TI M K TAHI.K BL RI.INOTON A MI9SOI HI HIVKK K. H. HAST. WMT |:30|* M. Leave* 6:00 P.M Connection* at Aurora for all points Northwest. A. F. W khth. Agt U. I*. RAILWAY. Beginning Sunday, November 17rh. Iraiiia will arrive and depart at Mils station as filloWH: | .eaves Leaves Monday. Itjn I X‘'**‘l,l.y’ /«: lie arae one *d those gentle. Uten tsh* sent «e a htg \ to i* ap pilsd aa suWrlptioe few sn ego which antoont par • up ail iii*»i apes and Insures to Iin> + weea-v ihil fivw tht* mtiabie Him • \ . Good gru es of machine 01 s sold l>j, T. M lived. (Julie an interesting time ua* exper ienced at the mealing of the school board lust Saturday evening. The dif ference of opinion seemed to tie regard ing the arranging of the lower rooms of the opera house for the high sehool. So-lit .of the board favored tbe Idea of having the schools of Mr Mead and ,\lr. Kennedy both kept ill one large assembly room, each teacher to alter nately occupy the recitation room In hearing tnolr respective classes To Ibis Mr. Kennedy objected, and the hoard having at first favored the scheme, he tendered his resignation a» teacher. Thl move forced the board to a further consideration of the matter, a; d it ap pearing that they could ill afford to loose so valuable a teacher as Mr. Kennedy with hie 20 terms of exper ience, a motion carried to divide the room, giving each department a neper* ate room, whereupon Mr Kennedy again accepted the poslon. 'I his plan we beleive to he the best, and will not only give better satisfaction but will meet the approval of the patrons. Nebraska Mate kair ui O-uaha IMIMt. Ths l I’uniUc will sell tickets' at one fin« for round trip plus 50 cents for admission to fair ground Tickets on sale August 87th. to September 5ib. Inclusive, good until September 7th. K \V (.’USB Agent. HALF HATE EXCURSIONS to Hot Springs, S I)., Inly Hist, A,g ust Mth, August lHth, by the Burling ton Haute. Tickets good HO days. A rare chance to spend the hottest month lu the year at the pleasantest summer resort in the west. (Jail at II & M K R ticket office and get full Information or write to .1. Francis, General I’uss'r. Ag cut, Omaha, Neb. Young mother* dread tliu summer months on awcount of the great mortal ity among children caused by bowel trouble*. Perfect safety may be assur ed those w ho keep on hand DeWitt's Colie & Cholera > ore, and administer It promptly. For crumps, bilious colic, dysentery and dlarrho-a, it affords In stant relief. Odundahl Bros. The Best Hpring medicine for twen ty live cents a dose a day for every member of the family. Get a package of Simmons I.iver Regulator, the best blood medicine and the best spring medicine, it will saye you seventy tlye cents on a dollar's worth of medi cine bought before, and will give you better blood and better health, because it regulates your liver. There's the searet of health. J. II. Xullln A Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A RED-HOT CAMPAIGN The present campaign will he the mostexciting one fought out since the war There will not he a day when something of unusual interest will not transpire. The State Journal ha* made up Its nnnd to surpass all its former efforts in the direction of news-giving, and will give its reader* the most com plete detail of the eatnpalgu. giving all the news from an unbiased standpoint. o. ittiilkl i auns aar I 11 aararifr TViC .T/iul'tial ItP cause of its stauneli republican priu lilplea, it being reconized as the stand ard-l>earer of the great republican party of Nebraska. Populists aud Democrat* should read it for the news it gives. The Semi-Weekly Journal will go to thousands of new homes during the cumpaign, You should subscribe, as it will only cost you 25 cents from now until November IS. Two papers every week, making it almost ns good as a dally. Subscribe through your postmas ter or send your order to The State Journal. Lincoln, Neb. Dips Culps he Cuke The luagiel ciau's wand if not more potent than Dr. Humphrey's Specific “77" for colds For sale by all druggists Did you ever think how readily the blood is poisoned b> constipation> Bad blood uieau* bad health and pre mature old age DeWitt's Little Karly Kiser*, the famous litltlo pills nvereome obstinate constipation odendahl Bros Mil It. DeYoung MLMleburg, la write*. 1 have used due Minute Cough Cure for sit year*, both for myself «u t f |lMb4 principle, ta th# lr other iittrl reason lust kl ns stand e (silt ii'v'idtri |.y the pn .natu n of tire nat.on • I, n ot and the nat i<>n * * redli and Ijti elect be of men wh-* will have the o-sis.. of their v.t*»fit >.s and poeiii >>ur e uatry In the letefoete !•( |». r tub *'•« vi.t* n* l .*l tie I ubl*. an PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. Th<> following propound amendment* t) judip's. a majority of whom shall b« neces sary to form a quorum or to pronounce a decision, li shall have orliciual jurisdiction In cases relutiuK to revenue, civil cases In which I he state snail be a party, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, amt such appellate jurisdiction, as may bo provided by Bee Mon 2. That nee Mon four (4) of article fix (Q) of tl»« Constitution of the fttate of Nebraska, be amended so an to read an fol lows: Boctlon 4. The Judge* of the supremo court ahall be elected by the electors of th« atuto nt large, and their term of office, ex cept an hereinafter provided, shall be for a period of not loss than five (ft) y* are as the legislature may prescribe. Hootlon U. That- section five (ft) of article alx (6) of the Constitution of the Htate of Ne braska, be amereled to read as follow* : Heotion 6. At the first general election to be held In the year 18WJ. there shall Is; elected two (2) judges of the supreme court one of whom shall be elected for a term of two(2> years, one for the term of four (4) years, and at eaoh general election there sft'-r, there shall be elected one Judge of the supreme court for the term of five (ft) years, unless otherwise provided by bt; Provided, that the Judge* of the *u promt court whom termo have not tsplrtd at the time of holding the general elec Mon of 1890. shall continue to hold their office for the remainder of the term for Which they were respectively commis sioned. Approved March 20, A. D 1895 -\ joint resolution proposing an amendment to section thirteen (13) of article six of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to com periMation of supreme ami district court judges. B» It resolved by the Legislature ot the State of Nebraska: Boctlon 1. That section thirteen (la) of arttul* hix (i) of the Constitution of the Htate of Nebraska be amended so as to read a * fol low*: Ueo- lil The judge, of the supreme and dlstrlot court! shall receive for their norvioea *u»h compsnnutlou aa may be provided by law, payable quarterly. The leglelatore -hall at It- first session after the adoption of this amendment, three fifth* of the member, elected to each hoimc concurring, eetahliah their compensation. The compensation ao es tablished ahall not be -'hanged oftener than onco In four years, and In no evant uaua) two third, of tha mernhera elected to each houae of the legtxlature concur therein. Approved March 80, A. I). 1805. A joint resolution proposing to amend section twonty-fonr (34) of article five (6) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to com pensation of the officers of the executive department. Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislature of the Htate of Nehraaka: Section 1. That aeetlon twenty-four (84) of article five (5) of the Conetltutloa of the Htate of Nearaaka be amended to read aa fol Iowa: Section 24 The officers of the executive department of the state government ahall receive for their services a compensation to be established by law, which ahall be neither Increased nor diminished during the term for whtoh they ahall have been com missioned and they ahall not receive to their own use any fees, coats, interests, upon publio moneys in their hands or under their control, perquisites of office or other oompen ..11 _1_ after be payable by law for services performed by an officer provided for in tfeia article shall be paid in advance into the state treasury. The legislature shall at its first session after the adoption of this amend ment, three fifths of the members elected to each Louse of the legislature con •urring, establish the salaries of the officers named in this article. The com pensation so established shall not he changed oftener than once in four years and in no event unless two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the legislature concur therein. Approved March tt. A. D. 1HM. A joint resolution proponing to amend section one (1) of artiole nix (6) of the Constitution of the State of Nebra* ka. relating lo judicial power. ge it resolved aud enact***! by the legisla ture of the fitate of Nebraska; m*rtloit 1 That section otiv 0) of article sin (V) of the i' institution of the HUH# of Nebraska be avu«tid«»d to reed as follows: geetioA I. The JudlAai power of this stale shall be vested lu a supreme court. district tourts. county courts Justice# of tho pea*« pojpe magistrate*, aud iu such other courts inferior to the supreme coinI as may be created by law ta which two thirds of the member a sleeted to each house concur Approved March JU A U. UtA A juinl resolution propuaiug to am* tid mn'Uou eleven (11) of aril* le six j <#) of the Constitution of the Kiel* of Nobiaska. relating to in* in num ber of supreme aud •Ustri- t court judg*a He it rwsiret *« I «»« is*i by ih Lcgifiatere i f the SIAM of X* rasha; 11*1 Hus I 'final Afei dl) of St«i I*. *.% v*» *4f the ( (asllltttksi > f Ike "tale d S tails t* amen I* t t«» nai si p*t hft Av ton U the tagiaeter*. «h«* wa a» s* ef of »s S #%•*«» »ii I UiUiN-t Soares «s>4 the Jot*- a tatyhete f tin* state ihe- h >hii*i *• shad i ha >«f soaaMeh grtiMi ead h a■«*ed »v* > vs»l| lis«4 amt tie h Ms i «tiNMh«f >* ear shaag* ta ‘Im V aaiUnee ) ef * Astri-1 aha** a*s% sacate the oghw any pi tyr 4 c. nv«4 Mareh M A U MM A J- 4nt tomdetnu* propsatug t%» amend aeoltsUt lit ill uf ntph tgg (!) of the tVhstituUtstt of the Miala of Nrienlh i*i tils fcf |<*»| Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislature of th" State of Nebraska: Section 1. That section nil fff). article one (1) of the Constitution of the State of No li t a*k a lie amend d to read as follows: Section fl. The right of trial b jury shall remain inviolate, but the legis atu '•» u av pro vide th »t in civil action* five-sixth*of tic jmy Hiav render a verdict, and the legislature may slso am I* in*.- trial by a jury of a ie** imjnlsr than twelve uien, in courta inferior to the dis trict court. Approved March 20, A I>. 1803. A joint resolution proposing to amend section one(l) of article five (5) of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat ing to officers of the executive depart ment. Be It resolved and enacted by the Legisla ture of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That section one (1) of ar ticle five (5) of the Constit ulion of the Mate of Nebraska be amended to read a* fol lows : Section 1 The executive department shall consist of a governor, nontenant-governor, secretary of state, auditor of public, accounts, treasurer, superintendent of publi* in struction, attorney general, commissioner of public lands and buildings, ami three raiiroa4l connnissiofter*. ea< h ot whom, except the said railroad commissioners, shall hold his office for a term of two years, f*-oiit thu first Thursday after tbe first Tuesday in January, after his election, and until Ills successor Is elected and qualified. K» h railroad com missioner shall hold his office for s term of three years beginning on the first Thursday after the llrst Tuesday in January a ter his election, and until his sucres ■or is elected and qualified; Provided, howover, Thai at the flr*t general elec tion held after t ho adoption of this amend ment there shall 1m> elected three railroad commissioner*, one for the period of one year, one for the period of two years, and one for the period of three years. The gov ernor, secretary of state, auditor of pub lie accounts, and treasurer shall reside at the capital during their term of office; they shall keep the public record*, bonks and papers there and shall perform such du ties as may be required by law. Approved March 80, A. D. ISO). A joint resolution proposing to amend section twenty-six (2(1) of ar ticle five (5) of the Constitution of tile State of Nebraska, limiting the num ber of executive state officers. ta it roHolvcd and enacted by the Lug* lilaturv of the tttatw of Nuhra*ka: H«w*tion 1. That auction twfiity*ix (26) of article ttve (5) of the Constitution of the Htate of Nobrartka bo ajnended to road it* follow*: taction 26. No other executive wtate offi cer* except tho«e named in auction one (\) of tin* article shall b* eflitWi *1 epl by an act of the legielaturo which »* concurred In by not le** tliun three-fourth* of the member* elected to each house thereof; Provided, That any office created by an act of the legislature may be abolished hy the legiwlature, two-third* of the mein berg elected to each house thereof concur ring. Approved March 80, A. 1).. 1885. A joint resolution proposing to amend section nine (9) of article eight (8) of the Constitution of the Htate of Nebraska, providing for the investment of the permanent educational funds of the state. Be it resolved end enacted by the Legisla ture of tbe Btate of Nebraska: Section 1. That Ruction nine 00 of article eight (S) of tbe Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as fol lows: Section (I. All funds belonging to the state for educational purposes, the Interest and income whereof only are to be used, shell tie deemed trust funds held by tbe state, and tbe state sballg supply all losses there of that may in any manner accrue, so that tbe same shall remain forever inviolate and undiininished, and shall not be in vested or loaned except on United States or state securities, or registered county bonds or registered school district bonds of this state, and sunh funds with tbe Inter est and Income thereof are hereby solemn ly pledged for tbe purposes for which they are granted and set apart, and shall not be transferred to any other fund for other uses; Provided. The board created by section 1 of this article is empowered to sell from time to time any of the securities belonging to the permanent scheol fund and invest tbe proceeds arising therefrom In any of tbe securities enumerated in this section bear* lng a higher rate of Interest, whenever an opportunity for better investment Is pre sented; And provided further, That when any warrant upon the state treasurer reg ularly issued In pursuance of an appropri ation by the legislature and seoured by tbe levy of a tax for Its payment, shall be presented to the state treasurer for payment, and there ehall not be any money in the proper fund to pay such warrant, the board created by section 1 of this article may direct the state treas urer to pay the amount dua on such war rant from moneys in his hands belonging to the permanent sohool fund of the state, and he shall hold said warrant ns an iu vestment of said permanent school fund. Approved March .1), A. D lSUe. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska by adding a new section to article twelve (12) of said constitution to be numbered section two (2) relative to the merging of the government of cities of the metro politan class and the government of the counties wherein such cities are 1_ __ 4_1 I la It raaolvml and a mu'ted lijr tha tw^la latura of tha Htata of Nabraaha Mactloa l. That artlcla twelve (If) of (ha Cuaatliutloa of the Htata of Nanraaka I at antumlad by addlntf to said arthila a Hew Me llon to ha numbarad auction two (J) tv rtad aa follow*; Haallon 1 Tha government of any oily of tha Hialropoaiau olaaa auil Iba uov eruinant of tha couuty in which It I* Incatad mar Im inartful wholly or la part whvu a propoaitlua au to du baa baa submitted by authority of law to tha votar* of auch city and rouaty and ra anal tha aaaanl of a majority of Iba votaa ratal la sic It city amt also a majority of tha votaa raat In tba county ai'iiuiva of those cast ta au h atatrupolilaa city at aa< b Approved March At. A U 1WU A Jciiil ftf NVtdaafc*. lucatiil.uitf the UMUttaf IM which Vi ten shall hat fatal, Ka it raw >1 a ed and raw lad hr tha Uatftaial i Ms of tha **ela af Mvbtaahr auction | That sac taut at* t*> of artt-ie 1 3van (i) of tha (mmM4M*uu uf tha Mata Mabrnaha hu bmanded lu oal as f u tut* At heathen A AU votaa shall ha by lad of or •tu h -that w ik.il *a auai la p*enu*thed hi law alaajUd tha tarbtt I wlla( ha ^Appyo.vd Marsh *i U MU A j"tnt nwJalMi )u.|«aintf hi AIM*tad aactbxt twu |tj of art tv la (cut' trait 11 f | nf tha t ittalllulb-u uf I It* plate uf Nuhtiuaha, n Ullta tu tl> ctllclu tu Wufh* wl lb tribal nn||o«, ttirbl *14 manufartnries. Be it m»<>lvrd and enacted bv the f*»r islut 11 r«- of the 'state of Nebraska: S •cli.»n 1 That section two (2) «*f art id ■ fourteen (ll> of the ion* it ut ton of • !l ■ Htateof Nobraska, lx* aim mb-d to reu» .»-« follows: Hoe. 2 No city, county, town. precinct, municipality, or other *ut*ltvi*ioii of the Mtate, shall ever make donation* to any works of internal improvement. ..r manufactory, unless a proposition *o to do *hall have been first submit t«sl to the qualified ole. tor* and ratified by a two third* vote at an election by authority of law; Provided That *Uoh donation* of a , county with the donation* of *ueh sui.di vision* in the aifitrctfatc shall not exceed ten per cent of the it**o*o-d valuation of ■ueh county; Provided, further. That any city or county may, by a three-fourth* vote, increase auch indebtedness five |*«r cent, in addition to *uch ten jx-r eent and no bond* or evidence* of lndcbt<»dne** *u i*Hiu-d shall be valid iinles* the *nine *li*d have cndirsei thereon a certificate Ni^m-d bv the Hecntary and auditor of Mtate, showing that the mbiiiu t* i**ue I pursuant to law. Approved March 80, A. 1)., 1K9.Y I, J. A. Piper, secretary of state of the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment* to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska are true and correct copies of the original enrolled and engrossed bills, as passed b> the Twenty-fourth session of the legislature of the Stale of Nebraska, as appear* from said original bills on tile in thin office, und that all und each of said proposed amendments are submitted to the qualified voters of the State of Ne braska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to Is; held on Tuesday, the 3d duy of November, A D., 18!Mi. In testimony whereof, I huve here unto set my band and affixed the great ■cal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this i7th day of July, in the year of our Lord, One Thou- i sand, Light Hundred and Ninety-Six, of the Independence of the Unit)si States the One Hundred and Twenty First, and of this state the Thirtieth. (Seal.) J. A. PIPEK, Secretary of State. MOKTMAUK. Notice Is hereby given that liv virtue of a dial l el mortgage dated on theism day ol May. Is'.*, und duly died In theollleu of the county clerk of Sherman County, Nebraska on the ZHth day of May, Inihi and executed by A, Foltz and Josto Foltz to Klizuheth Kent, to secure the the |aiyineut of the sum of Four Hundred Fifty live Hollins and Flfty-stx Cents and Inteicst, and upon which there Is now due the sum of |fs|,81. Default having been made In the payment of said sum and no soli or other pro ceding* at law having been In stunted to recover Bald debt or xny part thereof, therefore I will sell the prone-ty therein described, viz: One hay Imrse, six years old: One bay horse, one hind foot white, live years old; Three Huts of light doable harness ; Two single, top buggies: One two seated top buggy. One dark Iron gray horse, eight year* old One lighter Iron gray horse, si x years old , One bay mare seven years old: one bay horse, eight years old, at public auction, at the livery barn, In block 18. In lliu Original Town ol l.oup (.".ty, Nebraska, uu the ZZml day or Aug ■ st, 1800 at 10 o'clock a. m. Ki.izahktm Hunt, Mortgagee b. 11A HI, an A Ta r 1,011, her Attys I - I'D IA I, I.OTP'K. John Swoucv. defendant will take notice that on July »n.h Isuri, there was tiled in the district court of ttbcrmun county. Nebraska, by Kittle Hwouey. plaintiff, a petition for a diverse from said defendant, on the ground that said defendant has without just cause wilfully abandoned and utterly deserted the plaintiff for more than two years lust past; That said defendant has exercised cruelty toward said plaintiff, and that said defendant has wantonly and cruelly fulled and neglected to provide suitable malntainancc for said plaintiff said defendant being at all limes ol sufficient ability to so do. Defendant rurtli er prays rare and custody of the children, Geaee and liobert Swouey. You arc required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 31st day of August. I W»l. Attest: KtTTlg SWOPKV. Plaintiff Louis Hkin. County Clerk. l.oup City Market Keport Prices paid lor: Corn. t .13 Wheat Oats. . Pi Hogs Z.fA Cows and belters J.im (,,, Z.V5 Feeders.. 3 ini butter, per pound. ...7h Kggs. per doz a im UN Potatoes... ........ .35 Tlie Only Complete Book OK THK Greet St. Louis Cyclone, By Julian Clinton i'oiitainii k litt large, printed pa^en, c iiiltrauing it rumpli-tc liUtoiy of tti* grt>a»c»t tnrutilu that ev. r vi»ittnl America. 11 lu.i run .1 w it I. I .o M|i*rlal l ara* tii* l*liutuara|>li < llr«< Utlr* t lxta l.lii.linv »l Sit Ultra Itall u t •***>. K11her title alii la- tehl lit utaii. |au.l|tal4 an receipt u( price Vert I literal term* to titan WItoa fur uur nwntl mwwuiit ami tarata iu ffrr mil A^vnU, wm4 tur Kivtniitl l'riH|Nti4* I*) mil A tf«NU. »hi« U ui«i«||| i imitlln hhiI ul |k«ti4«l*i MHfe HrilUltiK iKt u»t cuMum Ibl* U*i«l»le au-i aal*euttt> huttaji ana I he -in.nl iMUMthlct* ul m>, hum ta-iaa cirvatalmt ami «uM t-Ulre.. 1*1 ai icHta a arm t fit *1 ami d» Kalla IIuiI.i>m„ at 1.1 an. tl t WILLIAM MCKINLEY **«<»*• aaatmt t*» Mil tlie ( ||« am* •I* e«. U*a ul K- bia.'af. a tin rrm «..tta4..a at I nut• i teataaltea. I>talf«t«ua at I’tt11 M l utfcar < aluan.a lalMiaalwa ta iaa*a, »UK*' Ur l»*» ' lattialama. KumiimIK d t hi t - Ihaaaal t« i*«au aam* at «*ate m rwpaia* am* la I particular*. ami «* t«t wttub at «**• I it a »*» tail am «op««a ttt »“tt* ta*a, % Mraaa J * i*ini. r-r itahtaa twttt|Mtay. V Knit attaat Ha* VittH Wanted In Idea */>•*» fen* tm* l***mk*»J*'mmli£*