The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 31, 1896, Image 8

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    TI M fc 1ABLK.
ICA8T. "’I18T.
t r:{0 |> M. Leave* StftOIV M
Connection* at Aurora fur all point*
North we»t.
A. F Wi.iit8.AkI
o. i'. uaii.wav.
Beginning S unlay. November 17th.
train* will arrive ami depart at till*
Mai Ion an t llloW8:
Monday. i -Titeaday, | H on
Wednesday, > «' Tburaduy. - „
Friday, I ainrda y )
Arrive* at Loup Oity daily 7. ■ fl
C’lu-e eonneetlou at lirand Inland for
all point- Kant and Went.
F. W. Cl.iNIt,^
LiOOZll r?64V/3.
A Boone. THK Jeweler.
W. B Mellor write* Inaurauee.
Mm .fame* McDonald I* on the nick
Kye and Kar. Dr. Davl*. Grand
I-land. N«br.
George Kggern returned from AIII
anee lant Monday.
Dr Sumner Davl*, Grand Inland, Sur
gical dl-ea e* and dlnca-e-of Kye and
W. A. SVUIon In running hi* power
corn -heller at the B A M elevator
thin week.
The elevator- are preparing to *hip
all the old corn on hand to make room
for the new crop.
The corn crop in till* ncetlon In a
gteaideal farther advanced than It wan
lant year at thl* time
I ||t* »'lll I III
court for Sherman county baa been
adjourned without date
One swallow doe* not make Spring,
but one swallow of One Minute Cough
Cure bring* relief.—Odendahl Bros.
Bins Count UK Gone: The niaglcl
cfan’s wand is not more potent than Dr.
Humphrey’s sped fie ‘*77" for cold*.
For wale by all druggists.
(Quarterly meeting was largely attend
edattbe M. K. Church last Sunday.
In the evening Presiding Elder Smith
of Kearney preached a very able sermon.
In the Spring time a young man’s
fancy lightly turn* to thoughts of—
De Witt's Little Esrly Risers, for they
always cleanse the liver, purify the
blood, and Invigorate the system —
Odendahl Bros.
lee Cream and Cake will be served
at the Palace Ice Cream Palor of Mrs
M. E. S’ellmacher, one door east of
Chase’s Drug Store, every Sunday
afternoon and evening, also lemonade
and cigars.
A very interesting! game of base
ball, consisting of nine Innings was
played last Friday between the Loup
City and Institute nines. The score
stood 17 and 17.
Eczema is a frightful atltictiou, but
like all other skin diseases It can be
permanently cured by applications of
DcWItt's Witch Hazel Salve. It, never
falles to cure Piles. Odendahl Bros.
A match game ol baseball was played
on the Loup City diamond between the
Austin and Institute nines. Six Innings
n.-.w »vpUn..iiA.. » ,v»
ory frr the Austinite*. The score was
34 to *>.
Corn I* look ng tine and has a good
color We have had a few light rains
dining the last month which has been
sufficient to keep It In good growing
condition. The ears are already quite
heavy and are beginning to lop over.
S II. Kranscotnb of Rockville made
this office a pleasant call last Tueseday
and planked down the wherewith to
Insure a weekly visit from this great
family comforter. Mr. Rranaeoinb
saya that he has Tine tluest garden in
Sherman county.
Young mothers dread the summer
mouths on account of the great mortal*
tty among children caused by bowel
trouble* Perfect safety may be assur
ed those w ho keep on ham! I>eWitt's
Colic A < 'holera cure, and administer
it promptly. For cramps, bilious colic
dysentery and dlarrlnca, it affords In*
slant relief. Odeudshl Bros.
Mrs. A Foils and mother catue up
from Hamilton county last Monday
even ng. They w ill probably remain
here a few days and straighten up
the business Mrs Foils will, we arc
informed get 91 .INN'from the M W A
lodge, her husband, taring a* the lime
of bis death an Honored member.
I barley Roe, aged If year*, was
kicked by a loose last Aalurday and
M< teg broken lie wa* at work on the
tarot ol t'arl Anderson three wiles
northeast ol town and was at I he time
riding one horse and leading another
when the horse he was hading kicked
up and landed on t fear ley'* leg blea tug
tl tie tow the knee
The lea*feet's Institute ad! ehsae to
let and (he leofeere will go bottle, in
• ton'd feeling Weil (said fa* the time
and money spent tl *4H Itf
M )<jftk4i»*M«
IMI 191* |*4»t»* |# (U*tl ft «U« ''*?#**
IA«I ta# II uM t« K»« rmlit M H%-« i**f»
(|## ||| III# *»MAt«|(i|t itfAl t**!«'«
tf## MM i* IM * TM idMi mmk
UlflffttHI |*l«f H
ftlli t|4|*t l«MFt* Mt4tli||| I
Iff HI tp#|4| ifclt IM
##**» U\ rtfkltHI ItM1
«t*l«9 4*1 * *1 IM M k- itiHh tl
tv* Mug
The subject of tin* morning di«eotme
at the M. K. church next Sunday will be
"Sabbath Observance."
A glorious rain of i; 10 l cites fell j
here last night. We cun safely say that j
a good corn crop is now assured.
Did you ever thiuU how readily the i
blood is poisoned b) constipation? J
Jtad blood means bad health and pie- j
mature old ago. DeWItt's i.title
Kurly Kisers, the famous litttle pibs,
overcome obstinate constipation.
Odeudahl Bros
Mrs L. K. Walworth wishes us to
statu that the mail going east must be
closed at 1:10 p. m , and parties wanting
to get mail olT oil that train must con
form with this rule.
One minute is the standard time, and
One Minute Cough (Jure Is the standard
p re pc ration for every form of cough or
cold. It Is the only harmless remedy
that produces Immediate results.
Odeudahl Bros.
We received a pleasant call yesterday
afternoon from C'. W. (llbsou, of Meoil
township. Charley has been attending
the teachers Institute at the county seat
this week. He says that corn Is look
ing fine In the w«st part, of the county.
Most of it Is In roasting ears.
Mrs. K. DeYoung, Mlddleburg, la.,
■ s « r\. ..
WJILVP, J irn» unvu vn«' ••
Cure fornix year*, both for myself ami
children, and 1 consider It the quickest
acting ami moat satisfactory Cough
Cure I have ever used. Odeuduhl
Thu best blood medicine for twenty
live cents enough for the whole fami
ly *»et a package of Himmons Liver
Kegulator, the best spring medicine
and the best blood medicine, because it
Is the best liver medicine. If your
liver is active It will throw off all im
purity lu the system, and all depression
of spirit. Wane up your liver, but do
It with Himmons Liver Kegulator.
J. H. Zellin it Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.
A serious accident happened to Kl
banks Hale while taking a horse to
water last Friday. Mrs. Il ile ami some
friends took a drive down the valley
taking the toy with them Near the
Carpenter tarm they stopped, and pick
eting the horse out. went lu search of
wild cherries. While thus engaged
Elbanks pleaded with his mother to be
allowed to take the horse to water. At
tlrst Mr Hale did not consent but Anal
ly let him go. at the same (line instruct
ing him to ire very careful. He Arst
made some reins out of the rope, and
climbing on the horse str rted off. The
animal became unmanagable at once,
ami threw him off. Klbanks In some
way got tangled in the rope and was
dragged quite a distance. He was bud
ly bruised about the arm ami body He
also received a very severe blow about
the head, causing concussion of the
brain. It was greatly feared that the
blow would prove fatal hut he Is now
able to lie up ami at play again.
i« ncnoitnn
Hum 11]linn- adopted by Camp No. rvsl. Mnilnrn
Woodmen of America, Loup City. .Inly ®Htb, ISIS!.
Whereas, Oil duly KHli, 18M, It pleased the Su
preme Consul to remove by death our beloved
neighbor, Augustus Foltz from ttie earthly Camp
of the Modern Woodman of America to that Camp
which Is eternal lu the Heavens where the active
work ol a Woodman la over, arid where trouble
never more ran come nor storms annoy, where
the weary rest with naught to disturb their calm
repose and
Whereas, In the death of neighbor Augustus
Foltz this camp losses a useful and worthy neigh
bor and his family a noble, kind ami loving bus.
baud and father therefor he It
Resolved; That while this community hus lu
tuourn the loss of a true anti faithful friend, each
neighbor of this Camp feete that he has lost the
society of a true geutleiuan ami the counsel of un
earnest neighbor.
Resolved; That we aiteud to his sorrow strick
en wife and dauahter our heartfelt sympathy and
condolence in this their hour of deep affliction.
KeonUod; That an a token of reepeet the * hur
ter of the t’aiup he draped tti iiioerniiitf for a |*«ri
• mI of thirty days ami that theae reaniutlofia
pilldiidied ill the new*pu|*’r* uf Loup Tily and
that a nullable copy of the aaiue be presented to
i he family *»f the deceased
W II, (V.«ti|k,
M i ••amaski,
W. J I’lstiKa,
To Hi* IOitT * 'amp of M W A
Vo lUlii, Um Alliani'n < «ni|> No 7.'HI,
m l tli« 1‘IiiIIm < amp, No t*7A. and »th*
rr kind friund# wlio a*«Ut<*d u* In onr
I,iti* Ixirravt'iurnt w« lb* »U*’ Slid
imiito r of Augu»tu* NU'lwIn1 • » ft
jlrndlo)«iu our bwart f*U Ihani* for
nitt'idloiiair MH«lrw rruiWml n* <01 lit*
oc«"t»o>n of tlio i heath and nunal o> war
j iii|in«d hu»t«*nd and ton I our at
I lantlon* will lot held lugiwailul re
hersur* whleh »a»»*t !•# «v,|.r*»»«>l in
1 nurd* Mu* .l*»*ia loLTI
M»i* l:i IMUMH N t*
Awarded Highest Honor*
World's Fair.
MOST H KH 7 M \m
A fwe «• p» i *»♦>« * I IVwle
. < * » * .. »*»« iSiWfwA
* 40 V«A»* Wl NT *M‘AKe
Zr" ... j
Is Simmons I.iver regulator don’t
forget to take It. The I Tver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and tne system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your l iver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
LIVER REGULATOR to do it. It also
regulates the Liver—keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and file whole body invigorated.
You get TJIIi IlKHT JILOOOwhen
your system is In A1 condition, and that
will only be wli n the I.iver Is kept active.
Try a I.iver Rem. !/ me and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver Regulator it !•, Simmons
Liver Regulator vi.:-•* mal es the
difference, l ake i in r lor or In liquid
already prepared, or r ,',e a tea of the
powder; i 'Li tMO,; ' IVLK REGU
LATOR. Y '!' ! Lii h i 1) Z on every
package. ia» I : it.
J. li. 'J. illn c. < '<>., !’iii./iil.TpIila, Pa.
lamp City, July 14th, <him;.
State of Nebraska. I ^ ^
Sherman < bounty ('
continued from 1n*t week.
On motion W. T'. Glle-oii wie* allow
eiI to re-const ruct the bridge across
Havis creek. known asthefacott bridge
and Gibson to receive the sum of *00.00
for the labor required to hull.I suld
bridge, the county to furnish all mater
ials required therefor, and Gibson to
haul all material to bridge site, and to
take up old bridge approaches, and said
bridge to he of same size and upon
same plans and specifications a* Un
bridge accross Oak creek. Contract for
the erection of which was this day
awarded to W T Gibson, to all which
said W T Gibson being present agreed.
On motion Frank Hudura Is appoint
ed a committee to locate the site of the
aforesaid bridge for the builder.
On motion claim of Merrick county
against Hherman county In the sum of
*110.00 for support of one Sarah Martha
Carlton, was disallowed.
The following claims were allowed,
deductions for taxes made and warrants
ordered drawn as follows:
W,T. Chase. * 8-M
T. ». Nightingale. 3 00
Omaha Printing Company- 1000
Hail County. 43.51
Louis lteln, county dork. 313.37
Louis Ib-ln.county clerk. 30 41
Henry Ileck. 8.00
Odcudahl Bros. 10 65
Frank Badura. 8 40
Louis Bcchtliold. 6.00
A. O Clemments. 3.70
II. G. Hatton. Sheriff. -1.65
Henry Hunker. 0.00
Peter Mclvoon. 3.00
,J. P Leiueriger. 13.20
Louis' Bcchtliold. 7.00
Jonh Minshul. 0.20
II <i Patton sheriff . 15.00
BitiixiK Fi nii.
II. II Bristol. 8.00
Jacob Albers. 5 00
Guy Holmes. 25 25
K. Holcomb. 21.25
Harvy Brewer. 10.50
Samuel Galluway. 37.50
S. .1 Fair. 5.00
W.T Gib.mi. so 85
H. II Klcliardsun. taken for tak« s 1.00
V. II Buner. taken tor tales . 2 50
I* Thode, taken fur l. 1*1 (Si
FredTliode, taken fur taxes . into
S. II. Branscouib . k> 57
Frank Curey, taken ior takes 2 isi
V. II Banner, taken for tux> » I UO
K C. kirk, taken fur taxes . Jail
Henry Ileck. 0.00
Henry H Oil's**!!, , . .. I 85 ,
Will .ll*II«T> tl .1NI
K Illy ;i
Ktiiik Vditiick ...... .V)
Kniio i*oUkl, for iu\»» J 50
,1 «<|iit M«n»v*■'*1, 1for Lx »
Join* /ft 1*4!. Idkt'ii t*»r ,, i • *»
KulkuM^kl I (I mi
Jd* kotk llttlkl .. II
iltilio K*tlk»»tt*1*I ll (li
lr««n K<>*uh*kl. !•**«
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I,w> h l»io „‘IS«t
M* WtH>a»>u i*Mk\
,!>*•« !>b Mn>l« l| gA
IMlifcl tl iitltn * | * >
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I'iwmIIii It’* it I $u
i >mi'i !»ut‘l t.i| utinv.l la Ik 1*k
«*tl wf »*>> taka*. l*!(H
I • * M Hi II * tain* * • Ain
The following proposed amendment*
to the Constitution of the Htate of Ne
braska, am hereinafter sot forth in full,
are submitted to the electors of the
Htate of Nebraska, to be voted upon
ut the general election to be held Tuos
ilay, November U, A. J)., 1800:
A joint resolution proposing to
amend seetions two {*4), four (4), find
five (5,) of article six (0) of the Consti
tution of the Htuteof Nebraska, relating
to number of judges of tie* supreme
court and their term of office.
Be It resolv' d and enacted by tlie Js'iiUbi
turn of the 8:iite of Nebraska:
Aeetton I. 'Phut MMftloa two CJ) of article
six (S) of Him I’omfltulion of tie* Mat"
of Nebraska ho uimuidcd no ie to n ad a-* fob
Keotlon 'i. Th«* supremo court shall until
otherwise pvovt b*d by law. consist of tlvo j
0V Judi<* *(. n majority of whom drill b • no<-tn*
nary to form a ouorum or to pronounce
a decision P shall have original JorUdi lion
Iti nwi-H relating to rovonie- civil can** in
which the state mIiiiII bt* ii party, mandamus,
quo warranto, habeas corpus, and *u h
appellate jurisdiction, ns muy be provide 1 by
Auction '£. That Mcetbm four (4j of arToe
six (0) of the (‘onstltuition of the Htate
of Nebraska, be amended so us to read um fol
lows :
Auction 4. The judges of the supremo
court shall bo elected by the elector-' of the
State lit law, and their term of offlue ex
cept ns hereinafter provid'd, shall lx* for u
perl m! of not less than live (.6) yiain as the
IttifNluture may prescribe.
K'*ctlon 11. That section five (ft) of article
six (rt) of 1he Constitution of the Htate of Nm
oru»kn, lie amended to read n< follows:
Sect ion 5. At the first general election to
he held in the year lftiJd, there shall he elected
two (SO judges of the supreme Court one
of whom shall he elected for a term of
two 00 years, one for tho term of four (i)
years, and at each general oleethm there
aft‘*r, there shall he elected one judge of
the supreme court for the term of five
(6) years, unless otherwise provided by
law; Provided, that the judges of the su
preme court whose terms have not expired
at the time of holding tho general elec
tlon of lMtxl, shall continue to hold their
office for the remainder of the term for
which they w ere respectively commis
Approved March *20, A. I) Utift
A joint rcHolution proposing an
amendment to section thirteen (13) of
article aix of the Constitution of the
State of Nebnuika, relating to com*
penMatioti of wuprcdim and district court
Be it resolved by the Legislature of the Htate
of Ne break a;
Section 1, That aeetion thirteen (VI) of
article mix (9) of the < VmstButkm of the Htate
of Nebraska amended so um to read as fol
boo. Ui The judges of the supreme and
district courta shall receive for their services
such compensation as may be provided by law,
payable quarterly.
The legislature shall at its first session
after the adoption of this amendment,
three-fifths of tho members elected to
each house concurring, establish th>*ir
compensation. Tho compensation so es
tablished shall not he changed oftener
than once In four years, and in no event uujchs
two-thirds <»f the members elected to
flitch house of the legislature concur
Approved March 'JO, A. 1). 1M>5.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-four (34) of
article live (6) of the Constitution of
tho State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation <if the officers of tho executive
Be it resolved aud enacted by the Legislature
of the Htate of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section twent y-four (24)
of article five (5) of the Constitution of the
State of Ncoraxka be amended to read as fol
Beet ion 24. The officers of tho executive
department of the siute government shall
receive for their services a compensation
to be established by law. which shall be
neither increased nor diminished during tho
term for which they shall have been com
missioned aud they shall not receive to their
own use any fees, costs, interests, uoon public
moueys in their hands or under their control,
perquisites of office or other compen
sation and all foes that may here
after be payable »»v law f<*r services
performed by an officer provided for in
this article shall lx* paid in advance into the
state treasury The legislature shall at its
first session after the adoption of this amend- I
inent, three fifths of the members elected to j
each house of the legislature eon j
cur ring, establish the salaries of the !
officers nomiHl in this article The com i
pell-atloll so established shall not be changed I
oftener than one* in four years aud in no
event. unl«*s< two thirds of the members
elected to each house of the legislature concur
Approved Mar -h W. A L- 1HU5.
A joint ivHolutiou proposing lo amend !
mh'Uuii one (1) of article mx (it) of
thti CVimtitutiou of tho Statu of Ncbra.
ka. rotating to judicial power.
He If resolved Olid enacted by the L gltlu j
lure of th Hi*'* f Nebraska;
Sroti.m 1 l hit e tiioii on Oj u( article six i
i9) of Mi* t * mstituth *w of ih« 'Slate *4 Nebraska 1
|mc urn* tided |*> fwi4 m follow *
K I ttoM l The Judicial §x»*ef of this slate !
sk ill vested in a »upr* mo • <urt district j
|>d ( |>' l > luarfiairnU*. »<> l lu an. It >.lb»f
In lh» *upr>‘>u > it.tin m mnjr i
la. l.f law in alti ii U^thlnU ..(
Ibu uvnW < > iwt 4 U> wk bulli*»
pub" II*.
A: in ««. I Mir. b b A l>. Id
A Jwtiil rubituli.ia im.jiu»iu»j U>
tMllvUtl MHUttMU I'Wkdll (Hid Mtofe lU
i»>«I »U«< ChwIiimka «l |Im> Mill* «>f
NVUmA*. rvUliuii »., im-tuab in uam<
bar! .if «m>|. iu«' 4li t ‘lull. I ih.uiI
Hm II fb**i«w.| i»l abb 1*4 n* Kb U
».« lb* M*M •» N» ■
#*■*«►* I lb*> WMM «(*«** .lit >4
HU al 141 4 lb* i KtMltMUt ** ml *tb lilla
u4 >>.■»•'** W* Mk»ttAwl I 1**1 *. ft*
•»< law* II Tib i**l*IlM* atbu«*«* lav
r.U -4 lib ***»*»«« *«*>l*4 I* M*h blM
Ii vum w< lb* **N» tank » •*« «iw» in* »*«
MW tl*-«***4 iImM llk'lbl wl WMMtlf via*
b> Ml <Hi*tb* lb»« Mb* la * •*»• "*» nut
W-b* lb- *»«*** *1 1*4*-* .4 MI* M* l -tt-MWI await* * . 1 in* IbIM*.
biio-lt ul lb* «•*•* a* n «*i .«»*•■* iki
t|.***.‘l <4 ■ MlWNMl ImiHmi *m4
»»wl tj vwftatl MM. Mai «.»• n i*
. >*** ■ t mi i***** i* m* n oubtM
I * 4 .t*V- I *b«M *..* »<bMu lb* nflbt* *1 M#
'*4?. «-•» 1 itMk bib Mu
A > ml r***4uli * |U|»aiH* i . »iu»tt4
■nii DMilliifiilub »(t* (ii >4 Ik*
(,\>wiii«in4 ul Ik* Wik u| iittiimlA
H iu.»4 I” »• If |(Wf
Be It resolved and enacted by the !,egisl»ture
of th * BtaU* of Nebraska:
Section 1. Tlmt iccMon si» (M). rti In one
#1) of lhe Constitution of the Htate of Ne
braska Ih» amend d t«» re id *s follows :
Booth m <1. 'lie* right of Min! l> jury shall
remain invkilttti, l*ur tin' icgl* atu " av pro
vi le th it in civil actions flv*-s1xta- of 11. • jui y
inav render a verdict., and the kuisiat aic may
Ml o nu l» man trial by a jury of a .ess number
than twelve men, in court a inferior to the dis
trict court.
Approved March 29, A L). 1mP.».
,A joint resolution proposing to
amend section one (1) of article five (5)
of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat
ing to officers of the executive depart
IUi it rueilv.d uml enacted by the JU'tibda
turn of the State of Nebraska:
Section I That section one (1) of ar
ticle five (M of the Const itiitiou of ih<« • tnto
of Nwbruska l>e amend'd to road a* fol
lows :
Section 1 The executive department shall
consist of a governor, lieutenant governor,
secretary of stub', auditor of public ac* units,
tren-urvr, sui erintemlcnt of pub'i • in
struction, Attorney general, commissioner
of puoii'j iHiids jucj buildings, mid three
railroad f-ominis-iofb-i s. ea h ol whom,
except lie- sin l railroal coniinirtsloueiM.
shall hold his often for a term of
two years, ft-oni the first Thursday after
the first Tuesday in .huiuary, after
his election, and until his successor is
eiectc 1 und qualified. Ea h railroad com
missioner all all hold his oftee for a term of
three yen's beginning on the first Thursday
after the first Tuesday in Jn uary a ter
his ole tion, and until his sU'-c* s
sor is eh l»-d and qualified. Provided,
however, That at the first general elec
tion held after the adoption of this amend
ment there *huil he elected three railroad
commissioner**. one for the isirlod of oti«
year, one for th*» period of two years. and
one for the p<nod of three years. Tim gov
ernor, secretary of state, auditor of pub
lic accounts, and treasurer shall reside at
the capital during their term »f olU*e;
they shnli W< «■;» the public record-*, looks
ami pap* r* there amt shall perform *u<h du
tilts a« may he required by law.
Approved March HO, A. V. 1 495.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-six (20) of ar
ticle live (5) of the Constitution of the
Htuto of Nebraska, limiting the num
ber of executive state oflieers.
Be it resolved and enneted by th** Leg
islature of the Htate of Nebraska:
Hcction 1. Tliafc section twenty-nix (dl> of
urtlole five (f)j of the Constitution of the
Htate of Nebraska be amended to read as
Boo tion 28. No other executive state ofTl
cars exempt those named in sc-tion on* fl»
of this article shall bo created, except
hy an act of the legislature which Is
..I In t tr Ii.j j It.-..> I I., .... I- .nrllo
of the members elected to each house
ProvitWi, That any office created by an
act of the legislature may be abolished by
the legislature, two-thirds of the mem*
bora elected to each house thereof concur
Approved March IM). A. 1).. 1893.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend geetion nine (ii) of article eight
(8) of tin* C(fi)»titution of the State of
Nebranka, providing for the investment
of the permanent educational funds of
the state.
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture of the Htate of Nebraska:
Hection 1. That section nine (0) of article
eight (8) of the Constitution of the Htate
of Nebraska be amended to read as fob
hection 9. All funis In-longing to the Htate
for educational purposes, the Interest and
income whereof only are to be used, shill
be deemed trust funds held by the state,
and the state shall supply all losses there
of that may In any manner accrue, so that
the same shall remain forever Inviolate
and undiminished, and shall not be in
vested or loaned except on United States
or state securities, or registered county
bonds or registered school district, bonds of
this state, and such funds with the inter
est and income thereof are hereby solemn
ly pledged for the purpotie* for whh h they
are granted and set apart, and shall not
be transferred to any other fund for othur
Provided. The board created by section
1 of this article is empowered to sell from
time to time any of the securities belonging
to the permanent school fund and invest
the proceeds arising therefrom in any of the
securities enumerated in this section bear
ing a higher rate of interest whenever
an opportunity for better investment is pre
And provided further. That when any
warrant upon the state treasurer reg
ularly issued in pursuance of an appropri
ation by the legislature and secured by the
levy of a tax for its payment, shall
be presented to the state treasurer for
payment, and there shall not be any
money in the proper fund to pay sucu
warrant, the board created by section 1
of this article may direct the stats treas
urer to pay the amount due on auch war
rant l'rom moneys in his hands belonging
to the permanent school fund of ths state,
and he shall hold said warrant as an in
vestment of said permanent school fund.
Approved March M. A. D 1893.
A joint resolution proposing nn
amendment to t!<u Constitution of the
State of Nebraska by adding a new
section to article twelve (12) of said
constitution to be numbered section
two (2) relative to the merging of the
government of cities of the metro
]»>litan class and the government of
iur i!'uuu' ' «u' in ii « n w«v
}w it yomilttul a»4 nubelml by Iho U.u
Uluru uf ib» Mato uf Nobraaka.
Sm ti u I That arlloU l*«lv» (14) uf th*»
(’ n.liiuin.u uf lh» Male uf N.i.ri.k* h»
aiaon4>«l fry aibtlng *ahl arti U • now «•<>■
»n.« i» i « uomUirwl noeiiun iwu (4) tu r*a4
• • fulbnwc
>wa.'li-i|i i Tbm yi.vormm-al uf any oily of
tba atutrupu uau «la*a ao4 Itw go *
or it m. nt uf tbw noAPly la wbn-h
II U (•’•Ini lu». »«. iiirtgul w bullv
•>r la |W>I win ii a i>r..|«»iHuo w to 4u h*«
la . a •ubaittu 4 »■* autb <rtty uf law to tba
lolrn of •«. h oily ami .minty ami r»
• <b* Mwtl of a iu.j .m> .if tbu
>»•» ia •mb «»ly awl tbu a au)4il)
uf «b* tukn ail la Ibo -minty oft ■ w*im
uf tkMM ram la •» b Ntattutmltlaa oily at *a*ik
AwMbtawl UirU a» A l> WS
A >4ai ti»»4uli.« |itu|awtn)f an
4Uioluinu til lt> mlMi all (A) uf ai«b l»
m m il i f > uf Iho (VuatlluUll uf |hr
Malt uf NrNanka. Intent111 hi Utf the
ibwiwf III a hu h »i lea 4w!) ha rail
Ha «* tooili 4 ami • aaot. it by lb- l.agnwt
(I#* ‘*| Ito *4*I* «*l f.=f * >* A
•*r-'#t-*4| k t* *1 **»'*V* fi# k#f »?«*.*«
*♦**« ii» ••4 *l*» * '-»**•***•* <*♦ **t <*» iMi*
•«4 X- •«♦*«* fan* w • *t *• 1*4
iNitMl AH ****** ***** to tor
M* ft) >**»« *** ** -i fM ***** iMi »♦**• *»M
*« Wt* *ff*»»*4 *1 ito «*»:<«w*9 9 *-*4*4 W
A^*>’) ***4 l|**‘ Ik 4* A M V*»
A ffkl t«,»4a»t u yb<|i«Hif k<
buivtal nbt li iM *t»M (t| off atliota fu*y.
b«* III) t«f •*« t\tttut lilb at uf ib«
Mil* uf brk«A«, ivlaltta la Aaiihw
! • «mi «4 uMiwI i>M| i- - t• mi ul 4mi
' man u factors*.
It rctmlved And enacted by th** lc:
Mature uf tliH Htatn of Nebraska:
H‘ctton 1 That mccMoii two (*/) **f Hvlid •
fourteen (14; of the Con* ifUMuu of iIs *
State of Nnixmka, be amended to real «.*
Sue. 2 No city, county, town, precinct#
I inuniclnaliiy, or other *ubdlvi*ioii of tho
, Htate, Mhati ever make donation* to any
work* of internal improvement. or
I manufactory, unlc** a proposition *o to
I do Mhall have Men flr*t Hulnnlttcd to the
I qualified elector* and ratified by a two
| third* vote at an election by authority of
I law; Provided That nuoh donation* of a
, county with the donation* of muc)i *ui di
vi*ion* in the aggregate Mhall not exceed
ten per cent of the a**e**ed valuation of
•ucli county; Provided, further. That any
city or county may, by a/ three-fourth*
Vote, increase HUch Indebted mu* five |»r
cent, in addition to *nch ten in r runt and
no bond* or evidence* of lsidebtedne** no
i**ued mIihII be valid unlota the Manic *hi'l
h ive end »r*c I thereon a certificate *igned
bv the Mccr* tary and auditor of *tate,
showing that the *umo i* inMiied pursuant to
Approved March 211, A D-, 1*95.
I, J. A. Piper, secretary of slate of
the stato of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendments
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska are true and correct copies of
the original enrolled und engrossed
bills, as passed by the Twenty-fourth
session of the legislature of the Slate
of Nebraska, us appears from said
original bills on tile in this office, und
that all and each of said proposed
amendments are submitted to the
qualified voters of the Stute of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to be held on
Tuesday, the 3d day of November, A.
D., lbdtf.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand und affixed the great
seal of the Stute of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this J7th day of
Julv. in the veurof our Lord. One Thou- i
: warn], Eight Hundred and Ninety Hix,
of the Independence of the United
Staten the One Hundred and Twenty
First, and of thia state the Thirtieth.
(Seal.) J. A. PIPER,
Secretary of State.
Notice )m hereby given that l>v virtue of
urban cl inorfgHge <mte<l on thetfHtli day of
May, is'Hiand duly filed In the office of the
county clerk of Sherman county, Nebraska
on the ifcah day of May, |Hk; and executed
by A. Foltz and Join Foltz to Elizabeth
Kent, to secure the fin* payment of the
HUH! of Four Hundred Fifty five Dollars
and Fifty-Mix Conti# (#4.Y>.fti.) and interest,
arid npon which there 1m now dwe the huiii
of Sfsi.H* Default having been made in
ihe payment of said Hum and no suit <>i
other uro ceding* at Jaw having been in
Hittutcd to recover Maid debt «»r any part
thereof, therefore I will sell Die property,*
therein fleMcrlhed. viz:
one bay horse, six years old;
One buy home, one hind foot white, ftv*
yearn old;
Three set s of light double ham os n ;
Two Mingle, top buggies:
One two Heated top buggy.
One dark Iron gray home, eight yearn old.
< me lighter iron gray borne, mi \ year* old ,
One bay mare seven yearn old;
one Imv horse, eight years old,
al public miction, at the livery barn. In
block in. in the original Town of Loup
city. Nebraska, on the ifthid day of Aug
mm!, JMUfJ at ieo'clock a. m.
Ki.l/A life r II Kknt, Mortgagee
II Ha HI. AN A TAVbOK, her A ttys
.John Swouey. defendant will take notice
that on July •MUi: R'Urt, there was Hied In the
district court of sherman county. Nebraska,
by Kittle ttwouey. plaintiff, a petition for a from nuid defendant, on the ground
that said defendant has without just cause
wilfully abandoned and utterly deserted the
plaintiff for more than two years last past;
That said defendant has exercised cruelty
toward said plaintiff, and that said defendant
has wantonly and cruelly fulled and neglected
to provide suitable maintainance for said
plaintiff, said defendant being at all times
of sufficient ability to so do. Defendant furth
er prays care and custody of the children.
(leace and Robert Swouey.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, the Hist day of August
Attest: Kittik s\v«»i kv. IMairtOd
Lotfia Rkjn. County C’lerk.
Loup City Market Report
1'ricea paid for:
Horn • .13
Wheat .35
Oat*. . ,|2
Hogs ..
| Cow# ami heifers u, •• •&
Feeder* 3.00
! llutter, per pound . h
1 Eggs, perdu* G(i/Gk
INdatoe* -jsi
Tk Only Gomplete Bool
I u
By Julian Cursor)
iinitnltili g 4‘4’i Urge. WmilUuMy
firluletl (iwi'it, null rue lug it «•«>•••
lli'tory of ||||< gr«*u«i*t turn tilt* lint
i v. r yitiiml Amurliit, w Hit l.ttl *|>rrlal (4,a» kua
rh.ii.tgiafliu Ut«<
K»l|» »i. lit bluiltHai II.Ml tiin bull itior
j urm. w: i« Ktilwi -it lv «tit k -wet lit mall
i t»wt|iaia imi itmuii ut *ti««
turf t.lbwigi 1at mu tu l|«ai<
iVub k>i >wr iki ml >11 uuuiin tail inw. in
**«bi. Iiwb, matt Winn mlh.i l
, In mail A mill* • ht«a umlf
n-nttfatbawuat H< (Mtaaa *•■.! maiibui
tb» mat Vkil*a vlit» i.>Mtttb'it* gai wnib*all*
t ii .i . a ,'.b tbu •mail (**:i.(tbb I. n|i»«i-a..a
<■« * in tkhul thl »iU A bit- —
I*i a< t.n»a » irm.i tl».
#1 wait ia kii* .«* Uimmim at I ,*tt. g*
t4« «t* »* « # A u. *«j| in* I II** ml
*{■»#* +*# U h'Mmt, »»M| mf
*1 t Hii# i M l+%«iy
j *»-l M*l| 401 | *£*>*»
* ‘A* * |** * **! 4» . <♦*** |*M4Wt i-Ab*4Mk I
I ' * '
1*4 %* 1*4 ft* ftfll I I | •«
%H \ In l §«#t|*«»*««• ««.*
iuil 4l i>««* AttM b«i« *«i| A»’ Ml
»«4A A«4W» il»AW»» 4 % MiUilt
l < M*# 1 *■ Im|*w*«** * |« %# « \ »*« lb
Warned An Idea IS-SS
ftru.v wscvsg