The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 18, 1896, Image 8

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4 IHarnMlon of the lone* of the Can
pelf n. Especially the Silver Question'
•■n Faints Oat the Evils Upon Which th
Satlon Will rail If an Unlimited Cm
. < aerj laene Is Made.
<1 Hobart's Acceptance letter.
►atersoit, N. J.. Sept 10.— Thi
' Allowing la, in part, Garrett A. Ho
hart's letter of acceptance cf the Re
pafcUean nomination for Viea Presi
ion It dealt aimoat exclusively will
/loanee and tariff, and make* about
5,duo words:
**lfon. Charles W. Fairbanks and
•there of the Notification Committee
<Ot (he Republican National Conven
tion. Gentlemen: I have already, in
accepting the nomination for the ottlcs
at the Vice ('residency tendered me by
the national Republican convention,
expressed my approval of the platform
adopted by that body as th* party
has** of doctrine. In accordance with
accented usage 1 beg now to supple*
meat that brief statement of my views
S' some additional reflections upon
e questions which are in debate be*
lore the American people
' The platform declarationa in refer*
once to tne money question express
dearly and unmistakably the attitude
ad the Republican party as to this au*
pecaiely Important subject We stand
ooqaslifiedly for honesty In finance
•ad the permanent adjustment of our
Monetary system, in the multifarious
activities of trade and commerce, to
the existing gold standard of value
We hold that every dollar of currency
fanned by the United Htates, whether
at gold, silver or paper, must be worth
• dollar in gold, whether in the pocket
of Che man who toils for his dally
hewed, in the vault of the savings
bank which bolds his deposits, or in
Che exchanges of the world.
"The money standard of a great ns*
Msi should be as fixed and permanent
ee the nation itself. To secure uud
retain the best should be the desire
of every right-minded citizen.
"The free coinage of silver at the
raise of Id '.o 1 is a policy which no
••tana has ever before proposed, and
it ie not to-day permitted In any mint
la the world—not even In Mexlea It
ie proposed to make the coinage un
limited, at an absolutely fictitious
UCia, fixed with no refrrancs to In
trinsic value or pledge of ultimate
xvdemption. With silver st its pres
ent price of lets than seventy cents
jpxr ounce in the market, such a policy
aussi an Immediate profit to the
Mller of silver for which there Is no
return now or hereafter to the people
• or the government. It meats that
fe* each dollar's worth of silver bull
vsemdelivered at the mint, practically
Caro dollars of stamped coin will be
tgimem In exchange. For $100 worth
at bullion nearly 200 ailver dollars
will be delivered. «
*iX<et it also be remembered that the
-consequences of such an act would
probably be cumulative in their ef
facta. The crop of silver, unlike that
of bay, or wheat, or corn—which,
being of yearly production, can be
regulated by the law of demand
and supply—Is fixed once for all. The
miner which has not yet been gath
ered la all in the ground. Death or
ocher accident of the elements cannot
augment or dimloish it. Is it not
more than probable that with the
esormout premium offered for Its
mining the cupidity of man would
make an over supply continuous, with
Che necessary result of a steady depre
ciation as long as the silver dollar
. •sssli be kept In circulation at all?
finder the laws of finance, which are
an fixtr& as those of any other science,
-the inevitable result would be a cur
xuocy ti and absolutely fist There
•a no difference in principle between
• dollar half flat and one all fiat. The
latter, as the cheapest, under the logko
at “cheap money,’ would aurely drive
Ur other out.
“The proposition for free and un
limited ailver coinage, carried to lta
uiyicu cuuciumuu, ana out one m pos
sible, means, as before intimated,
.tWrUlatire warrant for the repudia
tion of all existing Indebtedness,
ipshdic or private, to the extent of
nearly fifty per cent of the face of all
nock indebtedness. It demands an
malimtted volume of flat currency,
irredeemable, and therefore without
any standard value in the markets of
the world. Every consideration of
pablle interest and pubtlo honor de
nuts that this proposition should be
rejected by the American people.
"Resting on stable foundations,con
Cinnons and unvarying certainty of
xralae should be Its distinguishing
characteristic. The experience of all
history confirms tbs truth that every
aaia. aiade under any law, howsoever
that coin may be stamped, will finally
euiuuisud In tha markets of the world
the exaal value of the material* which
cxuupote it. Tha dollar of our coun
try. whether of gold or silver, thou id
hr of full value of K>o cents, and by
e*» much assay dollar la worth toss
•haa this in tha marks!, by precisely
•hat sum will some oae he defrauded.
•'The necessity of a certain and haed
awe) value between aatioas a* welt
aa individuals baa frown out of the ta
•arebaege of eoiumoditiee, the trade
aad busier** relationship* which ha*a
arisen am«ag the people of the
aefi, with tha enlargement of
human wants and Ike truedeatag of
human Interest* This aeeessity has
nth gold the tual standard «f all
suftgkleued anthrax Other metals,
twe lading silver, have a reestgaieed
mourner vie I veins, aad stiver, as pec
naUy, haa a value *t great importance
Aawhubetdiery eutaog* la view of a
•edllesi effort by the advocates uf
free n onage ta ereata a eonosry mt
pressure. It eneewt te too elreagiv
smphsstrad that the Republican party
ha me platform iftran this value la
e-teai and favors the largest possible
sail the metal as actual money tbet
•am be maintained with sefctv Rut
mmlg this It will not authorise, but
Will gladly amut ta promoting s
dbeabt* standard whenever It enu be
IMBVM by agreement and e«-opera
tua tm>ii| the nations the htmst
eita eurrexcr. tavuietag the tree use
•f silver, mh-eh »e see here, bt ear
dtally approx* by Nepnblwnss Ret
Mtuntri NtWttK'tt
“If we are t<* meiavr to ho’d uui
1 place among the great commercla
i rations, we muit cease Joggling will
this question, and make our bonesti
of purpose clear to the world. N<
3 room should be left for misconception
at to the meaning of the langusgi
used in the bonds of the governim-n
not vet matured. It should oot b<
i- possible for any party or Individual t<
_ raise s question as to the purpose oi
the country to pay all Its obligation!
in the best form of money recognised
by the commercial world. Any nation
which is worthy of credit or confi
dence can ufford to say explicitly, on
a question so vital to every interest,
what It mesne, when such meaning Is
i challenged or doubted. It la desira
ble that we should make it known at
once and uuthorltatlvely, that an
"honest dollar" mean* any dollar
equivalent to a gold dollar of the
present standard of weight sad fine
ness The world should likewise be
assured thst the standard dollar of
America is as inflexible s quantity as
ths French Napoleon, the British
sovereign, or the German twenty
mark piece.
"Any attempt on ths part of the
government to create by It fist money
of s fictitious value would dishonor
us in the ayes of other peoples, and
bring Infinite reproach upon ths na
tional character. The business and
financial consequences of suoh an im
moral set would be world-wide, be
cause our commercial relations ars
world wide. All our settlements with
other lands must bs made, not with
tbs money which may bs legally cur
rant in our own country, but la gold,
ths standard of all nations with
which our relations ars most cordial
and extensive, and no legislative en
actment can free us from that inavit
sbla necessity. It is a known fact
thst mors than SU per cent of the com
merce of the world is settled In gold
or on a gold basis
"Much free coinage legislation, if
over consummated, would discrimi
nate against svery producer of wheat,
cotton, corn or rys—who should in
Justice be equally entitled, with the
, silver owner, to sell hts products to
tlie United States treasury at a profit
! fixed by the government —and against
Si I i lie. ,il Ilf)!, /,/ l»tn sisal e I it a />■
litto their metal* made Into current
coin, it would, as well, be a fraud
' upon all persons forced to accept a
currency thus stipulated and at the
same lime degraded.
tiie doi,r,ah of oiw fatiikus.
“The dollar of our fathers, about
which so much has been said, was an
honest dollar, silver maintaining a
full parity of Intrinsic value with
gold. The fathers would have spurned
and ridiculed a proposition to make a
silver dollar worth only »3 cents,
stand of equal value with a gold one
worth loo centa The expet icnce of
all nations proves that any deprecla
| tipn, however alight, of another
standard, from tha parity with geld,
has driven tha more valuable one out
of circulation, and such experience in
» mattei of this kind Is worth much
more than mere Interested speculative
opinion. The fact that few gold coins
ara seen in ordluary circulation for
domestic uses is no proof at all that
the metal is not performing a moat
important function In business affairs.
The foundation of the bouse is not
always In sight, but the house would
not stand an hour If there were no
foundation. The great energy that
moves the ocean steamship Is not al
ways in view of the passenger, but It
Is, all the same, the propelling force
of the vessel, without which it would
soon become a worthless derelict
“It may ba Instructive to consider t
moment how the free and unlimited
coinage of silver would affeot a few
great interests, and 1 mention only
I enough to demonstrate what a caiam
i ity may lie before us if tbe platform
formulated at Chicago is permitted to
be carried out.
"There are now on deposit in the
savings banks of thirty-three etetes
aud territories of this Union, the
j vast sum of •3,000,000,000. These are
: the savings of almost ■’>,000,000 depos
| itors. In many cases they represent
! the labor and economies of yeera
| Any depreciation in the value of tbe
dollar would defraud every man,
woman and child to whom these sav
ings belong. Every dollar of their
earnings when deposited was worth
100 cents In gold of the present stand
; ard of weight aud fineness. Are they
not entitled to receive in full, with
I interest, all they have so deposited?
Any legislation that would reduce it
by the value of a single dime would
be an Intolerable wrong to each de
positor. Every bank or banker who
has accepted the earuinga of these
millious of dollars to the credit of
our oitixens must bo required to pay
them back in money uot oue whit less
valuable than that which these banks
and bankers received In truuL
"There are In this country nearly building and loan associations,
with shareholders to the number of
1,000,000, sud with assets amounting
to more than fc&0o,ou0,o0o. Their av
erage of holdings is uearlv *<oo per
capita, aud tu many cases they repre
sent the savings of men end women
who have denied themselves the com
forts uf life in the hope of being able
; to buy or build homes of their own.
1 They have aided In the ereetluu of
over a million of houses, winch are
' now affording comfort and shelter for
; 1,000,000 of our thrifty people.
"Ins coinage el the arbitrary ret*
of sixteen ouacee of stiver to ee* uf
1 gold would be equivalent to the eon
ieeetton of nearly belt tbe saving*
tbet thee* people bate levanted It
woeid be tantamount to n war upon
American bumemehsrn It would be
an invasion af 'lbs homes of tbe pros*
Meat,' and teed dlraetlv to destroy
! the stlmalu* to endeavor and tbs #«m
psuealloe of honest toll ' K*ei . we
uf the shareholder* of tbsso associa
tion* ta entitled to be repent ta money
of tbn asms value which be de led
by weebly payment* or otherwise in
thee# eompnaten No one of thaw
should b* made humnteae beenuae a
i psvttttoal pn*ty demno-ta a absage ta
the m--aey standard f«> aor eouatry,
a* aa experiment, or as a eon eons to*
to aaiAsbaea* or greed.
tan rasstosaae
"'•*« hundred and forty million* of
dollar* par aaaum at* do# to pension
ers of the tala war, t eat sum teptn
sent* blood aprtted and suHav.Hg aa
dorad la owls* t*» praaarva this aattoa
from dr* ategrattoa. la many earn*
the eons* so paid ta peusi ><s* a** et •
) reodiagty smati, ta fow it any. are
1 the* eseoaataa Tbe spirit that woold
deplete these te tbe etteat of a te>
| thing it tne tame that would orgaali
i sedition, destroy ths peace and seem
lty of the country, punish, rath*
than reward, our veteran soldier:
and Is unworthy of the conntenaaei
by thought or vote, of nny patrlotl
citizen of whatever political faltt
No party, until that which met I
Chicago, has ever ventured to Intnl
the honored survivors of our strnggl
for the national life by proposing t
scale their pensions horizontally, an
to pay them hereafter in depreciate:
dollars worth only S3 cents each.
“The amounts due, in addition 1
the interests already named, to ds
potitors and trust companies In na
tional, state and private banks, t<
holders of fire and accident insurant
polioles, where the money deposited o
the premiums have been paid In gob
or its equivalent, are so enormous, to
gethsr with the sum* due, for State
municipal, county, or other eorporab
debts, that If paid In depredate!
silver or Its equivalent. It would no'
only entail npon our fellow country
men a lose in money which hai
not been equaled in a similar expert
ence since the world began, but il
would, at the same time, bring a dis
grace to our country such as has nevei
befallen any other nation which hai!
the ability to pay Ita honest debts la
our condition, aud considering oui
magnificent capacity for raising rev
enue, such wholesale repudiation ii
without necessity or exouse. Na
political expediency or party exlgeney,
however pressing, could justify M
monstrous an act
Th* Tariff.
“While the financial issue which
has bean thus considered, end which
has come, a* the result of the agita
tion of recent y*are, to occupy a
peculiar conspicuousness, is admitted
ly of primary importance, there is
another question which must com
mand careful and serious attention.
Our financial and business condition Is
at this moment one of almost unprec
edented depression Oar great indus
trial system is seriously paralyzed,
i’roduotion in many of the important
branches of manufacture has alto
gether ceased. Capital is without
remunerative employment. Labor is
idle. The revenues of the govern
ment are insufficient to meet its ord
inary and necessary expensea These
conditions are not the result of acci
dent. They are the outcome of a
mistaken economic policy deliberately
enacted and applieii It would not be
difficult, and would not involve any
violent disturbance of our existing
commercial system, to enact necessary
tariff modifications along the lines of
“Our party holds that by a wlae ad
justment of the tariff, conceived In
moderation, and with a view to sta
bility, we may secure all needed rev
enue, and it declarea that la the
event of its restoration to power it
will seek to accomplish that result
It bolds, too, that it is the duty of
the government to protect and en
courage in all practical ways the de
velopment of domestic industries, th*
elevation of home labor and tb* en
largement of the prosperity of the
people. It does not favor any form
of legislation which would lodge in
th* government the power to do what
the people ought to do for themselves,
but it believe* that it ia both wise
and patriotic to discriminate in favor
of our own material resources, and
the utilization, under the best attain
able conditions, of our own capital
and onr own available skill and In
dustry. The Republican party, <n ita
first successful contest under Abra
ham Lincoln, declared in favor of ‘that
policy of national exchange which
secure* to the workingman living
wages, to agriculture remunerative
prices, to mechanics and manufactur
ers an adequate reward for tbair skill,
labor and enterprise, and to th*
nation commercial prosperity and
independence.' The principle thus
enunciated has never been *' -udoned.
In the crisis now upon us H must be
tenaciously adhered to. While we
mutt insist tnat our monetary stand
ard shall be maintained in harmony
wiiu mai ui me rivmzeu world, mil
our currency must be sound and
honest; we must also remember that
unless we make it possible for capital
to find employment and for labor to
earn ample and remunerative wages.
It w%lll be impossible to attain that
degree of prosperity which, with a
sound mouetary policy buttressed by
a sound tariff policy, will be assured
"In 1892, when by universal con
sent we touched the high water mark
of our national prosperity, we were
under the same financial system that
we have to day. Hold was then the
same standard, and silver and paper
were freely used as the ccmmou cur
rency. We had a tariff framed by
Kepubiican bands under the direction
of the great statesman who now logic
ally leads the contest fur a restoration
of the policy whose reversal brought
paralysis to so many of our industriea
and distress upou so large a body ol
our people. We were under the polley
of reciprocity, formulated hy another
illustrious statesman of the genuine
American type. We may, if we cbouee
to do so. return to the prospvroua con
ditions which agisted before tbe pres
ent administration came Into power.
"the Kepubiican party has aiwaya
stood fur the protection of the Ameri
cas home It has aimed to scour# Ik
in the enjoy meat of ali the bUaeiage
of remunerated industry, of moral
culture, and of favorable physical es
vironmeak. It was the parly which
Instituted the pulley of free home
stead#, end which holds Sow the! this
policy should be reestablished. aad
that the public lands yet vacant and
subject t-> entry in any pari of oar na
tional territory should he prssnrved
agetaet corporate aggression as h-mer
for th* people. It realises that ths
safety uf the state Mae la the utoUipii
v'eliou of households, sed ths
strsagthening uf that seatimsat ul
which the virtuous home i# the heel
esd the truest •wbod.msat; sad il
will elm to dignify end enlarge hy ell
proper legtemttwe thte element vf
i eeweritv- «*«»
A MMIvM Meysle Use « g a*
In e tenure jeevd awe light ,om
The l» tame-lack a te er are neat kh<
e hr el men dread most
Thte la feed advise fur everyhedy N
fvantl nod tee hfsysle rtdeta le per
The mea etth a hrohva hhryete shell
rvgiste. elth Herein that he «eaee
vupfty the miaaieg link.
r Teld About tbs Lsarbsaa Tsbls •» A
'• Lfttls Olrl's History.
g When women get together at a feast
there la apt to be a goodly fund of
i anecdote developed, eays an exchange,
t Mr. Warner in hie “Back-Log Studies,*’
9 deprecates story-telling as death to
j conversation. What N true, however,
I of the dreamy, reflective mood that
belongs to andlrone and fender, crack
> ling hickory and dancing blue and gold
• fire light. Is not quite so applicable to
the luncheon or dinner board. Cer
| tnlnly the conversation around the ma
. hog&ny, where women are assembled.
| does not succumb to almost any pren
• sure of anecdote. At a luncheon last
i week, for example, where a scant doz
! en of pretty bonnets and their fair
. wearers graced the occasion, stories
flew, and so did talk, before and after,
! between and around them. One of tho
' stories, which Its teller vouched for as
absolutely new, was of a little girl
whose mother overheard her expound
ing the origin of her sex to her family
of dolls. “You see," she said, "Adam
> was u man all alone and he was very
lonesome, and I)od put him to sleep,
and then he took hie brains out and
made a nice ludv for him.’’ ‘‘And this
little girl,” finished the relator, “waa
not a Boston but a Chicago Infant.”
Another story told was of tho clever
ness of a woman, a friend of the speak
er, in a transaction with an Insurance
Adjuster. The parlor curtains took fire
and before the bluze was extinguished
the carpet was badly scorched. After
looking over the damage the repre
sentative of the company said that she
wae entitled to the value of a new
carpet—$100. "We will allow you that
sum,” continued the man, "and we will
take your old carpet." “Why, what
can you do with it?” the lady asked.
"Oh, we'll sell It second-hand and get
back $10 or $12 at least," was his care
lews reply, Intended to make the com
pany's attitude as generous as possible.
"In tihat case, promptly put In the car
pet’s owner "sell It to me; I’ll give you
$12 for It." The adjustor could only
comply, with the result that this quick
witted chatelaine got a new parlor car
pet and a handsome Moquette floor cov
ering as well for an upper room that
needed It for $12.
Could Not Hanco Him.
The train waa nearing Detroit when
at a way station a young man, dressed
In the height of fashion and carrying
a summer overcoat stepped on board
and went tbrougb the cars as If look
ing for some one. He stopped once or
twice at a seat occupied by a farmer
looking maxi who attracted his atten
tion. Finally he asked politely;
"Is this Mr. Sam Garland of Bean
ville, Ohio?"
"Yes, ’spose you read my name on
my valise, hey?”
"No, uncle; I’m your nephew, Hal
Garland of Detroit."
“I guess not. 1 reckon I ain’t lived
fifty-five years not to hev my eye
teeth cut. An’ I ain’t got a novy that
looks sech a dude as you air, not by a
long shot."
The young man colored, but laughed
“I can find some one on the train
who knows me," he said. And going
Into another car, soon returned with a
youth who was of his own age and
"This 1b my friend, Mr. Sampson,
uncle. Perhaps you remember his
father, who came from Beanvllle?”
“Howdy, Mr. Confederate! I re
member Jim Sampson fust rate, but he
warn’t no relation of yours. I’m right
sorry, boys, but I can’t cash that check
of youra. I reckon the goods will have
to stay In the freight house. You see,
your old uncle has traveled afore.”
The two young men went off laugh
ing and the nephew who hod been
taken so persistently for a confidence
man had the satisfaction of seeing hla
uncle take the wrong car. and of say
ing to a friend:
“The next time mother sends me
te meet some of her country relatives
I’ll take her along. I know the old
n an wiu uriug uji ni luo yumw buv
tlon.” _
Eating Slowly.
Tho opinion that hurry In eating Is
a prolific cause of tlyspopslu Is founded
on common observation. The 111 ro
sults of bolting food have been attrib
uted to the lack of thorough mastica
tion and to the Incomplete action of
the saliva upon the food. Two-thirds
of the total which we eat Is starch, and
starch cannot be utilised in the system
as food until It has beeu converted Into
sugar, and this rhange Is principally
effected by the saliva Hut there la a
third reason why rapidity of eating In
terferes with digestion. The presence
of the salivary secretlou In (he stom
ach acta as a stimulus to the secretion
sf the gastric Jutas. Irrespective of tho
mechanical function of the teeth, food
which goes into the stomach Incom
pletely mingled with saliva peases
Slowly and imperfectly through the
process of stomach digest Inn. There
fare, ns n mailer y naim sf ao menu
veins. isa»h the children In ml slowly,
nnd in giving this instruction hy •»
ample the teacher, aa wall as the pupil
may receive bettugi Trey Times.
Me tee* Iks gut.
II* Ltt a him and mah* up
She Are you sure that yog mass
Me-Never In each deadly sat west
In my Ufa eustfuuad It. here* you*
mm her1
pit* Hut you bn*»* n sln s awful
ty shortsighted Udhtli Tre* Time
Ns mem her that Irish potataee grated
and sppiisu as a poultice k» a dutch and
sure r*ii«f K« * »>U sad h act
Why M the vowel n the ehU one
•won.led* Ms cause nil the ethers nr*
' Ih audible
Meet of 8««< Housing rpon (h» Po«
Lord Shaftsbury, who practically ii
tcrested himself for more than sizl
yeara in Improving the homes of tl
masses, said time and again that mac
of the people who were in a filthy an
deplorable condition had been mad
so by their surroundings, and thi
where their homes bad been improve)
they bad been rescued from such cot
ditiona Human nature ia imitativi
the force of good example ia catching
Lack of opportunity to lead a mot
civilized existence, not the inalinatio
to remain as they are, largely explain
the situation of the poorer element
among eity dwellers. Sir Sidney Wai
erlow cites the punctuality with whic
the rents are paid his corporation a
evidence that people having goo
rooms are anxious to keep them. H
believes there ia a growing desire fo
comfortable homes—September Can
That Joyful Peeling
With the exhilarating sense of renewei
health and strength and Internal clean
llness, which follows the use of Syrup o
Pigs, is unknown to the few who havi
not progressed beyond the old-tlmi
medicines and the cheap substitute)
sometimes offered but never acceptec
by the welt-informed.
Big llrbool of Porpoises.
The steamer t'lunda, which recently
arrived in Halifax from Liverpool, en
countered an enofmoui school of por
poises pursued by about two dozet
large whalea just before it came int<
port. It was estimated that there wai
over 1,400 poises in the school. Thcj
were seen about IS miles east of Hall
fax, and jumped the vessel's sides ii
their evident terror of their pursuers
The sea was black with them and thet
rushed through the water like mad
with the great putting whales In close
pursuit. Old salts say they never saw
anything like it on the American
coast ___
prri stoppe* (r«« sn*1 nermnirntlv cured. W<
DU af'rr Aral iUj'> u»« <>f I»r. Kllne’edreel .Vam
Itrxlorrr. Kroo $i irml belli* and Ireetu.*,
Sand lo Da. HUH, Ml Arch SU, Philadelphia, Pa
One of the profitable results of the
present agitation of the ailver question
is a concise statement in the Septembei
Review of review* of the pros and com
of the question, “would American Free
Coinage Douqie the I'rice of Sliver in
the market* of the world'.’’’ The affirm
ative view is supported by Charles B.
Kpahr, l’h. I)., of New York, and Iht
negative by l’rof. .1. Laurence Laugh
lin, of Chicago. Each of these writers
is a recognized authority on the ques
tion of the standards.
Bright’s I
Disease ft
fs bat Incipient Kidney Disease. I
Either are Dangerous. ft
Both can be Cured I
If treated In time with Warner’s I
Safe Cure. ft
Largo tiottlo or new style smeller ft
one at your druggist's. Ask (or
either and accept no substitute,
LI--J-.J - ■ _
r. An African's Care for Rle Ornaments,
t- Soon after yon gat started on a jour
y ney with black followers all your break
e able property—cups, saucers, eta,—
y will be smashed or lost, but the gentle
d African, notwithstanding, will wear,
e around hia ankle a thin thread of beads
,t for three yearai he will tear his way
I, through matted grass, and follow a
i- wounded buck through tangled jungle
i; without injury t«> hia ornament It la
'. remarkable how an ornament sticks to
e a native.—September Century,
a ~
B Ton Are Not ‘‘Shaken Before Taken"
a With malarial disease, but with prodigious
. violence afterwards, If you neglect Immedi
ate measure of relief. The surest prevent—
1 Ive and medical form of medication Is Hoe
s tetler’s Ktomach Hitters, the potently of
i which as an antidote to mlasmatlo poison
has been demonstrated for over forty years
9 past The liver when disordered and con
r gesled, the howeN If coHtlpated, and the
_ kidneys If Inactive, are promptly aided by
It. and It la Invaluable for dyspepsia, nerv
ous debility and rheumatism.
Harper's Round Table published
I .September 1st will continue the first
installment of a new serial story enti
| tied “In the Old Herriok house,” by
Ellen Douglas Deland. To the same
n I... U 1.. ., T 1 L' I,. .-Ill ....
' tribute an interesting paper on the art
1 of sailing small boats. The article will
1 be fully illustrated and will be found
to contain many useful suggestions
and directions for young yachtsmen.
If the Uaby is Cutting Teeth,
ft* aura and oaa that old and wall-triad ramadj, If ft*
. IVurftLow’a Booth lira Briur for Ghlldran T**thiof>
In most cases men who marry Ijensatb
1 them live to regret lb.
The best when you need medicine. For blood,,
appetite, nerves, stomach, liver, nothing equals
The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. |1.
Hood’s Pllln cure till Liver Ills. 25 cents.
Ths best fruit section In the West. No
drouths A failure of crops never known.
Mild cllmste. Productive soil. Abundance of
good pure water.
For Maps and Circulars giving full descrip
tion of the Rich Mineral, Fruit und Agricultu
ral Lands In South West Missouri, write to
JOHN M. l'UKOY. Manager of the Missouri
Land and Live Stock Company, Neosho, New
ton Co., Missouri.
9. H. BLOOM*,
Council Bluff’s,
Examination And.Adrl,r aa t" Patentability of In
▼entlon. Send for "IriTentoni' tlulde, or How to Hat a
Patent." O'PAHKELL A HON. Wellington, j>. c.
I * H BB W want mm orcrywhirc to HELL
NW ■ MM wm rn (Tiny TOCCe million* t*.t
a , . n _ , ■ 01 An* I nCCO ed, protaa
la / J| II 1£ "Abeolutely bent "Hupcrlioutflta,
VV Ul\ tv new ayatem. HTAItK BltOTHKRS,
Louuiama, Mo., Rocxromr, In.
SHORT HANn VAN SANT'S School or Short*
onuni nnnu hand, SIS N.Y. Life Bldg, Omaha.
Only one In Omaha taught by practical atenographer
PiTFIITC ^tyeatw- experience. Send sketch fbratf.
L . JtS ,‘r,vl‘:e' <!*■ I/cane, late nrin. examiner U.8.
Pat.Ollier| Deane* Wearer,JlcaillM!d(„iraab.D.aI
nPIIIU “* WHISKY '•«“ »■"*• Boat
»l Mlm PBIE. Dr. B. M. WtWM.IT, ATLAITi, «A.
*JSw*2£{ Thompson’s EysWatsrT
W. X. U., OMAHA—38—189C
When writing to advertisers, kindly
mention this paper.
“The added pleasure of riding a I
Columbia is worth every dollar I
of the$ 100 a Columbia costs.” I
The supremacy of Columbias is ad- I
mitted. They are Standard of the I
World. If you are able to pay MOO
for a bicycle, why buy any other? I
Full information About Columbias and the §
dtiiercnt Models lor men snd women and
Iw children, too is contained in the hand- I
•amcst art booh ol the year. Free hum any S
ol our Branch Houses and Afcncics or by 1
mail lor two 2 cent it amp*. fl
I | POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. I
I stcm ,?GJ?*^*^**^^**^ I
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a* men m mm •*» fl
•••**••» •»aai«.taaa mu ■
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