The Northwestern •£. ms - 3Q»-—.- nm ■'UHI.1»HKD KVKRY KK II) AY 41 Till; COUNTY NIT AT, U ID< a. hi. IIKHNCHuTti.H. Frit tor and Publlahar Itf r.) V 60 per Year, if Paid In Advance . . . . r:-=ar lal.oai et the l-oopt'lty VttHrMem ter true Bilan,,n Miroapb ’ -..."KOOONO I nTtHiircr 1 “ » Attorney ilenaral.. a,s, t'IH'IU'llIM, Mupt. of Cub. Inal II II IT) III IP* I |l I'ornruUaloner l< Supreme .1 mine ItOMhlt I IKY A V Hllpl'iom,,lieI|fl‘.M. I KjNKAII* KoJr-nt W Cl. WHITMOItK K1,F,< TOIIH Al. l.uri/e .1 K. Iloutz. hum »‘,t< r , A. Dario- K .1 Hu.lllub, Hullne N v'liat DUtrlrt A J. Hurnham, Nemaha Hreond IrUtrk'l A, •' Pouter, Douirla 'I'blril DUtrlrt Hoi Draper Knox Font in DUtrlrt <1 A Derby. He ward Fifth DUtrlrt. .1 I. Ak-I'heelny Kearney Hlxth DUtrlrt M l, Frleae. Valley CONOKKHHIONAl, Hlxth DUtrlrt A Y, CADY Mepabllean Heowlorlal Con v«ntlun. The Bepubllrau elector* of the IS Heaa torlal DUtrlrt of tlie.laluof Mabravka are re.jneated Ur vend delegate* from the cotinlie* comprlelok the «ame, Ur meet In Tuesday, IU« Ifttli Jay of September, I*-*# at 1 o’clock p, hi for lbs purpose of placing In nomination a candidate for senator from aabl district. buffalo county Is entitled to Id delegate* and Hbermau lainnt y to 0delegates, IlKNUr C. ANOHKWH, Cbslrmsn Sen, Can’t. Com. The reaction has sol ia, political ly speaking. The populist* an still howling A and 5 cents for oat*, even In the face of the fact that our elevator* here are pay Ing 12 cent.*, a* our corrected market report* ■which we publish tills week will show. ,lt ha* become absolutely necessary for it hem to indulge in misrepresentations ito catch the unsuspecting voters for *he|r free trade and free silver era/.t*. Last year every leading pop in j^hermun county advocated the mid , Ue-of-tlu road policy. They said o itay by jour principles though the ||, avens I'aII." Tins year they are tulkiTig the fucsiest kind of fusion. 'I'lie I acts arc the great democrats party ,'tfl* mwhIlowed them body and breeches', and they arc lost in the mIi ii tile. The fact that there are two silver electoral tickets in the field will greatly diviiJe the silver vole, lu the south tile Stull’S that went so near republican last veur, namely: North Carolina, Florida, Kentuckey, Tennessee, and Louisana will be pretty sure to go republican this fall. All the western stale* will n > doubt have two silver elector si tickets, and the silver vote is bound u> be divided i« oonsequunuo. The situation causes the pop-o crats ».« exclaim “wut-re are we Thera in being an attempt made y,y tile leader* of the pop party here to organise what thay term a aociaty culled tint "halgon of Honor, ’ tba note purpoae of which ia it. raiaa xaiupaigu fnnda for the populial party. A nanlnr of republican* Acre have liaea victiuiiaad ami al lowed their oamca to he »aut iu aa mam here. Tliia will *ena aa a war ning to Ummm a bo do not wiab to pay wenaimrablp fea» for the pmpoaa of furuiahing fund# to help io*a politician l» farther bit political c hauiaa Look oat far tht "Ulgou of Honor gaakal It U not repia aeuled aa a |H>Uttaa! -leal hot aa •ouitlklug cite, although it* *»ua pwr|aHu> ia aa above elated 1'bern mat tm tonic U-tgon ilwal thia hat w« fail to ooe a bara I be honor contra >n MAI ► H 11 >. k\« l HMIUNH In Hot nt-fiage,» It,, Inly JUi A g e«l I Mb. \->go*t tatn, t»jr tb* Iturttag In* M«uie I icbot* good ;W date t tore ebaueo I • •pond tbo botiett tw»nib iu lb* year « tbo i-lootiilMl ountot** rvwol la lb* »* *l t'oll at It A M it it tlcbat -tb * and get Inti mti-iwntae, **» wttt * to J, 11anal*, liw.rni t*»**'r. A goal. Ittwaba. Net* Paul's Epistle to the Pops. I’lttil Van lUr Voorl Tall* of tho Nab rft«ku Moll Out St. Louie. July 24.- (To tho Kd ilot of tin* Globe-Democrat.)- I no lice in thja morning'* paper m viru lent attack upon me b\ tho Nebraska delegation, *igncd W L Green eIntiiman, ami Worwick Himmler*, •ecretary. I do not livlicve it wa* authorized by the docent element on tiiAt delegation. W, L Green i* mi olllce holder, mid hope* to he nominated for emigre.*# and get the democratic endorsement Warwick Haundei* ia one of Governor IIol comb'* oil Inspector*. Half of the delegation :ire Governor Holcomb* appointee* who Hope to perpetuate their Job*. Gov. Holcomb hit* made a direct deal with Mr. Jlryan to nominate him at, St, Louie, and thereby get Bryan'* support for governor till* full. It i* u direet and aliameb** sell out of the populiat party of Nebra* ka. Senator Allen ha* ulao entered into a deal to be re-elected to the United Btutes senate, as a result of this trade. Over half of these men are ofliue holders, and as such under our rules are not clegible to seats in our convention. They arc hear wearing democratic badges, and their leaders are daily conferring with the chairman of the democratic national committee. They have shamelessly sold out the populist party in this state for gain. They came here on railroad passe* and packed the convention, by the most shameless and corrupt old parly method*. (Jovenor Holcomb's near est relatives are now on u trip to Alasltu as guests of the Union Puei tic railroad company, iu our stale it is well known that Governor Hol comb is under tin; absolute coutrol of the gold bug editor of the Omaha Bee. lie appointed his son to a high olllce. These people, by Mins ter influence* that will not bear the light, are seeking to destroy tin peo ple s party. Tuev wear eiegant gilt edge badges. They inhabit rimgui llcent headquarters. They howl and jeer at straight populist dele gates. In their earnest desire to slay at the pie counters they slander and malign honest men. I hold two positions in the popu list psrty, president of the national reform press and commander of the national legion. 1 bar* givm a pledge on honor that 1 will stand by our party and protect its honor against the malignant assaults of ull traitors who may assail it. 1 will state by the pledge, no matter what happeus. 1 have no ill will towards Mr. Bryan, lie is a good man in bad company. Ho cannot get an honest electoral vote without the aid of the infamous aod criminal Imlliii bus siuders of the south, who should be buug to the highest tree )U their domain. The idea of a uiau posing a* a referui candidate who Iota to steal all thu electors of tne •oatheru states I will aland by the noble men of the aouth in their gal taut Struggle for liberty, no matter what thu result utay lie. I denounce the men who iseued this address us men who are here to destroy the only silver aud reform parly iu the nation They are jtngiiug democrat to money and luevieg heaven and earth to strike down the only true sliver part) t'hey ate aided by all the detnoaa wl hell, front ell the slum# of this nation They ate the direct touts aud agiilit* 845,987,711 1891 .967,*.13,567 1892 . 923,237,315 1893 . 864,737,087 lu 189 4 the Wilson bill tariff took effect and the exports for that year were worih >807,812,115. In I89f* they were worth >807,643,982. The average valueof “the markets ot the world" which is u high sounding way of speaking of foreign trade was >920,324,087 a year clu ing four years of protection. The I.I ..L A I „ . J 1 A _ _ _ § IlifgMWV Millie till i I 11^ j n Wi lower tarifl haa been ♦n07,ft4d,ti8i. that i« to eey, we have ioat at the rate $1 la,7*0,1 ».'• a year in value *f exports during tlie opeialion ot the democratic tariff law. M4MU AMU IIMVAN . W. K Mason, in a apeeah at ('an tralia a few tlayaaiuta, took up that |xiiut ta Hryaa a apeevh whereia he apoke of ‘the erown of thorn*" and the "eroae of gold. Comineutlag on three eipreaaiou* th# am meat Chic* tfOaU said Aud this freai a tumour*i*«id I Mason ' a hr*.*, rat eli.-se party has drewengaged te shaking dive for under : shlru and giving „• v n. gst on a sponge I in dnek for the last four yeei#* | I'ouilut Pilate ut eld X> wash** hi* hsed* In the piesenve el the Multitude aud seeks la divest hlttiself of tespeesi • dllly lie telk* of vftvt'lfylug dovskst IHon. he not rent Wilier I ‘<*t IMf* weutd I,,,,* leva He vnteldvtln* If J>da* hsd u„t got *li#k on alive*? J .da* '**• iwirst.d h * party let* the popultatlt gat.Ku of Uetheeeeiaue, 'mt than* tiod »Uv th ru. «f *Hv*f will *••» heivay Tu, is ii/vu of t loarlrat. y*.,yh,“ A I U .Mils, a t rttUeu of Hsmo, Vi,|| . aftef segavlng »i*i» ,lallogl* from pile* !«•» Insult >•**»». ■ as. iivim a short llure hv o*.*g |mi\ im w inti ii .»ei Waive, aw **•*»» lute t me i>»t all *kn> d».ea*aa M>»* ef this (tvepevaftoM tv Used than all other* • ••u.thvso.1 iMwuiskl ttvwa . JILT 25. TO MG- 7. % II laU'l AHT. STUDIO La) OB Mar. THE MILD POWER CURE*. HUMPHREYS* Or. Humpkrtit'a' Mprrlflea wo adentUUiaUr and ctrufuily prepared UemudloH, uaud for yuan In prl'aP) practice and fur over thirty yoan by that people with entire auceua*. 3rery abiglo kpacllic a apodal euro lor tbe dlw.aau named. ■o. jereme run aowaa -Inrun, flotiai "Ilona, Inflammation*. .M —Worm*. Worm Furor, Worm (Julie... • I ~T«lhtn*l Colk), Crying. Wakufulnua* . , — liurrbeu.of Cldldren or Adult*..... . . — |t|rMnlnrr>htbnlinr, 9or*orWanktyraa. .... ■ ft-Ciiiarrh, fnfluun*#, Cold In tnu Knud . 30-Whooping < uiiub. d i ai-Awkmn. Oppnwwl Iirio.fhtng. d § til K« r l»l*lpblberlu, Illceratad Heir* Throat.. .3 i 39-Cbronlefunge*llon* A Eruption*. .3. i “77"DR' Hur^fn!'roR6RIPf2B°. Pot UP hi final! bottle* of pleaaut IwlkRliJMl At* your vt'Ht pock tit. §ol4 by DroidiU. or M»t fx*t-p«l4 oo recilft of pMHb !>H Ifi.Mriimevn’ Manual Uovim*!,) LutllotSfr,* MuuujiftwamuM it a u» ihuismim., mw ink SPECIFICS, HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZFL .OIL “THE PILE OINTMENT.* Fw11t«*-Frt*rn*l or Internal, l llidorlUeodtngl ii.tuiaio.urn! lushli.. .nil., line of u«iBUM Tie n-ll. fl* ImmaaUUi-tno euro certain, a lilOB, 60 CTS, mux. itZBtS60m * Uol4 by 0ru4*Uiw,o# »eut \ *>« t«*4it «.f prMSb lllfli Httklb’ JBkJ.tO.a i * * ft H* milUiN»t.,N,wlhMk# Wanted An Idea 533 |*rt-imiiI your It)«*fui; thijr rimy bring y»*w wtmUU Writ J»»HN WIUPKHIn'RN ft < <> jw»nt Actor BN)*. WftniiitiMl'm, |l. < . t >r ttiukr #!,*•> yri»g iiffif NUtl lUl vt two luU-l/c t lUYNUlloU* WftlltftU. I. MAH* V -DENTIST. ortl' tv til «■ »«l Mill M uujr Block. Bant aid. f utitiv attuMa, l.ou|> (Jlt|, Nab. \y J. UMIHI, fltluriiuU-at-Law, AN1» NOTHY I'CUlilC Will l*eien l la Foreclosurela*cs AlAO |M» A UhNKHAl. H1UL ROTATE Ml HlEhso* u«aa la *..•»*» »#i ka# baltdum DM'I* I'ltVi • * MMMAEEA URN** ll< * I EM t !*..»• in KX HHtiiS **•*• GENERAL DELIVERY LINE All a»|M«i«d w »|< ■ MOIIIIK UU LAWVKU. D t* i Hliril LI* Ml CHEtO* iMttW A III*)* r»a»»‘ I a# t a abai •** rviMamai la Dll la «»at klllltll »»# HM1 BAMa unit cm, . • mat me. 1 I). V I)OK. A. P. GULLET, Vlce-Prcitldeiit, Uaabier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Steak, ISO ,000. Loane on Improved faunae aA HIM par teat. Bart Oaaepaay aa4 hart lame to be tied to the week. Om—Wit—CbetoleaI Netlaaal Bank. Hew York (Up, B. I4 OmC| >Htinal leu. uniehe. Hebaaeb*. W. J. FISHEli, GEO. E. BENSGHOTEK, Attorney end Notary Public. Publisher LoupGitt NoKTiiweeTllUi FISHER & IIENSCHOTER, REAM, ESTATE AGEJTTS. LOUP CITY, • • NKBKASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated ami Irrigated Lauds for Sal® Doctor Henderson 102 * 104 W. 9th It., HAWS CUT, *0. if , I * . ' >f*. •' * •*»**»• M A. » >'*■*■« itnf i4 EnT ifi idttwldhrfi ov r« *7 \ ears or special practice, AtffeMMnlVf *M»i*«* «•«<••» ttlMMA *•» r»hi• A >1. ft. „l . I ft,, . l.f *» *, • > ,i » i . » ».#«,...« , < .t ■ » •»av «-.» i-» ft ,ftUu«<«M»t.‘ Jt .tilifti M4m«—>i»*»H<•**»♦ S.-miiutl WcAkiMsiA Sciual Dvblllty, MnN» to. toft*. 4 141*4 I h| . ., i ♦ »•»- mm | > • l .I-. . *•fcnt m4 >i* ««•»•>«*~»f% pwil Irrve Muftcum of Anutoim - , V ill. . %. ,...*'1 ' * “ • - ’ ••«•*«» th-h * ».»«■» H >lU>»l • 11 » 4 I • ‘4«4 ***** * *“*?** S l .4*44 4****** H|| < *****4 *. • 44 •**» *%"*'*“• (