The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 24, 1896, Image 8

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    Uoaal Daws.
A. Boone, tmk Jeweler.
\V. K. Mellor write* Insurance.
Eye sud Ear, Dr. Davis, Grand
Island, N'ebr.
Dr. Sumner Davis. Grand Island. Sur
gical dlseaes and diseases of Kye and
John d. Schiupp. proprietor of the
Arcadia grist mill was doing business
In the city Monday.
E. Schwer got Lis hand i|iilto badly
burnt by a picket rope while handling
his pony last week.
There will be a dance given at the
Opera House to-night under the aus
pices of the l.oup City Orchestra.
One swullow does not make Spring,
hut one swallow of One Minute Cough
Cure brings relief.—Odenduiil Bros.
Kev. Webster I* on the sick list this
week, lie is able to be about hoyeyer,
hut I* autferirg from a severe cold.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou McGrath are the
happy parent* of a line little baby girl
which came to their house last week
Kev Kussell, held Episcopal service*
at the M. K church last Friday evening
•lid preached an able sermon to a large
Mrs James Adams, of Grand Island
and cousin of the Be nschotar Bros,
of this places, alter a weeks visit with
relatives here returned to her borne last
Tuesday morning.
Comity Judge Kay, on the 22n<1 Inst,
united in marriage Mr. Frank llelebrant
inlchl o/ Oiler Rapid*. Iowa.
Bins dk Gone: The maglcl
elau’s wand is not more potent than Dr.
Humphrey’s SpeciHc “77" for colds.
For sale by all druggists.
Presiding Elder Smith, of Kearney
will hold quarterly meeting at the M.
K. church next Sunday and Monday.
He will preach Sunday evening.
John Blackman of New York csme
lu on Friday evening's train and visited
with bis brother-in-law, C. W. Conhiser
for a few days. He returned home
Say, we want aoouple of good thrif
ty sboats on subscription. Who will
bring them lu? If you hav'nt got two
to spare bring one and let some other
fellow bring the other.
U Miss Eva Wilson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Tbeo Wilson of Ashton is
very sick with infiamatlon of the
stomach. At last reports her condi
tion was very critical.
K. J. Nightingale and wile started
for Omaha last Saturday noon where,
they will visit for a week. R J. will
attend the Commercial Law League
meeting while In the city.
In the Spring time a young man's
fancy lightly turns to thoughts of—
DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, for they
always aleanse the liver, purify the
blood, and invigorate the system.—
Odendabl Bros.
Ice Cream and Cake will be served
at the Palace Ice Cream Palor of Mrs.
M. E. Stellinacher, one door east of
Chase’s Drug Store, every Sunday
afternoon and evening, also lemonade
and cigars.
Eczema Is a frightful altliction, but
like all other skin diseases It can be
Dermanentlv cured hv amilii-.ations of
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It never
falles to cure Piles. Odeudahl Bros.
A. Boone, jeweler, rode his by kcoyer
from Greeley last Sunday, a distance of
46 miles. He made the trip in 7 hours
The roads were billy and rough and he
got lost two or three times. On two
occasions he had to meander through a
corn held.
Mr. J. S. Pyke was taken suddenly
III last Sunday evening while attend
lug church He was taken home and
for several hours was very sick, hut
the nest morning was able to be up
and In the afternoon get down town.
Heart trouble was the cause of his sick
A party of Idtrhlleld men passed
through Uavenua Sunday evening with
a new threshing outfit, having hauled
the machine from Lincoln a distance of
nearly one hundred mile* In order to
save freight, about fV, They left
l.incolu Wednesday motulng and prob
ably reached their destination some
time Monday Kavenna News.
dtdiu It (taker, while in (lie city last
week was canvassing the town with a
very nice line of hook*, such a* "The
Far lb Girdled, by T fteWItt ‘t’almage.
a book si travels," "Famous American
Men sad Women I he Almri, an
MassereresM and the War of t'ulia
Mr, Maker left samples of all these
work* with H»* Webslrr of ll. s ell)
• bo w |t| sell them at oust
A must disgraceful scene was notice
able last (Sunday evening at the y |;
• hutch, never at uf the voting men
ml IF* less. **t» apparently
drunk and aftet going around i
church peaking In at Ike alnduas
and making Inoltsh and nuts* <lemon
strathm* during the hoot » a or ship
the* went inside and took seats u the
(War • hot* they continued In act “smart
They Made It so disagraeai te and du
gutting for Jboa* silling »m them
that they mured forward Mavvil to !r
present * Mtameimyow*
T S Nightingale went In OiiihIim
last Monday morning to nttcnd t he meet
ing of tlie Commercial Law League of
America, now holden at that pi ice.
Mrs L. K. Walworth wishes us to
state that the mail going cast must he
closed at 1:10 p. in .and parties wanting
to get mail off on that train must con
form with this rule.
One minute is the standard time, and
One Minute Cough Cure is the standard
p re pc ration for every form of cough or
cold. It Is the only harmless remedy
that produces Immediate results.
Odeiiilahl Bros
.lames Conley came over from Custer
county last Saturday and remained over
night with Ins brother-ln law', T. 8.
Nightingale. Mrs T. 8. and three
[ children accompanied him home Sun
day and will visit her sister tor a week
Mrs. It. OeYoung, Mlddleburg, In.,
wiites, 1 have used One Minute Cough
Cure forsix years, both for myself and
children, and 1 consider it the f|iilcke*t
acting and most satisfactory Cough
(lure I have ever used. Odenduhl
A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen
of Qsseo, Mich., after suffering excru
ciatingly from piles for twenty years,
was cured in a short time by using
DcWitt's Witch Ilazol 8alve. an abso
lute cure for all skin diseases. More of
this preperation Is used than all others
combined.- Odenduhl Bros.
Wm. II. Kennedy returned to this
place last Friday evening after a pro
, longed visit to his old home In Ohio. He
! was right royally welcomed hy his
many friends here and especially by
the scholars of bis school room. Mr
Kennedy, like all the rest of the teach
ers. who taught tbe last city terms, ■
has been rehired for the fall and winter
terms. In answer to inquiry about
the health of his brother George, Mr.
Kennedy said that he was about the
same as when he left here, perhaps a
little Improved. He also stated that
George wanted to come back here with
him but thought it best to wait until
fall. We, would be pleased to see him
with us again.
We have just received from (be man
ufacturers, C. F. Albright and Go
151 Wabash Ave, Chicago, the latest
csDpalgn novelty. “The McKinley Shirt
Front.” It is made of a fine quality of
durable muslin board and lias tbe ap
pearance of the best laundered shirt
bosom. It bears tine portraits of Maj.
Wm. McKinley and Garret A Hobart,
surrounded by an artistic arrangement
of the design of tbe first American Mag
adopted by congress, and the present
Mag. Above tbe portraits is the motto
of the Republican party, “Sound Mon
ey and Protection,” The price of qual
ity No. 1, is 10 cents; quality No. 2, 15
cents. Tbe McKinley shirt front will
uo doubt be one of the leading novel
ties of the campaign It is one of those
instantaneous hits.
A real estate deal was coutuinated
last Friday in whieh Korin Crawford
of Webster township sold all bis real
estate ii: Sherman county, consisting of
a seetion and a half, and including ids
valuable farm where lie now resides, to
a gentleman by the name of Mr. Illck
inen of Missouri. In the deal Mr.
Crawford secured title to a valuable
stock and fruit from in Missouri where
he expects to locate in tbe spring. Mr.
liickman is a very pleasant gentleman
and of considerable means, and while
we do not like to loose so good a
citizen as Mr. Crawford, we shall be
pleased to have him locate among us.
He arrived here on last Wednesday’s
B. & M. train and started home (Satur
day noon. We understand that he will
locate her* permanently in the spring.
He was accompanied by another gen
tleman who came to look over the ooun
I try with a view to locating here. The
deal was eonsumated through tbe efforts
I of John Hutson, who has several more
j Missouri parties In view who are think
t iug of locating here, if Mr. Hickman
I i . ...Si si...i l i . I I . i ..
j I ***** I
l'b# Toucher's Inslitatu for Mherinan
couuiy opened us advarfist-d last Mon
day. July 20th, and has been wall at
tandud all work C|> to data tliara ara
| till teachers enrolled Tba program us
i carried out thtu far ha* l>oen much an
Jot ad
On Wednesday night tcacbeia and
I'llKMH md ilged in Ilia pleasantries
<>| a lawn social which wras glten on
ilia t.Im k west Ol Mnpt Johnson'* it'*i
daiiaa. and ou I liursday availing they
had Ilia pleasure of bearing Slate itupt
II It. i orbed laatma at Ilia M ahuivh.
Mr. ( urban w*< graatad with a full
Iimum* and liUlaatura was wail received.
I bla waning I'rot W .ll ('lautWon«,
of I'rauioni will Icvluia ai.d on fua*
day availing I'rot ttkgtuw, uf Mbiiiali,
and who His Immhi k**ra for lb# (• %»i
tbraa »o« a*» will lectin '
•at tba subject « "I'rtriic il khc'aiioi
t md ibwHt our h at hat* leach It '
|'b*«a lectures Will also lake yl»> ;
In tba Methodist i bu'i h and tves’lteis I
and pa liona allka ara Imilnl tu ruan
Young iwidhrr* ilnoii tb »M«tiiuar !
Monti Im on attouw of lb* giasl mol I*-*
II* among i blhlirw rsHitil bt t»i s*| I
I Mot hit • fii |i . I sal. It ut it In* a* ut
»4 iho»a who *•»(• on band In t* ill1.
I'wlta it i b'k'r* > on , a .d mlatlithii i
II |>li>n>|4l| for tw«w|i', bi i»to i. I,, j
4» sanlar* am) illaifcu t, tt tf m-li in 1
‘ian raltat. tn|*tntab| Him
New * i«‘lirli«* u* of Mie ilealli of Fred
Stine, an old and liigbly respected pio
neer citizen of the Middle l.oup /slier
tvbo-eltied on a homestead near the
south Hue, Sherman county in 1874 and
who was inning the llr-t to tul- ger
eminent laud oil lli>' river. Mr. Htlue
was 52 years of age at me time of tils
death which I* said to lie the result ni
blood poisonl g. I'he early settler- j
here will remember Ill’ll with a deep
f ell. g of regret as iliis news comes to ,
them, lie was klndaud generous to a
fault, lie w’ * well k own by all the j
settle* far and mar as a citizen whose I
character was above suspicion ami
was enterpi Islng. public spirit-d ami
charatablc. A few years ago lie sold
bis old homestead on account of III ,
health, and with regret bid adieu to
Ids old friends in Sherman county and
settled at Fayetteville, Arkansas, Af
ter residing there for a yeur or more lie
returned and purchased a farm near the
old homstcad where he has resided ev- j
•r since. Thu Kaverina News in speak
ing of hts death says;
“Fred Stine, one of the oldest settlers j
and most respected citizens of the i
Middle Loup valley, diet! at his home
about 8 miles nortli east of l{ev< mia,
of blood poisoning, Tuesday, duly 14th.
1811(1, age 52 years. Thu funeral took
place at the home of the family Thurs
day forenoon, and the remains were In-'
tarred in a cemetery in the vaclulty on
a farm formerly owned by him. Fred |
Stine was horn in Wellenbirg, Ger- ,
many, In 1841 lie was a veteran of the :
late war. having enlisted in the tZlrd
Ohio volunteers. In August 1802, and
served until the last tight of the battle
of Nashville, where he lost bis left arm
He was an honored memlier of theG. A
K., and also of the A. O. U. W. The
deceased came to .Sherman county in
1874, ami was accompanio ’ by another
one-armed man whose name was
Friede). These men joined forces and
together built sod houses, taking up
every bit of sod used with spades,
During Ihe past two years ttie de
ceased was in very poor health being
grievously troubled wi th -mail tumors
which grew all over hi* body, and final
ly resulted in blood pol onlug, which
caused bis death.
August Foltz, oue of Loup City’s
highly respected and much beloved c.t
iezns died last Monday, Ju!y 20, 189#,
at Alliance, Neb., while taking a west
ern trip from lieie overland in company
with ids wife and little daughter, whcie
he stated to, if possible, obtain better
health. Mr. Foltz was born in Ohio.
May 19, 1853 ami was 43 years, 2 months
aud 1 day old at the time of ids death.
lie has resided in tins town for the
past four years and has made warm
friends of ail who have formed his ac
quaintance. lie started on his western
trip leaving here Wednesday, July 8th
accompanied by his wife and daughter
I and George Eggers, the latter going
as driyer. For the Hi st few days he
stood the tiip remarkably well, but as
they got farther west the air became
lighter and in consequence the breath
ing more difficult. They reached T'head
ford, Neb. last Saturday evening and
as Mr. Foltz became teo weak to long
er stand the jolt of th'1 Wagon without
resting up a bit, himself and wife and
little girl took the train at 2 o’clock a.
m. Sunday morning for Alliaucs where
they proposed taking the meeded
rest. From the hour of their arrival
at Alliance he gradually sank, and at
1 o'clock a. m. Monday pa ssed away
Word of his death was received here
by G. II Gibson, Venorablo Consul
of the M. W. A. Camp of ibis city, and
oi which oilier air. rouz was mi uon
ored member. Accordingly six of the
members of that order. Messrs. G. 11.
Gibson, W. 11. (longer, J.l. Depew,
James Johansen, John Hopper and
Adam Schaopp left here at li o'clock
Tuesday morning fur Kaveiina where
they joined Mrs. Kolt/. with the remains
of tier beloved husband, and accom
panied her to her former home at Phil
ips, Nebraska, in llbiinltou where he
w as la ked for buna!
The luuerul exercises wi ie held at
the Methodist church in tlisi place at
‘i o’clock Tuesday, July ill. There was
a large turnout and we learn that the
minister who conducted the service*
preached* very aide and Impress've
>ermon. taking for his text tin* words
“In my father'* i»uu*e there are many
Hie immediate relatives present were
Mi Knits'* mdtaer, wif* nnd little
daughter Della, a'»o Mi's. Volts'* father
and mother and three sl-tera.
— i .. i. .i
Awarded Highest Honor#,
World's Fair.
A p**s t's > . ■ i >•( I i I *<ler.
fn* *. >« l«s ■ •* *.... * - loeat.
Ml'KItVISOIt* 1-1(0(1.101.NOs
Cmtp Citv. July 14-Ii, »h«m;
HIhIi- of Nebraska. f
■-Sherman Cniinfy ( *• "■
I'll*’ itulii ty b i iiil nf Supervisor* of
naiil c Holy in session ibis day lor the
transariion of grtiersl business as by
law provided.
I'reai in: ,1. |*. Ce'uenger, i-lniIrmitn:
I* rank Ifailiira, Henry Heck, Coins
liei-brbill , Henry Dunker John Min
slioll and Defer Mi-Keon also John \V,
Cong,county Attorney and Coni* Keiu
county clerk.
1 lie following business was bad hiiiI
I In- III i ii ii I !-■* of previous meeting
were approved us read.
It appearing Hi it the following tracts
of n- I estate bad i scaped assessment
for Hie year 181ft), the assessment then
on.tnrtlie year was on motion llxeil by
tlie board and the clerk ordered to en*
ter same on tax list and assessment, book,
on tin- north i asl ipiartar of See 18. T.
1# It. 1ft. ass ssmeiit llxed at *280.00:
and p rl of tin- north east quitter of the
soiltIi east quarter, seeiiioii 7, '('. Ift, if.
11, In tug 2 acres in name of II. rtmelsc-,
assessment fixed at 2ft.0(),
1'lie following oft'cial omuls were ex
Hlliined at.d on m lion approved en
doreed tln reon by the elminuan of the
hoard; bondof t Juries (gnarly., overseer
of road llstrlct No, 8, Cog an Township
and bond of K. He In deputy county
Upon examination of tin- consent
road petition signed by 1 >. It. Fowler
and others.asking for the establishment
l f it tllll'lti' l/i iil lil/l w ukii ,io t inns K'1
and 03, 28 and 20, in T. Id, Jtaiige 14,
and It appealing that a I the land owners
affected bv stcli establishment bad
waived all claims for damages resulting
therefroiii, and said proposed road be
ing deemed a public necessity, the pe
tition was on motion allowed and the
road established a* prayed and proper
record therof ordered made.
it appearing to the board that an er
ror bad been made in ainoumt of the
claim of Cornelius Kggers, it was on
motion ordered that warrant on bridge
fund, dated July lfith, 1806, in favor of
Cornelius Kggers for 84.00 be cancelled
and a warrant on bridge fund to same
party be Issued for #1.50 Instead.
The committee appointed by the
chairman at proceeding meeting to ap
praise certain school land- made its re
port in writing on the following lands:
North cast quarter of the north east
quarter Sec. 20,14, 14. 40 acres.
South east quarter of the northeast
quarter, See. 2(5, 14, 14, 40 acres.
North east quarter of the south east
quarter See. 26, 14,14. 40acres.
Lot 3, Sec. 20,14,14, 23 and a fraction
acres. On motion report of committee
was accepted and committee discharged
A list of sixty persons possessing the
qualifications of pettit jurrors were
selected by the county board for the
next term of the district court.
Fee books of county treasurer, county
judge, sheriff and county clerk, show
Ing Ires collected (luring the tlrst half
of l«l)0 were referred to finance com
mittee anil approval endorced thereon.
On motion the •15 .00 jailors fees on
claim died by II. O. Patton, sheriff was
reconsidered and said Item allowed and
warrant ordered drawn on genera) fund.
On motion bid of W. T. Oibson was
accepted for the construction of wagon
bridge accross Oak Creek on section
line road between sections If and 10 T
15, R. 13, as per plans and speciffcalions
tiled by him. said bridge to lie 00 feet
long at •4.!M) per foot and as appears
more fully from bid tiled by said W T
Continued next week.
Dr. Humphreys’ Specifics are scientifically
Mid carefully prepared ltemedlea, need fur yuan
In private practice and fur over thirty yean by
the people with entire success. Every sltiglt
Specific a special cure for the disease named.
»«. SMririr ton raicsa
1 —Fey era, OongealPms, Inflammation*. .49
X - Warms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... ,4
X -Teethlud Colic. Crying, W ak< ruiia •* .4
4—Diarrhea, of Chlldrvu or AdulU.4.
ft~llyeealerr,<lrlpliig, lUUou*Colic.... .4. 1
4-fbelrra Morbua, Vumltlag. ,4; ,
7-1 ought, folds. lironchlUa,... ,£
S SruralsIa, Toothache, raceecbe.4.
ft-llradn. hre, HS-fc Headache. Vtrtlg<k ,4,1
ll!-D,spcp*ie, lUISsuueaa. I i.uatlpaik.u ,41
I l-Hapaeoeorj i» Fateful IVriuda ,41
14- Whflee, Tuo 1'rofuaa Ivtkslt.4,1
|.| t iuuu, l.artuslils, Ilssresm..,. ,Jl
14 -Halt Hhi-sw, bty»ti>«U% Eruption*. ,4.
15- Mhesaratlsat.or l.f«unlaik-i*ln». ,4, >
lb Malaria, chills. Fever had Anne..
11-File*, tilted ur nhwvllag.£
IH-Oehibultor, tunsrWmktm, ,4
PM march. Influ, era, Cold la lire M,*d ,4,
411 hoopla* t sash. .£
U|-Aalhaaa, oppnm.4 ptsaihln*. 3
44 bar Ills, husgea, Impaired The,It,g ,4:
UX-Mcrufula. Enlarged u, a«,iiiu* ,4,
41 Oeaeral IWhllu,. rh,.e«l Wm>»— 4
4-1 lltsash od bsnlr bmtluM ..... ,4
va v.s vl.lssst, Sl»t asas froa, lulma ,4.1
Xf hide,-, Dlas-aoea... ,4
4h ksnsss DebilMy...
4b bora Mouth* ur Iwtlst.. ,4
JU I cleat* ll rshssas, Walling Mad. ,4
[•fsiafsi Frrlads 3
f IHepats-aeflhe Heart.I'alpllallual.y
II vf
£3 i i *«|rM!«•»• 4 44
“ 77 "ta roc GRIP, 25°,
Fe* bb lb em*M hsuthte at yP w«at gabahhlMd
hta )uor sent p> • cm
h-.s at hsaaaaaa er »l r ~ w* aa »»■%« at oks
U f>»**bn* A kXbMXM*4A AlXfMiiwr Sh#sm4<i—
* <.*****»* UAUMlillUSMii MM |
I'M 1%. ■» iiis tui N»*hi Atxm
im *•*- * .r-j - ic- 1‘*i< Finnugi.
few *» *4 ip hmXdW’iliiiiF Mm »«*hf
nt aw mi. Menu
M if >> !»■ w«4h M «HMI (mx* h* W I
ItMtSIM iHIMlMlIb, M.W4 j
Is Simmons i.iver regulator -don’i
forget to take it. The I.iver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria. Fever and Ague and Rheuma*
tlsm. You want to wake up your l.lvn
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it. It also
regulates the I.iver—keeps it properly al
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated.
You get Til 1C HKHT ItLOOOwhen
your system is in Al condition, and that
will only be when the I.iver is kept active.
Try a I.iver Remedy once and note the
difference. Hut take only SIMMONS
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. I ike it in powder or In liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of ttie
powder; but take SIMMONS I.IVER REGU
LATOR. You’ll find the RLD Z on every
package. I .ook for it.
J. If. Zc-illii & Co., riiiliuleljtlii.i, I
Wanted An Idea S5SSB
Protect your Idea*: they in»y hrliuf you w.iKllh
Writ* JOHN wJUWKHUUiUl * t.'O., Kaunt Aitor
uey»,, I). i'.. for their tl.Mii firlte offer
aud Hat uf two hundred iureotlou* wanted.
yy f. makcy,
urTIUK.'In Knot mill Marcy lllock. Kami
sl«l* Public sumirc. Loop City, Neb.
\%r Fismit.
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases
Otllcn III NoKTIiwKXTKUN building
LOlir CITY, - - • NKBItASK A
prop, op EXPRESS aki>
All Kxprea* or Freight order* promptly
attended to
Does a General Lav and Collection Bosiness
A Notary Public, Htenographi.r arid
Typewriter In Office.
Physician & Surgeon.
Office one door cunt of Odendutil 15rot.’
Drug Store.
— - - • — 3
The Only Complete Bool
Great St. Loots Cyclone,
By Julian Curzon
CouUInlt g 425 large, hcuiltiimlly
printed page*, embracing. a couiplcte
liDtory of the grea*e»t tornado Mutt
ever viaited America.
Illu»tr«ilc<l with l.’»o H|»«cittl l.urgt* Hive
I'liologl M |»|||4- \I(>W«
Kxtr\ cloth tdtidiuif ♦l.ftn extra Half emir j
nunnr style VI Hi m- sell) ti\ innil.
1*1*1 (will, mi receipt of price.
tn) I.llieml Term* III Agem*.
Write lor our aprclul ilUrmini* unit term* u>
ukoni* iri-i in mail Agent*. *!■ nil for Klmnint
Prospectu*. uy mail. •» cent*, which merely
coy»r» the rust ol po«tam< mni matllutr.
Hu im mwiim iklt unwiiMr unit authent ic
history with Utc sinttll i*tui|>h|cU"l ru ns now
lu’inv I'irtuiuU'il ttttit sol.I Aiiuri ss
IM'itt isimM * M'cci y t>.
HI atoi a* Kntilia Uuiiaiu* tn I,.ml* vi■ >
John hwottt» it, h mtuiit will take uotice
that on July *Hh I oat then a*. III..I la the
•ti*ti id murt ol nbt iuntil county Nehiaska
•*» Kittle »•«* > plaint,*l a petition lor a** li.m sunt .iclemlont urn tlo ground
that swot ikletolant ha* aitknnt tost taose
wilfully iNa-kanl <«»ul utterly ih ,*rt««| the
Hoiutta i,w more than two »*ai» t*.i p«.t
That >uhl vk'■ kn* Mcnimt hihiii
towanl *»w i<Miint|fi «u l tk*i *nkl a> tvmiont
i aoM- i *kl irunliy lath'd ami wyknnl
1“ tiiuikto simaOh iiotiulaittaw-* lo* >*(4
piilktilt soul .u li u.uut twill* at at! Hum >
d • <•*. Wat ahtiity to m do iH b H.lo*t luttk
ri tools • at* alet anahaif d tin iklblti a
. . sol li ion a a tow i
Vm» aj» lyiotreit to an>a*r *au> toiitow
•a «» ketnr* M.ouUt, the Ilit J*i ■ ! twmi
attest Kimi H»|II I'Uiali*
M*t la Mkta t uuMy t'krk
I own I tty Math at Mapwrl
Pm*** pmM tor
ibwa • li
•at* to
u>>as t n
> b>n* an t twtlata <* « ,»
leastata nw
kotlet, pa* t*n»**d (ni
'an*, pet do# • «#as
Potato*. , «
TI .M k T tltl.K.
hi ki i.oroN * mi**ocki uivkk it. it
****■ wk*t.
I I’ M Lem e. 4:50 I’. M
Connection. at Aurora for all point.
A. F. Wnitre. Agt
i'. i’. UAH.Wat.
Beginning Sunday, November I7tb
train* will arrive anil depart at till*
.ration a. f illow.:
Leave* Leave.
Monday. t ..., ,
VV • ’ (H 00
Friday, ) *’ amnia y J *•1,1
Arrive, at [>oup City dally 7.iftp.rn
l.'lo.e connection at Grand Inland for
ull point. tta.t and Wet.
t■ W. < 'uhk, Agent
Did you ever think how readily the
blood I. po .oned by conetlpatlon ?
Had blood mean* bad health and pie.
: mature old age. DeWItt'a Little
K«rly KI.eri, the famou* 11 title pin.,
overcome ob.tmate eon.tiputlou.
Odendulil Hro*
Notice I. lu.reliy given that achool in.
'riel *o, a. of Hlierman coanty, N«lira«kn.
will receive hid. for a contract for moving
me mcIiooi liou.o bnlldlng.Hunt* on North
we.l ipmi lerol Heetion c:i, Twp. I,I ItMiige
I*, from It. lucent location. Ui Nortliea.l,
nnarier of Mectmn It, In Twp lit, Uangp in
III a place de.IgnuUd I her.on liy the
onicer, ill mini dl.trlet,
healed bid. mu.l be .cut to Kreil Telcb
ui' inT«'luV,',Nebr.'r‘‘ M‘"“,Hy' July >“■*
Kukh TklcatifcfKK, III rector.
be bool Dl.trlet No. «, Hlierman Co., Nebr.
N (rr 11' K OK S A I. K IN D K It V ifAri* I. K
Notice i» hereby given that bv virtue of
a Chanel m»r'gage dated on the nth day of
December, iMOund duly llled ia tlie olllc* of
• hei'onn v i n-iii «d Hliviman county. gci,
ra.kit on I lie in b dav „r Dec. m lie,r, 1*116, and
executed by T K, McDonald to Kc||it»«
llav I'IC«» Do,, Of l.awrnnce,, lo
i..-. in.'uni iMjyiiu-in. i,r ,,.io i/u, upon which
llii'ii' l» mm >lu« the sum of fliy.wi, and.
interest ill the rate of ten percent per an
Hum friiin Nov, l.-i, )«Vi, as evidenced |,y a
certain primilsory mile of that date, pay
able February I, lH«a, upon which there Is
due tlm sum <,f ,ian.mi. Default having
been made in the payment of said sum and
no atilt or other proceeding at law having
been liisliluted to rocovei said debt 01
any part thereof; therefore I will sell the
following property therein described to
wit: One 111X1* Kell pee llay Pres*, all com
plate, hi. public auction at the store of W
P. Rood In tlm village of J.oap city. Slier
man county, Nebr., on Monday, .July svtb
IN!*!, atone o'clock p in of said day.
l.'OKSOl.lhATKtl ft a i< it Wing (Jo.,
Of j.awrenoc' Kansas, Assignee
Ity I. ». NfollTINdAl.K, Ally.
aiMte of Nebraska, I
Hherman County.
l.ombard In vestment (Jompany grid Frank
llugcrman. Receiver of tbu l.ombard In
vestment Company, will take nottsc that
on the 12th duy ol June lane,, Abram P. Allen,
Plaint Iff in an action jieudlng In the District
Court of Kherman Co., Noli wherein hatha
rlne plambeek, Haas Jf. i'lamheak. Frank
Warmlnskl, Lombard Investment Com.
puny nad Frank JJagerman, Receiver of the
Lombard Investment company are Defen
dant*, tiled hi* petition In the DlstrUtt
Court of Kharman county, Nebraska
against said defendants, the object and
prayer of which are to forclose a certain
mortgage executed by thu defnndaate
Katharine Plambeek and Ran* II plum
beck to the Lombard Investment
Company upon the following described
real estate situate in Hheriuau county,
Nebraska to-wlt The Northeast quarter
of section U, In Township IB, North of
RangeH west, except II acres Id ii square
I or in In the southeast comer of said laud,
to secure the [laymen! of a certain coupon
bond dalcd October 1st, ItM and due and
payable October 1st, Ullfi, for 111* su ni of It. .
(Wuxi, with Interest thereon at the rateofg.V
per cent per > ear, from the date liter «of
until maturity, paybi* leml annually tt(._
cording to the tenor of ten Interest notes
for sjo.ixi each, bearing eren date there
with, nil of said notes bearing In’ crest at
ten percent per annum after th» maturity
thereof; also tlm emu of IKS.BO with Inlein
est from September 7tk, 1SIIS, f.elinr taxes of
Ihjm, and Ir.’.ixi and interest from the nth
dayof June, Pfkft, being taYesof ISW> on Ike
uforesald premises paid hr said plaint Iff to
protect hi* security. J piainun to
Default having been eiad# In the oondL
\lo,,»”r,i;,‘l1<1,l,lo<lK,iKa. plaintiff elected, as
Is provided hemay in the condition* of
suld mortgage, to declare the whole amovul
due and payable; that, there Is now due
I'}*>" "Of®* ““‘1 mortgage tba sum of
If,2A4.M, with interest from the 12th day
of June, iMixf, at the rate of ten tier cent
per annum, ’
Plaintiff prays for a decree that defen
dants be required to pay the same, or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or tierore the 20th day of July. l&w;
Dated Jane I2tn, isle;.
aiikam P. ai.i.kk. Plaintiff
Attest Hy T H Niiihtinoalu,
Louis Rbu», HI* Attorney.
< lerk of Uh» D m net Court.
Kit in M Bolton and -Holloa, b«r
liUHlmnd, whoa* firm name la unknown to
plaintiff, will taka notice, that on the mb
•lav of April, John s Cheuay, plaintiff
In an union pondinjfin tha d la trio t court
of siuiriuan County, Nobraaku, wherein
1 atar Clirlatlan Hannah K Cnilttlun hl»
wif«*, K111*« M. Itolfon aud -llollon,
hunhuml, and John Do*, am dt*fundunt«
riUni lit« polition la th« diMtriut court
or Hhwnnau (Hiunly, N«*hra»ka, a^ainat
Maid defendant*, tha object and prayer
of which arc to foreoloan a rmlnlii tm.iltftitfo
oxooutad by fho defendant*, pater
ChriMiian and Hannah k ChilMtian ln«
*11*. to tbo Maud Bond and Truat Com
pany, upon tha following doNcriheU r«a|
(♦mlam rituatn in Mlicruinu County uu<l *iat«*
of Nibruaka. to-wit Thu K*»t Half of tho
s«»»ilh lu*t Ouai tin or Nvctlon .1, in Town ^
• lllp Ii North of Mautfd l\ want, to *r ^
cum Itio payment of a cut talii cou|>oii bond,
for Uui miiin of MMMtt, dat«d April rti»t !•*#,
with InUiroMl ihoraoii al IIih tala o| 7 »*r
fJEt |M»r m it ii ii in rit.m the l»t day of April
iM ^i antll maiarity, payable mwiiiI annually,
ac<u»i«llnir to thu tenor of tun annexed lit
taiuftt milt* of •tana i-acii or Ruin
there will). *utd lM»ud and coupon*. un»l
mortifxae r« Unit carter duty u.»i*,M>d to
plaintiff for v*lut».
1 hat them 1* now dot* ti|vnt «m«) aotc*
and Him «uiu ol with in
ter t**i flout ibw ill it day of April. at
iij»* rut* of ten per cent pet annum, for
* W* h • um, with ititei« *1 imirt iiii» date,
pwiiilit itray■ l«»i a iImto, that defend
a»(l« la» m untied to pay ilia aatuv* and thal
»‘di| p««mi»%m may h« »»«id to lalUft tha
amount loiiiot due
!•*»» a**’ tet|uit«fi| to aUM« ki «atd |a*tit|o««
***» Mt liHuf* tit" kHit day ul JiliV, I
Haled Jm«a unit o»ua
" • iippp ii i aiuttiv
■Hunt, i « i*„ II « »„ I
*4<t t% link, I mil* |. II4U.
lb* W*»- Hi* klluiii* * *
111*1 *••*»*»
l*»«l« • lu Mil III* lain
*|«*> ii*« <*l Mib'k*» »l«l* ft*, **111,*, ^
kl I,m«I* i »«**h||**m, rikl|.i«a« hi t an,
***>! '•»*•*« * *1144*1** l«l»t*M4l I'll* Hu ) -y
ball a*M«i»>■*, II M km* |«| ,»H|
In ** ***4i*i •** 1***1*. k*ml .« **«*. *. *
fra*fi*«lH* iwl l«|| |4||i, «i,i M| |u |,.
»*tlitn*«< l**>i* wll ■*• »••**»* is
»****» in**, *<l»*«« J k liuili |>ii.
H*bH| I »‘W|—| 11 « -** <l|.a| I** \ ,|| k
Wanted Anldea2Sr,5