I Loup City Northwestern. f VOLXIV. LOUr CITY, SH HUMAN COCXTY, NKISUA.SKA. Fit 11 >A V, SKPTK.M BER 11, HsiWi. NUMBER 2S The Northwestern I •»UB1.ISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT TIIK COUNTY SKAT, ujt:»». to. iiunMciioruH. Editor and Publisher. TERMS SI SO par Yaar. If Paid in Advanet Entera l at the 1 ,on |> Clip PoetoBee for (rtaa ■Bleaion through the trial la ae eaeraid. olaaa mnur. Republican Ticket National For President. WU McKINLEY, of Ohio For Vice President. GARRETT A. HOBART, of N J. Stain tlovernor. -I H ^TOLL Moutunant-Oovernor . ...OKLANUO 1 JEFF 1 H«;or#*tary of Stair.JOKL A HIJ'KH Auditor .IV O. HKDLUND Treasurer r. K. < ASKY if Attonu y Oeneral..A. S,(!HUK(!lllUa Supt. of I'ub. Inwt.II It. (JO HI IKTT Supreme Judge .ROBERT KVAN Supreme Judge.M I’ KINKAII) Regent.W. U. WHITMORE KLECTOHH. At. I.urge.J. K. Houtr.. Lancaster . At Large E. J. Hadtlek, Hnllne k AElrst District A J. Hurtiham, Nemaha Second District. .A. C. Foster. DougllW Third District. Sol Draper, Knox Fourth District. ...II. A. Derby, Seward Fifth District. J L. Mel’hk' ley. Kearney Sixth District.M L. Ertese, Valley CONOKEHKIONAI.. Sixth District A. K CADV Republican Senatorial Convention. The Republican electors of the Ift Sena V.rlal District of the statu or Nebraska are requested to eend delegatee from the counties comprising the same, to meet In convention In the town of Itevenna on Tuesday, the Iftlh day of September, IsINI at ‘J o’clock p. in. for the purpose of placing In nomination n candidate for Senator from said district Kutfalo county la entitled to 11) delegates and Sherman county toft delegates, Hunky 0. Andrews, Chairman Sen, Can’t. Com. KErDBLlOAM COUNTV CONVENTION. A Republican county convention for Hln-r man county. Nebraska, will tie held In the Court House. In Loup City. Nebraska, on Sat urday. September l«th IhikV at two o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of nominating a County Attorney and County representative, also to elect delegates from said county to the Senatorial convention for the IMh Senatorial district, to be held at Kaverina. Nebraska on Wednesday. September pith, ININS, also to elect a county central committee and to trans act such other business as rnay come before sahl county convention. Itepresenlutlou In said county convention T Ik apportioned to the several townships of said county uk follows: •Oak Creek.8 Scott. 2 <;iay.3 Loup City.14 Kim.'-’ Logan.2 liaaard .ft llarrlson. 7 Ashton.* Webster.< Rockville. 4 Bristol.4 Washington.I*. It Is respectfully reccominended that town ship primary meetings be held on Thursday. September loth 181«i. Republican Central Committee for Shermun -County. By M. H. Mead, Chairman Note. -We also call attention to the fact that where necessary the primaries should •eleetd elegates to their respective Supervisor slistrlct convention._ The deinopopft na>« 1 u wvrj uuu rgrewianal district in the state of Nokruska nominated a lawyer for •cony rest-, _ Arkansan held her election last Tuesday ami although she went dera (H'lalie a* usual the result shows a deoifllcil change in I he south :n favor of sound money and proleutioa. Instead of her usual majority of 75,Out) she only got 45,000. A republican Hally will be held at leap City, Wednesday, Sept, 16th hi which tune lion John I. Webster of Omaha will tie present aud ad dle** i he people ou the political issue* of the flay. Mr. Webster is .a speaker of national reputation and wilt i* w. rib going to heat He is attlt’Ug tile ablest speaker in the •tats of Nebtgeka fits speaking is hilled for* ot'loeb iu me evening. Tho popocrate eav that -‘lire re publtwaua always semis lawyers aud banker* Is* songrcaa ami that the luwyers ate alwava bought up by I lie honker* " IV* don I believe this let i euppoo* it Is »•» I hay charge fhe republican* of this dis liioi with having nominated a bank vr f*r t >ogiv*a, although the lute Ml. t iiat« nominated one of these ••detestable lawyer*. W I, Ulvrtr, fur the SMtoe position Hut **pp« •* *|m» teptsbbvan *omi»v« was a hank er, wbai w* would like l« know is, would It tu any wots* to wlaut w Iwsltt who owkl buy up a lawyer than U send a lawyer who would sail suit Mr a haaht# ’ • a IIX CONSTRUCTION OF IHKIOATION 11ITCHF.S IN MSIIHASKA. iMy J U. Scbsupp ofArcaUla.i Ko. Northwestern:—The agita tion of the irrigation question throughout western Nebraska supple mented by the effects of the drouth has caused numerous projected irri gating canals, irrigating districts formed on b »nd<* voted, and it has been proved that double the amount of product! can be raised per acre on irrigate 1.0 per acre. Hut laud under a well constructed ditch aud level, so the water can be baud led would be worth more than (50 per acre. Tho uoat per acre to con struct an irrigation ditch in different parts of this uud other slates is from |3 to (10, according to number of acres to be iriigated, and the length of ditch to cover such number, also uneven grounds, fills, deep cuts aud long Dooms, are necessary, figures greatly to the cost per aere. Where the cost exceeds (5 per acre aud the land is not 20 fast above water level, water oan be raised by wind power for less than per acre. We hear men who are experiment ing for the tirst season claim that irrigation is not a success You might us well give a man without education a lawy tr's library and ex pect him to beeonic a shining light lu the legsl profession as to expect a mau who never ssw a uaual before to reach the best result in irrigating, simply because he has water to apply to his land, it acquires a little practice: ar.d so with constructing a ditch. If both the farmer aud lawyer try to construct a complicat ed irrigating canal they are both out of their element and the result must be a complete failure. As this is simply an agricailural country our only source of income lies in the products of oar soil. We rift vn u# cumyou* mi in uur tyruiu, t aitle ami huge in the world*' murk el*. The more we can produce per acre and tlie higher the market price the more it will benefit the farmer, merchant and laboring man. The crop* reduced in bulk and weight, by converting them into hog-, cattle and flour, will eave freight to eastern market. All there i» needed to accomplish the above la cheaper power for manufacturing, a* we now huyc a well constructed irrigating eanal winch will answer for both purpose*, Your l.oup l it) eanal hue tiA feet fall lu town ami with a storage cap sett) of ltd] acre* along the ditch to drew from in lime of need would give a uniform power of Mi It 1 fur .iOo cubic feet of water. \Vr have threw kinds of power or eapen •ive fore*, wind, water and eteam In* wrud p iwei although great, two , never h* u-«d f. i wai.ufacturU>g, i tor it t* t>t« irregular and filtiliUt N I stored for a uniform flow. The •team l* too i tisuslrv el a *umU owlet compete With large m». e twetaitig plant*. W# #r .* the vhcapoai at d it two le raised In 4 • and carried a along distance where grouted ** entlaid* aad atuted to im swell of autfet** hr il»»a a Mil ua suppi) for a wat«r wheel, It e>-*t me la At* *dta I r **»*'■ tttl ami t ugtneer 11 fo* evert Mm l,u».'t*ia to gliml t*ue |ears grind t au amount* to aval kmhui beehat* The propelling power therefore eon s $l,6o0.00. My territory is too small to support a mill of such cap acity and 1 am compelled to corn pete in outside towns in order to make a living. To use steam pow er and compete with cheaper pow er in the cast is uphill business, (live me r>00 (set af water on a uni form How, if only grinding 30,000 bushels hii(1 I would have a balance of $1,000.00 besides some freight, and be able to sontrol a large terri tory. 1000 cubic fcot of water would give suilleient power for mill ing and manufacturing. Klec.tr io light and water work*, if such pow er had to bo transmitted for ten miles, If properly carried out, would be cheaper tbsn steam power. The water millers in the state have spent a large amount of money ou our sandy, quick saud streams to create power for milling purposes and all have been a failure. Only a few are jet trying, the rest are standing idle or have been moved away, and all en account of not understanding how to handle quick sand. All those millers that ever hsd a test of it could never be in duced to build on a quick send stream again, and only lie who un derstands how to make a seperation between water and sand is able to U i i OOOkU tlflTll western irrigating canal* show the same rcHult, and only a few are In operation The moat of them are dry for the same reason, misaun derstanding and missconatrnction. Hut tho engineer baa the advantage over the miller. He in employed by the day and is working for a com pany. The company don't know whether the canal lie a snceeaa or a fuilur* The engineer drawn hi* pay. It is not hit: lookout if the i*nterpme become* a loosing con cern. He haa hi* pay and the com pany hua the bill to foot. He 1* out of his element, a* much *o «» that farmer who trie* to ran a law tfllce. AUIITO.V HOIK*. Crops ura looking rather dry in these parts Corn will ba about half a crop The Ashton schools will open Sept, 1th. with Mr. Einarson Smith as pro reiser and Mis* M ible Arthur a* pri mary teacher, Taylor Gibson and men of Loup City ire constructing the bridge three mile* north of Asbtoa which wan carried a way by the flood. They are boarding it T. L>. Wilson*. A»k th m how they Ilka ftkb Ml** Alice Kearns who lias bean oa the sick lilt for lemetime pa»t i» in# proving. Mil* Eva Wilson i* again abla to be put and around. She ha* almost re covered under the skilful treatment of Dr. Kuuze. Mr. Fred Schaupp and family hare moved their household good* to Bock rille where he goes to conduct the school during the ensuing year A number of AshtonMes attended the ■oinday School picnic at Kocltrllle laat l'hursdsy Mr. Kobbtne of North Loup was aeen >11 our meat Friday, l^elte an umber from our town atteud id the State Fair. Among (hem were Mr. and Mre.Ueorge Kettle. Itufua Wil ton, Mr* .1 I*.Taylor. Mra. O.O. Mile*, and others. The friends of Wm t metier dropped ■ u and Surprised hiui Wednesday Sep t. Iiid I he occasion w«a in honor of hla j loth birthday t.amea were enjoyed mill about U o'clock when a aiimyt iuu* supper was served alter which ilber games were indulged wind luede pat taken of. At a late hour the merry raw bade good night and all went ••»» U*tr way tailing of tba fun they had tad and wtsb'ug Wm. manr wtore as rappy birthday’s The aeb« >1 Mt IMe’t hu 30 rswaitsr , kI '*>.1 I with Mr, Uutmatt wf Hoelu* i is teacher, 1 M -• r.dos A tiiiams of Loup • in earn* ( to * a to ettswd the pan* of hat eouslw,: i Mr bioatas* and »*ioa:n«d until wan-j lay ymltiag ItUwd* and relative* Min till* •Itsfsrr MMiluas •«*#*,, l w *a*t to mstrto t a elasr ib tousle. Ipo Mm Ir |»‘»* l»«-d of t'wteaMeld t*< In loan slslitt.g friend* law' week Mr* W A A it*, u w *» at g*«*'k»tUe iP*it eg her daughter Mr#. I ”> haupp a*< to h MUs t.va taller wII attend rehtmt at It Caul th>* wee* M***ai* M sad It 1st Atlha I weal I Hr SI fui this e«es gear which the former expect* to tench and the later to attend the High School. Mr. Emery Illy ha-* moved on a farm near Sehaepp Mr. .1 alum linker and Ml** Glover of Ord were unit'd in holy matrimony Aug. 27th. May tlieir life hu a happy one. The Christian Endeavor will give a social ne ;t Friday evening. A short program will be ca-riod out and eoffee and sandwiches can be secured for 1 cent* also Ice-cream and cuke at the same price All arc cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mr* Arth-ir are expeoted to return Iroin thoir visit in the ea»t the later part of this week. Mr. Knut/eu went to Wolbuck last week on healne**. Doe* Will Jlulick like Ashton water, mellon*? Hugh ye*. Miss Emma Wilson expect* to teach In Dic't No. 18 between Bunina and ItockvillH commencing November 2nd. Mi*# Edle Wehier will also teacli north of Ashton. Pansv. OAIlt WILL DKBATK. Hut Hill (iraatin Must Kipact other Ar liiinnnti th»n §llv**r, KEAKNEY, Neb Sept. 7.-(Hp«clal.) I * 'il I T Humbert, chairman of tba re publican eongrttsioual committee, today made public the following communica tion Hon W. h. Greene, Kearney, Mob A* the candidate of the republican party of this district, I neither concede nor be lleve that tbe financial >juuitlon I* the i no greul lrtue of this campaign, mongo i recogni/e me paru*au tutu to subordinate >11 other issaes and make It ho. You are supporting a candidate lor thu presidency ubo stiind* upon the Chicago p atforin aud thatulouo in the event of IiD election, T hat platform outline* the polities of hi* admlalatra Hon ami it* demands and promise* are onuequentiy an issue ia the campaign. I am importing a candidate the policy of whose adiniiiiatratloa if elected ia [lutMned In tbe platform adopted by the republican national convention of til. Louis, and iu which protection and reci procity, as well t.* Hound money are made distinctive issues. 1 am willing to meet you in joint dls .;usalon not on the one question alone, ut on all tbe questions embodied In be e two platforms aud which constl iuf»* iti<* issue* now before the people. In tlic meuutinie should your presiden ts! tauiiidat place hluisci/ us l iver* >ther platform* the scope of our dlseus lion cal) hr enlarged to coiuprebeud any icw qnestioa involved. Should this meet your views, Mr. l.amburtls autho rized to represent me snd make such iiTUMgemants on my part as may be jeened necessary. Yours li> spcctfully, A. B. CADY. This is in reply to a challenge from W. L. Greene, the demo-pop candidate tor congress, to debate the financial luestion at ten different place* in thu Jistrlet. In his challenge Mr. (ireene -eferred to the money question as the ‘one great issue In the campaign.*' lie was silent on every thing also contained n the two platforms NOTIOK. K. K. Barrett will take notice SliaS on the Itn day of September, Is'.*!, lieo. W Hunter K»‘i a Justice of tbe peace of l.oaj. City rowimblp. Sherman county, Nebraska ta iled >u order of allaobmout f thesum >f $11,12 in an action peadlnir efore him wherein Farmer* snd Men hunt Insurance Company Is platiililf aud E. F. Barrett de emlent, that property of tlm dufcuilant :on»nlini{ of an undivided one third in :ereat in and to Sss Imibels of wheat. I,sue lusbels of oat* and 10 acre* ot corn stand, n* in the Held has lieea attached amler lai* order anil ( haries Fairbairn garaUUee Inly notified to appear aud answer iu said ■aase. Said cause wan continued to Hie mill day of October, ISOS, at leu o'clock a. in. bated l.oup Ulty, Neb , Sept 11th. lsi« I auitait* ASP M KUC1IAKT* IkSIKlMia By OOSFUf. nils (if. T. •. Np.iitinoal*, bis Attorn* j m as i kit savaiiAL VAlTnri i. hbn ouwo- { men to traval for responsible established j louse In Nebraska Salary $' hriaa ul« Uhl Uai ut law lnuiUfaJ lu**ulk.hA waulaO. « ANTfell-—-Hi bmaL » tillin' L mi liM •fluiM l4 «H'»a* In Matiraaka 'alary t,*»I, |.»ya> la l» a oak IV *I|4 niHiii*** I'ualil.m joiriuau ml. lUluraiira InvIuN tail «44r«*ai»l >taiu{MHt •ur«|u|i« Tka MatltmaJ, alar Hull4 u«,l kln|« WILLIAM MCKINLEY A«*»t« I# Mil tb* Mf« 4M l j pwwu*«4( it*mm*?, «ub i iitHiii i i«, nuixiM •** ■ «4i u4lt«t * AiaAl* « l4*fo* i«a4 j •** }#* | «m#«. V141* Itf lull 4*|« Ml'MltllkMU). *lo4b» **Hif iUMlttMM, II bb 4 l»|f |*§f «kt i.Hitmi la 4|*ttU wh4 •* ♦*•» •f *M-t f« I fMtftl 'A)*** A*« 1 4*f I* • »l lUfti t I w 'W %*> i ■■■*■* m *M«t |u««, 4 * I1 * mmii| %mm l «♦ b * « - AINhANH*. •*> ,'K-t - 'itOJ ¥•mam t U«*i4h*iM«w. D. C. DOE. A. P. GULLEY, Vice-President. Uanhier, FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stoek, $60 .000. Loans on Improved farms at ITIHE per sent. Bnt Company aed heal terms to be hsdbthsnM. OoaajcsvoxDRimi—Chemical National Besik, Hew York QHy, B. Y.| OmB kftlosai Baua. Omaha. ttebsoka W. J. FISHER, GEO. B. BENSCHOTEB, Attorney ami Notary Public. Publisher Door Orrr Northwmthhm FISHER & BENSCHOTER, HE A Ms ESTATE AGEJYTS. LOUP CITY, - - NKBKASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauds for Sale proctor Henderson 102 ft 104 V. 9th $t.y KANSAS OITY, HO. The Old Reliable Doctor. A Regular Gradu Jo 4m Medicine. Oldooi 4n Age and longest Located. , OVER *7 YEARS or SPECIAL PRACTICI. Authorized by the State to treat CHROMIC, MLAVOUt aU Ii’ICIH Diet AMU. Cures guaranteed or tnonoy refunded. All mUmI furnished ready for m*o. No morcury or injurious medlstaad Mad. No detention from work. I ttp t.ts at a distance treated by Mall and express. Medicine* sera everywhere, froo from gane mmw agu, Chargea low. Over XMXIO case* cured. Age and »■ paring sears important. Head little boog, then state yosr cuse. dasa ter o stolen and terms. Cousultutlon free uud C'.nmiunuel,personally or by tatter Seminal Weak ness & Sexual Debility, HUiru nerv-uind hrain nriwt-r ftfilarvf» and M,r<*m.'Ui» :i W"iik nartauiiil maka vault fitriifrian Cvnh i I ■ c that terrible disease, In all Its forms and stages cured (or Ufa. Wood Poisoning, Skin Diseases, Uleers, Swellings, Borsa, Gooorrbn-a anil Gleet, and all turns of Private Diseases Klively cured or money refunded. ►Ok crlptlnu of abovo diseases, the effects and curu,scaled In plain wrapper for Ac in stamps, lioad this little book and answer uueatlocs. pHnamut* iind wiB I ainuure out muiiu, wttiw, Wa-i Kieeoreound. No patn,ao eapaeare. Pt-B tiont can u*e the treatment at fcooM. ft Rheumatism A SUKKCUKK. Tho area teat dtaeoeer? tal the anualauf modloine. Ob* doae glvea lief; a lew rtuaea remove Hear aad Bala b| joint*--acurolnafuw uaya. Bead »%aiemea>■ of ease, with mump tor circular. g rree museum oi /uiaiomy iho^di^viass: n« W VI B Ufa Ilka rnuduUaod wax fiKurBwdtuiiljr Hupriuiii Mu'mlod; amhoolof lurtrua ■ tloo—a aurroon without word*. A R / hamtiUlJ Urputltiil in the batik, nihil* I B mil I forfilt fur ahum dhini that / tuuuiut curt. Wanted—An Idea SffiS Protect your ld*M; they may bring you wealth. Write JoHN WKDDlhm'RN ft CO.. Patent AUor buy*. Washington, I). for their prig# offer and lift of twc hundred lureutiotui wanted. yy i, mamct. -DENTIST.* ! orries-la Haad ass Sara* Bio.k, R r«MM, »!«**, *•!»*•• •» . I i* •>«*• Milk IMII It* tIMt Mfcft tat r cm, . • matt I THE MILD POWER CTCU& HUMPHREYS’ Dr. Hurtnir^ Irrdiw >m aaiao Mkd mrufttUy pNK|MMMd HwntUrt md ft k> patraia prawtaa and Aar orar UMr raaaatr •ha paopla wMh acatni aaaoaaa ftlf *O0e ■paalOc a Hwclal aaru for Die diaaaaa aaaaai. . SPECIFICS, HUMPHREYS* WITCH HAZEL OIL ■THt mi O'xnMNT." 1