ft A r- \ > sk y f • / iil > v 1 ' l- "*C-JLtr Loup City Northwestern. VOI, XIV. LQIT CITY, SIIKUM.W COUNTY. NKMIiASKA. I’ll!DAV, SEPTEMBER is, lsw. NUMBER 29 Tin*. Northwkstkrn -'UHI.ISHKD KVKRY FRIDAY • T I III1. * Oil N'l’Y SKAT. UUII. Id. IIKHMillOTklk. Editor and PublUhnr TECM-i ft 5lt par Year, II Paid in Advanea , — zs r rT3 Cutaral at the lump City Poetofftne for IreM ntaapm tfirough tka mall* at second, alaaa toe; tar. Republican Ticket Rational For I’rcsident. WM McKINLBV. of Ohio Kor VlnO'PrctdldiJiit. GAHRKTl' A. HOBAHT. of N J Slain Uovernor I II M'UOI.L l.ieutenant-aovoriior OKI.ANDO TKFFT Secretary of Slate .JOEL A ITFKH Auditor .1*. O. HKOLONO Treasurer F.CASLV AttorneyGanoral . . A S. CHURCHILL Hunt, of Ful* Inal .H. K OOKHETT Commissioner . . .11. C liUlhBI.I. (Supreme Judge . . .RODKHT HYA.N Supreme Judge.M P KINI< A III Regent. W. O, WH1TMORF. F.LF.OTOKS, At Large.J. K lloiitz. Lancaster At Large F. J. Hadllek. Balltte FI fat District A. J. Burnham. Nemaha Second District AC. Foater, Douglas Thlril District Hoi Draper. Knot Fourth District u. A Derby. Seward Fifth District. J L. MeFheeley Kearney Sixth District.M L. Fricse, Valley CONOKK.HSIONA!., Sixth District.A K. CADY SENATORIAL. Sxlteenth district.AARON WALL COUNTY TICKET. For Representative.W. 11. IIKOWN l.';..C/..hl. A M i.rnuL’ W It CONCUR I ^ J. W. Harpy, of Harrison town ship was nominated by ♦ tie pepulist* tor slate senator. It will be Ileapy luminal Wall. -s The farmers should remember that ihu demo-pop* told them that if the y would rote to turn the ‘ rascals out'' in 1HP2 wheat would go up to $i,26 per bushel. The “rascals” were lamed out. But wheat is now Helling on the market for 36 cents. These same farmers should also re member that in ’«2 they were getting «7 cents per bushel for wheat nearly double wi.at they are getting to day W illiam Jennings Bryan was to address the Union Labor people at Cbieugo one day lust week. The hall in which hu was to speak cost $26 rent for the occasion. This sum he tried ts raise by charging fire couts admission. The result was that lie did not get a crowd and the meeting was given up. Doubtless some of these fellows had been read ing Bryan’s sp eiiches and concluded that live cents was too much. U is with some fet-lir.g of pride that w« note the selection of W. H. Brown, by the republicans of this county as a candidate for representa tive. No man never need Its asham ed of his vote if east for Mr. Brown. He is one of Sherman County's lies! citizens, aud an honorable, intelligent and aide mun We predict bis elect ion over his opponantJ. M. Snyder ii\ a handsome majority. Foe county attorney the republi cans of this county have selected W H. Conger, a man of ability aud eon |r aidernhlo experience, lie has been a law sindiciii ever sines he Ineated in SHerman "nutty. He has served us two terms as suite scuutor. for several teal# |>a»* he has occupied the position of Justice of this plgcrt and in that capiuttv lit* given the III*#1 of * *, is fast but W, 1, >Siceiie w«* not content with triing t>> throw Uou K A. Cant oil Die track hi i»auiug a dial tenge to hnu to ignore the laanea of the i a 111 paIgit and ills* il»a the Ui net ipoaiioi only, but he actually tried to si* at half ol Jurhe ( iw hriu • IllWi s' Omaha tinn.e Is l ot (dying on tor >i«h ahtiitt to m el the i« «. f,t|l tHitsel !* |ve |i|i.g In Ihs lima log o| l| I l,i ; , kid th” tt'H’ if the i>p “«iig syieaksi* -hiiio'ttgb V I -els am » (teal ma S* other |»H«i In this eampogn Mr. hir«M a only ib *l»hr is the sit##r hit*«iau hat## lh# Jetll, and ton cannot get him with tu "## but ,lt- t iar«|« of Cadi ,( |„ think* Ills later baa a tartd gnn in hi* ksau Thu rwpuhlio'in* of Sherman Conn ty met. in ccnvenli >n last Saturday pursuant to oall of the utoirmin of the oounty neutral committee. M H Mead. 3, J. Fair was dm ted temporary chairman and Guo. K. BviuCiiOtri and Clarence I.itllafldd secretaries. On motion tlie following named gentlemen were selected by the cbnli to fill tiie following committee*. Credentials:—Jacob Albers, VV R. Mellor, and A. If. Potter. Organization;- VV. R. Mellor, I!. Muun, and VV. H Brown. Order of business;—Joseph Little field, M. II Mead, and Tbo. Ojen dyk. Recess of ten minutes was then taken after which the report of committees were accepted and adopt ed us read ami the committee* dis charged. The convention then proceeded to the nomination of officer* for repre sentative and county attorney. VV. H, Brown, of Rockville town ship wan tliuu plaecd before the convention for representative and unanimously nominated by acclama tion. For county attorney tbs name* of VV. Jl. Mellor and VV. If. Conger weie placed before th# convention. Mr. Mellor however withdrew his name and Mr. Conger wua also unan imously nominated by acslatnslioo Nominations being all made the eonveniou then proceeded to elect live delegates to ttiu senatorial sou ventiun. The roll was called and eaeh township given an opportunity to name a caadidate. Right names were preseated, after which the eon veniisn proceeded to elect said delegalibn by ballet. The first in formal ballet was muds formal and * L. . r..n.: ._....aJ lias fng obtained the higest number of rotes were deelarcd elected; VV. II Brown, W. A. Wilson, A. II. Potter W. II. Conger and E. Muun. Townships were then given an opportunity to name their eommitee men, where upon the following county central committee was chosen and duly elected. Committeeman. Township, l*. O, Address M H, Mead, Chairman. LoupClty, Neb. W T. Gibson, LoupClty, W. A. Throckmorton. Clay, Litchfield “ O. Manchester. Oak Creek, North Laup. “ T. C. Chamberlain, Kim, Litchfield, " K. Mutm, Hazard. Hazard. H. Sine leer, Ashton, Ashton E. Cl. False. Rockville Ashton, Wm. Landon, Wushinston, Arcadia, “ O, Ormsby, Scott, Lltehllold, “ Jacob Albers. Losan, LoupClty. A. H. Potter. Harrison, Llteblleld, " Goo. McFadden, Webater, Loup City. " F W. Fuller. Bristol, Ravenna, “ Major McKinley had nearly flfty thousand people visit him at his home in Canton, Ohio last week. This week the number of callers will greatly exceed that of last week. Already he has reeeived and ad dressed two delegations tills week of tire thousand each and several others numbering from tive hundred to two thousand euch. This is said to be the busiest week for McKinley since bis nomination. Friday (to day) the greatest republican meeting jo the campaign will be held. Speech es will be made by Senators C'ullem and Thurston, by Gov. Hastings of Pennsylvania and Congressman Mc Clarey of Minnesota. Delogatious from neatly every ceunty in Ohio are expected iu Canton on this os cattjoii, and large numbers of visitors are miming from West Virginia, Ken lucky, Indiuua ami Michigan. Ar rangements foi the accommodation of tO,OBB visitors are being made. John K. B.tkar lain tha city look iii{K after hi* look can v a** > tig liuni tiMa. Mr Raker ha* a vary tine collection of tank* tint the bald timer ha* utade it aluiont imp ;a*dda t* make aaltw. Ona of tba Kooki winch he i* making a npaataltt on ii . ntit|#d "Tha (iivai Campaign ol [ i'- i )." airing a ewiupleta htntory ol the pariio» l.eadain, rarioaa 1 *>%»*« political i* ill ventt'ui* The i«*>k !contama ion half lone picture# of th>- ttattdidaia* for national oltia* ami prumlii.tii' leatlara of tha differ cut ptrit**, «n«l lot a gieai deal t>l n o-fnl ai d tli»lrO 'tl»« luf i. mat ton |t |t aril t* til ltd Old •« lla f >f 0*1% mu.’ dollar Int >»* W*«»l f I pinch*#iua» of Mm ilta’Mot t • troiiv f.-a mart) I pat* | . (*nat t| thtillt he *« «m fal | ahead of kia e|u.on*al that r i «"■# •Mould I. %o*u for a at>autv abut , vauilnlata to vote fo* »UM>AV HOIIOOI. COS VK.M'IOM The annual Sti'-rinaii County Sunday Schcol Convention will lie held at Ll't'dillelil Septembcf 28tb. 27il» In lie 1'nltt.il Bretherti Church, Every Sunday School »h"iild hn repie xentej, mid fu< mire and bav i the report* rent In to he rend 'it til" eonveiitlo: Thu following i« the programme Jt will hi* tilled out with the linin'!* next week, Saturday. 1’ M. 2:30—Devotion*) meeting* 2:45—Appointment of committee. 8— Paper, Subject "Qualllleatlor.* and Prepeiatlon of a Teacher" 3:05 - DI*ch*»1oii. 3.10 Paper Subject “How can we iiiake thia convention a aucceaal'” 3:15 Dltcuatlon. 3:20 Election of ollicerx. AdjOiiruiiient until 7 o'clock. 7:00-7:30—Reception. 7:20—Song Service. 7:45—Addreaa of Welcome, 7:56- Koiponae. 8:05 I.euture- by Roy. N. C. .lohuron Kearney. Sunday A M. U :00 Devotional. 0:30- -Experience Meeting, thence. What have 1 done for Hod and what haa Hod done for me the pant year In Sunday School Work? 10:00—busday School. Supt. Mr Stark, Litchfield Blackboard Review Edwin Asgier. 11- State Normal Work- Rev. Shoe maker. Adjournment until 2 P. M. 2 Prayer Service. 2:15 Report* from the Nortkweat, Sfortlieaat, Soutbweat, and Soutbeaat parte of our County 2:85 Report* of lh<* Sunday School. 3:15 Report of the Statu Sundey School Convention. 3:30—Paper, wuyHOt Teaching. 3.35 Diicuaalsu. 2:40—l’aper.Duty ef Superintendent. 3:4.V-Di»es»ilos. 3:50—Paper. “In what way i* Con vention Work bene tidal?" 3:55 Ditcutiion. 4:00 Children* Cornor. 4:15- Question Box. Ad jounimeut Evening Seatiou. 7:00—Y. P. S. C. K. 8:00 Sermon 9:00—Convention Mealing. Tho little live-year-old non of one of the university professor* has not many years to boast of, but tha re cently displayed a good daat ef sound judgament. His mother had made him a new eoat and tritaed it with silyer buttons tome of which had been plaited upon the busk of the garment. When the little fel low was shown the eoat for tho first time lie puckered his mouth and said iu a half tearful fashion. -'Mamma 1 can,t wear that coat; it's a Bryan coat." The mother was astonished and asked the boy hia reason for bis <|iicer expression as the politics had never been uiueh dieussed before him. It a got silver button* oa and Bryan afor silver and I won t wear it." The only way the oluld was paeifi ed was by purclmsiug him,a McKin ley badge. When he had it pinned oil hi* eoat frout lie plaeidly remark ed: “Now Bryan's behind and McKinley's iu front, isn't lie.— Kxebang*. Mrs |{. I >w Young. Middle burg, la., write*, 1 have u*ed Otis Millets Coiigli Cere lursix year*, hath lot myself and ehildrsu, amt I coasulsr it the ijsickett sating sud moot islUfactory t ough Cure I have ever used. Odeadslil Bra* l\ »►' KHAl. I XI LIU >1. HI.N ol women In e*vil fur rs*iHta*|t»la sslsti ! Ilsa*i Ihiuh In fi«bra*k* Salary IN, pay able ill asahly *a t a*|Mtnms Pealflua ps* msue .l. Mefeiwss* Knrloaa Mil s* lrs«ss*l '•tampaot savelopaU Ths >*ti*ul, IIM MUf |Ofe » r ii*. mii * at koum* imi «mi in* III. U. ,l| «*pl*U I-*., IK*, U*. 4 Hunt** b* » )»»•»%» »4 it,* im* • ul Im«|i t||| ft#*ti*feifb *h*tui«u*l*. b*#.i».b* t* > *•’> It #>i#4*t tM •II*#II|IIH >ll Itl* t|«l»l*l hi b#t .1 |» *n *•'«!»•« Mb-I' '•* »#*l*t#« him. • b*t«> fll . Illial HultilMHl* lM#tllM« l ent t-titt i* • ..lit! k I' b.tl*#| 4* l*h .1 1-4 Mul<*,'| u| Ik* tliltit 1**1 ttiv* *1.11* «tf *.t *t..n»»tl,44 **# lull I 14 , 1*1 111 4 *•<■.! kb §> b»»*«li 4 «b**l, I.*14 I *ii«*l4«l Mil **«l *> ***** Hi *1411 *!*... 4 i .« i t. b« 4*1-1 lu • **• *ti*». »*4 * w ’ ** * . i4». *b I *•< *• *• iHwtif 4*«*l*h4* 4» * ,t.»ll4« I l > *|.t*4» 4# * •«•••* I* **>-• • **.* *4*1 .«..*« **t t.t*l iu tka ?-;<• IU «4 IWk **r, »♦*. *» l*»t .. «Ih*4 % m. >.!*> I >)< l Ilk H*«t. **|.« I Ilk. 4Mb lii tltu *«*. l.< ntiit 11*| Him 4 Uf i'**4»*4» I'.*i*li4 f 4. kK .11*1*14. M* llltMMt » 1*1*11 *4*44 ** **1*4*1 I 44* #«•». MMHI *- ll*>*l M l««IH*4*ll>M NkllkM k#»4** 14 ll tlll* *»l«l» b *». I*|*b * (lb •44b f 4«4 * •(.*<***• bu*IIM4 4««m*M*l Ilvkliwk k «-.*..** *»iI bllllHt* «t »*iy l i«iim|** lk*b*i|.** tim biiMi** CkM40k THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE is Simmons liver Regulator don't forget to take ft. The l.iver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all nature, and the lystoi becomes choked up by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria. Fever mJ Ague and Rheuma tism. You want to wake tip your Liver fWW, but he sure you take SIMMONS Liver regulator to do it. it also regulates the l.iver- keeps it properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body invigorated. You get TIIU ItI .NT 11IXJOf) when your system Is in A1 condition, and that will only be when the l iver Is kept active. Try a Liver Remedy once and note the difference. But take only SIMMONS LIVI.R REGULATOR -it is SIMMONS Liver Regulator which makes the difference. Take It in powder or In liquid already prepared, or make a tea of the powder; but take SIMMONS I TVER REGU I ATOP. Yi .’II In, I the KHD Z on every package. Look for it. 4. li. Zcdlin A Co., PIMIadelpnu, P«. A. I,. Wooster, a prominent citizen of O»«t>0. Mleb., after snfl'ering exeru clatingly from piles for twenty years, wa« eared in a short time by using DeWttt's Wltoh lU/.ul Halve, an abso lute euro lor all skill diseases. More of this oreperation it used than all others eoml ined. Odemlahl Bros. Y< uug mothers dread the summer mouths on account of the great mortal la.. ..LlU.o.. k.. k.».1 trouble.' Perfect safety may ha assur ed Mm who keep on band DoWitt's Colic A ('holers cure, and administer It promptly. For crumps, bilious colic, dysentery and dlarrb'ca, it affords In stant relief.- Odendahl Bros. Wake up your liver with at twenty five cent package of Simmons Liver Krg '.'•tor - euougb to wake wn the liver of the whole family A dose n day is enougb, and a small one at that, I,at It will do the work well and with out discomfort. It is the Best Blood and Best spring medioine. It Is the sluggish liver that eloggs the system and poisons the blood. Wake up the liver. J. H. Zeilln & Co , Philadelphia, Pa. _ A KKD-1IOT CAMPAIGN. The present campaign will be the most exciting one fought out since the war. There will uot lie a day when something of unusual interest will not transpire.The State Journal lias made up its mind to surpass all its former efforts in the direction of news-giving, and will give its readers the most com plete detail of the uampaigu. glv ng all the news from an unbiased standpoint. Ucpubliuans will want The Journal be cause of Its staunch republican prin ciples, it being recoulzud na the stand ard-bearer of the great republican party ui iieuravKn. i ujiuuiibi nuu I/CU1UUat* should read it for the uows it give*. The Semi-Weekly Journal will go to thousands of new home* during the campaign, You should subscribe, as It will only cost you 25 cents from now until November 15 Two papers every week, making It altnoat as good as a dally. Subscribe through your postmas ter or send your order to The State Journal, l.iuceln, Neb. GASOLINE MS. IRON RhO WOOS IMiyeeaea feijhagtw Wte4 null Tottrn. flaks, true* DIIMDQ f II 111 r A l*H*« flee, ruttses I V 1111 V Mr*».*«sl. sad * <*lr*>»»ts susliN krslis. t*n<-« Of ALL NthM, 1-1 i^tthakMi. h«aa to* LSI slues* FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CO., '•102 ytrnim II. Omaha, Mato, A ward ad tligbaat Hoaors. World'* Fair. 'DU' VW f CREAM BAKING POWWR MOST PFKFtCT MA08. A pur* C.isf* iitw d Tutsi Fawrtoto. Pms* « 4« **sb*> j t f |nib hm In Mttnn MU I* Iin 4MMIII (»r KMI *4**. URT i tll, a • BBMAIlAi H tMIB—«•> wax Mtiait t ail aa mmmurn Au tfatal hit niYtanMa tat*titan ad nataBa it Bab* aaBa tala* * mi>t» »’* aaabu t«4 ataaataa PaallbM iiakaaa •*l Balafaata liwlnaa aall aiMataaa > tiawpatl aa* abipa tba Baltina/. Bp Baud • ib«.UkW*t>» THX MILD POWER OTJUHL HUMPHREYS’ Dr. ■ataphreya’ Upeotfloe an aalaaBftiaUr and caratully prapared Msmedtae. aaad tor yaaaa Id prtrate practise and (or orar Mar raabr the people with an are euseeas. Bmr Bfiflirtlid ft BfMHfinl fflyft for Sis Ilium —rrt ■a. BPinric vob imps K5st«aaststsaE | KssasnssaJsS?: d-Dy tenter y.Orlplng, BUtoaa OoMft... < .-Cholera Morbae. VaM-.... f-Couchs, Colds, DronohMM..—. . -Neuralgia. Toolludu, haNM- • -Headaches, Wok IlnaHaiu.TMtjgi, . : Id-Whit ea, Too 1‘rofuao IVrlndr. IS—Croup. Laryngitis. Hournaoapa.-. . 14-Mull Hheun, KryalneUs. DruMfcaa. . Ill—It lieu mullein, or hkeuinaMe Paint.. . IS—MalarlUt chUla. Fhrer and A«ua.... . 1 T-l’l leu. Ullud or lUeedls*.. IN-llphihalny, BorworWaokBn*.... . Id-Catarrh, bhuan, OddhaalM ■ dO-Whoaptag Caagh. • 111—Aalhnta, Oppruwud Hieathluf....... a d'lkcr Dlachargea, Impairedllcaatng . ilS-u.rofula, Kntarged OUnda. dwalMng . Ui -CeasralUoMUly. ItmdaalWeahaaN . as Draper,and Beauty Baweanag....... . dB-eenitluhaaes. lylnhuaaatrnai lihnag , , »» Kldaer Diseases. . - an Nereaua Uehlllty .......I* 1 Ud Naru Meath, or caatN£........ . ' an-1 rlaary Weakness, WotUngBed. J \ fl—ralufal Periods ...........»! I t-IHaeaeeaafthe Heart.I'illtUdosl.l aa-fcuilepay.Kpaems. M. vita,' Douse...I.g 31-lltphlhi rla. IV.rauelh.deThroat.. M 35-1 bruala Caag. at leas* Bruptfcjua. 41 •*77" cs HUt«CT.c rcik GRIP. SS*. rad Ip hi small deaths aI pfesMat Ou )wvi mi iMilii fe* kf <* «M*t «* BlMS I'm •#***>• PftSddi. BiM >n>4*w MMW MMMMM1 * • «• •«*•»**« *•« MB SPECIFICS. HUMPHREYS* WITOH HAZEL OIL “TM* Wtl OIMTMEMTP \?SSi-S&E£23*** 1 kUfc, M «Ttft fltllllAMm •ted I* h»'»et*«t.«e ant pa. .sea at taiagd adufih MMlia’NAdnlUHitdHhdlt.haM. WILLIAM MCKINLBY Alt... attWd Id dull the Mia au. tgTT ‘--i -T H«ftlu.e|. utth rtaaaalttgaad gt la,at* ihgtftthid, rvalKna. a r%* tf ea t iaftha« • at ante talasmadtaa ait lafft, a tth •> t*M ydg* MtaedrdlMaMt I'taa. thdh, e», wait m.ii.aum. M *» d>tl| put aael ItteeutMt* M l#a*t« Had B aatat* had I'l.aywlai tad ta.i >hMIi#UIdt*. * Id a..,* at utfa I ..a ana dull ids mat m pun, was, |M(«m 4 ft ugtltta dttft u«at*4 vtaau*u«|. <• mm i*4d** ft** *«St