The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 21, 1896, Image 1

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    NUMBER 25
•B5* - . *"«
»'l IH I . • <»t i N’JA ' K AT.
<aK«>. iC. IIKnMOIIUl'KH.
Kdltor and PuV>ll«liar
Ifi-ifc- il 6C ,,r Y»»r. il Puifl in A4vimca
tul.tiad at Uia Ixnip City t*oft<>fj r* for traar
ouitsfoi. tmough ta# malln a* i*c<>iad
dJaa* matter,
mtraruvsBMNBr* Jg.ttWa.a..jatrat-AV "’ffi
Republican Ticket
For Frt'hidt nt
WM MoKINLEY, of Ohio
For Vim Fri
OAHUJi/rr A HOI)ART of N '
ihivinioi 1 II '"01,1,
Lifitoniuit lifivnrnor <» If LAN ItO '1 Kb b I
Sort of ary of Nluto ./OKI, A. FIFKK
Auditor. F. <>. IILFLf Nl»
M'rosi -uror 1 •, , A 1 ’’
Attoriu v noiicml A. s rill IM'HILL
Supt .of Pub hint II H. f'Ollll b'TT
1'onimL - loner lit IF W.'KI. I.
5f4npromo ,1 iiilj'o liOIJKKT H » AN
S.,, .. . M I* k INK A fit
U I, 'ViMVMol;!'
Ai .1 K. limit/ l.amfli'lMi
ti l.niyi- K. .1 Kmllli-k Killin'
> I- n I I >l-,1 riel A .1 n niliiiin No ".uh.i
Mr. mill In-1 till A. ( I n<u ' li'* *. I •
Tlllnl I»l - I l Ml Kill 11 in I" r Kim.
Fourth lil'-i tint | • A I>'*i Mi mini
(•• l»l*.lnrl ,1. (,. M. I'll' ' !• > K‘ irni'S
Kin'll Dlst i ll ' M l. Ki !•• i' ' all' .
I I fNHIll'iKSlI IN A I,
UlMti tlf.trill A i: CAHV
iti- i*ii ill ii ii ii s ft nat ni*l a I Coii ventlmi.
'I lie lto|M.lilU'ni) i 'i i'Ioi * of tin n«
tnlinl District of I lie lulu of Nebraska arc
iin|iit'slc'l in -< n<1 ill lf|/ali ■* frum tin
counties eomprfatnK tin: “nine, In nmol in
cun vent Ion In flic town of llevcnria on
Tuesday, tlm I.'itli lay of mjiiemln r, lat
2 o'c.lock p in fur Him purpose of placing
In nonilnation ii iiimllilaie fur Soriator
from aabl il ml riel
I’.iiiralocounty la cnllllct lo i’.l delegatus
ami Kbcrmnn county to .'iileloKBtns,
iiknky li. amukkw®,
l llntl lllllll Kell, I'on't. Cum
Senator Jones ami Stewart re
jnereli I :il i yih in the If. S. Semite
of (lie silver stale*, ami who are now
champion* of 'lie free silver craze,
are now eoinpelli il to defend their
leconl wliieli tin intuit on the .-ui»
ate tioor ilui ing the passage of Hie
Sherman net, which net they now
lleiioimee as the horahle ‘crime o|
’7:;.’■ The facts are that the hill
was mull i discussion for three \cur*
before ii.' passage ami that both ,11 I K 11 * IY : 11 i Nil I) I,urt C,1 the
' measure 1 \ vote find Hpcieh.
In tiis *punch at Madison square
Bryan did not even hint at tin: turitl
issue and now his supporters aay
that the reason is because h ■ does
not eonsider it ut issue. Bui Mr
Kinley says that hi: consideis it ut
•issue undo! equal importance with
the money question and has decided
to give hall'the tune to its discuss
ion. A.s Itryuu grows older and the
campaign gets warmer lie will llnd
t'jat ho will lie compelled to notice
the lurid whether tie wants to or
not. __
The free silver people admit that
the cheap money which they are
after will only ire worth haifasiniieh
as the mom > of today, but they
May there will be twice ns much in
circulation. If it is true that it is
oul\ worth half a* much, then the
soldier that draws fit!.On paasiou
yet du\ m a Hi nil iiiii'! will only
draw »l ■ On in cheap unmet under
free coinage, ami lie will be robbed
of one half tin t aim (if hi* pension,
cause it Will take twite the mmount
«d cheap titottey to buy the same
atnonut of m-eesMaries 11 iifi- in it
ills'* ; > >im All other briamdic* of
bttcllti ss Will pnti Ueall I result tile
l'i ih<(ps mil* of the beat atuuito . t •
tu tutor of sound in e \ is the point
brought writ in H<ti*b" ''lu tmuu a
»l»e>li when he n|i*n»il the I i«
paign la*< 'tshialsi at t’ol untie*
tlhm Tim *i uaO i gttea t !ri|
pi.tin (UlvWi it 1 a* to (that (f. « iiiiii
Ip' Mt#nna When in si a in* the life
It* 4,WMt,nlil p p|e who ik|«i«
Ita t» mi ota* itani - «■• I oth. ■ kind.
^ *l » , *1 i iii i.,i .nta l ii
thu eight huudis I Wlill'Hl Il l s, »
Million* of U. • ii." , In,, , a
mil toy wen atiun In, k* at#
gtiy, wmt who have f»« twenii i u*
at long*! tiewn pai tag into tto fna*t
of stain# lieu* tu *.ta » , ,1 " • a ii. gs
banka with tin hop# iUs n.,*n imi
w«(v «mi|«d i*tt iuiiis iking w< <iid
*«W tell In* Sill and Uildlili
'Plus moncv has been paid with the
dear money. Mdli ns < f poor, lion
i si, bard working dnv laborer lias
saved the dollar with which to
pay his monthly tine-, and in every
liisi.iiiive has earned tlmt dollar at
u very dear cost, la it right, and
would they be willing that their will
ow and orphan* be pit id in cheap
money worth only half that,
which Diet paid foi the bene
fit of this protection. Under free
coinage of silver at the ratio of 10
to I they could only get the face
value of their policies in dmep mon
ey. or in other word* they would be
in every cuse robbed of one half the
value of their policies.
If I a in a (unm i and want my
eorn or wheat ground. I have to pay
for it,
ll I am it planter and wunf my
cotton ginned, or my cane worked
(ip, I mind pay for it.
If I imye timber on the mountain
and want it Hawed up, I must pay,
etc, etc
Dill |i i mi;;
Imvli it silver innie, or a wagon loud
or a train load of silver bullion, the
government must w»rk it up, ui.d
the people foot the bills — Kx.
act or im:i.
Tli ■ following taken from Senator
Sherman’s speech delivered a few
dm* ago ut Columbus, Ohio, expos
es the position taken by Senator*
done* and Stewart during the pass
of the art, of 'Vif and which these
,01 me gentlemen denounce as the
“crime of 7;s. Referring to this
bill Senator Sherman said;
••It is strange that the very men
who supported and urged this coin
age law of IH7.'S and <i< manded the
exclusive coiuage of gold, are the
very mVn who now demand the tree
! coinage of Mlyer and denounce a«
“goldltes audiobei *” all those who
believe in the coinage of both gold
and silver.
••It, iota bceu said that the drop
ping of the silver dollar in the coin
age ol l*7b wic-Mineptitioesh dune.
This charge is shown to be fal ■ by
the debates in congress and especial
ly by the declarations of the men
who now make the charge. Sixteen
months after the passage of that
act Senator Jones, of Navada, in a
debate in the ttcualc June II, 187 1
•l am opposed to any opposition,
come in whatever form it may, that
attempts to override what God Hint
| self has made for money. 1 believe j
the sooner we come down to a pure
I *y gold standard the better it will be
l fore the country ."
The followimg is what Senator
Stewart, of NT vada said in the same
debate on the Igtb of June, I*7 1:
•Sir, the laboring man and the
producer Ueulitled lo have his pro
duct un i Ins labor nae.isRied by t v
same standard ut the wor.-l that
> ineui.ures your uuaortal debt.
| Give him such a standard, give lirni
J money as you require from him. j
| Von require it flout the producer.
Volt require fr-oit the laboring man
1 gold to pay the interest on yuttr
liallotod del)!, which is right, which
I cannot lm avoided if )uu im'ao to
aave national boiler, tout tb*m giv<
, Uiui Mi# aauit) luout'V will, aim it to
(mi tbal iltbi.
"Seuatftr Jo»«« ami Su #*rl, #1,4!
i all tb«* r* jo* Mutatlvcm ami tom a (of •
1 of tb* allver abate* »r. r* ticgewl m t
' horn at in aai i*y that gold a t> to.
, * > *1 and *"4) »Mr.-ii.i4 cl v , '.1
jth*) hii>g*4 llmr Uiiiitl* w rn u tin <
1 iai; • * o- oct and on.*. ,
' {*r onvt.,11 of » i><» h» 1 H
' utb* > *t»tM f* *t*««’***! tb* *t«i*>o. v tin * j
(of- al»M Wu* tb'*1 of *t to*
eat* i n tailed ia»io 1 ( i< «•' t J
tb«. a«ttt. 4 a o«»ia*t for gnu o
1«vr ftwr * .*oat Hr (■*<> . .01 i..»
I .bint awl >'Hi|at|u«« w,*» ti **•«* o 11 j.
'*»• lb* g*<W ban * o* giui, ;>ijt o* ‘
tat* is Mail *-o*tla»jW* »** *»t|,
for IS*! |mn *«> n *»l g «sd t * !'•*.»
•*»l tbi* Ms la-*A ' >* ■
general j*f »*'iiv» 1 s *«•>* . i ■<*
If in s*o>t * «fci-*u . ’■ *.
a «**br* «t es< bang* an. ... get
•t ** ** into * lit ttUooo *»•'« a
dedal* »>'liii «»l labor
I in a old u**h with nothing i > do
Hut Mow the horn mid shout the bazoo
I’ll Mow .it morn I II ha/on ut night
Hut 1 don't know whether I rn wrong or right.
1 won’t stop to it v >t« with you at nil.
k’or thei Is nothing in me but rn> stiver intwl
Jtut 1 || bray and shout u« loud im J < an
In i*oii>.» i t With Ui< free silver >U
Ifut I mi the -amir old t
i in the hhmi* old multi
f sti trie same old fraud.
t rn the same old fool
That raised *u< h n terrtnMe hullabaloo
Kor tariff reform In ninety-two.
I got lay reform, but It w »ml worth n c uss
In fuet It could hare been much wusn
ho in mne t v four the McKinley crew
Kicked me In the gutter with n high tariff *h'>c
They kick* d on hard wh« u they put roe out
Hut. I'm it corn In agin with n trm silver about
Through every county nod every a Vote
I Intend to Pawl Po;,h early nrgl lale
Kor ! ro fii" * aim' old ass
I in I in- .in e Old toolo
I'm tli'1 same olil fraud.
I'lll 11n' ' 011 1 old fool
Tliiil ra 1 ■ *. . o He i 11 a|oo
Kor tariff re form In ninety two
llryan mid tie aieuyib, e a nsu«li
I do till! tittWlIn and lie doe a tlm a Halt'
I r&lae the erowil with ire. old bar no
llryan show ■ ro how otu- dvlltir brakes two
With ltl» i rown of thori niul no 1 den cron*
lie make, them belle .e inat he la bow*
I'tn a pallia this tlmi with the ftee ./Ivor elan.
You’d belli oi t out of Ho ho .. Idle you ean
Kot I am the sato*‘ old ass
I am the same old mule
I am the arm* old fraud
I am the sumo old fool
That rained such a ternom hullabaloo
(•’or tariff reform In nlnef, It"
Intel Ocean
It aloe an » ro* IJolii»if».
‘•It assuredly follows that il
giye fritscoinage to this (silver) doh
1m of Inferior value »rid put it Itf
circulation w«• do its the expense ol
our better coinage in gold; and un
lehM we expect the aBVariahle expur
uriicu of other nations to he in some
mysterious way suspended fur our
ctio.i.'inl ufn iimvituliiV I fllll'
I'~ • ..
gold coin if we eoiu a silver
dollarof full legal lender obviously
below the uurrent value of gold, we
are ■imply opening our ooora and
inviting Europe to take our gold.
With our gold (lowing out from ns
we shall be forced to the single Ml
ver standard and our relations with
the leading commeivial countries of
the world will not only he embarrass
ed. but crippled” Spacer.! in 1878.
It did not hart Hilly Bryan * feel
ings to press the free trade crown
of thorns ’ on the brow ot American
labor until the honest sweat of ra
il aired toil gave place to the accus
ing blood that trick led from it*
lacerated brow, lie erne died not
only laborin' men and farmers, but
helpless children a* well, upon the -
glittering cross of otlflsh ambition
ami lb dish gold, and a* they hung
tlmir panting, fainting, dying, he
pierced their aide with disloyalty and
out of the gttpit; ‘'wound dowad the
licensing blood and wale! of cor
rupti'd ttnance and d< b > »ed viMi-uny.
Th. truth U f « % *tM «r
tut < In -l»v !*«*«*
I' >(!»%#» u<<
t#lM» your -* >«*«r
fclt..* !<••»*« ol II, W * * t fw
• ti bj «*'b*i r« > ***«•
Am •’* %* w •
,imi »!.■ j«“ »«it« *>i>t
»(ir n| l'4il • mS«I
*kt •«* ,:t*'
tllMtl IN«.»0.S
not i k
& i * ||i film ? **■ * h
lMi< . It.ii
I » *#!' v
m *u - :’. ■ *
*t»©i # i*r»* M I ‘ ©>»•.,
low a Woinnn'* KlnilnrM Nearly 1.1‘it to
Her IIi'kIIi.
(hiring the latoclvll war Mrs. Wheeler,
the Kugeno healer, *erv7d a* a nil rue In
the Union service. Hhehad many thrill
ing experience* and among them the
Kngcno (Ore.) Journal ha* heard of the
following: She wa» present at tho battle
ef .S|«ittiiyivania. At the common.
tnentof the hattie a Union officer rode
up to her and handed her a package of
paper* with tlio request that she sliould
keep them safe until the battle wawover,
and then, If ho (the officer) should not
live to call for them, to deliver the
pie kagn at headquarters.
In the roiirioof the light a (lank wa*
turned an t Mr*. Wheeler and the rest of
the hospital iiiimes captured by the
rvool*. Upon searching her person of
i ourso the papers were found and provisi
to bn tho work of a Union spy, who had
been Inside the rebel line*. Hhe was at
once arraigned before a court-martial
r.ompoHod of rebel officer*, and nolwilh
m sliding her statement of how aho came
» (I,,- t -.»>< ri-iiMfif.i-il ‘f« t. i 1111N
iif innoconcc, she was formally con
victed of tic I rig a spy and sentenced to
be nangod at sunrise tho next morning
NIK) was then tukon by a guard <;f throe
soldiers and confined In a small guard
bouse, which had but one small aperture
admitting light and air, and through
tho aperture she saw the erection of the
gallo ws on wbe h Him was to perish.
What a grim perspective!
Inside the guard house there was
nothing but the bare floor of earth and
two dry goods boxes standing against a
wall; no chair, no bed.
That night one of the guards entered
the guard bouse witb a piece of corn
bn au and i tin cupof water for her sup
Mr::. Win c]i*r HpoltO.
The guard stoppt d.
ilo then retired and locked the dooi
up' n her again. Later on in the nigh)
she heard a Voice at the aperture say
‘ V, e the small box!” Him moved the
box and discovered an aporturo, which
proved to Isi a tunnel Through this
tun i • J she workisl her way on her hands
and i net s for about one-fourth of a mile,
when aim emerged from Us mouth and
found a man and two suddhsl horses
standing there.
Vis. Wheeler mounted one horse, and
the n an, who was dlsgilised, tho other.
For i * miles they rode on In darkness
wit bunt speaking, but at tho end of that
time the man spoke and said: "You are
now ; ife in tho L’nlon linos) rhlfl on,"
and tho man disappeared In the darit
t*» , like a shadow.
Mr ,. Wln eler rode on until she came
a* runs a picket, who took her to General
Ibdiit/., Iman s headquarters.
Nome time ago, while taking a little
outing at Anderson's, on the McKenzie
river, Mrs. Wheeler and her preserver
met and recognized each other after a
lapse of twenty-six years. Her preserv
er's uaum is well known Dr. 11. F. Ituo
sell, now postmaster at Thurston. Ho
watt one of the throe guards. Ho was
the disguisi d horseman.
Voting amt lit,I Have I’limly of Vloney uinl
l.ovc to It.
"I visited tv number of tlie country
fairs in the blue grass region of Ken
tucky lust year,” said tv prominent
New York lawyer to » reporter for
the Evening News, "anil 1 was very
much surprised at the liberal use of
■ W ay out there one hundred miles
from Louisville anti one hundred and
twenty-five miles from Cincinnati could
bi found handsomely dri .ed young
cn and old men, who slewed that
t i. y hud never bo n accustomed to
hard work, nourishing their bills like
so much paper. They were not city
imps, but country lxiru and bred. I
could not understand it. There arc no
1 antifaeiurlug inter, sts there to speak
of in, mining, nothing but agriculture,
a pursuit which requires tho hardest
I uiumti i III *< , yt i i 11* rM • im II njnii |
>fl palms as tlio highest bred city
foil. lorther tliiin Unit, they bad
I tidy of money and used it lilierully.
I failed to tint) a solution to my
pi olein until oiu day my host took me
behind Ills house, poinleil to liirife Helds
of yiwn leaves and said: ‘Do you see
1 aiisv'erv,l in the nfllrmative
sud he said. That is tobacco I will
.• t from eighteen hundred to two thou*
I pounds I r acre off that Held an,I
d for from twelve amt one-half to
• en cents (s r pound. I did u*d
« 're very hard for it either. Theprin
t> d i rouble I have is t•> see that the
i . »e do the work and l attetul to
tie- . sih.-riug and selling the rrua'
ii;> protdvm ».,ived Where
irtUefu farmer l*y Karri latior got
t , tise or thirty dollars the Keit
iaudlonl, by the aid of lil> i»yw
ftivde fr at one hundred and
•tyttvu to uiir Immtrni and fifty ’
en* , , V the I li. ago ffewa*
I it li ,! *huh ■■urprWd tue tint
t ii» U.* at. mi of patuldiuif that
. [« ;miited. Why, sir, I have wen I
>t fboawnitty fair* shake money
e Ihers fart* In the file*, le e ,*f
hi «r vsi. offer their bet* and take IIm .
* **■ i s »s..,Ul hardly step up In a
n tii- jftvuo • but that you would
H»*.i * <mv kiad of « gambling aoh«SM»>
t* ft wm ty>it w it *« >atl the sports
Ri* b-»*k par*, but the wry best rill (
e . ,<f tb# Worthier
that sstss vf Kettitwky kt w«y
ie -.itfcdtve. It nouprbHW the tNMMtry
th# Mvtpkfs-rtkwsl of lursmptop
* edi • »i'U . |%. .- t .sbkf st sud Mount
st* rio*p It M i»i ihu«bt a garden »ys*t
iMil i* t* Hum »U#1 that tka p*»«pU»
wot »<<ty kswl A*> thajf has* to do
N* * W '*.£*: ,. f || ?*,■** $% 'ifcft *****>»! ||l|tT Mp T<
Hu • fv*| |<* *** ****** Mm* ^ 44k4
i 44NH% tM i »-at titan M«.
t so nrvy's ppsttke IT (tit , uid*
h'l salt* **v ail iMufihh
I>. c DOE, A. P. CULLKY,
VicePresI limit. Cashier
Oeneral Banking Business Transacted
Capital Stock, $60 ,000.
Icum on Improved farm* at NOT ■ par aaat. Boat Company aad boat tamo
to ba bad bi tbe waet.
CoRaaaroHoeKTe:—Chemical Wattowai Bank, Raw York dtp, R. Yd Oatkl
*atioaa) JBaua Omaha. If oh—eh a.
Attorney ami Notary Public Publisher IxJOPOirr Northwest it iw
itiMi, UST.ITi: siGFJjrTS.
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauds for Sale
Doctor Henderson
S 102ft104 W. 9th st.f mm omr, no.
m Tki OUKtliabU Doctor. A Ktfular Gradual in MtdWrn. OUUti in
Aft a nJ Ijmftit iM^attd.
Authorized by tho State to treat 0HR0HI0. NCRVOUt ami tRiCIAL
OiSf ASIS. Cures guaranteed or money roftmded. All —*
furnished ready ft.r use. Nomereury or Injurious medlalaea lied.
No detention from work. I’utlonta at a diatnuea treated by mall
andexprons. Medicine, rent everywhere, freofrom(faaa ormMk
aco. Charge. low. Over 80,OuO eaaoa cured. Ago and experUaeeore
Important. Head little book, then ataiu your cu.0. Sand for optaiou
andlttms. CuusultutlonfrcuaudoonHdenUul.peraonady or by latter
Seminal Weakness& Sexual Debility,
(Rfirmatorrhi** and Jmfi'drHtj) caused by youthful follies andeieeaxo., produatn* narrow
nee., losses, pimples and blotch oson the fane, rushes of blood to tbn head, pains the back, ■
couftee d Mean and forget I ulne.-.e, bashful hues, avereion to society, lose of sexual power, low
of manhood, Ac, cured fur life, lean atop all night lesson, restore lost sexual power, re
store nerve and brain power, enlarge and strengthen weak parts and make you fit for murrlax.,
C* : I : _ Hint. ti-rri hli*. (1 ImtiLUf* in >111 1 CAa.2 ^eeaeA fin rum n »tnt,l v <*.uritd wlA.
•“V its form* and stages cured
for Ufo. Wood Poisoning, Skin Diseases.
Ulcere, BwelUngs, Sores, Oonorrlnea and
Gleet, and all forms of Private Diseases
uiel lively cured or money refunded.
Hooir for both saxes, 8U pages. 27 ple
liUUlV turns, trail to lifu, with full des
cription of abovo diseases, the effects and
cure.seiUed in plain wrapper for fie in stumps.
Bead this little book and answer questions.
w out cuuslio, cutUujf, bou-B
Klea or sound. No exposure. Pa ■
tlent oan use the treatment at home. w
A Sl'KKCUKK. The greatest dlsaovery to ■
the annals of modlolue. Obb dose gives re- ■
iiofjafuwdosoeromova ferer and pain la H
joints—aiurolnafowdaya. Bend statement B
of tune, v I th stamp for utroular. ■■■■■■■
| Free Museum of Anatomy W 11
■ llfo-liko models and «u IlKuneadeeply impress the mind; - a school of inutrue- H
■ tiou—aaeriuou without word*. A', ff.—l haue $600 dapoetted In tha bunk, which I
■ will forfeit fur ubuee W eeutee that 11 unnut cure.
Wanted—An Idea SgSSS
Protect your l ira*, they may I rluit you wealib
Writ.) JOHN WttUHKMUl’KN ft CO.. Patent Attor
ueya, Waahlnutou. I>. C.. for tbelr $1,(01 oriau otter
and lint of two hundred luveultuua wauled.
t»M It;* In Heed and Maray Bloek, Kael
Hide Public e«iiare. Loup City, Nab.
yy J. KI Mill ft,
AM> NOTHV ririiUC.
Will |>elend in Fora Insure l'a»es
A*.HO |»n A UKKKHAl. HKAl.
omen in SmiifMinnn iHUMiai
Ml If (ill • • • *MU»4»A*
'I' l.\K»
1 .a EXPKfcSS a*m
Ul »'* hW|M «»»**r» RHMHRliy .
»M||>||»| la
•|* « SH.IIIIN • AIK
Ia.\ \v vi*: u.
H# i Hum 14* U4 CURtlM Klliltu
4 %<«*»»* rww. 4*«44>n**^*»* vn*
* Ti|w«mM tn "•»<«
«M M ««fc 4>miu «•» rtw*' Mitt
ua r cm, . • iumu iu
Hr. Humphrey*’ Hpcrlllra are ncluntldcaUy
ami carefully prepared Memediua, mod tor yuan
In private prautlue and ter ovur thirty yuan tar
Ibe people with entire sueueea, Hal Agio
Kpeullle a apeclal cure tor ttie dixaaa uamnt
*0. aracmr ma aw*
1-Freera. room*«i»n*. InlUaimHIl— 4 i
* - Worm*. Worm Vever, Ww Ct*+T. .
j-Teeihlugl CoUut Crying, Wrhutataga .
t Diarrhea, of ChUdreu oriMh.... .
Draeoiery,unpin*. lUUna* Oaip,... •
• -Cholara Morhu*. V . •
7-< ought, Cold*. l.nawhNk... *
D-Neuralgla. Tnuthaohe. HniaHn ... *
F-lleadaeh**. Mu* Headache. VagWa ,
1 h- While*. Too I’rotuee hrlnll. .
13-t'teep. lerynglll*. UoaaMP. .
I i ««li Khauag, Ir> chain*. Wop*a*n , >
1 t-Mh* « oral Wan or H.n»«m*a* ratn.. .
It MalarUii'Ulk DegadHHi.. •
IT -Pllr*. Wind Of MwjtUt un «*««»*ee*aa 31
I** Dghihalaiy, hr*anikta|.... <
tl-l»ile»i fWwrt WtaaiMid....... .
tar Ulauharg**. ImwdradBaaiMa •
V> - ».■ r..lel», 111 Iwged Olgad*. emtllag ,
94 Damral DahllMy. HuiUtelaa ,
ii Draper, *«d Iheunylenetlaag....... ,
»« -a— -alehw. *u..ha*aa«Kcu being ,
H IMmiMmim..
9r* ■ Nereeoe Dehlllt
9* Data Meeih. er 1 antnr u.n. %
M'ltlaatjr Weakaaa** W<*h|94 .
iT-fwual frrlet* -•« .ill'*.*
It |ltaaaa»aa*laa llrell lOldaMl. 1
ih-iaUeaaP. »»aimr, e*. the.' Peaaa . 1 1
II - [*l»4l\»rla. ItvveluU a*, thgnat.. 1 1
Sit hiaate «.*#..»i»».* treptuaa. 1
II tnc : >« roi wr( «o .
»m4 u HmH a» *M4 anw* «■ mmOI <f
m% a *» ««• • n »»aaaa a i*»«i.. ttaaaSAMi
•na m.i quit—rr.«