The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 02, 1896, Image 1

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The Northwestern
Editor and Publisher.
TEi M , ft bl) par Year. II Paid in Advance
Enteral at ttaa l.oap City Poetofllae for traaa
mission through th* mails as saconA.
slass matter.
Republican Ticket.
For President.
wm McKinley, «r Ohio
For Vice-President.
HI Ale
Governor. J H. M COLL
Lieutenant-Governor ... .OHI.ANOO TKFFT
HeOfetary of Stale....IGKL A PiPKK
9 Treasurer.. <'• K. CAHKY
H0P Attorney-General A S.CIICKl'HILL
Supt of Pub. Inst.II K. f'OKDKTT
K Commissioner. DC. KUHSF.LL
Supreme Judge . . ROBERT ItYAN
Supreme Judge . M. P. KINKAID
. Uejrent.VV. G. WHITMORE
At Large.J. K. Houtx. Lancaster
■■afcr. At Large..F. J. Madllek. Saline
JM First District A. J. Hurnham. Nemaha
■t Second District A, C. Foster. Douglas
Ttilril District . Sol Draper. Knot
Fourth District G. A. Derby, Howard
Fifth District, J. I,. McPhecley. Kearncv
Sixth District. M.L. Frtese, Valley
Hlxtb ulxtrk't . A. K CADY
Hxltlrnth illxtrlrt.AARON WALL
Fur Representative. . . W. II. IIROWN
(for County Attorney.W. II. CONOEK
Mill Green, more definitely known
since Ins spree at Sidney as Ton id -
litia Mill, i* billed to speak at Loup
City Oet. (). 1800.
County Clerk llein said that there
was no middle of tbe-road pops in
Bbermnn county. My, what u change
bus come over tile opposing element
since taut full.
The Sidney Telegraph had u two
column article lust week giving a
full account of Rili Greene’s spree
whi|e there and says that jn conae
(jtienue lie was compelled to cancel
bis dales at Kimball. Harrisburg and
Gearing and that after remaining in
gidnet for two days was luken by
Some fii -nds back to nis home at
We hud alwuyfe understood that
rj. patriotism was love for ones own
Ip country until Joe KJgerlou Hie dem
I oarut explained it to be love for
I Egypt, Mexico and India, any other
I but our own and Great Brilteu. He
m u I. I*, n \I i IMlIdGV Oil
■sa-#' ----- » — e
>. Mexico ami her free coinage system.
He aaliI Mexico was vert properoua
gml that a ila) laborer gets H5 cent a
v in Mexican Stiver per day. He dim
■ liuclli staled that the wages in Mex
• ic<> were .15 cents per day. lie tie
Ver spoke of the wages of this comu
Iry which are froai #1.00 to 1.00 pei
day, and that too ttuder a gobl alaud
aid How this ought to inspire tin
wsge earners of this country with
Hi love, if not fot Mexico, f >r our Jo*
and his love for Mexico.
hi litoi tally the Sidney Telegraph
Comments us foil iws upon Hill
()rcuue s spree while lie was at that
p{nee lust Week to delivei a popo
Cta i »pee. h
L p TousiHus is it? Too bad, im
*. bad J adge Ijreelte has our hear I
|»lt »\ in|>htli> iu In* soie atlbcti u
■'(t'l'iiuai 111b I well now we hale »• ei
■la .i men stflieled hi precisely tin
•■in. u t • lee lie w «», and n n
I be lint lime we ever heard it ealleil
lues.. li>. Just reiuember a|l low
dfb*> llstunad to tit iu on S ituid n
; ■igt.t, September 10 h lSint, wlmt
A k*,u i ai i <i> uiliid lM« maudlin iiuuuo
gSMs d »gla. 11 it ap|M-wl*n. e up. u Me
^^^HUtt.-im, ui« nilgai ml d|*g-.
» »
t i
W. J. Krfyerton, in u speech de
livered here last Tuesday evening,
from n populistic standpoint, among
other tilings admit'crl that the Mexi
can dollar was w 'rtli 51 cents at it
would pass for llta; toil' lint out aide
of the country where the lawcreu id
it. He also said that the A uicricuu
dollar of today was good for a dol
lar in all of its neighboring countries;
yet the whole drift of ins argument
was intended to show up the great
benefits of free silver. If Mr Krf
gerton had been honest he would
have told why our silver dollar was
good in other countries. It is be
couse of the wise legist it ion which
placed it on a par wi ill gold ami made
it a legal tender for nil debts public
and private.
His whole speech was n talc of
woe, appealing to the prejudices of
the people by representing that
there win uu charity and nothing but
oppression for all, and especially for
the poor homeless. One illustration
which he used deserves not only cri
ticism but condemnation. He
said that the poor in >lher who could
not maintain her babe was forced to
lay it on the the steps of a rich man's
door in order that it should be eared
for. Ibies a man of sense believe
this? Is it not a fact that hundreds
of millions of dollars have been
spent to build up charitable institu
tions in this country, and there is not
a city in the United Stales tmt what
has un institution of this kind. Mr.
Kdgerton delighted in his harangue
to go back to ancient history to prove
some of his outlandish proposition!.,
but be neyer mentioned Ua/.nrcth,
who was compelled to lay in the
street and let the dogs lick bis
sores. You don't Ibid such u coodi
tnmi of things now. Tiue we have
many poor and helpless people but
there is a home for the homeless unu
food fot all who arc d pnvod of the
means to obtain it,
Instead of saying a word about
these charitable institution* fui the
p'ople Mr. Kdgerton did however,
inform his audience that some rich
ladies of the cities were contempla
ting building a charitable aud hos
pitable home for their disabled
poodle dogs, Such statements as
tliis is only concocted for the pur
pose of working predjudicc with
the people. We liuve yet the first
fellow to meet wlc> believed in the
poodle dog yarn, ft there arc ladies
wle> are so foolish us to engage in
hucli a Billy undertaking they arc
subjects ot pity rather Uiau senlure.
Tousilllis Bill and Poodle dog
Edgertou are giving the people a
doble dose of popisin now days.
A carefull canvass of the different
stales of tile Union shows that the
election of Win. McKinley is a sure
tiling aud in consequence, capital is
encouraged. Manufactures ill Mm
cast are getting ready for business
under a protective turritf. Even here
in the west it can lie pluiuiy sceu
that conltdeuce aud money is retur.
| niug; wbeat, wliiuh a few weeks ago
lias been sold for :t0 and :t:t cept"
| per Inidicl now hrpigs Id cents, and
i it is said that iu some places they aie
paying as lugli as 50 cents Ollier
’ pioducts are sure t > follow All this
I in spile of the tael that silver was
demonetised in ‘73 as the popocrut*
'claim, which is lb« sole cause of
falling prices. \ i •» if you farmer
rather set! yuur wheat for -5 cents
I per liushei you must vote for Bryuu
! ami free trade aud you may he sure
! that your wheal will uot httug none,
'otherwise you must lute for M>*
Kinlet ami protevti *u to Amc'lean
j tadu*tilea isil you will alwai* g* l
i good so iaic pii<v for your pi *
| duets.
W i| i sit ott ti*i r utKM I wsk iikki*
I BtftH |m llttipl lul *1*414 few 4
1 ImU|« tfc d«44lfc • d* |*M4*»« 1 i\
, 4«*| ) <|4#l it— |Mr» 4*44# Ml
Idt ltiMf wll i«44teM»'( I
1 Hll«dl|44 tl« ^4>i> • , <*l«i
111 fciimgH
, [ m4itm!# tt Hi*' iMit* **»♦!
list# H *»i*U • ttii||) I itt#' I* II*#1 *• I imt‘1
| | I* 1d»l#*** f* # IfM) hi V 'h(l|
I f#i4 || |# III# 4»M I* ||4hlMl** *1 y
' | ikri pwls>M ttH'u likO aml|t
| o tsuJkhl grow
I'here will be a convention held at
th<* residence of A W, Throckm Don
on Hntunhr . Oct, 3rd, 1HIMI at if o'clock
p. in. for the purpose of p’sclng In nom
ination one siifiervlsor.
John Me,nl !■ the proud father of a
bo} of standard weight: It made Its
appearance one day last week. Mother
anil chlhl doing well and father sb'u In
be out
The most tote-estlng and successful
political gathering wa* held at Klteh
fhdd Saturday last. The speaker was
Vorris llrown of Kearney.
itosa A Waite are running a steam
thresher up t.'lear f.'reek,
Klder Snyder delivered III* harangue
at Idtcbfeld Monday last.
Frank Mi Drady of l.onpCItv I* work
log for T. (! * hamberlaln.
The present campaign will be the
ino«t exciting one fought out, since the
war. There will not be a day when
something of unusual interest will not
transpire,The State Journal has made
up Its mind to surpass all It* former
efforts In the dliectlon of news giving,
and w ill give its readers the most com*
plete detail of ihe campaign, glvngall
the news from an unbiased standpoint.
It- publicans w ill want The Journal be
cause of Its staunch republican prin
ciple*, It being reenn I zed a* the stand
ard bearer of the great republican pa/fy
of Nebraska Populists and Democrat*
should read it for lie- news it give.
The Hettil-Weekly Journal will go to
thousands of ww homes during tins
........ Von . lil . ill.- t* V \ ) tl • US It
will only cost you 25 ci'nfs from now
until November 16. Two papers every
week, making it almosi a* good as a
dally. Subscribe through jour postmas
ter or send your order to The State
Journal, Lincoln, Neb.
ommmm<—— '«'»■' ■—
A. L. Woo ter, a p: eminent citizen
of Oeseo, Ml* b , after soil- ling excru
ciatingly from pile* for twenty year*,
was cured In a short time by using
I>eWilt's Witch Hazel Salve in abso
lute cure for all skin disease* More of
Mil* preperatlon is used Ilian all others
combined. Odendabl Bros.
Young motners dread tb summer
months on aecoun* of the great mortal*
Ity among children caused by bowel
troubles perfect safety may be assur
ed those who keep on hand OrWitt's
Colic & Cholera cure, and administer
it, promptly. For cramps, bilious colic,
dysentery and diarrhea*, it affords In
stant relief. Odendabl Bros,
The best blood medicine for twenty
live cents enough for the whole fami
ly (let a package of Hiinmous Liver
Regulator, the heat spring medicine
and the best blond medicine, because It
la the best liver medicine. If your
liver Is active R will throw oIf all im
purity In the system, and all depression
of spirit. Wane up your liver, but do
It with Simmons Liver Regulator.
J II. Zellin A Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Mrs. R. IreYoung, Middleburg, la.,
wiites, I have used One Minute Cough
Cure for six years, both for myaelf and
children, and I consider It the (juiciest
acting and most satisfactory Cough
Cure I have ever used. Odendsbl
ur women lo travel fur responsible estab
Imbed Irons* In Nebraska, salary ITsO, pay
able #1.1 weekly aa>l expense*, t'eslrlou per
manent. lie ferenco. K nclose self-udil re»*e<t
■tamped enveloped. The Nntieuat, alar
building, Chicago. ,
'I'hv Irrlgtliou convention at I.exlng
! ton, Nebraska. October ’ U, will
i I e a great event In the history of
I this state, as will also be the litigation
fair, and Holt aln Bill's \\ lid West show,
lo be liet«l St North Plane, Neb. Oct,
!i |fl, |S!Mi. For both these (evasion*
! the I'nloii Pueitlc will sc I ticket* from
t uli ts op its litie in Nibiaskaand from
t'lieyeMoe Wyoming at rale* of one
Is 11 for the round trip For limit of
Hike's, dales o| sale, rlC , call ou or
I address I li iu \\ I'll*#:, AgeU
AwnrUod tlighgit Honor**
World * Fair.
MOST 1*1 Kf l CT MADE.
A po« fi'if# toisi >i I do i‘ wiAm,
K*ss *-m» Am* »-**, AMa •< sat --«*» el iimesA
40 MAX* 1 HI ITAKtMKtt,
to Simmons ijver Pi gulator don’t
forget to take It, | he Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system h'vnmes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, I ever and Ague and Pheuma*
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it, it also
regulates the Liver keeps It properly at
work, when your system will I« tree from
poison and tfie whole I 4v Invigorated,
You get Till-: I HON r ItM >oi> when
your system Is In Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver Is kept active.
Try a Liver Perm !v on e and note the
difference. Hut take only SIMMONS
Liver regulator it is Simmons
Livi.R REGULATOR which makes the
difference. I ake It In pov/der or in liquid
already prepared, or nrti a tea of the
powder; Initial ’ IMMO* si IVER REGU
LATOR. Y'c.i’l! i! ■ a* HI I) 7. on every
package, 1< fi r It.
J. If. /a lllo tL I'llfltoleljiliiu, 1'ii.
HI llf,llll|li|l IX *II*IH/I, III UITIMI H. H,
No 4 , Ai i'fn , 1nllyex snn , for lin
lllllil H ull unit Hi! J/Olnl* en* t hn'l
«u»l 1,90 am
so , tenmi. dally, •*, Him . forObar
IIn and InliruuHlIlUi lUllum a.fiOpm
Hl< cplng dinner and reclining cRalr car*
fulfills trio'/ on Unorigh train* Ticket*
sold and tail/***" chucked to any point In
Him l; nlii'd ht*l«» or L*nwia.
t or lnfoi niatlon, map*, time table* and
ticket - call on or write to K. * f>avld*i»i,
A ill'III. Or .1, KUANCI*. Oan’l. l'a**enger
Agent, oinufni, Nebraska,
Li. I*. UAH-WAY.
IP ginning Sunday, November 17tb,
train* will arrive and depart at till*
ataMoii a* t dlow*:
Leaves U-avii*
Close epnn«ctiou at Grand Inland for
all point* East and Went.
F. W. GlsIMK. Agent
A. ftcioue. irk Jeweler,
Cutlery at half price at Watkinson'*
Eye and Ear, l>r. Davl*, Grand
Island, Nebr.
Houinl Oak II ater* are the treat at
W aikiintoii'*.
Tailor made clothing 12. AO per suit
at A. E. ChM#‘»
Window Gian* cheap at WatklnRon’*.
Good grat'e* of machine oil* »old by
T. M. Reed,
Sewing Machine* at price* to suit the
lime* at tVatkinsonV
For SCHOOL HOUSE heaters cheap
go in A. Wnthlusoii'a
See Uie new it (Winery add of Mr*.
Ramin I in uuoilier column.
Li i liinuky; the photographer will
be at Arcadia EVERY Fit ID A Y",
Dm swallow does not mnl. ' Spring,
hut one swallow of One Mim • lough
Cur* brings relief.—Odeudai.l Urn*.
Dr. Suiuuar Davl*, Grand Gland, Sur
gical disea-e* unit disease* of Eye and
I‘J pound* of pure kittle rendered lard
for gl.00 at 8. F. Key fold’* meal
I all and look at the ►ample* of ready
made clothing ut A. K. Cbare'a. Suite
from 44 00 up Fit guaranteed.
The ladle* of tba G. A K will aerve
' nyatcia on the day and evening (I
•dectlou. Special arrangeiueiita will Ini
nude to accommodate all.
Kc/.fiua Ik a frightful •fttletlou, hut
| like all other kktu dlaeaaea It can hi
|iei uiatieuliv cured by application* ul
lleWllt'» W itch llaxel Halve. It nev«i
fail** to cure File*. Odeudahl Br»*
Sovereign Grand Lodge I O. O I
I rail** Teaaa Kept. Jl to IWtb. Tl»« l
F. will aell ticket* to llallaa and returt
< tin one fare Lot particular* call on 01
.(•hire** F. W t'llne Ag1
<1.01 not Vu taiifiooia.
Kerry Tue»day morning a tuiirtk
j (leaping ear foi Halt Lake t‘itjr. Hat
Franulwo ami Le* Anglt* have
ttiiiaha and Lincoln via lb» tlurlluglo*
It la carpeted i upholstered tn rattan
ha* kpring Mat* and Laek> and I* pro
toll » lib cm lain*, twitting, It.aell
>u«|i 11 • An • v p*f lent ad eg cur* tot
• oodut’iof and v uniformed |'h|Iniii
n>o le ' tiiVon pan I It I hroogti it ih»
t'aaddf t oa»t
tv n.u* aaltli' * i »*pra.*t*elv luhle>>l
o<o a« 111 * to took at a* a ilr't*l M O
toil at good lo tide le t omd H*o
ih k*t* aie honored and I he price of i
n. nli ei lr enough and tog vuuogh le*
• a>s la only 4'
I u* « folder giving full particular*
t tall at the nwgteal H and II N N
in get i|U», Ur. write led FtanrU
la an 1% l‘a*» * Ag»al. Hof lukgl*»u Houle
( ipuaha hrhrath*
1). i; POE. A.P. GULLEY,
Vice-President. Outlier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, S60 .000.
Loans on Improved farms at NINE per ecet. Best Osmpaoy sad bee* tame
to be bod to the oast.
OokuovosDom.—Chemical National Book. Hew York QHp, B. Yd Oaolt
**1tloul Ututm. unuha Nebraska.
Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher lA)lir Gitt Norrmrsers**
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauds for Sals
Will pay the highest market price for
Ail ©f at
Me Alpine, Loup City, Shaupp, and Ashton. Also highest
prices paid for hogs and cattle at Loup City.
Leading Milliner.
Has just received a
Two doora worth of Viral Bank.
in DUtriol Court of tharinan Count)'
mat* of Neliraaka, |
Mi..iinau County 1"'
LlloliBald alula llanfc a Corpor
alloa, Plaintiff
U. r. I.upton. Iiafandant.
Tn f, Y. I.upton: You will taka noilea
tliut oa Haptnuibar wt, IWt tha I.ltabBald
Mala Hank, plaint Iff harem Iliad Ita pat I*
tiou In ilia diatrlvt aourl of Mlianuan aouu
ty, Sal.rn.Ku ngaiuat unld dafaoAant, th«
| ofijavl and prnyar of wlilrh am to ranorar a
Judgiiinnt ugnln.l nuld dafandant for th.
| null) of «Ct Id. With Id par nanl Intaraat pal
: nnnani iliaraon. now dua aud payahU limn
1 n.iA 1.1 A., wwltl Iil.wt i> AifT HU 1 h rai
iwrlmii itimuiHiJi jr milh, *mb dalrnt An* l
I.ih I"W nun (•>• **>•« |»y*ul« Jan* Uh
iM'ioiir (1)1 *<M»I P»*»lil» fuly Uh. I4» •ml
an* for *i*4,« i«v«hla ••,il*mb«r »*b l"W
•HI I) IiumIo* InlatMtl Umhmiii *» »•« P*r
| Mint |»i» tutiani fr«»u lb* «*»• !••*•*«
r»»t •itonUi Of ail*, luooal *•• <lHlr u
■•Ml III ••!.! •*• •ml lavlad »|MU an »*•
i|1V|.|*r| uh* *nin* iRldMt In (**• fwlluol**
ilmilWiI o>|i«l«l* *!*«**• In Nb«tM**n
....jiilr, •ml Rial* of *l*bi»«k*, to »U
rti* Nm lb W#»* ijuri *t-r of ••* Hull It. In
1 townublu I'' Morib of U*'H> M •••». *ml
l.lBlaltir ki4•• • ll**« lb« llllRlMl of ••“* '!•
{•mtwHl in Mill IUI MvlitloNUt |lf«WIMK
m*r ba »>l>l * . MU*** •*■•! )mUlM»*«* *ml
nul« ut mil .. ....
Tom *r* iiuHHwl *•• •••••• MlJ imlllloti
uu or b«fo,* ib» Uh *•»* «# Ho.WMb*,, 141
l'*lnl OUolMM Irt, I"**.
I iliuriiin •**•• »*•• •
iWiuot*llo«. rumlHt
Hr V * lluHIIMil I.
lllul U* *mira«r, i* M***i
mu of »*« imiim mtii
r^oline engines.
*uii««o lUMfimn
. net i.* »imhi r. m i«h*m» «••«
R .* flRIH lMtRl|ll«*
b'luiDC szJst&MjrsM
IjJJNf O gpg|&t
•* hik *IM^ IQ•_. «!»« UN MM *«*M *»«
j VAtWBANKi.k.OMB ft CO.,
Wanted—An Idea SS52S
yy L. MABOY,
orriom.-in in4 »na mmr siort. »«»
Sid* Pmklto HUN. Loop Oiw. ■•*•
yy j. Wisher,
* AttnrnBU-Bt-Law,
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases
offloe In MolTHfMmi building
....... ...wv . NYH1AIKA
rp INKH.
| 1 mor «>r EXPRESS
All w kitiiki »H*n
•IIMHltk Ml
f|> ii. NlUimtf'UMt,
A »..*•!» r«MW. MM»|»*»kM AM
Tt A* **«>*• •• «MRA»
UNA Ituull All AIM or riMI klkli
Moron, • • ■—l—l
Wanted In Idea
mmu - ti'wiiiMiwo* aaa m«
• ••«••« Mi Mill tut • ••*u»**M* MIaMM'
m) Im.«m im N*Ai mM MAUMf A*»AM*
M» ***AI|| A#e AA|i«A— 1‘MllAMI IMMAMM
Mil IMImmml ImM* lAll *Mimm4
•MwllMllllllMr* IM* AAliMMAi. Alt B*IHkl
IA# , VfeMlAfr