecration meet ing led by Mr Swigart, Hazard. Adjourned. 1 ■ - A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen of U8SCO, Mich , after suffering exeru | clatingly front piles for twenty years, was cured tu a short time by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Naive, an ahsn ! lute cure for all skin diseases. More of this preperatiou is used titan ali others combined Odettdahl Bros. One minute is the standard time, and One Minute Cough Cure I* tlte standard 1 preperatiou for every form of cough or cold. It Is the only harmless remedy tint) |>r<«luif* Iiiiii»'’«II»I** r**»ulU t >• It-ii<l<ttil llriia Mr» It, IwYmiint, Mlil'llebnrg, la., «Hiri, I htt* vwil Ow Minute Coujjli ( art* ftirelx y*"er», Imtli lui *n*l «!t)il<lr<’H ami I cowitN It th*’ i|i»lrli**t at 1)1*4 auil iint-i »*)l»t*«'tort < ougii t‘t»r« I batr* «ttr uw>l Iklmdebl tin. Awarded Mighot Honor*, World'* Fair. DU BAKING pw»£B MOST PI III T MAP® A * f i i ... % a -s*a *-• "m~ *» uak» TH« kvahdaiU* THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE Is Simmons liver regulator don’t forget to take it. The I .iver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all nature, and the system becomes choked up by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma* tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS Liver Regulator to do it. it also regulates the Livei keeps it properly at Work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body invigorated. You get Till: l»i:ST IthOOIl when your system is in Al condition, and that will only be when the Liver is kept active. Try a l iver Remedy once and note the difference. But take oolv SIMMONS Liver Regulator —It is simmons LIVER Regulator which makes the difference, lake it in powder or In liquid already prepared, or trial e a tea of the powde: -. bui tai sum mons liver Regu lator. Y i’Ii linTthe Rlil) Z on every package. for it. J. 11. Kellin *t ( •>., l>hli<><l< li>tiiu, l'o. TIME TAHI.B. UURt.lNOTON A MISSOURI KIVKK U. K. TRAINS I.KAVE AS EOLLDWIi No 15. Aeetn , dnlly «x. Hun., for Ru |i>i I. mi mill all point* mini ami v. mi ..1 ;3» a in No r>:i. Venn. Unity, ox, Sun., for Ober 1 in anil Ini cl land lute hi ut lon». .8:50 p in Hlcening. dinner and reclining ekitlr ear* iscai- nvei on inrougu trains tii-kci* sold and baggage chocked to any point In Iho United Muiunur Canada. For infnriimttnii, maps, time tables mill tickets mil on or wrlln to K. s. Davidson. Agent. 01 .1. Flt ANCJs, Oan’l. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. i'. ItAII.WAY. Beginning Sunday, November 17th. trains will arrive and depart at this Million as f Blow*: Leaves Leaves Monday. i,.n Tuesday, i s. (m Wednesday. Thursday. Friday, j H> uttmlay ) “•,u Arrives at Loup City daily 7.15p.m. Close connection at Grand Island for all points East and West. K. W. Cl.lNK, Agent A Boone, XHK Jeweler. Cutlery til half price at Watkinson's Eye and Ear, Dr. Davis, Grand Island, Nebr. Round Oak II ater» are the best at WatkiusonV. Tailor made clothing 12.00 per suit at A. E. Chase's. Window Glass cheap at WatkiusonV. Good grades of machine oils sold by T. M. Reed. Sewing Machines at prices to suit the times at WatkiusonV. For SCHOOL IIOI SE heaters cheap go to A. Wathlusoii's. S< i the now it illiuery add <>1 Mrs. Itauda I in another column. Lvacliiusky; the photographer will be at Arcadia EVERY t’RLDA\. ; One swallow does not innI‘Spring but one swallow of One Mil ;lc Cough { Cure brings relief.—Odeiidi .il Bros. ! Dr. Siiiiiner Davis. Grand Isl md. Sur gical mid diseases of Eye and Ear. 12 pounds of pure kittle rendered lard | for #1.00 at S. F. Reynold's meal J market. Call and look at the samples of reads made clothing at A. E. Chase’s. Suiti from #5.00 up. Kit guaranteed. t he ladies of the G. A. R will serve | oysters ou the day and evening < I election. Special arrangements will be i un de to accommodate all. Kcteiua Is a frightful affliction, but I like all other *kiu diseases It can b« ; p.i mane lit-V cured by applications ol |h< Witt’s Witch Itaaet 8al** It usvei | laiist to cur* Piles. Odeudshl Bros, snvemlgn Grand Lodge 1,0.0 I ! |i»IU<T*III l»lwk. Ho* I I* w ill a* 11 tkketa to Ualla* »t»*l rwtiirt ! for too* fai* k‘«»r particular* calk oo 01 •iMr**a K, W Clio* A*» t'autail t<* Cnitharntn. i;«*ry l'io«lat morning a tourtai • car fo« Malt l.ak* iVy. *<*# I'raaaWu au»l I •** Wavm i ilotah* atol Mwadl via IV" Burllngl*** lt»l> Il i# • atp*t*»i. In ralian Kt> itaiat trait t«4 larlt a to I la p»» I % tad I a III! .M>iaU«. i» l>‘i*m, 10**1* :***t|»*t» \» »%!<*« I«l«*«l **i *r*»M« 1oa* lu»iof ••• I * uu t«.fiat»*l |*oil.oat rwrw* *«'> a it lh*»»'h|h la th"' I'arldr **»a*« VI u.l* naitlt 1 *» oat**11 ■!»•*» •••iaha> I mil M Bo* to hat at aa a al**p«* H t< |H*t *a tatai to rldv in * '**•! *!**< ■ ifc t>h at* iMMMti tad Ik* fdha nl * h * ■ k* ta»u4h ** > kr< nnoogh f»< . i *«. la tan if |l |>.« a (aa'-k*» |l*laf Mi f».l'.al«t . alt «t th* ******* B »*i B B H i, a at th*-*. It* oilt* lad »«****• ta lira t, fa»«> A«a«t B*»«tt**Bl«n R»*at* ,tt*tah« kikntlt I). DOE, A. P. CULLEY, Vice-President. Oashier FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. ; General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $60 .000. Loana on Improved farau at NINE per ocot. But Oompany and Um Mat to bo bad ta the wort. Ooaaaaroroaim:—Chamlcal National Bank. Now York Ohy, E. Yd Bulk Optional umaha. Itihuaka W. J. FISHER. GEO. E. BENSCHOTER, Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher Loop Citt NotriVMTIM FISHER & BENSCHOTER, A /{/;.//, ESTATE AfJE.VTS. LOUP CITY, - • NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Land* for Sale • __ ADAM SGHAUPPi Will pay the highest market price for AW ©f ©t McAlpine, Loup City, Shaupp, and Ashton. Also highest prices paid for hogs and cattle at Loup City. MRS. RANDALL, -THE Leading Milliner, Has just received a COMPLETE LINE OF MILLINERY -GOODS Which she'4b SELLING CHEAP. 9 Two doors aorthof First Bank. LOUP CITY, i i NEL The Irrigation convention at Lexing ton, Nebraska, October 7-0, will tie a great event lu the history of tbia state, as will alao be the Irrigatmu fair, ami Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, to be held at North Platte, Neb. Oct. 0-1H, I Mini. For both these occasions the Union Pacific will sell ticket* front points on Its line to Nebraska and from Cheyenne, Wyoming at rates of oae fair for the round trip For limit of I tickets, dates of sale, etc . call on or address Frank W. Oust, Agent * ■ Young mother* dread lb*' summer mouths on account of the great mortal* IIv among children vansed by bowel i tfuuDt** Perfect safety may be assur led those »ho keep on heed l>eWill’s I i'u||, g i holer* cure, sud sfelsUbt 11| promptly For erampe, >u Items coil.'. ! dysentery sad dlerrhme, it affords In - tUM* r«M«I, in* mm imJiom f«» twtaty It* tnu *..••»*<<* f«t Id* wdul* l*»i I* C4*| • <*l n* *»*••*» K***Ut-*». id* <*•» •!•»»»« *#*Jtvl«* Mm| Id* h**» W»»M **«IWid*. *«••»««• H | l* id* d**l U«*« M»*.l*»»ld* If l***f j III** M *•-(*** II Mil ldn*» *»€ *U l«* d«*tl« I* Id* •»•***. *N«I *11 Y*l»»*».»< .. ttm itniMi lt«, M *d» li Mild ********* I,I«*« J II X*llt» A •» l,fcili.»*»|*dU t*4 V mill MiMilliniHHtMa*** <*•* d- !»**•* M» r*<|»**»tdl* **l*d4**dM d**M m ******** HMH •**». «**»•*•<* ttt «**• f d*4 •l|**M4 INM**** *!*»**»■ ■A , A— m m m * - *■- f -»-^«A - -■«■**** «*-4 4.. .|^*> 1 «*•%****»*.***« •"**!*■**• 1TtWj»i Wanted—An Idea SSeS saoSMRsitt&Efli and \ut of two hundred Invention* wanted. _____• yy l mabot, “DENTIST* OFFIOB.-ln Head aad Maray Bloek. Beat Side Public aaaaaa. Leap City. Heb. V«T J. FISHER, * Atinmnu-at-Lnw, AND NOTRY PUBLIC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases ALSO DO A GENERAL HEAL ESTATE BUSINESS office In NokTMwMTkltk battillng UAT OtII, * BHBBAWA '1' INKS. 1 rtor or EXPRESS GENERAL DELIVERY LINE til ti|»u> « 9»*i*l»l y«Mi»U| tlMoM to * r|t s. MIOIIT1V3ALB. LAWYER* m i Muni Lt« ui Cautciiti Mtuw A Mommy ftklto, H*»t«raykti t»« TfytfllW In (Nit* Mtifli ituatM o* rtaai mamm uwr cni, • • ■—i—i Wanted In Idea £*£!£*$ §a§&&asAP « tmir^MitMt ttiititt »»• o« taw* W IM.OI tot myaititw hWIIM' *4 iwtH lo »*tw ul< t*MM« HA *»»•**• $t» «.***»> *»4 tttiMII (HMttMl |MMM »o Aota.oooo. M». t'.aa toll tMlutol 1 MowtHMi a****** it. m«i await, w*» •«**» i >«%. t tH«^>