KVOL. XIV. NUMBER 30 rr ITHI-; NORTHWKSI ! RN : ■»UBMSHt£D EVERY FRIDAY t AT 'l’HK COUNTY SKAT. QUO. »C. IIKlfRCJIOTlJR, Editor and Publisher. TERMS SI 60 far Vaar, If Paid in Advaaca ■atera.i at tha Loof City I'oat. fl.ca for traaa aalaaioa Uiroagh tfea mafia at aaooad alaaa mattar. Bopublican Ticket National For President. wm McKinley. «t Ohio For Vice-President. GARRETP A. HOBART, of N .1 State Governor.I H. M f'ol.l, I/tMtenaniOovernor ORLANDO TEFFT Baarelnrv of Slate. JOEL A. IMl’ER Auditor . VO. HEDI.f'ND Traaaurer < E. CASEY Attorney I Iriiernl A N. ell CRCII ILL foot. Oi Hull. Inal.. . II. H.CORIIKTT Oomimlr.^liinir II c KCSSELL Same Judira .ROBERT RYAN •me Judge..-.M V KINKAID pt. W. (1, WHITMORE ELECTORS. . At Lari/r J E. limit/ Lam aster jMAtliary . F. J Sudilck Saline District A J Burnliam. Nemaha eeh will run for congress in ttM Fourth district by petition, and f™l Craddock will put. in the moments not required for the defeat of eon grussman Strode in taking caie that Mr.Dech shall receive no votes. When pops fall out, bousst men | have cause to be glad.-State | Journal. ki , M e learn that Wesloy Heapv of Pfptarrison township nod candidate -for senator on the populist tioket j ■jras in attendance at the convention J , Which nominated him at Ravenna, ( that he was so elated over the faet be forgot everything else aud miss- | U tog the train had to foot it home, a ' HHnjftance of twenty miles. Mr. Heapy, P’ it it said, woar'lv wended his wav j l, ? homeward, and keeping in the , g§ Middle of-the-road reached bis resi dence in the wee small hours of the morning. i i \ Even Kelley, the groat leader of a' (be left wing of Coxev’s army, aud feij an avowed populist denonnies Rryan maod the action of the populists in ^endorsing liitu. In a speech deliver : r*?> sd In (irand Island last week he said 1 Hpn Hie populist party and some of , | its leaders mav eoasidt r themselves [ small enough to be swallowed up. \ ft fjut that it would take au animal of . i'amBW** I’toporti >i s than the demo- 1 PLcvatif paiI> to swallow hnu lie . : ||;fofe he w is done speaking It i» s-ild f Mknt at least a doaeo popnltsi* i . ! aff their Hi i an haltons and threw I them on the hilt tl -* n mi* mm mini huh WMIU* • *»f III* •**•!»«»U*l l ttM|rv ' • [ l*»MttMtll*» dl (Ke lit* llltH tin tlUkim^w I I ■fepn |a* fc-a t« yyfc t ^ N| *#H**gi%t• ft it lint M**» nat tm* * It*'- .“i' r tv* >• tat- i. .«*« ms a «t* > , * *" - ** •* ft C*. .**** ********** 11 P 1* to**'1 *• I* CHICKS IN MKX1CO Ku. Xorthwertkhm: There has been ti.noli tulk, both pro and con, during thin campaign in r* guril to the difference in prises in silver and gold countries. Man} statements have been published claiming that prices of nil necess ities in silver standard countries are from double to four fold that of the Uuitcd Stales. A few weeks ago a verified statement went the rounds of the papers, setting fourth the prises of provisions in Mexico, cer tified to by the mayor of El Paso Texas, a city just across the river from Mexico. This statement gives prices correct in the United .Sluice, tbst we know. It ulso gives prices in the Mexican market, some as follows: Breakfast bueon ..'16, per pound, ham .35, rice. 11^ sugar. 10 jj, by the hundred, Arbueklee coffee ,40, Hour per hundred $«.50 m Mex ican silver. Peuring this might be a campaign canard I addressed a letter to the mayor of El Paso, li. F. Campbell, and in due time received an answer italing that the prices according to die published statement by him wliieh I inclosed were correct, also explaining why some articles were more than double our prices. 'I’lil* lutlur um.ii hit semi lit coil liny du me at any tirnb. VVe shall be >nly to glad to exhibit it to all and (Specially to those who think free diver would give them auy relief 'roro the depreciation which was Drought about by the assistance of dr. Bryan when in congress, and ivhen we tell you that it is not the :laiwed demoniti/.atiou of silver hat is the trouble we also ask rou to rend the speech of Mr. Bryan u the lower house at the time llar 'tsou asked that the secretary of he Nary be instructed to charter a teasel to convey our donations to be starving Uussiaus. He said it Vas a precedent that we did not lare to establish, that on account of he McKinley bill with its rescopros ty clause the factories were closed n Europe and thousands of people verc clamoring for bread, and if bis precedent was established iiow ong would it be before we would iave to do the same tiling for those >thers who were thrown out of work >n account of our boasted McKinley Dill. Now if the prosperity of American atior was an eye sort* to t;ongre*» nan Bryan is ho a safe man to en ruat as the chief executive of our iountry? For my part 1 love the Vorld but I love America and her >eople first and thu balance of the vorld afterwards. Is not this your dea voter. If it is, will you vote or the man who condemcd the pol cy that kept our factories running, ir will you not? G no. II. Gihson. Bill Greene is beginning to believe hat the tariff is an issue. ARTISTIC ETCHINGS. Landmckk'* noble picture, "'The Mon ireh of tin* l Hen,” a work which has uni tin* biggest sale of any of tills art st'n cngraved subjects, was receutly old for f.HI,',*•.*.’*. Ilot ori io av'h puintings arc in such Icnmmt and he is so industrious that ds income from Ids eusel is much iu xecss of that enjoyed by any other Hv ng I rvncii artist. ( It Ull.Ks FKAMCOIM I’KUCIt, the Belgian minter, stands on a different Toting nun any other painter in history, lie ( as burn w ithout urtu». and his work ms kieeti dotic exclusively with his feet Or lute years Ifis-a ltoiihi*ur lias minted only heads or single llgurx s of nitmalv but there is mu on exhibit! used of a Hou i 11 »l(v' ■ and several inis. Tint y,mitg lady who made such an | me kneeled and hrillUtnt >aw>M by her ! •staving of ”.\ Vardi f U-«w% oti»,iil of l.urfi' this lie-nth V larvr is no I mti**a of Bthogea(4iers wrtil pay her ex » i.sc* as an art stwleni tn Paris, during > hlehtiute they will have the po kli of , Hi' t Uru«h ——.. Al>\ MtlisLI* t hl l hit IH'| (ha |<»ii. viif it * b» of I, i line >i •ii*r« remaining at th*' loot toi Ml slllif | J Vi, 11,111 (e 1 |l L I, lies I* I'ted JIKI> Gf.ouue W Ken.nkhy died at the home of his brother. Mat in go, Ohio WolnMtliJ. Septcni-, her 23. 1800. Ago 41, year*. Hi* death was made known lo the people here by a telegram re ceived hero by his brother W. II Kennedy. It H with sorrow Unit the people of this community will receive the above announcement Mr. Kennedy wan one of the earlv pioneer settlers of thin county, who 18 years ago, on the *1. day of dune 1878. in company with hla bro ther W. II. Kennedy, first came to the Middle l.oup Valley and st onca took up his residence among ti*. We remember well the evening when he alighted from the old Kearney stage couch w hich first brought him hero. He was a light hearted young man and the old settlers, one and all, was pleased to make hla acq alntauee. He was spok en of, from first impression, as a young man of sterling wortli and business ability. The ties of friendship made then were never broken. Old settlers here who then formed his aquaintance still loved and respected him. New settlers and new acquaintances also had f he highest regard for him He came here with hut little else to do with but willing hands and honest heart, and for years battled with the hardships of pioneer life, holding down a claim, and at the same time teaching school or, during vacation*, worked at whatever he could find to do. He was alwaya willing to work whenever an opportunity offered or health permit ted. He was known by all our people as one of the best school teacher* ever employed In bbermari i.ounty and we can truly say that in every district wln-re be Inc- been employed as teacher hi* service* were always In demand. Then was perhaps, no one here out >1.1.. I.!L . . u. u. alien* in a res ulAflaltj bound in friendship to Mr Kennedy than llii* writer. For yours we were closs companions, uiiil at suvi ral dif ferent tunes he It s been employed in the Inti rest* of t hi - paper. Me was true iu friendship,, true In principles and honest in nil business transactions. About live years ago, just when lie had accumulated property sutlielent to make life easier be was.talteu sick, fro* w hich sickness ho never fully recovered The nature of the dcsease, we believe wb>- commonly caPcd diabetes, brought about by overwork. This dcsease evi dently bail a tlrm bold upon ills system, and with an Iron like constitution ho bravely fought against it. lint after live long years of patient suffering death claimed its own and he was numbered wPb the majority. Me was a consistent member of the Methodist church and died in the hope of immortality. The N oawo- j men I travel f»r rvapnnslble esiablitbcd bows* in Nebraska salary |TW, perab e *15 weehly audeapeae** I'.ieltiua put manual Mefeivuve, li. i.wa sell addr. ssvd stamped uavu.upvd The National, alar RuUding, rhirago A w orded Hit heat Honor*. World * Fair. DU BAKING POWDER MOST FI KFI CT M \I>K. A fWM » *4pe Uses xd 1 In Puss As* fseaOnm asi w ■*. Awes m «->v «•*•< i n ns rash t* HAR* I Mb IVABOARD, A THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE Is Simmons liver regulator don’t forget to take it. I'he I i ver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like a{J nature, and tiie system becomes choked up by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, l ever and Ague and Rheuma tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS Liver Regulator to do it. it also regulates the Liver -keeps it properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body invigorated. You get Til K It LIST ItLOOOwhen your system is in Al condition, and that will only be when the Live.r is kept active. Try a Liver Remedy once and note the difference. Hut take only SIMMONS Liver Regulator —it is Simmons liver Regulator which makes the difference. Take It in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea of the powder; but take SIMMONS I IVER REGU LATOR. You’ll find tire Kbl> Z on every package. Look for it. al. II. Zcilin at Co., I'hiladelphia, I’a. A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen of Ocseo, Mich., after suffering exern clatlngh from pile* for twenty years, was cured iu a short time by using lie Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, an abso lute core for aii skin diseases. More ef this preperation is used than all others (onibined. Odcudahl Bros. ■-.""".'i Vnumr iiwithpra uiimtnwr month'* on aucouut. of the great mortal ity among children caused by bowel troubh * Perfect safety may be assur ed those who keep on hand DcWitt'* Uolic A < hnlera cure, and administer It promptly. For cramps, bilieus colic, dyscutert and diarrhoea, it affords In fant relW. Odendabl Bros. . L.,,, Wake iiM youi liver with at tweuty tlveceiit package of Hlmmons Liver Regulator' enough to wake up the liver of the whole family. A dose a lay Is enough, and a small one at that, but It will do tli<) work well and wtth int discomfort. It is the Best, Blood iml Best spring i medicine. It Is the duggish liver tbit eloggs the system Hid poisons the blood. Wake up the liver. J. II. Zei|n . • »i |i .,, <*>. , , t, , -• I* ll viAlhl , t , ! ■>»,* M taf ia# j I »! • »» | Nvuab^ .<*4 1 (Uf'tlL IwniJAakA I* •*>4 u< »|t« His, »*• It# vlt* 4MU* ,i 0 a * ; ,i v4 .*•*-.! |p* ** fi«»tf I * M» bill* U* •!««> • -• l« f- 4 » Ittlfi I «»* 4* u>«l di tbt 4vf*«**t4M i it i . « * M» |MM Iw« H I * t»v4l f 4*4 ,%****• %tf •.*•* am 4# 4» »# A «• «PM* 4 »« t v M*h| oM Aa » 1**4 ****!•« I# * t*»»* Im Ut'l 4* »4 tfrf tH *41-1 ». « s »*•! “» 144 I » *=*♦*•■* 1 lilt. 4*1*9 tfe. MM 9 44 444 H*4* itll* 144*4% 4* 4 iir i u*i til PitiKtitf | |. blMitlUntll, »M4iUH4*y I' I). C DOE. A. P. COLLEY, Vice-President. Cashier FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, ISO ,000. Loans on Improved (arms at Rill pm cent. Bast Osmpanjr sad hast tsnaw tabs bad la the west. Ooaaaa»o»D«*T*i—Chemical Hattaast Bank, Haw York OMp, R, Yd CmIr National Ban*, umaba. Wet—mbs. W. J. FISHER. GEO. E. BF.N8CHOTER, Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher Loop Cm North wbstrkh FISHER & BEN8CH0TER, UH+Hj 12 i'TATIi AUEJVTS. LOUP CITY, - • N KBKASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivate*! and Irrigated I*nds for 8al« ADAM SGHAUPP. Will pay the highest market price for AU of at McAlpine, Loup City, Shaupp, and Ashton. Also highest prices paid for hogs and cattle at Loup City. Wanted—An Idea £SS Protect your Idea*; they mey brio* you wealth. Write JOHN WKIHHtRBURN A CO., Patent Alter neya. Wuhlngton. D. CT.for thetr $1.hui prlae offer and lint of two hundred Inventions wanted. L. MABCY, «DENTIST. orricB In Reed and Maray Hloek, Bant Side Public aituare. Loup City, Nab. ■yy j. fisher, AtinrnBy-flt-Law, AM) NOTRY PUBLIC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases ALSO no A GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS office In NutTMwaai an* building LOl’l* CITY, ... NKMUIKA ' T INKS. 1 prop or EXPRESS ani. GENERAL DELIVERY LINE All Ktpraaa ur liaialii ur«t*r. promptly attaadwl la 'I' • NIUIITIW 3AI.E * LAWYER. Data i amrii uw im CiiiKtisi Bunns A Salary faktie, aail Try**Hiri la tMHaa UMk IKII) Milfttil Ut tIMt KAMA. mop aw. * • iMiMi Wanted In Idea 2£fi| WQfflflMUK a> ifotATae SlfW Zf! alTkaa um l k.«atU.aTaaafcl «t AktMt*—MiMU aaa ua aaataa tu iraral l« 11»•# aaai ata aataaitaa *a *->**a i« aat*. **** »*-»i i > « Mtaki* It* aaaKIt a«4 akyaaAa* NUItat paraaaa aal Kalaia.x« • »«»•** tail aAA <*■**■> .taattwIaaiAtafa t a* **%**»*. a*a* u*u* ia«,tifet«AAa THE MILD POWER C7UBJML HUMPHREYS* Or. Humphrey*’ •peelln an and caruCully prepared Mmmdlw, bj Id private pnoUoa and for the people with entire Rprttnii a *p*elal eare for i ao. Wiciric rot 1-Teyara, Conaemloo*. *—Worm., Worm Fever, •—Teethinai CtoJJo. Crying, Wi 4—Diarrhea, ot Chlldnu or. __ o—Dyaentery.Ortplug, iMton OaHe.... . 4—Cholera Morbae. VomltteR. f-Cougb*, Cold*. BranoUM..-. . -Neuralgia, Toothache. IhwiaHw. -Headache*, Wok lleadaahe.TMpa . lU-Ityopepola, ZUUoaanua, Onoatafta . Il-htttrtaii or Palnlhl PintH . IS-While*. Voo I’rofuw Petiod*. i 13—Croup, i.aryagltla, HiunuBI—■ — . i 14-Mall ilheuin, Brydnali*, napHaaa. • i < 13 - It heumutUa, or Hheunute Kku.. , , IN—Malaria, Chili*, Fever and Ague-..- . i IT—Pile*, Wind or Weeding.. i 1M—Oahtbalaty, Bore or Waaktema_ . H>-Catarrh. Influmna. Paid ton* Htail , •JO-Whooping .. 91—Aeihnia, Opprauad Itruathtna....... • i ITJ-t.ur Dlncbarge*. ImpairedtadM • Hl-Mcralula, Kolarged 4Uad». Swelling , 9d—Central UeMllty, f-r-— 93 Drupey, aud ti«»nty beareUna*. a 34-Mea.Miobaaaa. •UekDaatromltidnf . IT -Ktduey Dteeaeea. . Sh Nrrioua Debility. ....1, 1 ‘JO Mora Moaih, or Cnnhiir.............. . \ 30 1 rlmary Weahnesa, Wetting Bad. .1 *1—Pnlafnl Period#. > 1-Dleeeeeeerthe Heart.lalpttattanl. ' I Jl-Bellepey,hpaeine. hi. Tlm**fnan. ..1.4 t -Diphtheria. l'|c.«leda«Throat— ,! I. i 33—4 breule fougeel tout A Krupttuu*. d3 “77” ca MU mScRc row 8RIP, f5#. f*ist is **>»#ll Of pli'Mial VMMftsflfc JM t>* ■*— .kant-aAImmM; » ■"MM« MMM* MM Mk, »11 * 11« »*Bm Mm Ml* Ml SPECIFICS, HUMPHREYS* WITCH HAZEL OIL *TWf nt* OINTmKT. fc** » ia ***•*. w a-A a~H tax .. >.«,* .< M«t iiwwaHr MMMk.Ht * k>Gk WILLIAM MCKINLEY i|in auM *» Ml tka 1 U* tail t*i*a u*a at M •m ay, ailk ft* Ik lwait > HktkalhM, ritlftws M half aa>l at a at tat MM* iMwatluta MB wg—» dlklk tali m«t>«M»ikki BiHa, aMk. a util ittnaaatt. *i M #***» w wit UMtMtt la tataii >>■* M Halt tat BauaiMatiaB *at4 >• i »*«»■—MM at* gt> t*> tun at a*a tau-aa Mil B*> 'naglM Mk l a* i tar* a. am - *a* I • tagttvt* Paw 4tkik| liMkitty. *i «*m him* IN* k**M,