The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 18, 1896, Image 10

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    T1.UK TABUS.
150 P. M. Iaitw • jBO M
Connection* »t Aurora for all points
North west.
A. F. WkkTB. Agt
B«Klnaln|C Sunday, November 17ih.
tralus will arrive end depart at till*
station a* fallows:
Leaves Leaves
.Monday. lft50 1 / H; 00
Wednesday, | ' ’ rhuriday. „ U1
Friday, )“•“ I etnrday )
Arrive* at Loup Citt dally 7.»6 p. in
(.'lose connection at Grand Island for
all points East and West
1 r, W. Clot*, Agent
..pCIly Market Iteporl.
Price*paid for;
_ . • .!«
t,on' ,3ft
Cows and helfars
Heitor, per pound .
Ksks, per do* ^
pel aloes ..
Lioaal Daws.
A Boone. IK Jeweler.
Cutlery at half price at W atkin*on <
Mr J. Kelly whs In our city Wednes
Jacob Albers did business at St. P»ul
Kye and Ear, Hr. UavK Grand
Island. Nebr.
Mrs. F. W . Cline Is vlsiOn# at Omaha
and Albion.
Round Oak Heater* are the beat at
Tailor made clothing 13.60 per suit
at A. E. Chase's.
D. L, Harrison of Omaha is doing
business iu this oily.
A. B. Outhouse shipped lumber to
Rockville yesterday.
Harness, cellars, whips, lap dusters,
and nets atT. M. Heeds.
Trey Hale’s rheumatism seems to Ire
getting along nicely now.
Hay fever has at last loosened Its
bold upon the afflicted ones.
O. W. Horvel, of Ashton was doing
business in the city Wednesday.
John Egger* of Grand Island is at
tending the fair this week.
Dr. Sumner Davis, Grand Island, Sur
gical diseases and disease! of Eye and
Edna Williams opened her term of
sehool in the Draper district last Mon
13 pounds of pure kittle rendered lard
for SI .00 at M F. Reynold's meat
Good makes of new and second band
mowing machines, also hay rrkesat
T. M. Steeds.
Will Sinelser came up from Asbton
Wednesday evening to eatar the bloy
cli races.
Call and look at the samples of readv
made clothing at A. E. Chase's. Suits
from 96.00 ap. Fit guaranteed.
The Sunday School picnic which was
lo be held at the Hayes Creek grove
next Saturday will he held down at th«
Fair grounds.
We noticed J. I\ Cook and Geo
W. Holmes of Bristol township at
tended the rally at thin place Iasi
Mr. Slckel* of Anita Iowa came t<
this city Wednesday evening and wll
visit some time with his fathcr-in lav
Andy Gray.
A social bop wits given at Angus
Jungs last Saturday night Quite i
number of our Young folks from lie
city wero in ai tendance. Avery pleas
ant time is reported
Eczema Is a frightful affliction, bu
Ilka all other skin diseases it can b
permanently cured by appliuatioes o
DeWlit's Witch Hazel Halve. It neve
fallws lo cure Pile*.-- Odeadahl liros.
D. W.Titus, A II. Potter, T. ('
I hanibarlin, h. Jluun, A. II. Wray
wurw among Ilia many from thu wo*
aid* in aUtmdaut-tt at thu rally lai
Weclneeday evening.
A parly wa* given at the resident
of Mr. and Mra. K- K. Koreythe lot Yr
day night. The occasion «n lh« *1
wadding »f the above mentioned cot
pie » p are Informed that ijult* a Ur*
dr. la of friend* were preaenl
Mr K I.. Angler, wife and dtughte
uf H**'|wlown, 111 are vltltiug hi
brother Mr J. A Aagtnr and famti
ltd* weeh, J. A. and hit brother mail
Ihta attle* a frendly flat* U*t W edue
day. Up *rema well pleaded With lb
country and note* the great ehaage ihi
ha* tab** place lime he flatted bei
hat h la the aU*. wltea we were wiihoi
The tpe*#h delivered here bf Hu
JMu I. Webeter la»t Meda**da> ever
tug wa* tadeed a •••■«* m ng atgumat
la liter uf ptotavliuu *nd iwuad «t»u*
n*e moi.av jueiUcn »a* through'
dtuueaad and every Mil •*• me • *
eiaar tit*«*e*tt >b« •lleatu** than* U
imua >*m*«y vattt* *u*«* ware forced i
•Ault the >r. th uf hi* thlrwwn \
• ear* i«tn» Mr tt purler aaa loudly ai
id*‘API e tth bur*t* uf rnthn* »*m II
fevated the uppuMtlhut with ceeitM
•«d dapo ed their hoaUion ta Iht* van
phlga With tlb»t**«i»u»» well cah ulai*
Al plug** and cootl»a* lie *p»h* f*
t«w loud imam *»d th* >* ».* no* *e
mihA huge andteuee nut th I Wxu1
(MHltftkhunlu bat* llihird I
turn much long* *
NOTKltur THM rAlK.
As no program had been arranged for
the first day of the fair there was hut
little attraction at the fair ground.
Simply those interested and ready to
make their display of farm and other
products were in attendance. The dis
plays In the product llue were few, hut
were of an excellent variety Those
who visited the grounds <>u the tlret day
could see among ether things an excell
ent collection of farm product# by Her
man Johanson, \V. K Brown. Cariten
Trualseu and Adolph Kausgan. There
were also a line collection of preserves
mail# from various kinds of fruits and
tome very preity exhibits in fancy work.
Mrs VV. T. Owen and Mis# Druzilla lrlltu
lady superintendent#, also rSecreisry
Mellorand S K Oaliaway, were busy ia
the tloral hall arranging for the dis
plays expects to at live on the following
The grounds are all In perfect order
The beautiful artificial lake is full In
| over flowing and a steady stream of
water froui the ditch Is fei ding it all the
time, while the outlet on t ie south
carries off all the surplus water. Two
hosts are on the water and will uccotu
modate some 10 or 15 people at a time,
who wish to ludulgo In the pleasure of
boat riding South of the lake is built a
sod cabin erected by llarry Jeuncr ellas
Buffalo, llarry. This cabin Is built
especially to be used by the participants
lathe Wild West .Show which takes
place on the ground the second Mil third
The weather was all that could be dr
sired Tor the second day and a large
number were out In (tin al tcrnoou to
enjoy the programme which consisted
or horse racing, bicycle races, barrel
race on water, boat riding in the lake
and Buffalo Harry’s Wild West Show
The exhibition In the flora! hall of fa;in
products, trull and articles of fancy
work was considerable Increased hut
the entry of line stock was yery light.
We give the following artieies and
name*of exhibitor* as far as we were
able to Hod oat.
K. W. Vaudurn. of Boone couaty had
a line selection of Miner i’Juiubs, Seed
ling peaches, and Heasleop Crabs.
J. M Snyder had 20 verities of apple*
raised this year on hi* farm. Virdurette
this county.
O. K. Kittell had au elegant yarlety
of Sherman county peaches.
Joe I’riece arid Hugh McKadden were
competing for the lienor* in the toma
to* line Kacb had a line display.
Mr*. John L. Hsuk, M s. T L. I'ilger,
Mr*. Geo. Lee, Mr*. W . T. Owen, and
Adolph Kansgau each had a fine display
of canned fruits.
W.T. Draper had two very pretty
hand made blankets in the floral hall.
There were several very pretty quilts
and articles of fancy work but we did
not learn the names ef the exhibitors.
But we do not hesitate to cay that each
and every piece was made to the credit
of the exhibitor.
Among those who took interest in
and deserve special mention for the ex
hibition of farm products were: W K.
Brown, Carsten True Den. Adolph
Kausgan, R. W. MeCoembs, Herman
Johansen and August Jung.
Adolph Kausgan arrived in the city at
2 o’oleck P. M. Wednesday, the first day
of the fair With a tine Individual lloat,
it was the first float reported at head
There was a Urge crowd at the dance
Inst night, and a general good time was
bad. "And dou t fojget the dance to
The gate receipts for'the second day
were 98b.70.
To-dav was to have been the last day
but instead it has been a rainy day, and
In consequence al) *0arts to Marry out
the program has been abandoned, it
U safe to sav that the last day would
have been the best day and that the
association has lost at least 9100.00 on
account of tho weather.
Window Glass cheap at Watkiusous.
i Good grades of machine oils sold by
. T. M. Reed.
Sewing Machines at prices to suit the
; times at Walklusou’s.
1 Lssehinsk); the photographer will
r be al Arcadia EVERY FRIDAY,
r One swallow does uot make Spring
hut ou« swallow of One Minute Cough
Cure bring* relief.—Odendahl Bros.
, Did you ever tbluk how readily the
t blood l> poisoned by constIpalimi >
l Bad blood means bad health uud pro
mature old sue lie Wilt's Lilt It
v Karl; Kia*r*. U»* fuuiou* llltlla pili*
. ! uvaraoiut) obaluiaio tioMalipwlioN
n |i KlamUhl ttro*
■ j lu Ui*> spring » young lumt’i
11' lury U|kH; turn' «<> thought* of
! Nb ill'i Lilli* Ewlf Kiwi, for ili«>
r always *i*»n«* lit* ll»#r, purify iu«
a j Ij'ooiI, ami luvigoiwt* lb* ayaloru
r (Manila hi 111 ui.
i* Mar lU'nult! I* lb* aUati u«i lltuf, ami
'• | IHa* Minot* ' at»*ii l ot* I* lit* ataodartl
• ; preparation for form of vo.igh ,<i
I void- H I* lb* only lr«rtul«i* r» m* Ji
• Ibai prutlurat IniiovUlal*
II (Mau.labl flro*
a |i««i'i»i||a I* rand l.<*dg* I I* fl |’
1 j l*4i| <» I nu n«p*. |l lo 4*ib I It* l
'I 1 I*, will a*l| li«k*(* lo l>«tlaa aw t twlori
j ! for ou* far* 1(1*1 parttvufara > all n *1
• mUih* k w rn«* \$>
• ~~~ ..——
* hiiaimio at i*t*a*. lb* *gy*l
t j v kail a Warn! I* Hut IWot*“ (>«*|4«l than I ‘I
IImM ho)'« *p4t lift IT lu! ,‘*M»
• r -r »»l> it* all-it.,(jai • 1«
1. W III a>‘~—**•* *■»* MltMH
*1 woman bt *•*•«! bM H*|a»OW* *i*Mo
* #0 bwaaatw bab-wab* ** a**r • , nariuu
• I*. **•*!* «»4 at ',■««** rwalHuw !•**«**'•
d , wwl. a*l »**»**. ra»t-«aa tali a I nwaa*
o , tiaatt-otl »a i aluya ft** a a* too* <Wl Hal -
• 1*4 t biawao.
fth««p «ui«i W »c»l off €'olor»«Io Have II ■*•••
Pra PiitktA
A wool grower la Colorado writes aa
“We of Colorado have much to com
plain of. Not only has silver been de
monetized, but last and worst the
sheep and wool of Colorado have been
“We have got along with the de
monetization of silver for more than
twenty-three years, and we still pro
duce $15,000,000 worth of silver annual
ly. This Is more than three times as
much as produced at the time of the
demonetization. The highest value of
our silver product In any one year was
In 1892, We then produced a little
more than $17,000,000 worth. This year
we will have produced about $14,000,
000 worth. Ily the repeal of the Sher
mur. silver purchase law our annunl
silver product has declined ubout $2,
"llut the demonetization of sheep
und woo! has hurt us worse than that,
in 1892 our wool clip sold for nearly
$6,000,000. This year It will scarcely sell
for $1,000,000. The sheep and wool
Industry of Colorado in 1892 was worth
to the state ubout $8,000,000; In 1896
it will hurry It to umount to $2,000,
"In other words our loss by the de
monetization of sheep and wool is
aliout $3,600,000, more than our loss
by the demonetization of sliver.
"While the Sherman silver law was
In existence, sliver averaged 92.445
cents per ounce; but since the repeal It
has averaged 64.133 cents per ounce.
This Is a decline of about 31 1-2 per
In 1892 wool In Colorado was worth
16 cents per pound; but this year our
wool growers are offered 2 cents per
pound. This is a decline of 86 2-3 per
i ii iuvs mutiuii mi' v y in —
were worth an average of $3 per head;
now they are worth about $1. This
Is a decline of 66 2-3 per cent.
“So you eee the demonetization of
sheep and wool has hurl us In Colo
rado worse than the demonetization
of silver."
Kitracb Which Show the Candidate la a
Free Trailer.
From the Canton (Illinois) Register,
we clip some extracts from the speech
liryan made upon the Wllson-Gorman
tariff, as follows:
“Wool, for Instance, Is the chief raw
material in the woolen Industry, and It
has been placed upon the free list.
Whether the tariff on wool has
raised the price of wool to the sheep
grower above the point It would have
reached without a tariff is a question
which has been discussed rather than
settled. Speaking for myself. It Is Im
material in my judgment whether the
sheep growrs receives any benefit from
the tariff or not. Whether he does or
not, whether the wool manufacturer
collects a compensatory duty from the
consumer of woolen goods and pays It
over to the wool grower, or collects It
and keeps It himself, or doesn’t col
lect it at all, and therefore does not
need it, I am for free wool in order
that the vast majority of people who
do not raise sheep, hut who do need
warm clothing to protect them from the
blasts of winter may have their cloth
ing cheaper; and In order that our
woolen manufacturers, unburdened by
a tax upon home grown wool—may
manufacture for a wider market.
“The committee has left—not only
upon carpets but upon iron, and upon
woolen goods and cotton goods and
all through the bill—far more tariff
than anybody can justify, even if it
could be shown that any protection is
needed at all or could be rightfully
i asked.”
The above extracts from Bryan's
speech show he Is an ultra free trader.
Remember this was relating to the
Wilson bill, a much stronger bill than
the one finally passed, ca’led the
Wilson-Gorman bill. In that speech
he says the tariff In the Wilson bill is
far too high. How do Republ'cans
relish these principles of the Demo
cratic candidate?—Ogden Press.
Fur Fist Money.
One by one the Popocrats are
throwing off the mask and admitting
that they want no bimetallism, but
silver monometallism. H. L. l^ouks
of South Dakota, a leading Populist,
admits that he wants silver "because
it Is a step toward fiut money.” Tbe
Kehruaku pal riot. Bdgerlou, admits
that fiat money will follow silver.
A Kentucky silver man joins in the
song In the ijoulsvllle Courier-Jour
“if the people want bimetallism at
" MM* » 'll » I. m y UVJII w*
elated, uuil ihta U what would be
done if the ratio of lii to 1 should ire
adopted. It I* uot parity whbh we
waul; It la uot concurrent circulation.
If Hold doce not circulate here It Will
circulate el»ewhere, a# It |* now do
inn tt will at III form a portion of
the world'* looney supply We will
hate no need fur gold, stiver will be
our money, and It will be what we
want, a depreciated currency,*- Me*
Pooh (Neb.I Itrpubltrau
Ae become# a uiau who is not giv
en to < basing rainbow* William Mc
Kinley will not lake ihe stump la
this campaign I hi* te lu o«ar
ns a iv with the dignity of the great
> otftce for which he has been uanted.
He util stay at home and let the
olhce seek him" instead of chaalag
o»*r the country after it This tea
tut* •>< the tampatga wilt lertalulv
- appeal strongly to the gta*l cease of
(hum who In the year* gone tty hare
ad• mated the Idea "that Ike ofhte
should seek the man m the mau
seeh the ugka. KepuUlbea. MetWh,
Vt >*•># applied to May. \J K Ini* * th>.
popular MSI must be revised to read
1 lie dura t lave to wander from his
own tree idee**
The following proposed amendmenti
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, a« hereinafter net forth in fall,
are submitted to the elector* of th«
; State of Nebraska, to be voted upon
at the general election to be held Tues
day, November 8, A. D., 1896:
A joint resolution proposing tc
amend sections two (2), four (4), and
five (6.) of article sis (6) of the Consti
tution of the State of Nebraska, relating
to number of judges of the supreme
court and their term of office.
H ■ It resolved sod enacted by the IsiglsU
turn of thu Siato of Nebraska:
Section 1, That auction two (2) of article
•lx (H) of tho Constitution of the Stall
of Nebraska bo amended ao an to read aa fol
lows ;
Suction 2. The •npreme court ahull until
otherwise provided by law, constat of tlvo
(Sj Judges. a majority of whom shall lu- neces
sary to form a quorum or to pronoun on
a decision li shall nave original jurisdiction
In cases rt-lutlng to ravenuu civil caaue In
which thu slate ahull tie a party, mandamus,
quo warranto, habeas corpus, and such
appellate jurisdiction, as may be provldod by
Beet Inn 2. That aaotlon four (I) of article
•lx (if) of thu Constitution of thu Btatu
of Nebraska, bo amendud so aa to road aa fol
Section 4. The Judgaa of the supreme
court ahull be elected by tho electors of tho
atate at largo, and tbelr term of office, ex
cept as hereinafter provided, shall be for a
Kriisl of not loss than five (A) years as the
[lsluture may prescribe.
Bectlon a. That section five (5) of article
■lx (fl) of the Constitution of the State of No
Mi itnnu, iiv aninii'K'u m isau mn iwnwni,
Section!. At tho first general election to
he held lo the year 1806. there shall be eleoted
two CD Judges of the supreme court one
of whom shall be nleeted for a term of
two (2) years, one for the term of four <I)
years, and at each general election there
after, there shall be elected one judge of
tho supreme court for tho term of live
(A) years, unless otherwise provided by
law; Provided, (hat the judges of the su
premo court whoso terms have not expired
at the time of bolding tho general oleo
tlon of 1806, shall continue to hold their
office for tho remainder of the term for
which they were respectively commis
Approved March 20, A. D 1806
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to sootiou thirteen (18) of
artiole six of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of supreme and district court
Be It resolved by the Legislature of the State
of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section thirteen (18) of
article six (6) of the Constitution of the Btate
of Nebraska be amended so ae to read as fol
lows I
Sea 18 The judges of the supreme and
district courts shall receive for their services
such compsngallon as may be provided by law,
payable quarterly.
The legislature shall at lte first session
after tho adoption of this amendment,
three-fifths of tha members eleoted to
each house concurring, establish their
compensation. The compensation so es
tablished shall not be changed oftener
than onoe In four years, and In no event unless
two-thirds of the members sleeted to
each bouse of the legislature coucur
Approved March 80, A. D 1895.
A joint resolntion proposing to
amend section tweuty-foar (34) of
article fire (6) of the Constitution of
the State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of the officers of the executive
Ba it resolved and enacted by the Legislature
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section twenty-four (84)
of article five (5) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska be amended to rsad as fol
Section 24. The officers of the executive
department of the state government Shall
receive for their services a compensation
to be established by law, which shall be
neither increased nor diminished during ths
term for which they shall have been com
missioned and they shall not receive to their
own use any fees, costa. Interests, upon puolto
moneys In their hands or under their control,
perquisites of office or other compen
sation and all foes that may hare
after ba payable by law for services
performed by an officer provided for in
this article shall be paid in advance into ths
stats treasury The legislature shall at its
first session after the adoption of this amend
ment, three fi'ths of the members elected tc
each house of the legislature con
curring, establish ths salaries of ths
officers named In this article. The com
pensation so established shall not be ohanged
oftener than once In four years and lu nc
event unless two-thirds or the member!
elected to each house of the legislature concui
Approved March 20. A- D. 1806.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section one (1) of artiole six (6) ol
the Constitution of the State of Nebras
ka. relating to judicial power.
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legists
lure of the State of Nebraska:
Unction 1 That eeotlou one (1) of article sli
(6) of ib»('institution of the Buie of Nebraak.
be amended to read as follows:
Sad Ion 1. The Judicial power of this stab
shall be vested hi a supreme court, district
non i fa flahllitu m ill PI a lllali nf t it.
I cn u oo.l. • luaglviralea mid lu aucb olhai
•our'* Inferior to the eujireine rout t ae tuaj
le» vitiated liy law In which two 01
th« u.euiliAra ».«W to each houai
Aj.yr.rwl March M, A U UM
A Joint reaoiutlou propoatug u
am mil rectum elaveu (11) of Article ai>
(•) of the t vuetjtutiou of the Male u
Nehraaha. r* iatiug to lacreawt la uunt
tier of aupreuie atul district eo«r
tie it roroirwl rut aaamad by the leMtriateu
e| the Male ef . te.b» i
rwnttow t That MMttea •brw ill) «
Bril le wa |(i *1 the aowelltuttou 4 the Mat
of Xet.ia.Aa ba to read ae lul
>» ■ !!«• It tie iwAaltn a bane ear twe
tAilvie -I lA* welel I • awe A Aon*
afeail VOmar thorvio way. Ip «e altar tAa I wa
wa* It wMMi < •« At hoiairwt a»4 staatr •••
aw.i wot .dtaaer lA.a e.e ut ever* t .or iear*
l*.«■■««« >h. ii«i« aI mm a) an
fiver a* I .tntri t airik an I tAa Jtrdtcs
dietr..4a 4 lA* rtala A*. A AiliVW rAal
to. fir wad el euwAaet tarntory. ate
W.waied A# vcutwty laee aad • wvh i«
orooar. or say Avags U the tewadartw
*1 a 4uiti4 at Ail ltd bAoata tAe A* ef a»
A, . Arced MaroA At A It UH
A /dut rwaduitviu piopuUMg to Auraar
wetMl at* (•) of arttcia uaa it i >4 lb
f .iiitlldtu « u< lb# maid u4 NeUrwaha
•elating to llib if Jim/
B* It mol red and enacted by the legislature
of the Btato of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section sin (#). article one
(1) of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska be amended to read as follows:
Section «. Tho right of trial b> Jury shall
remain inviolate, but the legislature may pro
vide that in civil actions five-sixths of the Jury
mav render a verdict, and the legislature may
also authorise trial by a Jury of a less number
than twelve men, in courts Inferior to the dis
trict court.
Approved March 38, A D. 1885,
A joint resolution proponing to
amend section one (1) of article five (5)
of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat
ing to officers of the executive depart
Bo it resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture of the Stale of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section one (1) of ar
ticle five (5) of the Constitution of ih« Male
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
Section 1 The executive department shall
consist of a governor, lieutenant governor,
secretary of state, auditor of public accounts,
treasurer, superintendent of public in
struction, sttorney general, commissioner
of publln lands and buildings, and three
railroad commissioners. oath of whom,
except the said railroad commissioners,
shall hold his office for a term of
two years, from the first Thursday after
the first Tuesday in January, after
his election, anil until his successor Is
elected and qualified. Each railroad com
missioner shall hold his office for a term of
three year*, beginning on the first Thursday
after the first Tuesday In Jaiuary a'ter
his election, and until his auoeee
sor is elected and qualified: Provided,
however, That at the first general elec
tion held after the adoption of this amend
ment there shall bo elected three railroad
commissioners, one for the period of one
year, one for the period of two years, and
one for the period of three years. The gov
ernor, secretary of state, uuditor of pub
110 accounts, and treasurer shall reside at
the capital (luring their term of olfHo;
they shall keep the public records, liooks
and papers there am) shall perform such du
ties as may lie required by law.
Approved March 80, A. D. 1885.
A Joint regulation proposing to
amend aection twenty-gix (26) of ar
,i ., n >-. — ,i o iii.ii. .. . f 11.
State of Nebraska, limiting the num
ber of executive state officers.
Be It resolved and emu-rod by the Lug
lalatare of th« Htatu of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section twenty-six (M) of
artlole live (6) of the Constitution of the
Mtate of Nebraska be amended to road as
Section 2(1. No other executive state otTl
cers except those ntnisd in section one (b
of this article shall bo created, except
by an act of the legislature which Is
concurred In by not less than three f .urtlis
of the members elected to each house
Provided, Thet any office created by an
act of the legislature may be abolished by
the legislature, two-thlrda of the mem
bers elected to each house thereof concur
Approved March 80. A. D . 1806.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section nine (9) of article eight
(8) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, providing for the investment
of the permanent educational funds of
the state.
Be It resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska:
Beotion 1. That section nine (9) of artlole
Sight (8) of the Constitution of ths State
of Nebraska be amended to read os fol
Section 9. All funds belonging to the state
for educational purposes, the Interest and
Scorns whereof only are to be used, shall
i deemed trsst funds held by the state,
and the state shall supply all losses there
of that may In any manner accrue, so that
the same shall remain forever Inviolate
and undiminished, sad shall not be In
vested or loaned except on United States
or state oaeurttiee, or registered oounty
bonds or registered school district bonds of
this stats, and such funds with the Inter
est and Income thereof are hereby solemn
ly pledged for the purposes for which they
are granted and set apart, and shall not
he transferred to any ether fund for other
mm j
Provided, The board created by section
1 of this article is empowered to sell from
time to time any of ths securities belonging
to the permanent school fund and Invest
tha proceeds arising therefrom in any of the
securities enumerated In this section bear
ing a higher rate of Interest whenever
an opportunity for better Investment la pre
And provided farther, That when any
warrant upon the state treasurer reg
ularly Issued in pursuance of an appropri
ation by the legislature and secured by the
levy of a tax for ita payment, shall
be presented to the state treasurer for
payment, sod there shall not be any
money in the proper fund to pay such
warrant, tha board created by section 1
of this article may dlrsct the state treas
urer to pay the amount due on such war
rant from moneys In his hands belonging
to the permanent school fund of the state,
and he shall hold said warrant as an In
vestment of said permanent school fund.
Approved March 2V. A. D 1886.
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska by adding a new
section to article twelve (12) of said
constitution to be numbered section
two (2) relative to tbe merging of the
government of cities of the metro
politan class and the government of
the oouuties wherein such cities are
Hi il reaolvwd wnd by the 1 Adu
lator* of Ibe Htate of Nebraska:
fte<Hi<>A 1. Thai article twelve (li) of the
C<>u«ittution of the ft tale of Nebraska U»
amended bjr addm* to «aul erlllw a n. v% •.» .
iluit l > l•# numbered auction iwu (-; to read
aa follows:
tho metropolitan clout anil lh« any
ornmont of tho nunty la which
, It to locattol may bo raor«v>l wholly
or In part wboa a pruieoltt.iu >o In tl» boo
boon ouhialttod by authority of law to tint
town of ouch city anil euuulir ami ro
i-oltoil tb« aaonat of a m«j •rlly of tba
ca*l la aui h «i!r and al«.i a aaiitaiv
> *1 tto *ul«M OMl IB Uw aiiwlr
it I Umh iwi In I*ck iMlnitiiililw ally *1 <u u
I al* Hull.
| A|t|iru*«4 Mank A AD. UA
1 A J'UUl riMuIttlkMI |Mk«|H»l«f AH
ajubuUiuvuI At MM'lluil «u <•) uf Bttu lo
| to*«U (T) uf Uk« t’oUstitutlnii uf the
I Buia uf Xatoaaka, ptototiWu* Ito
■MkMIMf IA w Ilk’ll tutoa bAaU baa .-*»(
, Aa II lawk foal b»4 «BB--to4 At Ito laatflt •»
Ma wf Ito Mala *t Nalntoa
, AwtMl Ttol awll-a aiI 111 <4 *»« #
•**•< <>) <4 ito I uavalUBiatMa <4 Ito MlA
•4 H«Uaala to ao.aa.laJ to I awl aa lot
I to«a
| MM( AH MAiaMI to to tototaa
I ttok oltoa aaattoi •• to»a to Iiayillfl
At War uoilM Ito tolwi 41 wito to
*«»«4 Ma»i k till UMa
A JUA* totoiAttoai |*M|Mlim l»
, ammmmI MtoiM two it) at MAto Imi
Wan i In of Ito I miiMi^ uf tto
H4W uf Xatoaaba, t»Uii*a to AuwAlktoa
to »u*to ul latot«*l «• awal am
Be it rcMnlved and enacted by the I*>g
Mature of the rttat© of Nebraska:
Section I That section two CO °* "VtMc
fourteen (14; of the Oonatitutton of iii»
State of Nebraska, b© amended to rea i a*
Bee. t. No city, county, town, precinct,
municipality, or other *ubdivi*ion of tho
Mtate. tthali ever make donation* to any
works of internal improvement, or
manufactory, unleas a proposition to to
do Hhall have boon flr*t submitted to the
Qualified elector* and ratified by a two
third* vote at an election by authority of
law; Provided. That such donation* of a
county with tho donations of such *ul di
visions in the aggregate shall not exceed
ten per cent of the assessed valuation of
such county; Provided, further. That any
city or county may, by a throe fourth*
vote, Increase such indebtedness five per
cent, in addition to such ten per cent and
no bonds or evidences of indebtedness so
issued shall be valid unless the sumo -h»d
hav* endorsed thereon a certificate signed
bv tho secretary and auditor of state,
snowing that the same Is issue 1 pursuant to
Approved March 20, A- L).. 1806.
I, J. A. Piper, secretary of state of
the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proponed amendments
to the Constitution of tho State of Ne
braska aro true and correct copies of
tho original enrolled and engrossed
bills, as passed by the Twenty-fourth
session of the legislature of the State
of Nebraska, as appears from said
original bills on tile in this office, and
that all and each of said proposed
amendments are submitted to the
qualified voters of tho .Stato of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
ut the general election to be held on
Tuesday, the Sd day of November, A.
D., 181X1.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my huml und affixed the great
seal of the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 17th day of
July, in tho year of our Lord, One Thou
sand, Eight Hundred and Ninety A ,
of the Independence of the Unitod
States the One Hundred and Twenty
First, and of this state the Thirtieth.
/ u_i r a tirni'n
Secretary of State.
In District Cnarl of Sherman county, and
State of Nebraska.
Hiram C. Chase Sr., Plaintlir
G. K. Lupton.U. J. Walker, Defendants,
State of Nebraska, l
Sherman County, j * *•
To G. F. Lapton and O. J. Walker, de
fendants: You will take uotlce that oa
the mb day of Angest, Isgfi, plaintlir here
in died his petition In the District Coart
of Sherman county, Nebraska, aguinst said
defendants, the object amt prayer of wbioh
are to recover a Judgement for the sum at
One Hundred Thirty Dollars and Twenty,
•urea cents, )1S0.*7) with Interest at 10 per
eent por annum now due and payable from
said defendants to eaid plaintiff on a cer
tain promlsory note in faror of W T
Chase for the suui of *100 00, dated August
17th 1«W, and payable one year thereafter
with lmerest at ten per cent per annum
from date until paid, said note was there
after for value duly assrgneil to plaintiff,
and such proceeding* war* had pursuant . •
to law that an order or attachment was
duly issued In said action, and lawfully
levied on the following described real cs
late, situate In said county of Hhcrnan
and State of Nebraska, to-w11: An nndl
vlded one third tali rest In and to the
North West Quarter of section Seventeen
(17( In Township Elftceu (16) North of
Uaage Sixteen west, as the property of the
said defendant O. Y. Luplon. Plaintiff J
prays for a Judgement for the sum of f K1*1T ’
and Interest thereon al the rale of ten per
eent per annum from Angus* *7th, IMS',,
and the costs of said action and that said
land be sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the ltlh day of October, lstsi.
Dated September Inil, 1866
IllBA 11 C. CUAsn SB., Plaintiff
Attest ity t- S. NlOHTIMOALU,
Louis Bbik, Ills Attorney.
Clerk of the D strict Court.
State of Nebraska, f
Sherman County.
II. smelser, Plaintiff,
r s.
Mary C, Tochey and Lloyd J. Hyatt,
Lloyd J Hyatt will take notloe that on
the 5th of August 1866, Geo. W. Hunter, a
Justice of the Peace of Loup City town
ship, Sherman couuty, Nebraska, issued aa
order uf atiaobmont for the earn of *1*840
lu an action pending before him, wherein
H. kuiulser Is plaintiff and Mary C. Toekey
and Lloyd J. Hyatt, defendants, that prop
erty of the defendant consisting of the one
third interest In about 46 acres of wheat,
1 hue been attached under said order, also
guarnlshee summons Issued against Mike
Pallow, and said Mike Pallow ordered to
hold said wheat subject to the order uf the
Said cause was continued to the with day
of September, I86ti. al 10 o’clock, a. m.
W. J Ft sin k, for Plaintiff.
In District Court uf Sherman County
Abraham L. Kretderand John
N Hitrphnm, partners doing
business under tke ftrin name
of krelder A Harpham, Plaintiffs,
Taylor Williams, Mary J.
W llliauis, W, U. Wadsworth,
A Company First National *
bank of Davun[H»rl, Iowa,
huidurbeok* aud al tiler, Defendant.
stat< of Nebraska (
Sherman County. | • *
W 0. Wadsworth A Compaay. First Nat
Iona! bank of Davenport. Iowa, and Hut.
jderueeke and Miller, the above named
non-resldeut defeudeais wll. lake notice
that on the 4th dav of September tsuu the
above named plaintiff* fl ed their petition
in th*» said district court of skarittnn eonn
| ly, Nebraska against the above named de
j fuudauts. lb* Objeel nud Ptnyer of * Id. h
Iml b« in* <tai*n<Uiti T*vlur WiTtUm* to
Mm tl.iwiuUuk w»*p J Wlllikut*, *ii.l in.r*
»!!«« miinrl In |.|*1UMI>. uiuu Ml* tat'
»>•**'•« 4<.. rl>.«4 <««i**i*k» *ii**t* iw Ik*
*<•«»•> «>f *h»fm m *u4 *1*1* of ,s*i.r*.»*.
lu all k»» llu* t«*kl«f-kiii* J» In boa*.
.ni|. l-.miuvu U nurlk ,.t in.>4* u.iiina
II I *11.1 ki*u Ml* a**t half lit U* (Haiti a**l
•i i*tlot at Mntltuk «l*««it Hit Ml*Mn
Ikirti •« (U| n u| i*h«« Hiiii««n
«•*!••( Mi* *ltlh p*tuctp*l UKii-Imn, tu
.*»*•« Mi* |n| ui**t ut »«* pt<H«t*H*y tui.
4*1 *4 Ju«* l**k, MM In* Ik* a im *t fur**
fi>„*a.uit IMkn. «k4 4*« *..) mm'..* i*
UK* |v,*j Hum Ik* 4*1* lkuru.4, * Hh inlar.
Ml *l Ik* taimwi *li t «u. n** *Uu*i«
Ik*I tk*f* t* ««* it<u Hl*i* ,*i5 nut* ku i
!•*»»**««• lit* aitoi ut »■,»« a. **4 lkl*v**|
•t **»• i»l* at Ml mi «MH HI kunutu
l4l ■4W .kKk.aiu mir
M4* ft*I IM • !«•** t»*t :»l*H4kkl ba
t«.,*il*4 lu 1*1 Ik* a*Mu> II,al a*i4
p*»ml<M>« M», ba »44 b. Mlt*tf Ik* k
u»‘«>ll l'»HU‘l 40* ' J
>>*•**• l*t»4«l la ».««( H,.| Jl,
M£* '*** “• k*H4* III* iMk 4at at ..4.4*1,
t<ai*4 Ikl. Hk 4*1 U| **pi*H.k*t, |«
1*1.111** L k*«u,»* *.«
J..U4 % ll**ta** mitMH
***** k*M*»M «» )«. Ik* k»ta
**«H>ut ki. i-MM* it*ipi am,
*»*••* "t k J kinai i*u*i * *
* !• **'* tkolt iHMkM
• •«k .a Iiimim >M*n ’
**» 1 k.i* tktpmi