ITALMAGE'S SERMON. "FULL CORN-CRIBS" LAST SUN i» DAY'S SUBJECT. gran tba Tartt “Asd Jada lp»k« Cato Him Sarins. Mao Old SeUmaly Cato Cs To Shall Mol So* My Taro”—Ooa., «1:X OTHING to eat I Plenty of corn In Egypt, but ghastly famine In Canaan. The cattle moan ing In the stall. Men, women aad children awfully white with hunger. Not the falling of . I one crop for one summer, but the falling of all the crops for seven years, A nation dying for lack of that which la so common on your table, and so lit tle appreciated: the product of har yest field and grist mill and oven: the price of sweat and anxiety and strug flo Bread! Jacob, the father, has the last repert from the flour bln, and he finds that everything Is out; and he |gys to his sons, "Boys! book up the wagons and start for Egypt and get us •ometblng to eat.” The fact was, there was a great corn crib In Egypt. The people of Egypt have been largely tax ed In all ages, at the present lime pay lag between seventy and eighty per gent of tbdr products to the govern JDent. No wonder In that time they j^'-had a large corn crib, and It was full. £o that crib they came from the re booh around abi it-- those who were ivueu an ate j/uj'iijg lyr ink i;uru ill ney; when the money was exhaust paying for tbe corn in Mheep and Is ami horses and camels; and ben they were exhausted, then sell % |D| their own bodies and their families Into slavery. The morning for starting out on the crusade for bread has arrived. Jacob gats his family up very early. But be* tArs the elder sons start, they say jjpomethlng that makes him tremble With emotion from head to foot, and IRfeurst Into tears. Tbe fact was that Ibex*- elder norm had once before been In Egypt to get corn, and they bad !n treated somewhat roughly, the I of the corn-crib supplying them It corn, but saying at tbe close of Interview, “Now, you need not le back here for any more corn un you bring something better than ley even your younger brother jemln." Ah! Benjamin—that very to was suggestive of all tenderness, i mother had died at the birth of l son—* spirit coming and another it going and the very thought of ting with Benjamin must have a a heart-break. The keeper of this a-crib, nevertheless, says to these ir sons, "There is no need of your ilng up here any more for corn un you can bring Benjamin, your father's darling," Now Jacob and bis family very much needed bread; but . what a struggle it would be to give up r this son. The Orientals are very de monstrative in their grief, and I hear tbe out wailing of the father as these •Ider sons keep reiterating In his ears the announcement of the Egyptian lprd, “Ye shall not see my face unless your brother be with you." "Why did you teli him you had a brother?” . says the old man, complaining and |S. Chiding them. "Why, father," they H Bald, "be asked us all about our fam K lly, and we had no idea that he wotld § fnake any such demand upon us as he I made." "No use of asking me,” F said the father, "I cannot, 1 will not, f give up Benjamin." The fact was that | the old man had lost children, and when there has been bereavement in S. a household, and a child taken, It makes tbe other children In the house i bold more precious. So the day for departure was adjourned and adjourned and adjourned. Stiil the horrors of the famine Increased, and louder rno»" •d the cattle, and wider open caim-d tbs earth, and more pallid became the | cheeks, until Jacob, in despair, cried out to his sons, "Take Benjamin and be off." The elder sons tried to cheer up their father. They said, "We have k strong arms and a stout heart, and no I barm will come to Benjamin. We'll p see that he gets back again." Kare ' well!” said the young men to the fath ! jer, In a tone of assumed good cheer. I “E-a-r-e-w-e-l-l !" said the old man; IU^ luoi wuru hub hiwi f ipiairra iu h when pronounced by tbe aged than by | iba young. Well, the bread party, the bread ein tli baaay. drive* up In front of the corn crib of Kgypt. Thoae corn-crib* am I filled with w heat and barley and corn I In the hu*k, for modern traveler* In |tbo*e land*, both in Cauuau and In [jSgypt t«ll ua there I* corn there cor [go*ponding with our ludlan mala#. Itliuca! the Journey la ended The lord of tha corn-crib, who la aloe the [Fume Minuter cornea down to lhe«e ‘‘peaty arrived traveler*, and aeya. I»pln« with me to-day. Ilow la your [father* I* ihi* ll*njamln. th* young Or brother. »Hm* pr*eeure I demand Eft" Tb* traveler* are Introduced Etta the palace They are wurn and : t*d»(t*d of lb* way, and cervauM Ie lu with a haain of water in on* d and a towel in th* other, and >1 down before thee* newly arrived eievt, waahtng »B tb* duel of the . Tb* butcher* and poulurer* and r*r» of the Trim* Minister prepare (*pa*t The gu**u are **nt*4 In II greup*. ino or three at a table, food on a tray, nil the tuaurtoe » imperial garden* and orchard# •guar uw*a*d a>lail««*r* brought n. and are tiling chhltce and plat New la ihe lime fur the Trim# later. If he haa a grudge agelnel Jini* to vh«e It Will he hlU , now that he haa him in hi* la* a. n«i Tni* lard el thg earn* In nnntnd nt hr* ean Uthla. nad he | | looks over to the table# of bis guests; ! and he sends a portion to each of them, but sends a larger portion to Bsnjamln, or, as the Bible Quaintly puts It, "Benjamin’s mess was five times as much as any of theirs." Be quick and send word back with the swiftest camel to Canaan to old Jacob, that "Benjamin la well; all I# well; he Is faring sumptuously; the Egyptian [ lord did not mean murder and death; but he meant deliverance and life when he announced to ua on that day, 'Ye shall not #ee my fact unless your brother be with you.'" Well, my friends, this world Is fans Ine-struck of sin. It does n#t yield a single crop of solid satisfaction. It I# dying. It la hunger-bitten. The fact that It does not, cannot feed a man s hear* wss well Illustrated in th# Ufa of the English comedian. All the world honored him did everything for him that the world could do. Ho was applauded In England and ap plauded In the United States. Ho roused up nations Into laughter. He had no equal. And yet, although many people supposed him entirely happy, and that this world wss com pls’ely satisfying his soul, he sits down and writes: I never In my life put on a new ha that It did not rain and ru4n It. 1 never went out In a shabby coat be cause It was raining »nd thought all who had the choice would keep In doors, that the sun did not come out In Its strength and bring with It all the butterflies of fashion whom I knew and who knew me. I never consented to accept a part 1 hated out of kind ness to another, that I did not get hissed by the public and cut by the writer. I could not take a drive for a few minute* with Terry without be ing overturned and having my elbow broken, though my friend got off un harmed. I could not make a covenant with Arnold, which I thought was to make my fortune, without making bis Instead, than In an Incredibly short space of time- I think thirteen months I earned for him twenty thousand pounds, and for rayaeir one. * um p*i uuaded that if I were to act up as a baker, everyone in my neighborhood would leave off eating bread. • • • I want to make three point*. Every frank and common-sense man will ac knowledge himself to bo a atnner. What are you going to do with your lina? Have them pardoned, you say. HowT Through the mercy of God. What do you mean by the mercy of find? Is it the letting down of a bar for the admission of all, without re spect to character? Be not deceived. I see a soul coming up to the gate of mercy and knocking at the corn-crib at heavenly supply; and a voice from within says, "Are you alone?" The •Inner replies, "All alone." The voice from within says, "You shall not see my pardoning face unless your divlno Brother, the Lord Jesus, be with you." 0, that Is the point at which so many are discomfited. There is no mercy from God except through Jesus Christ. Coming with him. we arc accepted. Coming without, him, we are rejected. Am I right in calling Jesus Benja min? O, yes. Hachel lived only long enough to give a name to that child, and with a dying kiss she called him Uenonl. Afterward Jacob changed his name, and he tailed him Benjamin. The meaning of the name she gave was. “Son of my Pain.” The meaning of the name the father gave was, "Son of my Rlgnt Hand." And was not Christ the Son of pain? All the sor row of Rachel in that hour when she gave her child over Into the hand* of strangers, was a* nothing compared with the struggle of God when he gave up his only Son. And was not Christ appropriately called "Son of the Right Hand?” Did not Stephen look into heaven anti see him standing at the right hand of God? And does not Paul speak of him as standing at the right hand of God making intercession for e-' O, Benjamin—Jesus! Son of pang! .nin of victory! The deepest euiottona I of our soul ought to be stirred at the sound of that nomenclature. In your prayers pit ad his tears, his sufferings, his sorrows, and his death. If you re fuse to do It, all the corn-erib* and the palaces of heaven will be boiled and barred against your soul, and a voice from the throne shall stun you with the announcement, "You shall not see my face except your brother be with you.” • • • The world after that was a blank to tne. 1 went ,nto the country, but found no peace in solitude I trill to gel into society, hut I found no pear* hi *. i n« r<‘ 14 tf uien » nurrui Ing over me by night and by day, and I am afraid to be alone. How many unuiierublu trouble* among you! No bumau ear baa ever beard that eorrow. O, troubled *oul. I want tu tell you that there la ona aalv# that ran cute the wuuude of the heart, and that la the aglre made out of the team of a • > tnpathetle Jeaua, And yet aotae of you will net take ibli tulgee, and you try chloral, aad you try morphia* and you iry atrong drink, and yon try rkangt of •«■*■*. and yuu try new bualneae Muaiallaak and anything aad averylbtng rather than take the divine roMpaniouahtp aad ayMpatby *u«g**i*d by tbe norda ol My teat when it aby*. "Van eball not tee My faro again unlee# yen! brother be with you ‘ O that tbia an diene* to day Might oadwrotaud aaMa thing of the height and depth and length and bfeedib »t iMMonalty and Indnlty at (lad a atornal eonautallnaa I go further and Rad tn m» aobyeet a bint a* to why a* Man) people Inti at heaven »’* are 1*14 that beaton fc«* ttraiva ga*w nad aew# peapl* in* hr bWR that faet that all the peuph • Ul ga lb without i#hreact ta (bait p*at lihi but * bat te Ik* uae «» !»*• tag a gats that i* not a»M*(»M#e »• bo Mol* Tbt taiaglng #1 * g*‘« ghee* that nor outran*# tutu bagvau lg ! conditional. It ia not a monetary con dition. If ire come to the door of an exquisite concert we are not surprised i that we must pay a fee, for we know i that fine earthly muelc Is expensive; but all the oratorios of heaven coet nothing. Heaven pays nothing for Its music. It Is all free. There Is noth ing to be paid at that d001 tor en trance; but the condition of getting into heaven Is our bringing our di vine Benjamin along with us. Do you notice how often dying people call up on Josua? It le tbe usual prayer of fered—the prayer offered more than all the other preyere put together— "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." One of our congregation, when asked (p the oloslng moments of his life, "Do you know usf" said, "0, yes, 1 know you. Qod bleee you. Oood-by. Lord Jesua, receive my spirit;" and be vae gone. 0, yee, In the closing momenta of our life we must have a Chrlat to I call upon. If Jacob’s eone had gone up toward Egypt, and had gone with ! the very finest equlpege, end had not taken Benjamin along with them, and | to the question they should have been oblig'd to answer, "Blr.we didn’t bring him, as father could net let him ge; ! we didn't want to be bothered with him," a vole© from within would have said, "Oo away from ue. You shall not have any of thle eupply, You ! shall not *ee my face because your brother Is not‘with you." And If we | come up towsrd the door of heavea at last, though we come from all lu« urlance and brilliancy of aurround j logs, and knock for admittance and ! It Is found that Christ Is not with u«, 1 tbe police of heaven will beat ue back from tbe ustyld$, Dcpirt, I never knew you." If Jacob’s sons, coming towsrd Egypt, had lost everything on the W(iy; if they bad expended their last shekel; If they had come up utterly exhausted to the corn-cribs of Egypt, t» had been found that Benjamin wan with them, all the storehouses would have swung open before them. And so, though by fatal casualty we may be ushered Into the eternal world, though we may he weak and exhaust ed by protracted sickness If, In that last moment, we can only Just stagger and faint and fall Into the gate of heaven -It seems that all the corn cribs of heaven will open for our need and all the palaces will open for our reception; and the I cover that he chota men for hi* dla* tip lea who w*re jiial like otirwlv** Th* It'im'a Horn WHAT CVCUITI IAV. Racing *c|otp*rni I* out of ulmo *o th# road Kigtag hill allmblng I* c tttr thaa th* airtight lift. Mnof|tlng and eraaklng of 'ha rhala la a aura ladhaiioa that K waau loh Heating Hard tiding directly after a ncaal la »#r» had and hard eating dtractly af> let a Hd# I* act* wort* th* man who trie* to i l« »*a **ary an* in bta rycting taMant fi«t**c any body la*at *1 all hlwaalf Alt lb* laatnad ugr^ar of yhyalrtaa# ahant h«*rt dtaaaac I* Hat •«« habitual acorchara aad • brant# hill rllmbora It yon want la #t##r wail tot yoot *y*a a»**t th* *oM*>* of lha gtooad al a fatal aat Uaa thaa M faat ahaad at tha hleyata Nat #aa rtdar la a 4* •* arar think* nf tinnnc c g lha antar at*' fa*-* *f a Ufa, yat It t* aditnahta to acaoctooal'y gi«a th* antar aha* a tb*«*ogh «l*aa*tng If ably to* th* «ah* *f hwha FARM AND GARDEN. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. ■MB* Cp-tn-dat* Mint* About Caltl.* Mm *f til* Soil aufl VI.Id. Th.r.of — Horticulture, Vltlcullur* ltd riorl Mltar*. HE Cornell Experi ment Blatlon thus summer lies Its testa with toma toss: 1. Frequent transplanting o f the young plant, and good tillage, are necessary to best resulto In to mato culture. S. Plante started under glass about ten weeks before transplanting Into fields gave fruits from a week to ten daya earlier than those started two or three weeks later, while there was a much greater difference when the plants were started six wceka later. Productiveness waa greatly Increased by the early planting. 8. Liberal and even manuring, dur ing the present season, gave great in crease In yield over no fertilizing, al though the common notion la quite to the contrary. Heavy manuring does not appear, therefore, to produce vine at the expense of fruit, 4. The teste Indicate that poor eoll may tend to render fruits more an gular. 8, Varieties of tom atom run out, and ten years may pci haps be considered the average life of a variety, 8. The particular points at presen* In demand In tomatoes are these: Regu larity In shape, solidity, large size, productiveness of plant. 7. The Ideal tomato would probablv conform closely to Urn following scale of points: Vigor of plant, 6; surliness, 10; color of fruit, 6; solidity of fruit 20; shape of fruit, 20; sir.#, 10; flavor, 6; cooking qualities, 6; productiveness, 20. 8. Holidlty of fruit cannot be accu rately measured cither by weight or keeeplng qualities. 9. Cooking qualities appear to b» Largely Individual rather than variety' keeping qualities. 10. The following varieties appear, from the seanson'a work, to be among tbs best market tomatoes: Ignotum. Beauty, Mikado, Perfection, Favorite, Potato Leaf. 1L The following recent Introduc tions appear to possess merits for mar ket: Bay State, Atlantic, Brandywine, Jubilee, Matchless, and, perhaps, Lorl' lard, Prelude and Salzer. 12. The following recent Introduc tions are particularly valuable for ama teur cultivation: Dwarf Champion, Lori!laid, Peach, Prelude. A Talapl.oa* la Uls Orsha re. An Incident of commercial import ance happened yesterday showing that Texas Is making rapid strides to keep op with the pace. Mr. Lang of the Galveston Fruit company, was called to the telephone yesterday morning. "Hello, Is that Lang?" cams a dis tinct voice over the telephone. "Hello, Falkner. I didn't snow you were In town. Where are you now7" "I am in my orchard, I have bad a long distance telephone put in." "Isn't It rather expensive?" "Yes; but I bad to have It to keep up with the progress of the world. Any time you want anything just call me up.” After some business talk they rang off. The orchard man Is Mr. C. Falk ner, who owns quite an orchard about three miles out of Waco, 230 miles by wlro from Galveston. He Is an excep tionally Intelligent fruit grower who came to Tcxus from the east and Is working bis place on business princi ples.—Galveston News. Fruit Fa tiara la Oregon. Mr. B. A. Clarke, of Salem, writing under date of May 31 In the Oregonian, says the failure of fruit in the state will be the worst ever known. He had just gone over 50 acres of hill or chard and found no fruit on 2,000 Ital ian prune trees; not enough to call a crop on 000 French prunes; not a plum on 260 Washingtons, nor on 160 lirad shaws, save a few near a heavy Hr grove; on 600 Peach plums a half crop; on 1,000 two-year peach treea no fruit to apeak of; on 600 Bartlett treea, 16 to 20 years old, uut a pear, a few pro tected treea excepted; on 260 cherry trees not a tenth of a good yield, ex cept on 20 Black Republicans; on 1.000 six-year pears uothiug to speak of. At the foot of the hill, In an orchard of upplcs, plums and cherries over 40 I he apple bluonta hail blighted. In an adjoining U-yaaruld orchard aowe liarttetia and Kail tlutiera ara heavily loaded. On Mr. Clark*'* bum* orchard the eullr* yield will li* about one rigbth Thera la no reaaoa to auppoaa that other orchard* ol the valley wUI do any belter. lie Vartettee ml t ee# Mea U«it Malletm Ul, Michigan Kaperiaanl (Halloa II la apparent lo aay uae aha baa had Much In do with pea* that ca rtel lee rua uut, ar al t««»t laaa their arlgtaal iharacieiuik*. In all raaaa, luaalgg nut duae nut Meaa deter iara i tea HuMteiiM** It I* tint ply chang tag ul character* la aur worh with peaa, accurate d*u t iptt***, ultept tl luatiated with draataa*. ar* hept aI the t arietie* grawa Kt«m ib*a# bin gtapblcal recur*# »l lb* varlatiaa It la aaay in mm that vartetle* cbaaga Irani yaar la year, eve* lb* aid atandard •arta. tbe rbutriwi ul wbleh ara tup p»«*d t« bn truly Med •tudtea ul tbe great ie* bate baaa mad*. Inn. by gteaing tb* aam* varletlaa hvn 4l#» I* r*ai eaadaanaa aad It eaadamaA u*Uy t*M the angra tbtng aadag • »!•* ( n name, varieties of peas Tary great ly In the course of their history. It may bs said that in the cases to be cited the variations were due to a change made in the seed by a care less or unscrupulous person, but such Is hardly the case, because some of the characters appear well marked ind distinctive of that variety throughout all tho samples. It Is espe cially noticeable that the foliage and habit of the plant is less variable than the peaa, they being generally the ob |ect of selection. 8traUgem was grown from three leadsmen. In all, the characteristic lark green foliage, sulky, angular reins, and exceedingly short nodes of the BtraUgem were apparent and va ried but Utile. But the pods, though Irregular and varying In each sample, yet Uken as a whole were distinctly different. In two of the samples the pods were fairly uniform, but In the third they wore so Irregular, probably reversions to one of the parenU, that the peas were almost worthless. It Is a matter of common observation that seed peas of the same variety, espe cially the wrinkled peas, differ in color when sold by different seedsmen, lu several cases peas grown on tbs station grounds and described four years ago have changed the color of the seed. Idas) I’minrM. In the park country or In tho forest region there need be no real difficulty In having an Ideal pasture if the work is done right, says Northwestern Far mer. In clearing the land, trees can be left here and there, and the land sown even at tho outset with two or three or more kinds of grasses, such as will grow with us. One of these should be orchard grass. Another should lie white clover. A third should be bluo grass, and a fourth should be timothy. Such a mixture should grow well for several years, unui wns ».uiu»n •»>. have rotted. It could then bo reno vated by plowing It up and sowing with grasses again. A nurse crop could be used, and under such conditions It had better be cut for fodder as It will not fill well when growing under the trees. It would only need to ho thus cropped one year, when It could be again devoted to pasturing. Such pas tures are very fine, more especially when they grow orchard grass, for or chard grass would grow In them quit* freely because of the shade. They also furnish a landscape that Is beautiful to look upon. There are many regions In this northwest that could thus be made to furnish the best of pastures and for successive years. Borne of the trees would die occasionally, but could be provided for by leaving an ample supply of trees at the first. Kxpaiiraanls with riss. A bulletin has been Issued from the Central Experimental farm at Ottawa, by Dr. Baunders, dealing with the cul tivation of flax. It Is stated that th# dry western climate Is not favorable for growing flax for fiber, as th# latter is reduced both In quantity and quality, as compared with the article grown In the eastern part of the continent. In the east flax Is grown largely for tbe fiber. One of the claims put forth for flax is, that it can be grown on breaking the first year, thus giving th* farmer a crop tbe first season. Test* were made at tbe Manitoba experiment al farm as to the quantity of seed to be sown per acre. From 40 pounds of seed per acre, 19 bushels and 26 pounds were obtained; from 70 pounds per acre 20 bushels per acre were ob tained; and from 90 pounds of seed per acre, 20 bushels 50 pounds of seed were obtained. Dr. Saunders does not think that flax is much more exhaustive to the soli than a good crop of wheat or oats, and In a rich soil the difference would be scarcely perceptible.—Ameri can Elevator and Grain Trade. Work tor Wide Tire*. Our friends should not forget to speak a word now and then for th* wide tire. It is difficult to have per manent roads without It. We too fre quently see where some man with a narrow tired wagon has driven onto a lawn and defuced it. Unfortunately, the one that does the damage Is seldom the owner of the lawn. The narrow tire damages the dirt road, while the wide tire Improves It by packing down the dirt Instead of cutting into It. Who has not been on s country road Just after the mud had dried out and found tbe ruts so deep uud the clods so num erous and hard that It was with the greatest difficulty that one could drive over It at all. If the wide tire makes a rut at all It Is so bread and smooth that It makes an easy track for driving, and leaves less hubbies. Preparing tor Wheat.- Hood soil Is the prime requisite; and it is not al ways that llte farmer has It, or the fer tlllaara to wake It an; In aucb coo* b* abauid look abaad a Mil*, and Ml aaid* a piece of ground, and endeavor la brlag It Into condition lor a crop aa toon aa It utay b* dona, i'bla In moat rcapact* ran bo brat or ch«ap**t don* by analog lb* ground la elavar ur ry*. On* or two crop* af thaao pul under will Incur* a fairly good crop af wheat. I’low lb* clover under In tba fall wbcn fully matured, than rally In lb* aprtng cow clover again, or. If preferred, a crap af pa*a way full..*, an I a Urn. * or tba arum iba leal an* abauid bo turned under foal baler* tb* llw* for towing iba wheal. If fcrtlllcarc can ba tuypitad tbay abauid ba Itgblly borrowed Ul lb* aur far* anil, If but pul lb wilb tba dgiti. • Ka. A Mil at Ok* Tb* t*tc*4 tbtug tba ISagliah dairy journal* have found out about olrawargartna la tbal It la wade out af tb* war row of tba bo*** of bowaa abclatoaa, aa waif aa awl of utber bona*' Tbta ta. wa batter*, tba taugbaat *« rural tea tbal baa baaw pul forth agrnaat tba btUlurw.'-Kg. THE SUNDAY SCfiOOt LESSON XII, SEPTEMBER 20. DESTRUCTION BY VICES. Uolden Texti “Thor* lx a Way That ■••math Right t’ntn a Man; bat lb* End Thereof Are the Way* of Heath’’ — Hook of I’reverlM, I <•:¥>. I.THOI'CH this pas sage was written long after David’s lime and has no special application to the history w# have been studying, yet Its principles a re goes I for our dally life, and there arc men and deed* re ferred to during the quarter which Illus trate and enforce the truth* and du ties or warn against the sin* and follies referred to. We will pul together Itt our study tin contrasted virtue* anti vices. These ran be re-en forced end Illuminated by light from other Hcrlpturr*. and especially other references In the Proverbs. Iteferencen to lit* pust history which exemplify these virtue* arid vices will l>« noted. "Tempersnc*" applications can be made at almost every point, sines Intemper ance Intensifies every vies and «vll, and in a temperance atmosphere all virtue# flourish. Ami especially is temperance In Its deeper meaning, which He* at the basis of total abstinence from all that tan Intoxicate, taught ami ennobled by verse 32, To-day's lesson Includes verse* 22-33. chapter IB. Hook of Proverbs us follows; 22. "Pnderstandlng," wisdom. « true and accurate knowledge. wlLit a desire to live according to It. It Is not a knowledge of science alone, or of the world, but of all ihlngs pertaining to Ilf*, a knowl edge of Hod. of the heart, of the law of liod, of tin principles of true living. It embraces In It* survey heaven and earth, things temporal and spiritual. "I* a well spring," fountain, "of life " If a man baa real understanding and wisdom, a good omHuni will now iioiii n Mini naturally a* water How* from u fountain. And there la no other way h* whleli lo have a good life. "Ye must h« horn again." Kor "the Instruction of fools," riot that Instruction which fools give, hut the training, the discipline, tiro schooling of fools, "Is folly," Is utterly wasted and useless, so long as they re main fouls. 23. "The heart of the wise leadielh the mouth." If the heart Is wise, the words spoken will he wise. Words are tho easiest expression of the thoughts. 24. "Pleasant word* are a* honey comb." The comparison with honey Is common In all language and all lime*. "Hweet to the soul, and health to tho hones" (chap. If,: 20). " 'Bone' always mean* our Innermost and substantial be ing,"—John Miller. 23. "A forward man," a subversive man, perverse, bent on mischief, devis ing way* of overthrowing good and in juring others, "Howeth strife." as ouo sow* evil seed broadcast, to spring up wherever there Is a congenial soil. "The character Intended I* the perverse man. who distorts the truth, give* a wrong Impression, attribute* evil motives; such an one occasions quarrels and heartburn ings.” "And a whisper separate!!! chief friends" (chap. 17: 9). Nlrgan 1* either "» chatterer,” or "a whisperer." "calumnia tor." In chapter#!*:* and 28; 5J0. 22 It I* translated "talebearer." 30. Here the froward man's method* are described. "He shuttetb hi* eyes to devise froward things," He let* nothing Interfere from without, bul give* himself wholly to studying new wicked sayings, dagger* of speech, poison of asps, seeds of T'pas trees, so that when he "moves his lips" to speak, "he brlngeih evil lo pass," "Let two Idle tongues utter a tale against some third person who never Offended the babblers, and how the tals spread* like fire, lighted none know* how. In the her),age of an American prairie; who shall put It out V *1. "The hoary head I* a crown of glory” (chap, 20:29). (Kor "crown,” sew on chap, 17:8.) Old age Is the reward of a good life, and therefor* I* an honor to a roan (comp. chap. 3:2, 18; 4:10; 9:11: 10: 27), "If It be found"—rather. It shall bs found—"In the way of righteousness"; I he guerdon of obedience and holltnuMi; whereas "bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half Ihelr days" (I’sa. 53:22). —Deane. 32, "He that Is slow to anger,” con trols hi* temper and passions, "Is better than the mighty." for It requires more strength and courage than any feats of physical strength. "And ho that ruleth Ills spirit than he that taketh a city.” Because it costs more; It requires more will, more power, more courage, mure self-denial, and the victory Is worth more when It Is gained. One's whole nature m like a city, with many passion* and feed ings, good und bad. and no city Is so hard to control and perfect. 33. "The lot I* cast Into the lap.” The bosom or fold of the garment (chap. «: 27: 17:23 ; 21:14). Kor the lot probably they employed stones differing In shape or color, or having some distinguishing mark These were placed In a vessel or in the fold of s garment, und drawn or shaken tlienee. Such a practice has beet* common In all ages and countries.—Donne. 'The whole disposing thereof Is of tho laird." In these ease* the Jew learned lo see. In what we call chance, the over ruling of divine power.—Deane. "There 1s a divinity that shape* our emla. rough hew them how we will." It I* " Weened comfort to know that all things that com* lo u*. from whatever sourer, are under the control, not of chance, nor of men. nor of demon*, but of u I the heart Is feeble, and In which algos of tally u*-*rtj*r#u«i» ar« ruitao. in* created oiuerular eeerrlae alrneet ur» vartably Improvea the coudttlou of the heart limit Thore arw, hoareeer. emr* •rat Indulgent ee that pereun* with aeoh beerie ubould heararo of. auch «• etraia lua to climb bill* and inoilef head* «in.i« hiimIii fanatic «u4 peril i tarty earning the heart on4 colling up on Ita reeerve eirength hy the uee «* alcoholic •ttwu’aai* and Improper fuu4 • llnrtlwd flare* UOD AOS. i'rtnier • Ink In re-eot number*, ■ ooleine a another of gueei edvetrietmg Mena, nick ae the ad primed In <*u*4 rupitcoie oe plea In a big Homes e*t)ag houeo Ae every HoeiooiAg eele put* ibl* Idea la eapoMe ef eaponakoa. Ag Knglteb dabuieoie la a aeaegm* per adeerileemeoi - *<*old a lady ua eo» lei* labe a young tud> aged If. »i«tn her to lot good denree* hr* guliNy aa evening higheol refer emwa given gad required.' v