The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 21, 1896, Image 8

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1:30 IV II. Leaves rt;50 I*. M
Connection* at Aurora for all points
A. F. Wnut*, Agt
Beginning Sunday, November 17ili.
train* will arrive anil depart at this
station as follows:
Leaves Leaves
Monday, |BB0 Tuesday, > h do
Wednesday, Thursday.
Friday. ) alurday )
Arrivea at Loup City daily 7.‘.Bp.m.
Close connection at Grand Island lor
all points East and West.
K. W. Clink. Ageut
Lioaai Daws.
A Boone. THU Jeweler.
We irevived a nice rain Sunday night.
Kye and Ear. Dr. Itavls, Grand
Island. Nebr.
Frank Nightingale is visiting rela
tives in Lincoln.
Considerable threshing has been done
the past week.
The blaoksrnitbs of this village sceui
to l e <|iilte busy.
Call on Bi’oietary Mellor and got »
premium list for the fair.
Harness, collars, whips, lap dusters,
mid nets at T. M Iteods.
The German society held a picnic l.t
Inks' grove last Sunday afternoon,
pr Sumner Davis, Grand Island. Sur
gical diseases and disease* of Eye and
Our subscribers must pay np, wo must
have money. Please don’t wait lor
another notice.
Good make* of new nnd second hand
mowing machines, alsn hay rskesat
T M. Reeds.
Both oats and wheat has taken a
a tumble tbla week. Oats 7 cents,
wheat id cents.
Fair at Loup City Sept. 16th. 17th.
and IKth. For further Information ad
dresa W. R. Mellor. Secty
W h Stephen* of Roei, villa town
ship Is building a flue brick house on
hi* farm. He has It nearly completed
Jtev. U. G. Miller, formerly Paster of
the Baptist ehurob here will preach
morning aud evening in this city on
Sunday August 60th.
Mrs. E. E. Forsythe who has been
visiting friends at Hot Springs. H. f>.
started for her homo last Tuesday She
arrived Wednesday evening.
The Kpworth League and Baptist
Young People’* organization gave a
very Interesting song service at the
M. E.chareh last Sunday evening
O. Bonschoter and James McDonald
are getting ready to move to Iowa
where they will permanently locate
They will start the first of tho month.
Hon. Judge Wm. L. Greene, pres
ent Judge of this judicial district re
ceived the nomination for congress at
the hands of the populist convention
last Wednesday.
Mr. Charles Smith, an old resklent of
Sherinan county. Imt now living in
Southern Kansas arrived here last Fri
day. He is looking after some business
here and will return in a few days.
John Eggers, who moved his family
anti nouseuoiu goon* so urnuu iiionu
last week where he has pennantly lo
cated was in the city on husiiio*n last
Eczema la a frightful allllction, hut
like all other akin diseases it cart be
permanently Cured by applications of
DeWltt’a Witch Ila/.el Salve It uever
fatles to cure Piles. Odendahl lirns.
In the Spring time a young man's
fancy lightly turns t» thoughts of—
DeWitt'a Little Early Rlaers. for they
always cleanse the llyer, purify the
blood, and invigorate the system
Odendahl Bros.
The populist managers of the national
campaign thinks It is not worth while
to notify Walton oiliclally of hi* iioihi
Mat on for the vice-presidency and so
has concluded not to go through with
that formality
t arslca Truelsen ha» the finest Held
of corn n hhennatt county and we
doubt whether It can he beat anywhere
In the slate He ha* about TO acres and
ell of It has been irrigated from the
ditch It i» thought by the** w ho h ire
seen It to go 1<e* bushel* to the acre
Hr. Homtneand l»f Brown, Irentlats,
•f the Homme I rental t o, now |>eriii*
molly located In Hi. Paul, Nebr. will
•itahe a professional visit to lamp t tty
Aug J' to .ei pi spared to dll rbrs. A
eatiaet teeth without pair Their *1
Hve, white ih thevriy will!*- at the Hotel
When we rssi* down fr«MM dti ner
last Thursday two large due ears ef
veil lay en euf desk l uith 't laveot.
g*).eu , ohvIu. *d is* that the) were
placed there by Ms rue Hilbert and that
It was'tbe product of a crop planted of
lei jvhe great hail storm of 4«ut i Front
Hse sample* we shewld judge that It wttl ,
mature and make ae »»> sheet atop
• heap rate* iu Ireeter |for the ae
wual us eating <*t the Kati<>t*l gt*le,l>lfw»t i
I tee yes tbi* wept I V the I n on Pa 1
i tile wilt sell H. hei* at rat* of wee f ate
for the rowed trip ph»* twe dollar* time
pad eta te btk*** rod Xtkttttb fWl*t* ’
vs role Argwat a,-h to wept l«t i«
, Imltv Fsr MWi partiswlar* eall ee i
P*aeh ♦. I ll*», Agent
Good gra os of machine oi'* sold lit.
I'. M Reed.
A. II. Totter, of l.ilclilb I'l tinn doing
business in tills city t" day.
Adol|>li Sorensen of Arcadia spent
Sunday in iliis city visiting friends.
Home w heat lias been marketed this
week at the Loup City elevator*
One »u allow does not make Spring
1 but one swallow of One Minute t.'ough
Cure bring* relief.- Odendahl Bros,
The people of the Baptist church will
! give a social on Aug. 2H. Tim proceeds
to go to repair the church.
One minute is the standard time nml
One Minute Cough (Jure I- the standard
j preparation for every form of cough or
cold. It Is the only harmless remedy
that produces Immediate result.*.
Odendahl Bros
{Sovereign Orund Lodge I (),<) I
Dallas Texas Sept. 21 to 2»tb. The I .
T. will sell tickets to Dallas and return
for one fare. For particulars call on or
address F. W. Cline Agt
We ware presented with a dozen or
more roasting ears by the I I year old
son of Mrs H. .1. Wilton of Washington J
tap It was th* finest, that ha* been,
brought to this ofllee and was planted
and cultivated by th* boy. Ilo ha
21) acres of if and did all of the work In
tlm Held himself We would judge
from these sample* that tills i.ov can
teach many older and more experienced
farmers how to rai-e corn
Less than one faro for the rout. I tiip
On ftept' 1st and Jed tin I 'nion I’m -
will tell tickets to Omaha alSS.SO which
also take you Into the fair ground- I r
particulars call on undersigned. I', f
time yo« know! 1- W. Cline Agt
Wa acknowledge and should haye men
tioned last, week, fh* receipt of au In
vltation to attend the wedding of Win.
L. Marcy, of this city to Miss Lauretta
II. Kdnwy of Ottawa, Kensat. The mar
- ■ -p --— — ' .. n - - -
1800. at 8 o'clock, p txj. Union Chapel,
Ottawa, Kansas. Wa learn that they
will l>« at home. Loup City, after Sep
tain her 1st. Both contracting parties
are well known to our people. Mr,
Marcy has lived here for several years
and has established a good reputation
as a dentist and has here one of the
finest equipped dental office in (be west.
Miss Kdney Is every accomplished lady,
and during her visit hero last winter
made a large circle of friends and ac
quaintances. allot which will gladlv
welcome her to our city
The Nout(■ witSTKBN extends con
New* from Clear Creek.
The past week has been full of stir
ring events Birthday party at Becks',
W It C sociable at H. Bakers, camp
meeting at Hound Grove and political
rally at Litchfield,
Long is swinging around telling the
pops all about the New York Sun. and
as the good farmers know little about
the Sun, lie tells them it is printed in
New York by one liana and I hat he says,
that is liana says, if Bryan is elected
people must invest their money in land
Vow tlie question arrises how does that
interest homesteaders here as we have
no inouuy to buy land with Tne only
way 1 can see for John to aid his co
workers is to get them a small loan
say #200.00 or less on a quarter sect ion
of land, or get them cheap coal, or per
chance loan them his pass occasionally.
/>.:»« ■/i_i_v .. i i < ii
wheat to the acre.
Fritz Shadt ran learn the good peo
ple of this vac I id ty how to raise sod
oor«i. lie has 2d acres that will yield
40 Imahtda on the acre.
* 'amp meeting will commence .it
Grav'a drove In the 20th unit.
Last Thursday was a i.alailar lor the ■
Modern Woodman of this part of tin
country The oceatlou was a grand log j
rolling at North I.oup. Nineteen of
I.oup City camp with live Ladle- star-i
tedahaut six o'clock for that l ily ar
riving their ai>out The day was
cloudy and very .lainp in tin- .leuoott.
■ •inner was eat n town and imme i
gftei. all went to the ground- o it
tulles north of tow n were appropriate
exceraUea were had, among which v .
a veiy aide address on the sol M l i 1
[ Fraternal tx-ucitelary mMer* bytli * II
I V|i , ClemaM i>l Ord followed
Woodmans .In hi tee song >y a a irteru •
aftei which the North I o . < > , ... d
the I.oup t tty eamp placed a gone o
all which was atdy playvd and < oa >
I.oup t tt v Camp .'score .'.to ; \ ter in
game the I.oup City tea I‘lilt ft* I
i uiiimnI Hi* VmHi . |{«cM<t •*
i 41l«l f'fttt*ll lUM 1**1 (Ilf vlftlM'tl ftiliV H|
(hhm« in Hi** it 4fit., \iu hi„' Hi
I Ml* * t»i Iff 4%i t||<*t*t■ « it i
nit# ttriiH lit## 4it*l ilrii'g* in MU# *• ,t
<‘i ib*' t##f##4 if lltf ( .v Hi<
ik* ft #4* ttfSt t#M4 III S 4*1 ( *»w .
#H» MM | imf u( |tt |ii4 lit*’ HlhHt t •’
n«*i t(i« ltr##4i w! «*uu it h *t«‘» t *»
ft |ftii dll 441 1*4 4**1 M
t i# 4# tfU HMlV 4 i*ft( * i* »fe«f
at * chap sal I nit. alt fit* ho » * i * o
a tier < Um 11 we " .••.tin a
UmiIImji r*
fill III* t*%Vft»|is**l %||W * fa fatfl* t* Mf*
H«-t lagloo MowtV wlii wit net trip |
tlcsvis at am tare |w th* i» ml tt»p
Mated Vt thwalaa t.larhie Sm
\,.g >l »» |Uhl a| »lv \«g i ;
amt »V t» .eh* re a i l.n-.' t ** •
■ Mat N-sMeosi hthean ! • »,t®
IlilfM' "’i * i* lapel
:• V;V TKE BIST M ‘ !
SPR!N( ’ : Oi !E
Is Simmon t l.r/trt :•! i ah • n’t
forget to tike iT ii I I >• fish
during the Wi >•% •• «l <«.» ;re,
and tiie sy'■•••.. m i by
the a i 1 i
Malaria, I c • ! • .nd ’ t.v
t’sna. You wit to T ■ I Ter I
now, but be sure you tal
LIVER iflioi I.AI'ik v, ii*.> •
regulates tire l.iv.-r , . j , erly at i
Work, when your u < T |>e - from 1
poison and • * T 1 w ; ■ d.
You get THE i’.s.<>•-■> ■’ n
your • . t
will only be w • IT ! !•
dry a Id', t !•
differed e, )' .
f.ivi t? Rent I
I.IVEK !'i: o.l ■
differed I • w <ii| dj
already prepy :. • i T '
pOWtllZ ; T T Off
IATOR. V..i , I-:!> y ■: very
package, I
J. U. Zulu-: .... I'il.Uu ,
A. T.. Woo*tnr, t, prominent oiriz u
of f >»-i‘o. Mi. h,, »f!i’f zuiT riiitf <■ « i
daringly from idle* for twenty year*,
wan cured In a zhoit limn • ti n'gj
DeWitt'* Witch Ifu*<>1 salve. »n u;> ... |
lute cure for all *k.i T i .- . . '>!< . •
thl* preperation I* u*« d than mi <
combined. Odemlahi If •
N«T>rii*kll Mlat« tulr i.f <*-.i.i!i:* I
The I nlon I'aelflc willt-ofl tiidc<i* nt
one fare for round trip plus '><><•< uf m
ai]inf*»lon to fail ground Tfelcoi*ori
sale August f!?th. to Sepfcnn h
li cdiinlvc, good u.T l -cptem ci 71.i.
f W. > USB /Tilt.
■%T_- ... * I.1_ I
.0^ ' • ' ' » ' > 11 ■ > I I
month- ou , .-conn of tie- gn .u aortal
Ify an >tig chlldn i i-iujM-d In bowel
trouble*. 1'erfc • -.V'ty mat ' a**ur
ed thOM- who i < i,|> on hn/ni DcWitt'a
Collf o. < liolcra nip-, n d administer
It promptly I-or mfunp*. bilious colie,
dysentery ;»! d dlarrh iit afford* In
stant rcilef, Odundah! Bios.
Tb« Best Spring medicine foi tvveti
ly live centt a do-c a day foi every
member of the family . Gera packagej
of tllminon* Liver Keoidaior. tin- best
blood medicine and the be-i spring
medicine. It will save you vent;, •
llyc cents on a dollar',- w- rth < ! medi
cine bought ie-fore andwi.l ..
better blood and totter b"i<!th, "laiioi
It regulate* your livei 'I I. tlie
Rc-crist of health. J. 11. Zellln Co.,
FbiIadolph i, Pa
A ltED-HOT <;aM1’ak '
’ll -- |,i > at campaign wi the
most exciting one fought oi.r the
war There will not hen
something of unusual in : not
transpire. The State .b un ,a m
up it mind to -urn ,,,-r
effort the dirertl- ing.
and >»-r give re • i ; mn
pleted.itsil i the ■ in , gail
the new* from an me 1 im dm.
Kepubhcana v. ill want 1 .. h.
cause of its -taum u . -j . , rb.
cipje* it being reconi;.: d a - ;n
ard-la arer Of the gre.v i . i y
of Nebraska Populist* ami rats
should read it for the tn-.v. i
The Send Weekly .louro u v. > to
thousand* of new home du the
campaign. Von bo: el m, .it
w III only coat you rent.- l uni now
null) November IS. Two pap-, . very
»ni,, mu log ii almost a» a
daily. rtubicribe through ymu |<< - um- ;
ter or sand your order to 1 . tatt j
.1 Ultra*I. j.lncoin Neb
Did you ever thiiii. how rt , the
u’ood Is l’i) m11d*11 by pou j.; , u ' j
Ha l blood meafia bad health I p! pm
ui attire old ige Da Win
Karty HDer* t..» t uuuti- Jit>t,■
ttdeud ihi Bri.i.
Mr# It- l». V o>.i^ it loot u»i it 1#., 1
write- ! have u»> d t*«*e Mh , * ;h |
« U’FV; *, ft 1 tilfll ;,■ | i . J ,
t t|i t: f\ ‘ | i | | ’ i t» f t
J*V{»'4|: i»ud lf» • -f* j||
u»v. i ^av*’ ■ H*it i * * If i -
Awarded Htghot Honor**
World * Fair,
MOM ! ' J • f *■ Vhl
A t‘“‘ t,
faw a i r i * . - •
$>? VIAK.A TMt ' t VS • >
Th« following pn/jw tMHl amrmdtnnnta
t<> tin Ootixtitution of tha Bfto *.f
b: o k i, a# hereinafter t«‘t firth infill!,
mu fii',mitt<id to tin* elector* of thfl
8tat« of NubranJta, to lie voted upon
»» " • ;;‘iiei.i! i j.-otion to l • held Tun-'*
iI.m N’ovemlK'r 8, A. l),, d’ >'l:
A joint r< wilnt’on proponing to
amend tteetkiit* two (3), i .or (4;, utwl
ftv <."»,) of article r x (0) ut lh C-in-ti
tut; in of tin; Stain of Nebr.i.k.i, r<dating
to utunlxr of judge* of the nuprcino
court nod their f.'i in of o f'.f'.
fy »l \-< U Hi i y i !'• j.
til;* of t ji of >«<■' < mi :
Nix • •) • t I hi 4 ofM'bn'l ft of 'li- hf.t't.
«>l iV- I.r/Ot'i t *</ f. {- T'.i.i :h !'/,•
< - / |}f Mi
Ot • p M - 1 I.V j/fV ■ ■ f Of UV
Jt » • , J ; ■ 5 « f I; >nt rlo . I*-’ ft •;«'
N»* y _•».t <morti:rt • .* to
ftI -full fj'iVu ostk rial J i J*ol I.J .ij
In v. ri-in ifcf t rovi-iiu* -?lVii « in
will h u it NUbsh.t'i )** «t party* mttfl ifcmn*.
qua • warrupto, J/iblMW Cor j I'M* i, *U"ii
npjn |«»-> • bailuii, 44 maf b» prori<i«ij by
H'/fii, .:, TlMlf ' t, f oir (4, vf ur j'-.i)
Nix (H; of Hi” *' n-biMi im of th.*» h t
frf N* III tokft, Iy.j Jt i DM> ;*N U> H*4 t'A’
low m;
4 TIin jwiit**• of the wipr*'n>ft
r.v>ur4 ftkfcll fjitNciwti by (ht? oyv.iot-* ot t*U‘
• ?!*>.■ ■*5 i'l o, u f*<i U \r U rru *if « 171 ! # A
b'* :>f if* hi«r«¥i.*t.iflur !'»• 'i'l '. Aii'iil In* for u
ptirioil ef uf*4 to** than il v*‘ ' /,) yeftro u* tiu>
wtt*y pr<f?«Tr)l>»,
Ht bon a. IhetN fm'V'tii fivM (.,) of nrtic'n
lix O’*) ot til* CoaNilta'-i 'ii <«f • *r of Nt
bt-t .Mi, l,i' Ml,<- I U-d In i -ul If l ,\UtVT4i
h'Wfioti 9* At th>» ftfxt jfxit ml wtw^i >n to
Im> hot4. la tfcry*:'4ir 1&W, thorn f4u»»l b« ulwstol
two ( j jadgw of rht, w » . court
tt Vr h‘Hit Nfc&il bo J r <i f«*r‘/i of
Ct) yno’.rl. O'lM for ?.i|M f‘- ;u of fy.rfi/
ttft i «t oiMSh tfcAcra' OiMctiofi titftfW’
ifb*r, thfcr« fee vl*i ‘ •; oiiM jn' i- tif
in 'tupremi* court for the *.« rm of five
2A yp/ifN, lioti««r'«< :*v j.ii atl
[#w; I'rovUiiHi, that th* Jtof th* «-.u
>r*mts tourfc v, h'■ -•* term* have not expired
it the thim of h'>|djjj.r tb» u-aornl t-u-t;
■bvri of ISM, tfbaM ' <»4intt* to hold thHr
t th* r» matador of il»<* term f ir
rylii'*h they were iv-p*-.:lively * mm^*
Approved March 5®, A. f> lb: >3
A Joint resolution proposing an
unend incut to section thirteen (IB) of
irticlo six of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of supreme* am! district court
B* it rw,ivn*i by the Legislature 'it th-: Htate
d Nebraska;
Section 1. That **etPu tho-;. • (1J) <,f
irtiuia 0ix (*) of thn Con Ultutlon of ih - s mto
if Nebraska b« amend* d *oun to r i a* i 4*
*wa j
th 0, 18 Th*’ jud#' i of th • I'i^. i:m arid
lLtriot court* «haU r>>- ‘iv*< i ,v th ir . rv. « ,
(ttrh cejapenaation a* may ho provi b 1 by h*w,
paywhlft quarterly.
The P-tfUlatur* hall at. 1C llrat action
tfC'r tho adoption -if i ;* armwlmimt,
thr«C'flfth« of the nioisbor* • !. ct»,-d to
MP»h hou*« ooncurr\au. • ->tabli»h their
Jontpenaation. The • > mp< u*ation «<■» «*.♦
tabiiaaed Khali not be cbnuirud oft-mir
than once In four y^urs, and in no event tun* a
(wo third* of the memor elected to
*ti'h hriuii* of th* JetfUlaltirc »-,iicur
ApproVi i March by, A La 1- • >
A joint i • solution proposing to
unend section twenty-four (34; of
irticie five (5) to the Oonstitution of
tho State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of the office*™ of the executive
Be tt resolved and eu*/*!o l by the l, givlaturc
;>f th« State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Motion twenty-four (24)
>f article five (U) at th < onlutein at th*
itnte of Nuoraiyka be amended to road as fol
Section 24. Th* ofll th at th.» executive
Mpurtnumt of the »tato government hall
retoive for th«dr a compensation
-o be entabliHh d by law, whl- h ahull \*t
neither iuor<a»*nl nor diminished during the
mrm for which they »iiall h»v« hewn <om
ni’itflotiHd and they a hall not ro . iv* to their
pU u*
nou*y* m thair handK or under Their control, '
>« i qnuitc4 of ■- ;U ■« or oth .-r compel. ’
atiotj ami oil tar.-, that may here*
Utter bt» payfcbie >v law for aerviecs
.. r ... »*» . ... #. ... ; i
tit'll U» shall j.m i in mlvasi -w into the
Into The legislature .hall at Us
Irst suasion afo r tin adoption of this amend
«mt, tll's'i flsdis of the members elected to
>*uti ho rise of too legislature cob
■ui’rlng, «Mtabllsh the salaries of the
.tUcnra namod in th.s arliiln The Mini
>u aitou wo aoosiK 1 shall not be - handed
ifteBer thau once in four ,v«aia aud m no
ivmit uuieaa two thir is of the in .ni bars
iicic.i to na-li housj of the legislature eon ur
.h.ooitt. I
Approved March 81, A. 0. 1W5.
A joint ret>. lutiuu prui>o*nig to amend
cation ones (1) of article six (tl) of
be Oointitntion of the State of Nebnu
tu, tflnttnjf to judicial power.
H" 11 reuse * ad ant '*1 oil of hx the le-gilla
n ■« r tj|g jj%ai# s4 Kp‘o Saha:
Sac span I Hal .* .■■ ,n (!) >.f article ala
’i‘tvi ,■ •> ■ - p. «m of tM# state
itiail U* -sated u • .•. I.i; t., , i
■>ts'!s emiio.y .. * jam ng i.f the
i . j ■ t >-• losgtaarat - .. i m a h <.«ter 1
i.t •. ■ i a-> i . .. i :
gat i tu > l •. i, h l»o ttette ■ f ;
i i M • -Tb 8* t 0. HMt
A Juutt i a did ion pi paiit) n ’.
i.iii *wt <* .thru etev«4) ill) tf atthdv six
S) Af tbs. t tit S . I,f the -Mv -if
S- Ira .a - *i j t t< : asn to Hath
;wt if *«t|« -At s-ltd (lutr-it uoml
Ifc, 11 f. • • ■ ■■ . .- 'S' i f .• i s*
• * ##*. V ' 90m- ' » » hi
■P*K Ms f i idii « •»•■««%
. i*-#** *'*« ' •• !• <=•• A ‘S' . '• '*'* «. 4 V " K ■ .
•» •*■ a » * > i. iV *> -
-4s: i H |*.W
fejp $**!
R-. p r*-v’otv*4 enacted by the Ijccr-datur*1
cf th, Stake of Nebraska:
Hfn*tl0« 1- That section idt (*) »ft1 'I • on*
I (f»uf •»»«; iVin«»i anon of tie* ol
1 lit • ■' > •• »«m« .*d J to rc-'ut *m
k ■ • i <\ Th • riv.i»’ *»f *riui b jury »lialf
r* mi • too hud*,tttu: may pro
v is f in rivii raUon-i fix' -sixth* »f the jury
pm t :*.ftor » vi Hii *t. on.I th» hv^inlntun may
ttl 'o «iu h/r n »trial by n jury <>t i Hm» number
ill ii twelve moti, in court a inferior to tliu cha
in tco^rt.
Approved March J», A D. 1805.
.V joint resolution proposing to
poetic>u otie(l) of article live (5)
of the* Constitution of Nebraska, rclat*
in# to iff lire rs of tho executive <1<^kii t*
Ifcjlt »••*,« 1/ <\ Biuf enact 'd by tin- Loginin'
turn of rh. -din'* or Jffibnuka:
«f; f That, *4*r!t:>'o o |,- (J) of nr*
t ”1 • 1\V>‘ ( ) of th * Const! u’ion of ifi* *!•'•»
c/T N». ,rv ,< t i.p nm< iid'<J hi rvnd a- toi*
n ( Tltw executive depart meat shall
c* '‘t of n governor, lb'Tt*'?ro.t ;• m/rnur,
’i * o»ry ot ntut-r auditor of ptloinr* unis,
ti v i r r, MUimrintoriclvnt of pub i • In*
Htrmn-in, attorney p1 rn-rat, i-oiitmi.cpiotior
or pu'*:i l/unjjt 'ij bul'dtn'h, and »!».’* •
r <l ''id '■i/iiiiiii4 i<,f» 4. ot p in,
0. ' pi tic* ot,! rail real j juuxtin 4
shall hold hit offleo for si term of
ts\<> <1 4 f'-oiu too jjr»t Thursday after
tba b'-t 'Jit ".la/ in, after
b ;< * J«- tion, mi«-d until ) U su<* tmn <r Hi
r * ; i arid cj»mli/l*-d, > •» h railroad coni
tut o ,wi j (n , ho! I Ida oftlco for h term of
t j - ! , ,dn. on tl»o :! 1 T ,u
«n* tii : * i 'J u*■-■lay in fi.i nary a tor
ld< «-<’ tlon, and unto in* at# •<■■■><*
*4> •* * p- • l and <pj•» iflcd. Provided.
1 >'Ae < r, Thai nt th • first w i* r«4i h|m<9»
1. -■ is a! * tl»fj ados turn of thU nnn nd*
i.* 1*< el«< tod thi' o
c oil bn,or«. otio for tho period of onn
on** ioj* th-- j* nod of two y itn, and
one for th»- p rlod of throe year*. The gov*
»• >. r. ".mu -tary of ktato, ncdihif of pub
lic; o« /unf 4, and treasurer * hi*i! r- <Pte at
t • ■ . . ■ . < »rtn/ th- 'r *< mi » f ojp •;
X ■ fiijb If • >ha ynbiia rc-cordo hooks,
a i ‘m. »-4 I.. , * mi i sh-t d perform «u»di «iu*
t . n * may he r* uulrcwl by l »w.
Approved MarefiIff. A/fi 1U95,
, il.t, !<n.!uti II pfop'lHIItf tO
u/n>‘ii<i f -cfioM twontv-.nx (v;0) of. or
field flvu (u) of tho Cojrjfftitutioj! of tin '
Ktuto of ludmfaka, limiting tins nurn
!• T of ' ? cufivi Ktuti* officer#.
Ih* St rewdvel Mf»d by *J>. I,).:
fa tat urn of th** State of N*ft>r*i»ka:
HvnUorj i 'I rui? t c ii*;/ «;x < 'H) of
nv- l'i five of ;.ti« Um-dmition of the
Mute of Nebiaiku by Atuviidiul to read a*
f *;
Hxw'i i',a 2d. No other «xn<m*ive state ofH
f' * X'OJjd those liftiiit"! m rk«<'fioft on * fl)
tit thi* art* -* rhali b- f i 11- ■<!, i xceiH
by Mia iv fc of tho ii-i*isl'*!nry v.hb h i*
concurred tn i •/ t,(>t b a Unui three f/urttw
of tho member* ejected to c;u h hous
IV* v, Jed, That any office? created by an
of th*' jo/l slat urv may be abolished by
the two-thirl* of the im in
i * r* uh.v'-d to *.a:h bouse thereof concur*
Apphjvm! Marche A fa. lh'di.
A Joint resolution jiropomn/x to
amend -ti' n nine (ft) of article; eight
" ) of li/I I 'I.tii ;■ of tin . !,ll( of
Kobracka, providing for the investment
>f the peunauent educational tunas of
the i-tate,
It'. !l o ~ .lv«'l io.ll i nie iulby the I<uel*la
Sure of the State of Kftbrn.icn:
huetion i. That section nine CO of article
sight* (*) of the f'oustitution of the Stan
il N*.braaku bo amended to real n* fob
deotlon 0. All funds fa-longing to tne state
Mr « iu'-nti /iittl purpos* o thy interest and
income) when**)/ only are to bo u-od, -h*H
t*& ‘ iu»fd trust lurid 4 held by ths state,
ind tho «Uto shad supply all losses there
if that may in any inamn r accrue, n-. that
:h«» saury shall remain forever inviolate
»nd undimi'drth'-d. and i.faid not b.j in
or '-ifcpt on U«it*d citato*
■r state wurtUi.-*' or registered countv
>ond>j or rt . » <ler* <l " ho *l district lamd* of
hirt state, and such funds with th > inter
Jit and income thereof nr* h* r by sol* inn*
y plcffac i for the- parpen-* for which they
;ro granted und " t apart un i siiail not
transferred to any other fund for other
l*roride'b Th*? board create l by section
1 of this article is empowered to soli from
luii* to time any of the securities belonging
o tho permanent a haol fund and invest
'ha proceeds arising 1 herefrom In any of tho
Mjuuritiws enarnerated in this -eotum bear
ny a higher rate of interest whenever
in opportunity for better Investment is pre
And provided further. That wb<*n any
warrant up n tho state treasurer r -g
ilarly issued in pursuaa* e of an appropri
ttion by the legislature and Hecurvd by the
evy of a tax for its payment, shall
)e presented to the state treasurer for
-ayment, and th»-ro shall not be any
li'-iioy in the proper fund to pay such
a*arrant, th« board created by section 1
>( th -* artic.o may direct the state ireas
ir- r to pay ibe amount duo on such war*
■ant from money* in his hands belonging
-o the permuucut school fund of the state,
■ i ho »huii hold aid warrant as an in
,o itm* at of said permanent- sch<*>l fund.
A,.i.f'iVii'J jiao i A. U Iblfc.
'A Joint resolution proposing an
iim-ndiuent to the Coiutitution of the
State of Nclna.-l.a by adding a now
motion to article twelve (12) of mud
tcnstitation to be numbered section
wo (2) relutivo to the merging of the
vermin nt of cities of the metro
•litau l ias- ami tin- government of
lie * .unties wherein »urh cities art)
-r t a . •. nf lh*.
>7 Uic Jtutd ft N»* r*'ll4 !>*•
■ -3 th® u
A i iikt *\ ng maw
- • ’ *1 - ' - •** . • • i A •. (T i
C,: * • " Si »■-'»* I-It IM * «« li
irutmif.if't- n»*s.
it ?• - ,lv i and eruidtid la th- !>»•.
i d.i;ur- *#? 11 of Nobru-ika;
t' cu*n 1 Thi I’cflun i.vo (*i) t»f nrlici •
Oin*tHUluU of la
Hiis: jf au -**a, imi aiti-nilml to r« u» ii-4
. follow*:
^ \l No city, county, town, precinct,
i). or other MuMivUinn of iIm*
j airnii trver make donation* t«* any
w* • k* <»t lnt< ru(»i improvement. or
man ii factory, unlcHi a prwj>o*iti<>fi mo to
do rl.ali hive boon Amt Hiihudt t-d to the
cidAlttlwl CIO'torM and ratified hy h two
third* vote at an election by authority of
l»w; Provided Xhit Much donation* of a
•-'•unty wi:h the donation* of nucii Mui-li
viM .hi in ih« au'u'r.*Kato Khali not ex od
ten j<• r cut ol ih<* * iHH«*Mo*d valuation of
mi-b county; Provided, further. That any
j r,'k or '•• nrity may, by a throo fourrh i
vote, Inert is.* Mii* b indcht-dncMM ilv* p r
ci nt, In addition to Much ten n-r emit ami
n » bond* or evidence* of iit<fchU«lii»M« mo
! iM.iuad kIihII I i valid union* th- Name -hul
b .v- I'li'i ,n | tliuvoii % certificate *lpned
by the Moeretary and auditor of Mtntc,
Knowing that the Mfimo ih l mm lie i pursuant to
j Approved March Ml, A I).. 1H05.
I, J. A. 1*)per, secretary of state of
• tlm state of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment*
to the Constitution of tlm State of Ne
braska are true and correct copies of
the original enrolled and engrossed
bills, as j a sued by (lie Twenty-fourth
session of the legislature of the State
of Nebraska, as appi ars from said
original bills on die in this office, and
that all and each of said proposed
amendments ate submitted to the
qualified voters of the .State of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to he held on
Tuesday, the hd day of November, A.
Iii testimony whereof, I have hero
t; .1 i set my hand and alHxed the great
wul of the State of Nebraska.
I < at Lincoln thin I7th day of
•I'd;-' hi t }.r i arof opr Lord, One Thou- l
rand, f ' jfht Hnndrcd and Ninety-Six, ^
of t! Independence of the United
L-'* .it* tin One Hundred and Twenty
i • and of this state the Thirtieth.
V~ -I.) .1 A. PIPE It,
Secretary of State
• -'I i'i:i» SALK I VHhli ( H VITt.K
hereby given Mint by virtue of
111 <iai,.<i on the swtli day o(
in t -lit V Hied It, thuofflenof I lie
" 1 rh »t -•*• iiii.ui e unity, Ncbrank* ,
•: It 'I'-- of Hay, . ,,.,i „i,.„uu ‘
, .,!tz and Jo I- toltz to KIIzhIui ,,
■1 ' ■ ‘t *■ Me- I -;. payment ,,r , ,,
" t t'un Hundred bifij- live Hoi' , .
■ 1 1 ‘nv ■ ' '•«<»'- : l :..V. and InUr ,|2J?
‘ 1 l«d 1m : I liming been ,Uil .“"’J*
"tit Of :im| Him unit no t
,1/:'. |,u, ...-dill sat IttW linvlng IX
I""''1 I" ret tver haul Oulu „r ,
- , Mo t. tor.- I win ., || t),e "f i r‘
i: df' . j jlitol. vi/ . propnly
in,*- Imy lu r«u,hix yonr* old;
. ..»“»*«• *«!,•.., «v.
' - ' i>t 'i .oO'v Lji
i HU top
Ofi<) tu>j •••alif'J top buii^cy.
.. 'htrk iroil gray lions.-, up ,iit year.old
'•••«’ »uv niiiii, .-veil e.-tr-i 01*|- 11
me- iy liuiw.., eight ycatA old
public a.|.-t»oii. at Mm |',very Imrn >„
block :**. in llm (lidginitl Town r I
■ < I'll too , nay A J
o <1, I.. O’clock >• rn 3 A"-<
i i-i/.AiturH K«»V, Mortgagee
Haiti.AN ,V I A V I.on, III,I- Al tya
i.i.t/AL i.i/'rn i:.
Jot,II -.vo ,. v I|. |emla»i, will take notice
■'' "• ""-re a,,., in,.,| ,j„.
'• ,r" •*' .‘digt IJOI.11 county N'|. bnmliti
" »- let.ui • tl. a petition for ;■
'‘darn or. the gr„„„ ?
I I oeli-uoaiii ha a without JUKI Oil U.
■ ‘ I‘'U. ali.ifi'!*jfiutj aiv.I utUTJy tlust rfi'tl • i
•" 11 *• t- than uy„ jea.-s last p .' !C
' =’•" »«taM ha- exem**-, len ,‘pv
.'-•i-inUtt and that naid ilofi-t fin,
h ' A .ne. cru.-lly rullcilanil t.egl It ,I
al 1 fieri niJant being at all ,0" .'
, l" S" .Jo Hefi-.ulau , /, rih
I" - I"' and euMoilv 01 tin- cen i n
.and Kobe.. Sw„„„y 3 ‘ ./diilre.i.
' " *r*tuire«l 10 an ,wer said
'• ' -Idiidav, the liKt day o,t An .UT|
lilTTIK KWOI UV 1*|,, ,
• • . (k! \ ( *« - . I t I. ... » 1 ‘I I■
'tale of Nebraska, <
-lieiimui County h
II. smclsor, Plaintiff.
Mary O. Toe hey anil Lloy.t J Hyatt.
Ooi uudeut*
Uovd J Ilyntt will taku notice tf, .
;n, .titof Auiiaat istri, uoo w ii.,«
‘Ulp. >b*riuan county, Nebraska ‘"i" “
•■‘I, r „f alia. lunetu i,'„ £*”!;£
iu an action pendlti* balura turn ■ 'J * “
!'■ *" 1-r Is plaintiff and War* O ^'“ro‘n
'lyo: •!,« ICICI,da il, o.i.tii' V ml t'r“t>
Hrd .meet aboVt r „
o.ur,.Oh.... buiiiiuoiia d } ;' *.r M*,ke
I ., lous, and am,, \||u., p„ii,.„i 1 ..
..wiiRi'jK r,-r.v:,:::
W J yiHirSU, I uj IMillulltf
• ooj.CHy lit, ,„rl .g
• • * i» it«i r„, *
~ * $ M
. W
. . T It*
* »
.v***w : .*
* II***
. . fi f*
. .. , JH
I to .a l the I II. I
. a.*.*, ii* p , nil. ...I
'0...i Plan, iw ,,i I’a.iy
* .ntwrmatn At *#i i a*c«,
■ ..lull 's., I . o«,, loth,
•' ■ »>* t» par e»..t
iwnta H»’a l J, ■ mate I ,f
» i pa) tixai* rti at.1 t.
sa Mil ttupiM tn
'**•** J * iMIltie pal.
• t Me. V „fc
k |’R .
»»*. Na|.
.,1 of
Il ' lit? IW'tt
« . n
v- till
. V, t.