The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 28, 1896, Image 8

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1:30 1*. M. Leave* 6:S0 1’. M
Connection* at Aurora for all point*
North weal.
A. 1\ W HUTS, Agt
Beginning Sunday, November 17th.
train* will arrive and depart at tlii*
■latino a* follow*:
leaves Leave*
Monday. I Tueaday, | g. (10
?rTS5T'*5r t*I mJSV' !*•”
Arrive* at Loup City daily 7.<5•
Cln*e eonueetlon at Drand 1*1 And lor
all point* Kait anil Welt.
F. W. Ct.tWE, Agent
Lioaal Daws.
A Boone. TUK Jeweler.
Kye and Kar. Dr. Davi*, Grand
laland. Nebr.
Call on Secretary Mellor and get a
pt Atninni Hat tor the fair.
Tailor made clothing 12.SO per *ult
at A. K. Cba*e'».
I I.. o/.llaea Urtllllk I II 11 <1 ll-f Cff.
uinl nets ot T. M Reeds.
Mrs. I. M. I’olskl and son are visiting
relative* in South Omaha this week.
Dr Sumner Davis. Grand Island. Sur
gical disease* and disease* of Eye and
Mr. and Mrs J. B. I'yke started for
Omaha yesterday morning to attend the
state fair.
Good makes of new and second hand
mowing machines, also hay rakes at
T M. Reed*
W. R Mel lor made a business trip to
Litchfield and Mason City on his wheel,
Call and look at the samples of readv
made clothing at A. K. Chase's. Suits
from ff 00 up Fit guaranteed
James Depew end his father-lu law
M. H .Smith started last Monday for
Lincoln to take in the re-unlon.
Flaming band bills are eut announ
cing the Bherman county fair te be
held at Ixiup City, Beptetnbar 10th, 17th
and 18th.
g5 50 Omaha and return vis. the Bur
lington Route, including one admission
to state fair. Tlokats sold Bapt. 1st,
sad 2nd, Apply to aay B&M agent
for further information.
Dou’t fail to hear A. E. Cady handle
the •‘money question.” lie will speak
at Ashton. Monday aftarnoon, August
81, at 2 o’closk and at Loup City lu
the evening of the same day at 8 o'clock.
The populist senatorial convention
for this senatorial district will be held
at Rivenna next Wednesday and the
Republican senatorial convention will
be held at the same place September 18.
Eczema is a frightful affitotion, but
like all other skin diseases it can be
permaneatly cured by appliaations of
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve It never
fall#* to cura Piles. -Odeadabl Bros.
W. L. Marcy retuned to Leup City
with bis bride Isst Tuesday evening
and at once went to bouse keeping In
the upper rooms back of hie dental
office wbleb he had previously fitted up
for a home. Their many friend* here
extend to them a hearty weleome.
In tli« ftnrlnir time a vouusr man's
fancy lightly turn* to thoughts of—
lie Witt's Little Karly Kisers, for they
always eleame the liver, purify the
blood, and invigorate the system.—
Odendabl Bros.
August Jung, living north of town
while raking hay last Wednesday mat
with a severe accident which uearly
cost him his life. The horse became
frighened and h* was thrown from bit
seat. He was caught in the rake teeth
aud dragged a considerable dlst
sue*. He is reported to be <julte badly
A Series of Sunday School picnic
conventions to take place during the
mouths of August and September
in Dawson, Buffalo and Sherman coun
ties has been arranged The one to
be held In Sherman county Is dated
September Jrd, 1HWI, and will take
place, at Itockvlile In Stephen's drove
A very nice program has been st ranged
for the occasion aud will be carried out
Kverylindy W Invited to come end help
make tilts the rally of the year
t heap rates lo Denver For the an
oual tneeitug of the National KUteddtod
Itenver, Colo,, Sept 15. the l mon l*a
cldc will sell Itekets nt tale of one Fere
tor the round ittp plus two dollars irom
points in Kansas and \#M*#i>a. Ticket*
on «ele At gust gntlt to Sept |*t in
elusive Fur further particulars ealt on
Franh k, Cline. Agent.
(lend lulls ere out sunoum-lng a
grand Republican rail) te lake plsce el
Athlon end t.uop City on Monday.
August SI Hun A V t'ndy Repot.
Hess eendtdet* fur emigre** of tbe
•tb district, end II « t J Mlki of
Ratine event* end eandhUte lor eteeter
•Ilf ho prweenl nnd tburu igkl) discos
|he issues of the da> tbe Meeting el
AtM«e eW »«»• F * 1 sit's »
i s the afternoon et> > at l*>np City
In lire evening nl 0 v > h* k Kvnry
body It invited to sons* out and n*«i
tb# ;ni«n*v nbij *>.d i,ni*
tiiacomsd lit i well teottn si tbe *t
spanker* in Ik* stele end is* ynt iit
Ike leers** In IMS loksvestlng " • >
Good gra ’cs of machine oir* •odd t»y.
T. M. iiccd.
.1 I Iiepew and M. II. Smith return
ed from their trip to Lincoln and tin
reunion last evening
Itev. .1. F. Webster and family re
turned this morning after an absence
of three weeks. H<* wishes us to an
nounce that there wH be the usual
services at the M. K. Church next Sun
day Subject for morning discourse
will be ‘ The Cburc b."
Une swallow doe* not make Spring,
but one swallow of One Minute Gough
Cure brings relief.—Odendahl Bros.
Senator Black, of Kearney was In
the elty last errning looking over the
political situation. The Senator will
make tbo raue again this fall If the re
publicans in both counties are united
for him. The Senator is not particular
however, lie says that lie would gladly
give way to a Shermsn county man this
year, and insured us of the hearty sup
port of Buffalo county. The Noktii
WKSTgKN would be pleased to support
a Sherman county man this year, but
owing to the fact that we know of no
ouu who wanta to make the race, and
that llr Blaok ha* served us well, we
believe that we voice (he sent line lit of
the republicans of Sherman county
when we say give Mr. Black the nomi
nation by acclamation.
NOT eon ii it v a >
Judge Mauser Misrepresented »>>' till)
Oliver Organ.
KEARNEY .Neb Aug 24 (To the
Kill tor of The btate Journal ) - in the
Omaha Werld-llerald of the 19th Inst.
] notice e eornunlcatlon from a corres
pondent at Crawford This communi
cation. when considered in connection
with Ha headline, seemed to Imply that
1 bad made a speech at Crawford in fa
yor of Bryan and free sliver.
What I did my was, that w hile Bry
an was a strong and active man, and
able to meet all coiners in debate, and
1 had no sympathy with the narrow
policy which belittled an opponent by
calling blm“Bub,” 1 did not loose sight
of the fact that Major McKinley was a
soldier during the war.
That since that time he had been a
legislator and a political!, in the best
sense, studying the needs of the Ameri
can peopln arid rendering them practi
cal assistance, and I had heard him
make a speech at Lincoln that was
chuck full ef good reasons why we
should all remsin republicans, and
bnlleved the speech end know McKinley
to be *n experienced, strong, broad and
benevolent statesman, who had at heart
the welfare of the people, and that )
intended te vote for him, 1 also snld
that the gold and silver in the moun
tains was our gold and our silver, and
our people were digging them out. and
they ought to be encuraged, that 1 was
in favor of bimetallism, as 1 believed
the majority of American citizen were,
and that we ought to coin every dollar
of sliver that could be safely coined
without drlviag out of circulation the
$600,000,000 ef gold tbit we already
have and which w* could not spare, and
that the ratio was a debatable question
to be determined by congress, and I
was willing to trust It to the Intelli
gence, honesty and patriotism of the
American people und the congress w hich
they might eleet
1 further said, that silver was one of
the great recourse* of the country, and
that 1 personally believed that the
whole product of the United States
might safely be coined and put In cir
culation, but tbe question was one to lie
considered and acted upon with great
car*, end wh|le our people needed
money and the gouverument should be
gin tecoin silver as quickly ss possible
aad continue at Has long as it was safe.
It should nevertheless have full control
of the matter and should be able to stop
coining tbe mooieiit that there was
danger of driving the gold into hiding,
because we could not afford to lose from
our circulation $600,000,000 of gold we
already had.
1 persume the enthusiasm of the cor
respondent led him to overlook these
j little matters a* of no importance
I expect to take the stump for the re
' publican ticket Your* truly
F <i II AM lilt
tins: i tin
' for tbe round tri|> to la<|ian*|>olt«. I ml.,
vie Tbe Union l‘*cill«, »ml ennaenl
tuna flout Nebrntk*. hen**#, Colorado,
' tW y outing and I tab account tiold Item
! octetlu meeting 2-4 Tb* very
: i cat tbroi.gli car aervlce to < btcag • and
Ai l.unit by Ibta line. lor full infor
luetion call on 4' W . t «..tnat. Agent,
Aovcraiglt t.reud l.odge I 0.0 4
ttelle* '!'*»»» bcjtt. 21 tn 2*tb. Tim I
t*. mil tell ticket a lu l>allea end return
i for on* fete lot t*trtu Mat* call oa or
| eddreaa 4”. k llliMt Aft
l.*o tbeu one let* for the round lrt|>
t*n ncj.t i*| end fad tbe i’niun l*a*ig»
' *111 adl Itch* t* to Otneka algAIO «bi< h
«Uw lab* two Mu III* fait gtountl* Fur
yvt> u >.a . all wo undettlga*d 4 •*«
time yuu knun * 4 W t line A at
t>** m>nu4e it lb* *4en«ierd too* and
| tin* lllaut* t aagti t ere t* tb* »l*k'4*td
* yi*|>ct«Huo lor every form of cough ••*
j w!4 ll I* lit* only betetle** remedy
I that |.ro«t«,.*t* tetaltt.
t M*t»!eM lit «t*
tint »t* ■ a. ttbera tuatl gay ay. tae w*|
I bate money I'ltitr don't »*.• lot
tm.t h»i eotlvc,
is Simmons i.ivf.r regulator—don’t
forget to take it. The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and tlie system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
LIVER REGULATOR to do it. It also
regulates the Liver keeps It properly at
work, when your system willsbe free from
poison and the whole body Invigorated.
You get Till’. MOST ULOODwhen
your system is in A1 londition, and that
will only be when the Liver Is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But rV r only SIMMONS
Liver regulatoi: -it is Simmons
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. Take v in | viler or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
riwder; but tal .-SIMMONS I IVEK RKGU
ATOP. You’ll:. I the RLI) Z on every
oackaae. I : I r it.
J. II. Zcllin Philadelphia, I'll,
A. L, Wooster, u prominent citizen
of Osseo, Midi,, nfter suffering excru
ciatingly from riles for twenty year*,
was cured In u short time by using
DeWItt's Witch Maze I Salve, on abso
lute euro for all skin diseases. More of
this preperation Is used than all othurs
combined. Odendahl Bros.
Nebraska Stitt Fair al O-tialia mini.
The Union I’aeiflc will sell tickets at
one fare for round trip plus 60 cents for
admission to fait ground Tickets on
sale August 27th. to September 6ih
inclusive, good until September7th.
F. W Cl.INK Agent,
Young mothers dread the summer
months on account of the great mortal
ity among children uaused by bowel
troubles. Perfect safety may be assur
ed those wbo keep on hand DeWitt's
Colie At Cholera cure, and administer
it promptly. For cramps, bilious colic,
dysentery and dlarrhwa, it affords in
stant relief. Odendahl Bros.
The Best Spring medicine for twen
ty five cents a dose ii day for every
member of the family . (Jet a package
of Bitumens Li ver Regulator, the best
blood medicine and the best spring
medicine. It will saye you seventy
five cent* on a dollar's worth of tnedi
eiue bought before, and will give you
better blood and better health, because
It regulates your liver. There’s the
secret of health. J. H ZelJln A Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
The present campaign will be the
most exciting one fought out since the
war. There will not be u day when
something of unusual interest w ill uot
trxnspire. The State Journal has made
up its mind to surpass all it* former
efforts in the direction of news-giving,
and will give its readers the most com
plete detail of tba eampaign. giv ng all
the news from an uubiased standpoint.
Republicans will want The Journal be
cause of Iti staunch republican priu
ulples, it being reconlzed as the stand
ard-bearer of the great republican party
of Nebraska Populists and Democrats
should read it for the new* it give*.
The Semi-Weekly Journal will go to
thousands ef m-w homes during the
campaign, You should subscribe, us it
will only cost you 25 cents from now
until November 15 Two papers every
week, making it almost us good as a
dally. Subscribe through your postmas
ter or send your order to The State
Journal, Lincoln, Neb.
an. • a _,Ll 1 . I_ tl..
|riu JUU wears — • V * M
blood U poisoned by constipation?
Had blood mean* bad health and pre
mature old age UeWUt's l.ittle
Karly Kisers, the famous litttle pills,
overcome obstinate constipation
Odendahl Bros
Mis It. l*oYeung, Middtelmrg, la.,
writes. 1 have used tine Minute Cough
Cure for si* years, both (or myself and
Children and I consider it the .(ulckest
acting and most satisfactory Cough
Cure I base ever used OdcmUbl
Awarded Highest Honors.
World'* Fair.
A |e>s l‘.tape Inus «f 1 • '•*» • * 1st
*MS tfc~* S-oss smi *• s*. .**•« ■ -socSfc
! 4a MAIt* IMS KTABlMttU
The following proponed amendments
to (lie Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, ax hereinafter set forth iu fall,
ire submitted to the electors of the
"ditto of Nebraska, to be voted upon
It (lie general election to be held Tuex
iuy, November)), A. I)., 1806:
A joint resolution proposing to
intend sections two (it), four (4), and
five (5,) of article six (6) of the Consti
tution of the Htateof Nebraska, relating
to number of judges of the supreme
conrt and their term of office.
Be It resolved end enacted by the Iscgiain
lure of the Slate of Nebraska:
Hection 1. That section two (2) of article
•lx (II) of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska he amended so as to read as fol
Hoctiun 2 The supreme oourt shall until
otherwise provided by law, consist of live
C’iJ Judges, a majority of whom shall he neces
sary to form a quorum or to pronounce
a decision It shall have original jurisdiction
In coses relating Pi revenue, civil cases in
which tlie state shall lie a parly, mandamus,
quo warranto, habeas corpus, and such
•ppeilalo Jurisdiction, as may be provided by
Hection 2. That section four (4) of article
tlx (8) nt the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska, tie amended so os to read as fol
Mention 4. The Judges of the supreme
court shall he elected by the elector! of the
■tele at large, and their term of office, ex
cept aa hereinafter provided, shall he for a
pel-bid of not lees than five (6) years aa tha
legislature may proscribe.
Mention ll That section five (6) of article
six (If) of the Constitution of the Htate of Ne
braska, he amended to read a* follows:
Mention 6. At the first general elootlon to
lie held la the year IMS), there shall be elected
two (3) Judges of the supreme court one
of whom shall lie elected for a term of
two (2) years, on* for the term of four (4)
years, ami at each general election there
after, there ahall be elected one Judge of
the supreme court for the term of five
(li) years, unless otherwise provided by
lew: Provided, that the Judge* of the su
promo court whose term* have not expired
at the time of holding the general elec
tlon of 1336, shall continue to hold their
office for the remaluder of the term for
which they were respectively commis
Approved March 33, A. D 18U6
A joint resolution proposing au
amendment to section thirteen (13) of
article six of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of supreme and district court
Be It resolved by the Legislature of the Mtata
of Nebraska:
flection 1. That section thirteen 03) of
arttele six (I) of the Constitution of the Mtste
of Nebraska be amended so as to read as fol
Moo. 13 The Judges of the supreme and
district courts shall receive for their services
such cempeaaatlon aa may be provided by law,
payable quarterly.
The legislature ahall at its first session
after the adoption of this amendment,
three-fifths of the members elected to
each house eoncnrrlng, establish their
compensation. Tha compensation so es
tablished shall not be changed oftener
than once In four years, and tn no event unless
two-thirds of the member* elected to
eneh house of tho legislature concur
Approved March 30, A. L> 13(16.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-four (34) of
article five (5) of the Constitution of
the State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of the officers of the executive
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislature
of the Htate of Nebraska:
Mention 1. That section twenty-four (24)
of article five (5) of the Constitution of the
Mlate of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows I
Hactlon 34- The officers of the executlv*
department of the state government shall
receive for their services a compensation
to be eetablishcd by law, which shall be
•either increased nor diminished during tha
term for which they shall have been com
mission)*! sud they shall nut receive to their
own us* any fees, oosta, interests, upon publlo
moneys in their hands or under tbelr control,
perquisites of office or other compen
sation and all fees that may here
after be payable by law fur services
performed by an officer provided for in
this article shall b* paid in advsnoe into the
state treasury The legislature shall at Its
first session after the adoption of this amend
ment, three fifths of the members elected to
aaeh bouse of the legislature con
curring, establish the salaries of the
officers named In this article. The com
pensation su established shall not be changod
oftener than unoe In four years and m no
event unless two-thirds or the aiembera
eb-cted to each house uf the legislature concur
Approved March 33. A. U 1336,
A joiut resolution proposing to amend
section ons (1) of article six (6) of
the Constitution of the State of Nebras
ka, relating to judicial Power.
B* It reaolvad aud enacted by tba Laflala
turn tba Atata of N'obraeka;
Hactlou l That aactlou una (1) of art Ida nix
(•)of tha «' matituU >ii of the Alataof Nabraak*
b» amended to raad aa follow*:
feaalion 1. Tba Judicial power of tbit rtato
•ball l*» vaatad Ui a au^raina court, dutrld
i'aurta. county w-uria of th«
|>*»a u imilit mafletrala*. aud In aucb «>tbar
tour*# inferior to tb<* auprama court aa may
U* 'luatwl bv law In abb'b two (bird* of
tbo matabsrs tM acted to aack boua*
A|tpru»wl March S A U IM
A Join! resulutum |tru{XMiutf to
ntui'uti wvliou «l*v«u (tt) of trlld, us
(4) of lb, tViMtilalnxi ut lh, Mui* ut
K«bnwka, roUiiug lu iiwoum iu uuiu
bar of >u|»«ui» «u>l iluirvi eusrt
Ha it ii4\i>ial«al ««mk t*4 by th* Uwfialatura
tf *ba btata of Semrsaha:
Di»lkNi I That aa*U«Mt wUtM (li| of
tru I* kt \Sy « # tb* i Watituibm 4 lb* Atnia
«f Ifabratba U aianJwt to r«al a* xr
«>«. m- •-> I) Tba I-#** alarm wbuatevat la#*
lb«4* f iba pwnatt ««atal to 0a. b ho<t«a
__ M
tm f Mrwal wf aa*#u|#**t i*Mi* »l r a*4
t»m» *a»i by ft a ita, tal •*«-* tn
#*«a*a. 4 any boa## U* tb* t»*i#*4*«t4i«
«f a 4 «i*iv t shad n >i taettle thw *mam **f any
»'> 'a
Sfe r ««*t ***** to A U MM
A } *4ltf fwmdulbd* pfufbBiMg I* SbMMSd
arvtt >u att {** of a*lt« W <H*s li t of lls
iitbUilsUtii of IS* Mfttn ul MoWbdi,
tcklM* tu tflti bf j*v|t
Be It reeolved and enacted by the Legislature
of the Stau> of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section sie (tty. article one
(If of the Constitution of ihe Stale of Ne
braska lie amend d to read aa follows:
Seetlon «. The right of trial b. Jury shall
remain inviolate, but tho legiH'ature may pro
vide that in civil actions five sixths of tic- Jury
mav render a verdict, and the legislature may
also authorise trial by a Jury of a .ess number
than twelve men, In eourla Inferior to the dis
trl'-t court.
Approved March 29, A D 199.).
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section one (1) of Article five (5)
of the Constitution of Nehrusku, relat
ing to officers of the executive depart
Halt resolved snd enacted by the Legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska:
Seetlon 1. That section one (If of ar
ticle five (5) of Ihe Constitution of Ihe State
of Nebraska lie amended to read as fid
lows :
Seetlon 1 Tim executive department shall
consist of a governor, lieutenant governor,
secretary of state, auditor of public accounts,
treasurer, superintendent, of public In
structlon, attorney general, commissioner
of public Iambi attd buildings, and throe
railroad commissioners, each ol whom,
except the said railroad commissioners,
shall hold hia office for a term of
two ycara. from the first Thursday after
the first Tuesday iu January, after
his election, and until his successor is
elected and qualified. Koch railroad com
missioner shall hold hit offlee for s term of
threo years, beginning on the first Thursday
after the first Tuesday in January a ter
his election, and until his sucees
sor Is electod and qualified: Providisl,
however, That at the first general elec
tion held after flic adoption of this amend
ment there shall lie elected threo railroad
commissioners, one for the period of one
year, one for tho period of two years, ami
one for the period of three years. The gov
ernor, secretary of state, auditor of pub
lic accounts, and treasurer shall reside at
the capital during their term <1 office;
they shall keep the public records, books
ami papers there and shall perform such du
ties as may he required by law.
Approvod March 90, A. D. 199c.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-six (2d; of ar
ticle live (5) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, limiting the num
ber of executive state officers.
IS*- It resolved and enacted by the Leg
lslature of the Htute of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section twenty six (Mj of
artlola five (5) of the Constitution of the
Htnte of Nebraska be ainuuded to reud os
Heotlon <01. No other executive state ofll
cers except th<<se named In section one (0
of this article shall be created, except
by an act of the legislature which Is
concurred In by not loss than three f <urtbs
of the members elected to each house
Provided, That any offloc crasted hy an
act of the legislature may be abolished by
the legislature, two-tblrds of the mem
bers elected to each house thereof concur
Approved March 80, A. D.. 1805.
▲ joint regulation proposing to
amend section nine (9) of article eight
(8) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, providing for the investment
of the permanent educational funds of
the state.
Be It resolved end enacted by the Legisla
ture of the Htate of Nebraska:
Heotlon 1. That aoctloa nine (10 of article
eight (8) of the Constitution of tha Htate
or Nebraska be amended to read as fol
Heotlon 0. All funds belonging to the state
for educational purposes, the Interest and
Income whereof only are to be used, shall
be deemed treat funds hold by the state,
and the statu shall supply all lasses there
of that may lu any manner acorue. so that
the same shall remain forever Inviolate
and undlmlnlshed, and shall not be In
vested or loaned except on United States
or state securities, or registered Bounty
bonds or registered school district bonds of
this state, and such funds with the Inter
est and Income thereof are hereby solemn
ly pledged for the purposes for which they
are granted and set apart, and shall not
be transferred to any other fund for other
Q|g| J
Provided. The board created by section
1 of this article is empowered to sell from
time to time any of the securities belonging
to the permanent achaol fund and invest
the proceeds arising therefrom In any of the
securities enumerated in this section later
lng a higher rate of Interest whenever
an opportunity for better investment la pre
And provided further, That when any
warrant upon tha state treasurer reg
ulerly issued In pursueace of an appropri
ation by the legislature and aecured by tha
levy of a tax for Its payment, shall
be presented to the state treasurer for
payment, and there shall not be any
money in the proper fund to pey each
warrant, the boerd created by section 1
of this article may direct the state treas
urer to pay the amount due on such war
rant from moneys lu his hands belonging
to the permanent aehool fund of tha atate,
and he shall hold said warrant as an lu
vestment of said permanent school fund.
Approved March 0U. A. D. 1806,
A joint regulation proposing an
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska by adding a now
section to article twelve (12) of Haid
constitution to be numbered section
two (2) relative to the merging of the
government of cities of the metro
politan class and the government of
the counties wherein such cities are
Its II resolved and enacted hy tho l<ngu
baclton 1. That artful# tw«lv* (IQ of lha
Ounetltutlon <>f the M«t« of Nabreaka lw
aiuaudad by addin* lo *aid aril It a now mo.
Uou lo tw 11 um lx rad aaetioa two (-J lu road
aa follow*:
Hmittuii t. Tb* guvcrntiieal of *uy oily of
lb* metropolitan ruu« and lha go*,
aranaut of lha county lu which
It I* looalad ut** ha utargad ahull*
or ta part »li>u a pronuaitloa au lo do h*a
lawn *uhiultlad by authority of law to lha
Volar* of lit city aud Ntuli end re
iwtvad ih* **MUt of a majority of th*
*ota* ca*t ta »uth »ttr and aUu a majority
•f th* vola* carl la lha county »i> luanm
of th an cast la il l uratrupolitau city #1 *uch
Approved March M. A It. IM1
A Joint roaolnftdU |.iu|«»tng an
MMHtdtnent to ear-tlon nth (4) ul hitirls
; Mvan (T) “I Ut* IVuntilulkik ul th*
htal* ul Nvbrhakh. |uo**rthtug th*
uieitner in which rota* that) ha «w#l
i It* It vmoived amt *na*hut hy the lagUiai
are ul the tub *f Nehvaah*
Beet to a I that mk* vt* 1*1 ul min
***** 1*1 <4 th* (b*rlil»h*e ul th* u»*ie
at Mah*a*ha be maeadml ta mad *■ hd
, hrwai
1 ka* liu* A AU mtaa *h*tt he bf WIM *f
»t '.tha# *n»thMt a* u*et ba ******i*ed
by law um*ld»d th* *#*#*•» ml vuttap b*
Appmevd Mat. h It A It MBt
A Jutkt IWUtMMl J.r^auiMg to
a to* ad anrtto« two (!) vl arttat* to«r
l**n (Ul of tha IVarliUina *4 th*
Mile itI Nahraea*. twin ft** lu d.oaliiut*
to wuiki ut lutaiitAi iwtfutiwekl and
1 manufactories.
He it resolved and enact ad by the [jC
, lalaturc of the State of Nebraska:
Hectiuti 1 That section two (2) of article
fourteen (H> of tbe Constitution of the
Htate of Nebia-ka, Is* amended to rear ns
: follows:
i Bee. 2. No city, county, town, precinct,
municipality, or other subdivision of tho
stat**, Khali ever make donation* to any
work* of Internal Improvement, or
manufactory, unless a proposition so to
do shall have been flr*t submitted to the
qualified elector* and ratified by a two
third* vote at an election by authority of
law; Provided That such donations of a
county with the donation* of ’such subdl
vision* 111 1 he aggregate shall not exceed
ten per cent of tnc aM*e*sed valuation of
■uch county; Provided, further, That uuy
city or county may, by a three-fourths
Vote, Increase such Indebtedness five per
cent, in addition to such ten per cent and
no boDd* or evidence* of tmfehlednc** to
Issued shall lie valid unless the same shall
have endorsed thereon a oerti float* signed
by the secretary qpd auditor of state,
showing that the *ame is issued pursuant to
Approved March 2!), A. D., 1H95.
I, J. A. Piper, Moratory of Htate of
tho Htate of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proponed amendments
to tho Constitution of tho Htate of Ne
braska are true and correct cnpicn of
tho. original enrolled and engroHHod
bill*, as passed by the Twenty-fourth
session of tbe legislature of the Htate
of Nebraska, os appears from said
original bills on file in this office, and
that all and each of said proposed
amendments are submitted to the
qualified voters of the Htate of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to be held on
Tuesday, the 3d day of November, A.
Ill testimony whereof, I have here
unto sot my hand and affixed the great
seal of the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 17th day of
July, in the year of our Lord, One Thou
sand, Light Hundred and Ninety-Six,
of the independence of the United
States the One Hnndred and Twenty
First, and of this state the Thirtieth.
(Seal.) J. A. PIPEH,
Secretary of State.
Notice I* hereby given that l>v virtue of
u chattel mortgage untod on the IMth day of
May, ism; and duly (lied In thaolllce of the
con lily clerk of Sherman county, Nebraska
on the ilHth day of May, IMS', and ox con ted
by A. Foltz and Joaiu Foltz to Elizabeth
Kent, to secure the the payment of the
Slim of Four Hundred Hollars
and Fifty-six Cent* aud Interest,
arid epon which there Is now dae the sum
of •l*I.Hr>. Default having been made In
the paymont of said sum and no suit or
other pro. codings at law having been In
stltutcd to recover said debt or any part
thereof, therefore 1 will sell the property
therein described, viz:
One hay horse,six years old;
One bay horse, one hind foot white, five
years old;
Three sate of light double harness ,
Two single, top bugglei:
One two seated top buggy.
Onu dark Iron gray horse, eight years old.
One lighter iron gray horse, six years old .
One hay mare seven years old;
one hay horse, eight years old,
•t. public auction, at the livery ham. In
Uiock IS. In the Original Town of l.oup
City. Nebraska, on the ‘kind day of Aug
ast, I SVC. at in o’clock a. in.
Ki.i/.aiiktn Kickt, Mortgagee.
Hv A Tavi.ok, her Altys
John Swouey, defendant will tuke notice
that on July UUth: IBM. there was tiled In tlic
dlstrict court of Sherman county, Nebrasku.
by Kittle Swouey, plaintiff, u petition for a
diverse from *aict defendant,, on the ground
that said defendant has without just cause
wilfully abandoned and utterly deserted the
plaintllT for more Ulan two years last past.
That, said defendant has exercised cruelty
toward said plaintiff, and that, said defendant
has wantonly and cruelly failed and neglected
to provide suitable rmilntuinunce for said
plaintiff, said defendant being at all limes
of sufficient ability to so do, Defendant furth
er prays care and custody of the children.
Genes and Robert Swouey.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, the 31st day of August
Attest: K ITT IK Hwoukv, Plaintiff
Louts Hats, County Clerk.
State of Nebraska,!
Sherman County, j *■
II. Mmelser, PlaintllT.
Mary O, Tochey and Lloyd J llyalt.
Lloyd J. Hyatt will take notice that on
the Mb ot August iNW's Geo. W. Hunter, a
Justice ot the peace of Loup City town,
skip, .Shermau county, Nebraska. Issued an
order of ullaehmeul tor Ike sum ot
in an action pending heforu him, wherein
II. Suiclser le plaintllT aud Mary 0. Toekey
and Lloyd J. Ilyatl, defendants, that prop
city of tbs duleudaiil consisting of the one
third inlerust in about 13 acres of wheal,
has been attached under said order, also
guumtaheH summons Issued against Mike
Fallow, and said Mike Patlow ordered to
hold said wheat eubiecl tu the order of ilia
Maid cause was continued to the •-'t'4h day
of September, I MW, at 10o'clock, a. in
W. J FiaUkU, for Pluinlltf.
l.oup City Market Report ^
r nue* |«uu lor
Our n # IU
W b®al ,vi
Otll ... ! Ill
» *.
I'uwc ami h®ll*t* ong Ik
t'Mdw* li«
Uuttvr, |Mt (Mtuml Tk>*
Kga*. |*ai >lu« *«»»k
tvialu®® ,, n
Igciua tmM I** call !!•« I It® ami
• l>*®iti**uf Mikln *r. vtlk Pi**®®tli®**a«
•I l.**ai* i uataullua, l‘tal(n*«® u< fatly
*a4 miter raU*w® lafuriaaliua. Igt tag®®.
■ tlhlu lull gag® tu**kr*ltu*a, l'm«,. icia.
|i >*i, uali m >*ik«u, lit* ini gw «««*
liwiMat lu lg**U, ®t4 *> >®®U |u*
I'im|i»iu aail I® t |«ili.* *i«, |*4 gu lit
•iMltlMH* fit® ••• *®h *«I *agta* la
faa* iu«a. *i.|t«M i a iigil«l* f*u
l<*hiag iuui*mi a..*® aitcat *•• uik
III |\ Hill M vf K
la M, Pm) tttaa I* cfinnl k« Ik* Hnf
Ithgluu H ilii lug .<• <> art. I 41 u* a.
t-ttukl u| Ik® \ «llu«4l l.u. •»i|i>u®at u|
«k® It .% H t t*k*l* t Mj.i .j . ti i*»
• It llluui *•<•! IhII IlictMItilMI it® *|t
|i)i< *itu<i lu *»i i|*«i *| ik* M 4k M
»t tu J ki«m ■ *, Itaal I'tittug*! Igt
i >ai*b®. X*k.