The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 04, 1896, Image 1

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    The Northwestern
UBo. 1«J. IIMWWOHOTliillt
Editor and Publiuher.
TERMS SI 60 par Yaar, II Paid in Advent*
talxrod at tba Loup CUy I'rntofttea for traat
ntaalon through tba mall* at aocnd
nlaia trial tar.
TT^.,rr~.. — ■ - Tpr-n—----- . iiatEiiTs— -jsa»
Republican Ticket
For Prexldunt.
wm mckinley. <»r oiti»
For Vlcel'renldent.
(invfiTior .J' i I M 1 Oi<l<
Lieutenant Oovcrnor. ..OKI,ANDO £BKFT
Secretary of State in.:i!i i-nd
Auditor. I* I llt U '
Attorney■Oeiterul. A s. ( III. HI llll.h
Supt. of l*uh Inxt.If If liV-ulttM i
com ml xx loner. };■'■„ ..D'.'if
Supreme Judge.Sf' c'e LKm
Supreme Judge.M. 1_. KINKAID
Regent .W.O. Will l WORK
At Large .!. K. Iloutz Lttiieanter
At Large F. .1 Hadllek. Hullne
A First Dlxtriet A. .1. Hurnham, Nemaha
Seeond Dlxtriet A. Foster. Dougin*
Third District.Hoi Draper Knot
Fourtb lllatrlct.<1 A Derby Reward
Fifth Dlxtriet.I I. Mel'hecley. Kearney
Sixth District.M.L. 1-ricxe. Valley
... ..... ... A L* f C\ I I \
n I A ill ..
Kepubllcan Sanatoria! Con v e n lion.
The Hapubllean elector* of tbe ir> sena
lorlal District of the*tatiiof Nebraska are
requested to send delegate* from tbe
counties comprising the same, to meet In
convention la the town of llcvennn on
Tuesday, the nth day of September, Im'jo at
it o'clock p. m. tor tbe purpose of placing
lu nomination n candidate for Senator
from said district.
Buffalo county Is entitled to Hi delegate*
and Sherman county to & delegates,
Hasui 0. AMMHKWN,
Chairman Sen, Can't. Com.
A Kepubllcan county convention lor Sher
man county. Nebr»*ku. will be held lu the
Court House, In Loup City. Nebraska, on Sat
urday, September 19th 1*1*1. at two o’clock
p. m., for the purpose of nominating a
County Attorney and County representative,
nlao to elect delegates from said county to the
Senatorial convention for the 15th Senatorial
district, to be held at Kaverina, Nebraska on
Wednesday. September l#th, IM*T also to
elect a county central committee and to I rails
act such other business a* may come before
said county convention.
Representation In said county convention
Is apportioned to the several townships of
said county ns follows:
Oak Creek.8 Scott.9
Olay.» Loup City.II
Kim.9 Logan.I*
Hazard.» Harrison.7
Ashton.4 Webster.4
Rockville. 4 Bristol.4
Washington .li
lt. Is respectfully receornmended that town
ship primary meetings beheld on Thursday.
September lutb I8UU.
Republican Central Committee for Sherman
County. Hy M. H Mkai>. Chairman.
Noth.--We also call attention to the fact
that where necessary the primaries should
elect delegates to their respective Supervisor
district convention. _
Hon. A. K. Cad}' was well pleased
with his meeting here and at Ash
ton also. At both places his aud
ience paid him the closest attention.
Will some good popoorat tell us
why W. L. Greene failed to speak
at Ord the other eveuiug. The Orel
papers say that he wh« hilled to
spsak, that he was in the city, but
failed to show up ut the meeting,
Why was it?
Senator Stewart, replying to hii
own arguinenat in the seventies,
y„heu he talked for a gold ■tandart
•ays he ment coin wherever he usee
the word gold. lie does not say
hovevrr, that it> the mortgages ii
his fevor now made pay aide it
gold that he itieaus coin
Vermont held her state ttieetkd
last Tuesday and the ivsult was i
,-epulduait gain of uearly S3,00t
hast year •he gate a majority f<>
the tepuldn an th ket of II.WtHI tot*
she rolls up e itivjeKIt i f An,
tilth. Jf the lUethai t>t V erutou
4> set velrnmi as to ho* the e**«"
tty sill pi this fall Hryse • >«
thus tha> he h*« been a ouadtda'#
The stiver tie mot l*t« of t‘il»fo»ttl
itoUn that 1 !»•'i will reatfsm hr r«
sot tti>g It* the lourts the sunt Mi
laottet d»iwfsts from p» It lag its
rssn»« <>f thsu IlHMIlurrs «>« the oil
ltd ballot fu tis« the sotted ite-ti
*•» <he<« » t*s sa« the) ><stt do s • I
Shet I the hut in * see It |s dot #, *
wit! tote tuist lot t#i hoist TV
stun Seed the state to ha In the t*pt»l
than wises ht a l*<g* et)»ni
uttd Utet **eu* tu he plena* -1 to bat
ee <>pp 'Ussn t to get tutu the ,Vt
h tutet baud wugtut
There are a laige number of Mex
ican dollars now in circulation here,
but the very sight of them make*
the pops sick Homo of them baye
been beard to say that they don t
believe the) are Mexican dollars
but they arc They wore bought
bv one of our local merchants lor
5!l cents ciub. of American money
which amount covers the express
and exchange charges. \ on can
take them to the hanks of this coun
try and cash them for 50 cent* each
or to the store and buy 5b cts worth
of goods with each one. This is
the kind of money Mexieo uses, and
it is the kind of money the free sil
ver advocates want in this c mntry.
It is the kind of money they want
the old soldiers to receive their pen
sions In, the kind of money they
want the beneficiary orders to pay
to the widow and orphans, the kind
of money they want the f'nrmcrs to
tell their produce for. and the kind
of money the savings banks shall
pay off their million of poor, bard
working depositors. In other words
they want, those people who have
laid up dollars worth 100 cents and
which costs 100 cents worth of labor
lO ue UHrK 111 * II In
currency of only one half its value.
Open The Mill*, Mot the Mint*.
“I do not know what you think
about it, hut I believe that it is a
gcod deal better to open up the mills
of the United States to the labor of
America than to opeu up the mints
of the United states to the silver of
the world,” said Major McKinley In
an address at Canton, Ohio, on
This sentiment, uttered as an off
hand observation after an elegant
tribute to the bravery of his old
comrades in arms, will live longer
than any utterance contained in the
long and labored effort of Mr. Bry
an delivered on the same day in
Madison Square Harden. It con
sists of only forty-nine words, but
it contains more sound political
tense, more economic science, more
unanswerable logic and more patriot
ism than can be found in the 10,000
of Mr. Bryan’s speech of aeceptanee.
Mr. Bryan used 10,000 words to
make a plea for a special class of
citizens reaming in one smaii sec
tion of the country, who have a pro
duct upon which they ask the gov
ernment to atamp u double value.
McKinley in forty-nine matchless
words made a plea for the grand
arrnv of American toilers in the
work shops and on the farm.
The free coinage by this govern
ment of all the silver in the world
at 10 to 1 would not give employ
ment to a siugle idle workingman,
nor would it increase the wages of
those who are now employed. Mr.
llryau's pian will giye no dollart. to
idol labor. Major MaKiiiley's plan
provides for a policy that will enable
every Amuricau workmen to earn au
honest oollar by houest toil the
ouly plan by which a circulating
medium, be it large or small, gold,
■liver or pa|*er, can be of any bene
tit to the people of any jlvilized
l'ho mills and lint the mints a.II
• liable the laboring men of tills
I country to acquire the nccesaiuei
' and many of the luaerlcaof life, th«
! milts and uo| the mints will ercat«
n*w markets for the farmers pro
| duets I'be mills and not the mint.
| will increuse augr* hi creating i
1 larger demand for oktUed labor
i which lik< every other rommoslitt
t t«n i*ilb amenable to tie iuev t
’ abm IS* of pplt jf|i«| ki« 1^1
i1 The milt* unci u<>t ike minis can tu
crease tke price ■1 f Ike IptSi f* p*
I ducts, l»t rtity us * atiii tu,.| »w
»t d*t protection, etew*** anew wo a
. | et sad lH*tps to built iftpftUt«tts 1"
Hit ii «k(k*t vif4 t»* i«*iII* It#1*** •’***
f lit i*** p*‘**4it*«
ii^ % M f‘4| t* II I *'* 4!**
l , ptt«* **l pft**4**«tt*
iM M* * (ft ti|*‘ *
1 Hi •> |lt| « HtH
I i
• ikulf ImlM w|» u* ft ***•!
j pi* llu m ftilli pf%Mt|**r*«if *
ities that increase the consumption
of bread stuff's will raise the price of
wheat quicker than all the free coin
age laws that can be enacted.
The mints cannot create value.
Only the hrawii) arms of honest
toil, directed by genius and iutelli-!
ye nee can creuto vultte. The mints
cannot create prosperity and happi
ness. The opportunity to earn the
best money in tho world by legita
mate industry te the plan proposed
by Major McKinley. No sensible or
honest American expects to get
money in any other way.
Idle workmen want the wages of
the mills; the mints can give them
nothing.— Ohicogo Times Iieruld.
l.uw WaK«s «"'* H'*t* Prlsos. An Kn
Kinarr's Kxporlono*.
fCorroxpondeuce ot Dixie.)
I was amused at the way one of
the conductors with whom 1 talked
referred to his salary. I asked him
wnat Ins position wus worth.
“Well” he said, "that is a pretty
harti question to answer. When
the month is up the paymaster hands
me out 160 Mexican dollars, and it
depends upon the market price of
these dollars happens to lie on that
particular day as to what amount I
have earned during the month. Homs
times the dollars are worth 55 cents
euch, sometimes 6‘J cents eaeh, some
times more or less; hut the truth of
it is I never know what I have
earned until 1 iuvestigate ami learn
the market quotations on Mexican
dollars. ”
“Well,” I said, how do your ex
ponses in Mexico compare with ex
penses that pou would have in the
United States?”
“My expenses in Mexico are
greater.” he said. “For a while 1
was on the upper end ot the road
and hoarded at San Antonio, Tex.
There I paid 61H per mouth hoard.
Now 1 am hoarding in Torreon and
pay 640 per mouth hoard in Mexican
money. Hut what goes the hardest
with me, is that 1 have to pay so
mush for wearing apparel. If 1
could wear what is made here in
Mexico I could get it very cheaply,
but 1 have to, buy American shirts,
American shoes and hats and indeed
practically everything I wear comes
from the United States. They don’t
manufacture articles of a ctiaructer
her in Mexico suitable for our use,
suwheu I buy a pair of shoes 1 have
to pay double value and the duty
added. That makes this pair of
shoes that 1 am wearing worih 67.50
iu Mexican money, and I could buy
the same shoe* in Texas for #•2.50 or
$:(. The same is true about every
thing that I wear, and I’ll tell you
the truth, friend, when I've paid
my board and settled for the tbiugii
that I've been compelled to buy du
nug the timulh I would'nl be a wel
come guest iu u poller game."
M KlttLKt KPlUHAav.
I do not kuow what you ibiok
about il but 1 believe it is a good
deal better to open the mills of the
I'liiied States to the labor of A me
rtca then to open the uiiuts of the
I'uited States to the silver of tin
] world.
if I have been associated wilt
j any legislation that has giveu to ar
American workiuguiau a day s uiom
work at Xiueilcait wage*, thu* i* ho
i, uoi enough for me.
k i «>*»M —*
What we want iu iln* country ii
a policy that will give to even Ann
rlvau workingman An eriean wag* '
a policy that will pot enough Monet
into the liessuiy of the I uttee
iiiatt* to mn tk* goveiut**»i
, Tile govern tt« lit of lb* I Uttrel
* »t»* Ut„it ra|*t *HI"igt» UiOi.wy t*
meet took It* it,if* nl y ,, low a lo
tint fusing heed*
tt.if i.t lutitt' net, must l«e s<*i
k t s amt ,*«i die wiwhlugutsu via
1 se t |u gainful faeopsiem* *1
1 Autinau • sg*»
tin A melt* aw people kohl the I
i,and#l honor of our government as
i*acred as our flag.
The money of the United Htaies,
and every kind or form of it, whe
tVr of paper, of silver or <*f gold
must Ik- as good as the heat in the
The dollar paid to the farmer, the
wage earners and the pensioner
muat continue forever equal in pur
chasing power to the dollar paid to
any government creditor.
We want good times, good prises,
good wages, and when we have them
we want them paid in good money.
Whether our prices lie high, or
whether our wages lie good, or
whether they he had, they all are
better by being paid in an ancon
ditional dollar worth 100 cults.
If we have good wages, they ara
better for being paid in good dollars;
uud if we have poor wages, they arc
better for being paid in a good dol
Having injured our industries, a
* t . .. t . ... ___I
Ilf W I X {HJI I lllf ll i
one lit At would debase our currency
artl further weaken, if not wholly
distroj, public conlideno. Working
men, have we not iiud enough of
such costly experiment*?
We are told that the turrilf i* not
an issue this year. We admit it i*
not the great controversy it was
four >ear« ago, but that is solely be
es iso the democratic party Is so
ashamed of its butchery of the pros
perity of the country that you can’t
get within forty rods of a democrat
it lm thinks you have a tariff gun
with you. -Falls City Journal.
^ here is a large Lumber of people
who now realize (hut they made u
mistake in voting in In'JIL
In the Spring time a young man s
fancy lightly turn to thoughts of—
DeWitt’* Little Early Kisers, for they
always cleanse tbs liver, purify th#
b’ood, and invigorate the system.
OUendabl Bros.
yvamtkI) sbvku w. kaiTiiicl m*j» obwo
mea to travel for responsible established
bonse In Nebraska. Salary *7S0, payable *15
weekly and expanses. Position permanent,
ltuferemie. Enclose self-addressed stamped
enveloped The National, star BnUdlng.
Sovereign Orund Lodge l.O.O. F.
Dallas Texas Sept. 21 to 28th. The T.
1\ will aell ticket* to Dallas ami return
for one fare. For particulars call on or
address F. VV. Cline Agt.
I Bids Colds bk Uunk: The inaglel
! clan’s wand is not more potei than Dr.
; Humphrey's Specific •“77" for colds,
i For sale by all druggists
j WANTED-sicvbhaL faithful Mien oh
women to travel for responsible establish
ed house In Nebraska. hoi ary *7M), payable
*16 weekly anti «•*putint**. l*o«ltton purmau
aal« ll»l«>renc«*. KnrIobo milf iuMi ommhI
tuu nanunai, dmo
I mg. Chicago
lliCT **,3 W030 Krllpt . »„l .ht. V
_ mm* Towrr*. i»!Ub. Irf.*.
!> t 3 1 ft L. sft #1 ' Outgo. II*.-. Ilfiutt*
* tj ! Bps 1a V <i I *•»*»•• ■ '*», W.¥>'t
b iliilir ah "ri. . I'utdO. IV. I'O.uji
i Ulfll H>«-< *uck|. »«<) • *.lr*m»l»»
_ . . »i..uit .id Mi Oca. fri <•*
OF ALL KINilS, Imw t.n tin* Iw.t Btutl fur
'1103 Ptrntm 8t. Omaha, Nab,
The Keystone Watch
Case Co. of Philadelphia,
the Urgant watch caae manufactur
ing concern in the world, U now
! potting ujwtii the Jan. Boa* Filled
and other cane* made hy it. a Urn
i (ring) which cannot lie twi»led or
pulled oil the watch.
It U a attreprotec tion again** the
pkk|MH krt and the many accident*
j til it oeUil waU he* fitted with tin
old *t\ 'e how. which t* Pimply held
in hy irii tion aud can he twiated oil
A - k any |*'W»let K>r ptapbWt
or «* nd to the luauuta* tuiei*
I). <;. I)OK, A- **• CULLEY,
V lea-President. Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $60 .000.
Loans on Improved farms at NINE par osofc. Bsst Company aod bock MW
to bs bad la tbs want.
OonmasposDKSTa:—Chemical National Bank, Now York ClCp, I. T.| Ooaahd
Motional JBaoa. Omaha. Nahraoba
Attorney aim) Notary Public. Publisher Uwr Cnr KoMTiiwitatm«
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauds for Sale
Doctor Henderson
102 ft 104 W. 9th St., KAN'AS CITY, HO.
Tkt Old Rt liablt Dot tor. A Rtrular Cradu it in Mt dicing. Oldttt in
Aft and iMHgtit Loiaitd.
Authorized by the State to treat CHROHIO. RfRVOUR and iRttlAL
DiHttHUi Cure* guaranteed or money refunded. All modtetaca
furatabed ready for u«e. No mercury or lnjurlou* madlolne. need.
No detention from work. l'atlnntM at a distance treated by Mall
und express, Mediclm-tt writ everywhere, free from gaze or break
age. Charge* low. Over Ai,OCX)* cured. Age and experieaeeare
Important. Keud Hula book, then »tato your ca»e. Send far eatalen
and term*. Consultation free und conttdcntiul,pcr*OBaUy or by letter
Seminal Weakness A Sexual Debility,
Virnn a lac miiwmuinunw«D,iM «*•
iSypil • * •*» it* form* and stage* cured
for life. Blood Bullion lug, Skin Diseases
Ulcer*, Swelling*, Boren, Gonoirbtea and
Gleet, and all forma of Prlrato Uueasoa
poeltlrely cured or money refanded
UnAb fur both will, ® page*. *7 plo
DUIIIV turca, true to Ufa. with roll oe*>
crlptlon of above dl*«a*<>*, the effect* and
cure,sealed la plain wrapper f or ftc In nlamp*.
Bead this lttUa book and answer questions.
OintlUlC out caustic, cuttlnf, fcou-B
Kies or sound. No pain, no exposure. Pa-B
tlentcan uho the treatment St home. A
Rheumatism &S5S5tio^If“|
A SI KKCUKJS. The greatest dtsoeverylpB
theunnalsof modi clue One dose fives re-B
liof; a few doses remove foyer end pstn is B
joints-ui urn In ufew days. Bond statement B
of cusn, w ith hi.imp for circular. aBB|M
I Free Museum of Anatomy thouM&mla of^eurioftltiftti. Tte©
I mill for ftlt fur abort dlttattt that I cannot aura _
Wanted—An Idea 2S3S
ProtMt your Mom; tlioy m»y hrluii you wyyllh
Writ* JOHN WKUUKRHVRH A IN*.. Put.-nt AUor
iiyyy, Wtul.lnytou. I*. <•.. I or Ibolr writ* offur
•ua h.i of two liuu iryil IuvmiiIuu* wautod.
^y 1, MAKCY.
OfMUK In Root! «nd Mirer HKR’b, Knnl
Aliln Public ntiunrn. I.ouji OHJ, H«b.
’ AtturnHU*Ht-Lnui.
Will Defend in HowcloMire(..i*»
A’.N) (Ml V GKMUAl. HKAt.
I’fVI* Ml h|N>>
uW*. in i..«ihimimi bniMing
[ r l ift • • UMMIIil
■ . . —o-- »»«• f I
*l» isi ha,
* i«o, i;xDKi SS **•»•
til Iiimmi •• Iretfti .titlwr* RRMiiftlf 1
oiiniiHnH to*
*1* M MtllirtVIAl.fc
few i outfit u* tu CitiKtui Mum
4 Holy 11 Rnbitn, •• o«un»* ptoM to*
flintiilM In i >•»*
wtt It UR HURtM U* IIMI Utk
war utl. t • ■utkiu |
Or. Kampbrava’ bpaclflra ara acJaatifleaUr
and earafuUy pvaparad Kauedlaa, wad for yuan
la private praotimi and for ovwr thirty yuan by
tba paoplo with auUro luuooat. K*vry at-la
NpaoUlo a apaclal cure fur iba dlaaaaa —mart
aa. arantn rob him
1- Pavora, Ontn.-.ii- n., InHaiamaOn—
l -Haraa ».«« dvwr, Warm Cube... .
> Taatblaai Cidlu. t'r> lug. Vt aM—M— •
2— lilarrbra. of Chiklna «r Ada—.
i Oraaatvrir.tirn.iu4, Ntta—OaMb.... .
• < batvra Marbaa. V aiina*.
* -f aaaba. < uM*. lu..u. lute.. .
& Kraralala. Tooth*.ha, Vbuum—... .
Q-Haartacbaa. hhib li.aJarha. Varttea, .
Irt -Hriaapala. Httwiaafia.—lT«a .
11 -Mappraaavrt or I'atalal fanaia .
If-H bltaa. t.»i I’rofnaa IviUaia.. .
lit raaa. I.arraallla. U.aMW..« V
1} Malt Mbaawi rt>»palaa*r—rtuaa. .
Id Mn. aa.ail.aa, or blaaialliral— .
I § Malaria, Cl
■ f.i.
u'K« .„
i n
Snll«a•>ai IwMIttr, Hut a .TV aabte— jU
Ora—.r. aart a.«atrh*«*»teiaa 41
aaa.afvbaaaa. te.aia.Hfr. a. ba—4 M
uatb. aa Caahaa om. (M
aaf Iba ll.«n li>h«ilb>I.H
»» VitWiuaa l.ff
rta. t >. »rai««|a. aa fbra— . Jfl
I aapvatlaaa a bruattwaa. t||
*** * #zr*****
—4 ahma* •» aw* paa-fM • wart* **{*•
INS IN •»%» »» i n irf> V1*A fr*"*’*—*A.i