The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 02, 1896, Image 2

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OKI). E. BINIOHOTH, Editor * lob.
A good deal of typhoid fever prevalli
at Battle Creek and vicinity.
The Dodge county district court hai
adjourned until November 17.
Htromsburg schools opened with a
decided increased attendance.
The recent rains have put the soil in
splendid condition for plowing.
There was a heavy frost In Dodge
county, but corn is beyond damage.
A B. Colson, a pioneer of Dodge
county, is lying at tne point of death.
Congressman Ben Hntterworth of
Ohio is making speeches in Nebraska.
Harvest excursions on the Hurling
tou are bringing in a great many peo
J. E. flood, editor of the I^ong Pine
Republican, died last week of typhoid
Lancaster's county fair brought forth
the finest display of corn ever seen in
the county.
The Ifastfngs Presbyterian college
opened last week with a membership
of over eighty.
The Shilling drug store at Lincoln
was destroyed by fire a few days ago,
.-•-Ml__ |_ _ M *f n rt/k/t
The Omaha guards w on the gover
nor's cup in the competitive drill with
the Lincoln light Infantry.
Judge Letton has set the hearing of
the application for a receiver of the
lieatrlce Savings hank for Oct 2.
Some of the county fairs were made
unsuccessful financially by rain,though
in point of exhibits all were creditable.
Hitbop McCabe of the Methodist
church, is giving his lecture, "The
IJrlght Side of Life in Libby Prison,”
In Nebraska towns.
liellevue college began the fifteenth
year of work last week with a good at
Sndunce. The prospects for the com
g year are very promising.
The old settlers of Nuckolls county
held their annual meeting last Friday.
About 30V were present The Woman's
Cornet band of Nelson made Its first
appearance at this meeting.
Mrs Susan,wifeof Peter O. Foale,one
of the earliest settlers of Pawnee coun
ty, waa buried last week on the same
farm where they settled forty years
since, they having located there about
During a storm the large barn of
Oeorge t'oon, three miles west of Falls
City, was struck by lightning and
burned to the ground. It contained a
large quantity of hay, corn and imple
Del Shay of Shelbv purchased a dock
from a neighbor and tried to catch it
The bird fagged out and stopped to
rest Shay was following at full speed
and stepped on 1U oily feathers His
leg was 1 jroken near the ankle.
The Lyons cattle stealing case which
was brought to the Pierce county dis
trict court from Knox county, on a
change of venue, will be tried in No
vember, as the leading witness of the
prosecution is very ill and could not
There is a reign of terror at Mt. Ver
non, caused by a number of robberies
committed there of late. Three stores
have been broken into within a week,
and $500 worth of goods carried away.
There is not the slightest clue to the
The resignation of Captain John T.
Smith of Fullerton, company H, First
regiment, has been received und ac
cepted by Adjutant liarry. Captain
ttmilh resigned because he expect* to
change his residence. An election will
be held OcL 3.
Souders liros'. department store at
Fall* City was robbed of a large quan
tity of shoes, clothing, underwear anti
other article* of winter use. The goods
were taken away in a wugon. »iood^
were left in disorder from one end oi
the store to the other.
liev. C. C. I.asby, pastor of St. I’aul'i
church, Lincoln, received notice Iasi
week of his appointment to Centra
Avenue M. K. church, Indianapolis, thi
leading M. K. church in Indians. I
lias a membership of over 000 and ii
very wealthy and influential.
John Daniels, the wealthiest man it
(iuthrie, Oklahoma, committed suicidi
by shooting himself through the hear
in the presence of hit wife, lie is sup
posed to have loet his reasou <4ver tin
serious illness of members of his fam
ily lie formerly lived in Lincoln.
The North Loup Irrigation and Im
provcmeul company now ha* a largi
force of men and teams at work on thi
upper portion of its canal, engaged It
excavating. It being the lutention U
Clve it a thorough cleaning out so as t<
e ready for the maximum service uex
The commercial club of Omaha hai
appointed a committee of five to vunfei
with Me vara I la rue., turns*and I Una
more of the Male agricultural auciety
The object ta to have future Mate fair'
held later la the aeaeoa, the ttral wrel
la ■'•plcmber being eunat-torcd entirely
too early.
Kay «ooa, who wa* brought >*a* i
front llolt county. Mu, by *beri(
l.lndvay uf Thayer canty on a > hargi
of larceny, wan tahen before .liut(<
Hole and bound over to the dtalrtc
court and now enjoys the company o
hta brother In the reunty jail, who «
■ unfitted on the asm* charge
Tho horfuih sugar factory. whiel
has been • orbing up syrup from U>
year, aunt iMtnetin on th>* year
crop of beet* the aland .a better am
tho acreage larger than ever helm*
and should the beets tent wait the boa
tnoaa unit roeotvv an Immeuve attmnlua
t rial and the em»i weather m« pre
vailing are fnrueab<a
Henry Uavtbllrr. for tt*b
ate* township Ihrdge county, whu »a
beretofurua wen baua« and bight;
reapse had ottlaen of lhatge * atiogea
to bn«* n'aumnded wits thus
tonal d.diaru bnWugtue to I badge .oon
ly and the vtllagu of iwg* and in ad
g iron left many erndtttMa
tt atb ngton dtapabi I ha fulUaw
lag ebnngea In banrtn lam putmaater
have been made f f t **
A, Wimore, »eamn*4 • < Maahvhunb
Ip | A A «*t*p. Vies Halva •«
atgeed. of Agnew l.anvavtvr . »oaty
Sab • If nab Hnnm**, *>«• Mat.ti
' artaV '•tpta, ml Argm Kart county
| Mrs. Anthony McGrale of Lodce Poll
| killed the destroyer of her chicken!
with a truly feminine weapon. d
skunk got into the barn and killed six
teen fine chickens The old lady dis
covered the skunk asleep lu the man
ger and poured boiling water over il
literally cooking it
••Doc" Stewart, a boy about ltt year*
old, of Fslrbury, was killed by a St
Joseph A Grand Island train near Hoi
lenburg, Kan. He left Fairburv to
visit his mother at Hollenburg and it ia
supposed was riding on the trucks and
fell off. He had recently returned from
the reform school and had been atop
ping with relatives.
George Stoner, a drayman at Weep
ing Water, while driving acroa# the
Missouri Pacific crossing was struck by
a car driven by the switch engine and
Severely Injured. The car struck the
rear end Of the dray and threw Mr.
Stoner several feet into the air, break
ing hia knee cap In three placet and
giving him several severe body bruises.
As John Anderson, a wealthy farmer
living near Argo, was returning home
from Oakland, where he had with
drawn from the First national bank
about 81,000, he was held up by atramp
who asked to ride home with him. in
the fight that ensued the team run
away, thus preventing tho robbery.
The sheriff is now on the trail of the
Charles Green, assisted by Charles
James, tried to forcibly put Mrs. Peek
and her goods out of the house known
as the Green property, last week. An
exciting scene ensued and Green und
his accomplice were arrested and fined
for trespassing. Green and his wife
have been litigating for years over tho
possession of the property and tho su
preme court has awarded it to Mrs
(suit has been brought in the district
court of Pawnee county against Fred
Flndres. a saloonkeeper, for 83,MX) dam
ages Tbo suit is brought by Frank
Vickerv of Pawnee City, who has been
appointed guardian of the minor son
of 8. K. J (cutty, deceased, who came to
his death by a fall from his road cart
when he is said to liavo been intoxi
cated. The case will be stubbornly
The man found dead in a box car at
Central City was buried without hav
ing been identified, lie is supposed to
have been about 3S years old, 5 feet 7
inches tall and to have weighed about
IdO pounds, but nothing definite can bo
told, as he had been dead at least six
days before discovered. Nothing was
found on the body but a small hand
mirror, a piece of soap and a pocket
While riding a line fence for the I.a
cota Cattle company about forty miles
northwest of Hyannis, Coup Jiclden
was thrown from his horse and seri
ously injured. He laid in the hills
from Friday morning until Monday
noon unconscious und is still in a criti
cal condition. He was brought to Hy
unnis for medical treatment and the
doctor pronounced his injury concus
sion of the brain.
The clothing store of Max Kinstein,
North Flatte, was of about 130 in cash
and about 9300 worth of clothing, shoes
and jewelry. The robbery was one of
the boldest ever committed there.
They effected an entrance by a side
window on one of the main streets of
the town by breaking the glass. The
goods were loaded into a wagon in the
alley back of the store. They left a
bundle worth 9'-i<X» in the alley.
For some time past there have been
a good many complaints made at Fre
mont of garden truck of all kinds be
ing stolen. The losses got to be so
large and numerous that a man was
employed to investigate. Special Offi
cer Dierks arrested three men who
guve their names as J. J. McAllister,
Hill Baldwin and Kd Baldwin, while
going through an onion patch near the
Normal school. They had a wagon
containing a large lot of garden stuff,
which was probably the result of their
work earlier in the evening.
Tho Argo Starch Manufacturing Co,
of Nebraska City, which filed a com
plaint with the state board of trails
portation charging the Missouri l’acifit
railway with discriminating uguiiisl
the Nebraska City market in the mat
ter of freight rates on corn, has filed a
reply in which allegations made by the
railway company in its answer are de
nied. The board has decided to heai
the case October 1. Carl Morton ii
manager of the Argo company and he
demands a rale based on distance pro
porliouate to the rate to Kansas City.
N. A. Cruig. city marshal and nlglil
watchman of Talile Bock, was shot und
, killed while attempting to arrest ami
search two tramps, 3 he marshal, to
gether with a deputy, had been looking
for burglars wanted at Falls City, and
learning that two suspicious looking
fellows were at the lunch counter, they
entered tile room and demanded tlial
the fellows submit to being searched,
at which one of them drew two revol
1 vers and fired one shot which took
effect, the rail striking the marshal
tail,md the left ear. He dropped M
1 tiie lioor and immediately expired Th«
murderers escaped
Samples of the chicory crop which
have i-erti brought in says the North
' , Bend Argus, indicate a vary satisfac
tory crop The chiekory boats are U* I
so long as those raised mat season
difference being in the nature of seed,
but this h considered as an advantage
I (.very induration at the present tune o
1 I tnat a heavy yield wilt be had trui'i
’ I most of the fields and therefore a hot
»*r r*i«.iiiv—
(Ml of MUK • r<l)k .1* (WM»« M to«*»ft*l
1 ftutl «Ut(ni»tt4 i<*(ftu» !>>•*• will to*
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(ft* y.fti4 I* ftfttlMiftift4 ftl Ituft* l»ftl*(
1ft I Mftftlf tom* M** ft*1**
rile Party Determined to Maka tha fain
on That laaua, So fla ktapa
Ailda for Another—Wat Willing
to Maka tha Fight on
■talo laauaa Alone—
Political News.
Ai.banv, N. Y., Hept. OS.—Thik was
the day set for the visit to John Hoyd
Thacher. who was nominated for gov
ernor by tho Democrats la»t week, by
tlie committee of five appointed at the
meeting of the state Democratic com
mittee Tuesday to officially notify Dim
of Ills nomination, but in advance of
their coming he gave out a letter an
nouncing Dis declination.
In this stuiement Mr. Thacher said:
“While I had not sought tiie nomina
tion or requested a single delegute to
give me bis support, I was willing and
eager to contend against that system
of bossism' which is to-day in control
of the public affair* of the state of
New York. I was prepared to organ
ize the Democratic party from one
end of the state to the other on u line
j of battle against that system, and to
I wage an unremitting and vigorous
“It has developed in the considera
tion of the resolution by which the
state committee appointed your com
mittee, as well us iu the public press
and other public and private coramun
desire on the part of the Democratic
parly to contest the election' on the
abstract question of the unlimited
coinage of silver at the unalterable
ratio of 16 to 1 as compared with gold,
and to ignore or subordinate every
other state issue.
"It is apparently the purpose of the
party at this time to make the accept
ance of an extreme political sentiment
the sole test of a candidate of the
Democracy. It does not seem to be
enough that men are willing to sup
port the regular candidate on the reg
ular Democratic ticket, but they are
required to subscribe to every letter
and phrase of that platform.
"It is impossible for me, with the
views 1 hold, to make a contest on the
coinage issue. I believe in the good
old Democratic doctrine of the Joint
free and equal use of gold and sliver.
This doctrine is as far removed from
the single use of gold, which enables
speculators to juggle with its value, as
it is from that other principle which
seeks to establish an impossible ratio
for its sister metal. I feel that as an
honorable man I should make way for
some one who can carry the banner
with that device.”
The probable outcome of Mr.
Thacher'a declination will be the in
dorsement by a branch of the regular
Democracy of Daniel Q. Griffin, the
national Democratic nominee, on the
state issues, and the indorsement of
a Populist candidate by the radical
silver men. It is believed that this is
satisfactory to Mr. Hill.
Tammany hall, however, may in
sist upon its own candidate, and at
the state committee meeting on
Monday night they may fight for the
promotion of Judge Porter to first
place aud Elliot Danforth to second.
It is absolutely denied that Mr.
Ilryan wrote any letier to Mr.
Thacher asking his withdrawal, nor
did he intimate to unyone such a de
sire. The story was made out of
whide story.
Judge Scott of Omaha Compares the
Ki-cleslast to Ananias,
Omaha, Neb., Sept, 'is. — Judge C.
It. Scott of the district court de
nounced Hiahop John P. Newman for
the latter's support of the gold stand
ard iu a speech of w hich the following
is a specimen sentence: "When Ifishop
Newman branded the Populists as An
archists, he crucified afresh the
Savior of the world, helped tv part
his garments and promulgated a faise
hood no less flagrant or utwarranted
than the one that caused Ananias to
fall down and give up the ghost "
The speech abounded with a fter
Weed la spaas la IS* Swash
I Ati.anya, hs s«pt .* Thomas
If- Uved has beets invited to speak is
! Atlanta sod it Is itacly Inal he
I ha bera about flrtobar '* T ha lav:ta^
i thru was egtended by Thomas if
Myitis, president of bn A' Shin Me
| Kinlay elnts arid was forwarded by
; State f hairman I* A Ituek it la si,
i deratuod that the national r--,ssssssittee
1 will arrange for a w*eu s tear of
i North t arunnn In Mr Heed
A I 41 holla 1'M«V el Sale Im«4
< ltt< tttu Kept . • II.* Ml M
• *r4 N !>M>lk f.tiairri) tup* r i.. >«,
HI JukM will#* |lfM*iHl | u 4*4
Tbur*4*t «t|kl HI HI JttMckl kw
iiilal «*l it*. *1 II* *•» (kiln* >'t H
VtoMII'l K *<*« l *IHw It tli*f. bk*t*
lb* «u*tfM|f*ii.m tl *kl«k M*-i*i Hi<
.11 r* r t >■•«* b*4 |4*» ib»»b«4 * »*<*
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*4«t*<*<l ib kilt*..bit *»4 «**» «*•
k*nW» lb M I MU l*
\mw U«t«4M m«* Wn»4##4 Ir#f«i*4
\*» »>bi ** vi I.*. Mbpt * kk
' !i*«M I4 \i*b«4.*, p. ***4*tii, *b4 iubu
| |i*bi*» • ttb.##. ut lb* |i«4*4 b**b w|
' 1 Mnatlut: «••• *l»*»t*4 |t*l*r.|*f
, ! iki>|>4 «Ub «*»i** *»>*>» ■** t,
**#«.«.** d«p. »4t *H*» Iki) bb*» lb*
I1 • • k »*« HtttMtbbl
I b***»*t I #H*»» l*l***4
’ s k| ik«iu i<• Mm **t»* *
: *•« b*U*.l lu« « *p«». k •' A** lu lt|,
, ! bu» W*l M4b *b •*• 4*h» bl Hp»m#
| ( |«M ikbil* diitibg *b *•* in|*i*4 bM
. { b*** *»p bb4 l»* t««M b<4 • i lb* bi*
I | |mribk«i*bli
Major MoKInloj Sptaki About Labor and
Capital and Clan Prejudice.
Caktos, Ohio, Sept. 1'8. — A special
train bearing several hundred com
mercial travelers from Peoria, 111.,
sou vicinity reached here at 0 o'clock
this morning. The men were uni
formed in light colored linen dusters
and black silk hats and each csrrlsda
large bunch of red, white and blue
plumes. They went direct to the Mc
Kinley residence whero they were
presented by i. V. draff, Congressman
of the Fourteenth Illinois district
Major McKinley responded In part
as follows- "More than 120 years
have passed since the government
was founded and in every trial of our
history we have demonstrated our ca
pacity (or self government and shown
to all mankind the use and advanta
ges of the great republic. Now und
then in our popular elections we may
have been swayed by passion, or
moved by the demagogue from our
moorings, but the American people
are not fooled but once on a subject,
for once deceived they never follow
the deceiver the second time.
"1 have known and so have you
times in our history when the in ijor
it.v of the people were made to believe
that certain policies would serve their
best interests and when it transpired
thul they did not, they turned upon
the party which deceived them an 1
turned it out of power. And they
will do it again. The judgment of
the people is swift und terrible
against those who mislead and delude
them. The people are never led
astray by deceit or misrepresentation
when they investigate for them
selvea This they are doing
this year in a marked degree.
It is of no avail that party lead
ers appeal to passion when the
people are alive to their own and tho
public interests It will not dotoauy
to the men who are poor in this
world's goods: ‘You must get off ny
yourselves, fonn a class of your own,
your interests are opposed to those
who employ you.’ That is not enough
this year. The workingman asks:
'Wliat good will tnat do me, how will
that better my condition, how will
that bring bread to ray family and
cheer to ray children? How wili I bn
benefited by despoiling my employer?
Will It give me more employment an I
better wages to strike those down
whose money is invested in produc
tive enterprises, who give me work
[ and wages?’
"Four years ago it was said that
manufacturers were making too much
money. You remember it. liut it
cannot be said now. And that the
‘robber tariff' which was enriching
. him must be torn up, root and branch,
to the end that he should lie deprived
! of what some people were pleased to
j call ‘Ul-gotten profits.’ The country
j seemed to share in the sugeestion aud
I the trial was entered upon with what
result every manufacturer, com
, mercial man, traveling man or work
ingman best knows It has been dis
covered to our hurt and sorrow that
you cannot injure the manufacturer
without injuring the laborer.
"It has been found, too, that you
cannot injure the manufacturer wtth
I out injuring the whole business of tbe
country. You may cloae the shops by
adverse tariffs because yon imagine
the manufacturer is making too much,
I but with that done you close the door
of employment in tne face of the
1 laborer whose only capital is his labor.
! You cannot punish tbe one without
: punishing the other, and our policy
1 would not inflict the slightest injury
upon either. In such a case, ‘getting
i off together,’ does not do either any
"Arraying labor against capital is
a public calamity and an irreparable
injury to both. Class appeals are dis
honest and dishonorable. They cal
i cuiate to separate both when they
| should be united. Our economic in
| terests are common and indivisible.
“Gentlemen, aud I speak to my
countrymen everywhere, if yon have
not yourselves been among the most
fortunate, I pray you think of your
boys and girls aud place no obstacles
in their pathway to the realization ol
every lofty and honorable ambition
which they may have. I pray God
that the burdens of classes may never
be imposed upon American manhood
and American womanhood.”
McKinley Men Hidden Does
Al.EXAI.bKi A, Ind., Kept. 28. — At
Orestes last night a Democratic pro
I cession passed by the Hepublican club
baiiding where a number of workmer
were standing (.'beers for McKinley
were indulged in by the Workmen
After part of (lie procession bad passed
a testy of mounted men wbo were in
advance turned end charged In a body
on tne crowd of men. women and
rbi dren w bo were on (he club ground!
Tbe mounted men were at trace sup
ported by other* wbo were on fruit it
ibe pro he v e r al men worv
lJ*e« rw ibe Silver Agllellen.
f Iff »-t Mtliiu sr*it S' ('resident
(o»e of tb.* rep. in ■ saut In aa later
view *h*t be lied seen Iba tune when
an Aider .an do *r would buy tlirer
Me i .oea do *'* that now it would
buy two and dirt be did not believe
In a depletin'*-! currency He ••
be did not *»(»»«! tbe present siivei
eg ration in the 1'nlted stslsi turumi
to anything, and that be loomed for a
sr- atom of tbe money i^e **t tun oalj
■a aa miemnl -rent agreement
Ae Ives I olive a U> AsAee
I ill lev Iowa Kept. 18 —Five ifcii
morning totally dnstvuyeg tbe North
us loan s**ileg« at I mbm ennsieg •
Inn of Bin <*iu M ut u of the issvralur
• «i «*#»4 t dill* *tw4*«t* «|m watt
I* N l •hik'I «ilk *i>ght injury u
••«* wt Ida iMtaWr * hi* Irmn *■>
dull *• toll *g
»*•#*• *, •>• la *»»**■
UM"1', »*pl • * A d*‘f,a**<
***«p» *Imi awaal dll Td*r*4a* *igd
• •4 td* m«« war* l«tt>d* IIimi
4# a a* 4.** ta id* daMtagi
«du*l Ida d*fdw«* Wdatrsa, ptar*
*t« **4 «tw*n war# iiiaiatiiaMi
p,* at* I twtii dwwatar. *m
***•4 d* Ida Ilia tlaa* Id* taiagrapi
a*4 <*W* **#»!«# *•» fiaallji ista*
f#>*4 wild
Hat nu • m«m
Altai dap a 1,1 M*pu« »ia4
arwd ii l‘vutaa da* da** a**; »*>•«
*p»a d* Id* g<*t4 M*a»w*»*d( •• Id* l
v**4<4*U I**
Mentry Pare* In Two and Abalf—Bar
Made In the Pare of a Still North Win
—The Animal Pared by a Bnonee, Wh
Had Hard Work Harping Fp—Th
Tima by Quarter*.
Wonderfnl Work of Uentry.
Portland, Me., Sept. VO—John R.
Gentry yesterday, at Rigby park,
paced the fastest mile ever made in
harness, and placed the world’s rec
ord at 2:00X
The day was cold and light north
westerly winds were blowing up the
stretch when John R. Gentry, with
W. S. Andrews on the sulky, appeared
to go against his record of 2:01 X.
made on September 8, this year, at
Glenn's Falls, N. Y. The famous pacer
scored once or twice with the moner
who was to pace him, and then went
up the stretch on what was to be the
fastest mile ever done by a horse '
The runner was at the pucer's throat
ss they made the tirst turn on the
stretch. Gentry went steadily and
with apparent ease, the runner hav
ing hard work keeping his position.
The judges caught the quarVr mile at
.Vt*X, “i*1 Hie second quarter was
made In .30'*, making the half tnile in
69 X- The runner, by the use of the
whip, was keeping up at Gentry’s
wheel, hut was making hard work of
it. The third quarter was made in
30**, making tin: three-quarters in
1:301s. As they turned into the home
stretch and caught the wind in the
teeth, the crowd yelled wildly.
The pacer madr a great spurt, con
sidering that he had the wind in his
teeth, and made the most remarkable
quarter of the heat :S0%. making the
mile in r.OOX, just one second less
than the former best record first made
by Robert J. at Terre Haute in 1 •»!*-*»,
Dim chuduch vuia yroi ity wniMjr.
When Starter Culberson announced
the tune the crowd broke through the
fence and crowded out on the track
and around the pacer, cheering wild
ly. It is believed that had (ientry not
bad to contend with the wind he
would have made the mile in two
minutes easily.
fb« Missouri ConirMiraaD Addresses a
Non-Partisan Hrjrsu Club.
K.'. \hah City, Mo., Sept 28.—Con
gressman R. T. Van Horn spoke be
fore a large audience last evening
upon the silver question. The ineeliug
was under the auspices of the Non
1 Partisan Bryan Silver club. His
speech was entirely non-partisan and
a carefully prepared exposition of the
principles of the bimetallists. He did
not say for whom lie was goii.g to
vole and did not give any advice to
the audience.
He said that William McKinley was
nominated by the free silver Repub
licans. "Why,” he asked, "did they
nominate him? Because they sup
posed that he stood upon the Ohio
platform adopted by the convention
which presented his name as a candi
date for the nomination." He then
read from the reports of that conven
tion to show that its platform was a
broad declaration in favor of both
gold and silver. Johu Sherman pre
sided over this convention, and Col.
Van Horn said that this was for the
purpose of showing the people that
the friends of McKinley were united
in favor of free silver.
He said there was such a McKinley
sentiment in the free silver stales Uiat
the gold men became alarmed, and
that they then began to spring favor
ite sons in a vain attempt to beat Mc
Kinley. lie said that when they
failed in this they put jp a scheme
upon the nominee, and by a conspir
acy put him upon a gold platform. It
wasn’t as sirong a gold platform as
the Republican campaign orators
' make out. he said, in that it declared
: for bimetallism "when the other na
tions get ready to let us have It.”
while the campaign speakers are de
nouncing bimetallism altogether.
Finally lie came down to ft personal
explanation of his own position at the
present time. "I am myself in a
rather peculiar position as a Repub
lican just now,” he said "I was
| elected us the Congressman from this
| district upon a free silver platform.
' nud upon every stump iu the district 1
I pledged the people that 1 would sup
| port this platform. Now, the time
for the expiration of that pledge does
! not expire uutil the till of next Murcli
und how. accordiug In these gold men,
! am I to keep my pledge lo the |>eople
who alerted me, and )■« a good Re
fb* I.unlaw "Tima*" Ae«lu«i Knlirtl hr
Mow Other ft'epere ( ulorlfw
Iftisimx, Kept. Vft. - The Turkish ein
! haaay here has telegraphed Mr 44 uil
! stone * speech, delivered at Liverpool,
vvi Uitiiii tii i Hu pupit,
The Tuti«* MJf« uf the in is
««t»turi*l \S4- t itiiiti»t #i»,»rv*v# uf kiti
| li'tn# <*f * uf tlt|» 4>ii»ati< r*
| Iftttufi* «!i t*t» ykuntil 1*4 v# til* >sult»u
fr## fur further v< un m««
j Amhumiu, wttllc tu «• mrviuu
| while %kirii*Uiitjf fiuHt r i«vitn t*otti
m tb4 i “
I II# •4 t<iftitife km U« Uilur tit.irum^
: |»4|wri in uiUtr ruJu*)»%% Th# Lit*
•fll if r ^ § m * lifhh I'fsiMi* It
• Dr lh# i wiiiMtllN (vllm
til# l «•»•% !<«• uf •VtllfcNi.M 1 K«
NliMtnl it tt« i "Natai
• rd^uidb uli r*il*4 u|*m •
llalaamaa UM tbal U|t » l.ofil tally
bary llaH*'i» Mr I<u4»laa# *ai«ran
la akara tbal a«i|rilu» **
ia«4 ar •■**»* •< »•<!««
Nirn.i kaa Mai y* Tla w*
aa4 4at«la »f lb* aar aa a* alt M
larra t haalar I I- «g a»4
HafaM, ll*»t raalMalaa l«# luaa
' grata »aa IwM Ml Ika i.ak kara ya*
lar lar aliariwa k ar|M»* *a*<*#**d
Ika .('til “aa gal by l.»ag al Mau bia
m «btok b* »r*M aataat a<
tkai glaaa Ia4uiag tw ka %«aia4 Ibal
a alar fraa awiaag* ka bal a>a4 it»*t
it* at »u< 4 aggaaaiaia la i«lya U
• ■» |hm mi * ail ala mm i
Iaarity a Ilk *M4 IU *U.. 4a< '*r*.| i«
' k««f al a haul a la Iraa Ira4» Tka 4a
bala aai tart »puit»4, a*4 «a» it*
la a *4 la by »,W» gawgia.
roll Martial Law btahlUhed at Lead
r villa.
Lkadvillk CoL, Sept. 24—Undei
the latest orders of General Brooks ol
tbe state militia thia town was to-day
* placed under the control of a nrovosl
* guard or military police force with
* Captain W. A. Smith, ex-warden oi
i the penitentiary, aa provoat marjbaL
If tbe atrike leaders now held in jail
should be released under bonds by
Judge Severs, General Brooks wiil
have them rearrested under military
law. Writs of habeas corpus will
then be secured end if Oeneral Brooks
should Ignore such writs he will be
cited for contempt of court and the
f'overnor's right to place the commun
ty under military rule will be re
viewed in court. The case is likely to
reach the supreme court on a writ of
Correspondent Mitchell of the Den
ver Times is in tb i guard house, where
he has been since Wednesday night.
At that lime lie attended u meeting
of citizens ut which Adjutant General
Moses was present. When the meet
ing was culled to order all reporters
and correspondents were requested to
withdraw. Mitchell alone remained.
Mitchell was arrested and placed in
the guard house. He had mailed the
proceedings of the secret meeting to
his paper before lie was arrested.
One hundred miners from Joplin,
Mo., are expected here to-dav. They
have been engaged to work in the
Marian, Small Hopes and Emmett
mines, of the Small Hopes Company,
of which S. W. Mudd is manager. The
Emmett has been working right along
with a small force of non-union men.
The other two mines named will be
started up at once under a strong
Yesterday morning fifteen men fired
at long range on tbe pickets at the
Little Johnny mine. A squad of men
was sent out to search for tbe men
who made the assault, but they had t
disappeared. No one was injured.
governor Rrnfrow Ma'zc* Ills Annii*l
Report —Gratifying Showing.
Renfrew, of Oklahoma, has hied with
the Secretary of the Interior his an
nual report for the year ending June
30, 1696. The report begins with the
declaration that “the development of
the territory In the year past has
been equal to, If not greater, than
that of other portions of the United
States. Nowhere has the year past
been more marked for material pro
gress. The acreage of land in cultiva
tion has steadily increased,/and ha
very nearly reached the proper ratio o’
farm land to pasture. The prospect for
crops is good and the ante-be'lum
declaration, ‘cotton is king,’ seems
applicable to Oklahoma Oklahoma
will shortly rank among the cotton
states of the ITnion. Unless the pres
ent indications fail, the present cot
ton crop of Oklahoma will be by far
the greatest ever gathered, and 1 pre
dict for the coming year one of gen
uine prosperity.”
Oklahoma's population is shown to
have increased from 212,626 in 13'JI tc
276,637 in 1696. The most populous
county is Woods, with 20,806. The
various Indian reservations contain a
population of 12,600.
The taxable property of the terri
tory for l8ib; was assessed at ft's.816,
711. Logan county leading, with an
assessed valuation of f2,730,512, and
1) county bringing up the rear with
onlv >163.27(1_
The Marrow E-rape of a Ilerorm School
Fort Scott, Ivan., Sept. 26.— At
Maplcton, Kan., northwest of this
city, yesterday afternoon, a Populist
picnic came near merging into a mob
bing bee, when Henry Smith, a.young
man 20 years old, who was recently
released from the slate reform school,
was taken to that town, bound hand
and foot, charged with attempting to
assault Mrs. Elizabeth Britton, aged
66, wife of Dr. L. E. Britton, a prom
inent and well-to-do physician living
near the towu.
Judge E. C. Foote of Kansas City
was speaking to several hundred Pop
ulists at a political meeting there, and
wi en they heard of the assault threats
of lynching became so serious that the
justice deputized a constable and
turned tlie prisoner over to him With
a Winchester rifle aud » pistol lie pro
tected his man uulil he could load him
in a buggy and bring him to this city,
where he was committed to jail with,
out bond.
Uri-«-s Cauwaf. Aged la. Kill* Herself ^
Cmicaoo, S«*pt — Harry M < on*
way, 21 years of age, was shot aud in
stuntly killed last evening by hie
wife, tirace Clark Conway, who was
only 18 years old. The Conway* have
Iw»b living m t hu-ago about three
mouths, he coining front Lyons, la.,
snd the home of his wifs before mar
riage being at Rockford. III. The
counts had frequent quarrels orer Ihs
attentions pant by t on way to a young
wotusn tu ntsrltug. Neb , end it wee
during one of these qusrreia that tbs
women hilled her husband Nha shot
herself through tha heart immediate
ly after.
sasttste's taw-t-a-g** rust
tt -stmutus. Isept |t Seeretsry
I i artiste has returned tu the city after
I a few weeks eb* Hi llktifcftfh! •
i N»>, where he wee the guest of the
i'li-.ul. Ui It. S„ -.7_. .
Ikrw# r*f («««> <4 ktllMllt
»l"l* *•>»*•«» Mt.k Maw
I’Wlwiil, Kan, Mai. m u,*«
Myrtl* KUUtU mI Im l.l«.UU Ml««.
** MhMMlI, 4
• ' * ••*■* *•« *'•* *■■■■•• »»*. k*»w Uu
l« Mr I«hh..L 44.1 itly 4.4M4-4
***» IM *•»! Urn 4*,, 14 UM|^ 4>
fr?w4 41 Mr 0alMf * k«»wrtf Mr. r#w
twin *• * ».M ^44u>m«
•4* War 4 »>•••■» »• IM k«M
( I ■>».■<.» *W(<1 i* IWklirr IWIt*.*4,
»•»•* kail *14*4* M 4r»a4 trurw |)«
« *p* Iw ••• »..(tk:)M4
k» IM .wratiig avrrt *»M
j H *4 lu 1.44 K«l Ilrulliw 444 Iw4
| M IM «4I4»**I .1 IM WWW,